Dividing polynomials by monomials

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  1. How to divide polynomials by monomials?
  1. Divide by using a model.
    1. 6x224x3x\frac{{6{x^2} - 24x}}{{3x}}
    2. 5x27xx\frac{{ - 5{x^2} - 7x}}{{ - x}}
  2. Divide.
    1. 4x2+12xy2x\frac{{4{x^2} + 12xy}}{{2x}}
    2. 3.5x2+2.1x7x\frac{{3.5{x^2} + 2.1x}}{{7x}}
    3. x21.8xy6x\frac{{ - {x^2} - 1.8xy}}{{6x}}
    4. 18x29x+0.30.3\frac{{ - 18{x^2} - 9x + 0.3}}{{0.3}}
  3. The volume of the diagram below is 45x2+3x45{x^2} + 3x.
    Dividing polynomials by monomials
    1. Write the polynomial expression for the width of the diagram.
    2. If x = 3 m, calculate the width and the volume.
Topic Notes
This section will teach us how to divide a polynomial (more than one term) by a monomial (one term only). We will use a model to help us on the division. We will then try to solve the questions without using the model. At the end, we will look at some of the related word problems.


Dividing polynomials by monomials is a fundamental skill in algebra that builds upon basic arithmetic principles. This lesson begins with an essential introduction video, which provides a visual and conceptual foundation for understanding the topic. The video serves as a crucial starting point, offering clear explanations and examples to help students grasp the core concepts of polynomial division. Throughout this lesson, we will explore the basic principles of polynomial division, focusing specifically on dividing polynomials by monomials. We'll break down the step-by-step process, ensuring a thorough understanding of each stage. Additionally, we'll delve into practical applications of this mathematical technique, demonstrating its relevance in real-world scenarios and more advanced mathematical concepts. By mastering the division of polynomials by monomials, students will enhance their algebraic skills and prepare for more complex mathematical operations. This knowledge forms a critical building block in the broader study of polynomials and algebraic manipulation.

Understanding Polynomials and Monomials

Polynomials and monomials are fundamental concepts in algebra that form the building blocks for more advanced mathematical operations. To grasp these concepts fully, it's essential to understand their definitions, differences, and components. A polynomial is an expression consisting of variables (usually represented by letters) and coefficients, combined using addition, subtraction, and multiplication operations. On the other hand, a monomial is a special type of polynomial that consists of only one term.

Let's illustrate the difference with simple examples. The expression 3x² + 2x - 5 is a polynomial because it contains multiple terms. In contrast, 4y³ is a monomial as it has only one term. The key distinction lies in the number of terms: polynomials have one or more terms, while monomials always have exactly one term.

Understanding these concepts is crucial before delving into more complex operations like polynomial division. Without a solid grasp of polynomials and monomials, students may struggle to perform advanced algebraic manipulations accurately. It's like trying to build a house without understanding the properties of bricks and mortar the foundation would be shaky at best.

To fully comprehend polynomial components, it's important to break them down into their components: terms, coefficients, and exponents. Terms are the parts of a polynomial separated by addition or subtraction signs. In the polynomial 3x² + 2x - 5, there are three terms: 3x², 2x, and -5. Coefficients are the numerical factors of each term. In this example, 3 is the coefficient of x², 2 is the coefficient of x, and -5 is a constant term (which can be thought of as having a coefficient of -1 and an exponent of 0). Exponents indicate how many times a variable is multiplied by itself. In 3x², the exponent 2 means x is multiplied by itself once (x × x).

By mastering these concepts, students lay a strong foundation for tackling more advanced topics in algebra. Whether solving equations, factoring expressions, or performing polynomial division, a clear understanding of polynomials and monomials is indispensable. As students progress in their mathematical journey, they'll find these concepts recurring frequently, underscoring their importance in the broader context of algebraic study.

Basic Principles of Polynomial Division

Dividing polynomials by monomials is a fundamental skill in algebra that builds upon basic arithmetic principles. To understand this concept, let's start with simple numerical examples and gradually progress to more complex algebraic expressions. The key to mastering this skill lies in understanding the distributive property of division and how it applies to division.

Let's begin with a basic numerical example: dividing 15 by 5. We know that 15 ÷ 5 = 3. Now, consider the expression (10 + 5) ÷ 5. Using the distributive property of division, we can rewrite this as (10 ÷ 5) + (5 ÷ 5), which simplifies to 2 + 1 = 3. This example demonstrates that dividing sums by numbers is equivalent to dividing each term separately and then adding the results.

Applying this principle to polynomials, we can divide each term separately of the polynomial by the monomial separately. For instance, let's divide (12x² + 6x) by 3. We can rewrite this as (12x² ÷ 3) + (6x ÷ 3), which simplifies to 4x² + 2x. This process works because of the distributive property of division over addition.

When dealing with variables, the same principles apply. Consider dividing polynomials with variables like (18x³ + 12x² - 6x) by 6x. We divide each term by 6x: (18x³ ÷ 6x) + (12x² ÷ 6x) - (6x ÷ 6x). This simplifies to 3x² + 2x - 1. Notice how the exponents are affected: when dividing terms with the same variable, we subtract the exponents.

It's crucial to remember that when dividing polynomials with variables, we must ensure that each term of the polynomial is divisible by the monomial. If a term is not divisible, we cannot simplify it further. For example, when dividing (x² + 2x + 1) by x, we get (x² ÷ x) + (2x ÷ x) + (1 ÷ x), which simplifies to x + 2 + (1/x). The last term cannot be simplified further because 1 is not divisible by x.

As we progress to more complex examples, the same principles hold. When dividing (6x³y² - 12x²y + 18xy²) by 3xy, we apply the distributive property: (6x³y² ÷ 3xy) - (12x²y ÷ 3xy) + (18xy² ÷ 3xy). This simplifies to 2x²y - 4x + 6y. Again, we see how the exponents are affected in each term.

Understanding these fundamental principles is essential for more advanced algebraic operations. By mastering the division of polynomials by monomials, students build a strong foundation for tackling more complex polynomial divisions, factoring, and solving equations. Regular practice with a variety of examples, ranging from simple numerical divisions to more complex algebraic expressions, will help reinforce these concepts and develop proficiency in polynomial manipulation.

Step-by-Step Process for Dividing Polynomials by Monomials

Dividing polynomials by monomials is a fundamental skill in algebra that requires a clear understanding of distribution and exponent laws. This step-by-step guide will walk you through the process, using examples to illustrate each concept.

Step 1: Identify the Polynomial and Monomial

First, clearly identify which expression is the polynomial (the dividend) and which is the monomial (the divisor). For example, in (3x + 9) ÷ 3, (3x + 9) is the polynomial, and 3 is the monomial.

Step 2: Distribute the Division

The key principle here is to divide each term of the polynomial by the monomial. This is based on the distributive property of division over addition or subtraction. In our example:

(3x + 9) ÷ 3 = (3x ÷ 3) + (9 ÷ 3)

Step 3: Perform the Division for Each Term

Now, divide each term of the polynomial by the monomial:

(3x ÷ 3) + (9 ÷ 3) = x + 3

Notice how 3x ÷ 3 simplifies to x, and 9 ÷ 3 equals 3.

Step 4: Simplify the Result

After dividing each term, simplify the expression if possible. In this case, x + 3 is already in its simplest form.

Example with Variables in the Divisor

Let's look at a more complex example: (6x² - 18x) ÷ 6x

Step 1: Identify

(6x² - 18x) is the polynomial, and 6x is the monomial divisor.

Step 2: Distribute

(6x² - 18x) ÷ 6x = (6x² ÷ 6x) - (18x ÷ 6x)

Step 3: Divide Each Term

Here's where exponent laws in division become crucial:

6x² ÷ 6x = x (because x² ÷ x = x¹ = x)

18x ÷ 6x = 3 (the x's cancel out)

Step 4: Simplify

The final result is x - 3

Applying Exponent Laws

When dividing terms with variables, remember these key exponent laws in division:

  • x^n ÷ x^m = x^(n-m) when n > m
  • x^n ÷ x^n = 1 (they cancel out completely)
  • x^n ÷ x^m = 1 ÷ x^(m-n) when m > n

Practice Problems

To reinforce your understanding, try these practice polynomial division problems:

  1. (12x³ + 6x² - 18x) ÷ 6x
  2. (15y - 25y² + 10) ÷ 5
  3. (8z³ - 24z² + 16z) ÷ 8z

Common Mistakes to Avoid

Be aware of common mistakes in polynomial division to ensure accuracy in your calculations.

Handling More Complex Polynomial Divisions

When it comes to polynomial division, students often encounter more complex scenarios that require a deeper understanding of algebraic principles. One such scenario involves dividing trinomials by monomials, which can be particularly challenging due to the presence of multiple terms and varying exponents. Let's explore this concept using the example from the video: (10x³ + 25x² - 15x) ÷ 5x.

To approach this type of problem, it's crucial to break down the process into manageable steps. First, we need to identify the divisor (5x) and the dividend (10x³ + 25x² - 15x). The key is to distribute the division across all terms of the trinomial.

Starting with the first term, we divide 10x³ by 5x. This gives us 2x². Moving to the second term, we divide 25x² by 5x, resulting in 5x. Finally, we divide -15x by 5x, which simplifies to -3. Combining these results, we get the final answer: 2x² + 5x - 3.

It's important to note that when dealing with different variable exponents, we must apply the rules of exponents in division correctly. In this case, when dividing x³ by x, we subtract the exponents (3 - 1 = 2), hence the x² in our first term of the result.

Constant terms present another aspect to consider. If our trinomial had included a constant term, such as (10x³ + 25x² - 15x + 20) ÷ 5x, we would need to carry out the division as before and then add the constant term divided by the monomial at the end. In this case, 20 ÷ 5x would result in 4/x as the remainder.

Students often face challenges when dealing with these more complex divisions. Common mistakes include forgetting to distribute the division to all terms, incorrectly applying exponent rules, or mishandling constant terms. It's crucial to remind students to carefully consider each term individually and to double-check their work.

Another potential pitfall is failing to recognize when simplification is possible. For instance, if our example had been (15x³ + 30x² - 45x) ÷ 3x, students might not immediately see that both the numerator and denominator share a common factor of 3x, which could simplify the problem significantly.

To master these complex divisions, practice is key. Students should start with simpler examples and gradually work their way up to more challenging problems. Encouraging them to verbalize their thought process can also be helpful, as it reinforces understanding and helps identify any misconceptions.

Remember, mastering polynomial division is a fundamental skill in algebra that paves the way for more advanced mathematical concepts. By mastering these complex scenarios, students build a strong foundation for future mathematical endeavors, including factoring higher-degree polynomials, solving rational equations, and understanding algebraic fractions.

As students become more comfortable with these complex divisions, they'll find that the skills they develop transfer to other areas of mathematics. The ability to break down complex problems, apply algebraic rules consistently, and think critically about each step of the process are invaluable skills that extend far beyond polynomial division.

Practical Applications and Problem-Solving Strategies

Dividing polynomials by monomials is a fundamental mathematical skill with numerous practical applications in real-world scenarios. This technique is essential in various fields, including engineering, physics, and economics. For instance, in engineering, simplifying complex equations is used to simplify complex equations describing mechanical systems or electrical circuits. In physics, it helps in analyzing motion and energy transfer, while in economics, it's applied to model supply and demand curves.

When approaching polynomial division problems, several problem-solving strategies can be employed. First, always identify the divisor (monomial) and dividend (polynomial) clearly. Next, distribute the division operation to each term of the polynomial. Remember to simplify each term by canceling common factors between the numerator and denominator. It's crucial to maintain the correct order of terms, especially when dealing with polynomials of higher degrees.

For more complex problems, consider these tips: 1. Factor out the greatest common factor (GCF) before dividing, if possible. 2. Use the distributive property to break down the problem into simpler parts. 3. Check your answer by multiplying the quotient by the divisor; it should equal the original dividend. 4. Pay attention to the degree of the polynomial and how it changes after division.

Word problems involving polynomial division often appear in real-life contexts. For example: "A rectangular garden has a length that is 3 meters more than its width. If the area of the garden is represented by the expression x² + 3x - 10 square meters, find an expression for the width of the garden." To solve this, we need to divide the area polynomial by (x + 3), representing the length: (x² + 3x - 10) ÷ (x + 3) = x - 1 Therefore, the width of the garden can be expressed as (x - 1) meters.

Another example might involve calculating the average speed of a journey: "A car travels a distance represented by the polynomial 2x³ - 5x² + 7x - 3 kilometers in x hours. Find an expression for the average speed of the car." Here, we divide the distance polynomial by x (time) to get the speed: (2x³ - 5x² + 7x - 3) ÷ x = 2x² - 5x + 7 - 3/x km/h

The video mentioned a mental math for polynomial division trick for quick divisions, which can be particularly useful when dividing polynomials by monomials. This trick involves recognizing patterns and using the distributive property mentally. For instance, when dividing by x, you can quickly reduce the degree of each term by 1 and keep the coefficients the same, except for the constant term which becomes a fraction.

Example: (6x³ - 4x² + 2x - 8) ÷ x Mentally, we can quickly deduce: 6x² - 4x + 2 - 8/x

This mental math approach speeds up calculations and helps in developing a stronger intuition for polynomial operations. Practice this technique with simpler polynomials before applying it to more complex ones. Remember, while mental math is useful for quick estimations and simpler problems, it's always important to verify your answers through formal calculation methods, especially in academic or professional settings.

Common Mistakes and How to Avoid Them

When dividing polynomials by monomials, students often encounter several common mistakes that can lead to incorrect results. Understanding these errors and learning strategies to avoid them is crucial for mastering this important algebraic operation. One of the most frequent mistakes is improper distribution. Students may forget to divide each term of the polynomial by the monomial, leading to incomplete or incorrect answers. For example, when dividing (6x² + 12x - 18) by 3, some students might only divide the first term, resulting in (2x² + 12x - 18) instead of the correct answer (2x² + 4x - 6). To prevent this error, it's essential to emphasize the importance of distributing the division across all terms of the polynomial.

Another common mistake involves the misapplication of exponent laws. When dividing terms with like bases, students sometimes subtract exponents incorrectly or forget to subtract them altogether. For instance, when dividing x³ by x, some might write x³ instead of x². To avoid this, students should be reminded to always subtract exponents when dividing terms with the same base. A helpful strategy is to encourage students to write out the division process step-by-step, clearly showing the exponent subtraction.

Sign errors in polynomial division are also prevalent. Students may forget to consider the sign of the monomial divisor, leading to incorrect signs in the quotient. For example, when dividing (4x² - 8x + 12) by -2, some might write (2x² + 4x - 6) instead of the correct (-2x² + 4x - 6). To prevent this, emphasize the importance of carefully considering the sign of the divisor and its effect on each term of the polynomial.

Simplifying polynomial fractions can occur when students fail to fully reduce fractions in the result. For instance, when dividing (6x² + 9x) by 3x, some might leave the answer as (2x + 3) instead of simplifying it to (2x + 3)/x. Encourage students to always check if further simplification is possible, especially when the divisor contains variables. Lastly, some students struggle with identifying terms that can be divided evenly and those that cannot. This can lead to incorrect attempts to divide terms that don't share common factors. To address this, practice identifying common factors and emphasize the importance of recognizing when terms cannot be divided evenly by the monomial.


In this lesson, we've covered essential key points that form the foundation of our topic. Understanding these basic principles is crucial for mastering the subject. We've walked through a step-by-step process, which you should follow carefully to achieve the best results. Remember, practice makes perfect, so we encourage you to work with various examples to reinforce your learning. The introduction video provided at the beginning of the lesson is an invaluable resource for visualizing these concepts, so don't hesitate to revisit it as needed. As you continue your journey in this field, keep exploring and applying what you've learned. We invite you to engage further with this topic through additional resources and exercises available on our platform. Your dedication to mastering these principles will undoubtedly lead to success in your future endeavors. Keep up the great work!

Dividing Polynomials by Monomials

Divide by using a model. 6x224x3x\frac{{6{x^2} - 24x}}{{3x}}

Step 1: Rewrite the Question

First, let's rewrite the given polynomial division problem for clarity. We have: \[ \frac{{6x^2 - 24x}}{{3x}} \] Our goal is to divide each term in the numerator by the monomial in the denominator.

Step 2: Divide Each Term by the Monomial

We need to divide each term in the numerator by 3x3x. Let's do this step by step:

  • First term: 6x23x\frac{{6x^2}}{{3x}}
  • Second term: 24x3x\frac{{-24x}}{{3x}}

Let's handle these divisions one at a time.

Step 3: Divide the First Term

For the first term, 6x23x\frac{{6x^2}}{{3x}}:

  • Divide the coefficients: 63=2\frac{6}{3} = 2
  • Divide the variables: x2x=x21=x\frac{x^2}{x} = x^{2-1} = x
Therefore, 6x23x=2x\frac{{6x^2}}{{3x}} = 2x.

Step 4: Divide the Second Term

For the second term, 24x3x\frac{{-24x}}{{3x}}:

  • Divide the coefficients: 243=8\frac{-24}{3} = -8
  • Divide the variables: xx=x11=x0=1\frac{x}{x} = x^{1-1} = x^0 = 1
Therefore, 24x3x=8\frac{{-24x}}{{3x}} = -8.

Step 5: Combine the Results

Now, combine the results of the individual divisions: \[ 2x - 8 \] So, the simplified form of 6x224x3x\frac{{6x^2 - 24x}}{{3x}} is 2x82x - 8.

Step 6: Visualize Using a Model

To visualize this division using a model, we can represent the terms graphically. Let's break it down:

  • Represent 6x26x^2 as six large boxes (each representing x2x^2).
  • Represent 24x-24x as twenty-four smaller boxes (each representing x-x).

We need to divide these boxes into groups of 3x3x. Each group will contain three large boxes (for x2x^2) and three smaller boxes (for x-x).

Step 7: Draw the Model

Draw the model as follows:

  • Draw six large boxes for 6x26x^2 and shade them to indicate they are positive.
  • Draw twenty-four smaller boxes for 24x-24x and leave them unshaded to indicate they are negative.

Group these boxes into sets of 3x3x. Each set will contain three large boxes and three smaller boxes.

Step 8: Interpret the Model

Each group of 3x3x corresponds to one term in the simplified expression. You will have:

  • Two groups of xx (from 6x26x^2), giving 2x2x.
  • Eight groups of 1-1 (from 24x-24x), giving 8-8.

Thus, the model confirms that the simplified form of 6x224x3x\frac{{6x^2 - 24x}}{{3x}} is indeed 2x82x - 8.


  1. What is the difference between a polynomial and a monomial?

    A polynomial is an algebraic expression consisting of one or more terms, while a monomial is a special type of polynomial with only one term. For example, 3x² + 2x - 5 is a polynomial, whereas 4y³ is a monomial.

  2. How do you divide a polynomial by a monomial?

    To divide a polynomial by a monomial, you divide each term of the polynomial by the monomial separately, using the distributive property. For example, to divide (6x² - 12x + 18) by 3, you would calculate (6x² ÷ 3) - (12x ÷ 3) + (18 ÷ 3), which simplifies to 2x² - 4x + 6.

  3. What are some common mistakes when dividing polynomials by monomials?

    Common mistakes include forgetting to distribute the division to all terms, incorrectly applying exponent rules, making sign errors, failing to simplify fractions fully, and attempting to divide terms that don't share common factors. To avoid these, carefully distribute the division, pay attention to exponent laws, consider signs, and always check for possible simplification.

  4. How do exponent rules apply when dividing polynomials by monomials?

    When dividing terms with the same variable, subtract the exponents. For example, x ÷ x² = x³. If the exponent in the divisor is greater than in the dividend, the result will have a negative exponent, which can be written as a fraction. For instance, x ÷ x³ = 1/x².

  5. Can you provide a real-world application of dividing polynomials by monomials?

    One practical application is in calculating average speed. If a car travels a distance represented by the polynomial 2x³ - 5x² + 7x - 3 kilometers in x hours, dividing this polynomial by x gives the average speed: (2x³ - 5x² + 7x - 3) ÷ x = 2x² - 5x + 7 - 3/x km/h. This technique is useful in physics, engineering, and economics for simplifying complex equations and modeling real-world scenarios.

Prerequisite Topics for Dividing Polynomials by Monomials

Understanding how to divide polynomials by monomials is a crucial skill in algebra, but it requires a solid foundation in several prerequisite topics. To master this concept, students must first grasp the fundamentals of polynomial components. This knowledge forms the basis for recognizing the structure of polynomials and monomials, which is essential when performing division operations.

Another critical prerequisite is combining the exponent rules. When dividing polynomials by monomials, students frequently encounter exponents, and understanding how to manipulate them is crucial for simplifying expressions and obtaining correct results. This skill ties directly into multiplying and dividing monomials, which serves as a stepping stone to more complex polynomial division.

The ability to factor by taking out the greatest common factor is also vital. This skill helps students identify common terms between the polynomial and monomial, simplifying the division process. Similarly, recognizing common factors of polynomials is essential for efficient polynomial division.

Students should be comfortable with dividing integers and dividing decimals, as these fundamental arithmetic skills are frequently applied when dividing polynomials by monomials. Additionally, proficiency in solving linear equations using the distributive property can be helpful, especially when dealing with more complex polynomial divisions.

For students struggling with polynomial fractions, understanding the process of simplifying complex fractions can provide valuable insights. This skill often comes into play when dividing polynomials by monomials results in fractional expressions.

By mastering these prerequisite topics, students build a strong foundation for tackling the division of polynomials by monomials. Each concept contributes to a deeper understanding of the process, allowing for more efficient problem-solving and a clearer grasp of algebraic operations. As students progress, they'll find that these fundamental skills not only aid in polynomial division but also serve as building blocks for more advanced mathematical concepts.

Remember, mathematics is a cumulative subject, and each new skill builds upon previous knowledge. Taking the time to thoroughly understand these prerequisites will greatly enhance a student's ability to divide polynomials by monomials and pave the way for success in more advanced algebraic topics.