Determining probabilities using tree diagrams and tables

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  1. Introduction to Probability
    • What is probability?
    • How to write probability as a fraction, decimal, and percent?
    • How to draw a tree diagram?
  2. How to draw a tree diagram?
  1. Ken flips a coin and draws out a marble from a bag with 5 marbles of different colours: green, blue, red, orange and yellow.
    1. Draw a tree diagram to show the sample space.
    2. What is the probability of P(H, R)?
    3. What is the probability of not getting the head?
  2. Two standard six-sided dice are rolled.
    1. Draw a table to display the sample space.
    2. What is the probability of P(doubles)?
    3. What is the probability of P(sum less than 10)?
    4. What is the probability of P(two even numbers)?
  3. Assume that there will only be rain or sunshine in the next 4 days. Draw a table to display the sample space. Determine the probability of:
    1. There is rain 4 days in a row.
    2. There is rain or no rain 4 days in a row.
    3. There is rain in any 2 days.
    4. There is rain in at least 1 day.
Topic Notes
Tables and tree diagrams are useful tools to calculate probabilities. With them, you can list all the possible outcomes of an event (sample space) in a clear and easy to understand way. Therefore, we can determine the probabilities of events effectively.

Introduction to Probability

Welcome to the fascinating world of probability! This fundamental concept in mathematics plays a crucial role in our everyday lives, from weather forecasts to game strategies. Probability helps us quantify the likelihood of events occurring and make informed decisions based on data. In our introduction video, we'll explore the basics of probability and its practical applications. You'll learn how to determine probabilities using powerful tools like tree diagrams and tables for probability, which are essential for visualizing and organizing possible outcomes. These methods will help you break down complex scenarios into manageable parts, making it easier to calculate probabilities. As we delve into the concept of sample space, you'll gain a deeper understanding of all possible outcomes in a given situation. By mastering these techniques, you'll be well-equipped to tackle more advanced probability problems and apply this knowledge to real-world scenarios. Let's embark on this exciting journey together!

Understanding Probability Basics

Probability is a fundamental concept in mathematics that helps us understand and predict the likelihood of events occurring. At its core, probability is the measure of how likely an event is to happen. It's expressed as a number between 0 and 1, where 0 means the event is impossible, and 1 means it's certain to occur.

There are two main types of probability: theoretical and experimental probability. Theoretical probability, also known as classical probability, is calculated based on the assumption that all outcomes are equally likely. It's determined by dividing the number of favorable outcomes by the total number of possible outcomes. For example, when flipping a fair coin, the theoretical probability of getting heads is 1/2 because there's one favorable outcome (heads) out of two possible outcomes (heads or tails).

Experimental probability, on the other hand, is based on actual observations or experiments. It's calculated by dividing the number of times an event occurs by the total number of trials. For instance, if you flip a coin 100 times and get heads 48 times, the experimental probability of getting heads would be 48/100 or 0.48.

To calculate simple probabilities, we need to understand the concept of sample space. The sample space is the set of all possible outcomes for an experiment or event. For a single coin flip, the sample space is {heads, tails}. For rolling a six-sided die, the sample space is {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6}.

Using the sample space, we can calculate probabilities by identifying the number of favorable outcomes and dividing it by the total number of possible outcomes. For example, the probability of rolling an even number on a six-sided die is 3/6 or 1/2, because there are three favorable outcomes (2, 4, 6) out of six total possible outcomes.

Let's explore more examples to illustrate these concepts. When rolling two dice, the sample space consists of 36 possible outcomes (6 x 6). To find the probability of rolling a sum of 7, we count the favorable outcomes: (1,6), (2,5), (3,4), (4,3), (5,2), and (6,1). There are six ways to roll a sum of 7, so the probability is 6/36 or 1/6.

Understanding probability is crucial in many fields, from statistics and data science to finance and decision-making. It allows us to make informed predictions and assess risks in various situations. For instance, insurance companies use probability calculations to determine premiums, while weather forecasters use it to predict the likelihood of certain weather conditions.

As we delve deeper into probability, we encounter more complex concepts like conditional probability, independent events, and probability distributions. However, mastering the basics of theoretical and experimental probability, along with understanding sample space and simple probability calculations, provides a solid foundation for exploring these advanced topics.

In conclusion, probability is a powerful tool that helps us quantify uncertainty and make predictions about future events. By understanding the fundamental concepts of theoretical and experimental probability, sample space, and how to calculate simple probabilities, we can better interpret the world around us and make more informed decisions in various aspects of life and professional fields.

Introduction to Tree Diagrams

Tree diagrams are powerful visual tools used in probability theory to represent and analyze complex events with multiple outcomes. These diagrams provide a clear, structured approach to understanding and calculating probabilities, especially when dealing with combined events. By breaking down a scenario into its component parts, tree diagrams help us visualize the entire sample space and compute probabilities with greater ease and accuracy.

At its core, a tree diagram resembles a branching tree, with each branch representing a possible outcome of an event. The diagram starts with a single point, known as the root, and branches out to show all possible outcomes of the first event. Each of these outcomes then becomes a new starting point for the next event, creating additional branches. This process continues until all events in the scenario have been represented.

To illustrate the construction and use of a basic tree diagram, let's consider a simple two-event scenario: flipping a coin and then spinning a spinner with three equal sections (red, blue, and green). Here's how we would construct the tree diagram:

  1. Start with the root, representing the beginning of our experiment.
  2. Draw two branches from the root, one for "Heads" and one for "Tails," representing the possible outcomes of the coin flip.
  3. From each of these branches, draw three more branches representing the spinner outcomes: red, blue, and green.
  4. Label each branch with its probability. For the coin flip, each outcome has a probability of 1/2. For the spinner, each color has a probability of 1/3.

The resulting tree diagram now clearly displays our sample space, showing all possible combined outcomes: Heads-Red, Heads-Blue, Heads-Green, Tails-Red, Tails-Blue, and Tails-Green. This visual representation helps us quickly identify that there are six possible outcomes in total.

To calculate probabilities using the tree diagram, we follow these steps:

  1. For independent events probability (where the outcome of one event doesn't affect the probability of the other), multiply the probabilities along each branch path.
  2. To find the probability of a specific combined outcome, simply read the final probability at the end of its branch.
  3. To calculate the probability of multiple outcomes, add the probabilities of each relevant branch.

For example, in our coin-spinner scenario:

  • The probability of getting Heads and Red is: 1/2 × 1/3 = 1/6
  • The probability of getting Tails and any color is: 1/2 × (1/3 + 1/3 + 1/3) = 1/2
  • The probability of getting either Heads-Blue or Tails-Green is: (1/2 × 1/3) + (1/2 × 1/3) = 1/3

Tree diagrams are particularly useful when dealing with more complex scenarios involving multiple events or conditional probabilities. They help break down intricate problems into manageable steps, making it easier to track different outcomes and their associated probabilities. This visual approach not only aids in solving probability problems but also enhances understanding of the relationships between events.

As you become more familiar with tree diagrams, you'll find they're invaluable for tackling a wide range of probability questions, from simple coin tosses to complex real-world scenarios in fields like genetics, finance, and decision analysis. By mastering this tool, you'll be well-equipped to handle various probability calculations and gain deeper insights into the nature of chance and uncertainty in different situations.

Advanced Tree Diagrams

Tree diagrams are powerful tools for visualizing and calculating probabilities in complex scenarios involving multiple events. As we delve into more advanced applications, we'll explore how to construct and interpret tree diagrams with three or more events, using the example from the video that combines a coin flip, spinner spin, and marble draw.

In complex scenarios, tree diagrams become increasingly valuable for mapping out all possible outcomes and their associated probabilities. Let's break down the process of creating and using these advanced tree diagrams:

1. Constructing the Diagram:

Start with the first event (e.g., coin flip) at the root of the tree. Branch out to represent each possible outcome of this event. For each subsequent event, create new branches stemming from the previous outcomes. In our example, we'd have:

- First level: Heads (H) and Tails (T) from the coin flip

- Second level: Red (R), Blue (B), and Green (G) from the spinner, branching from both H and T

- Third level: White (W) and Black (Bl) marbles, branching from each spinner outcome

2. Labeling Probabilities:

Assign probabilities to each branch. For independent events, these probabilities remain constant regardless of previous outcomes. In our example:

- Coin flip: P(H) = P(T) = 1/2

- Spinner: P(R) = 1/2, P(B) = 1/3, P(G) = 1/6

- Marble draw: P(W) = 3/5, P(Bl) = 2/5

3. Calculating Compound Probabilities:

To find the probability of a specific sequence of outcomes, multiply the probabilities along the path from root to leaf. For instance, the probability of getting Heads, then Red, then White would be:

P(H and R and W) = 1/2 × 1/2 × 3/5 = 3/20 = 0.15 or 15%

4. Interpreting the Sample Space:

The tree diagram visually represents the entire sample space of the experiment. Each path from root to leaf represents a unique outcome. In our three-event scenario, we have 2 × 3 × 2 = 12 possible outcomes in total.

5. Calculating Probabilities for Specific Criteria:

To find probabilities for outcomes meeting certain criteria, identify all paths that satisfy the conditions and sum their individual probabilities. For example, to find the probability of getting any red outcome:

P(Red) = P(H and R and W) + P(H and R and Bl) + P(T and R and W) + P(T and R and Bl)

= (1/2 × 1/2 × 3/5) + (1/2 × 1/2 × 2/5) + (1/2 × 1/2 × 3/5) + (1/2 × 1/2 × 2/5)

= 3/20 + 1/10 + 3/20 + 1/10 = 1/2

6. Analyzing conditional probability problems:

Tree diagrams are particularly useful for conditional probability problems. To find the probability of an event given that another has occurred, focus on the relevant branch and treat it as a new tree diagram.

For instance, to find P(White | Heads), we'd look only at the "Heads" branch and calculate:

P(W | H) = [P(H and R and W) + P(H and B and W) + P(H and G and W)] / P(H)

For independent events, these probabilities remain constant regardless of previous outcomes. In our example:

Using Tables for Probability Calculations

Probability tables offer an alternative method for organizing and analyzing probability information, providing a structured approach to understanding both single and multiple events. These tables serve as a powerful tool in probability theory, complementing other visualization techniques such as tree diagrams.

When dealing with single events, probability tables are relatively straightforward. They typically consist of two columns: one for the possible outcomes and another for their corresponding probabilities. For example, consider a simple coin toss:


This table clearly displays the possible outcomes and their associated probabilities, making it easy to understand and interpret the data at a glance.

For multiple events, probability tables become more complex but offer a comprehensive view of various scenarios. These tables often use rows and columns to represent different events or conditions, with cells containing the joint probabilities. For instance, consider a table showing the probability of weather conditions and their impact on a picnic:

Picnic Happens0.60.1
Picnic Cancelled0.10.2

This table allows us to quickly identify the probability of different combinations of events, such as the likelihood of having a picnic on a sunny day (0.6) or the chance of cancelling the picnic due to rain (0.2).

Constructing probability tables involves carefully identifying all possible outcomes or combinations of events and assigning accurate probabilities to each scenario. It's crucial to ensure that the probabilities in a table sum to 1, representing all possible outcomes.

Interpreting probability tables requires understanding the relationship between rows and columns. For single event tables, it's straightforward simply read the probability corresponding to each outcome. In multiple event tables, you may need to sum probabilities across rows or columns to find marginal probabilities or use the values to calculate conditional probabilities.

When comparing probability tables to tree diagrams, each method has its strengths and weaknesses. Tree diagrams excel at showing the sequential nature of events and are particularly useful for visualizing conditional probabilities. They provide a clear path from the initial event to final outcomes. However, they can become unwieldy for complex scenarios with many branches.

Probability tables, on the other hand, offer a more compact representation of data, especially for multiple events. They allow for easier calculation of joint probabilities and marginal probabilities. Tables are particularly advantageous when dealing with independent events probability or when the order of events doesn't matter. They provide a comprehensive overview of all possible outcomes in a single view, making it easier to compare probabilities across different scenarios.

However, probability tables may not clearly show the sequential nature of events as effectively as tree diagrams. They can also become complex and difficult to read when dealing with a large number of variables or outcomes.

In practice, the choice between using probability tables or tree diagrams often depends on the specific problem at hand. For simple scenarios or when dealing with independent events probability, tables might be more efficient. For problems involving conditional probabilities or when the sequence of events is crucial, tree diagrams might be more appropriate.

Ultimately, both probability tables and tree diagrams are valuable tools in data organization and probability calculations. Understanding how to construct and interpret both methods enhances one's ability to analyze complex probability scenarios effectively. By mastering these techniques, you can choose the most appropriate method for each unique probability problem, ensuring clear communication and accurate analysis of probabilistic information.

Practical Applications and Problem-Solving

Understanding the practical applications of tree diagrams and tables in probability calculations is crucial for real-world problem-solving. Let's explore some examples and practice problems to demonstrate how these tools can be applied effectively.

Example 1: Weather Forecast (Tree Diagram)

A meteorologist predicts a 60% chance of rain tomorrow. If it rains, there's a 70% chance of thunderstorms. What's the probability of both rain and thunderstorms occurring?


  1. Draw a tree diagram with two branches: Rain (60%) and No Rain (40%).
  2. From the Rain branch, add two sub-branches: Thunderstorms (70%) and No Thunderstorms (30%).
  3. Multiply the probabilities along the path: 0.60 × 0.70 = 0.42 or 42%

The probability of both rain and thunderstorms is 42%.

Example 2: Product Defects (Table)

A factory produces widgets in three colors: red, blue, and green. The probability of a widget being defective is 5% for red, 3% for blue, and 4% for green. If 50% of widgets are red, 30% are blue, and 20% are green, what's the overall probability of a randomly selected widget being defective?


  1. Create a table with columns for color, probability of color, probability of defect, and joint probability.
  2. Fill in the table:
    • Red: 50% × 5% = 2.5%
    • Blue: 30% × 3% = 0.9%
    • Green: 20% × 4% = 0.8%
  3. Sum the joint probabilities: 2.5% + 0.9% + 0.8% = 4.2%

The overall probability of a randomly selected widget being defective is 4.2%.

Practice Problem 1: Medical Diagnosis (Tree Diagram)

A medical test for a certain condition has a 95% accuracy rate for positive results and a 98% accuracy rate for negative results. If 2% of the population has this condition, what's the probability that a person who tests positive actually has the condition?

Hint: Use Bayes' theorem and a tree diagram to solve this problem. Start with the population split into two groups: those with the condition (2%) and those without (98%). Then, branch out to show test results for each group.

Practice Problem 2: Customer Preferences (Table)

A coffee shop offers three sizes of coffee: small, medium, and large. They also offer three flavors: regular, vanilla, and hazelnut. If 20% of customers prefer small, 50% prefer medium, and 30% prefer large, and 60% prefer regular, 25% prefer vanilla, and 15% prefer hazelnut, what's the probability that a random customer will order a medium vanilla coffee?

Hint: Create a table with rows for sizes and columns for flavors. Fill in the joint probabilities and identify the cell corresponding to medium vanilla.

Decision-Making in Probability

When deciding between using a tree diagram or a table, consider the following:

  • Use tree diagrams for sequential events or when conditional probabilities are involved.
  • Use tables for scenarios with multiple independent variables or when you need to calculate marginal probabilities.
  • Tree diagrams are often better for visualizing complex probability scenarios.


In this article, we've explored the essential role of tree diagrams and tables in calculating probabilities. These powerful tools provide a visual and systematic approach to solving complex probability problems. The introduction video served as a practical demonstration, illustrating how these methods can be applied to real-world scenarios. Tree diagrams offer a clear representation of sequential events, while probability tables excel at organizing multiple outcomes. By mastering these techniques, you'll enhance your ability to analyze and solve various probability questions. We encourage you to practice using these methods regularly, as they form the foundation of more advanced probability concepts. Remember, the skills you've learned here are applicable across numerous fields, from statistics to data science. To deepen your understanding, consider exploring additional resources on probability tables, which will further expand your analytical toolkit. Embracing these techniques will undoubtedly strengthen your problem-solving abilities in probability and related disciplines.


Ken flips a coin and draws out a marble from a bag with 5 marbles of different colours: green, blue, red, orange and yellow. Draw a tree diagram to show the sample space.

Step 1: Understand the Problem

To solve this problem, we need to understand the two main actions involved: flipping a coin and drawing a marble from a bag. The coin has two possible outcomes: heads (H) or tails (T). The bag contains 5 marbles of different colors: green (G), blue (B), red (R), orange (O), and yellow (Y). Our goal is to create a tree diagram that represents all possible outcomes of these two actions.

Step 2: Identify the First Set of Outcomes

The first action is flipping the coin. This action has two possible outcomes:

  • Heads (H)
  • Tails (T)

Step 3: Identify the Second Set of Outcomes

For each outcome of the coin flip, there are 5 possible outcomes when drawing a marble from the bag. These outcomes are:

  • Green (G)
  • Blue (B)
  • Red (R)
  • Orange (O)
  • Yellow (Y)

Step 4: Construct the Tree Diagram

Now, we will construct the tree diagram. Start with the initial node representing the coin flip. From this node, draw two branches: one for heads (H) and one for tails (T). From each of these branches, draw five more branches representing the possible outcomes of drawing a marble. The tree diagram will look like this:

  • Heads (H)
    • Green (HG)
    • Blue (HB)
    • Red (HR)
    • Orange (HO)
    • Yellow (HY)
  • Tails (T)
    • Green (TG)
    • Blue (TB)
    • Red (TR)
    • Orange (TO)
    • Yellow (TY)

Step 5: List the Sample Space

The sample space is the set of all possible outcomes. From the tree diagram, we can list the sample space as follows:

  • HG (Heads, Green)
  • HB (Heads, Blue)
  • HR (Heads, Red)
  • HO (Heads, Orange)
  • HY (Heads, Yellow)
  • TG (Tails, Green)
  • TB (Tails, Blue)
  • TR (Tails, Red)
  • TO (Tails, Orange)
  • TY (Tails, Yellow)

Step 6: Verify the Total Number of Outcomes

To ensure the tree diagram is correct, count the total number of outcomes. There are 2 outcomes from the coin flip and 5 outcomes from drawing a marble for each coin flip outcome. Therefore, the total number of outcomes is 2 * 5 = 10. This matches the number of outcomes listed in the sample space.

Step 7: Conclusion

By following these steps, we have successfully constructed a tree diagram to represent the sample space for Ken flipping a coin and drawing a marble from a bag. The tree diagram helps visualize all possible outcomes and ensures that we have accounted for every combination of events.


Here are some frequently asked questions about determining probabilities using tree diagrams and tables:

  1. What is the main difference between tree diagrams and probability tables?

    Tree diagrams are best for visualizing sequential events and conditional probabilities, showing a clear path from initial events to outcomes. Probability tables are more compact and efficient for representing multiple independent events or calculating marginal probabilities. Tree diagrams excel at showing the progression of events, while tables provide a comprehensive overview of all possible outcomes in a single view.

  2. How do I calculate the probability of a specific outcome using a tree diagram?

    To calculate the probability of a specific outcome using a tree diagram, multiply the probabilities along the path from the root to the desired outcome. For example, if you have a coin flip (50% heads) followed by rolling a die (1/6 chance for each number), the probability of getting heads and then rolling a 3 would be 0.5 × 1/6 = 1/12.

  3. When should I use a probability table instead of a tree diagram?

    Use a probability table when dealing with multiple independent events, when the order of events doesn't matter, or when you need to calculate marginal probabilities easily. Tables are also preferable when you have a large number of outcomes that would make a tree diagram too complex or unwieldy.

  4. How can I ensure my probability calculations using these methods are correct?

    To verify your calculations, always check that the sum of all probabilities in a tree diagram or table equals 1 (or 100%). For tree diagrams, ensure that the probabilities of all branches at each level sum to 1. In tables, both row and column totals should sum to 1. Additionally, cross-check your results using alternative methods or simplified scenarios to confirm your understanding.

  5. Can these methods be used for more complex probability problems in advanced statistics?

    Yes, both tree diagrams and probability tables form the foundation for more advanced probability concepts. They can be adapted for complex scenarios involving conditional probability, Bayes' theorem, and multi-stage probability problems. As you progress to more advanced topics, these basic tools will continue to be valuable for visualizing and solving complex probability questions in fields like data science, finance, and scientific research.

Prerequisite Topics

Understanding the foundation of probability theory is crucial when delving into the topic of "Determining probabilities using tree diagrams and tables." To master this concept, it's essential to grasp several key prerequisite topics that form the building blocks of probability analysis.

One fundamental concept to comprehend is comparing experimental and theoretical probability. This knowledge helps students distinguish between probabilities derived from actual experiments and those calculated based on theoretical models. By understanding the relationship between experimental and theoretical probabilities, learners can better interpret the results obtained from tree diagrams and probability tables.

Another critical prerequisite is the probability of independent events. This concept is particularly relevant when working with tree diagrams, as many branches represent independent outcomes. Grasping how to calculate probabilities for combined events that are not influenced by each other is essential for accurately determining overall probabilities in complex scenarios.

Additionally, conditional probability plays a significant role in understanding tree diagrams and probability tables. This concept becomes especially important when dealing with dependent events, where the probability of one event occurring affects the likelihood of subsequent events. Conditional probability is often represented in tree diagrams through branching paths and can greatly impact the final probability calculations.

By mastering these prerequisite topics, students will be better equipped to tackle the challenges presented in determining probabilities using tree diagrams and tables. The ability to compare experimental and theoretical probabilities allows for a more nuanced interpretation of real-world data. Understanding independent events helps in breaking down complex probability scenarios into manageable components. Lastly, knowledge of conditional probability enables students to navigate the intricate relationships between events in a probability tree or table.

As students progress in their study of probability, they'll find that these foundational concepts continually resurface and intertwine. Tree diagrams and probability tables serve as powerful visual tools that incorporate all these elements, allowing for a comprehensive analysis of various probability scenarios. By solidifying their understanding of these prerequisites, students will develop a stronger intuition for probability theory and be better prepared to solve complex problems in statistics and data analysis.