Factor by taking out the greatest common factor

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  1. review "factoring"
  1. Factor:
    1. 12p718p23012{p^7} - 18{p^2} - 30
    2. 10z(x+2y)6(x+2y)10z\left( {x + 2y} \right) - 6\left( {x + 2y} \right)
Topic Notes
To factor means to take out a common factor out from the expressions. In this lesson, we will try to do it by determining the greatest common factor among the terms of the expressions, and factor it out from each term.

Introduction to Factoring by Greatest Common Factor (GCF)

Factoring by taking out the greatest common factor (GCF) is a fundamental algebraic technique essential for simplifying rational expressions and solving equations. This method involves identifying the largest factor shared by all terms in an expression and extracting it. The introduction video provides a crucial foundation for understanding this concept, demonstrating how to recognize the GCF and apply it effectively. Factoring is a versatile skill used across various mathematical disciplines, from basic algebra to advanced calculus. By mastering factoring with GCF, students can tackle more complex problems with confidence. This technique not only simplifies expressions but also reveals underlying patterns and relationships between terms. As you progress in your mathematical journey, the ability to factor efficiently will prove invaluable in solving equations, simplifying rational expressions, and analyzing polynomial functions. The concepts learned here will serve as building blocks for more advanced factoring methods and algebraic manipulations.

Understanding Factors and Factoring

Factors are an essential concept in mathematics, serving as building blocks for understanding more complex mathematical ideas. Let's explore factors using simple numerical examples and then transition to the concept of factoring, including its application to polynomials.

To understand factors, let's consider the number 6. The factors of 6 are the numbers that divide evenly into it without leaving a remainder. These factors are 1, 2, 3, and 6. We can verify this by dividing 6 by each of these numbers:

  • 6 ÷ 1 = 6 (no remainder)
  • 6 ÷ 2 = 3 (no remainder)
  • 6 ÷ 3 = 2 (no remainder)
  • 6 ÷ 6 = 1 (no remainder)

Now that we understand what factors are, let's explore the concept of factoring. Factoring a number means expressing it as a product of its factors. Using our example of 6, we can factor it in two ways:

  • 6 = 1 × 6
  • 6 = 2 × 3

Both of these expressions are valid factorizations of 6 because they use the factors we identified earlier. This process of breaking down a number into its factors is called factoring.

The concept of factoring extends beyond simple numbers to more complex mathematical expressions, such as factoring polynomials. Factoring polynomials follows the same principle: we express the polynomial as a product of simpler polynomials.

For example, consider the polynomial x² + 5x + 6. To factor this polynomial, we need to find two simpler polynomials that, when multiplied together, give us the original expression. In this case, the factored form would be:

x² + 5x + 6 = (x + 2)(x + 3)

Just as with numbers, factoring polynomials allows us to break down complex expressions into simpler, more manageable parts. This process is crucial in algebra and higher-level mathematics, as it helps solve equations with factoring, simplify expressions, and understand the behavior of functions.

Learning how to factor effectively is an important skill in mathematics. Whether you're working with simple numbers or complex polynomials, the basic principle remains the same: express the given quantity as a product of simpler terms. Practice and familiarity with common factoring techniques will greatly enhance your ability to solve mathematical problems efficiently.

In conclusion, factors and factoring are fundamental concepts that bridge basic arithmetic and more advanced mathematical topics. By understanding how to identify factors and perform factoring, you'll be better equipped to tackle a wide range of mathematical challenges, from simple number problems to complex algebraic equations.

Identifying the Greatest Common Factor (GCF)

Finding the Greatest Common Factor (GCF) between numbers and variables in polynomial terms is a fundamental skill in algebra. This process is crucial for simplifying expressions and solving complex mathematical problems. Let's explore the step-by-step process of identifying the GCF, using the example 28y^4 - 8y^3 from our video demonstration.

To begin, it's essential to understand that the GCF in polynomials involves both numerical coefficients and variables. The process requires careful consideration of all factors to ensure we find the largest common factor shared by all terms.

Step 1: Identify the terms in the polynomial. In our example, we have two terms: 28y^4 and -8y^3.

Step 2: Factor out the numerical coefficients. For 28y^4, the factors of 28 are 1, 2, 4, 7, 14, and 28. For -8y^3, the factors of 8 are 1, 2, 4, and 8. Note that we ignore the negative sign for now.

Step 3: List out the common factors between the numerical coefficients. In this case, the common factors are 1, 2, and 4.

Step 4: Identify the highest common factor among the numerical coefficients. Here, it's 4.

Step 5: Examine the variables and their exponents. In 28y^4, we have y^4, and in -8y^3, we have y^3.

Step 6: Determine the common variable factor with the lowest exponent. Both terms share y, and the lowest exponent is 3. So, the common variable factor is y^3.

Step 7: Combine the numerical GCF and the variable GCF. In our example, this gives us 4y^3.

Therefore, the GCF of 28y^4 - 8y^3 is 4y^3.

This technique of listing out factors and finding common ones is particularly useful when dealing with more complex polynomials. It ensures that you don't overlook any potential common factors.

When working with polynomials, it's crucial to remember that the GCF includes both numerical and variable components. Neglecting either can lead to incomplete factorization and missed simplifying expressions opportunities.

Practice is key to mastering the process of finding the GCF in polynomials. Start with simpler examples and gradually work your way up to more complex expressions. Remember to always consider both the numerical coefficients and the variables, paying close attention to their exponents.

By consistently applying this method, you'll develop a strong foundation for more advanced algebraic concepts and problem-solving techniques. The ability to quickly and accurately identify the GCF in polynomials will prove invaluable as you progress in your mathematical studies.

Factoring Out the Greatest Common Factor

Factoring out the Greatest Common Factor (GCF) is a fundamental skill in algebra that simplifies polynomials and helps solve complex equations. This process involves identifying the largest factor common to all terms in a polynomial and extracting it. Let's explore how to factor out the GCF step-by-step, using the example from the video: 28y^4 - 8y^3 = 4y^3(7y - 2).

Step 1: Identify the GCF
In our example, 28y^4 - 8y^3, we need to find the largest factor common to both terms. Let's break it down: - 28 and 8 have a common factor of 4 - y^4 and y^3 have a common factor of y^3 Therefore, the GCF is 4y^3.

Step 2: Factor out the GCF
To factor out 4y^3, we divide each term by this factor: - 28y^4 ÷ 4y^3 = 7y - 8y^3 ÷ 4y^3 = 2 The result is 4y^3(7y - 2).

Step 3: Verify the result
To check our work, we can distribute 4y^3 back into the parentheses: 4y^3(7y) - 4y^3(2) = 28y^4 - 8y^3, which matches our original expression.

Understanding what's left inside the parentheses is crucial. After factoring out the GCF, the remaining terms represent the quotient of each original term divided by the GCF. This process ensures that the factored form is equivalent to the original polynomial.

Let's reinforce this concept with additional examples:

Example 1: 12x^3 + 18x^2 - 30x
GCF: 6x Factored form: 6x(2x^2 + 3x - 5)

Example 2: 35a^2b^3 - 21ab^2 + 14b
GCF: 7b Factored form: 7b(5a^2b^2 - 3ab + 2)

Example 3: 16m^5n^2 + 24m^3n^4 - 40m^2n^3
GCF: 8m^2n^2 Factored form: 8m^2n^2(2m^3 + 3mn^2 - 5n)

When learning how to factor out the GCF, it's important to remember these key points: 1. Always identify the largest factor common to all terms. 2. Divide each term by the GCF to determine what remains inside the parentheses. 3. The factored form should distribute back to the original polynomial.

Factoring using GCF is often the first step in more complex factoring problems. It simplifies expressions, making subsequent steps easier. Practice regularly to become proficient in recognizing GCFs and factoring them out efficiently.

Remember, the process of factoring out the greatest common factor applies to polynomials with any number of terms. Whether you're working with binomials, trinomials, or polynomials with more terms, the approach remains the same. Always start by identifying the GCF of all terms, then factor it out, leaving the remaining factors inside parentheses.

Mastering how to factor by GCF is essential for success in algebra and higher-level mathematics. It's a skill that will be used repeatedly in solving equations, simplifying rational expressions, and working with more advanced mathematical concepts. By understanding and practicing this fundamental technique, you'll build a strong foundation for tackling more complex algebraic problems in the future.

Common Mistakes and Tips for Factoring with GCF

Factoring using the Greatest Common Factor (GCF) is a fundamental skill in algebra, but it's one that many students struggle with. Understanding common factoring mistakes and learning effective strategies can significantly improve your ability to factor expressions accurately. In this section, we'll explore the most frequent mistakes students make when factoring using GCF and provide valuable tips to enhance your factoring skills.

One of the most common errors in factoring with GCF is forgetting to factor out the GCF from all terms in the expression. Students often identify the GCF correctly but fail to apply it to every term, leading to incomplete or incorrect factorization. For example, when factoring 12x^2 + 18x, some students might only factor out 6 from the first term, resulting in 6(2x^2) + 18x instead of the correct 6x(2x + 3).

Another frequent mistake is miscalculating the GCF itself. This can happen when students overlook common factors or make errors in identifying the greatest common factor of coefficients and variables. For instance, in the expression 24x^3y^2 + 36x^2y, a student might incorrectly identify the GCF as 12x^2y instead of the correct 12x^2y.

To avoid these errors and improve your factoring skills, consider the following tips for accurate factoring:

1. Always start by identifying the GCF of all terms in the expression. List out all factors of each term and identify the greatest one that's common to all.

2. Use a systematic approach to find the GCF. Consider factoring numerical coefficients and variables separately, then combine them.

3. Factor out the GCF from each term in the expression. Ensure you divide each term by the GCF completely.

4. Write the factored expression as the product of the GCF and the remaining factors in parentheses.

5. Double-check your work by expanding the factored expression. If it matches the original expression, your factorization is correct.

One of the most effective ways to master factoring with GCF is through consistent practice. Regular exercises will help you recognize patterns and common factors more quickly. Start with simple expressions and gradually move to more complex ones. As you practice, you'll develop a better intuition for identifying GCFs and applying them correctly.

When practicing how to factor an expression accurately using GCF, it's helpful to work through a variety of problem types. This includes expressions with only numerical coefficients, those with variables, and combinations of both. Pay special attention to expressions where the GCF includes variables with exponents, as these can be particularly tricky.

Remember, factoring is a crucial skill that forms the foundation for more advanced algebraic concepts. By mastering factoring with GCF, you'll be better prepared to tackle more complex factoring techniques and algebraic problems in the future. Don't get discouraged if you make mistakes initially they're a natural part of the learning process. Use each error as an opportunity to reinforce your understanding and refine your approach.

In conclusion, avoiding common factoring mistakes and implementing these tips for factoring will significantly improve your ability to work with algebraic expressions. Regular practice, systematic approaches, and careful checking of your work are key to mastering this essential mathematical skill. As you continue to develop your factoring abilities, you'll find that more complex algebraic problems become more manageable, opening doors to advanced mathematical concepts and problem-solving techniques.

Applications and Benefits of Factoring with GCF

Factoring using the Greatest Common Factor (GCF) is a fundamental technique in algebra that offers numerous practical applications and benefits in problem-solving. This method of simplifying expressions and equations serves as a cornerstone for more advanced mathematical concepts and has real-world implications across various fields.

One of the primary applications of factoring with GCF is in algebraic simplification. By identifying and extracting the largest common factor from terms in an expression, mathematicians and students can reduce complex equations to more manageable forms. This simplification not only makes equations easier to solve but also helps in identifying patterns and relationships between variables. For example, in the expression 12x² + 18x, factoring out the GCF of 6x results in 6x(2x + 3), which clearly shows the relationship between the terms.

In problem-solving, factoring with GCF is invaluable for breaking down complex problems into simpler, more solvable components. This technique is particularly useful in solving quadratic equations factoring, where factoring can reveal the roots or solutions of the equation. By factoring out the GCF, students can often transform a seemingly difficult equation into a product of simpler factors, making it easier to find solutions.

The benefits of factoring extend beyond simplification and problem-solving. It develops critical thinking skills and enhances mathematical intuition. As students practice factoring, they become more adept at recognizing patterns and structures in mathematical expressions, which is crucial for advanced mathematical study and applications in fields like physics, engineering, and computer science.

Factoring with GCF also serves as a foundation for more advanced factoring methods. Techniques such as factoring by grouping, factoring perfect square trinomials, and factoring the difference of squares all build upon the basic principles of GCF factoring. Mastery of GCF factoring thus paves the way for understanding these more complex factoring strategies, which are essential in higher-level mathematics and its applications.

In real-world scenarios, factoring with GCF finds applications in various fields. In finance interest calculations, it can be used to simplify complex interest calculations or optimize investment strategies. In physics, factoring helps in simplifying equations of motion or energy calculations. Computer scientists use factoring principles in algorithm optimization and data compression techniques.

For instance, in economics, factoring can be applied to cost analysis. If a company's total cost function is represented as 500x + 2000, where x is the number of units produced, factoring out the GCF can reveal the fixed and variable costs more clearly: 100(5x + 20). This factored form immediately shows that the fixed cost is $2000 (20 * 100) and the variable cost per unit is $5.

In engineering, factoring is crucial for simplifying and solving complex equations related to structural design, electrical circuits, or fluid dynamics. For example, in analyzing the vibration of a system, engineers might encounter equations where factoring with GCF helps in identifying natural frequencies or modes of vibration.

The applications of factoring using GCF in algebra and problem-solving are vast and varied. From simplifying complex expressions to solving equations and laying the groundwork for advanced mathematical concepts, this technique is an essential tool in the mathematician's toolkit. Its benefits in developing critical thinking, pattern recognition, and problem-solving skills make it a fundamental concept that extends far beyond the classroom, finding practical applications in numerous real-world scenarios and professional fields.


In this article, we've explored the essential algebraic skill of factoring by taking out the greatest common factor (GCF). Understanding and mastering this technique is crucial for developing strong math problem-solving abilities. We've covered the step-by-step process of identifying the GCF and using it to simplify expressions. Remember, practice is key to becoming proficient in factoring. We encourage you to revisit the introduction video for a visual reinforcement of these concepts. As you gain confidence, challenge yourself with more complex problems and explore advanced factoring techniques. By honing your GCF factoring skills, you'll build a solid foundation for tackling more advanced mathematical concepts. Don't hesitate to seek additional resources or practice problems to further strengthen your understanding. With dedication and consistent practice, you'll soon find factoring to be a valuable tool in your mathematical toolkit. Keep exploring, keep practicing, and watch your algebraic skills soar!

Factor by Taking Out the Greatest Common Factor

Given polynomial: 12p718p23012p^7 - 18p^2 - 30

Step 1: Identify the Greatest Common Factor (GCF) of the Coefficients

First, we need to find the greatest common factor (GCF) of the coefficients of the polynomial. The coefficients are 12, 18, and 30. We start by identifying the common factors of these numbers.

Let's list the factors:

  • 12: 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 12
  • 18: 1, 2, 3, 6, 9, 18
  • 30: 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 10, 15, 30

The common factors are 1, 2, 3, and 6. The greatest common factor is 6.

Step 2: Factor Out the GCF from the Coefficients

Now that we have identified the GCF as 6, we factor it out from each term in the polynomial:

  • First term: 12p712p^7 divided by 6 gives 2p72p^7
  • Second term: 18p2-18p^2 divided by 6 gives 3p2-3p^2
  • Third term: 30-30 divided by 6 gives 5-5

So, factoring out 6 from the polynomial, we get:

12p718p230=6(2p73p25)12p^7 - 18p^2 - 30 = 6(2p^7 - 3p^2 - 5)

Step 3: Check for Common Variables

Next, we check if there is a common variable factor in all terms. The terms are 2p72p^7, 3p2-3p^2, and 5-5. We observe the following:

  • First term: 2p72p^7 has p7p^7
  • Second term: 3p2-3p^2 has p2p^2
  • Third term: 5-5 has no pp

Since the third term does not have the variable pp, we cannot factor out pp from the polynomial.

Step 4: Write the Final Factored Form

After factoring out the GCF of 6, the polynomial is simplified to:

12p718p230=6(2p73p25)12p^7 - 18p^2 - 30 = 6(2p^7 - 3p^2 - 5)

This is the final factored form of the given polynomial.


In summary, to factor the polynomial 12p718p23012p^7 - 18p^2 - 30 by taking out the greatest common factor, we followed these steps:

  1. Identified the GCF of the coefficients (6).
  2. Factored out the GCF from each term.
  3. Checked for common variable factors (none in this case).
  4. Wrote the final factored form.

By following these steps, we successfully factored the polynomial as 6(2p73p25)6(2p^7 - 3p^2 - 5).


Here are some frequently asked questions about factoring by taking out the greatest common factor:

1. How do you factor the GCF out of an expression?

To factor the GCF out of an expression, follow these steps:

  1. Identify the GCF of all terms in the expression.
  2. Divide each term by the GCF.
  3. Write the factored expression as GCF(remaining terms).

For example, to factor 12x² + 18x:

  1. GCF = 6x
  2. 12x² ÷ 6x = 2x, 18x ÷ 6x = 3
  3. Factored form: 6x(2x + 3)

2. How do you find the factors to identify the GCF?

To find the factors and identify the GCF:

  1. List all factors of each term's coefficient.
  2. Identify the largest common factor among the coefficients.
  3. Find the common variable with the lowest exponent.
  4. Combine the numerical and variable factors to get the GCF.

3. What is an example of GCF factoring?

Consider the expression 24x³y² + 36x²y:

  1. GCF of coefficients: 12
  2. Common variables: x² and y
  3. GCF = 12x²y
  4. Factored form: 12x²y(2x + 3)

4. How do you solve GCF problems quickly?

To solve GCF problems quickly:

  • Practice identifying factors and GCF regularly.
  • Learn to recognize common factor patterns.
  • Use mental math for simple calculations.
  • Always check your work by distributing the GCF back.

5. Where is the GCF placed after factoring?

After factoring, the GCF is placed outside parentheses, followed by the remaining terms inside the parentheses. The general form is:

GCF(remaining terms after division by GCF)

For example: 15x² + 25x = 5x(3x + 5)

Prerequisite Topics for Factoring by Taking Out the Greatest Common Factor

Understanding the process of factoring by taking out the greatest common factor is a crucial skill in algebra, but it requires a solid foundation in several prerequisite topics. These fundamental concepts not only prepare you for this specific technique but also enhance your overall algebraic problem-solving abilities.

One of the key prerequisites is identifying common factors in polynomials. This skill is essential because it forms the basis of recognizing the greatest common factor when factoring expressions. Similarly, understanding numerical coefficients in polynomials is crucial, as it helps you work with various types of polynomial expressions, including those with unknown coefficients.

Another important prerequisite is simplifying rational expressions. This skill is closely related to factoring, as it often involves identifying and canceling common factors in fractions. Mastering this concept will greatly enhance your ability to factor complex expressions efficiently.

Solving polynomials with unknown coefficients is another valuable skill that prepares you for more advanced factoring techniques. This knowledge allows you to approach factoring problems with greater flexibility and understanding, especially when dealing with complex expressions.

As you progress, you'll encounter more specialized factoring techniques. Factoring perfect square trinomials and factoring the difference of squares are two such methods that build upon the concept of taking out the greatest common factor. These techniques are essential for tackling a wide range of algebraic problems and equations.

Ultimately, all these skills culminate in the ability to solve quadratic equations by factoring. This is where you'll see the practical application of factoring techniques, including taking out the greatest common factor, in solving real-world problems and more complex mathematical scenarios.

By mastering these prerequisite topics, you'll develop a comprehensive understanding of algebraic concepts and be well-prepared to tackle the challenge of factoring by taking out the greatest common factor. Each of these skills builds upon the others, creating a strong foundation for advanced algebraic problem-solving. Remember, algebra is a cumulative subject, and investing time in these fundamental concepts will pay dividends as you progress to more complex topics.