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  1. Introduction to Probability
    • What is probability?
    • How to write probability as a fraction, decimal, and percent?
    • How to draw a tree diagram?
  2. Introduction to statistics:
    • What is mean?
    • What is median?
    • What is an outlier?
    • What is mode?
    • What is range?
  3. What is a two-way frequency table?
  4. How to read a two-way frequency table?
  1. The following is the money raised in a school fund raising activity by each class in grade 9: $1 000, $580, $810, $1 050, $840 and $600. What is the mean, median and mode amount of money raised by these six classes?
    1. Six hundred people were randomly selected in downtown. They were asked if they choose their clothes based on its comfort or style. The following is the results:
















      1. What is the probability that a person in the survey is a female?
      2. What is the probability that a person chooses comfort over style?
      3. What is the probability that a male chooses style over comfort?
      4. Was there any assumption made in this survey?
    Topic Notes
    This lesson answers the question: What are the differences between mean, median and mode in statistics? Also, we will learn how to calculate the probabilities out of a two-way frequency table, and figure out the trends.

    Introduction to Probability and Statistics

    Welcome to the fascinating world of probability and statistics! These interconnected fields form the backbone of data analysis and decision-making in various disciplines. Probability deals with the likelihood of events occurring, while statistics involves collecting, analyzing, and interpreting data. Our introduction video serves as an excellent starting point for grasping fundamental concepts like mean, median, and mode. These measures of central tendency help us understand the typical values in a dataset. The video also covers two-way frequency tables, which are powerful tools for exploring relationships between categorical variables. By watching this video, you'll gain a solid foundation in these essential statistical concepts. Remember, probability and statistics aren't just abstract theories they're practical tools used in everyday life, from weather forecasts to medical research. As we dive deeper into these topics, you'll discover how they shape our understanding of the world around us. Let's embark on this exciting journey together!

    Understanding Probability

    Probability is a fascinating concept that helps us understand the likelihood of events occurring. Let's explore this idea using simple examples and break down some key terms to make it easier to grasp.

    Imagine you have a fair coin in your hand. When you flip it, what are the chances of getting heads? This is where probability comes into play. In this case, there are two possible outcomes: heads or tails. Since the coin is fair, each outcome has an equal chance of occurring. We express this as a 50% chance of getting heads, or a probability of 1/2.

    This brings us to the concept of theoretical probability. Theoretical probability is what we expect to happen based on the possible outcomes. In our coin flip example, the theoretical probability of getting heads is 1/2 or 50%. It's important to note that this doesn't mean you'll always get heads exactly half the time when you flip a coin a few times.

    Now, let's talk about experimental probability. This is what actually happens when we perform an experiment multiple times. If you flip a coin 100 times and get 48 heads, the experimental probability of getting heads would be 48/100 or 48%. The more times you repeat an experiment, the closer the experimental probability usually gets to the theoretical probability.

    To better understand the relationship between theoretical and experimental probability, imagine flipping a coin 10 times, then 100 times, then 1,000 times. As you increase the number of flips, you'll likely find that the percentage of heads gets closer to 50%. This demonstrates how experimental probability tends to approach theoretical probability over a large number of trials.

    Let's move on to the difference between single events and combined events. A single event, like flipping a coin once, is straightforward. But what if we want to know the probability of getting two heads in a row? This is a combined event.

    For combined events, we multiply the probabilities of each individual event. In our two-heads-in-a-row example, the probability would be 1/2 × 1/2 = 1/4 or 25%. This means that if you flip a coin twice, you have a 25% chance of getting heads both times.

    Here's another example of a combined event: what's the probability of rolling a 6 on a die and then flipping heads on a coin? The probability of rolling a 6 on a fair die is 1/6, and the probability of flipping heads is 1/2. So, the probability of both events occurring is 1/6 × 1/2 = 1/12 or about 8.33%.

    Understanding probability can be incredibly useful in everyday life. It helps us make informed decisions, from simple things like deciding whether to bring an umbrella based on the weather forecast to more complex situations like assessing financial risks.

    As you encounter probability in your daily life, remember these key points:

    • Theoretical probability is what we expect to happen based on possible outcomes.
    • Experimental probability is what actually happens when we perform experiments.
    • The more times we repeat an experiment, the closer experimental probability usually gets to theoretical probability.
    • Combined events involve multiplying the probabilities of individual events.

    By grasping these concepts, you'll be better equipped to understand and interpret probabilities in various situations. Whether you're playing games, making decisions, or analyzing data, probability is a powerful tool that can help you navigate uncertainty and make more informed choices.

    Mean, Median, and Mode: Measures of Central Tendency

    When we talk about averages in mathematics, we're often referring to three key measures of central tendency: mean, median, and mode. Each of these measures provides a different perspective on a dataset, helping us understand the "typical" or "central" value. Let's explore each one in detail and learn when to use them.

    Mean: The Arithmetic Average

    The mean is what most people think of when they hear "average." It's calculated by adding up all the values in a dataset and dividing by the number of values. For example, if we have the numbers 2, 4, 6, 8, and 10, the mean would be (2 + 4 + 6 + 8 + 10) ÷ 5 = 6.

    To calculate the mean:

    1. Add up all the values in your dataset
    2. Divide the sum by the total number of values

    The mean is useful when you want to account for all values in a dataset. It's commonly used in many statistical analyses and is ideal for normally distributed data. However, it can be sensitive to outliers, which we'll discuss later.

    Median: The Middle Value

    The median is the middle value when a dataset is ordered from least to greatest. If there's an even number of values, the median is the average of the two middle numbers. Using our previous example (2, 4, 6, 8, 10), the median is 6.

    To find the median:

    1. Arrange the numbers in ascending order
    2. If there's an odd number of values, select the middle number
    3. If there's an even number of values, take the average of the two middle numbers

    The median is particularly useful when dealing with skewed data or when there are extreme outliers. It's often used in real estate (median home prices) and income statistics because it's less affected by extremely high or low values.

    Mode: The Most Frequent Value

    The mode is the value that appears most frequently in a dataset. A dataset can have one mode, multiple modes (bimodal or multimodal), or no mode at all. For instance, in the dataset 2, 3, 3, 4, 5, 5, 5, 6, the mode is 5.

    To determine the mode:

    1. Count the frequency of each value in the dataset
    2. Identify the value(s) with the highest frequency

    The mode is particularly useful for categorical data or when you want to know the most common value in a dataset. It's often used in marketing and consumer behavior studies to identify the most popular choices.

    Outliers and Their Impact

    Outliers are values that are significantly different from other observations in a dataset. They can have a substantial impact on some measures of central tendency, particularly the mean. For example, consider the dataset: 10, 12, 13, 14, 15, 100. The mean (27.3) is heavily influenced by the outlier (100), while the median (13.5) remains relatively unaffected.

    Here's how outliers affect each measure:

    • Mean: Highly sensitive to outliers, can be skewed significantly
    • Median: Resistant to outliers, making it useful for skewed data
    • Mode: Generally unaffected by outliers unless they create a new most frequent value

    Choosing the Right Measure

    When deciding which measure of central tendency to use, consider the following:

    • Use the mean when data is normally distributed and outliers are not a concern

      Two-Way Frequency Tables

      Two-way frequency tables are powerful tools in statistics that allow us to organize and analyze data involving two categorical variables. These tables provide a clear, visual representation of the relationship between these variables, making it easier to identify patterns and trends. In this section, we'll explore what two-way frequency tables are, how to create them, and how to interpret the information they contain.

      A two-way frequency table, also known as a contingency table, is a grid-like structure that displays the frequency distribution of two variables simultaneously. Each cell in the table represents the count or frequency of observations that fall into both categories defined by the row and column. This arrangement allows us to see how the two variables interact and potentially influence each other.

      To create a two-way frequency table, follow these steps:

      1. Identify the two categorical variables you want to analyze.
      2. Determine the possible categories for each variable.
      3. Create a table with rows representing categories of one variable and columns representing categories of the other.
      4. Count the number of observations that fall into each combination of categories and enter these counts in the appropriate cells.
      5. Calculate row and column totals to complete the table.

      When working with two-way frequency tables, it's essential to understand two key concepts: joint frequencies and marginal frequencies.

      Joint frequencies refer to the counts in individual cells of the table. These represent the number of observations that fall into both the row and column categories for that cell. Joint frequencies help us understand the specific combinations of categories and their prevalence in the data set.

      Marginal frequencies, on the other hand, are the row and column totals in a two-way frequency table. These totals provide information about the distribution of each variable independently of the other. Row marginals show the total frequency for each category of the row variable, while column marginals do the same for the column variable.

      Let's look at an example to illustrate these concepts:

      Imagine we're analyzing data on pet ownership and housing type. Our two-way frequency table might look like this:

      House Apartment Total
      Dog 30 15 45
      Cat 20 25 45
      No Pet 10 20 30
      Total 60 60 120

      In this table, the joint frequencies are the numbers in each cell. For example, there are 30 dog owners living in houses and 25 cat owners living in apartments.

      The marginal frequencies are the row and column totals. For instance, there are 45 dog owners in total (row marginal) and 60 people living in houses (column marginal).

      To interpret this two-way frequency table, we can make several observations:

      • There are equal numbers of house and apartment dwellers in the sample (60 each).
      • Dog ownership is more common among house dwellers (30) than apartment dwellers (15).
      • Cat ownership is slightly more common in apartments (25) than in houses (20).
      • More people in apartments have no pets (20) compared to those in houses (10).

      We can also use this data

      Calculating Probabilities from Two-Way Frequency Tables

      Welcome to our guide on calculating probabilities using two-way frequency tables! This powerful tool allows us to analyze relationships between two categorical variables and answer various probability questions. Let's dive in and explore how to use these tables effectively.

      A two-way frequency table organizes data into rows and columns, showing the frequency of occurrences for different combinations of two variables. To calculate probabilities, we'll use the information provided in the table and apply some basic probability concepts.

      Let's start with a simple example. Imagine we have a two-way frequency table showing the relationship between a student's favorite subject (Math or Science) and their gender (Male or Female):


      Now, let's explore different types of probability questions we can answer using this table:

      1. Simple Probability

      Question: What is the probability of selecting a student who prefers Math?
      Calculation: Number of students who prefer Math / Total number of students
      Answer: 55 / 100 = 0.55 or 55%

      2. Conditional Probability

      Question: Given that a student is female, what is the probability she prefers Science?
      Calculation: Number of females who prefer Science / Total number of females
      Answer: 25 / 50 = 0.5 or 50%

      3. Joint Probability

      Question: What is the probability of selecting a male student who prefers Math?
      Calculation: Number of males who prefer Math / Total number of students
      Answer: 30 / 100 = 0.3 or 30%

      4. Comparing Probabilities

      Question: Is a male student more likely to prefer Math than a female student?
      Calculation: Compare P(Math|Male) to P(Math|Female)
      P(Math|Male) = 30 / 50 = 0.6
      P(Math|Female) = 25 / 50 = 0.5
      Answer: Yes, a male student is more likely to prefer Math (60% vs. 50%)

      To calculate these probabilities, we follow these general steps:

      1. Identify the relevant cells in the table for your question
      2. Determine the appropriate total (row total, column total, or grand total)
      3. Divide the number in the relevant cell(s) by the appropriate total

      Remember, probabilities are always expressed as a number between 0 and 1, or as a percentage between 0% and 100%. When interpreting probabilities, consider the context of the question and what the result means in practical terms.

      Two-way frequency tables are versatile tools that can help us answer various probability questions. Here are some additional types of questions you might encounter:

      • What is the probability of selecting a student who doesn't prefer Science?
      • If we select a student who prefers Math, what is the probability they are female?
      • Are female students more likely to prefer Science than male students?
      • What is the probability of selecting either a male or female student who prefers Math?

      By understanding the relationships between two categorical variables, we can make more informed decisions based on the data. Additionally, exploring conditional probability examples helps us understand how the probability of one event changes when we know another event has occurred. Finally, comparing probabilities examples allows us to see how different groups or conditions affect the likelihood of certain outcomes.

      Relative Frequency Tables and Percentages

      Relative frequency tables are powerful tools in data analysis that provide a different perspective compared to standard frequency tables. While both types of tables organize data, relative frequency tables go a step further by expressing data in terms of proportions or percentages. This approach allows for easier comparison between different categories or datasets.

      A standard frequency table simply shows the count or occurrence of each category in a dataset. For example, if we surveyed 100 people about their favorite color, a frequency table might show 30 for blue, 25 for red, 20 for green, and so on. While this information is useful, it doesn't immediately convey the proportional relationships between categories.

      This is where relative frequency tables shine. They convert these raw counts into percentages or proportions, making it easier to understand the data's distribution. To create a relative frequency table, we divide each category's frequency by the total number of observations and multiply by 100 for percentages.

      Using our color preference example, the relative frequency table would show: Blue - 30% (30/100 * 100), Red - 25%, Green - 20%, and so on. This presentation immediately highlights that blue is the most popular color, chosen by nearly a third of respondents.

      Interpreting relative frequency tables is straightforward and intuitive. Each percentage represents the proportion of the total that falls into that category. This makes it easy to compare categories and draw conclusions. For instance, we can quickly see that blue and red together account for 55% of preferences, more than half of all responses.

      Relative frequency tables are particularly useful when comparing datasets of different sizes. Percentages allow for fair comparisons, whereas raw frequencies might be misleading if sample sizes differ. For example, if we surveyed 200 people in another city and found 50 preferred blue, the raw number (50) seems higher than our original 30. However, the relative frequency (25%) shows it's actually less popular in the larger sample.

      When working with relative frequency tables, it's important to remember that the sum of all percentages should equal 100% (allowing for minor rounding discrepancies). This serves as a quick check for accuracy in your calculations.

      In conclusion, relative frequency tables transform raw data into more meaningful, comparable percentages. They provide a clear picture of data distribution, facilitate easy comparisons between categories and datasets, and offer insights that might be less apparent in standard frequency tables. By mastering the use and interpretation of relative frequency tables, you'll enhance your data analysis skills and gain a valuable tool for presenting information clearly and effectively.


      In this lesson, we've explored fundamental concepts in probability and statistics. We delved into probability, understanding how to calculate the likelihood of events occurring. We also covered measures of central tendency - mean, median, and mode - which are crucial for summarizing data sets. Two-way frequency tables were introduced as powerful tools for organizing categorical data. The introduction video played a vital role in laying the groundwork for these concepts, so be sure to review it if needed. Remember, mastering these topics requires practice. Engage with the material through exercises and real-world applications to solidify your understanding. As you continue your journey in statistics, these foundational concepts will serve as building blocks for more advanced topics. Don't hesitate to revisit these ideas and seek additional resources if you need clarification. With consistent practice and dedication, you'll soon find yourself confidently navigating the world of probability and statistics.


    Six hundred people were randomly selected in downtown. They were asked if they choose their clothes based on its comfort or style. The following is the results:
















    What is the probability that a person in the survey is a female?

    Step 1: Understanding the Problem

    In this problem, we are given a survey of 600 people who were asked whether they choose their clothes based on comfort or style. The survey results are categorized by gender (male and female) and their preferences (comfort or style). Our task is to determine the probability that a randomly selected person from this survey is a female.

    Step 2: Identifying the Total Population

    The first step in solving this problem is to identify the total population surveyed. According to the data provided, the total number of people surveyed is 600. This is the denominator in our probability calculation.

    Step 3: Identifying the Number of Females

    Next, we need to identify the number of females in the survey. From the table, we can see that the total number of females is 295. This is the numerator in our probability calculation.

    Step 4: Calculating the Probability

    To calculate the probability, we use the formula:

    Probability = (Number of Females) / (Total Population)

    Substituting the values we identified:

    Probability = 295 / 600

    Step 5: Converting to Percentage

    While the probability can be left as a fraction, it is often useful to convert it to a percentage for better understanding. To convert the fraction to a percentage, we multiply by 100:

    Percentage = (Probability) * 100

    Substituting the probability we calculated:

    Percentage = (295 / 600) * 100

    Step 6: Final Calculation

    Performing the final calculation:

    Percentage = 49.17%

    Therefore, the probability that a randomly selected person from the survey is a female is 49.17%.


    Here are some frequently asked questions about probability and statistics:

    1. What's the difference between theoretical and experimental probability?

      Theoretical probability is the expected likelihood of an event based on all possible outcomes, while experimental probability is the actual observed frequency of an event occurring in repeated trials. For example, the theoretical probability of getting heads on a fair coin toss is 0.5, but if you toss a coin 10 times and get 6 heads, the experimental probability would be 0.6.

    2. How do I choose between using mean, median, or mode?

      The choice depends on your data and what you want to convey. Use the mean for normally distributed data without extreme outliers. The median is best for skewed data or when there are outliers, as it's less affected by extreme values. The mode is useful for categorical data or when you want to know the most common value in a dataset.

    3. What is a two-way frequency table and how is it used?

      A two-way frequency table organizes data about two categorical variables into rows and columns. It's used to display the relationship between these variables and calculate various probabilities. For example, you can use it to find the probability of an event occurring given a certain condition, or to compare the likelihood of different outcomes across categories.

    4. How do I calculate conditional probability using a two-way frequency table?

      To calculate conditional probability, first identify the row or column that represents the given condition. Then, divide the frequency in the cell of interest by the total for that row or column. For instance, if you want to know the probability of owning a dog given that someone lives in a house, divide the number of dog owners in houses by the total number of house dwellers.

    5. What's the benefit of using relative frequency tables instead of standard frequency tables?

      Relative frequency tables express data as proportions or percentages, making it easier to compare categories or datasets of different sizes. They provide a clearer picture of data distribution and allow for more intuitive interpretation of the relationships between categories. This is particularly useful when you want to understand the relative importance or prevalence of different categories within a dataset.

    Prerequisite Topics for Understanding Probability

    Before diving into the complex world of probability, it's crucial to grasp the foundational concepts that serve as building blocks for this essential mathematical field. One of the most important prerequisite topics for understanding probability is comparing experimental and theoretical probability. This fundamental concept forms the backbone of probability theory and is essential for students looking to master more advanced probabilistic concepts.

    Understanding the relationship between experimental and theoretical probability is vital because it bridges the gap between real-world observations and mathematical predictions. Experimental probability, derived from actual experiments or data collection, provides tangible evidence of how events occur in practice. On the other hand, theoretical probability offers a mathematical model of what we expect to happen based on logical reasoning and assumptions.

    By comparing these two types of probability, students can develop a deeper appreciation for the nuances of probabilistic thinking. This comparison helps in recognizing patterns, identifying discrepancies between theory and practice, and understanding the role of randomness and variability in real-world scenarios. Moreover, it lays the groundwork for more advanced probability concepts such as the law of large numbers and the central limit theorem.

    The ability to compare experimental and theoretical probability also enhances critical thinking skills. Students learn to question assumptions, interpret data, and make informed decisions based on both empirical evidence and theoretical models. This skill is invaluable not only in mathematics but also in fields like science, economics, and data analysis.

    Furthermore, this prerequisite topic introduces students to the concept of sample size and its impact on the reliability of probability estimates. Understanding how the number of trials or observations affects the accuracy of experimental probability is crucial for grasping more complex statistical concepts later on.

    As students progress in their study of probability, they'll find that the principles learned from comparing experimental and theoretical probability resurface repeatedly. Whether they're exploring conditional probability, Bayesian inference, or stochastic processes, the fundamental understanding gained from this prerequisite topic will prove invaluable.

    In conclusion, mastering the comparison of experimental and theoretical probability is not just a stepping stone but a cornerstone in the edifice of probabilistic knowledge. It equips students with the tools to navigate the intricate landscape of probability theory, preparing them for both academic challenges and real-world applications. By investing time in understanding this crucial prerequisite, students set themselves up for success in their journey through the fascinating world of probability.