Partial fraction decomposition

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  1. Introduction to Partial Fraction Decomposition
    What is partial fraction decomposition?
  1. Case 1: Denominator is a product of linear factors with no repeats

    Find the partial fractions of:

    1. x+7(x+3)(x1)\frac{x + 7}{(x + 3)(x - 1)}
    2. 4x+3x2+x\frac{4x + 3}{x^{2} + x}
  2. Case 2: Denominator is a product of linear factors with repeats

    Find the partial fractions of :

    1. 3x25(x2)3\frac{3x^{2} - 5}{(x - 2)^{3}}
    2. 2x1x2+10x+25\frac{2x - 1}{x^{2} + 10x + 25}
  3. Case 3: Denominator contains irreducible quadratic factors with no repeats

    Find the partial fractions of :

    2x2+5x+8x38x\frac{2x^{2} + 5x + 8}{x^{3} - 8x}

    1. Case 4: Denominator contains irreducible quadratic factors with repeats

      Find the partial fractions of:

      3x4+x3+1x(x2+1)2\frac{3x^{4} + x^{3} + 1}{x(x^{2} + 1)^{2}}

      1. First perform long division, then partial fraction decomposition

        Find the partial fractions of:

        1. x33x2+4xx23x2\frac{x^{3} - 3x^{2} + 4x}{x^{2} - 3x 2}
        2. 2x2+14x+24x2+6x16\frac{2x^{2} + 14x + 24}{x^{2} + 6x - 16}
      Topic Notes

      Introduction to Partial Fraction Decomposition

      Partial fraction decomposition is a fundamental technique in mathematics that breaks down complex rational functions into simpler fractions. This method is essential for solving various mathematical problems, particularly in calculus and integral calculus. The introduction video provides a comprehensive overview of partial fraction decomposition, serving as a crucial starting point for understanding this important concept. By mastering this technique, students can tackle more advanced mathematical challenges with confidence. Partial fraction decomposition is particularly valuable when working with integrals, as it allows for the simplification of complex rational expressions into more manageable components. This process is not only useful in mathematics but also finds applications in engineering and physics. As students progress in their mathematical journey, the ability to perform fraction decomposition becomes increasingly important, enabling them to solve a wide range of problems and gain a deeper understanding of rational functions and their properties.

      Understanding Rational Functions and Proper Fractions

      Rational functions are a fundamental concept in algebra, representing the ratio of two polynomial functions. These functions take the form f(x)/g(x), where both f(x) and g(x) are polynomials, and g(x) is not equal to zero. The structure of a rational function is crucial in understanding its behavior and properties.

      In the expression f(x)/g(x), f(x) is called the numerator, while g(x) is the denominator. The domain of a rational function includes all real numbers except those that make the denominator equal to zero. These excluded values are known as the function's vertical asymptotes.

      When working with rational functions, it's essential to understand the concept of proper fractions, especially in the context of partial fraction decomposition. A proper fraction is a rational function where the degree of the numerator is less than the degree of the denominator. Conversely, an improper fraction has a numerator with a degree greater than or equal to that of the denominator.

      To identify whether a rational function is a proper or improper fraction, we compare the degrees of the numerator and denominator polynomials. The degree of a polynomial is determined by the highest power of the variable in the expression. For example, in the polynomial 3x^4 + 2x^2 - 5, the degree is 4.

      Let's consider some examples to illustrate the difference between proper and improper fractions:

      1. Proper fraction: (2x + 1) / (x^2 + 3x - 2)
      Here, the numerator has a degree of 1, while the denominator has a degree of 2. Since 1 < 2, this is a proper fraction.

      2. Improper fraction: (x^3 - 2x + 5) / (x^2 + 1)
      In this case, the numerator has a degree of 3, and the denominator has a degree of 2. As 3 > 2, this is an improper fraction.

      3. Improper fraction (equal degrees): (2x^2 + 3x - 1) / (x^2 - 4)
      Both the numerator and denominator have a degree of 2. When the degrees are equal, the fraction is still considered improper.

      Understanding the distinction between proper and improper fractions is crucial in partial fraction decomposition, a technique used to simplify complex rational expressions. This method involves breaking down an improper fraction into a sum of simpler proper fractions, making integration and other algebraic operations more manageable.

      In partial fraction decomposition, we first perform polynomial long division if the fraction is improper. This step separates the improper fraction into a polynomial part and a proper fractional part. The proper fractional part is then further decomposed into simpler proper fractions.

      For instance, consider the improper fraction: (x^3 + 2x^2 + 3x + 4) / (x^2 + 2x + 1)
      After polynomial long division, we get: x + (x + 2) / (x^2 + 2x + 1)
      The second term, (x + 2) / (x^2 + 2x + 1), is now a proper fraction and can be further decomposed if necessary.

      In conclusion, rational functions and the concept of proper fractions play a significant role in advanced algebraic operations. By understanding how to identify and work with proper and improper fractions, you'll be better equipped to handle complex mathematical problems and apply techniques like partial fraction decomposition effectively.

      The Process of Partial Fraction Decomposition

      Partial fraction decomposition is a fundamental technique in algebra and calculus that allows us to break down complex fractions into simpler, more manageable parts. This process is particularly useful when integrating rational functions or solving differential equations. By understanding the steps involved in partial fraction decomposition, we can simplify complex mathematical expressions and gain deeper insights into their behavior.

      The general process of partial fraction decomposition involves several key steps. First, we start with a rational function, which is a fraction of polynomials. Our goal is to express this fraction as a sum of simpler fractions. To begin, we factor the denominator of the original fraction into its simplest form, identifying linear and irreducible quadratic factors.

      Next, we set up a partial fraction expansion based on the factors in the denominator. For each linear factor (ax + b), we add a term of the form A / (ax + b), where A is an unknown coefficient. For quadratic factors that cannot be factored further, we add terms of the form (Bx + C) / (ax^2 + bx + c), where B and C are unknown coefficients.

      To illustrate this process, let's consider the example from the video: 3x / (2x^2 - 1). In this case, we first factor the denominator: 2x^2 - 1 = (2x + 1)(x - 1). Our partial fraction decomposition will take the form:

      3x / (2x^2 - 1) = A / (2x + 1) + B / (x - 1)

      where A and B are the unknown coefficients we need to determine. The next step is crucial: we multiply both sides of the equation by the original denominator (2x^2 - 1) to clear the fractions. This gives us:

      3x = A(x - 1) + B(2x + 1)

      Now, we expand the right-hand side and collect like terms:

      3x = (A + 2B)x + (-A + B)

      To find the values of A and B, we equate the coefficients of x and the constant terms on both sides:

      3 = A + 2B

      0 = -A + B

      This system of equations can be solved to find the values of A and B. In this case, we would find that A = 2 and B = 1. Therefore, our final decomposition is:

      3x / (2x^2 - 1) = 2 / (2x + 1) + 1 / (x - 1)

      The importance of finding these unknown coefficients (A, B, C) in the decomposed fractions cannot be overstated. These coefficients are the key to expressing our original complex fraction as a sum of simpler fractions. They allow us to break down the problem into more manageable parts, making subsequent operations like integration much easier.

      In more complex cases, where we have higher degree polynomials or repeated factors in the denominator, the process becomes more intricate. We may need to include terms with higher powers in the numerator for repeated linear factors, or use more complex forms for higher-degree irreducible polynomials. However, the fundamental principle remains the same: we aim to express the complex fraction as a sum of simpler fractions, each corresponding to a factor in the denominator.

      Partial fraction decomposition is not just a mathematical technique; it's a powerful tool that simplifies complex problems in various fields of mathematics and engineering. It allows us to integrate rational functions that would otherwise be extremely difficult or impossible to handle. In differential equations, it helps in finding particular solutions. In control systems engineering, it's used to analyze the behavior of systems described by transfer functions.

      By mastering the process of partial fraction decomposition, we gain a valuable skill that enhances our ability to solve a wide range of mathematical problems. It's a testament to the power of breaking down complex issues into simpler, more manageable components a principle that extends far beyond mathematics into many other fields.

      Case 1: Linear Factors with No Repeats

      Partial fraction decomposition is a crucial technique in algebra and calculus, particularly useful when integrating rational functions. The first case we'll explore involves denominators that are products of linear factors with no repeats. This scenario is often considered the simplest form of partial fraction decomposition.

      In this case, the general form of the fraction is:

      P(x) / [(ax + b)(cx + d)(ex + f)...]

      Where P(x) is a polynomial of degree less than the degree of the denominator, and each factor in the denominator is a linear term that appears only once.

      To decompose this fraction, we follow these steps:

      1. Write out the partial fraction form: A/(ax + b) + B/(cx + d) + C/(ex + f) + ...
      2. Multiply both sides by the common denominator.
      3. Expand and collect like terms.
      4. Equate coefficients of like terms on both sides.
      5. Solve the resulting system of equations for A, B, C, etc.

      Let's look at an example:

      Decompose (2x + 1) / [(x + 1)(x - 2)]

      Step 1: Write the partial fraction form

      (2x + 1) / [(x + 1)(x - 2)] = A/(x + 1) + B/(x - 2)

      Step 2: Multiply both sides by (x + 1)(x - 2)

      2x + 1 = A(x - 2) + B(x + 1)

      Step 3: Expand

      2x + 1 = Ax - 2A + Bx + B

      Step 4: Collect like terms

      2x + 1 = (A + B)x + (-2A + B)

      Step 5: Equate coefficients

      A + B = 2

      -2A + B = 1

      Solving this system, we get A = 1 and B = 1

      Therefore, (2x + 1) / [(x + 1)(x - 2)] = 1/(x + 1) + 1/(x - 2)

      Now, let's consider a variation where factoring is required before decomposition:

      Decompose (x^2 + 3x + 2) / (x^3 + x^2 - 2x)

      First, we need to factor the denominator:

      x^3 + x^2 - 2x = x(x^2 + x - 2) = x(x + 2)(x - 1)

      Now we can proceed with the decomposition:

      (x^2 + 3x + 2) / [x(x + 2)(x - 1)] = A/x + B/(x + 2) + C/(x - 1)

      Following the same steps as before, we multiply both sides by x(x + 2)(x - 1), expand, and equate coefficients. Solving the resulting system of equations gives us:

      A = 2, B = -1, C = 1

      Therefore, (x^2 + 3x + 2) / (x^3 + x^2 - 2x) = 2/x - 1/(x + 2) + 1/(x - 1)

      In conclusion, partial fraction decomposition for linear factors with no repeats

      Case 2: Linear Factors with Repeats

      When dealing with partial fraction decomposition, Case 2 involves situations where the denominator contains repeated linear factors. This scenario differs significantly from Case 1, which deals with distinct linear factors, and requires a more nuanced approach to solve effectively.

      In Case 2, we encounter expressions of the form (x - a)^n, where 'n' is greater than 1. This repetition of repeated linear factors necessitates a different strategy for decomposition. Instead of having a single term for each factor as in Case 1, we now need multiple terms for each repeated factor, with the number of terms equal to the factor's multiplicity.

      For example, consider the fraction 1 / (x - 2)^3. In this case, we would set up our partial fraction decomposition as:

      A / (x - 2) + B / (x - 2)^2 + C / (x - 2)^3

      Here, A, B, and C are constants we need to determine. This setup reflects the repeated nature of the linear factor (x - 2), appearing three times in the denominator.

      The process of solving for these constants typically involves clearing fractions, equating coefficients, and solving a system of equations. This method can be more complex and time-consuming compared to Case 1, but it's essential for accurately decomposing fractions with repeated factors.

      Another important aspect of Case 2 is that sometimes the repeated linear factors are not immediately apparent. In such situations, factoring becomes a crucial first step. Consider this variation:

      1 / (x^2 - 4x + 4)

      At first glance, this doesn't look like a case of repeated linear factors. However, upon factoring, we get:

      1 / (x - 2)^2

      Now we can clearly see the repeated linear factor (x - 2), and we would proceed with the partial fraction decomposition as:

      A / (x - 2) + B / (x - 2)^2

      This example highlights the importance of factoring before attempting to identify and work with repeated linear factors. It's a critical skill in handling more complex partial fraction decompositions.

      The presence of repeated linear factors also impacts the integration process. When integrating expressions resulting from Case 2 decompositions, we often encounter logarithmic terms as well as algebraic terms, adding another layer of complexity to the problem-solving process.

      In summary, Case 2 in partial fraction decomposition deals with repeated linear factors in the denominator. It requires a different approach compared to Case 1, involving multiple terms for each repeated factor. The process can be more intricate, often necessitating careful factoring to identify hidden repeated factors. Mastering this case is crucial for handling a wide range of rational expressions in calculus and advanced algebra, providing a powerful tool for simplifying complex fractions and solving intricate integrals.

      Cases 3 and 4: Irreducible Quadratic Factors

      When dealing with partial fraction decomposition, Cases 3 and 4 involve irreducible quadratic factors. These cases are particularly important when working with rational expressions that cannot be factored further using real numbers. Let's explore the differences between quadratic factors with no repeats (Case 3) and those with repeats (Case 4), along with examples and the decomposition process for each.

      Case 3: Irreducible Quadratic Factors with No Repeats

      In Case 3, we encounter a quadratic expression in the denominator that cannot be factored using real numbers. This quadratic factor appears only once, meaning it has no repeats. The general form of such a rational expression is:

      P(x) / [Q(x)(ax² + bx + c)]

      Where P(x) and Q(x) are polynomials, and (ax² + bx + c) is the irreducible quadratic factor. To decompose this expression, we use the following form:

      A/Q(x) + (Bx + C) / (ax² + bx + c)

      Here, A, B, and C are constants that we need to determine. Let's look at an example:

      Consider the expression: (2x + 1) / (x² + 1)

      In this case, the quadratic factor x² + 1 is irreducible over real numbers. We set up the decomposition as:

      (2x + 1) / (x² + 1) = (Ax + B) / (x² + 1)

      To find A and B, we multiply both sides by (x² + 1) and equate coefficients:

      2x + 1 = Ax + B

      Comparing coefficients, we get A = 2 and B = 1. Thus, our final decomposition is:

      (2x + 1) / (x² + 1) = (2x) / (x² + 1) + 1 / (x² + 1)

      Case 4: Irreducible Quadratic Factors with Repeats

      Case 4 deals with situations where an irreducible quadratic factor appears multiple times in the denominator. The general form for this case is:

      P(x) / [(ax² + bx + c)^n]

      Where n is the number of times the quadratic factor is repeated. The decomposition for this case takes the form:

      (Ax + B) / (ax² + bx + c) + (Ax + B) / (ax² + bx + c)² + ... + (A_nx + B_n) / (ax² + bx + c)^n

      Let's examine an example to illustrate this case:

      Consider the expression: (3x + 2) / (x² + 1)²

      Here, the irreducible quadratic factor (x² + 1) is repeated twice. We set up the decomposition as:

      (3x + 2) / (x² + 1)² = (Ax + B) / (x² + 1) + (Cx + D) / (x² + 1)²

      To find A, B, C, and D, we multiply both sides by (x² + 1)² and equate coefficients. This process involves more complex algebra compared to Case 3. After solving the resulting system of equations, we obtain:

      A = 0, B = 1, C = 3, D = -1

      Thus, our final decomposition is:

      (3x + 2) / (x² + 1)² = (0x + 1) / (x² + 1) + (3x - 1) / (x² + 1)²

      This example demonstrates how to handle repeated quadratic factors in partial fraction decomposition. Understanding these cases is crucial for working with more complex rational expressions.

      Case 5: Improper Fractions and Long Division

      Case 5 in partial fraction decomposition deals with improper fractions, where the degree of the numerator is greater than or equal to the degree of the denominator. This scenario requires an additional step before applying the standard partial fraction decomposition techniques. The key to handling these cases is the use of long division in algebra, which allows us to simplify the fraction into a more manageable form.

      When encountering an improper fraction in algebraic expressions, it's crucial to perform long division in algebra first. This process separates the fraction into two parts: a polynomial quotient and a proper fraction remainder. The proper fraction can then be decomposed using the standard partial fraction decomposition methods.

      Let's examine two scenarios within Case 5:

      1. When the numerator degree is greater than the denominator degree:

      In this case, long division will result in a polynomial quotient and a proper fraction remainder. For example, consider the fraction (3x³ + 2x² - 5x + 1) / (x² - 1). Performing long division yields:

      (3x³ + 2x² - 5x + 1) / (x² - 1) = 3x + 2 + (-x + 3) / (x² - 1)

      Here, 3x + 2 is the polynomial quotient, and (-x + 3) / (x² - 1) is the proper fraction remainder. We can now apply partial fraction decomposition to the remainder.

      2. When the numerator degree is equal to the denominator degree:

      In this scenario, long division results in a constant quotient and a proper fraction remainder. For instance, let's consider (2x² + 3x - 1) / (x² + 2x - 1):

      (2x² + 3x - 1) / (x² + 2x - 1) = 2 + (-x + 1) / (x² + 2x - 1)

      The constant quotient is 2, and (-x + 1) / (x² + 2x - 1) is the proper fraction remainder ready for decomposition.

      The importance of long division in these cases cannot be overstated. It serves as a crucial preparatory step, transforming improper fractions into a form suitable for partial fraction decomposition. This process not only simplifies the original expression but also ensures that the resulting proper fraction can be handled using standard decomposition techniques.

      When applying long division, it's essential to pay attention to the degrees of polynomials involved. The degree of a polynomial is determined by the highest power of the variable in the expression. For example, in 3x³ + 2x² - 5x + 1, the degree is 3. Understanding the relationship between the degrees of the numerator and denominator guides the long division process and helps predict the form of the result.

      After performing long division, the next step is to apply partial fraction decomposition to the proper fraction remainder. This typically involves factoring the denominator, setting up partial fractions with unknown coefficients, and solving a system of equations to determine these coefficients.

      In conclusion, Case 5 in partial fraction decomposition highlights the importance of recognizing and properly handling improper fractions. By employing long division as a preliminary step, we can effectively transform complex fractions into more manageable forms. This approach not only simplifies the decomposition process but also provides a deeper understanding of the relationship between polynomials in rational expressions. Mastering this technique is crucial for tackling a wide range of problems in calculus, differential equations, and other advanced mathematical fields.

      Conclusion and Applications

      Partial fraction decomposition is a crucial technique in algebra and calculus. As demonstrated in the introduction video, it involves breaking down complex rational expressions into simpler fractions. Key points include identifying proper and improper fractions, determining the form of partial fractions based on the denominator, and solving for unknown coefficients. This method is particularly valuable in calculus, especially for integration. It simplifies complex integrals by breaking them into more manageable parts, making integration easier. Applications extend to solving differential equations and analyzing electrical circuits. To master partial fraction decomposition, practice with various examples, starting from simple cases and progressing to more complex ones. Remember, the process may seem challenging at first, but with consistent practice, it becomes more intuitive. The skills developed through partial fraction decomposition will prove invaluable in advanced mathematics and engineering courses, making it a worthwhile investment of your time and effort.

      Introduction to Partial Fraction Decomposition

      Partial Fraction Decomposition is a mathematical technique used to express a rational function as a sum of simpler fractions. This method is particularly useful in higher-level mathematics, such as when dealing with integrals. Understanding this concept is crucial for progressing in various mathematical topics.

      Step 1: Understanding Rational Functions

      A rational function is a fraction where both the numerator and the denominator are polynomials. For example, consider the rational function 3x / (2x^2 - 1). Here, both the numerator (3x) and the denominator (2x^2 - 1) are polynomials.

      Step 2: The Goal of Partial Fraction Decomposition

      The main objective of Partial Fraction Decomposition is to break down a complex rational function into a sum of simpler fractions. For instance, the function 3x / (2x^2 - 1) can be decomposed into two simpler fractions.

      Step 3: Proper Fractions

      Partial Fraction Decomposition applies only to proper fractions, where the degree of the numerator is less than the degree of the denominator. The degree of a polynomial is determined by the highest exponent of the variable. For example, in the polynomial 3x, the degree is 1, and in 2x^2 - 1, the degree is 2. Since 1 is less than 2, the fraction 3x / (2x^2 - 1) is a proper fraction.

      Step 4: Identifying the Degree of Polynomials

      To find the degree of a polynomial, look at the highest exponent of the variable. For example, in the polynomial 3x, the highest exponent is 1, so the degree is 1. In the polynomial 2x^2 - 1, the highest exponent is 2, so the degree is 2.

      Step 5: Decomposing the Fraction

      Once you have identified that the fraction is proper, you can proceed with the decomposition. For example, if you have a fraction with a denominator of 3x, the numerator must be a constant (degree 0). If the denominator is a quadratic expression (degree 2), the numerator can be a linear expression (degree 1) or a constant (degree 0).

      Step 6: Examples of Decomposition

      Consider the fraction 2x^2 + 3x - 1. The degree of the denominator is 2, so the numerator can have a degree of 1 or 0. Therefore, the numerator can be expressed as Ax + B, where A and B are constants.

      Step 7: Special Cases

      There are several special cases to consider in Partial Fraction Decomposition:

      • Case 1: The denominator is a product of linear factors with no repeats.
      • Case 2: The denominator is a product of linear factors with repeats.
      • Case 3: The denominator contains irreducible quadratic factors with no repeats.
      • Case 4: The denominator contains irreducible quadratic factors with repeats.
      • Case 5: The degree of the numerator is greater than or equal to the degree of the denominator.

      Step 8: Finding the Constants

      The final step in Partial Fraction Decomposition is to find the constants (A, B, C, etc.) that make up the simpler fractions. This involves solving a system of equations derived from equating the original fraction to the sum of the decomposed fractions.


      Partial Fraction Decomposition is a powerful tool in mathematics that simplifies complex rational functions into sums of simpler fractions. By understanding the degrees of polynomials and applying the appropriate decomposition techniques, you can solve a wide range of mathematical problems more easily.


      Here are some frequently asked questions about partial fraction decomposition:

      1. What is partial fraction decomposition?

      Partial fraction decomposition is a technique used to break down complex rational expressions into simpler fractions. It's particularly useful in calculus for integrating rational functions and solving differential equations.

      2. When do you use partial fraction decomposition?

      You use partial fraction decomposition when you need to simplify complex rational expressions, especially before integration. It's also used when solving certain types of differential equations and in analyzing electrical circuits.

      3. What are the basic steps in partial fraction decomposition?

      The basic steps are: 1) Ensure the fraction is proper (if not, perform long division). 2) Factor the denominator. 3) Set up partial fractions based on the factors. 4) Solve for unknown coefficients. 5) Write the final decomposed form.

      4. How do you handle repeated factors in partial fraction decomposition?

      For repeated linear factors (ax + b)^n, you need n terms of the form A/(ax + b), B/(ax + b)^2, ..., up to the nth power. For repeated quadratic factors, you use a similar approach with linear numerators.

      5. What's the difference between proper and improper fractions in this context?

      A proper fraction has a numerator degree less than the denominator degree. An improper fraction has a numerator degree greater than or equal to the denominator degree. Improper fractions require long division before decomposition.

      Prerequisite Topics for Partial Fraction Decomposition

      Understanding partial fraction decomposition is crucial in advanced mathematics, particularly in calculus and algebra. However, to fully grasp this concept, it's essential to have a solid foundation in several prerequisite topics. One of the most fundamental skills required is polynomial long division, which forms the basis for breaking down complex fractions into simpler terms.

      Another critical prerequisite is proficiency in working with proper and improper fractions. This knowledge is vital when dealing with the various components of partial fractions. Additionally, understanding integration of rational functions is closely related to partial fraction decomposition, as it's often used as a technique in integral calculus.

      Recognizing vertical asymptotes is another important skill, as it helps in identifying the behavior of functions at certain points. This concept is particularly useful when dealing with complex rational expressions. Furthermore, proficiency in solving systems of linear equations is crucial, as partial fraction decomposition often involves setting up and solving such systems.

      Factoring polynomials is another essential skill that plays a significant role in partial fraction decomposition. It allows you to break down complex expressions into simpler, more manageable parts. Additionally, understanding solving differential equations can provide valuable context for the applications of partial fraction decomposition in more advanced mathematical scenarios.

      Lastly, familiarity with repeated linear factors is important when dealing with more complex partial fraction decompositions. This concept helps in understanding how to handle polynomials with multiple roots of the same value.

      By mastering these prerequisite topics, students will be better equipped to tackle the challenges of partial fraction decomposition. Each of these concepts contributes to the overall understanding of how to break down complex rational expressions into simpler, more manageable parts. This skill is not only crucial for solving complex algebraic problems but also serves as a fundamental technique in calculus, particularly in integration. As students progress in their mathematical journey, they'll find that the solid foundation built through these prerequisites will continue to support their learning in more advanced topics.

      \bullet Partial fraction decomposition expresses a rational function f(x)g(x)\frac{f(x)}{g(x)}, where f(x)f(x) and g(x)g(x) are polynomials in xx, as a sum of simpler fractions.

      \bullet Partial fraction decomposition only applies to proper fractions in which the degree of the numerator is less than that of the denominator.