Making a confidence interval

  1. Confidence interval is given by: p^E\hat{p} -E < p p < p^+E\hat{p}+E
    Or equivalently: p=p^±Ep=\hat{p} \pm E

    \cdot E=Zα2p^(1p^)nE=Z_\frac{\alpha}{2} \sqrt{ \frac{ \hat{p} (1-\hat{p})}{n}}
    \cdot p^\hat{p}: the point estimate, a sample estimate
    \cdot pp: the population proportion (this is the data we are concerned with ultimately finding)
    \cdot nn: the sample size
    \cdot Zα2Z_\frac{\alpha}{2}: the critical value
  1. Finding the Confidence Intervals
    Let p^=0.65\hat{p} =0.65, n=250n=250, and Zα2=1.645Z_\frac{\alpha}{2}=1.645. What is the resulting confidence interval?
    1. It was found that from a sample of students from an introductory statistics course, which has 50 students enrolled, 15 of these students planned to take higher level statistics courses. There are several statistics courses with an entirety of 300 students in all these courses together. We want to estimate the number of students who are going to take higher level statistics courses with a 0.95 confidence level.
      1. Out of all the students in these statistics courses what is the estimated number of students who plan to take higher level statistics courses?
      2. Find Zα2Z_\frac{\alpha}{2}
      3. What is the margin of error for our estimate?
      4. What is the confidence interval?
    2. It was found that from a sample of students from an introductory statistics course, which has 50 students enrolled, 15 of these students planned to take higher level statistics courses. There are several statistics courses with an entirety of 300 students in all these courses together. We want to estimate the number of students who are going to take higher level statistics courses with a 0.95 confidence level.

      If we want to raise our confidence level from 0.95 to 0.98, what is the resulting confidence interval?
      1. Determining the Sample Size
        If p^=0.40\hat{p}=0.40, and we want to be 9595% certain that our population proportion lies within 0.0250.025 of p^\hat{p} , then what size does our sample have to be?
        1. A new start-up micro-brewing company called "Thirsty Brothers Brewing" is giving out free beer to the general populace. They discovered that out of the 75 free beers given out to customers; a total of 72 customers liked the beers. "Thirsty Brothers Brewing" wants to have a 99% confidence level for the confidence interval of the population that will like their beers. What is the confidence interval?
          Topic Notes

          Introduction to Confidence Intervals

          Confidence intervals are a crucial tool in statistical analysis, providing a range of values that likely contain the true population parameter. Our introduction video offers a comprehensive overview of this concept, making it accessible to learners at all levels. Understanding confidence intervals is essential for interpreting data accurately and making informed decisions based on statistical findings. They play a vital role in various fields, from scientific research to business analytics. For instance, in political science, confidence intervals are frequently used to report presidential approval ratings, giving a more nuanced view of public opinion than a single point estimate. By watching the introductory video, you'll gain insights into how confidence intervals are calculated, interpreted, and applied in real-world scenarios. This knowledge will enhance your ability to critically evaluate statistical claims and conduct more robust analyses in your own work or studies.

          Understanding Confidence Intervals

          Confidence intervals are a fundamental concept in statistics that provide a range of values likely to contain the true population parameter. They are crucial for making inferences about a population based on sample data. To illustrate this concept, let's consider the example of presidential approval ratings.

          Imagine a pollster wants to estimate the percentage of Americans who approve of the president's performance. They survey a random sample of 1,000 people and find that 52% approve. This 52% is called the point estimate, which is our best guess of the true population proportion. However, we know this estimate isn't perfect due to sampling variability.

          This is where confidence intervals come in. A 95% confidence interval might range from 49% to 55%. This means we can be 95% confident that the true approval rating for the entire population falls within this range. The width of this interval depends on several factors, including the sample size and the level of confidence we choose.

          The sample size is crucial in determining the precision of our estimate. Larger samples generally lead to narrower confidence intervals, providing more precise estimates. In our example, if we increased the sample size to 5,000 people, we might get a narrower interval, say 50.5% to 53.5%.

          The concept of margin of error is closely related to confidence intervals. The margin of error is half the width of the confidence interval. In our initial example, the margin of error would be 3 percentage points (55% - 52% or 52% - 49%). This is often reported in news articles about polls, such as "The president's approval rating is 52%, with a margin of error of ±3%."

          Understanding confidence intervals helps us interpret poll results more accurately. When we see a headline stating "52% of Americans approve of the president," we should recognize this as a point estimate. The confidence interval provides a range of plausible values for the true approval rating, accounting for sampling uncertainty.

          It's important to note that the confidence level (often 95%) doesn't refer to the probability that the true population parameter falls within the interval. Rather, it means that if we repeated this sampling process many times and calculated the confidence interval each time, about 95% of these intervals would contain the true population proportion.

          Confidence intervals also help in comparing different groups or time periods. If the confidence intervals for two estimates don't overlap, we can generally conclude that there's a statistically significant difference between the groups. For instance, if a previous poll showed a 45-51% approval rating and our current poll shows 49-55%, the non-overlapping intervals suggest a real increase in approval.

          In practice, calculating confidence intervals involves more complex formulas that take into account factors like the population proportion and the desired confidence level. However, the basic principle remains: we're providing a range of values likely to contain the true population parameter, based on our sample data.

          To summarize, confidence intervals are a powerful tool in statistical inference. They provide a measure of the reliability of our point estimates, help us understand the inherent uncertainty in sampling, and guide us in making more informed decisions based on statistical data. Whether in political polling, market research, or scientific studies, confidence intervals play a crucial role in interpreting and communicating statistical results.

          Calculating the Margin of Error

          The margin of error is a crucial concept in statistics that helps determine the accuracy of survey results or sample data. To calculate the margin of error, follow these steps:

          1. Understand the formula: The margin of error (E) is calculated using the formula: E = Z(α/2) * (P(1-P)/N)
          2. Identify the components:
            • Z(α/2): The critical value based on the desired confidence level
            • P: The sample proportion (if unknown, use 0.5 for maximum margin of error)
            • N: The sample size
          3. Determine the confidence level: Choose the desired confidence level (e.g., 95% or 99%)
          4. Find the critical value: Look up the Z-score corresponding to the chosen confidence level
          5. Calculate P(1-P): If P is known, multiply it by (1-P); if unknown, use 0.5 * 0.5 = 0.25
          6. Divide by the sample size: Divide P(1-P) by N
          7. Take the square root: Calculate the square root of the result from step 6
          8. Multiply by the critical value: Multiply the result from step 7 by the Z-score

          The critical value (Z) is a key component in calculating the margin of error. It is directly related to the confidence level, which represents the probability that the true population parameter falls within the calculated range. Common confidence levels and their corresponding Z-scores are:

          • 90% confidence level: Z = 1.645
          • 95% confidence level: Z = 1.96
          • 99% confidence level: Z = 2.576

          To illustrate the calculation process, let's consider an example:

          Suppose we conducted a survey with a sample size of 1000 people, and 60% of respondents favored a particular product. We want to calculate the margin of error with a 95% confidence level.

          1. Formula: E = Z(α/2) * (P(1-P)/N)
          2. Components:
            • Z(α/2) = 1.96 (for 95% confidence level)
            • P = 0.60 (60% favored the product)
            • N = 1000 (sample size)
          3. Calculate P(1-P): 0.60 * (1 - 0.60) = 0.24
          4. Divide by N: 0.24 / 1000 = 0.00024
          5. Take the square root: 0.00024 0.0155
          6. Multiply by Z: 1.96 * 0.0155 0.0304 or 3.04%

          In this example, the margin of error is approximately 3.04%. This means we can be 95% confident that the true population proportion falls within 3.04 percentage points of our sample proportion (60% ± 3.04%).

          Understanding and calculating the margin of error is essential for interpreting survey results and statistical data accurately. It provides a measure of the precision of the estimate and helps researchers determine the reliability of their findings. By considering the margin of error, decision-makers can make more informed choices based on statistical data, acknowledging the inherent uncertainty in sampling processes.

          Constructing a Confidence Interval

          Confidence intervals are essential tools in statistical analysis, providing a range of plausible values for a population parameter based on sample data. The process of constructing a confidence interval involves using the point estimate and margin of error to determine the upper and lower bounds of the interval. This section will detail this process, explain how to interpret confidence intervals, and provide examples of how to report them in research or media.

          To construct a confidence interval, we start with the point estimate, which is our best guess of the population parameter based on the sample data. This could be a sample mean, proportion, or other statistic. The next crucial component is the margin of error, which accounts for the uncertainty in our estimate due to sampling variability. The margin of error is typically calculated using the standard error of the estimate and a critical value from a probability distribution (such as the t-distribution or normal distribution) corresponding to the desired confidence level.

          The formula for a confidence interval is:

          Point Estimate ± Margin of Error

          To determine the lower bound of the confidence interval, we subtract the margin of error from the point estimate. Conversely, to find the upper bound, we add the margin of error to the point estimate. For example, if our point estimate is 50 and our margin of error is 3, the confidence interval would be (47, 53).

          Interpreting confidence intervals is crucial for understanding their practical significance. A 95% confidence interval, for instance, means that if we were to repeat the sampling process many times and calculate the interval each time, about 95% of these intervals would contain the true population parameter. It's important to note that the confidence level refers to the method of creating the interval, not the probability that the specific interval contains the true value.

          In practical terms, confidence intervals provide a range of plausible values for the population parameter, giving us an idea of the precision of our estimate. A narrow interval suggests a more precise estimate, while a wider interval indicates more uncertainty. Researchers and decision-makers can use this information to assess the reliability of their findings and make informed judgments.

          When reporting confidence intervals in research or media, it's essential to provide clear and accurate information. Here are some examples of how to report confidence intervals:

          1. "The average height of adult males in the population is estimated to be 175 cm, with a 95% confidence interval of (173 cm, 177 cm)."

          2. "The survey found that 62% of respondents support the new policy (95% CI: 58% - 66%)."

          3. "The mean difference in test scores between the two groups was 5.3 points (95% CI: 2.1 to 8.5 points)."

          In these examples, the point estimate is clearly stated, followed by the confidence interval in parentheses. The confidence level (usually 95%) should always be specified. When reporting in scientific publications, it's common to use square brackets for confidence intervals, e.g., [58%, 66%].

          It's also important to consider the context when interpreting and reporting confidence intervals. For instance, in medical research, a confidence interval for a treatment effect that includes zero might suggest that the treatment's effectiveness is uncertain. In contrast, an interval entirely above zero would indicate stronger evidence of a positive effect.

          Understanding how to construct, interpret, and report confidence intervals is crucial for researchers, statisticians, and anyone working with data-driven decision-making. These intervals provide valuable information about the precision of our estimates and help us make more informed conclusions about population parameters based on sample data. By properly using and communicating confidence intervals, we can enhance the clarity and reliability of statistical findings in various fields, from scientific research to public policy and business analytics.

          Factors Affecting Confidence Intervals

          Confidence intervals play a crucial role in statistical analysis, providing a range of values that likely contain the true population parameter. Understanding the factors that influence the width of confidence intervals is essential for researchers and data analysts. The three primary factors that affect confidence interval width are sample size, confidence level, and population variability.

          Sample size is perhaps the most significant factor influencing confidence interval width. As the sample size increases, the width of the confidence interval typically decreases, resulting in a more precise estimate. This relationship is inverse, meaning that doubling the sample size doesn't halve the interval width but rather reduces it by a factor of approximately 1/2. For example, if a study with 100 participants yields a confidence interval of ±5%, increasing the sample size to 400 might narrow the interval to about ±2.5%. This improvement in precision occurs because larger samples tend to be more representative of the population, reducing sampling error.

          The confidence level is another crucial factor affecting interval width. Common confidence levels include 90%, 95%, and 99%. As the confidence level increases, the width of the interval also increases. This is because a higher confidence level requires a wider interval to capture the true population parameter with greater certainty. For instance, a 95% confidence interval will be wider than a 90% interval for the same data, but narrower than a 99% interval. Researchers must balance the desire for high confidence with the need for precision, as very high confidence levels can lead to intervals too wide to be practically useful.

          Population variability, often expressed as the standard deviation, also impacts confidence interval width. Greater variability in the population leads to wider confidence intervals. This is because when the population is more diverse, there's more uncertainty in estimating its parameters from a sample. For example, in a population with high income inequality, estimating the average income would likely result in a wider confidence interval compared to a population with more uniform incomes. Researchers often have less control over population variability but must account for it in their analyses.

          The interplay between these factors is complex. For instance, increasing sample size can help mitigate the effects of high population variability. Similarly, if a high confidence level is required, researchers might compensate by increasing the sample size to maintain a reasonable interval width. Visual aids, such as graphs showing the relationship between sample size and interval width for different confidence levels, can be particularly helpful in understanding these relationships.

          In practice, researchers must carefully consider these factors when designing studies and interpreting results. Balancing the need for precision (narrow intervals) with practical constraints like time and resources is crucial. For example, in medical research, where precision can have life-saving implications, larger sample sizes and higher confidence levels might be prioritized. In contrast, market research might accept wider intervals for the sake of quicker, more cost-effective studies.

          Understanding these factors allows researchers to make informed decisions about study design and interpretation. By manipulating sample size, choosing appropriate confidence levels, and accounting for population variability, analysts can optimize the precision of their estimates while working within practical constraints. This knowledge is essential for producing reliable and meaningful statistical inferences across various fields of study.

          Applications and Limitations of Confidence Intervals

          Confidence intervals are powerful statistical tools used across various fields to estimate population parameters and provide a range of plausible values. Their applications span multiple disciplines, offering valuable insights while also presenting certain limitations and potential misinterpretations.

          In political polling, confidence intervals play a crucial role in predicting election outcomes. Pollsters use these intervals to estimate the percentage of voters supporting each candidate. For instance, a poll might report that a candidate has 52% support with a 95% confidence interval of ±3%. This means we can be 95% confident that the true population support lies between 49% and 55%. However, it's important to note that this doesn't guarantee the candidate will win, as other factors and sampling errors can influence the actual outcome.

          Medical research heavily relies on confidence intervals to assess the effectiveness of treatments and drugs. When evaluating a new medication, researchers might report that it reduces symptoms by 30% with a 95% confidence interval of 25% to 35%. This provides a range of plausible values for the true effect in the population. However, misinterpretations can occur if people focus solely on the point estimate (30%) without considering the interval's width, which indicates the precision of the estimate.

          In market analysis, confidence intervals help businesses make informed decisions about consumer preferences and market trends. For example, a company might estimate that 60% of customers prefer their product over competitors', with a 95% confidence interval of 55% to 65%. This information guides marketing strategies and product development. However, it's crucial to remember that confidence intervals are based on sample data and may not always accurately reflect the entire population, especially in rapidly changing markets.

          Despite their widespread use, confidence intervals have limitations and can be misinterpreted. One common misconception is that a 95% confidence interval means there's a 95% chance the true population parameter falls within the interval. In reality, it means that if we repeated the sampling process many times, about 95% of the intervals would contain the true parameter. This subtle distinction is often overlooked, leading to incorrect conclusions.

          Another limitation is that confidence intervals assume random sampling and non-normal distributions in confidence intervals, which may not always hold true in real-world scenarios. In cases of non-normal distributions in confidence intervals or small sample sizes, other methods like bootstrap confidence intervals might be more appropriate.

          Confidence intervals also don't provide information about the distribution of values within the interval. Two studies might have the same confidence interval but different distributions of data points, which could lead to different interpretations of the results.

          When deciding whether to use confidence intervals, consider the nature of your data and research question. Confidence intervals are particularly useful when estimating population parameters or comparing groups. However, for hypothesis testing or when dealing with complex, multivariable relationships, other statistical methods like p-values, regression analysis, or Bayesian approaches might be more suitable.

          In conclusion, while confidence intervals are valuable tools in fields like political polling, medical research, and market analysis, they should be used and interpreted with caution. Understanding their limitations and potential misinterpretations is crucial for making informed decisions based on statistical data. Researchers and analysts should always consider the context of their study and choose the most appropriate statistical method to answer their specific questions accurately and reliably.


          In summary, confidence intervals are crucial tools in statistical analysis, providing a range of values likely to contain the true population parameter. Their calculation involves point estimates, standard errors, and desired confidence levels. Interpreting confidence intervals requires understanding that they represent a probability range, not a definitive value. The importance of confidence intervals lies in their ability to quantify uncertainty and support decision-making. The introductory video has been instrumental in laying the foundation for understanding this concept. As you move forward, apply your knowledge of confidence intervals to real-world situations, such as analyzing survey results or evaluating experimental outcomes. This practical application will reinforce your understanding and highlight the relevance of statistical concepts in various fields. Continue exploring related topics like hypothesis testing and sample size determination to broaden your statistical expertise. Remember, confidence intervals are just one piece of the statistical puzzle, and further exploration will enhance your analytical skills and decision-making abilities in data-driven environments.

          Estimating the Number of Students Planning to Take Higher-Level Statistics Courses

          It was found that from a sample of students from an introductory statistics course, which has 50 students enrolled, 15 of these students planned to take higher level statistics courses. There are several statistics courses with an entirety of 300 students in all these courses together. We want to estimate the number of students who are going to take higher level statistics courses with a 0.95 confidence level.
          Out of all the students in these statistics courses what is the estimated number of students who plan to take higher level statistics courses?

          Step 1: Understanding the Problem

          First, we need to understand the problem at hand. We have a sample of 50 students from an introductory statistics course, and 15 of these students plan to take higher-level statistics courses. The total number of students in all statistics courses is 300. Our goal is to estimate the number of students who plan to take higher-level statistics courses with a 95% confidence level.

          Step 2: Calculating the Point Estimate

          The point estimate is the proportion of students in the sample who plan to take higher-level statistics courses. This is calculated by dividing the number of students who plan to take higher-level courses by the total number of students in the sample. In this case, the point estimate (p̂) is:

          p̂ = (Number of students planning to take higher-level courses) / (Total number of students in the sample)

          p̂ = 15 / 50 = 0.30

          This means that 30% of the students in the sample plan to take higher-level statistics courses.

          Step 3: Applying the Point Estimate to the Population

          Next, we apply this point estimate to the entire population of 300 students. To estimate the number of students in the entire population who plan to take higher-level statistics courses, we multiply the point estimate by the total number of students:

          Estimated number of students = p̂ * Total number of students

          Estimated number of students = 0.30 * 300 = 90

          So, we estimate that 90 students out of the 300 plan to take higher-level statistics courses.

          Step 4: Constructing the Confidence Interval

          To construct a 95% confidence interval for the proportion of students who plan to take higher-level statistics courses, we use the formula for the confidence interval for a proportion:

          CI = p̂ ± Z * (p̂(1 - p̂) / n)


          • p̂ is the point estimate (0.30)
          • Z is the Z-value for a 95% confidence level (approximately 1.96)
          • n is the sample size (50)

          First, we calculate the standard error (SE):

          SE = (p̂(1 - p̂) / n) = (0.30 * 0.70 / 50) 0.065

          Next, we calculate the margin of error (ME):

          ME = Z * SE = 1.96 * 0.065 0.127

          Finally, we construct the confidence interval:

          CI = 0.30 ± 0.127

          CI = (0.173, 0.427)

          This means that we are 95% confident that the true proportion of students who plan to take higher-level statistics courses is between 17.3% and 42.7%.

          Step 5: Applying the Confidence Interval to the Population

          To estimate the number of students in the entire population who plan to take higher-level statistics courses, we apply the confidence interval to the total number of students:

          Lower bound = 0.173 * 300 52

          Upper bound = 0.427 * 300 128

          So, we estimate that between 52 and 128 students out of the 300 plan to take higher-level statistics courses, with 95% confidence.


          1. What is a confidence interval?

            A confidence interval is a range of values that likely contains the true population parameter. It provides a measure of uncertainty around a point estimate, typically expressed as a percentage (e.g., 95% confidence interval).

          2. How do you interpret a 95% confidence interval?

            A 95% confidence interval means that if we were to repeat the sampling process many times and calculate the interval each time, about 95% of these intervals would contain the true population parameter. It doesn't mean there's a 95% chance the true value is within that specific interval.

          3. What factors affect the width of a confidence interval?

            The main factors affecting confidence interval width are sample size, confidence level, and population variability. Larger sample sizes generally lead to narrower intervals, while higher confidence levels and greater population variability result in wider intervals.

          4. How is margin of error related to confidence intervals?

            The margin of error is half the width of the confidence interval. It represents the maximum expected difference between the estimated value and the true population value. For example, if a 95% confidence interval is (45%, 55%), the margin of error is 5 percentage points.

          5. What are the limitations of confidence intervals?

            Confidence intervals assume random sampling and normal distribution of data, which may not always hold true. They don't provide information about the distribution of values within the interval and can be misinterpreted if not properly understood. Additionally, they may not be suitable for all types of statistical analyses or research questions.

          Prerequisite Topics

          Understanding the foundation of statistical concepts is crucial when delving into more advanced topics like making a confidence interval. Two key prerequisite topics that play a significant role in this process are the margin of error and the mean and standard deviation of binomial distribution.

          The margin of error is a fundamental concept in statistics that directly relates to creating confidence intervals. It represents the range of values above and below the sample statistic in a confidence interval. When making a confidence interval, understanding how to calculate and interpret the margin of error is essential. This concept helps in determining the precision of your estimate and the level of confidence in your results.

          Equally important is grasping the mean and standard deviation of binomial distribution. These measures are crucial in understanding the spread and central tendency of data, especially when dealing with binary outcomes. The standard deviation, in particular, is a key component in calculating confidence intervals, as it helps quantify the variability in your data set.

          When making a confidence interval, you'll often need to apply your knowledge of both these prerequisite topics. The margin of error calculation typically involves using the standard deviation, which is derived from the binomial distribution in many cases. Understanding how these concepts interrelate allows you to construct more accurate and meaningful confidence intervals.

          Moreover, these prerequisite topics provide the necessary context for interpreting confidence intervals. Knowing how the margin of error affects the width of the interval, and how the standard deviation influences the precision of your estimate, enables you to make more informed decisions based on your statistical analysis.

          In practical applications, such as in survey research or quality control, these concepts come together to form the backbone of statistical inference. For instance, when estimating population parameters from sample data, your understanding of margin of error helps in determining how close your sample estimate is likely to be to the true population value. Similarly, your knowledge of binomial distributions and their properties aids in analyzing scenarios with binary outcomes, which are common in many real-world situations.

          By mastering these prerequisite topics, you'll be better equipped to tackle the complexities of making confidence intervals. You'll have a deeper understanding of the underlying principles, allowing you to not only construct confidence intervals but also to interpret them accurately and apply them effectively in various statistical analyses.

          In conclusion, the journey to proficiency in making confidence intervals begins with a solid grasp of these fundamental concepts. Investing time in understanding the margin of error and the mean and standard deviation of binomial distribution will pay dividends in your statistical studies and applications, providing you with the tools to conduct more robust and reliable statistical analyses.

          Basic Concepts