
Help Your Child Achieve More

in Simple Maths

Improve your child’s performance in maths and science with video lessons and walkthroughs from experienced teachers
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Join 2 million+ students acing their classes with StudyPug

A Platform That Unlocks Your Child’s Potential

An Academic Safety Net

Get help in terms they understand for NCEA and NZ national curriculum.

Engaged Students

Inspire them with fun and clear lessons. We don’t bore them with long and confusing language.

Your Peace of Mind

Your child’s personalised plan keeps track of their progress for you.

Build Confident Learners

Drive your child’s desire to learn with rewards, and boost their self-esteem with achievements

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The Study Tool That Makes Sense

Covering 1000+ topics with 5000+ lessons and 10,000+ practices.
Year 4 Maths
Year 5 Maths
Year 6 Maths
Your child's learning is covered by our extensive library of video lessons, practice and study plan.

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Oliver Ward

Year 12 maths student, Auckland, New Zealand

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Isla Brown

Year 7 maths student, Hamilton, New Zealand

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Sandy Collins

Year 13 maths student, Dunedin, New Zealand

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Stay connected with your child's progress. Highlight their strengths and identify areas that need support.

The Popular Learning Tool Trusted by Parents and Teachers




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Happy Parents

Explore Our Advanced Level Courses

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Karen Thomson

Secondary school maths teacher, Tauranga, New Zealand

Approved by Teachers and Schools

StudyPug is partnered with thousands of educational institutions across the world to deliver the best education to students.


Unsure how StudyPug works? Need help with setting up? Check our frequently asked questions or contact us for help.
I want all my kids to sign up for StudyPug. Do you have family plans?

Under one parent account, you can add up to five children for free. All students deserve the help they need.

What are your teachers’ credentials? Are they suitable for teaching my child?

Our teachers are certified and have classroom experience. Using years of knowledge, we’re able to keep our content and lessons updated to reflect current trends and topics.

Is my credit card information safe?

Your information is secure with StudyPug. All online credit card sales are safeguarded with SSL technology, the most secure encryption technology currently available for electronic transactions. For more information, please read our privacy policy.

Why should I use StudyPug?

We’re available online 24/7, so your child can study any time. We offer exam preparation and revision, homework help, and our platform is flexible to be used with your child’s education, whether you are in a public school, private school, or homeschooled. We support all students in their learning!