Complex numbers and complex planes

  1. What are complex numbers and complex planes?
  1. For the following quadratic equations,
    i) find and classify the roots
    ii) plot the roots on the complex plane
    1. y=x21 y=x^2-1
    2. y=x2+1 y=x^2+1
    3. y=x2+2x5 y=-x^2+2x-5
  2. Given that function f(x)=2x22x+3 f(x)=2x^2-2x+3 , find the roots of the function
    Topic Notes
    Now that we know the basics of imaginary numbers, let's expand our knowledge and learn about another concept that is closely tied to imaginary numbers – complex numbers, a number that is consisted of a real part, and an imaginary part. In this section, we will learn what makes up a complex number, as well as how to plot on a complex plane.

    Introduction to Complex Numbers and Complex Planes

    Complex numbers are a fundamental concept in mathematics, extending the real number system to include imaginary numbers. These numbers take the form a + bi, where a and b are real numbers, and i is the imaginary unit defined as the square root of -1. The complex plane is a two-dimensional representation of complex numbers, with the real part on the horizontal axis and the imaginary part on the vertical axis. Our introduction video provides a visual and intuitive explanation of these concepts, making it easier to grasp their significance in mathematics and various scientific fields. Understanding complex numbers is crucial as they form the basis for many advanced mathematical theories and have practical applications in physics, engineering, and signal processing. Imaginary numbers, once considered purely theoretical, are now recognized as an integral part of complex numbers, enabling us to solve equations that were previously unsolvable in the real number system.

    Understanding Complex Numbers

    Complex numbers are a fundamental concept in mathematics that extend the idea of real numbers to include an imaginary component. These numbers are essential in various fields, including engineering, physics, and advanced mathematics. A complex number is composed of two parts: a real part and an imaginary part.

    The standard form of a complex number is represented as z = a + bi, where:

    • z is the complex number
    • a is the real part
    • b is the coefficient of the imaginary part
    • i is the imaginary unit, defined as the square root of -1

    For example, in the complex number 3 + 2i, 3 is the real part, and 2i is the imaginary part. The imaginary unit i is a mathematical concept that allows us to work with the square root of negative numbers, which are not defined in the real number system.

    Complex numbers are traditionally denoted by the letters z and w in mathematical notation. This convention helps distinguish them from real numbers, which are often represented by letters like x, y, or r.

    Identifying Real and Imaginary Parts

    When working with complex numbers, it's crucial to be able to identify their real and imaginary parts quickly. Here's how to do it:

    1. The real part is the term without i. It's the number that could exist on its own as a real number.
    2. The imaginary part is the coefficient of i. It's the number multiplied by i.

    For instance, in the complex number 5 - 3i:

    • The real part is 5
    • The imaginary part is -3

    It's important to note that complex numbers can also appear in different forms. Sometimes, the real or imaginary part might be zero. For example:

    • 4 + 0i is equivalent to the real number 4
    • 0 + 2i is a purely imaginary number, often written simply as 2i

    Understanding the composition of complex numbers is crucial for performing operations with them, such as addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. These operations follow specific rules that take into account both the real and imaginary components.

    Complex numbers have numerous applications in science and engineering. They are used to describe electromagnetic waves, analyze electrical circuits, and solve problems in quantum mechanics. In mathematics, they are fundamental to the study of complex analysis and have important roles in algebra and number theory.

    The concept of complex numbers opens up a whole new dimension in mathematics, allowing us to solve equations that have no real solutions. For instance, the equation x² + 1 = 0 has no real solutions, but it has two complex solutions: i and -i.

    As you delve deeper into the study of complex numbers, you'll encounter more advanced concepts such as the complex plane, polar form of complex numbers, and Euler's formula. These topics build upon the basic understanding of complex numbers as a combination of real and imaginary parts.

    In conclusion, complex numbers, represented in the form z = a + bi, are a powerful mathematical tool that extends our number system beyond real numbers. By understanding their composition of real and imaginary parts, we can tackle a wide range of problems in mathematics and its applications in the real world.

    The Complex Plane

    The complex plane is a fundamental concept in mathematics that provides a visual representation of complex numbers. Similar to how we plot real numbers on a number line, the complex plane allows us to plot complex numbers in a two-dimensional space. This powerful tool is essential for understanding the behavior and relationships of complex numbers in various mathematical and scientific applications.

    At first glance, the complex plane may appear similar to the familiar xy-plane used in coordinate geometry. However, there are crucial differences in how we label and interpret the axes. In the complex plane, we have two perpendicular axes: the real axis and the imaginary part of a complex number. The real axis, which is horizontal, corresponds to the real part of a complex number. It is analogous to the x-axis in the xy-plane. The imaginary axis, which is vertical, represents the imaginary part of a complex number and is similar to the y-axis in the xy-plane.

    The key distinction lies in how we label these axes. The real axis is typically denoted as "Re" or simply labeled with real numbers. The imaginary axis, on the other hand, is labeled with multiples of i, where i represents the imaginary unit (defined as the square root of -1). This unique labeling system reflects the nature of complex numbers, which consist of both real and imaginary components.

    Plotting complex numbers on the complex plane is a straightforward process once you understand the concept. Each complex number can be expressed in the form a + bi, where 'a' represents the real part and 'b' represents the coefficient of the imaginary part. To plot a complex number, we simply use the real part (a) as the x-coordinate and the imaginary part (b) as the y-coordinate.

    Let's demonstrate this process using the example from the video: w = -4 - 100i. To plot this complex number, we first identify its components. The real part is -4, and the imaginary part is -100i. On the complex plane, we would move 4 units to the left on the real axis (since it's negative) and 100 units down on the imaginary axis (again, because it's negative). The resulting point (-4, -100) on the complex plane represents our complex number w.

    This method of plotting allows us to visualize complex numbers as points in a two-dimensional space. It's important to note that while we use i to denote the imaginary unit, the actual value plotted on the imaginary axis is the coefficient of i. In our example, we plot -100, not -100i.

    The complex plane is not just a tool for plotting individual numbers; it also helps us understand operations on complex numbers. Addition and subtraction of complex numbers can be visualized as vector operations on the complex plane. Multiplication and division have interesting geometric interpretations of complex numbers, involving rotations and scalings.

    Understanding the complex plane is crucial for various fields of mathematics and science. In engineering, it's used to analyze electrical circuits and signal processing. In physics, it helps describe quantum mechanics and electromagnetic fields. Even in computer graphics, complex numbers and the complex plane play a role in certain algorithms and transformations.

    As you delve deeper into the study of complex numbers, you'll find that the complex plane becomes an indispensable tool for visualizing and solving problems. It bridges the gap between algebraic and geometric representations of complex numbers, offering insights that might not be immediately apparent from equations alone. Whether you're a student, researcher, or professional in a technical field, mastering the concept of the complex plane will enhance your understanding and problem-solving capabilities in the fascinating world of complex numbers.

    Working with Complex Numbers

    Complex numbers are essential in various fields of mathematics and science. Understanding basic operations with complex numbers operations is crucial for solving advanced mathematical problems and applications in physics and engineering. In this section, we'll explore the fundamental operations of addition, subtraction, multiplication, and complex numbers operations, along with the concept of complex conjugates.

    Addition and Subtraction of Complex Numbers

    Complex numbers are typically represented in the form a + bi, where a is the real part and b is the imaginary part. When adding or subtraction of complex numbers, we simply combine the real and imaginary parts separately.

    Example of addition: (3 + 2i) + (4 - 5i) = (3 + 4) + (2 - 5)i = 7 - 3i

    Example of subtraction of complex numbers: (3 + 2i) - (4 - 5i) = (3 - 4) + (2 - (-5))i = -1 + 7i

    Multiplication of Complex Numbers

    Multiplying complex numbers involves using the distributive property and remembering that i² = -1. The process is similar to multiplying two binomials.

    Example: (2 + 3i)(4 - i) = 8 - 2i + 12i - 3i² = 8 + 10i + 3 = 11 + 10i

    Division of Complex Numbers

    Division of complex numbers is more intricate and involves the use of complex conjugates. To divide two complex numbers, we multiply both the numerator and denominator by the complex conjugate of the denominator. This eliminates the imaginary part in the denominator, allowing us to perform the division.

    Example: (3 + 2i) / (1 - i)

    Multiply numerator and denominator by (1 + i):

    ((3 + 2i)(1 + i)) / ((1 - i)(1 + i)) = (3 + 3i + 2i + 2i²) / (1² + i² ) = (3 + 5i - 2) / (1 - 1) = (1 + 5i) / 2

    Complex Conjugates

    The complex conjugate of a complex number a + bi is a - bi. Complex conjugates are crucial in simplifying calculations, especially in division. They have several important properties:

    • The product of a complex number and its conjugate is always a real number.
    • The sum of a complex number and its conjugate is always a real number.
    • Complex conjugates are useful in rationalizing denominators in complex fractions.

    Uses of Complex Conjugates

    Complex conjugates have numerous applications in mathematics and physics:

    1. Simplifying complex fractions: As seen in the division example, conjugates help eliminate imaginary parts in denominators.
    2. Finding absolute values: The absolute value of complex numbers z is given by (z * z*), where z* is the complex conjugate of z.
    3. Solving polynomial equations: Conjugates help in finding roots of polynomials with complex coefficients.
    4. Signal processing: In electrical engineering, conjugates are used in analyzing and processing complex signals.

    Practice and Applications

    To master complex number operations, regular practice is essential. Start with simple examples and gradually move to more complex problems. Apply these concepts in various fields such as:

    • Electrical engineering: Analyzing AC circuits and electromagnetic waves
    • Quantum mechanics: Describing quantum states and operators
    • Computer graphics: Representing rotations and transformations

    Applications of Complex Numbers

    Complex numbers, consisting of real and imaginary parts, have numerous real-world applications across various fields of science and engineering. These mathematical entities play a crucial role in solving practical problems and advancing technology in areas such as electrical engineering, quantum mechanics, and computer graphics.

    In electrical engineering, complex numbers are fundamental to the analysis of alternating current (AC) circuits. Engineers use them to represent impedance, which combines resistance and reactance. This representation allows for easier calculations of voltage, current, and power in AC systems. For instance, in power transmission, complex numbers help optimize the design of power grids by modeling the behavior of electrical components and predicting power flow. They are also essential in signal processing, where the Fourier transform, which relies heavily on complex numbers, is used to analyze and manipulate signals in telecommunications and audio processing.

    Quantum mechanics, the branch of physics dealing with atomic and subatomic particles, extensively utilizes complex numbers. The wave function, a central concept in quantum mechanics, is described using complex numbers. This mathematical representation allows physicists to model the probability amplitudes of quantum states and predict the behavior of particles. Complex numbers are crucial in describing quantum superposition and entanglement, phenomena that are fundamental to quantum computing and cryptography. In particle physics, complex numbers are used in the formulation of Schrödinger's equation, which describes how quantum states evolve over time.

    Computer graphics is another field where complex numbers find significant applications. In 3D modeling and animation, complex numbers are used to represent rotations and transformations in a more efficient and compact way compared to traditional matrix methods. Quaternions, an extension of complex numbers, are particularly useful in this context as they provide a smooth and continuous representation of rotations, avoiding issues like gimbal lock. Complex numbers also play a role in fractal generation, such as the famous Mandelbrot set, which creates intricate and visually stunning patterns used in art and computer-generated imagery.

    In fluid dynamics, complex numbers are employed to model potential flow, which is crucial in aerodynamics and hydrodynamics. Engineers use complex potential functions to analyze the flow of fluids around objects, helping in the design of aircraft wings, ship hulls, and turbines. The conformal mapping technique, based on complex analysis, allows for the transformation of complex flow problems into simpler geometries, facilitating easier solutions.

    Control systems engineering also benefits from complex numbers. The Laplace transform, which uses complex numbers, is a powerful tool for analyzing and designing control systems. It allows engineers to convert differential equations describing system dynamics into algebraic equations, simplifying the analysis of system stability and response. This application is crucial in developing autopilot systems, industrial process controls, and robotics.

    In summary, the applications of complex numbers extend far beyond abstract mathematics. They are indispensable tools in electrical engineering for AC circuit analysis and signal processing. In quantum mechanics, they form the basis for describing the fundamental nature of matter and energy. Computer graphics leverages complex numbers for efficient 3D transformations and creating visually rich fractals. From optimizing power grids to advancing quantum computing, and from enhancing computer-generated imagery to designing efficient fluid systems, complex numbers continue to play a vital role in solving real-world problems and driving technological innovation across multiple disciplines.

    Advanced Concepts in Complex Numbers

    As we delve deeper into the realm of complex numbers, we encounter more sophisticated concepts that build upon our foundational understanding. In this section, we'll explore three pivotal topics: De Moivre's theorem, roots of complex numbers, and Euler's formula. These advanced complex number concepts are essential for solving intricate mathematical problems and have wide-ranging applications in various fields of science and engineering.

    Let's begin with De Moivre's theorem, a powerful tool in complex number theory. Named after Abraham de Moivre, this theorem provides a method for raising complex numbers to integer powers. Formally stated, De Moivre's theorem asserts that for any complex number z = r(cos θ + i sin θ) and any integer n, we have: z^n = r^n(cos(nθ) + i sin(nθ)). This elegant formula simplifies the process of calculating powers of complex numbers, especially when expressed in polar form representation.

    The applications of De Moivre's theorem are numerous. It's particularly useful in trigonometry, where it can be employed to derive multiple angle formulas. In electrical engineering, it aids in the analysis of alternating current circuits. The theorem also plays a crucial role in our next topic: finding the roots of complex numbers.

    Roots of complex numbers are an extension of the concept of square roots to the complex plane. Just as real numbers have square roots, complex numbers have nth roots. For any complex number z and positive integer n, there are exactly n distinct complex numbers w such that w^n = z. These are called the nth roots of z. Finding these roots is significantly simplified by using De Moivre's theorem in conjunction with polar form representation.

    To find the nth roots of a complex number z = r(cos θ + i sin θ), we use the formula: w_k = r^(1/n) (cos((θ + 2πk)/n) + i sin((θ + 2πk)/n)), where k = 0, 1, 2, ..., n-1. This formula generates all n roots, which are equally spaced around a circle in the complex plane. The ability to find roots of complex numbers is crucial in solving polynomial equations and has applications in fields such as quantum mechanics and signal processing.

    Moving on to our third advanced topic, we encounter one of the most beautiful equations in mathematics: Euler's formula. Named after Leonhard Euler, this formula establishes a profound connection between complex exponentials and trigonometric functions. Euler's formula states that for any real number x, e^(ix) = cos x + i sin x, where e is the base of natural logarithms.

    The implications of Euler's formula are far-reaching. It provides a bridge between exponential functions and trigonometric functions, two seemingly unrelated areas of mathematics. This connection simplifies many calculations in complex analysis and has applications in various branches of physics, particularly in wave theory and quantum mechanics.

    One of the most famous consequences of Euler's formula is Euler's identity: e^(iπ) + 1 = 0. This equation, often described as the most beautiful in mathematics, elegantly connects five fundamental mathematical constants: e, i, π, 1, and 0. It's a testament to the deep interconnectedness of mathematical concepts.

    These advanced complex number concepts - De Moivre's theorem, roots of complex numbers, and Euler's formula - form a powerful toolkit for mathematical analysis. They enable us to solve problems that would be intractable using only real number techniques. In physics, these concepts are indispensable for describing wave phenomena, quantum states, and electromagnetic fields. In engineering, they're crucial for analyzing circuits, signal processing, and control systems.

    As we've seen, the world of complex numbers is rich with fascinating concepts that extend far beyond basic arithmetic. By mastering these advanced topics, we gain a deeper appreciation for the elegance and power of complex analysis. Whether you're pursuing further studies in mathematics, physics, or engineering, a solid grasp of these concepts will serve as a strong foundation for understanding more advanced theories and applications in your field.


    In this article, we've explored the fascinating world of complex numbers and complex planes, essential concepts in advanced mathematics. We've covered the fundamental definition of complex numbers, their representation on the complex plane, and the importance of the imaginary unit i. The introduction video provided a valuable visual and auditory explanation, making these abstract concepts more accessible. Understanding complex numbers is crucial for various fields, including engineering, physics, and computer science. We've discussed operations with complex numbers, such as addition, subtraction of complex numbers, multiplication, and division, as well as their geometric interpretations on the complex plane. The article also touched on polar form and Euler's formula, highlighting their significance in working with complex numbers. To solidify your understanding, we encourage you to explore further resources and practice solving problems involving complex numbers. By mastering these concepts, you'll open doors to more advanced mathematical topics and their real-world applications.

    Complex number operations are fundamental in various mathematical and engineering applications. For instance, the subtraction of complex numbers is a basic operation that is often used in signal processing. Similarly, the multiplication of complex numbers is crucial in understanding wave functions in quantum mechanics. Additionally, complex number operations in polar form simplify many calculations in electrical engineering. By mastering these operations, you can tackle more complex problems with confidence.

    Complex Numbers and Complex Planes

    For the following quadratic equations,
    i) find and classify the roots
    ii) plot the roots on the complex plane

    Step 1: Understanding the Quadratic Equation

    We start with the given quadratic equation: y=x21 y = x^2 - 1 . To find the roots of this equation, we need to set y y to 0. This is because the roots of the equation are the values of x x that make the equation equal to zero. So, we set up the equation as follows:

    0=x21 0 = x^2 - 1

    Step 2: Solving for x

    Next, we solve for x x . We notice that the equation 0=x21 0 = x^2 - 1 is a difference of squares. A difference of squares can be factored into two binomials:

    0=(x+1)(x1) 0 = (x + 1)(x - 1)

    We now have two factors, x+1 x + 1 and x1 x - 1 . To find the roots, we set each factor equal to zero and solve for x x :

    x+1=0 x + 1 = 0 x=1 x = -1

    x1=0 x - 1 = 0 x=1 x = 1

    Therefore, the roots of the equation y=x21 y = x^2 - 1 are x=1 x = -1 and x=1 x = 1 .

    Step 3: Classifying the Roots

    Now that we have found the roots, we need to classify them. The roots x=1 x = -1 and x=1 x = 1 are both real numbers. There are no imaginary components in these roots. Therefore, we classify these roots as pure real roots.

    In summary, the roots of the equation y=x21 y = x^2 - 1 are x=1 x = -1 and x=1 x = 1 , and they are classified as real roots.

    Step 4: Plotting the Roots on the Complex Plane

    To plot the roots on the complex plane, we need to understand the structure of the complex plane. The complex plane consists of a horizontal axis (the real axis) and a vertical axis (the imaginary axis). Since the roots x=1 x = -1 and x=1 x = 1 are real numbers, they will be plotted on the real axis.

    On the complex plane:

    • The point x=1 x = -1 will be plotted at (-1, 0) on the real axis.
    • The point x=1 x = 1 will be plotted at (1, 0) on the real axis.

    These points lie on the real axis because their imaginary parts are zero. In other words, they have no imaginary component, which means they are purely real numbers.

    To visualize this, imagine a number line where the horizontal axis represents real numbers. The points -1 and 1 will be marked on this line, indicating the positions of the roots.


    In conclusion, we have successfully found and classified the roots of the quadratic equation y=x21 y = x^2 - 1 . The roots are x=1 x = -1 and x=1 x = 1 , and they are classified as real roots. We have also plotted these roots on the complex plane, where they lie on the real axis at points (-1, 0) and (1, 0).


    1. What is the difference between real and complex numbers?

      Real numbers are numbers that can be represented on a number line, including both rational and irrational numbers. Complex numbers, on the other hand, include both real and imaginary components, represented as a + bi, where 'a' is the real part, 'b' is the imaginary part, and 'i' is the square root of -1. Complex numbers cannot be represented on a single number line and require a two-dimensional complex plane for visualization.

    2. How do you add and subtract complex numbers?

      To add or subtract complex numbers, you combine the real and imaginary parts separately. For example, (a + bi) + (c + di) = (a + c) + (b + d)i. Similarly, (a + bi) - (c + di) = (a - c) + (b - d)i. The real parts are added or subtracted, and the imaginary parts are added or subtracted, keeping the 'i' term.

    3. What is the complex plane and how is it used?

      The complex plane is a two-dimensional coordinate system used to represent complex numbers graphically. The horizontal axis represents the real part, and the vertical axis represents the imaginary part. Each point on this plane corresponds to a unique complex number. The complex plane is useful for visualizing operations on complex numbers, understanding their geometric properties, and solving problems in fields like electrical engineering and quantum mechanics.

    4. What are some real-world applications of complex numbers?

      Complex numbers have numerous applications in various fields. In electrical engineering, they are used to analyze AC circuits and signal processing. In physics, they are fundamental to quantum mechanics and electromagnetic theory. Complex numbers are also used in computer graphics for efficient rotations and transformations, in control systems engineering for analyzing system stability, and in fluid dynamics for modeling potential flow.

    5. What is Euler's formula and why is it important?

      Euler's formula, e^(ix) = cos(x) + i sin(x), establishes a fundamental relationship between exponential and trigonometric functions using complex numbers. It's important because it bridges different areas of mathematics, simplifies many calculations in complex analysis, and has wide-ranging applications in physics and engineering. Euler's formula leads to Euler's identity, e^(iπ) + 1 = 0, which is often considered one of the most beautiful equations in mathematics, connecting five fundamental constants.

    Prerequisite Topics

    Understanding complex numbers and complex planes is a crucial step in advancing your mathematical knowledge. However, to fully grasp this concept, it's essential to have a solid foundation in several prerequisite topics. These fundamental concepts not only provide the necessary background but also enhance your ability to work with complex numbers effectively.

    One of the key prerequisites is the real number system. This forms the basis for understanding how complex numbers extend beyond real numbers. By mastering the properties of real numbers, you'll be better equipped to comprehend the unique characteristics of complex numbers.

    Another crucial concept is the imaginary unit square root of -1. This is the foundation of complex numbers, as it introduces the concept of imaginary numbers. Understanding this principle is vital for working with complex numbers in various forms and operations.

    Familiarity with the standard form of complex numbers is also essential. This knowledge allows you to represent complex numbers effectively and perform operations on them. It's the starting point for more advanced concepts in complex number theory.

    When it comes to operations, mastering the addition and subtraction of complex numbers is fundamental. These basic operations are the building blocks for more complex calculations and are frequently used in various applications of complex numbers.

    Similarly, understanding the division of complex numbers is crucial. This operation, along with multiplication, forms the core of algebraic manipulations involving complex numbers. Proficiency in these operations is essential for solving complex equations and working with complex planes.

    Lastly, knowledge of complex conjugates is vital. Complex conjugates play a significant role in various aspects of complex number theory, including simplification of expressions and solving equations.

    By thoroughly understanding these prerequisite topics, you'll be well-prepared to delve into the world of complex numbers and complex planes. Each concept builds upon the others, creating a comprehensive framework for advanced mathematical analysis. As you progress in your studies, you'll find that these foundational concepts continually resurface, reinforcing their importance in the broader context of complex number theory and its applications in mathematics and related fields.