Elastic and inelastic collisions

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  1. Introduction to elastic and inelastic collisions
  2. Meaning of elastic and inelastic collisions
  3. What happens to kinetic energy in a collision?
  4. Understanding perfectly inelastic collisions
  1. Solving word problems with momentum and elastic/inelastic collisions
    1. Two cars collide head-on and stick together. The cars are stationary after colliding.
      1. Is total momentum conserved?
      2. Is total energy conserved?
      3. Is the collision elastic or inelastic?

    2. Identify each situation as an inelastic or elastic collision.
      1. One car crashes into another, bouncing apart with a loud bang.
      2. A hammer strikes a piece of steel, bouncing off and producing sparks.
      3. A He atom collides with a H atom, bouncing off and maintaining overall kinetic energy.

  2. Ei=Ef\bold{\sum\vec{E}_i = \sum\vec{E}_f} ;\bold{ ; } pi=pf:\bold{\sum\vec{p}_i = \sum\vec{p}_f:} Conservation of energy and momentum in elastic and inelastic collisions
    1. 3.6×104 kg train car A travelling at 5.40 m/s [E] collides with stationary 5.20×104 kg train car B. The train cars bounce apart, and after the collision, train car A travels at 1.70 m/s [E]. Determine if this collision is elastic or inelastic.
    2. 0.50 kg steel ball A travelling [E] with a kinetic energy of 0.49 J collides with stationary 0.75 kg steel ball B head-on. After the collision, ball A travels at 0.28 m/s [W]. Assuming the collision is elastic, find the velocity of ball B after the collision.
    3. A "ballistic pendulum" is a method used to measure the velocity of a bullet. A 5.60 g bullet is fired at a 1.24 kg wooden block suspended as shown in the diagram, and the block rises to 0.250 m higher than its initial position at the peak of its swing.
      1. Find the velocity of the bullet when it hits the block.
      2. Calculate how much of the kinetic energy is lost in this inelastic collision. Explain what happens to this energy.
      ballistic pendulum
Topic Notes

Introduction to Elastic and Inelastic Collisions

Elastic and inelastic collisions are fundamental concepts in physics that describe how objects interact when they collide. In an elastic collision, both momentum and kinetic energy are conserved, resulting in objects bouncing off each other with no loss of energy. Conversely, inelastic collisions involve a loss of kinetic energy, often resulting in objects sticking together or deforming upon impact. The introduction video provides a clear visual representation of these collision types, making it easier for students to grasp the concept. Understanding elastic and inelastic collisions is crucial in physics as it forms the basis for analyzing various real-world scenarios, from billiard ball interactions to car crashes. By mastering these concepts, students can better comprehend the principles of momentum conservation and energy transfer in physical systems. This knowledge is essential for solving complex problems in mechanics and developing a deeper understanding of how objects behave during collisions in both everyday life and scientific applications.

Understanding Elastic Collisions

Elastic collisions are a fascinating concept in physics, perfectly exemplified by the bumper car scenario shown in the video. In an elastic collision, both kinetic energy conservation and momentum are conserved, making it an ideal model for understanding energy transfer in collisions. Bumper cars provide an excellent real-world approximation of elastic collisions, allowing us to visualize and comprehend this complex physical phenomenon.

When two bumper cars collide, the energy transfer between them occurs in a near-elastic manner. The rubber bumpers surrounding the cars compress slightly upon impact, storing potential energy momentarily before releasing it back into kinetic energy as the cars separate. This process ensures that the total kinetic energy conservation of the system remains constant before and after the collision, which is the hallmark of an elastic collision.

To understand kinetic energy conservation mathematically, we can use the formula: KE = ½mv², where KE is kinetic energy, m is mass, and v is velocity. In an elastic collision between two objects, the total kinetic energy before the collision equals the total kinetic energy after the collision. This can be expressed as:

½mv² + ½mv² = ½mv'² + ½mv'²

Where v and v are the initial velocities of the objects, and v' and v' are their final velocities after the collision. This equation demonstrates that while individual objects may change their speeds, the system's total kinetic energy remains constant.

In addition to kinetic energy conservation, momentum is also preserved in elastic collisions. The principle of conservation of momentum states that the total momentum of a closed system remains constant. For bumper cars, this means that the combined momentum of the cars before the collision equals their combined momentum after the collision, even though individual cars may change direction and speed.

While perfectly elastic collisions are rare in the real world due to factors like friction and deformation, many scenarios come close. Some real-life examples of near-elastic collisions include:

1. Billiard ball collisions: The hard surface of billiard balls and the smooth table allow for minimal energy loss during collisions.

2. Atomic and subatomic particle collisions: At the microscopic level, collisions between atoms or subatomic particles often behave elastically, especially in gases.

3. Satellite orbits: The gravitational interactions between satellites and planets can be modeled as elastic collisions over long periods.

4. Superballs: These highly elastic rubber balls can bounce repeatedly with minimal loss of energy.

5. Air hockey pucks: The frictionless surface and the puck's design allow for near-elastic collisions during gameplay.

Understanding elastic collisions is crucial in various fields, from physics and engineering to sports science. The principles of energy and momentum conservation in elastic collisions form the foundation for analyzing more complex collision scenarios in the real world. By studying these idealized cases, scientists and engineers can develop better models for predicting and controlling the outcomes of collisions in various applications, from vehicle safety design to particle accelerator experiments.

In conclusion, the bumper car example provides an intuitive and engaging way to grasp the concept of elastic collisions. By observing how these cars interact, we can visualize the conservation of kinetic energy and momentum in action. This understanding not only enhances our appreciation of physics principles but also helps us recognize similar phenomena in our everyday lives, from the bounce of a ball to the complex interactions of particles in the universe.

Exploring Inelastic Collisions

Inelastic collisions are a fundamental concept in physics, often exemplified by the dramatic and impactful scenario of a car crash. Unlike elastic collisions where kinetic energy is conserved, inelastic collisions involve a loss of kinetic energy during the interaction between objects. In the case of a car crash, we observe a prime example of how kinetic energy is not conserved but rather converted into other forms of energy.

When two cars collide, their initial kinetic energyderived from their motionis not fully preserved in the final kinetic energy of the system. Instead, a significant portion of this energy is transformed into various other forms. The most noticeable conversion is into the deformation of the vehicles' structures. As metal crumples and glass shatters, the kinetic energy is absorbed and dissipated through the breaking of chemical bonds in the materials.

Additionally, during an inelastic collision like a car crash, energy is converted into heat through friction between the colliding surfaces and within the deforming materials. Sound energy is another byproduct, as the loud crash we hear is a result of energy conversion. In some cases, especially in high-speed collisions, a small amount of energy may even be converted into light, visible as sparks.

The concept of perfectly inelastic collisions represents an extreme case where the colliding objects stick together after impact, moving as a single unit. In such scenarios, the maximum amount of kinetic energy loss is lost. While perfect inelasticity is rare in real-world situations, it serves as an important theoretical concept in physics and engineering calculations.

Real-world examples of inelastic collisions are abundant beyond car crashes. When a ball is dropped onto a floor, it doesn't bounce back to its original height due to energy loss. The collision between a baseball and a bat is inelastic, with some energy converted into the ball's deformation and the characteristic "crack" sound. In sports, tackles in football or rugby are inelastic collisions where players' bodies absorb energy.

On a molecular level, the collision of atoms in chemical reactions is often inelastic, leading to the formation of new compounds. In space, the collision of celestial bodies, such as asteroids impacting planets, represents large-scale inelastic collisions where enormous amounts of energy are converted and dissipated.

Understanding inelastic collisions is crucial in various fields. In automotive engineering, this knowledge drives the design of crumple zones and safety features to protect passengers by managing energy conversion during crashes. In sports science, it informs the development of protective gear and playing techniques. Even in particle physics, the study of inelastic collisions at the subatomic level provides insights into the fundamental nature of matter and energy.

The principle of kinetic energy loss in inelastic collisions also has implications for energy conservation in industrial processes. Engineers strive to minimize unwanted energy conversions in machinery to improve efficiency. Conversely, in some applications like pile driving or forging, controlled inelastic collisions are harnessed for practical purposes.

In conclusion, inelastic collisions, epitomized by car crashes, demonstrate the complex interplay of energy conversion in real-world physics. While kinetic energy is not conserved in these events, understanding the pathways of energy transformation provides valuable insights for safety, efficiency, and scientific advancement across numerous disciplines.

Comparing Elastic and Inelastic Collisions

Understanding the difference between elastic and inelastic collisions is crucial in physics, as these concepts play a significant role in various real-world scenarios. Both types of collisions involve the interaction between two or more objects, but they differ significantly in terms of energy conservation and post-collision behavior.

In an elastic collision, the total kinetic energy conservation of the system is conserved before and after the collision. This means that the sum of the kinetic energies of all objects involved remains constant throughout the interaction. During an elastic collision, objects bounce off each other without any permanent deformation or heat generation. A perfect example of an elastic collision is the interaction between two ideal billiard balls on a frictionless surface.

On the other hand, an inelastic collision is characterized by a loss of kinetic energy conservation during the interaction. In this type of collision, some of the initial kinetic energy is converted into other forms, such as heat, sound, or potential energy due to deformation. The most extreme case of an inelastic collision is known as a perfectly inelastic collision, where the colliding objects stick together after impact and move as a single unit.

The key differences between elastic and inelastic collisions can be summarized as follows:

  1. Energy Conservation: In elastic collisions, kinetic energy is conserved, while in inelastic collisions, some kinetic energy is lost or converted.
  2. Object Behavior: Elastic collisions result in objects bouncing off each other, while inelastic collisions may lead to objects sticking together or deforming.
  3. Momentum Conservation: Both types of collisions conserve total momentum, but the distribution of momentum among objects differs.
  4. Coefficient of Restitution: Elastic collisions have a coefficient of restitution equal to 1, while inelastic collisions have a value between 0 and 1.

To determine whether a collision is elastic or inelastic, one can observe the objects' behavior and perform energy calculations. If the objects separate after collision with no visible deformation and maintain their original shapes, it's likely an elastic collision. However, if the objects stick together or show signs of deformation, it's probably an inelastic collision.

Energy calculations can provide a more precise determination. By measuring the velocities of the objects before and after the collision, one can calculate the total kinetic energy of the system. If the total kinetic energy remains constant (within experimental error), the collision is elastic. If there's a significant decrease in kinetic energy, it's inelastic.

In real-world scenarios, perfectly elastic collisions are rare, as some energy is always lost due to factors like friction, heat generation, or sound production. Most collisions fall somewhere between perfectly elastic and perfectly inelastic, with varying degrees of energy conservation.

Understanding these physics principles is essential for analyzing and predicting the outcomes of collisions in various fields, from automotive safety and sports equipment design to astrophysics and particle physics. By applying the concepts of elastic vs inelastic collisions, scientists and engineers can develop more efficient and safer systems that harness or mitigate the effects of collisions in our everyday lives.

Energy Transformation in Collisions

Energy transformation is a fundamental concept in physics, particularly evident in the study of collisions. Understanding how energy changes form during elastic and inelastic collisions is crucial for grasping the principles of kinetic energy conservation and transformation. In this exploration, we'll delve into the intricate processes of energy conversion that occur during these two types of collisions.

Let's begin with elastic collisions. In an ideal elastic collision, the total kinetic energy conservation of the system is conserved. When two objects collide elastically, a fascinating energy transformation takes place. As the objects approach each other, their kinetic energy is gradually converted into elastic potential energy. This elastic potential energy is stored within the objects as they deform slightly upon impact. The key characteristic of elastic collisions is that this stored elastic potential energy is then completely converted back into kinetic energy as the objects separate.

Imagine two billiard balls colliding on a pool table. As they make contact, their kinetic energy is momentarily transformed into elastic potential energy, causing a slight compression of the balls. This elastic potential energy is then released, propelling the balls apart with the same total kinetic energy they had before the collision. This perfect conversion between kinetic energy and elastic potential energy is what defines an elastic collision.

In contrast, inelastic collisions present a different scenario of energy transformation. During an inelastic collision, the total kinetic energy of the system is not conserved. Instead, some of the initial kinetic energy is converted into other forms of energy. The most common energy transformations in inelastic collisions involve the conversion of kinetic energy into heat energy, sound energy, and energy of deformation.

Consider a car crash as an example of an inelastic collision. When two cars collide, a significant portion of their kinetic energy is transformed into other energy forms. The metal bodies of the cars crumple, converting kinetic energy into energy of deformation. This process also generates heat, as the kinetic energy is partially converted into thermal energy. Additionally, the loud sound produced during the collision represents another form of energy transformation, where kinetic energy is converted into sound energy.

The degree of inelasticity in a collision can vary. In a perfectly inelastic collision, the colliding objects stick together after impact, resulting in the maximum possible conversion of kinetic energy into other forms. In partially inelastic collisions, some kinetic energy is retained, but not all of it is conserved as in elastic collisions.

Understanding these energy transformations is crucial in various fields, from automotive safety design to sports equipment engineering. In car design, for instance, crumple zones are created to maximize the conversion of kinetic energy into deformation energy, thereby reducing the impact force on passengers. In sports, the elasticity of materials used in balls and equipment is carefully considered to optimize performance and safety.

The study of energy transformation in collisions also has implications in broader scientific and technological applications. In particle physics, understanding how energy is transformed during collisions at the subatomic level is crucial for advancing our knowledge of the universe. In renewable energy technologies, the principles of energy transformation guide the development of more efficient systems for harnessing and converting energy from various sources.

In conclusion, the energy transformations that occur during elastic and inelastic collisions demonstrate the fundamental principle of energy conservation. While elastic collisions showcase the perfect conversion between kinetic and elastic potential energy, inelastic collisions illustrate how kinetic energy can be transformed into various other forms of energy. This understanding not only enriches our grasp of physical phenomena but also drives innovations in numerous fields, from safety engineering to cutting-edge scientific research.

Applications of Collision Physics

Collision physics principles, particularly elastic and inelastic collisions, have numerous real-world applications across various fields. Understanding these concepts is crucial for developing safer technologies and improving performance in sports, transportation, and industrial processes. Let's explore how collision physics is applied in these areas and its significance in our daily lives.

In sports, collision physics plays a vital role in equipment design and performance analysis. For instance, in tennis, the interaction between the ball and racket is an example of an elastic collision. Engineers use this knowledge to design rackets that maximize energy transfer, allowing players to hit harder and with more precision. Similarly, in golf, club manufacturers apply collision physics to create drivers that optimize the transfer of energy to the golf ball, resulting in longer drives. In contact sports like football or hockey, understanding inelastic collisions helps in developing protective gear that absorbs and dissipates impact energy, reducing the risk of injuries.

Transportation safety is another critical area where collision physics principles are extensively applied. Automotive engineers use their understanding of inelastic collisions to design crumple zones in vehicles. These zones are specifically engineered to deform during a collision, absorbing and dissipating the impact energy to protect passengers. The concept of momentum conservation is also crucial in determining the forces involved in vehicle collisions, which helps in setting safety standards and designing more effective airbags and seatbelts. In the aviation industry, collision physics is applied in the design of aircraft structures and landing gear to ensure they can withstand the forces experienced during landings and potential impacts.

Industrial processes benefit significantly from the application of collision physics. In manufacturing, the principles of elastic and inelastic collisions are used to optimize material handling systems. For example, in conveyor belt systems, engineers consider the collision properties of materials to prevent damage and ensure efficient transport. In the mining industry, understanding collision physics is essential for designing effective crushing and grinding equipment. The principles of energy transfer during collisions are applied to maximize the efficiency of these processes, reducing energy consumption and improving productivity.

The field of particle physics also relies heavily on collision principles. Particle accelerators, such as the Large Hadron Collider, use controlled high-energy collisions to study the fundamental properties of matter. These experiments provide insights into the nature of the universe and have led to groundbreaking discoveries in physics.

In conclusion, the applications of elastic and inelastic collision principles are vast and varied. From enhancing sports performance and ensuring vehicle safety to optimizing industrial processes and advancing scientific research, collision physics plays a crucial role in many aspects of our lives. As technology continues to evolve, our understanding of these principles will remain fundamental in designing safer, more efficient, and innovative solutions across multiple industries.


Understanding elastic and inelastic collisions is crucial in grasping fundamental physics principles. Elastic collisions conserve both kinetic energy and momentum, resulting in objects bouncing apart with unchanged total kinetic energy. Inelastic collisions, however, conserve momentum but not kinetic energy, often leading to objects sticking together or deforming. The introduction video vividly illustrates these concepts, making them easier to comprehend. By visualizing the differences between elastic and inelastic collisions, you can better apply this knowledge to real-world scenarios. From billiard balls to car crashes, collisions are omnipresent in our daily lives. We encourage you to observe and analyze collisions in your surroundings, reinforcing your understanding of energy conservation and momentum. This foundational knowledge serves as a stepping stone to explore more advanced physics concepts, enhancing your overall scientific literacy. Remember, the principles of collisions extend far beyond the classroom, playing a vital role in engineering, sports, and various technological applications.

Introduction to Elastic and Inelastic Collisions

Understanding the concepts of elastic and inelastic collisions is crucial in physics as it helps explain how objects interact during collisions. This guide will walk you through the meaning of these types of collisions and how they differ in terms of momentum and kinetic energy conservation.

Step 1: Introduction to Collisions

In this section, we will discuss the basic idea of collisions. When objects collide, their momentum is conserved. However, the way momentum is conserved can vary. Sometimes objects bounce apart after a collision, and other times they stick together. This difference in behavior is explained by the concept of elasticity in collisions.

Step 2: Understanding Elastic Collisions

Elastic collisions are those in which the total kinetic energy of the system is conserved before and after the collision. For example, when bumper cars collide, they bounce apart, and their kinetic energy remains the same. This type of collision is characterized by the fact that the sum of the initial kinetic energies of the colliding objects is equal to the sum of their final kinetic energies.

Step 3: Understanding Inelastic Collisions

Inelastic collisions, on the other hand, are those in which some of the kinetic energy is lost during the collision. This lost energy is usually converted into other forms of energy such as heat or sound. For instance, when regular cars collide, they often stick together and come to a stop, indicating that kinetic energy has been lost. In this type of collision, the sum of the initial kinetic energies is not equal to the sum of the final kinetic energies.

Step 4: Conservation of Momentum

Regardless of whether a collision is elastic or inelastic, the total momentum of the system is always conserved. This means that the sum of the initial momenta of the colliding objects is equal to the sum of their final momenta. For example, if two bumper cars with equal and opposite momenta collide, their total momentum before and after the collision remains zero.

Step 5: Real-Life Examples

To better understand these concepts, consider the collision between bumper cars and regular cars. Bumper cars are designed to be elastic, meaning they bounce apart after a collision, conserving kinetic energy. Regular cars, however, are designed with crumple zones to absorb kinetic energy during a collision, making the collision inelastic. This design is intended to enhance safety by reducing the force of impact on the passengers.

Step 6: Kinetic Energy Calculations

In an elastic collision, the kinetic energy before and after the collision can be calculated using the formula KE = 1/2 mv^2. For two colliding bumper cars, the total initial kinetic energy is the sum of their individual kinetic energies. After the collision, the total final kinetic energy remains the same. In an inelastic collision, the initial kinetic energy is also the sum of the individual kinetic energies, but the final kinetic energy is less due to the conversion of some kinetic energy into other forms.

Step 7: Conclusion

In summary, the key difference between elastic and inelastic collisions lies in the conservation of kinetic energy. Elastic collisions conserve kinetic energy, while inelastic collisions do not. However, in both types of collisions, the total momentum of the system is conserved. Understanding these principles is essential for analyzing and predicting the outcomes of collisions in various physical systems.


  1. What is the difference between an elastic and an inelastic collision?

    An elastic collision conserves both kinetic energy and momentum, with objects bouncing apart without deformation. In contrast, an inelastic collision only conserves momentum, with some kinetic energy converted to other forms like heat or deformation energy. Objects may stick together or deform in inelastic collisions.

  2. How do you calculate if a collision is elastic or inelastic?

    To determine if a collision is elastic or inelastic, calculate the total kinetic energy before and after the collision. If the total kinetic energy remains the same (within experimental error), it's elastic. If there's a decrease in kinetic energy, it's inelastic. You can use the formula KE = ½mv² for each object and compare the sums.

  3. Do inelastic collisions always result in objects sticking together?

    Not always. While perfectly inelastic collisions result in objects sticking together, many inelastic collisions are partially inelastic. In these cases, objects may separate after collision but with a loss of kinetic energy. The degree of "stickiness" depends on the collision's inelasticity.

  4. What are examples of inelastic collisions?

    Examples of inelastic collisions include car crashes, a ball dropping on the floor, a hammer striking a nail, two pieces of clay colliding and sticking together, and a meteor impact on a planet's surface. In each case, some kinetic energy is converted to other forms like heat, sound, or deformation energy.

  5. How does the concept of elastic and inelastic collisions apply in real-world scenarios?

    These concepts are crucial in various fields. In automotive engineering, understanding inelastic collisions helps design safer vehicles with effective crumple zones. In sports, elastic collision principles are used to improve equipment like tennis rackets and golf clubs. In particle physics, collision concepts are fundamental to experiments in particle accelerators, advancing our understanding of matter and energy.

Prerequisite Topics

Understanding elastic and inelastic collisions requires a solid foundation in several key physics concepts. These prerequisite topics are crucial for grasping the intricacies of collision dynamics and their outcomes. One of the most fundamental principles to master is the conservation of energy. This concept is essential because it governs how energy is transferred and transformed during collisions, particularly the conservation of kinetic energy in elastic collisions.

Equally important is the conservation of momentum in one dimension. This principle is critical for analyzing both elastic and inelastic collisions, as momentum is always conserved regardless of the collision type. Understanding how momentum is transferred between objects during a collision is key to predicting the final velocities and directions of the colliding bodies.

Another relevant concept is electric potential and electric potential energy. While this may seem less directly related, it's important for understanding the concept of elastic potential energy, which plays a role in elastic collisions. In elastic collisions, objects temporarily deform and store energy as elastic potential energy before returning to their original shape.

These prerequisite topics form the foundation for understanding elastic and inelastic collisions. The conservation of energy principle helps students differentiate between elastic collisions, where kinetic energy is conserved, and inelastic collisions, where some kinetic energy is converted to other forms. The conservation of momentum allows for accurate calculations of post-collision velocities in both types of collisions.

Moreover, grasping these concepts enables students to analyze more complex scenarios, such as collisions involving springs or electromagnetic interactions. The understanding of elastic potential energy, derived from the study of electric potential energy, becomes crucial when examining the temporary deformation of objects during elastic collisions.

By mastering these prerequisite topics, students can develop a comprehensive understanding of elastic and inelastic collisions. They will be able to predict collision outcomes, calculate energy transfers, and analyze real-world applications of collision physics. This knowledge is not only essential for academic success in physics but also for understanding many practical applications in engineering, sports science, and even everyday phenomena like car crashes or billiard ball collisions.

In conclusion, a strong grasp of conservation of energy, conservation of momentum, and the concepts of potential energy forms the bedrock for comprehending elastic and inelastic collisions. These fundamental principles intertwine to provide a complete picture of collision dynamics, enabling students to tackle complex problems and gain deeper insights into the fascinating world of physics.

In this lesson, we will learn:

  • Meaning of elastic and inelastic collisions
  • What happens to kinetic energy in a collision?
  • Understanding perfectly inelastic collisions
  • Problem solving with elastic and inelastic collisions


  • Total momentum and total energy are conserved in collisions. However, kinetic energy is not always conserved, since it can be converted into other forms of energy.
  • Elastic collision: collision where no kinetic energy is lost
  • Inelastic collision: collision where part of the kinetic energy is converted to other forms of energy
  • Perfectly inelastic collision: collision where the maximum possible amount of kinetic energy is converted to other forms of energy; objects stick together.

Conservation of Momentum

pi=pf\sum\vec{p}_i = \sum\vec{p}_f

pi:\vec{p}_i: initial momentum, in kilogram meters per second (kg·m/s)

pf:\vec{p}_f: final momentum, in kilogram meters per second (kg·m/s)

Conservation of Energy

Ei=Ef\sum\vec{E}_i = \sum\vec{E}_f

Ei:\vec{E}_i: initial energy, in joules (J)

Ef:\vec{E}_f: final energy, in joules (J)

Kinetic Energy

KE=12mv2KE = \frac{1}{2}mv^2

KE:KE: kinetic energy, in joules (J)

m:m: mass, in kilograms (kg)

v:v: speed, in meters per second (m/s)

Potential Energy

PE=mghPE = mgh

PE:PE: potential energy, in joules (J)

g:g: acceleration due to gravity, in meters per second squared (m/s2)

h:h: height, in meters (m)