The invertible matrix theorem

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  1. Characterizations of Invertible Matrices Overview:
  2. The Invertible Matrix Theorem
    • only works for n×nn \times n square matrices
    • If one is true, then they are all true
    • If one is false, then they are all false
  3. How to apply the Invertible Matrix Theorem
    • Showing a Matrix is invertible
    • Shortcuts to know certain statements
  1. Showing a Matrix is invertible or not invertible
    Is the following matrix invertible?
    determine whether the matrix is invertible
    1. Is the following matrix invertible? Use as few calculations as possible.
      determine whether the matrix is invertible
      1. Understanding the Theorem
        Assume that AA is a square n×nn \times n matrix. Determine if the following statements are true or false:
        1. If AA is an invertible matrix, then the linear transformation xx Ax Ax maps Rn\Bbb{R}^n onto Rn\Bbb{R}^n.
        2. If there is an n×nn \times n matrix CC such that CA=ICA=I, then there is an n×nn \times n matrix DD such that AD=IAD=I
        3. If the equation Ax=0Ax=0 has only the trivial solution, then AA is not invertible.
        4. If the equation Ax=0Ax=0 has a non-trivial solution, then AA has less than nn pivots.
      2. Can a square matrix with two identical rows be invertible? Why or why not?
        1. Let AA and BB be n×nn \times n matrix. Show that if ABAB is invertible, so is BB.
          Topic Notes

          Introduction to the Invertible Matrix Theorem

          The Invertible Matrix Theorem is a fundamental concept in linear algebra that provides a comprehensive understanding of square matrices and their properties. This theorem is introduced through an engaging video that serves as a crucial starting point for students and professionals alike. The significance of this theorem lies in its ability to connect various aspects of matrix theory, offering a unified perspective on matrix invertibility. At its core, the Invertible Matrix Theorem consists of 10 equivalent statements about square matrices. These statements cover a wide range of matrix properties, including determinants, linear transformations, and system solutions. By establishing the equivalence of these statements, the theorem provides a powerful tool for analyzing and solving problems involving system solutions. Understanding this theorem is essential for anyone working with matrices in fields such as mathematics, engineering, and computer science, as it forms the basis for many advanced concepts and applications in linear transformations.

          Understanding the Invertible Matrix Theorem

          The Invertible Matrix Theorem is a fundamental concept in linear algebra that provides a powerful set of equivalent statements about square matrices. This theorem is particularly significant because it establishes a series of conditions that are all equivalent to a matrix being invertible. The beauty of this theorem lies in its all-or-nothing nature: if one statement is true, all others are true, and if one is false, all others are false.

          At its core, the Invertible Matrix Theorem deals exclusively with square matrices, which are n x n matrices where the number of rows equals the number of columns. This focus on square matrices is crucial because only square matrices can potentially be invertible. The theorem provides a comprehensive list of conditions that are all equivalent to a square matrix being invertible.

          Some of the key equivalent statements in the Invertible Matrix Theorem include:

          • The matrix A is invertible (non-singular).
          • The determinant of A is not zero.
          • The rank of A equals n (full rank).
          • The null space of A contains only the zero vector.
          • The columns of A form a linearly independent set.
          • The equation Ax = b has a unique solution for every b in R^n.

          The power of this theorem lies in its ability to simplify matrix analysis. Instead of having to check multiple conditions separately, mathematicians and engineers can verify just one condition to determine if a matrix is invertible. This saves time and effort in various applications, from solving systems of linear equations to analyzing transformations in computer graphics.

          For example, consider a 3x3 matrix A. If we can prove that its determinant is non-zero, we immediately know that:

          • A is invertible
          • A has full rank
          • The columns of A are linearly independent
          • Any system of equations Ax = b has a unique solution

          This example demonstrates how the Invertible Matrix Theorem allows us to deduce multiple properties of a matrix from a single piece of information. In practical applications, this can significantly streamline calculations and analysis, especially when dealing with large or complex matrices.

          The theorem's importance extends beyond pure mathematics. In fields such as computer science, engineering, and physics, where matrix operations are frequently used, the Invertible Matrix Theorem provides a robust framework for understanding and manipulating matrices. It's particularly useful in areas like cryptography, where matrix invertibility is crucial for certain encryption techniques.

          In conclusion, the Invertible Matrix Theorem is a cornerstone of matrix analysis, offering a powerful set of equivalent statements about square matrices. Its all-or-nothing nature simplifies complex matrix problems, making it an indispensable tool in linear algebra and its applications across various scientific and engineering disciplines.

          Key Statements of the Invertible Matrix Theorem

          The Invertible Matrix Theorem is a fundamental concept in linear algebra that provides several equivalent conditions for a square matrix to be invertible. Let's explore the first five statements of this theorem, each offering a unique perspective on matrix invertibility.

          1. A is invertible

          This statement forms the foundation of the theorem. An invertible matrix, also known as a non-singular matrix, is a square matrix that has an inverse. In other words, there exists another matrix B such that AB = BA = I, where I is the identity matrix. For example, consider the matrix A = [[2, 1], [1, 1]]. Its inverse is B = [[1, -1], [-1, 2]], and multiplying A and B in either order yields the 2x2 identity matrix.

          2. A is row equivalent to the identity matrix

          This statement means that through a series of elementary row operations, matrix A can be transformed into the identity matrix. These operations include row swaps, scalar multiplication of rows, and adding multiples of one row to another. For instance, the matrix [[1, 2], [3, 4]] can be transformed into the 2x2 identity matrix through row operations, proving its invertibility.

          3. A has n pivot positions

          In a matrix with n rows, having n pivot positions means that each row and each column contains a leading entry (the first non-zero entry from the left) when the matrix is in row echelon form. This ensures that the matrix has full rank. For example, in a 3x3 matrix, if we can identify three pivot positions after row reduction, the matrix is invertible.

          4. Ax = 0 has only the trivial solution

          This statement relates to the null space of matrix A. If the equation Ax = 0 (where x is a vector) has only the zero vector as its solution, it implies that A is invertible. This means that the columns of A are linearly independent. For instance, if we have a system of equations represented by Ax = 0, and the only solution is x = [0, 0, 0], then A is invertible.

          5. The columns of A are linearly independent

          Linear independence of columns is a crucial property of invertible matrices. It means that no column can be expressed as a linear combination of the other columns. In other words, the equation cv + cv + ... + cv = 0 (where v, v, ..., v are the columns of A) is only satisfied when all coefficients c, c, ..., c are zero. For example, in a 2x2 matrix, if one column cannot be obtained by multiplying the other column by a scalar, the columns are linearly independent.

          These five statements of the Invertible Matrix Theorem provide different perspectives on matrix invertibility. Each statement offers a unique way to determine whether a matrix is invertible, making this theorem a powerful tool in linear algebra. Understanding these conditions helps in analyzing matrices, solving systems of equations, and exploring various properties of linear transformations. The equivalence of these statements highlights the interconnected nature of concepts in linear algebra, demonstrating how different aspects of matrices relate to their invertibility.

          Additional Statements of the Invertible Matrix Theorem

          The Invertible Matrix Theorem provides several equivalent conditions for a square matrix to be invertible. Let's explore the remaining five statements of this theorem, which offer valuable insights into matrix properties in linear algebra and matrix properties.

          6) Ax = b has a solution for every b: This statement means that for any given vector b, there exists a vector x that satisfies the equation Ax = b. In other words, the matrix equation always has a solution, regardless of the choice of b. This property is crucial in solving systems of linear equations and indicates that the matrix A can transform vectors to cover the entire codomain.

          7) The columns of A span Rn: The concept of span is fundamental in linear algebra. When we say the columns of A span Rn, it means that any vector in the n-dimensional real space can be expressed as a linear combination of the columns of A. For example, if A is a 3x3 matrix, its columns span R3 if every 3D vector can be represented using these columns.

          8) The linear transformation onto x Ax is onto: This statement is closely related to the previous two. A linear transformation is considered onto (or surjective) if every vector in the codomain is "hit" by at least one vector in the domain. In the context of matrix multiplication, it means that for any vector y in Rn, there exists a vector x such that Ax = y. This property ensures that the transformation covers the entire output space.

          9) There exists a matrix C such that CA = I: This statement introduces the concept of a left inverse. If such a matrix C exists, multiplying A from the left by C results in the identity matrix I. The existence of a left inverse is a strong indicator of the matrix's invertibility. For instance, if A is a 2x2 matrix and C exists such that CA = I, it means A can be "undone" from the left side.

          10) There exists a matrix D such that AD = I: Similar to the previous statement, this one deals with the existence of a right inverse matrix. If a matrix D exists such that AD = I, it means A can be "undone" from the right side. In the case of square matrices, the existence of either a left or right inverse implies the existence of both, and they are equal to the unique inverse of A.

          These five statements, along with the previous five, form a powerful set of equivalent conditions for matrix invertibility. They connect various concepts in linear algebra, including linear transformations, vector spaces, and matrix operations. Understanding these statements helps in analyzing systems of equations, studying vector spaces, and solving problems in various fields of mathematics and its applications.

          For example, consider a 2x2 matrix A = [[1, 2], [3, 4]]. This matrix satisfies all the above conditions: Ax = b always has a solution, its columns span R2, the transformation is onto, and both left and right inverses exist (in this case, C = D = [[2, 1], [1.5, 0.5]]). These properties make A an invertible matrix, allowing for various mathematical operations and transformations.

          In conclusion, the Invertible Matrix Theorem provides a comprehensive framework for understanding matrix properties. By connecting concepts like linear transformations, spanning sets, and matrix inverses, it offers multiple perspectives on matrix invertibility, each with its own practical and theoretical implications in matrix properties in linear algebra and beyond.

          Applying the Invertible Matrix Theorem

          The Invertible Matrix Theorem provides several equivalent conditions for a square matrix to be invertible. One practical application of this theorem is using row reduction to determine matrix invertibility without calculating the determinant. Let's demonstrate this process step-by-step using an example matrix.

          Consider the following 3x3 matrix:

          [1 2 3]
          [0 1 4]
          [5 6 0]

          To determine if this matrix is invertible, we'll attempt to row reduce it to the identity matrix. If successful, this proves the matrix is invertible.

          Step 1: Begin with the augmented matrix [A | I], where A is our original matrix and I is the 3x3 identity matrix:

          [1 2 3 | 1 0 0]
          [0 1 4 | 0 1 0]
          [5 6 0 | 0 0 1]

          Step 2: Eliminate the element below the first pivot (1) in column 1:

          R3 = R3 - 5R1

          [1 2 3 | 1 0 0]
          [0 1 4 | 0 1 0]
          [0 -4 -15 | -5 0 1]

          Step 3: Eliminate the element below the second pivot (1) in column 2:

          R3 = R3 + 4R2

          [1 2 3 | 1 0 0]
          [0 1 4 | 0 1 0]
          [0 0 1 | -5 4 1]

          Step 4: Now we have an upper triangular matrix. Work backwards to eliminate elements above the pivots:

          R2 = R2 - 4R3
          R1 = R1 - 3R3
          R1 = R1 - 2R2

          [1 0 0 | 16 -8 -3]
          [0 1 0 | 20 -7 -4]
          [0 0 1 | -5 4 1]

          We've successfully reduced the left side to the identity matrix. The right side now contains the inverse of our original matrix.

          This process demonstrates that the original matrix is invertible without calculating its determinant. By row reducing to the identity matrix, we've shown that the matrix has full rank and a unique solution exists for Ax = b for any b.

          The Invertible Matrix Theorem states that if any of the equivalent conditions are met, including the ability to row reduce to the identity matrix, then the matrix is invertible. This method is particularly useful for larger matrices where determinant calculation can be cumbersome.

          In practice, this approach not only proves invertibility but also provides the inverse matrix simultaneously, making it an efficient technique in linear algebra applications. It's important to note that if at any point during row reduction we encounter a row of all zeros, the matrix is not invertible, and the process would terminate.

          This method aligns with several key concepts in the Invertible Matrix Theorem, including the existence of elementary matrices that transform A into I, the consistency of Ax = b for all b, and the linear independence of the matrix's columns. By mastering this technique, you gain a powerful tool for analyzing matrix properties and solving linear systems efficiently.

          Implications and Importance of the Invertible Matrix Theorem

          The Invertible Matrix Theorem stands as a cornerstone in linear algebra, offering a powerful set of equivalent conditions that characterize invertible matrices. This theorem's broader implications extend far beyond its initial statement, simplifying proofs, enhancing problem-solving techniques, and finding applications across various matrix properties and engineering disciplines. At its core, the theorem provides a unified framework for understanding matrix properties, making it an indispensable tool for mathematicians, engineers, and scientists alike.

          One of the most significant implications of the Invertible Matrix Theorem is its ability to simplify proofs in linear algebra. By establishing equivalence among numerous conditions, the theorem allows mathematicians to prove one condition and immediately conclude the validity of all others. This streamlined approach to proof construction not only saves time but also provides deeper insights into the interconnectedness of matrix properties. For instance, proving that a matrix has a nonzero determinant immediately implies that its columns form a linearly independent set, its rank equals its dimension, and it has a unique solution for every vector b in the equation Ax = b.

          In problem-solving scenarios, the theorem's power becomes even more apparent. When faced with a complex matrix problem, knowing just one of the equivalent conditions can quickly lead to conclusions about other properties of the matrix. For example, if an engineer determines that a system of linear equations has a unique solution, they can immediately infer that the coefficient matrix is invertible, has full rank, and its columns span the entire vector space. This rapid deduction process significantly accelerates problem-solving in fields ranging from control systems to computer graphics.

          The applications of the Invertible Matrix Theorem span a wide array of mathematical and engineering fields. In linear programming, the theorem helps in determining the feasibility and optimality of solutions. In cryptography, invertible matrices play a crucial role in encryption algorithms, where the theorem's conditions ensure the existence of decryption keys. Electrical engineers use the theorem in circuit analysis to determine whether a set of measurements uniquely determines the state of a system. In computer science, the theorem is fundamental to understanding the solvability of systems of equations, which is crucial in areas like machine learning and data analysis.

          Moreover, the theorem's implications extend to more abstract areas of mathematics. In abstract algebra, it provides a bridge between linear transformations and matrices, offering a concrete way to understand isomorphisms between vector spaces. In functional analysis, the theorem's concepts generalize to infinite-dimensional spaces, forming the basis for understanding operators and their invertibility. This generalization has profound implications in quantum mechanics and other areas of theoretical physics.

          The Invertible Matrix Theorem also plays a vital role in numerical analysis and computational mathematics. It underpins algorithms for solving systems of linear equations, computing matrix inverses, and determining matrix ranks. Understanding the conditions for invertibility helps in developing stable and efficient numerical methods, which are crucial in scientific computing and simulation. For instance, in finite element analysis used in engineering simulations, ensuring the invertibility of stiffness matrices is essential for obtaining valid solutions.

          In conclusion, the Invertible Matrix Theorem's broader implications make it a fundamental concept in linear algebra with far-reaching consequences. Its ability to simplify proofs, enhance problem-solving, and find applications across diverse fields underscores its importance in mathematical education and research. As technology and science continue to advance, the theorem's relevance only grows, cementing its status as a key tool in understanding and manipulating the mathematical structures that underlie much of our modern world.


          The Invertible Matrix Theorem is a cornerstone of matrix analysis and linear algebra applications. This powerful theorem unifies several key concepts, stating that for a square matrix, properties such as invertibility, non-zero determinant, and full rank are all equivalent. The introduction video provides an essential foundation for grasping these complex relationships. To truly master this theorem, it's crucial to practice applying it to various matrices, reinforcing your understanding of its implications. As you delve deeper into linear algebra applications, you'll discover the theorem's far-reaching applications in fields like computer graphics, cryptography, and data analysis. By exploring its connections to eigenvalues and linear transformations, you'll develop a more comprehensive understanding of matrix theory. Remember, the Invertible Matrix Theorem is not just a standalone concept but a gateway to advanced linear algebra topics. Continual practice and exploration will solidify your grasp of this fundamental principle, enhancing your problem-solving skills in mathematics and related disciplines.

          Characterizations of Invertible Matrices Overview:

          Characterizations of Invertible Matrices Overview:
          The Invertible Matrix Theorem
          • only works for n×nn \times n square matrices
          • If one is true, then they are all true
          • If one is false, then they are all false

          Step 1: Introduction to the Invertible Matrix Theorem

          The Invertible Matrix Theorem is a collection of statements about n×nn \times n square matrices. The unique aspect of this theorem is that if any one of these statements is true for a given matrix, then all the statements are true. Conversely, if any one of these statements is false, then all the statements are false. This theorem is only applicable to square matrices, meaning matrices where the number of rows equals the number of columns.

          Step 2: Ensuring the Matrix is Square

          Before applying the Invertible Matrix Theorem, it is crucial to verify that the matrix in question is a square matrix. This means the matrix must be n×nn \times n, such as 2×22 \times 2, 3×33 \times 3, or 4×44 \times 4. If the matrix is not square, the theorem cannot be applied. For example, a 2×32 \times 3 or 4×54 \times 5 matrix would not be suitable for this theorem.

          Step 3: Statement 1 - Invertibility of the Matrix

          The first statement of the theorem is that the matrix AA is invertible. A matrix is considered invertible if it has an inverse, denoted as A1A^{-1}. To determine if a matrix is invertible, you can check its determinant. If the determinant of AA is not equal to zero, then AA is invertible. For instance, if AA is a 2×22 \times 2 matrix and its determinant is 2-2, then AA is invertible.

          Step 4: Statement 2 - Row Equivalence to Identity Matrix

          The second statement asserts that matrix AA is row equivalent to the n×nn \times n identity matrix. This means that through row reduction, AA can be transformed into the identity matrix. For example, if AA is a 3×33 \times 3 matrix, row reducing it to the identity matrix confirms this statement.

          Step 5: Statement 3 - Pivot Positions

          The third statement indicates that AA has nn pivot positions. For a matrix to satisfy this, it must have a pivot in every row and column. For example, a 4×44 \times 4 matrix must have 4 pivots to satisfy this condition. If a 5×55 \times 5 matrix has only 3 pivots, this statement would be false.

          Step 6: Statement 4 - Trivial Solution to Ax=0Ax = 0

          The fourth statement states that the equation Ax=0Ax = 0 has only the trivial solution. This means that when solving Ax=0Ax = 0, the only solution is x=0x = 0. If solving this equation results in all entries of xx being zero, then this statement is true.

          Step 7: Statement 5 - Linear Independence of Columns

          The fifth statement claims that the columns of AA form a linearly independent set. Linear independence means that the equation Ax=0Ax = 0 has only the trivial solution. If the columns of AA are linearly independent, then this statement is true.

          Step 8: Statement 6 - Solutions to Ax=bAx = b

          The sixth statement asserts that the equation Ax=bAx = b has at least one solution for each bb in Rn\mathbb{R}^n. This means that no matter what vector bb is, there will always be a solution xx to the equation Ax=bAx = b.

          Step 9: Statement 7 - Columns Span Rn\mathbb{R}^n

          The seventh statement indicates that the columns of AA span Rn\mathbb{R}^n. This means that any vector in Rn\mathbb{R}^n can be expressed as a linear combination of the columns of AA. If statement 6 is true, then statement 7 is automatically true.

          Step 10: Statement 8 - Linear Transformation

          The eighth statement states that the linear transformation xx Ax Ax maps Rn\mathbb{R}^n onto Rn\mathbb{R}^n. This means that transforming a vector xx with nn entries using AA results in another vector with nn entries.

          Step 11: Statement 9 - Existence of Matrix CC

          The ninth statement claims that there exists an n×nn \times n matrix CC such that CA=ICA = I, where II is the identity matrix. This implies that AA has an inverse, and CC is that inverse.

          Step 12: Statement 10 - Existence of Matrix DD

          The tenth statement asserts that there exists an n×nn \times n matrix DD such that AD=IAD = I. This is similar to statement 9 but emphasizes that matrix multiplication is not commutative, meaning CAACCA \neq AC.


          The Invertible Matrix Theorem provides a comprehensive set of conditions that are all equivalent for n×nn \times n matrices. If any one of these conditions is met, all others are automatically satisfied. Conversely, if any one condition fails, all others fail as well. This theorem is a powerful tool in linear algebra for understanding the properties of square matrices.


          1. How do you know if a matrix is invertible?

            A matrix is invertible if it satisfies any of the conditions in the Invertible Matrix Theorem. Some key indicators include:

            • The determinant is non-zero
            • The matrix has full rank (equal to its dimension)
            • The matrix can be reduced to the identity matrix through row operations
            • The matrix equation Ax = b has a unique solution for every b
          2. Are matrices always invertible?

            No, matrices are not always invertible. Only square matrices can be invertible, and even then, they must satisfy specific conditions. For example, a matrix with a zero determinant or linearly dependent columns is not invertible.

          3. What makes a matrix not invertible?

            A matrix is not invertible (singular) if:

            • Its determinant is zero
            • It has linearly dependent columns or rows
            • Its rank is less than its dimension
            • The equation Ax = 0 has non-trivial solutions
          4. Is a matrix invertible if its determinant is non-zero?

            Yes, a square matrix is invertible if and only if its determinant is non-zero. This is one of the key statements in the Invertible Matrix Theorem. A non-zero determinant guarantees that the matrix has full rank and a unique inverse.

          5. What is the relationship between eigenvalues and matrix invertibility?

            A matrix is invertible if and only if all of its eigenvalues are non-zero. If a matrix has a zero eigenvalue, it means there's a non-trivial solution to Ax = 0, implying that the matrix is not invertible. The product of a matrix's eigenvalues equals its determinant, so non-zero eigenvalues ensure a non-zero determinant.

          Prerequisite Topics for Understanding the Invertible Matrix Theorem

          The invertible matrix theorem is a cornerstone concept in linear algebra, but to fully grasp its significance, students must first master several fundamental topics. Understanding linear transformations is crucial, as it forms the basis for comprehending how matrices operate on vector spaces. This knowledge directly relates to the invertible matrix theorem, which characterizes matrices that represent bijective linear transformations.

          Another essential prerequisite is the ability to determine the number of solutions to linear equations. This skill is vital because the invertible matrix theorem connects the uniqueness of solutions to the invertibility of a matrix. Closely related to this is the concept of the null space of a matrix, which plays a pivotal role in understanding when a matrix is invertible.

          Proficiency in row reduction and echelon forms is indispensable when working with the invertible matrix theorem. These techniques are used to determine the rank of a matrix, which is one of the many equivalent conditions for invertibility. Similarly, mastering elementary row operations is crucial, as these operations are used to transform matrices into reduced echelon form without changing their invertibility status.

          The concept of an identity matrix is fundamental to the invertible matrix theorem, as it defines what it means for a matrix to have an inverse. Students must understand that a matrix is invertible if and only if there exists another matrix that, when multiplied with the original, yields the identity matrix.

          Lastly, linear independence of vectors is a critical prerequisite. The invertible matrix theorem states that a square matrix is invertible if and only if its columns (or rows) form a linearly independent set. This connection highlights the importance of understanding linear independence in the context of matrix invertibility.

          By thoroughly grasping these prerequisite topics, students will be well-prepared to tackle the invertible matrix theorem. Each concept contributes to a comprehensive understanding of matrix properties and behaviors, enabling students to appreciate the theorem's significance in linear algebra and its applications in various fields of mathematics and science. Mastering these foundational elements will not only facilitate learning the invertible matrix theorem but also enhance overall proficiency in linear algebra.

          The Invertible Matrix Theorem states the following:
          Let AA be a square n×nn \times n matrix. Then the following statements are equivalent. That is, for a given AA, the statements are either all true or all false.
          1. AA is an invertible matrix.
          2. AA is row equivalent to the n×nn \times n identity matrix.
          3. AA has nn pivot positions.
          4. The equation Ax=0Ax=0 has only the trivial solution.
          5. The columns of AA form a linearly independent set.
          6. The equation Ax=bAx=b has at least one solution for each bb in Rn\Bbb{R}^n.
          7. The columns of AA span Rn\Bbb{R}^n.
          8. The linear transformation xx Ax Ax maps Rn\Bbb{R}^n onto Rn\Bbb{R}^n.
          9. There is an n×nn \times n matrix CC such that CA=ICA=I.
          10. There is an n×nn \times n matrix DD such that AD=IAD=I.

          There are extensions of the invertible matrix theorem, but these are what we need to know for now. Keep in mind that this only works for square matrices.