Student's t-distribution

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  1. How do we estimate population mean when ? is unknown?
  1. Determining a Confidence Interval for a Population Mean using t-distributions
    The "Vendee Globe" is an around the world solo yacht race. In a particular year 31 sailors did the race and finished with an average time of 123 days, with a standard deviation of 11 days. With a t-score of tα2=2.45t_\frac{\alpha}{2}=2.45 construct a confidence interval for the average amount of time it takes the average Vendee Globe sailor to circumnavigate the world (sail around the world).
    1. In "Anchiles", a small made-up town near the equator, 15 random days were sampled and found to have an average temperature of 28°C, with a standard deviation of 4°C. Assume that the average daily temperature of this town is normally distributed.
      1. With a 95% confidence where does the average daily temperature of Anchiles lie?
      2. What if we knew that in fact that the standard deviation of temperature was 4°C for the entire population? Then with a 95% confidence where does the average daily temperature of Anchiles lie?
      3. From the previous two questions, which has a larger confidence interval? Why might that be the case? Look at the t-scores as the sample gets larger and larger.
    2. Determining the Sample Standard Deviation with a given Margin of Error
      From a sample of 25 new drivers it was found that the average age that a young adult in British Columbia receives their driver's license is given with a 90% confidence as somewhere in the interval of 16.72< μ\mu <23.28 years old. Assume that the age that new drivers receive their license is normally distributed. What was the standard deviation from this sample?
      Topic Notes

      Introduction to Student's t-Distribution

      Student's t-distribution is a fundamental concept in statistics, playing a crucial role in hypothesis testing and confidence interval estimation. This distribution is particularly important when working with small sample sizes and when the population standard deviation is unknown. The accompanying introduction video provides a comprehensive overview of the t-distribution, helping students grasp its significance and applications. Unlike the normal distribution, the t-distribution has heavier tails, making it more suitable for analyzing data with greater variability. Statisticians and researchers frequently use the t-distribution when dealing with real-world data where the true population parameters are often unknown. By understanding the t-distribution, students can make more accurate inferences about population means, especially in situations where the sample size is limited. This knowledge is essential for various fields, including scientific research, business analytics, and social sciences, where precise statistical analysis is paramount.

      Understanding Confidence Intervals with t-Distribution

      Confidence intervals are a crucial tool in statistical analysis, providing a range of values that likely contain the true population parameter. While we previously explored confidence intervals using z-scores, it's essential to understand the application of t-distribution in this context, especially when dealing with smaller sample sizes or unknown population standard deviations.

      The t-distribution, also known as Student's t-distribution, comes into play when we need to estimate a population mean but don't have access to the population standard deviation. This scenario is common in real-world research and data analysis, where we often work with sample data rather than complete population information.

      Unlike the z-distribution, which assumes we know the population standard deviation, the t-distribution relies on the sample standard deviation. This key difference makes the t-distribution particularly useful when working with smaller sample sizes (typically less than 30) or when the population standard deviation is unknown.

      The t-distribution shares similarities with the normal distribution but has heavier tails, meaning it accounts for greater variability in the data. As the sample size increases, the t-distribution approaches the shape of the normal distribution, converging when the sample size becomes large enough.

      When constructing confidence intervals using the t-distribution, we replace the z-score with a t-value from the t-distribution table. The formula for a confidence interval using t-distribution is:

      CI = x̄ ± (t * (s / n))

      Where x̄ is the sample mean, t is the t-value for the desired confidence level and degrees of freedom, s is the sample standard deviation, and n is the sample size.

      Comparing this to the z-score method, we see that the structure is similar, but we use t instead of z and the sample standard deviation (s) instead of the population standard deviation (σ). This substitution allows for greater flexibility when working with real-world data where population parameters are often unknown.

      The history of the t-distribution dates back to 1908 when William Sealy Gosset, an employee at the Guinness brewery in Dublin, developed it. Gosset, writing under the pseudonym "Student" due to his employer's policy, created this distribution to address the challenges of working with small sample sizes in quality control for beer brewing.

      Gosset's work was revolutionary because it provided a way to make inferences about population parameters when dealing with small samples, a common scenario in many fields of research. The t-distribution quickly gained popularity in statistics and has since become a fundamental tool in hypothesis testing and confidence interval estimation.

      It's important to note that as the sample size increases, the difference between using t-distribution and z-distribution becomes negligible. For large samples (typically n > 30), the results from both methods are practically identical. However, for smaller samples, the t-distribution provides more accurate confidence intervals by accounting for the additional uncertainty associated with estimating the population standard deviation from the sample.

      In practice, statisticians and researchers often default to using the t-distribution for confidence intervals unless they have a strong reason to believe that the population standard deviation is known. This approach ensures more conservative and reliable estimates, especially when working with smaller datasets or when the nature of the population distribution is uncertain.

      Understanding the application of t-distribution in confidence interval estimation is crucial for anyone working with statistical analysis, from students to professional researchers. It provides a robust method for making inferences about population parameters, even when faced with the limitations of small sample sizes or unknown population characteristics. By mastering this concept, analysts can produce more accurate and reliable statistical conclusions across a wide range of disciplines and real-world scenarios.

      Formula and Components of t-Distribution

      The t-distribution formula for confidence intervals is a crucial tool in statistical analysis, especially when dealing with smaller sample sizes. This formula is essential for estimating population parameters when the population standard deviation is unknown. Let's break down the components of this formula and explore how it differs from the z-score method.

      The general formula for a confidence interval using the t-distribution is:

      CI = x̄ ± (t * (s / n))


      • CI is the confidence interval
      • x̄ is the sample mean
      • t is the t-score (critical value from the t-distribution)
      • s is the sample standard deviation
      • n is the sample size

      Let's examine each component in detail:

      1. T-score (t)

      The t-score is a critical value obtained from the t-distribution table. It depends on the desired confidence level and the degrees of freedom (df = n - 1). Unlike the z-score, which is fixed for a given confidence level, the t-score varies based on sample size. For smaller samples, the t-score is larger, reflecting greater uncertainty.

      2. Sample Standard Deviation (s)

      The sample standard deviation measures the variability in the sample data. It's used as an estimate of the population standard deviation when the latter is unknown. This is a key difference from the z-score method, which requires knowledge of the population standard deviation.

      3. Sample Size (n)

      The sample size affects the width of the confidence interval. Larger sample sizes generally lead to narrower intervals, indicating more precise estimates. In the formula, we use n to account for the relationship between sample size and estimation precision.

      Differences from Z-score Method

      The main differences between the t-distribution and z-score methods are:

      1. The t-distribution is used when the population standard deviation is unknown, while the z-score method requires this information.
      2. T-scores are typically larger than z-scores for the same confidence level, resulting in wider confidence intervals.
      3. The t-distribution accounts for the additional uncertainty introduced by estimating the population standard deviation from the sample.


      Let's consider an example to illustrate the concept:

      Suppose we have a sample of 25 students' test scores with a mean of 75 and a sample standard deviation of 8. We want to construct a 95% confidence interval for the population mean.


      1. Find the t-score for 95% confidence and 24 degrees of freedom (25 - 1). This is approximately 2.064.
      2. Calculate the margin of error: 2.064 * (8 / 25) 3.29
      3. Construct the confidence interval: 75 ± 3.29, or (71.71, 78.29)

      This means we can be 95% confident that the true population mean falls between 71.71 and 78.29.

      In conclusion, the t-distribution formula for confidence intervals is a powerful tool for statistical inference, especially when working with smaller sample sizes or when the population standard deviation is unknown. By understanding its components - the t-score, sample standard deviation, and sample size - researchers can make more accurate inferences about population parameters. The t-distribution's ability to account for additional uncertainty makes it a more conservative and often more appropriate choice than the z-score method in many real-world scenarios.

      Degrees of Freedom in t-Distribution

      Degrees of freedom is a crucial concept in statistics, particularly when working with t-distributions. In the context of t-distributions, degrees of freedom refer to the number of independent observations in a dataset that are free to vary when estimating statistical parameters. This concept is fundamental to understanding the shape and behavior of t-distributions, which are commonly used in hypothesis testing and confidence interval calculations.

      The formula for calculating degrees of freedom in a t-distribution is typically expressed as n - 1, where n represents the sample size. This formula is significant because it directly impacts the shape of the t-distribution curve. As the degrees of freedom increase, the t-distribution approaches a normal distribution, becoming more bell-shaped and less heavy-tailed.

      To illustrate the concept of degrees of freedom, let's consider an example from the video. Imagine we have a sample of five numbers: 2, 4, 6, 8, and 10. The sample mean is 6. At first glance, it might seem that all five numbers are free to vary. However, once we know the sample mean, only four of these numbers can truly vary independently. If we know four of the numbers and the mean, the fifth number is constrained and must take on a specific value to maintain the given mean.

      This constraint is why we subtract 1 from the sample size to calculate the degrees of freedom. In our example, with a sample size of 5, we have 4 degrees of freedom (5 - 1 = 4). This concept extends to larger sample sizes and more complex statistical analyses.

      The significance of degrees of freedom in t-distributions cannot be overstated. They directly influence the critical values used in hypothesis testing and the width of confidence intervals. With fewer degrees of freedom, the t-distribution has heavier tails, reflecting greater uncertainty due to smaller sample sizes. As degrees of freedom increase, the distribution narrows, indicating increased precision in our estimates.

      Understanding degrees of freedom is essential for correctly interpreting statistical results. For instance, when comparing means between two groups, the degrees of freedom affect the t-value required for statistical significance. Similarly, in regression analysis, degrees of freedom play a role in determining the significance of predictor variables.

      It's important to note that the concept of degrees of freedom extends beyond t-distributions. In chi-square tests, ANOVA, and other statistical methods, degrees of freedom are calculated differently but serve a similar purpose in quantifying the number of independent pieces of information available for estimation.

      In practical applications, such as scientific research or data analysis, correctly identifying and using the appropriate degrees of freedom is crucial for drawing valid conclusions. Misspecifying degrees of freedom can lead to incorrect p-values, confidence intervals, and ultimately, flawed interpretations of data.

      To summarize, degrees of freedom in t-distributions represent the number of independent observations that can vary in a dataset. Calculated as n - 1, where n is the sample size, they are fundamental to shaping the t-distribution and interpreting statistical results. By understanding this concept, researchers and analysts can more accurately assess the reliability of their statistical inferences and make more informed decisions based on their data.

      Using t-Distribution Tables

      T-distribution tables are essential tools in statistics for finding the appropriate t-score, which is crucial for hypothesis testing and constructing confidence levels. These tables provide a structured way to determine critical values based on degrees of freedom and desired confidence levels. Understanding how to use t-distribution tables effectively is a valuable skill for students and professionals working with statistical analysis.

      The structure of a t-distribution table typically includes several key components:

      • Degrees of freedom (df): Listed vertically along the left side of the table
      • Confidence levels: Displayed horizontally across the top of the table
      • One-tail and two-tail test values: Often presented in separate columns or tables

      To use a t-distribution table and find the appropriate t-score, follow these steps:

      1. Determine the degrees of freedom for your specific scenario. This is usually calculated as n - 1, where n is the sample size.
      2. Decide on the desired confidence level for your analysis (e.g., 90%, 95%, or 99%).
      3. Choose between a one-tail or two-tail test, depending on your hypothesis.
      4. Locate the row corresponding to your degrees of freedom in the table.
      5. Find the column that matches your chosen confidence level and test type (one-tail or two-tail).
      6. The value at the intersection of the identified row and column is your t-score.

      For example, if you have a sample size of 20 (df = 19) and need a two-tail test at a 95% confidence level, you would find the row for 19 degrees of freedom and the column for 0.05 (representing the 95% confidence level in a two-tail test). The value you find is your critical t-score.

      Interpreting the results involves understanding that the t-score represents the number of standard deviations from the mean required to achieve your desired confidence level. In hypothesis testing, you compare your calculated t-statistic to this critical value to make decisions about rejecting or failing to reject the null hypothesis.

      It's important to note that modern statistical software often calculates t-scores automatically, but understanding how to use t-distribution tables manually provides a deeper insight into the statistical process and can be valuable for checking software outputs or performing quick estimations.

      When working with small sample sizes or when the population standard deviation is unknown, t-distribution tables are particularly useful. They account for the increased uncertainty in these scenarios compared to the normal distribution, making them a more appropriate choice for many real-world statistical applications.

      Characteristics of Student's t-Distribution

      The Student's t-distribution is a fundamental concept in statistics, widely used for hypothesis testing and confidence interval estimation when dealing with small sample sizes. One of its key characteristics is that Student's t-distributions are symmetric about a value of t=0, making it a balanced probability distribution. This symmetry is crucial for its applications in statistical analysis, particularly when working with sample means.

      Like the normal distribution, the t-distribution is bell-shaped, giving it a familiar curve that statisticians and researchers often work with. However, it's important to note that while similar, the t-distribution is not identical to the normal distribution. The most notable difference lies in its tails. The t-distribution has heavier tails compared to the normal distribution, which means it assigns more probability to extreme values. This characteristic makes the t-distribution more conservative and suitable for situations where we have less information about the population standard deviation.

      The shape of the t-distribution is intimately tied to its degrees of freedom. The degrees of freedom represent the number of independent pieces of information that go into the estimate of a parameter. As the degrees of freedom increase, the t-distribution becomes more similar to the normal distribution. With lower degrees of freedom, the t-distribution has heavier tails and a lower, wider peak compared to the normal distribution. This relationship is crucial because it affects how we interpret statistical results, especially in scenarios with small sample sizes.

      When the degrees of freedom are very large (typically above 30), the t-distribution closely approximates the standard normal distribution. This convergence is why many statistical analyses switch from using the t-distribution to the normal distribution when sample sizes exceed 30. However, for smaller sample sizes, the t-distribution provides a more accurate model of the sampling distribution of the mean, accounting for the additional uncertainty that comes with estimating population parameters from limited data.

      Understanding these characteristics is essential for correctly applying the t-distribution in various statistical contexts. Its symmetry about t=0 allows for straightforward calculations of probabilities and critical values. The bell shape makes it intuitive to work with, similar to the normal distribution. The heavier tails account for the increased variability in small samples, providing more conservative estimates. Finally, the relationship between the shape and degrees of freedom allows statisticians to select the appropriate distribution based on their sample size, ensuring accurate and reliable statistical inferences.

      Applications of t-Distribution in Statistics

      The t-distribution, also known as Student's t-distribution, is a fundamental concept in statistics with numerous practical applications. This probability distribution is particularly useful when dealing with small sample sizes or when the population standard deviation is unknown. Understanding what t-distribution is in statistics and its various applications is crucial for researchers, analysts, and decision-makers across different fields.

      One of the primary applications of the t-distribution is in hypothesis testing. When comparing a sample mean to a known population mean or when comparing two sample means, the t-distribution becomes invaluable, especially when sample sizes are small (typically less than 30). For instance, in quality control processes in manufacturing, engineers might use t-tests to determine if a new production method significantly affects the mean output of a product. By utilizing the t-distribution, they can make informed decisions even with limited data points.

      The t-distribution is particularly useful when comparing means of small samples. In medical research, where large sample sizes are often difficult or expensive to obtain, the t-distribution allows researchers to draw meaningful conclusions from limited data. For example, when testing the efficacy of a new drug, researchers might use paired t-tests to compare patients' conditions before and after treatment. This application of the t-distribution helps in determining whether observed differences are statistically significant or merely due to chance.

      Another significant application of the t-distribution is in regression analysis, specifically in analyzing regression coefficients. When conducting multiple regression analyses, researchers use t-tests to assess the significance of individual predictor variables. This is crucial in fields like economics and social sciences, where understanding the impact of various factors on a dependent variable is essential. For instance, in a study examining factors influencing house prices, t-tests based on the t-distribution would help determine which variables (such as square footage, number of bedrooms, or location) significantly affect the price.

      The t-distribution also finds applications in constructing confidence intervals for population parameters when the sample size is small. This is particularly useful in fields like environmental science, where collecting large samples might be impractical or costly. For example, when estimating the average concentration of a pollutant in a water body, scientists can use the t-distribution to create confidence intervals around their sample mean, providing a range of plausible values for the true population parameter.

      In the realm of finance and investment, the t-distribution plays a role in portfolio analysis and risk assessment. When evaluating the performance of investment strategies or comparing different portfolios, financial analysts often use t-tests to determine if the observed differences in returns are statistically significant. This application helps in making informed investment decisions, especially when dealing with limited historical data or short-term performance metrics.

      The versatility of the t-distribution extends to fields like psychology and educational research. In these areas, researchers frequently work with small sample sizes due to practical constraints. The t-distribution enables them to conduct meaningful analyses, such as comparing the effectiveness of different teaching methods or assessing the impact of psychological interventions on small groups of participants.

      In conclusion, the t-distribution is a powerful statistical tool with wide-ranging applications across various fields. Its ability to handle small sample sizes and situations where population parameters are unknown makes it indispensable in hypothesis testing, comparing means, analyzing regression coefficients, and constructing confidence intervals. From quality control in manufacturing to medical research, financial analysis, and beyond, the t-distribution continues to be a cornerstone of statistical inference, enabling researchers and professionals to draw meaningful conclusions from limited data and make informed decisions in the face of uncertainty.


      Student's t-distribution is a crucial tool in statistical analysis, especially when working with small samples or when the population standard deviation is unknown. This distribution allows for more accurate inference and hypothesis testing in these scenarios, making it invaluable in various fields of research and data analysis. The introduction video provides a solid foundation for understanding the concepts and applications of Student's t-distribution. By grasping these principles, you'll be better equipped to handle real-world statistical challenges. To truly master this topic, it's essential to practice using t-distribution in different statistical scenarios. This hands-on experience will reinforce your understanding and help you apply the concepts confidently in your work. Remember, the t-distribution's importance in small sample analysis cannot be overstated, and its proper application can lead to more reliable and robust statistical conclusions. Keep exploring and practicing to enhance your statistical analysis skills.


      In "Anchiles", a small made-up town near the equator, 15 random days were sampled and found to have an average temperature of 28°C, with a standard deviation of 4°C. Assume that the average daily temperature of this town is normally distributed. With a 95% confidence where does the average daily temperature of Anchiles lie?

      Step 1: Understanding the Problem

      We are given a small town called Anchiles, where 15 random days were sampled. The average temperature for these days was found to be 28°C, with a standard deviation of 4°C. We need to determine the range within which the average daily temperature of Anchiles lies with 95% confidence. Since the sample size is less than 30, we will use the Student's t-distribution for our calculations.

      Step 2: Assumptions and Conditions

      We assume that the average daily temperature of Anchiles is normally distributed. This assumption is necessary because our sample size is smaller than 30. If the sample size were larger than 30, we could use the Central Limit Theorem to assume normality. However, with a smaller sample size, we must assume the population is normally distributed to proceed with the t-distribution.

      Step 3: Identifying the Variables

      We need to identify the key variables for our calculations:

      • Sample mean (xˉ \bar{x} ): 28°C
      • Sample standard deviation (s): 4°C
      • Sample size (n): 15
      • Degrees of freedom (df): n1=14 n - 1 = 14
      • Confidence level: 95%

      Step 4: Finding the t-Score

      To find the t-score, we need the degrees of freedom and the confidence level. For a 95% confidence level and 14 degrees of freedom, we refer to the t-distribution table. The t-score corresponding to these values is approximately 2.145.

      Step 5: Calculating the Margin of Error

      The margin of error (E) is calculated using the formula:
      E=t×sn E = t \times \frac{s}{\sqrt{n}}
      Substituting the values:
      E=2.145×415 E = 2.145 \times \frac{4}{\sqrt{15}}
      Calculate the value to find the margin of error.

      Step 6: Constructing the Confidence Interval

      With the margin of error calculated, we can construct the confidence interval for the average daily temperature. The confidence interval is given by:
      xˉ±E \bar{x} \pm E
      Substituting the values:
      28±E 28 \pm E
      This will give us the range within which the average daily temperature of Anchiles lies with 95% confidence.

      Step 7: Interpreting the Results

      Finally, interpret the confidence interval. The interval provides a range of values that, with 95% confidence, contains the true average daily temperature of Anchiles. This means that if we were to take many samples and construct confidence intervals in the same way, 95% of those intervals would contain the true average daily temperature.


      Here are some frequently asked questions about Student's t-distribution:

      1. What is the t-distribution in probability?

      The t-distribution is a probability distribution that is used in statistical analysis, particularly when dealing with small sample sizes or when the population standard deviation is unknown. It is similar to the normal distribution but has heavier tails, making it more suitable for situations with greater uncertainty.

      2. Why is the t-distribution called the Student's t-distribution?

      The t-distribution is called "Student's" t-distribution because it was developed by William Sealy Gosset, who published his work under the pseudonym "Student" due to his employer's policies. Gosset created this distribution while working at the Guinness brewery to solve problems related to small sample sizes.

      3. Are t-distributions always centered at 0?

      Yes, the standard t-distribution is always symmetric and centered at 0. This property makes it useful for hypothesis testing and constructing confidence intervals. However, in practice, the distribution can be shifted and scaled to fit specific scenarios.

      4. What is the difference between the t-distribution and the normal distribution?

      The main difference is that the t-distribution has heavier tails than the normal distribution, especially for small degrees of freedom. This means it assigns more probability to extreme values. As the degrees of freedom increase, the t-distribution approaches the normal distribution.

      5. When should you use the t-distribution?

      You should use the t-distribution when:

      • Working with small sample sizes (typically less than 30)
      • The population standard deviation is unknown
      • Constructing confidence intervals for population means
      • Performing hypothesis tests about population means
      • Analyzing regression coefficients in multiple regression
      These scenarios are common in various fields, including scientific research, business analytics, and social sciences.

      Prerequisite Topics for Understanding Student's t-distribution

      Understanding Student's t-distribution is crucial in statistical analysis, but to fully grasp its concepts and applications, it's essential to have a solid foundation in several prerequisite topics. These fundamental concepts provide the necessary context and skills to effectively work with and interpret t-distributions.

      One of the key prerequisites is the mean and standard deviation of binomial distribution. This topic introduces the concept of sample standard deviation, which is vital in calculating t-statistics. Understanding how to compute and interpret these measures lays the groundwork for more complex statistical analyses.

      Another important prerequisite is Chi-Squared hypothesis testing. This introduces the fundamental principles of hypothesis testing, which are directly applicable to t-tests using the Student's t-distribution. Familiarity with hypothesis testing procedures is crucial for conducting and interpreting t-tests effectively.

      The concept of making a confidence interval is also closely related to the t-distribution. Understanding confidence interval estimation helps in interpreting the results of t-tests and in constructing intervals using t-distributions, especially for small sample sizes.

      A solid grasp of the introduction to normal distribution is fundamental, as the t-distribution is closely related to the normal distribution. The t-distribution approaches the normal distribution as sample sizes increase, making this knowledge essential for understanding when and why to use the t-distribution.

      The concept of margin of error is crucial in understanding the precision of estimates derived from t-distributions. This knowledge helps in interpreting the reliability of results obtained from t-tests and confidence intervals based on the t-distribution.

      While not directly related, understanding regression analysis can provide valuable context for applying t-distributions in more advanced statistical techniques, such as testing the significance of regression coefficients.

      Lastly, familiarity with confidence levels and critical values is essential. This knowledge is directly applicable to working with t-distributions, as critical values from the t-distribution are used in hypothesis testing and confidence interval construction.

      By mastering these prerequisite topics, students will be well-prepared to tackle the complexities of Student's t-distribution. This foundation will enable a deeper understanding of its applications in statistical inference, hypothesis testing, and confidence interval estimation, particularly when working with small sample sizes or when population standard deviations are unknown.

      In the previous section we discovered how to make a confidence interval for estimating population mean. However we knew what the population standard deviation (σ\sigma) was. However it is not always the case that σ\sigma is known.

      If population standard deviation (σ\sigma) is unknown then to make a confidence interval to estimate population mean we cannot our old formula for error: E=Zσ2σnE=Z_\frac{\sigma}{2}*\frac{\sigma}{\sqrt{n}} as it requires a knowledge of σ\sigma. So instead we are required to use a thing called t-scores (tα2)t_{\frac{\alpha}{2}}).

      Once we find the t-scores for particular values (this is done in a similar way to finding z-scores) we have a new formula for the Margin of Error: