Convergence & divergence of telescoping series

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  1. Telescoping Series Overview:
  1. Convergence of Telescoping Series
    Show that the following series are convergent and find its sum:
    1. n=14n2+7n+12\sum_{n=1}^{\infty}\frac{4}{n^2+7n+12}
    2. n=11n2+4n+3\sum_{n=1}^{\infty}\frac{1}{n^2+4n+3}
    3. n=114n21\sum_{n=1}^{\infty}\frac{1}{4n^2-1}
  2. Divergence of Telescoping Series with different pattern
    Show that the series n=1(1)n \sum_{n=1}^{\infty}(-1)^n is a diverging telescoping series.
    Topic Notes
    In this lesson, we will learn about the convergence and divergence of telescoping series. There is no exact formula to see if the infinite series is a telescoping series, but it is very noticeable if you start to see terms cancel out. Most telescopic series problems involve using the partial fraction decomposition before expanding it and seeing terms cancel out, so make sure you know that very well before tackling these questions.

    Introduction to Telescoping Series

    Telescoping series are a fascinating concept in the study of infinite series, playing a crucial role in understanding convergence and divergence. The introduction video provides an essential foundation for grasping this concept, making it a must-watch for students delving into advanced mathematics. Unlike other types of series, telescoping series don't have a specific formula for identification. Instead, they are characterized by a unique property: terms within the series begin to cancel each other out, much like a telescope collapsing. This cancellation often leads to significant simplification, allowing for easier evaluation of the series' sum. While there's no one-size-fits-all approach to spotting telescoping series, with practice, mathematicians develop an intuition for recognizing them. The beauty of telescoping series lies in their ability to transform complex-looking sums into manageable calculations, making them a powerful tool in mathematical analysis and problem-solving.

    Understanding the behavior of infinite series is crucial for advanced mathematical analysis. The concepts of convergence and divergence are fundamental in determining the sum of these series. Telescoping series, with their unique property of term cancellation, provide a clear example of how these concepts can be applied to simplify complex problems.

    Understanding Telescoping Series

    A telescoping series is a special type of infinite series where most terms cancel out when the partial sums are computed, leaving only a finite number of terms. This unique property makes telescoping series particularly useful in calculus and mathematical analysis. The name "telescoping" comes from the way the terms collapse into each other, similar to how a collapsible telescope folds into itself.

    To identify a telescoping series, look for a pattern where each term can be expressed as the difference of two functions. Typically, these functions are in a sequence where each subsequent term cancels out part of the previous term. The general form of a telescoping series can be written as:

    Σ(n=1 to ) [f(n) - f(n+1)]

    Where f(n) is some function of n. The key to recognizing a telescoping series is to spot this difference pattern.

    Let's illustrate this concept with an example from the video. Consider the series:

    Σ(n=1 to ) [1/(n(n+1))]

    At first glance, this might not look like a telescoping series. However, using partial fraction decomposition, we can rewrite each term as:

    1/(n(n+1)) = 1/n - 1/(n+1)

    Now, our series becomes:

    Σ(n=1 to ) [1/n - 1/(n+1)]

    This is where the magic of telescoping series becomes apparent. Let's look at the partial sums:

    S1 = (1/1 - 1/2)
    S2 = (1/1 - 1/2) + (1/2 - 1/3)
    S3 = (1/1 - 1/2) + (1/2 - 1/3) + (1/3 - 1/4)

    Notice how the terms start canceling out. The -1/2 from the first term cancels with the 1/2 from the second term, the -1/3 from the second term cancels with the 1/3 from the third term, and so on. This cancellation continues indefinitely, leaving us with:

    Sn = 1 - 1/(n+1)

    As n approaches infinity, 1/(n+1) approaches 0, so the sum of the entire series converges to 1.

    It's crucial to emphasize that most telescoping series problems involve using partial fraction decomposition before expanding and seeing terms cancel out. This technique is a powerful tool in solving these types of series. The partial fraction decomposition allows us to break down complex fractions into simpler terms, revealing the telescoping nature of the series.

    The telescoping series formula, in its most basic form, can be expressed as:

    Σ(n=a to b) [f(n) - f(n+1)] = f(a) - f(b+1)

    This formula encapsulates the essence of how telescoping series work, showing that the sum of the series depends only on the first and last terms of the sequence f(n).

    In conclusion, telescoping series are a fascinating and useful concept in mathematics. Their ability to simplify complex sums through term cancellation makes them invaluable in various mathematical applications. By mastering the identification of telescoping series and the use of difference of two functions, you'll be well-equipped to tackle a wide range of series problems in calculus and beyond.

    Partial Fraction Decomposition in Telescoping Series

    Partial fraction decomposition is a crucial technique in solving telescoping series problems, allowing us to break down complex fractions into simpler components. This process is particularly useful when dealing with rational functions decomposition, where the numerator's degree is less than the denominator's. Let's explore this method using a step-by-step approach, focusing on finding the constants involved in the decomposition.

    Consider the example from the video: 1 / (x(x+1)). Our goal is to decompose this fraction into two simpler fractions of the form a/x + b/(x+1), where a and b are constants we need to determine. The process involves several key steps:

    1. Set up the equation: 1 / (x(x+1)) = a/x + b/(x+1)

    2. Find a common denominator on the right side: 1 / (x(x+1)) = (a(x+1) + bx) / (x(x+1))

    3. Equate the numerators: 1 = a(x+1) + bx

    4. Expand the right side: 1 = ax + a + bx

    5. Combine like terms: 1 = (a+b)x + a

    6. Since this equation must be true for all values of x, we can equate coefficients method:

    • Coefficient of x: a + b = 0
    • Constant term: a = 1

    7. Solve the system of equations:
    From the constant term, we know a = 1
    Substituting into a + b = 0, we get: 1 + b = 0
    Solving for b: b = -1

    8. Therefore, our partial fraction decomposition is: 1 / (x(x+1)) = 1/x - 1/(x+1)

    This decomposition is crucial for solving telescoping series problems because it allows us to express complex fractions as a difference of simpler terms. In telescoping series, these simpler terms often cancel out when summed, leaving only a few terms at the beginning and end of the series.

    The importance of this technique in solving telescoping series problems cannot be overstated. By breaking down complex fractions into simpler, more manageable parts, we can:
    1. Identify patterns in the series more easily
    2. Facilitate term-by-term cancellation
    3. Simplify the summation process
    4. Arrive at closed-form solutions for otherwise complex series

    In practice, simplifying complex fractions allows us to transform series that might seem intractable at first glance into solvable problems. For instance, consider a series of the form:
    Σ (1 / (n(n+1))) from n=1 to infinity

    Using our decomposition, this becomes:
    Σ (1/n - 1/(n+1)) from n=1 to infinity

    This transformed series clearly exhibits the telescoping property, where each term (except the first and the limit of the last) is canceled by part of the next term. The result is a simple difference between the first term and the limit of the last term as n approaches infinity.

    The process of finding constants like a and b in rational functions decomposition is a fundamental skill in advanced algebra and calculus. It requires a systematic approach:
    1. Set up the initial equation
    2. Find a common denominator
    3. Equate numerators
    4. Expand and collect like terms
    5. Equate coefficients method

    Simplifying and Evaluating Telescoping Series

    Telescoping series are a fascinating type of infinite series that can be simplified and evaluated through a process of term cancellation. This simplification technique is particularly useful when dealing with partial fraction decomposition and exploring limits as n approaches infinity. Let's delve into the process of simplifying telescoping series and understanding their behavior.

    After performing partial fraction decomposition on a rational function, we often encounter a series of terms that can be simplified through cancellation. The key to simplifying a telescoping series lies in recognizing how adjacent terms interact with each other. Typically, each term in the series will have a part that cancels out with the corresponding part of the next term, leaving only the first and last terms of the finite sum.

    To illustrate this concept, consider a series of the form:

    S_n = (1/1 - 1/2) + (1/2 - 1/3) + (1/3 - 1/4) + ... + (1/(n-1) - 1/n)

    In this series, we can observe that the negative part of each term cancels out with the positive part of the subsequent term. This cancellation process is the essence of telescoping series simplification. When we expand the series, we get:

    S_n = 1/1 - 1/2 + 1/2 - 1/3 + 1/3 - 1/4 + ... + 1/(n-1) - 1/n

    After cancellation, all intermediate terms eliminate each other, leaving us with:

    S_n = 1 - 1/n

    This simplified form clearly shows how the series "telescopes" down to just two terms, regardless of how large n becomes. The process of finding the sum of the series becomes straightforward once we have this simplified expression.

    When evaluating telescoping series, it's crucial to consider the concept of limits as n approaches infinity. In our example, as n grows larger, 1/n approaches zero. Therefore, the limit of the series as n approaches infinity is:

    lim(n) S_n = lim(n) (1 - 1/n) = 1 - 0 = 1

    This result demonstrates how telescoping series can converge to a finite value, even though they consist of an infinite number of terms. The concept of limits plays a vital role in determining the behavior of these series as they extend infinitely.

    It's important to note that not all telescoping series converge. Some may diverge or oscillate, depending on the nature of the terms involved. When analyzing telescoping series, we must carefully examine the behavior of the remaining terms after cancellation to determine convergence or divergence.

    The process of simplifying telescoping series through term cancellation is not limited to simple fractions. More complex expressions can also exhibit telescoping behavior. For instance, consider a series involving logarithms:

    S_n = ln(2) - ln(1) + ln(3) - ln(2) + ln(4) - ln(3) + ... + ln(n+1) - ln(n)

    This series can be simplified by recognizing that adjacent logarithmic terms cancel out, leaving us with:

    S_n = ln(n+1) - ln(1) = ln(n+1)

    As n approaches infinity, this series diverges since ln(n+1) grows without bound.

    In conclusion, simplifying telescoping series after partial fraction decomposition involves carefully identifying and canceling out terms that appear in adjacent fractions. This process often leads to a dramatically simplified expression that can be easily evaluated. Understanding the concept of limits as n approaches infinity is crucial for determining the long-term behavior of these series. By mastering these techniques, we can efficiently analyze and solve problems involving infinite series in various mathematical and practical applications.

    Convergence of Telescoping Series

    Convergence in telescoping series is a fascinating concept in mathematics that demonstrates how an infinite sum can result in a finite value. This phenomenon occurs when terms in a series cancel out in a systematic way, leaving only a handful of terms that contribute to the final sum. To understand this better, let's explore a classic example of a telescoping series and its convergence.

    Consider the series: 1/2 + 1/6 + 1/12 + 1/20 + 1/30 + ... This series might seem complex at first glance, but it follows a pattern that allows for telescoping. Each term can be rewritten as a difference of two fractions: (1/n - 1/(n+1)), where n starts at 1 and increases by 1 for each term. So, we can rewrite our series as:

    (1/1 - 1/2) + (1/2 - 1/3) + (1/3 - 1/4) + (1/4 - 1/5) + ...

    Now, we can see the telescoping effect in action. The 1/2 from the first term cancels with the -1/2 from the second term. The 1/3 from the second term cancels with the -1/3 from the third term, and so on. This cancellation continues indefinitely, leaving us with:

    1/1 - lim(n) 1/(n+1)

    As n approaches infinity, 1/(n+1) approaches zero. Therefore, our infinite series converges to 1 - 0 = 1.

    This example illustrates why telescoping series involving fractions often converge. The cancellation of terms leaves only the first term and the limit of the last term, which frequently approaches zero for fractions. This property makes telescoping series a powerful tool in calculus and analysis.

    The convergence of telescoping series is not just a mathematical curiosity; it has practical applications in various fields. In physics, telescoping series can model certain types of decay processes. In computer science, they can be used in algorithms for numerical approximations. Understanding convergence in these series provides insights into the behavior of infinite processes and helps in solving complex problems in mathematics and related disciplines.

    Divergence in Telescoping Series

    Telescoping series are a fascinating subset of infinite series in mathematics, known for their unique cancellation properties. While many telescoping series converge to a finite sum, it's crucial to understand that not all telescoping series behave this way. Some telescoping series can, in fact, diverge, leading to important implications in infinite series applications.

    Divergence in telescoping series occurs when the partial sums of the series do not approach a finite limit as the number of terms increases indefinitely. This phenomenon challenges the common misconception that all telescoping series converge due to their cancellation nature. To truly grasp this concept, let's explore some examples of divergent telescoping series and analyze why they diverge.

    Consider the series Σ(n/(n+1) - (n-1)/n) from n=1 to infinity. At first glance, this appears to be a typical telescoping series. However, upon closer inspection, we find that it diverges. The partial sums of this series can be simplified to 1 - 1/2 + 2/3 - 1/3 + 3/4 - 1/4 + ..., which is equivalent to the harmonic series minus 1. Since the harmonic series divergence is known to diverge, this telescoping series also diverges.

    Another example of a divergent telescoping series is Σ(1/n - 1/(n+2)) from n=1 to infinity. This series diverges because its partial sums do not converge to a finite value. The divergence can be understood by observing that the series can be rewritten as (1 - 1/3) + (1/2 - 1/4) + (1/3 - 1/5) + ..., which does not have a finite sum.

    Comparing these divergent series with convergent telescoping series highlights the importance of careful analysis. For instance, the series Σ(1/n - 1/(n+1)) from n=1 to infinity is a classic example of a convergent telescoping series. Its partial sums converge to 1, demonstrating the stark contrast in behavior between convergent and divergent telescoping series.

    Understanding divergence in telescoping series is crucial for mathematicians and scientists working with infinite series. It underscores the need for rigorous testing of convergence and divergence, even in series that appear to have straightforward cancellation properties. This knowledge is particularly valuable in fields such as physics and engineering, where series representations are often used to model complex phenomena.

    Applications and Practice Problems

    Telescoping series are a fascinating concept in mathematics, offering both elegant solutions and practical applications. Let's explore some practice problems and real-world uses of these series.

    Practice Problems

    1. Convergent Example: Evaluate the sum of the series Σ(1/n(n+1)) from n=1 to infinity.

    Solution: This is a classic telescoping series. We can rewrite each term as:

    1/n(n+1) = 1/n - 1/(n+1)

    The series becomes: (1 - 1/2) + (1/2 - 1/3) + (1/3 - 1/4) + ...

    Notice how terms cancel out, leaving us with 1 as the sum.

    2. Divergent Example: Determine if the series Σ(n/(n+1) - (n-1)/n) from n=1 to infinity converges.

    Solution: Simplify the general term:

    n/(n+1) - (n-1)/n = (n²)/(n(n+1)) - (n²-n)/(n²) = n/(n(n+1)) = 1/(n+1)

    The series becomes Σ(1/(n+1)), which is the harmonic series shifted by 1. It diverges.

    3. Problem to Solve: Evaluate Σ(1/(n²-1)) from n=2 to infinity.

    4. Problem to Solve: Determine if Σ(1/(n(n+2))) from n=1 to infinity converges, and if so, find its sum.

    Real-World Applications

    Telescoping series find applications in various fields:

    1. Physics: In quantum mechanics energy levels, telescoping series are used to calculate energy levels in certain potential wells.

    2. Computer Science: Telescoping sums are employed in the analysis of algorithms, particularly when studying time complexity.

    3. Finance: Some financial models present value use telescoping series to calculate the present value of cash flows over time.

    4. Engineering: In signal processing, telescoping series can be used to simplify certain filter designs.

    Problem-Solving Strategies

    When tackling telescoping series problems, consider these approaches:

    1. Look for cancellation: Identify terms that can cancel out when written in partial fraction decomposition.

    2. Simplify first: Always simplify the general term before attempting to sum the series.

    3. Check for convergence: Not all telescoping series converge. Verify using series convergence tests if necessary.

    4. Recognize patterns: Many telescoping series follow similar patterns. Familiarize yourself with common forms.

    Additional Practice

    5. Evaluate Σ(1/(n(n+2))) from n=1 to infinity.

    6. Determine if Σ((n+1)/n - n/(n-1)) from n=2 to infinity converges.

    7. Find the sum of Σ(1/(n²+2n)) from n=1 to infinity.

    By working through these problems and understanding the applications, you'll develop a strong grasp of telescoping series. Remember, practice is key to mastering this concept. As you solve more problems, you'll begin to recognize patterns and develop intuition for handling various types of telescoping series. This skill will prove valuable not only in pure mathematics but also in applied fields where such series arise naturally in modeling and analysis.


    Telescoping series are a fascinating aspect of mathematical analysis, characterized by their unique cancellation property. Key points include identifying telescoping series through partial fraction decomposition, which reveals terms that cancel out when summed. Understanding convergence and divergence is crucial, as not all telescoping series converge. The introduction video provides essential insights into these concepts, laying a solid foundation for further exploration. As you progress, practice solving various telescoping series problems to reinforce your understanding. This will help you recognize patterns and develop problem-solving strategies. Don't hesitate to delve into advanced topics related to telescoping series, such as their number theory applications in calculus and number theory. Remember, mastering telescoping series requires patience and consistent practice. By honing your skills in this area, you'll enhance your overall mathematical proficiency and gain valuable tools for tackling complex problems in various fields of mathematics and science.


    Convergence of Telescoping Series
    Show that the following series are convergent and find its sum:

    Step 1: Recognize the Series as Telescoping

    We start by recognizing that the given series is a telescoping series. This is evident because the problem is situated in the context of telescoping series. The goal is to show that the series converges and to find its sum.

    Step 2: Factor the Denominator

    Next, we focus on the denominator of the series term 4n2+7n+12\frac{4}{n^2+7n+12}. We need to factorize the quadratic expression in the denominator. The quadratic expression n2+7n+12n^2 + 7n + 12 can be factored as (n+3)(n+4)(n + 3)(n + 4). Therefore, the series term can be rewritten as:


    Step 3: Partial Fraction Decomposition

    We then decompose the fraction into partial fractions. We express 4(n+3)(n+4)\frac{4}{(n+3)(n+4)} as:

    4(n+3)(n+4)=An+3+Bn+4\frac{4}{(n+3)(n+4)} = \frac{A}{n+3} + \frac{B}{n+4}

    To find the values of AA and BB, we multiply both sides by (n+3)(n+4)(n+3)(n+4) to clear the denominators:

    4=A(n+4)+B(n+3)4 = A(n+4) + B(n+3)

    We then solve for AA and BB by choosing suitable values for nn.

    Step 4: Solve for A and B

    First, let n=3n = -3:

    4=A(3+4)+B(3+3)4 = A(-3+4) + B(-3+3)

    4=A(1)+B(0)4 = A(1) + B(0)

    A=4A = 4

    Next, let n=4n = -4:

    4=A(4+4)+B(4+3)4 = A(-4+4) + B(-4+3)

    4=A(0)+B(1)4 = A(0) + B(-1)

    B=4B = -4

    Thus, we have A=4A = 4 and B=4B = -4. Substituting these values back into the partial fractions, we get:

    4(n+3)(n+4)=4n+34n+4\frac{4}{(n+3)(n+4)} = \frac{4}{n+3} - \frac{4}{n+4}

    Step 5: Write the Series in Telescoping Form

    We rewrite the original series using the partial fractions:

    n=1(4n+34n+4)\sum_{n=1}^{\infty} \left( \frac{4}{n+3} - \frac{4}{n+4} \right)

    We can now see that this is a telescoping series, where most terms will cancel out.

    Step 6: Expand the Series and Identify Cancellation

    We expand the series to observe the cancellation of terms:

    (4445)+(4546)+(4647)+\left( \frac{4}{4} - \frac{4}{5} \right) + \left( \frac{4}{5} - \frac{4}{6} \right) + \left( \frac{4}{6} - \frac{4}{7} \right) + \cdots

    We notice that each term 4n+4\frac{4}{n+4} cancels with the subsequent term 4n+3\frac{4}{n+3}, leaving only the first term of the series and the last term of the series.

    Step 7: Evaluate the Remaining Terms

    After cancellation, we are left with the first term and the last term of the series:

    14N+41 - \frac{4}{N+4}

    where NN is the upper limit of the partial sum.

    Step 8: Take the Limit as N Approaches Infinity

    Finally, we take the limit as NN approaches infinity:

    limN(14N+4)=10=1\lim_{N \to \infty} \left( 1 - \frac{4}{N+4} \right) = 1 - 0 = 1

    Thus, the series converges, and the sum of the series is 1.


    Here are some frequently asked questions about telescoping series:

    1. How do you calculate telescoping series?

    To calculate a telescoping series, follow these steps: 1. Identify the general term of the series. 2. Use partial fraction decomposition if necessary. 3. Write out the series and look for cancelling terms. 4. Sum the remaining terms after cancellation. 5. Evaluate the limit of the sum as n approaches infinity.

    2. What is the formula for telescope series?

    The general formula for a telescoping series is: Σ(n=a to b) [f(n) - f(n+1)] = f(a) - f(b+1) Where f(n) is some function of n, and a and b are the lower and upper bounds of the summation.

    3. What is the telescopic series rule?

    The telescopic series rule states that for a series of the form Σ(n=1 to ) [f(n) - f(n+1)], if the limit of f(n) as n approaches infinity exists and equals L, then the sum of the series is f(1) - L.

    4. What is the telescoping sum theorem?

    The telescoping sum theorem states that for a finite telescoping series Σ(n=1 to N) [a(n) - a(n+1)], the sum is equal to a(1) - a(N+1). This theorem is the basis for evaluating both finite and infinite telescoping series.

    5. How do you identify a telescoping series?

    To identify a telescoping series: 1. Look for terms that can be written as a difference of two functions. 2. Check if adjacent terms have parts that cancel when added. 3. Use partial fraction decomposition to reveal hidden telescoping patterns. 4. Verify if the series can be simplified to a difference between the first term and the limit of the last term.

    Prerequisite Topics for Convergence & Divergence of Telescoping Series

    Understanding the convergence and divergence of telescoping series is a crucial concept in advanced calculus. To fully grasp this topic, it's essential to have a solid foundation in several prerequisite areas. One of the most fundamental concepts is convergence and divergence of normal infinite series, which forms the basis for understanding more complex series types.

    Building on this, familiarity with convergence and divergence of geometric series is crucial, as telescoping series often involve manipulating terms in ways similar to geometric series. This knowledge helps in recognizing patterns and applying appropriate convergence tests.

    A strong grasp of partial fraction decomposition is invaluable when working with telescoping series. This technique allows for breaking down complex fractions into simpler terms, which is often a key step in identifying telescoping behavior.

    Understanding the domain and range of a function is crucial when dealing with series, as it helps in determining the validity of certain operations and the behavior of the series at different points. This concept ties closely with limits at infinity and horizontal asymptotes, which are essential for analyzing the long-term behavior of telescoping series.

    The divergence of harmonic series serves as an important counterexample and helps in developing intuition about when series might converge or diverge. This knowledge is particularly useful when dealing with telescoping series that resemble or can be compared to harmonic series.

    While not directly related to telescoping series, understanding the method of undetermined coefficients can be helpful in manipulating series and finding general terms, which is often a crucial step in working with telescoping series.

    Lastly, proficiency in simplifying complex fractions is indispensable when working with telescoping series. The ability to manipulate and simplify fractions efficiently often makes the difference in successfully identifying and summing telescoping series.

    By mastering these prerequisite topics, students will be well-equipped to tackle the intricacies of convergence and divergence in telescoping series. Each concept builds upon the others, creating a comprehensive understanding that allows for deeper insights and more effective problem-solving in this advanced area of calculus.

    There is no exact formula for a telescopic series.