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  1. What is mean absolute deviation (MAD)?
  1. Calculate the mean of each set of data. Round your answer to the nearest tenth.
    1. 4, 8, 9, 7, 7
    2. 4.5, 5, 5.1, 10, 13.4, 2, 1
    3. 81, 50, 82, 99, 213, 75
  2. A survey collected information about the total amount of time teens spent on computers each week. Only data from four cities is listed below.


    Computer time (hours per week)









    1. What is the mean for the four cities listed? Round your answer to the nearest tenth.
    2. If the mean for all cities in the country was 16.2 hours, would you predict the mean of the cities not listed to be more or less than 16.2 hours?
  3. Harry was given the following marks on his English essays:
    69%, 71%, 85%, 80%, 93%, 99%
    1. Calculate his mean mark? Round your answer to the nearest whole percent.
    2. What mark would he need to receive on the next essay to increase his mean by 2 percent for the seven essays?
    3. Harry's friend, Thomas, received the following marks on his English essays:
      96%, 74%, 75%, 66%, 96%, 90%
      What is Thomas's mean mark? Round your answer to the nearest whole percent.
    4. Who has a smaller mean absolute deviation? Harry or Thomas? What does this tell you?
Topic Notes
In this section, we practice calculating the mean of a data set. You may think your math teacher is mean if she says you are average! The word mean is often used simultaneously with the word average. The mean is calculated by dividing the sum of a set of values by the number of values in the set. In this section, we use the mean of a data set to make predictions about the data. In this section, we are first given sets of data and asked to calculate the mean of each set. Then, we are given word problems and asked to make predictions about given sets of data, using what we know about the mean. For example, we are asked to determine how a given set of data would need to change in order to alter the mean by a specified amount.

Introduction to Mean Absolute Deviation

Welcome to our exploration of mean absolute deviation (MAD), a crucial concept in statistics! MAD is a powerful tool that helps us understand how spread out our data is from the average. It's like measuring how consistent our data points are. Imagine you're looking at test scores - MAD tells you if everyone scored similarly or if there were big differences. The introduction video we'll watch shortly does a fantastic job of breaking this down visually. It's especially great for visual learners! MAD is super important because it gives us a clear picture of data spread, which is essential in many fields, from finance to science. Unlike some other measures, MAD is less affected by extreme values, making it really useful for certain types of data. As we dive deeper, you'll see how MAD can help you make sense of data sets and draw meaningful conclusions. Ready to become a MAD expert?

Understanding Mean Absolute Deviation

Mean Absolute Deviation (MAD) is an important measure of central tendency in statistics that helps us understand how spread out or consistent a set of data is. As a measure of central tendency, MAD provides valuable insights into the typical distance between each data point and the mean of the dataset. This makes it a useful tool for analyzing data consistency and spread across various fields, from finance to social sciences.

To calculate MAD, we first find the mean of the dataset, then calculate the absolute difference between each data point and the mean. Finally, we take the average of these absolute differences. This process gives us a single number that represents the average distance of data points from the mean, providing a clear picture of data spread.

MAD plays a crucial role in indicating data consistency. A smaller MAD value suggests that the data points are closely clustered around the mean, indicating high consistency within the dataset. Conversely, a larger MAD value implies that the data points are more spread out, signaling greater variability or less consistency in the data.

For example, consider two sets of exam scores. Set A: 85, 88, 90, 92, 95. Set B: 60, 75, 90, 105, 120. Both sets have the same mean (90), but Set A has a much smaller MAD than Set B. This tells us that the scores in Set A are more consistent and closer to the average, while Set B shows a wider spread of scores.

When discussing data spread, MAD provides a straightforward interpretation. It tells us, on average, how far each data point is from the mean. This makes it particularly useful for datasets where extreme outliers might skew other measures of spread. MAD is less sensitive to outliers compared to measures like variance or standard deviation, making it a robust choice for certain types of data analysis.

While MAD shares similarities with standard deviation, another popular measure of spread, there are key differences. Standard deviation squares the differences from the mean before averaging, which gives more weight to larger deviations. MAD, on the other hand, uses absolute values, treating all deviations equally. This makes MAD easier to interpret in some contexts, as it's in the same units as the original data.

MAD is typically preferred for smaller datasets or when working with ordinal data. Its simplicity makes it easier to calculate and explain, especially to audiences without extensive statistical background. For instance, in a classroom setting, a teacher might use MAD to explain to students how their test scores vary from the class average, providing a tangible understanding of score distribution.

In conclusion, Mean Absolute Deviation is a valuable tool in statistical analysis, offering insights into data consistency and spread. Its straightforward calculation and interpretation make it accessible for various applications, from academic research to business analytics. While it may not be as widely used as standard deviation for larger datasets, MAD remains an essential measure of central tendency, particularly useful for smaller datasets and when communicating statistical concepts to non-technical audiences.

Interpreting Mean Absolute Deviation

Interpreting Mean Absolute Deviation (MAD) values is crucial for understanding data consistency and predictability. MAD is a measure of variability in a dataset that provides insights into how spread out the data points are from the mean. When analyzing MAD values, it's essential to consider that a small MAD indicates closely grouped, predictable, and consistent data, while a large MAD suggests more spread out, unpredictable, and inconsistent data.

A small MAD value implies that the data points are tightly clustered around the mean. This indicates high consistency and predictability within the dataset. For example, in a manufacturing process, if the MAD of product dimensions is small, it suggests that the production line is highly consistent and reliable. Similarly, in weather forecasting, a small MAD for temperature predictions over a week indicates that the weather patterns are stable and easily predictable.

On the other hand, a large MAD value signifies that the data points are more spread out from the mean. This suggests greater variability, less consistency, and reduced predictability in the dataset. For instance, in financial markets, a large MAD in stock prices over a period indicates high volatility and unpredictability. In customer service, a large MAD in response times might suggest inconsistent service quality and unpredictable wait times for customers.

Real-world examples can further illustrate these concepts. Consider a coffee shop tracking daily sales. A small MAD in daily revenue would indicate consistent customer traffic and predictable income, making inventory management and staffing easier. Conversely, a large MAD might suggest highly variable customer traffic, perhaps due to factors like weather or local events, making business planning more challenging.

In healthcare, MAD can be used to analyze patient recovery times. A small MAD in recovery times for a specific procedure would indicate consistent outcomes and help in setting accurate expectations for patients. A large MAD, however, might suggest that recovery times are highly variable, potentially due to factors like patient age, overall health, or post-operative care quality.

Understanding and interpreting MAD values is vital for data-driven decision-making across various fields. It helps in identifying patterns, assessing reliability, and making informed predictions. Whether you're analyzing business metrics, scientific data, or any other dataset, considering the MAD can provide valuable insights into the nature and behavior of the data you're working with.

Calculating Mean Absolute Deviation: Step 1 - Finding the Mean

The first crucial step in calculating the Mean Absolute Deviation (MAD) is finding the mean of the data set. The mean, also known as the arithmetic mean or average value, is a central value that represents the typical or expected value in a set of numbers. Understanding how to calculate the mean is essential for accurately determining the MAD.

Let's walk through the process of calculating the mean using the example from the video: 2, 7, 9, 10, 5, 6, 7, 6. This data set contains eight numbers, which we'll use to demonstrate the step-by-step calculation of the mean.

To find the mean, we follow two main steps:

  1. Sum up all the values in the data set
  2. Divide the sum by the total number of data points

Step 1: Summing the values

We start by adding all the numbers in our data set:

2 + 7 + 9 + 10 + 5 + 6 + 7 + 6 = 52

The sum of all values in our data set is 52.

Step 2: Dividing by the number of data points

Next, we count the total number of data points in our set. In this case, we have 8 numbers. We then divide the sum (52) by the number of data points (8):

52 ÷ 8 = 6.5

Therefore, the mean of our data set is 6.5.

This calculation gives us the arithmetic mean, which is a measure of central tendency in our data. It represents the average value of all the numbers in the set. In the context of MAD calculation, the mean serves as a reference point from which we'll measure the deviation of each data point.

Understanding and accurately calculating the mean is crucial for several reasons:

  • It provides a central value that summarizes the entire data set
  • It serves as a baseline for measuring variability in the data
  • It's essential for further statistical calculations, including the MAD

In the MAD calculation process, the mean acts as the anchor point. We'll use this value (6.5 in our example) to determine how far each individual data point deviates from the average. This step is fundamental because it sets the stage for the next phases of the MAD calculation, where we'll examine the absolute differences between each data point and this mean value.

It's important to note that while the mean is a useful measure, it can be sensitive to extreme values or outliers in a data set. This is one reason why the Mean Absolute Deviation is valuable it provides insight into the average distance between each data point and the mean, giving us a more robust understanding of data variability.

As we progress through the MAD calculation, keep this mean value (6.5) in mind. It will be used repeatedly in the subsequent steps to determine how each data point differs from this central tendency. The accuracy of this initial mean calculation directly impacts the precision of the final MAD result, underscoring its importance in the overall process.

Calculating Mean Absolute Deviation: Step 2 - Finding Deviations

After calculating the mean of a dataset, the next crucial step in determining the Mean Absolute Deviation (MAD) is finding the deviations from the mean. This process involves subtracting each data point from the mean and taking the absolute value of the result. Let's break down this step and explore why it's essential in our calculation.

To find deviations, we start by subtracting the mean value from each individual data point in our set. This subtraction reveals how far each point is from the average, giving us a measure of its deviation. However, these deviations can be both positive and negative, depending on whether the data point is above or below the mean.

Here's where the concept of absolute value comes into play. The absolute value of a number is its distance from zero on a number line, regardless of whether it's positive or negative. In mathematical notation, we represent the absolute value of a number x as |x|. For example, both |-5| and |5| equal 5.

Why do we need to use absolute values in this calculation? The reason is simple: we're interested in the magnitude of the deviation, not its direction. Whether a data point is 3 units above the mean or 3 units below, we consider it equally deviant for the purposes of MAD. Using absolute values ensures that all deviations contribute positively to our final measure of spread.

Let's illustrate this process using the example from the video. Suppose we have a dataset of test scores: 85, 90, 95, 100, and 105. We've already calculated the mean to be 95. Now, let's find the deviation for each score:

  • 85: 85 - 95 = -10, |85 - 95| = |-10| = 10
  • 90: 90 - 95 = -5, |90 - 95| = |-5| = 5
  • 95: 95 - 95 = 0, |95 - 95| = |0| = 0
  • 100: 100 - 95 = 5, |100 - 95| = |5| = 5
  • 105: 105 - 95 = 10, |105 - 95| = |10| = 10

As you can see, we first subtract the mean (95) from each data point. Then, we take the absolute value of each result. This gives us a set of non-negative numbers representing how far each score deviates from the mean, regardless of whether it's above or below.

The use of absolute values is particularly important when dealing with datasets that have values both above and below the mean. Without absolute values, positive and negative deviations would cancel each other out when we sum them up in later steps, potentially giving us a false impression of low variability in the data.

By following this process of subtracting the mean and taking absolute values, we create a new set of numbers that represent the magnitude of deviation for each data point. These absolute deviations form the foundation for our next step in calculating the Mean Absolute Deviation.

Remember, the key aspects of this step are:

  1. Subtracting the mean from each data point
  2. Taking the absolute value of each result
  3. Understanding that absolute values give us the magnitude of deviation, regardless of direction

Mastering this step is crucial for accurately calculating the Mean Absolute Deviation and gaining a deeper understanding of how spread out your data is from the central tendency. As we move forward, these absolute deviations will be essential in completing our MAD calculation and interpreting the variability within our dataset.

Calculating Mean Absolute Deviation: Step 3 - Final Calculation

The final step in calculating the Mean Absolute Deviation (MAD) is crucial for obtaining the ultimate result that represents the average distance between each data point and the mean. This step involves summing up all the absolute deviations we calculated in the previous step and then dividing by the number of data points in our dataset. Let's walk through this process using the example from our video to solidify our understanding.

Recall that in our example, we had the following data points: 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6. We calculated the mean to be 4, and then found the absolute deviations for each point: 2, 1, 0, 1, and 2. Now, we're ready for the final calculation.

To complete the MAD calculation:

  1. Sum up all the absolute deviations: 2 + 1 + 0 + 1 + 2 = 6
  2. Count the number of data points: 5
  3. Divide the sum by the number of data points: 6 ÷ 5 = 1.2

Therefore, the Mean Absolute Deviation for our dataset is 1.2.

But what does this final MAD value of 1.2 actually represent? The MAD provides us with a measure of variability in our dataset that's expressed in the same units as our original data. In this case, it tells us that, on average, each data point in our set deviates from the mean by 1.2 units.

This interpretation is powerful because it gives us a clear, intuitive understanding of how spread out our data is. A smaller MAD indicates that the data points tend to be closer to the mean, while a larger MAD suggests greater variability or dispersion in the dataset.

The MAD is particularly useful in statistical analysis and data science for several reasons:

  • It's less sensitive to outliers compared to other measures of dispersion like standard deviation.
  • It's easy to interpret, as it's in the same units as the original data.
  • It provides a robust measure of variability that can be applied to various types of datasets.

In practical applications, the MAD can be used to:

  • Assess the consistency of a manufacturing process
  • Evaluate the stability of financial returns
  • Analyze the variability in student test scores
  • Measure the reliability of weather predictions

By completing this final step and interpreting the result, we've not only calculated the MAD but also gained valuable insights into the nature of our dataset. This process of calculation and interpretation is fundamental in statistical analysis, allowing us to make informed decisions based on the spread and variability of our data.

Remember, while the calculation itself is straightforward summing absolute deviations and dividing by the number of data points the real power lies in understanding what the final value represents and how it can be applied in various contexts. As you continue to work with different datasets, practicing this calculation and interpretation will become second nature, enhancing your ability to draw meaningful conclusions from statistical analyses.

Practical Applications of Mean Absolute Deviation

Mean Absolute Deviation (MAD) is a powerful statistical tool with numerous real-world applications across various fields. Its ability to measure variability and assess data reliability makes it invaluable for data analysis and predictions in practical scenarios. Let's explore some key areas where MAD proves particularly useful.

In finance, MAD plays a crucial role in risk assessment and portfolio management. Investors and financial analysts use MAD to evaluate the volatility of stock prices or investment returns. By calculating the average deviation from the mean, they can gauge the stability of an asset or portfolio. This information helps in making informed decisions about risk tolerance and diversification strategies. For instance, a lower MAD value for a stock indicates less volatility, potentially making it a safer investment option.

Quality control in manufacturing is another field where MAD finds extensive application. Production managers use MAD to monitor the consistency of product dimensions or weights. By establishing an acceptable MAD range, they can quickly identify when a production process is deviating from the norm. This early detection of irregularities allows for timely adjustments, reducing waste and maintaining product quality. For example, in a bottling plant, MAD can be used to ensure that the volume of liquid in each bottle remains consistent within acceptable limits.

Weather forecasting relies heavily on statistical tools like MAD for accurate predictions. Meteorologists use MAD to analyze historical weather data and assess the reliability of their forecasting models. By comparing the MAD of different prediction methods, they can determine which models are most accurate for specific weather patterns or geographical areas. This application of MAD helps improve the precision of weather forecasts, which is crucial for agriculture, aviation, and disaster preparedness.

In the field of economics, MAD is used to analyze economic indicators and make predictions about market trends. Economists calculate the MAD of various economic metrics, such as GDP growth rates or inflation figures, to understand their stability over time. This analysis helps in formulating economic policies and making business decisions. A lower MAD in economic indicators generally suggests a more stable economic environment, which can influence investment decisions and policy-making.

The healthcare sector also benefits from MAD in patient monitoring and clinical trials. Medical researchers use MAD to assess the variability in patient responses to treatments or to analyze the consistency of diagnostic test results. This application helps in identifying outliers in medical data, which could indicate unusual patient reactions or potential errors in testing procedures.

In conclusion, the practical applications of Mean Absolute Deviation span across numerous fields, demonstrating its versatility as a statistical tool. From finance to manufacturing, weather forecasting to healthcare, MAD provides valuable insights for data analysis, predictions, and reliability assessments. Its ability to quantify variability in a straightforward manner makes it an essential tool for professionals seeking to make data-driven decisions in real-world scenarios.


In summary, mean absolute deviation (MAD) is a crucial statistical measure for understanding data spread and consistency. It provides valuable insights into the average distance between each data point and the mean, offering a clear picture of data spread. MAD's simplicity and robustness make it an essential tool in data analysis, particularly when dealing with outliers. To enhance your statistical understanding, we encourage you to practice calculating MAD using your own data sets. This hands-on experience will solidify your grasp of the concept and its practical applications. Remember, the introduction video serves as an excellent resource for explaining MAD in detail. By mastering MAD, you'll gain a powerful tool for interpreting data patterns and making informed decisions in various fields. Whether you're a student, researcher, or professional, incorporating MAD into your analytical toolkit will undoubtedly improve your data analysis skills and statistical acumen.


Calculate the mean of each set of data. Round your answer to the nearest tenth. 4, 8, 9, 7, 7

Step 1: Understanding the Mean

The mean is a measure of the center of a data set. It is calculated by summing all the numbers in the data set and then dividing by the number of data values. This gives us an average value that represents the central point of the data set.

Step 2: Summing the Data Values

To find the mean, the first step is to sum up all the numbers in the data set. In this example, the data set is 4, 8, 9, 7, and 7. We need to add these numbers together:

4 + 8 + 9 + 7 + 7

Let's calculate the sum:

4 + 8 = 12

12 + 9 = 21

21 + 7 = 28

28 + 7 = 35

So, the sum of the data values is 35.

Step 3: Counting the Number of Data Values

Next, we need to determine how many data values are in the set. In this example, we have the following numbers: 4, 8, 9, 7, and 7. Counting these, we find that there are 5 data values.

Step 4: Dividing the Sum by the Number of Data Values

Now that we have the sum of the data values (35) and the number of data values (5), we can find the mean by dividing the sum by the number of data values:

Mean = Sum of data values / Number of data values

Mean = 35 / 5

Let's perform the division:

35 ÷ 5 = 7

Step 5: Rounding the Mean

In this example, the mean is already a whole number (7), so there is no need to round to the nearest tenth. However, if the mean were a decimal, we would round it to the nearest tenth.


By following these steps, we have calculated the mean of the data set 4, 8, 9, 7, 7. The mean is a useful measure of the central tendency of a data set, providing a single value that summarizes the entire set of numbers.


  1. What is Mean Absolute Deviation (MAD)?

    Mean Absolute Deviation (MAD) is a statistical measure that calculates the average distance between each data point and the mean of a dataset. It provides insight into data spread and consistency, helping to understand how much variation exists within a set of values.

  2. How is MAD different from standard deviation?

    While both measure data spread, MAD uses absolute values of deviations, making it less sensitive to outliers. Standard deviation squares deviations, giving more weight to larger differences. MAD is often easier to interpret as it's in the same units as the original data.

  3. What are the steps to calculate MAD?

    To calculate MAD: 1) Find the mean of the dataset. 2) Calculate the absolute difference between each data point and the mean. 3) Sum these absolute differences. 4) Divide the sum by the number of data points.

  4. In which fields is MAD commonly used?

    MAD is widely used in finance for risk assessment, manufacturing for quality control, weather forecasting for prediction accuracy, economics for analyzing market trends, and healthcare for patient monitoring and clinical trials.

  5. Why is MAD considered robust against outliers?

    MAD is robust against outliers because it uses absolute values rather than squared differences. This means extreme values have less impact on the final result compared to measures like standard deviation, making MAD particularly useful for datasets with potential outliers.

Prerequisite Topics for Understanding Mean

When delving into the concept of mean in mathematics, it's crucial to have a solid foundation in several prerequisite topics. These fundamental concepts not only enhance your understanding of mean but also provide valuable context for its applications in various mathematical and real-world scenarios.

One essential prerequisite is understanding the difference between arithmetic mean and geometric mean. The arithmetic mean is what we commonly refer to as the "average," calculated by summing all values and dividing by the number of values. On the other hand, the geometric mean involves multiplying values and taking the nth root. Grasping these distinctions is crucial for choosing the appropriate type of mean in different situations, especially when dealing with data sets that exhibit certain characteristics or growth patterns.

Another important concept to master is the average value of a function. This topic extends the idea of mean beyond discrete data points to continuous functions. Understanding how to calculate the average value of a function over an interval is particularly useful in calculus and its applications in physics, engineering, and economics. It provides insights into the behavior of functions and helps in analyzing trends and patterns in continuous data.

Additionally, familiarity with absolute value functions can significantly enhance your understanding of mean. Absolute values play a role in calculating measures of dispersion, such as mean absolute deviation, which complements the mean in describing data distributions. Understanding how absolute values work in functions and equations can also help in interpreting and manipulating data when calculating means, especially when dealing with negative values or comparing distances from the mean.

These prerequisite topics form a strong foundation for understanding mean in its various forms and applications. The arithmetic mean vs. geometric mean comparison helps in choosing the right average for different data types. The concept of average value of a function extends mean to continuous scenarios, crucial in advanced mathematics. Lastly, knowledge of absolute value functions aids in understanding dispersion and handling data in mean calculations.

By mastering these prerequisites, students can approach the concept of mean with a more comprehensive understanding. This knowledge not only aids in calculating means accurately but also in interpreting results, understanding their significance, and applying them in diverse fields such as statistics, data analysis, and scientific research. The interconnectedness of these topics with mean illustrates the importance of building a strong mathematical foundation, where each concept serves as a stepping stone to more advanced ideas.