Solving linear equations with variables on both sides

  1. How to turn a word problem into an equation?
    • ex. 1: "revenue" problem
    • ex. 2: "area" problem
  1. Find the solution.
    1. 3.4x=6.33.7x - 3.4x = 6.3 - 3.7x
    2. 37+57x=13x\frac{3}{7} + \frac{5}{7}x = \frac{1}{3}x
    3. 0.42x=0.3x2.670.42x = - 0.3x - 2.67
    4. 56(x+3)=12x\frac{5}{6}\left( {x + 3} \right) = \frac{1}{2}x
    5. 238x=14(2x)2\frac{3}{8}x = \frac{1}{4}\left( {2 - x} \right)
  2. Solve.
    1. 3.61+0.25x=0.111.23x3.61 + 0.25x = 0.11 - 1.23x
    2. 20.1311.6x=3.7+15.2x20.13 - 11.6x = 3.7 + 15.2x
    3. 56x+3=216x - \frac{5}{6}x + 3 = 2 - \frac{1}{6}x
    4. 212x72=314x+342\frac{1}{2}x - \frac{7}{2} = 3\frac{1}{4}x + \frac{3}{4}
  3. Yesterday, Mary biked to school from home at 9 km/h. Today, she walked to school from home at 3.75 km/h. It took her 37 minutes to go to school on both days altogether.
    1. How long did it take Mary to bike to school?
    2. How far is Mary's home to school?
Topic Notes
When you want to solve a linear equation with variables on both sides, the first step is to isolate the variables to one side. Once you have done that, we can do subtraction, addition, cross multiplication, or any other necessary steps to solve the equation.


Solving linear equations with variables on both sides is a fundamental skill in algebra that requires systematic thinking and a structured problem-solving process. The introduction video provides a comprehensive overview of this topic, helping students grasp the essential concepts and techniques. When approaching these equations, it's crucial to follow a step-by-step method to isolate the variable and find the solution. This process typically involves using inverse operations to move terms between sides of the equation, combining like terms, and ultimately solving for the unknown. By mastering this skill, students develop a strong foundation for more advanced mathematical concepts. The video demonstrates various examples, highlighting common pitfalls and effective strategies. As students practice solving linear equations with variables on both sides, they enhance their analytical skills and build confidence in tackling more complex algebraic problems. This topic serves as a gateway to understanding more advanced mathematical concepts and real-world applications.

Understanding Linear Equations with Variables on Both Sides

Linear equations with variables on both sides are mathematical expressions that contain unknown quantities (variables) on both the left and right sides of the equal sign. These equations can be particularly challenging for students as they require a more advanced understanding of algebraic concepts and problem-solving techniques. Unlike simpler linear equations where variables are confined to one side, these equations demand a strategic approach to find the solution.

The primary challenge lies in the fact that students must manipulate both sides of the equation simultaneously to isolate the variable. This process is crucial and serves as the first step in solving linear equations step-by-step. Isolating variables means moving all terms containing the unknown to one side of the equation, typically the left, while keeping all constant terms on the other side.

For example, consider the equation: 3x + 2 = x + 10. Here, the variable x appears on both sides, making it a perfect illustration of this type of equation. To solve this, we need to isolate x on one side.

The importance of isolating variables cannot be overstated. It simplifies the equation, making it easier to solve and understand. By combining like terms in equations, students can more clearly see the relationship between the variable and the constants, leading to a more straightforward solution process.

Let's break down a step-by-step approach to solving linear equations step-by-step:

  1. Identify the equation and the variables on both sides.
  2. Choose a side to isolate the variable (usually the left side).
  3. Subtract the variable term from both sides to move all variables to one side.
  4. Combine like terms on each side of the equation.
  5. Perform inverse operations in algebra to isolate the variable completely.
  6. Check the solution by substituting it back into the original equation.

Using our example: 3x + 2 = x + 10

  1. Subtract x from both sides: 2x + 2 = 10
  2. Subtract 2 from both sides: 2x = 8
  3. Divide both sides by 2: x = 4

It's crucial to emphasize that whatever operation is performed on one side of the equation must be done on the other side as well. This maintains the equality of the equation, which is a fundamental principle in algebra. By consistently applying the same operations to both sides, students ensure that the equation remains balanced and true.

Another simple example to reinforce this concept is: 5x - 3 = 2x + 9. Following our step-by-step approach:

  1. Subtract 2x from both sides: 3x - 3 = 9
  2. Add 3 to both sides: 3x = 12
  3. Divide both sides by 3: x = 4

By practicing linear equations examples, students can develop a strong understanding of how to approach and solve linear equations with variables on both sides. This skill is fundamental in algebra and forms the basis for solving more complex equations in advanced mathematics.

In conclusion, mastering linear equations with variables on both sides is a critical step in a student's mathematical journey. It requires careful attention to the principle of equality, a systematic approach to isolating variables, and consistent practice. By understanding and applying these concepts, students can build confidence in their problem-solving abilities and prepare for more advanced mathematical challenges.

Strategies for Solving Linear Equations

Solving linear equations with variables on both sides can be challenging, but with the right strategies, it becomes manageable. This section will explore various solving strategies, including subtraction, addition, and cross multiplication, to help you tackle these equations efficiently.

Subtraction Strategy

The subtraction strategy is often the first approach to consider when solving linear equations. This method involves subtracting the same term from both sides of the equation to isolate the variable. For example, in the equation 3x + 5 = x + 9, we can subtract x from both sides to get 2x + 5 = 9. This strategy is particularly useful when the variable appears on both sides with different coefficients.

Addition Strategy

Similar to subtraction, the addition strategy involves adding the same term to both sides of the equation. This method is effective when dealing with negative terms or when you need to eliminate a term to isolate the variable. For instance, in the equation 2x - 7 = x + 3, we can add 7 to both sides to get 2x = x + 10. The addition strategy is particularly helpful when dealing with equations that have subtraction on one or both sides.

Cross Multiplication

Cross multiplication is a powerful strategy for solving equations with fractions or when the variable appears in the denominator. This method involves multiplying both sides of the equation by the common denominator to eliminate fractions. For example, in the equation (x + 2) / 3 = (x - 1) / 2, we can cross-multiply to get 2(x + 2) = 3(x - 1). This strategy simplifies complex fractional equations and makes them easier to solve.

Choosing the Most Efficient Strategy

Selecting the most efficient solving strategy is crucial for effective problem-solving. The choice depends on the structure of the equation:

  • For equations with variables on both sides and different coefficients, subtraction or addition is often the best approach.
  • When dealing with fractions or variables in denominators, cross multiplication is typically the most efficient method.
  • If the equation has many terms, consider combining like terms before applying any strategy.

Common Pitfalls and How to Avoid Them

When solving linear equations, be aware of these common pitfalls:

  1. Forgetting to perform operations on both sides of the equation. Always maintain balance by applying the same operation to both sides.
  2. Incorrectly distributing negative signs. Pay close attention when removing parentheses, especially with negative terms.
  3. Rushing to isolate the variable without simplifying first. Take time to combine like terms and simplify the equation before isolating the variable.
  4. Neglecting to check the solution. Always verify your answer by substituting it back into the original equation.

To avoid these pitfalls, work systematically and double-check each step. Practice with a variety of equations to become familiar with different structures and the most appropriate solving strategies for each.


Mastering these solving strategies - subtraction, addition, and cross multiplication - is essential for efficiently tackling linear equations with variables on both sides. By understanding when and why to use each method, you can approach equations with confidence. Remember to choose the most efficient strategy based on the equation's structure, and always be mindful of common pitfalls. With practice and attention to detail, you'll develop the skills to solve even the most complex linear equations accurately and efficiently.

Word Problems and Real-World Applications

Linear equations with variables on both sides frequently appear in word problems and real-world scenarios, providing a powerful tool for modeling and solving practical issues. These equations are particularly useful when comparing two different situations or when dealing with problems involving rates, proportions, or balancing quantities.

In real-world applications, linear equations can be used to solve problems in various fields, such as finance, physics, engineering, and everyday situations. For example, they can help determine break-even points in business, calculate travel times, or compare different pricing models.

Identifying key information in word problems is a crucial skill. Let's consider an example: "A store offers a 20% discount on all items. After applying the discount, a shirt costs $8 less than its original price. What was the original price of the shirt?" To set up this equation, we need to identify the key information and represent it mathematically:

  • Let x be the original price of the shirt
  • The discounted price is 80% of the original price (100% - 20% discount)
  • The difference between the original and discounted price is $8

Translating this into an equation: 0.8x = x - 8

The process of identifying key information involves carefully reading the problem, recognizing the unknown variable (in this case, the original price), and understanding the relationships between different quantities. It's essential to look for keywords that indicate mathematical operations, such as "more than," "less than," or "times."

Once the equation is set up, the next step is solving it. For our example:

  1. 0.8x = x - 8
  2. 0.8x - x = -8
  3. -0.2x = -8
  4. x = 40

Interpreting the solution in the context of the original problem is crucial. Here, we can conclude that the original price of the shirt was $40. To verify this, we can check that 20% of $40 is indeed $8, confirming our solution.

Here are some tips for effectively solving word problems:

  1. Read the problem carefully, multiple times if necessary.
  2. Identify the unknown variable and assign it a letter (commonly x).
  3. List all given information and relationships between quantities.
  4. Look for keywords that indicate mathematical operations.
  5. Set up the equation step by step, using the relationships you've identified.
  6. Solve the equation algebraically.
  7. Check your solution by substituting it back into the original problem.
  8. Ensure your answer makes sense in the context of the problem.

Another example of a real-world scenario involving linear equations could be: "A plumber charges a $50 call-out fee plus $80 per hour. A electrician charges no call-out fee but $100 per hour. For what duration of work would their charges be equal?" This problem can be translated into the equation: 50 + 80x = 100x, where x represents the number of hours worked.

Solving this equation: 50 + 80x = 100x, 50 = 20x, x = 2.5 hours. This means that for a job lasting 2.5 hours, both professionals would charge the same amount.

In conclusion, linear equations with variables on both sides are powerful tools for solving real-world problems. By mastering the skills of translating word problems into equations, solving them, and interpreting the results, you can tackle a wide range of practical challenges across various fields. Remember to always contextualize your solution and verify its reasonableness within the original problem scenario.

Common Mistakes and How to Avoid Them

Solving linear equations with variables on both sides can be challenging for many students. Understanding common mistakes and learning strategies to avoid them is crucial for mastering this fundamental algebraic skill. Let's explore some frequent errors and effective ways to overcome them.

1. Sign Change Errors

One of the most common mistakes occurs when students move terms from one side of the equation to the other. They often forget to change the sign of the term being moved. For example, in the equation 3x + 5 = 2x - 7, a student might incorrectly write 3x - 2x = -7 - 5 instead of the correct 3x - 2x = -7 + 5. To avoid this, always remember the golden rule: when moving a term, change its sign.

2. Forgetting to Perform Operations on Both Sides

Another frequent error is performing an operation on one side of the equation but not the other. This violates the principle of maintaining equality. For instance, in 4x + 6 = 2x + 10, a student might subtract 2x from the left side only, resulting in 2x + 6 = 2x + 10. The correct step is to subtract 2x from both sides: 4x - 2x + 6 = 2x - 2x + 10. Always apply operations to both sides to keep the equation balanced.

3. Misinterpreting the Final Solution

Sometimes students arrive at the correct solution but misinterpret it. For example, if the final step is x = 4, they might write the answer as 4x instead of x = 4. To avoid this, clearly state the variable and its value in the final answer.

4. Arithmetic Errors

Simple calculation mistakes can lead to incorrect solutions. For example, in 3x + 7 = 22, a student might correctly isolate x but then make an error in division, writing x = 5 instead of x = 5. Always double-check your arithmetic, especially when dealing with fractions or negative numbers.

Strategies for Avoiding Mistakes

1. Double-check your work: After solving an equation, go through each step again to ensure you haven't made any errors.

2. Use estimation: Before solving, estimate what the answer might be. This can help you catch unreasonable results.

3. Verify your solution: Plug your answer back into the original equation to check if it works.

4. Practice consistently: Regular practice helps reinforce correct techniques and reduces the likelihood of mistakes.

Example of Correcting Mistakes

Incorrect solution:
2x + 5 = 3x - 7
2x - 3x = -7 - 5 (Sign change error)
-x = -12
x = 12 (Misinterpreting negative)

Correct solution:
2x + 5 = 3x - 7
2x - 3x = -7 - 5
-x = -12
x = 12

By understanding these common mistakes and implementing strategies to avoid them, students can significantly improve their ability to solve linear equations with variables on both sides. Remember, practice and careful attention to detail are key to mastering this essential algebraic skill. Always take your time, show your work clearly, and verify your solutions to ensure accuracy in your problem-solving process.

Practice Problems and Self-Assessment

Welcome to our practice problems section! Here, you'll find a variety of equations to solve, ranging from simple to more complex. We've included both numerical problems and word problems to help you develop a well-rounded understanding of mathematical concepts. Remember, it's crucial to attempt these problems on your own before looking at the solutions. This approach will help you identify areas where you need more practice and improve your problem-solving skills.

Problem Set

  1. Solve for x: 2x + 5 = 13
  2. Find the area of a rectangle with length 8 cm and width 6 cm.
  3. If a train travels at 60 mph for 2.5 hours, how far does it go?
  4. Solve the system of equations: 3x + 2y = 12 and x - y = 1
  5. A store offers a 15% discount on a $80 item. What is the final price?

Step-by-Step Solutions

  1. 2x + 5 = 13

    • Subtract 5 from both sides: 2x = 8
    • Divide both sides by 2: x = 4
  2. Area of rectangle = length × width

    • Area = 8 cm × 6 cm = 48 cm²
  3. Distance = Speed × Time

    • Distance = 60 mph × 2.5 hours = 150 miles
  4. Using substitution method:

    • From x - y = 1, we get x = y + 1
    • Substitute into 3x + 2y = 12: 3(y + 1) + 2y = 12
    • Simplify: 3y + 3 + 2y = 12
    • Combine like terms: 5y + 3 = 12
    • Subtract 3 from both sides: 5y = 9
    • Divide by 5: y = 1.8
    • Substitute back to find x: x = 1.8 + 1 = 2.8
    • Solution: x = 2.8, y = 1.8
  5. Calculating discounted price:

    • Discount amount = 15% of $80 = 0.15 × $80 = $12
    • Final price = Original price - Discount = $80 - $12 = $68

Self-Assessment Tips

  • Time yourself while solving problems to improve speed and efficiency.
  • Check your answers against the solutions provided.
  • For incorrect answers, review the step-by-step solution and identify where you went wrong.
  • Keep a log of problem types you find challenging for focused practice.
  • Regularly revisit previously challenging problems to track improvement.

Identifying Areas for Improvement

  • Pay attention to recurring mistakes in specific types of problems.
  • Note which concepts or formulas you frequently forget or misapply.
  • Assess your system of equations skills.


In conclusion, this article has highlighted the crucial role of systematic problem-solving in tackling linear equations with variables on both sides. We've explored key concepts and strategies that form the foundation of this mathematical skill. The introduction video provided a valuable visual and auditory explanation, enhancing understanding of these complex ideas. Remember, mastering this topic requires consistent practice and engagement. We encourage you to continue honing your skills through additional resources and practice materials. By applying the methods discussed and working through various examples, you'll develop a stronger grasp of linear equations with variables. This knowledge will prove invaluable in more advanced mathematical studies and real-world applications. Don't hesitate to revisit the concepts covered here and seek out further learning opportunities. With dedication and the right approach, you'll soon find yourself confidently solving even the most challenging linear equations.

Solving Linear Equations with Variables on Both Sides

Find the solution for the equation: 3.4x=6.33.7x - 3.4x = 6.3 - 3.7x

Step 1: Identify Like Terms

First, observe that both sides of the equation have terms that include the variable xx. Specifically, we have 3.4x-3.4x on the left side and 3.7x-3.7x on the right side. These are like terms because they both contain the variable xx.

Step 2: Move Variable Terms to One Side

To simplify the equation, we need to collect all the variable terms on one side. We can do this by adding 3.7x3.7x to both sides of the equation. This step helps to eliminate the variable term from the right side:

3.4x+3.7x=6.33.7x+3.7x - 3.4x + 3.7x = 6.3 - 3.7x + 3.7x

After performing the addition, the equation simplifies to:

0.3x=6.3 0.3x = 6.3

Step 3: Simplify the Equation

Now, we have a simpler equation with the variable term isolated on one side. The next step is to solve for xx. To do this, we need to isolate xx by dividing both sides of the equation by the coefficient of xx, which is 0.30.3:

0.3x0.3=6.30.3 \frac{0.3x}{0.3} = \frac{6.3}{0.3}

This division simplifies to:

x=21 x = 21

Step 4: Verify the Solution

To ensure our solution is correct, we can substitute x=21x = 21 back into the original equation and check if both sides are equal:

3.4(21)=6.33.7(21) - 3.4(21) = 6.3 - 3.7(21)

Calculate each side:

71.4=6.377.7 - 71.4 = 6.3 - 77.7

71.4=71.4 - 71.4 = - 71.4

Since both sides are equal, our solution x=21x = 21 is verified to be correct.


  1. What is the first step in solving linear equations with variables on both sides?

    The first step is to isolate the variable terms on one side of the equation. This typically involves using addition or subtraction to move all terms containing the variable to one side (usually the left) and all constant terms to the other side. For example, in the equation 3x + 2 = x + 10, you would subtract x from both sides to get 2x + 2 = 10.

  2. How do you handle negative signs when solving linear equations?

    When dealing with negative signs, it's crucial to remember that subtracting a negative is the same as adding a positive. For instance, if you need to move -2x from one side to another, you would add 2x to both sides. Always be careful with sign changes and consider using parentheses to avoid mistakes.

  3. What should you do if you get a solution like 0 = 0 or 1 = 2?

    If you get 0 = 0, it means the equation is an identity, and it's true for all values of the variable. This indicates infinitely many solutions. If you get a false statement like 1 = 2, it means the equation has no solution. These outcomes can occur when the original equation represents a special case or contradiction.

  4. How can you check if your solution is correct?

    To verify your solution, substitute the value you found back into the original equation. If the equation holds true (both sides are equal), your solution is correct. For example, if you solved 2x + 3 = x + 5 and got x = 2, you would check by plugging 2 back in: 2(2) + 3 = 2 + 5, which simplifies to 7 = 7, confirming the solution.

  5. What's the difference between solving equations with variables on one side versus both sides?

    Equations with variables on one side are generally simpler to solve as they only require isolating the variable from constants. Equations with variables on both sides require an additional step of consolidating variable terms on one side before isolating. This often involves more algebraic manipulation and careful attention to sign changes when moving terms across the equal sign.

Prerequisite Topics for Solving Linear Equations with Variables on Both Sides

Understanding the foundations of algebra is crucial when tackling more complex problems like solving linear equations with variables on both sides. One key prerequisite is mastering application of integer operations, which forms the basis for manipulating equations. This skill is essential as it allows you to perform basic arithmetic operations confidently within equations.

Another important concept to grasp is dividing integers, which is often necessary when isolating variables. This skill, combined with understanding inverse operations in algebra, enables you to move terms from one side of the equation to the other effectively.

As you progress, solving linear equations by substitution becomes a valuable technique. This method is particularly useful when dealing with equations that have variables on both sides, as it allows you to replace one variable with an equivalent expression.

To fully appreciate the practical applications of linear equations, exploring distance and time questions in linear equations can provide real-world context. This helps in understanding how variables on both sides of an equation can represent different aspects of a problem.

Developing proficiency in linear equation applications, such as graphing from slope-intercept form, enhances your ability to visualize and interpret equations. This skill is complemented by practicing word problems of graphing linear functions, which bridges the gap between abstract equations and practical scenarios.

As you become more comfortable with linear equations, determining the number of solutions to linear equations becomes an important analytical skill. This understanding is crucial when dealing with equations that may have one, infinite, or no solutions.

For those looking to advance further, solving complex polynomials with unknowns builds upon the skills used in solving linear equations with variables on both sides. This topic introduces more sophisticated equation-solving techniques that will be valuable in higher-level mathematics.

By mastering these prerequisite topics, you'll build a strong foundation for tackling linear equations with variables on both sides. Each concept contributes to your overall understanding and problem-solving abilities, preparing you for more advanced algebraic challenges.