Conservation of momentum in two dimensions

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  1. Introduction to conservation of momentum in two dimensions

    • Review of conservation of momentum
    • Vector nature of momentum and conservation of momentum
  1. pi=pf:\bold{\sum\vec{p}_i = \sum\vec{p}_f}: Objects that bounce apart after collision in two dimensions
    1. 1.25 kg ball A is moving at 3.40 m/s [E] when it strikes stationary 1.00 kg ball B. After the collision, ball A moves off at an angle of [60.0° N of E], and ball B moves off at an angle of [30.0° S of E]. Find the velocities of A and B after collision.
      before and after of balls A and B collision
    2. 1.10 kg puck A travelling at 2.00 m/s [E] collides with 0.860 kg puck B moving 0.400 m/s [W]. After the collision, puck A moves off at 1.60 m/s [40.0° N of E]. Find the velocity of puck B.
      before and after of objects that bounce apart after collision example b
  2. pi=pf:\bold{\sum\vec{p}_i = \sum\vec{p}_f}: Objects that stick together after collision in two dimensions
    1. 1100.0 kg car A travelling at 12.0 m/s [E] collides with 975 kg car B travelling 19.0 m/s [N]. The cars stick together. Find the velocity of the two vehicles after collision.
    2. 0.50 kg magnetic puck A travelling at 1.1 m/s collides with 0.35 kg puck B travelling with an unknown velocity, as shown in the diagram. The two pucks stick together and travel due [E]. Find the initial velocity of the second puck. before and after of pucks sticky collision
  3. pi=pf:\bold{\sum\vec{p}_i = \sum\vec{p}_f}: Objects that explode apart in two dimensions
    1. A bomb initially at rest explodes, sending three fragments in different directions as shown in the diagram. Find the velocity of the 0.71 kg fragment.
      bomb explosion fragments
    2. A 21.0 kg child holding a 0.755 kg snowball rides a 3.00 kg sled on a frictionless ice surface at 2.50 m/s [E]. The child throws the snowball, giving it an impulse due [N] relative to the sled. The snowball travels at 6.00 m/s immediately after it is thrown.

    3. Balls A, B, and C roll together as shown in the diagram, with all three balls colliding at the same time. Find the mass of ball C if the 3 balls are stationary after colliding.
      balls A, B, and C collision
    4. A spacecraft with a total mass of 8620 kg is travelling through space at a speed of 156 m/s. Control wants to adjust its direction by 25.0°, and increase its speed to 175 m/s. Gas is ejected though a thruster on the side of the craft, travelling at 85.0° clockwise from the craft's original direction of motion. Find the mass of gas ejected.
      spacecraft thrusting
Topic Notes

Introduction to Conservation of Momentum in Two Dimensions

Conservation of momentum in two dimensions is a fundamental principle in physics that extends the concept of linear momentum to more complex scenarios. Our introduction video provides a comprehensive overview of this crucial topic, serving as an essential foundation for understanding advanced physics concepts. This principle states that the total momentum of a closed system remains constant in both the x and y directions, even when objects collide or interact. It's a powerful tool for analyzing various physical phenomena, from billiard ball collisions to rocket propulsion. The video demonstrates how to apply vector analysis to momentum conservation, breaking down motion into its horizontal and vertical components. This concept has wide-ranging applications in fields such as astrophysics, engineering, and sports biomechanics. By mastering conservation of momentum in two dimensions, students gain invaluable insights into the nature of motion and energy transfer in our multidimensional world.

Review of One-Dimensional Conservation of Momentum

Let's take a friendly journey into the world of conservation of momentum, starting with one-dimensional concepts that we can apply to two-dimensional scenarios. First, let's recall that the total momentum of a closed system remains constant over time. This fundamental principle is just as true in two dimensions as it is in one! The equation for conservation of momentum in one dimension is p1 + p2 (before) = p1' + p2' (after). In two dimensions, we apply this same concept, but we need to consider momentum in both the x and y directions separately. Don't worry, though it's not as complicated as it sounds! Now, let's talk about Newton's third law, which states that for every action, there's an equal and opposite reaction. This law is crucial in understanding momentum conservation. When objects collide or interact, the forces they exert on each other are equal in magnitude but opposite in direction. This principle holds true whether we're dealing with one-dimensional or two-dimensional scenarios. Another important concept is the distinction between open and closed systems. In a closed system, no external forces in momentum conservation act on the objects, and the total momentum is conserved. An open system, on the other hand, allows for external forces in momentum conservation to influence the objects, potentially changing the total momentum. When we move from one-dimensional to two-dimensional problems, we need to be extra careful about identifying whether our system is open or closed. As we expand our understanding to two dimensions, remember that the basic principles remain the same. We just need to apply them in both the x and y directions independently. This means we'll have separate equations for momentum conservation in each direction, but the underlying concept is identical to what we learned in one dimension. The beauty of these principles is their universality. Whether you're analyzing a simple collision between two objects on a straight line or a complex interaction in two dimensions, the core concepts of momentum conservation, Newton's third law, and system classification remain your trusty tools. So, as you venture into more complex scenarios, keep these fundamental ideas close at hand they'll be your guiding light in solving even the trickiest momentum problems!

Transitioning to Two-Dimensional Momentum Conservation

Understanding two-dimensional momentum conservation can be challenging, but a familiar scenario like a game of pool provides an excellent analogy to grasp this concept. The pool table analogy offers a practical and visual representation of how momentum is conserved in two dimensions, making it easier to comprehend the principles at work.

Imagine a pool table with balls scattered across its surface. When one ball strikes another, we observe a perfect example of two-dimensional momentum conservation in action. The key to understanding this concept lies in recognizing that momentum can be broken down into horizontal and vertical components, each of which is conserved independently.

In a game of pool, when the cue ball strikes another ball, the total momentum of the system before and after the collision remains constant. However, unlike one-dimensional scenarios, we must consider both the x-axis (horizontal) and y-axis (vertical) components of momentum separately. This is where the pool table analogy becomes particularly useful.

Let's break down the collision process on a pool table:

1. Before the collision: The cue ball has a certain momentum in both the x and y directions, while the target ball is stationary.

2. During the collision: The cue ball transfers some of its momentum to the target ball. This transfer occurs in both the horizontal and vertical directions.

3. After the collision: Both balls now have momentum, but the total momentum in each direction (x and y) remains the same as before the collision.

The beauty of the pool table analogy is that it clearly demonstrates how momentum is redistributed between objects while being conserved overall. The smooth surface of the table minimizes external forces like friction, allowing us to focus on the interaction between the balls themselves.

Consider the horizontal momentum component: If the cue ball was moving primarily along the x-axis before the collision, some of this horizontal momentum will be transferred to the target ball. The sum of the horizontal momenta of both balls after the collision will equal the initial horizontal momentum of the cue ball.

Similarly, for the vertical momentum component: Any vertical momentum the cue ball had will be redistributed between the two balls after the collision. The total vertical momentum of the system remains unchanged.

This separation of horizontal and vertical components is crucial in understanding two-dimensional momentum conservation. It allows us to apply the principle of conservation to each direction independently, simplifying complex two-dimensional problems into more manageable one-dimensional calculations.

The pool table analogy also helps illustrate the vector nature of momentum. Each ball's momentum can be represented as a vector with both magnitude and direction. When analyzing collisions, we can break these vectors down into their x and y components, apply conservation principles to each component separately, and then recombine them to determine the final trajectories of the balls.

Understanding two-dimensional momentum conservation through the pool table analogy has practical applications beyond the game itself. This concept is fundamental in fields such as physics, engineering, and even computer graphics. It helps explain phenomena ranging from particle collisions in accelerators to the behavior of objects in space.

In conclusion, the pool table analogy serves as an excellent tool for introducing and explaining two-dimensional momentum conservation. By visualizing the familiar scenario of billiard balls colliding, we can better grasp the complex interplay of horizontal and vertical momentum components. This understanding forms a solid foundation for tackling more advanced problems in physics and related disciplines, where momentum conservation in multiple dimensions plays a crucial role.

Vector Analysis in Two-Dimensional Momentum Conservation

Vector analysis is a powerful tool for solving two-dimensional momentum conservation problems in physics. This approach allows us to visualize and calculate complex interactions between objects, making it easier to understand and solve these problems. In this section, we'll explore how to use vector analysis, specifically focusing on the creation and solution of vector triangles to represent initial and final momenta.

To begin, let's understand what vector triangles are in the context of momentum conservation. Vector triangles are graphical representations of vector addition, where each side of the triangle represents a vector quantity. In momentum problems, these vectors represent the momenta of objects before and after a collision or interaction.

The process of using vector analysis in two-dimensional momentum conservation problems can be broken down into several steps:

1. Identify the initial momenta: Start by determining the momentum vectors of all objects involved before the interaction. Remember that momentum is a vector quantity with both magnitude and direction.

2. Identify the final momenta: Next, determine the momentum vectors of all objects after the interaction. If some final momenta are unknown, they will be the quantities you'll solve for.

3. Create vector triangles: Draw two separate vector triangles - one for the initial momenta and one for the final momenta. Each side of the triangle represents the momentum vector of an object.

4. Apply the law of conservation of momentum: The total momentum before the interaction must equal the total momentum after the interaction. This means that the sum of the vectors in the initial momentum triangle must equal the sum of the vectors in the final momentum triangle.

5. Solve the vector triangles: Use trigonometry and vector addition to solve for unknown quantities in the triangles. This is where the real power of vector analysis comes into play.

Let's delve deeper into the process of solving vector triangles using trigonometry and vector addition:

a) Choose a coordinate system: Typically, we use the x-y coordinate system. Assign positive x to the right and positive y upwards.

b) Break down each momentum vector into its x and y components: Use the cosine function for the x-component and the sine function for the y-component. For example, if a vector p makes an angle θ with the x-axis, its components are:

px = p cos(θ)

py = p sin(θ)

c) Apply the principle of conservation of momentum for each component separately:

Σpx(initial) = Σpx(final)

Σpy(initial) = Σpy(final)

d) Set up equations: Use these conservation equations to create a system of equations that you can solve for the unknown quantities.

e) Solve the equations: Use algebraic methods to solve for the unknown variables. This might involve simultaneous equations if you have multiple unknowns.

f) Reconstruct the final momentum vectors: Once you have the x and y components of the final momenta, you can reconstruct the full vectors using the Pythagorean theorem and inverse tangent function:

|p| = (px² + py²)

θ = tan¹(py/px)

Let's consider a practical example to illustrate this process. Imagine two objects colliding on a frictionless surface. Object A, with a mass of 2 kg, is moving east at 3 m/s. Object B, with a mass of 3 kg, is moving north at 2 m/s. After the collision, they stick together and move as one object.

To solve this problem using vector analysis:

1. Draw the initial momentum triangle: The east-moving object forms the base of the triangle, and the north-moving object forms the height.

2. Calculate initial momenta: pA = 2 kg * 3 m/s = 6 kg·m/s east, pB = 3 kg * 2 m/s =

Solving Two-Dimensional Momentum Conservation Problems

Mastering two-dimensional momentum conservation problems is crucial for physics students and engineers. This step-by-step guide will walk you through the problem-solving techniques, provide example problems with detailed solutions, and emphasize the application of vector analysis techniques. By breaking down complex scenarios into manageable components, you'll be able to tackle even the most challenging momentum conservation problems with confidence.

Step 1: Identify the System and Draw a Diagram

Begin by clearly defining the system you're analyzing and draw a detailed diagram. Include all relevant objects, their initial velocities, and any external forces. This visual representation will help you organize the problem and identify the key components.

Step 2: Choose a Coordinate System

Select an appropriate coordinate system, typically with the x-axis aligned with the primary direction of motion. This choice will simplify your calculations and make it easier to resolve vectors into their components.

Step 3: Apply the Conservation of Momentum Principle

Write out the conservation of momentum equation: pinitial = pfinal. Remember that momentum is a vector quantity, so you'll need to consider both magnitude and direction.

Step 4: Break Down Vectors into Components

Resolve all velocity and momentum vectors into their x and y components. This is a crucial step in vector analysis techniques and allows you to deal with each direction separately.

Step 5: Set Up Equations for Each Component

Write separate equations for the x and y components of momentum. This approach simplifies the problem by turning it into two one-dimensional problems.

Step 6: Solve the Equations

Use algebra to solve for the unknown quantities in your equations. You may need to use simultaneous equations if you have multiple unknowns.

Step 7: Combine Components and Interpret Results

Once you've solved for the x and y components, combine them to find the final vector quantities. Interpret your results in the context of the original problem.

Example Problem: Collision of Two Objects

Let's apply these problem-solving techniques to a specific scenario:

A 2 kg object moving at 3 m/s east collides with a 1 kg object moving at 2 m/s north. After the collision, the 2 kg object moves at 1 m/s at an angle of 30° north of east. Find the velocity of the 1 kg object after the collision.


  1. Draw a diagram showing the initial and final velocities of both objects.
  2. Choose an x-y coordinate system with east as the positive x-direction and north as the positive y-direction.
  3. Apply conservation of momentum equation: p1i + p2i = p1f + p2f
  4. Break down vectors:
    • 2 kg object (initial): p1ix = 2 × 3 = 6 kg·m/s, p1iy = 0 kg·m/s
    • 1 kg object (initial): p2ix = 0 kg·m/s, p2iy = 1 × 2 = 2 kg·m/s
    • 2 kg object (final): p1fx = 2 × 1 × cos(30°) 1.73 kg·m/s, p1fy = 2 × 1 × sin(30°) = 1 kg·m/s

Real-World Applications of Two-Dimensional Momentum Conservation

Two-dimensional momentum conservation is a fundamental principle in physics that extends far beyond the classic pool table example. This concept has numerous real-world applications in sports, engineering, and everyday life, providing valuable insights into complex motions and interactions. Understanding these applications can enhance our ability to predict and analyze various phenomena, leading to improved designs, strategies, and safety measures.

In the realm of sports, two-dimensional momentum conservation plays a crucial role in many activities. For instance, in soccer, when a player kicks the ball, the principle helps explain how the ball's trajectory and speed are affected by the initial force and angle of the kick. This knowledge is essential for players and coaches to optimize their shooting techniques and develop effective strategies. Similarly, in basketball, understanding momentum conservation aids in predicting the path of a bouncing ball off the backboard or the outcome of a collision between two players during a rebound.

The concept is equally important in racquet sports like tennis and badminton. When a player hits the ball or shuttlecock, the momentum transfer between the racquet and the projectile determines the speed and direction of the shot. Professional players and equipment designers utilize this principle to create more powerful and accurate shots, as well as to develop racquets that optimize energy transfer.

In the field of engineering, two-dimensional momentum conservation has numerous applications. One notable example is in the design of vehicle safety systems. During a collision, the principle helps engineers predict how forces will be distributed and how vehicles will behave. This knowledge is crucial for developing crumple zones, airbags, and other safety features that effectively absorb and redirect impact forces, minimizing harm to passengers.

Another engineering application is in the design of projectile systems, such as in rocketry and ballistics. Understanding momentum conservation in two dimensions is essential for calculating the trajectory of missiles, rockets, and other projectiles, taking into account factors like launch angle, initial velocity, and air resistance. This knowledge is critical for both military applications and space exploration missions.

In everyday life, we encounter two-dimensional momentum conservation in various scenarios. For example, when we open a door, the principle explains why pushing near the hinges requires more force than pushing at the edge opposite the hinges. This understanding can be applied to design more ergonomic doors or to teach people how to use their body mechanics more efficiently.

The concept also comes into play in activities like ice skating or rollerblading. When a skater pushes off to gain speed, the principle of momentum conservation explains how the force applied in one direction results in motion in the opposite direction. This knowledge can help athletes improve their techniques and understand how to maximize their speed and control.

In the realm of transportation, two-dimensional momentum conservation is crucial for understanding and improving vehicle handling. It helps explain phenomena like hydroplaning, where a vehicle's tires lose contact with the road surface due to water, and how weight distribution affects a car's stability during turns. This knowledge is invaluable for automotive engineers working on vehicle dynamics and safety systems.

Understanding this concept can also enhance our appreciation of various natural phenomena. For instance, it helps explain the formation of eddies in rivers or the complex motions of air masses in weather systems. Meteorologists and hydrologists use these principles to develop more accurate models for predicting weather patterns and water flow.

In conclusion, two-dimensional momentum conservation has far-reaching applications that extend well beyond academic physics. From sports to engineering, and from everyday activities to complex natural phenomena, this principle provides a powerful tool for understanding and predicting motion. By grasping these real-world applications, we can develop more effective strategies in sports, design safer and more efficient machines, and gain deeper insights into the world around us. The ability to analyze and predict complex motions using this concept continues to drive innovation and improvement across numerous fields, underscoring the importance of physics in our daily lives and technological advancements.

Common Misconceptions and Pitfalls

When tackling two-dimensional momentum conservation problems, students often encounter several misconceptions and make common mistakes. Let's address these issues and provide some helpful strategies to overcome them. One frequent misconception is assuming that momentum conservation applies only to one-dimensional scenarios. In reality, momentum is a vector quantity, and its conservation applies to both x and y components separately in two-dimensional problems. Another common error is forgetting to consider the direction of velocities when calculating momentum. Remember, momentum is mass multiplied by velocity, so the direction is crucial!

Students sometimes struggle with identifying the system correctly. It's essential to include all relevant objects involved in the collision or interaction when applying momentum conservation. Neglecting a part of the system can lead to incorrect results. Additionally, many students mistakenly believe that kinetic energy in collisions is always conserved in collisions. While this is true for elastic vs inelastic collisions, it's not the case for inelastic ones. Be sure to distinguish between these types of collisions in your problem-solving approach.

A common pitfall is misinterpreting or misusing given information. Always carefully read the problem statement and identify the known variables and what you need to find. Don't forget to convert units if necessary! Another mistake is failing to break down vectors into their components when dealing with angled collisions. Remember to resolve vectors into x and y components before applying conservation of momentum to each direction separately.

To avoid these pitfalls, here are some helpful strategies: First, always draw a clear diagram of the situation, labeling all relevant information. This visual representation can help you organize your thoughts and spot any missing data. Second, write out the momentum conservation equations for both x and y directions before plugging in numbers. This step-by-step approach can prevent calculation errors. Third, double-check your work by ensuring that the total momentum before and after the collision or interaction is the same in both directions.

Remember, practice makes perfect! Don't get discouraged if you make mistakes initially. Each problem you solve helps reinforce your understanding and problem-solving skills. If you're stuck, try breaking the problem into smaller, manageable steps. And don't hesitate to seek help from your instructor or classmates. By being aware of these common misconceptions and applying these strategies, you'll be well-equipped to tackle two-dimensional momentum conservation problems with confidence. Keep up the great work!


In this article, we've explored the crucial concept of conservation of momentum in two dimensions. We've covered key points including the vector nature of momentum, inelastic collisions, and the application of conservation principles. Understanding these concepts is essential for solving complex physics problems and analyzing real-world scenarios. The introduction video provided a solid foundation, demonstrating how to approach 2D momentum conservation problems step-by-step. To truly master this topic, it's vital to practice solving a variety of problems, from simple collisions to more complex scenarios involving multiple objects. By doing so, you'll develop the skills to tackle any 2D momentum conservation problems challenge. Remember, this principle is not just theoretical; it has practical applications in fields like engineering, sports science, and accident reconstruction. Keep reviewing the material and working through practice problems to solidify your understanding and build confidence in applying these principles.


Objects that bounce apart after collision in two dimensions
1.25 kg ball A is moving at 3.40 m/s [E] when it strikes stationary 1.00 kg ball B. After the collision, ball A moves off at an angle of [60.0° N of E], and ball B moves off at an angle of [30.0° S of E]. Find the velocities of A and B after collision.
before and after of balls A and B collision

Step 1: Understand the Problem

In this problem, we are dealing with a collision between two balls in two dimensions. Ball A has a mass of 1.25 kg and is moving east at 3.40 m/s. Ball B is stationary with a mass of 1.00 kg. After the collision, ball A moves at an angle of 60 degrees north of east, and ball B moves at an angle of 30 degrees south of east. We need to find the velocities of both balls after the collision.

Step 2: Conservation of Momentum

The principle of conservation of momentum states that the total momentum before the collision is equal to the total momentum after the collision. Mathematically, this is expressed as:

pi=pf\sum\vec{p}_i = \sum\vec{p}_f

Where pi\vec{p}_i is the initial momentum and pf\vec{p}_f is the final momentum. For this problem, we need to consider the momentum in both the x (east-west) and y (north-south) directions.

Step 3: Initial Momentum

Calculate the initial momentum of each ball. Since ball B is stationary, its initial momentum is zero. The initial momentum of ball A is given by:

pAi=mAvA=1.25\vec{p}_{A_i} = m_A \cdot v_A = 1.25 \, kg3.40 \cdot 3.40 \, m/s=4.25 = 4.25 \, kg \cdot m/s [E]

Step 4: Final Momentum Components

After the collision, ball A moves at an angle of 60 degrees north of east, and ball B moves at an angle of 30 degrees south of east. We need to resolve the final velocities into their x and y components.

For ball A:

pAf=mAvAf\vec{p}_{A_f} = m_A \cdot v_{A_f}

For ball B:

pBf=mBvBf\vec{p}_{B_f} = m_B \cdot v_{B_f}

Step 5: Set Up Equations for Conservation of Momentum

We need to set up equations for the conservation of momentum in both the x and y directions.

In the x-direction:

pAix=pAfx+pBfxp_{A_{i_x}} = p_{A_{f_x}} + p_{B_{f_x}}

In the y-direction:

0=pAfy+pBfy0 = p_{A_{f_y}} + p_{B_{f_y}}

Step 6: Solve for Final Velocities

Using the angles provided, resolve the final momenta into their x and y components:

For ball A:

pAfx=pAfcos(60)p_{A_{f_x}} = p_{A_f} \cdot \cos(60^\circ)

pAfy=pAfsin(60)p_{A_{f_y}} = p_{A_f} \cdot \sin(60^\circ)

For ball B:

pBfx=pBfcos(30)p_{B_{f_x}} = p_{B_f} \cdot \cos(30^\circ)

pBfy=pBfsin(30)p_{B_{f_y}} = -p_{B_f} \cdot \sin(30^\circ)

Step 7: Use Pythagorean Theorem

To find the magnitudes of the final velocities, use the Pythagorean theorem:

vAf=vAfx2+vAfy2v_{A_f} = \sqrt{v_{A_{f_x}}^2 + v_{A_{f_y}}^2}

vBf=vBfx2+vBfy2v_{B_f} = \sqrt{v_{B_{f_x}}^2 + v_{B_{f_y}}^2}

Step 8: Calculate Final Velocities

Substitute the known values and solve for the final velocities of balls A and B. Ensure to keep track of the units and directions.

Step 9: Report Final Velocities

Finally, report the velocities of ball A and ball B with their respective directions:

Ball A: vAfv_{A_f} m/s at 60 degrees north of east

Ball B: vBfv_{B_f} m/s at 30 degrees south of east


Here are some frequently asked questions about conservation of momentum in two dimensions:

  1. What is the dimensional formula of Momentum?

    The dimensional formula for momentum is [M][L][T]-1, where M represents mass, L represents length, and T represents time. This formula reflects that momentum is the product of mass and velocity.

  2. What are the dimensions of momentum P?

    The dimensions of momentum P are the same as its dimensional formula: mass × length / time. In SI units, this is typically expressed as kg·m/s (kilogram-meters per second).

  3. What is the dimension and SI unit of linear momentum?

    The dimension of linear momentum is [M][L][T]-1. The SI unit for linear momentum is kilogram-meters per second (kg·m/s).

  4. How does conservation of momentum apply in two dimensions?

    In two dimensions, conservation of momentum applies separately to both the x and y components of motion. The total momentum in each direction remains constant before and after a collision or interaction, assuming no external forces act on the system.

  5. What's the difference between elastic and inelastic collisions in 2D momentum conservation?

    In elastic collisions, both momentum and kinetic energy are conserved. In inelastic collisions, only momentum is conserved while some kinetic energy is converted to other forms. In 2D, these principles apply to both x and y components of motion independently.

Prerequisite Topics for Conservation of Momentum in Two Dimensions

Understanding the conservation of momentum in two dimensions is a crucial concept in physics, but it requires a solid foundation in several prerequisite topics. To fully grasp this advanced concept, students must first master key areas that provide the necessary building blocks.

One of the fundamental prerequisites is vector components. This topic is essential because two-dimensional momentum involves vector quantities, and students need to be comfortable breaking down vectors into their x and y components. Mastering vector components allows for a more intuitive understanding of how momentum is conserved in multiple directions simultaneously.

While it may seem unexpected, knowledge of trigonometric functions is also valuable. These functions come into play when dealing with angles in two-dimensional collisions and help in resolving vector quantities accurately.

A strong grasp of conservation of momentum in one dimension serves as a stepping stone to the two-dimensional case. Understanding the conservation of momentum equation in a simpler context makes it easier to extend the concept to more complex scenarios.

Familiarity with elastic vs inelastic collisions is crucial. These concepts directly apply to two-dimensional collisions and affect how momentum and energy are conserved or transferred during interactions between objects.

Surprisingly, the ability to solve simultaneous equations is also important. When dealing with conservation of momentum in two dimensions, students often need to set up and solve systems of equations to determine final velocities or other unknown quantities.

Lastly, an understanding of kinetic energy in collisions complements the study of momentum conservation. This knowledge helps in analyzing the energy transfers that occur alongside momentum conservation, especially in cases involving rotational motion.

By mastering these prerequisite topics, students build a strong foundation for tackling the complexities of conservation of momentum in two dimensions. Each concept contributes to a deeper understanding of how objects interact in space, providing the tools necessary to analyze and predict the outcomes of two-dimensional collisions and interactions. This comprehensive approach ensures that students can confidently apply the principles of momentum conservation to a wide range of real-world scenarios and advanced physics problems.

In this lesson, we will learn:

  • Review of conservation of momentum
  • Vector nature of momentum and conservation of momentum
  • Problem solving with conservation of momentum in two dimensions


  • Momentum is a conserved quantity and a vector.
    • In a collision between a set of objects, total momentum of the objects before collision = total momentum after collision.
    • When using conservation of momentum on objects that move in two dimensions, use vector addition (tip-to-tail method).


p=mv:\vec{p} = m \vec{v}: momentum, in kilogram meters per second (kg∙m/s)

m:m: mass, in kilograms (kg)

v:\vec{v}: velocity, in meters per second (m/s)


J=FΔt=Δp=mΔv\vec{J} = \vec{F} \Delta t = \Delta \vec{p} = m\Delta \vec{v}

J:\vec{J}: impulse, in newton seconds (N∙s)

F:\vec{F}: force, in newtons (N)

t:\vec{t}: time, in seconds (s)

Conservation of Momentum

pi=pf\sum\vec{p}_i = \sum\vec{p}_f

pi:\vec{p}_i: initial momentum, in kilogram meters per second (kg·m/s)

pf:\vec{p}_f: final momentum, in kilogram meters per second (kg·m/s)

Law of Sines

asinA=bsinB=cSinC\frac{a}{sinA} = \frac{b}{sinB} = \frac{c}{SinC}
a,b,c: length of sides a,b,c
A,B,C: angles opposite sides a, b, c

Law of Cosines

c2=a2+b22abcosCc^2 = a^2 + b^2 - 2ab \,cosC