Properties of elements in the periodic table

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  1. Metals and non-metals in the Periodic Table
  2. The metal / non-metal trend.
  3. Metal and non-metal properties.
  4. Investigating elemental properties.
  1. Identify metals, non-metals and metalloids in the Periodic Table.
    Based on its position in the periodic table, suggest whether the element is a metal, non-metal or metalloid.
    1. Pd
    2. Si
    3. F
    4. K
  2. Identify metals, non-metals and metalloids by their physical properties.
    Read the material properties below and determine if they are metal, non-metal or metalloid properties.
    1. A silvery-white, shiny solid which is a good conductor of electricity, and a dull yellow solid which is a poor conductor of electricity
    2. A brittle blue-white shiny solid, which is a fair conductor of electricity, and a pale green gas, which is a poor conductor of electricity.
Topic Notes

Introduction: Properties of Elements in the Periodic Table

Welcome to our exploration of the periodic table and the fascinating properties of elements. Our introduction video sets the stage for an in-depth journey through the world of chemistry. The periodic table, a cornerstone of scientific understanding, organizes elements based on their atomic structure and chemical properties. In this article, we'll delve into the distinct characteristics of metals, non-metals, and metalloids, uncovering how these categories shape the behavior of elements. Metals, known for their conductivity and malleability, form a large portion of the table. Non-metals, with their diverse properties, play crucial roles in biological processes. Metalloids, straddling the line between metals and non-metals, exhibit unique hybrid characteristics. By understanding these properties, we gain insight into the fundamental building blocks of matter and their interactions. Join us as we unravel the complexities of the periodic table and discover how these elemental properties influence our world.

Arrangement of Metals and Non-Metals in the Periodic Table

The periodic table, a cornerstone of chemistry, provides a systematic arrangement of elements based on their atomic structure and properties. One of the most fundamental distinctions within this table is the arrangement of metals and non-metals. Understanding this organization is crucial for grasping the broader patterns and trends in elemental behavior.

At its core, the periodic table is ordered by atomic number, which represents the number of protons in an atom's nucleus. This ordering principle is the foundation upon which the entire structure is built. As we move from left to right across the table, the atomic number increases, and we observe a gradual transition from metallic to non-metallic properties.

Metals, which make up the majority of elements, are predominantly found on the left side and center of the periodic table. These elements are characterized by their ability to conduct electricity and heat, their metallic luster, and their malleability. As we move from left to right across a period (row), the metallic character of elements generally decreases.

Non-metals, in contrast, are located on the right side of the periodic table, with the exception of hydrogen, which sits at the top left. These elements typically lack the properties associated with metals and are often poor conductors of electricity and heat. They tend to form covalent bonds and can exist in various states of matter under standard conditions.

The transition from metals to non-metals is not abrupt but rather a gradual change. This gradient introduces us to the concept of metalloids, elements that exhibit properties of both metals and non-metals. Metalloids are found along the diagonal line that separates metals from non-metals, often referred to as the "staircase" due to its shape on the table. Elements such as boron, silicon, germanium, arsenic, antimony, and tellurium are typically classified as metalloids.

The arrangement of elements by atomic number reveals fascinating patterns in the distribution of metals and non-metals. As we move down a group (column) in the periodic table, we generally see an increase in metallic character. This trend is due to the increasing atomic size and the greater distance between valence electrons and the nucleus, making these electrons easier to losea characteristic of metallic behavior.

Conversely, moving across a period from left to right, we observe a decrease in metallic properties and an increase in non-metallic character. This trend is attributed to the increasing nuclear charge and the decreasing atomic radius, which results in a stronger hold on valence electronsa trait associated with non-metals.

The periodic table's structure also reflects the electron configuration of elements. The s-block elements, found in the first two groups, are all metals (except for hydrogen). The p-block, which includes groups 13 to 18, contains a mix of metals, metalloids, and non-metals. The d-block, comprising the transition metals, is entirely composed of metallic elements. The f-block, representing the lanthanides and actinides, also consists entirely of metals.

This arrangement by atomic number and electron configuration not only explains the distribution of metals and non-metals but also predicts their chemical and physical properties. For instance, elements in the same group often exhibit similar characteristics due to their similar valence electron configurations.

Understanding the arrangement of metals and non-metals in the periodic table is essential for predicting chemical reactivity, bonding behavior, and physical properties of elements. The gradual transition from metals to non-metals, punctuated by the presence of metalloids, illustrates the complex interplay of atomic structure and elemental properties.

In conclusion, the periodic table's organization by atomic number provides a logical framework for understanding the distribution of metals, non-metals, and metalloids. This arrangement offers insights into elemental trends, electron configurations, and chemical behavior, making it an indispensable tool for chemists, students, and researchers alike. By grasping these fundamental concepts, one can better appreciate the elegance and utility of the periodic table in unraveling the mysteries of the chemical world.

Properties of Metals

Metals are a fascinating group of elements with unique properties that make them essential in various applications. Understanding the common properties of metals, both physical and chemical, is crucial for appreciating their widespread use in our daily lives and industrial processes. In this section, we'll explore the key characteristics that define metals and make them so valuable.

One of the most notable properties of metals is their solid state at room temperature. This is due to the strong metallic bonds between atoms, where electrons are shared in a "sea" of delocalized electrons. This bonding structure contributes to the stability and strength of metals in their solid form. For example, iron, copper, and aluminum are all solid at room temperature, making them ideal for construction and manufacturing.

Metals are also known for their high melting and boiling points. This property is again attributed to the strong metallic bonds that require significant energy to break. For instance, tungsten has one of the highest melting points of any element at 3,422°C (6,192°F), making it suitable for use in high-temperature applications like filaments in light bulbs. Even more common metals like steel have relatively high melting points, allowing them to maintain their structural integrity in various conditions.

Another crucial property of metals is their excellent conductivity of electricity and heat. The sea of delocalized electrons in metals allows for easy movement of charge and thermal energy. Copper, for example, is widely used in electrical wiring due to its superior conductivity. Similarly, aluminum is often used in cookware and heat sinks because of its ability to distribute heat efficiently.

Malleability and ductility are two more important properties of metals. Malleability refers to a metal's ability to be hammered or pressed into thin sheets without breaking. Gold is exceptionally malleable and can be beaten into sheets as thin as 0.000013 centimeters. Ductility, on the other hand, is the ability of a metal to be drawn into thin wires. Copper's high ductility makes it ideal for electrical wiring, as it can be drawn into long, thin strands without breaking.

The shiny appearance of metals is another characteristic property. This luster is due to the way metals reflect light. When polished, metals like silver and chrome can act almost like mirrors, reflecting a high percentage of incident light. This property not only makes metals aesthetically pleasing but also useful in applications like reflective surfaces in telescopes and solar panels.

Metals also exhibit high density compared to many other materials. This is because of the close packing of metal atoms in their crystal structure. Lead, for instance, is known for its high density, making it useful in applications where weight is needed, such as in counterweights or radiation shielding.

The chemical reactivity of metals is another important property. While some metals like gold and platinum are relatively inert, others like sodium and potassium are highly reactive. This reactivity is due to the tendency of metals to lose electrons and form positive ions. Iron's reactivity with oxygen, leading to rust formation, is a common example of metal reactivity that we encounter in everyday life.

Metals also possess high tensile strength, which is the ability to withstand pulling forces without breaking. Steel, an alloy of iron and carbon, is renowned for its high tensile strength, making it indispensable in construction and engineering. This property allows for the creation of strong, durable structures and machinery.

In conclusion, the properties of metals - including their solid state at room temperature, high melting and boiling points, excellent conductivity, malleability, ductility, luster, density, chemical reactivity, and tensile strength - make them uniquely suited for a wide range of applications. From the construction of skyscrapers to the manufacture of electronic devices, metals play a crucial role in shaping our modern world. Understanding these properties not only helps in selecting the right metal for specific applications but also in developing new materials and technologies that can further advance our capabilities in various fields.

Properties of Non-Metals

Non-metals are a diverse group of elements that exhibit properties distinctly different from metals. Understanding these properties is crucial for grasping the fundamental principles of chemistry and material science. Unlike their metallic counterparts, non-metals possess unique characteristics that make them essential in various applications and natural processes.

One of the most striking features of non-metals is their physical state at room temperature. While metals are typically solid, many non-metals exist as gases or liquids under standard conditions. Examples include oxygen, nitrogen, and chlorine, which are gases, and bromine, which is a liquid. This tendency towards non-solid states is directly related to the weak intermolecular forces present in non-metallic substances.

Non-metals are characterized by low melting and boiling points compared to metals. This property is a result of the weaker bonds between non-metal atoms. For instance, helium has an extremely low boiling point of -268.9°C, making it one of the coldest substances known. Even solid non-metals like sulfur and phosphorus have relatively low melting points compared to most metals.

Another significant property of non-metals is their poor electrical conductivity. Unlike metals, which have free electrons that can easily move and conduct electricity and heat, non-metals typically have tightly bound electrons. This electron configuration results in their inability to efficiently conduct electricity or heat. Materials like rubber and plastic, which are composed of non-metallic elements, are often used as insulators due to this property.

Non-metals are generally brittle and lack the ductility and malleability that are characteristic of metals. When subjected to stress, non-metallic solids tend to shatter rather than deform. This brittleness is due to their atomic structure, which doesn't allow for the easy movement of atoms past one another. Carbon in its diamond form, for example, is extremely hard but can shatter if struck with sufficient force.

The appearance of non-metals also contrasts sharply with that of metals. While metals are known for their lustrous shine, non-metals typically have a dull appearance. They don't reflect light in the same way metals do, resulting in a less shiny surface. Sulfur, for instance, has a dull yellow appearance, while iodine crystals have a dark, almost metallic luster but are far from the bright shine of true metals.

Non-metals often form covalent bonds, sharing electrons rather than transferring them as metals do in ionic bonds. This bonding behavior influences many of their properties, including their tendency to form molecules rather than lattice structures. For example, nitrogen forms diatomic molecules (N) in its gaseous state, held together by strong covalent bonds.

The reactivity of non-metals varies widely. Some, like fluorine and chlorine, are highly reactive and can form compounds with many other elements. Others, like noble gases such as helium and neon, are extremely unreactive due to their stable electron configurations. This range of reactivity makes non-metals crucial in various chemical processes and applications.

Non-metals play vital roles in biological systems. Elements like carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, and nitrogen are the building blocks of organic compounds essential for life. Their ability to form complex molecules with diverse properties is fundamental to the existence of living organisms.

In industrial applications, non-metals are invaluable. Silicon, a metalloid with properties between metals and non-metals, is crucial in the semiconductor industry. Sulfur is used in the production of sulfuric acid, a key industrial chemical. Halogens like chlorine are used in water treatment and as disinfectants.

Understanding the properties of non-metals is essential for their effective use in various fields. Their unique characteristics make them indispensable in electronics, medicine, environmental science, and countless other areas. As research continues, new applications for non-metals are constantly being discovered, highlighting their ongoing importance in scientific and technological advancement.

Metalloids and Their Unique Properties

Metalloids are a fascinating group of elements that occupy a unique position in the periodic table, straddling the line between metals and non-metals. These elements possess properties that are characteristic of both metallic and non-metallic substances, making them incredibly versatile and important in various technological applications. The most common metalloids include boron, silicon, germanium, arsenic, antimony, and tellurium.

Located along the zigzag line that separates metals from non-metals on the periodic table, metalloids exhibit a gradient of properties. As we move from left to right across the periodic table, the elements gradually transition from metallic to non-metallic characteristics. Metalloids sit at the crossroads of this transition, embodying a blend of properties that make them distinct from both metals and non-metals.

One of the most significant applications of metalloids is in the field of semiconductors, which has revolutionized modern technology. Electrical conductivity metalloids are materials with electrical conductivity between that of conductors (like metals) and insulators (like most non-metals). This unique property allows them to be manipulated to control the flow of electrical current, forming the basis of electronic devices.

Silicon, the second most abundant element in the Earth's crust, is the quintessential example of a metalloid and the cornerstone of semiconductor technology. Its ability to act as both a conductor and an insulator under different conditions makes it invaluable in the production of electronic components. Silicon forms the foundation of computer chips, solar cells, and countless other electronic devices that have become integral to our daily lives.

The properties that make metalloids, particularly silicon, so useful in technology include:

  • Variable electrical conductivity: Metalloids can be doped (intentionally introducing impurities) to alter their electrical properties, allowing precise control over their conductivity.
  • Thermal properties: They often have lower melting points than metals but higher than non-metals, making them easier to process in manufacturing.
  • Optical properties: Many metalloids interact with light in ways that make them useful for optical fibers and photovoltaic cells.
  • Chemical reactivity: Metalloids can form covalent bonds like non-metals but also exhibit some metallic bonding characteristics, leading to a wide range of possible compounds.

In the case of silicon, its semiconductor properties arise from its crystal structure and the behavior of electrons within this structure. When silicon is pure, it's not a very good conductor. However, by adding small amounts of impurities (a process called doping), we can dramatically change its conductivity. This ability to fine-tune the electrical properties of silicon is what makes it so valuable in the production of transistors, the building blocks of modern electronics.

Beyond silicon, other metalloids also play crucial roles in technology. Germanium, for instance, was used in early transistors and is still used in certain specialized electronic and optical applications. Boron is used in the semiconductor industry as a dopant for silicon, and it's also a component of many high-strength materials. Arsenic, despite its toxicity, is used in the production of gallium arsenide semiconductors, which are important in high-frequency and optoelectronic applications.

The importance of metalloids extends beyond just semiconductors. Their unique properties make them valuable in various other technological applications:

  • Fiber optics: Silicon and germanium are used in the production of optical fibers for high-speed data transmission.
  • Solar cells: Silicon is the primary material in most photovoltaic cells, converting sunlight into electricity.
  • Alloys: Metalloids are often added to metals to create alloys with improved properties, such as increased strength or corrosion resistance.
  • Flame retardants: Some metalloid compounds are used as effective flame retardants in various materials.

As technology continues to advance, the role of metalloids in innovation remains crucial. Researchers are constantly exploring new ways to utilize these elements, pushing the boundaries of what's possible in electronics, energy production, and materials science. The unique position of metalloids in the periodic table, bridging the gap between metals and non-metals, ensures their continued significance in shaping the future of technology.

Trends in Elemental Properties Across the Periodic Table

The periodic table is a powerful tool for understanding and predicting elemental properties. As we move across periods and down groups, we observe systematic changes in various characteristics of elements. These periodic trends provide valuable insights into the behavior and reactivity of elements based on their position in the table.

Across periods (left to right), we generally see a decrease in atomic size. This is due to the increasing number of protons in the nucleus, which exerts a stronger pull on the electrons. As a result, the electron cloud is drawn closer to the nucleus, leading to a smaller atomic radius. This trend directly influences other properties such as ionization energy and electronegativity, which tend to increase across a period.

Moving down groups (top to bottom), we observe an increase in atomic size. This is because each new element in a group adds an additional electron shell, increasing the distance between the outermost electrons and the nucleus. This trend affects properties like ionization energy and electronegativity, which generally decrease down a group.

One of the most significant trends in the periodic table is the concept of increasing metallic character from right to left and top to bottom. Metallic character refers to the tendency of an element to lose electrons and form positive ions. Elements on the left side of the table, particularly those in groups 1 and 2, exhibit strong metallic properties. As we move towards the right, elements become less metallic and more nonmetallic.

This trend in metallic character is closely related to the ease with which elements lose electrons. Metals readily give up their outermost electrons, while nonmetals tend to gain or share electrons. The transition from metallic to nonmetallic properties is gradual, with elements in the middle of the table (such as metalloids) exhibiting intermediate characteristics.

The increase in metallic character from right to left is due to the decreasing number of valence electrons and the lower electronegativity of elements on the left side of the table. These factors make it easier for left-side elements to lose electrons and form positive ions, a key characteristic of metals.

Moving down a group, we also see an increase in metallic character. This is because the outermost electrons are farther from the nucleus and less tightly held, making them easier to lose. Additionally, the shielding effect of inner electron shells reduces the nuclear attraction on valence electrons, further enhancing metallic properties.

Understanding these trends allows us to make predictions about element properties based on their position in the periodic table. For example, we can predict that elements in the lower left corner of the table (such as francium) will be highly reactive metals, while those in the upper right corner (like fluorine) will be highly reactive nonmetals.

We can also use these trends to compare elements within the same group or period. For instance, in group 1 (alkali metals), we can predict that cesium will be more reactive than lithium due to its larger atomic size and lower ionization energy. Similarly, in period 3, we can expect aluminum to be more metallic than silicon but less metallic than sodium.

These predictions extend to other properties as well. We can anticipate trends in melting and boiling points, electrical conductivity, and even the types of compounds elements are likely to form. For example, elements on the left side of the table are more likely to form ionic compounds with nonmetals, while elements on the right side tend to form covalent bonds.

It's important to note that while these trends are generally reliable, there can be exceptions due to factors like electron configuration and nuclear charge. The periodic table remains an invaluable tool for chemists and students alike, providing a framework for understanding the fundamental properties of elements and their behavior in chemical reactions.

Conclusion: The Importance of Understanding Elemental Properties

The periodic table is a fundamental tool in chemistry, organizing elements based on their properties. Metals, non-metals, and metalloids each possess distinct characteristics that influence their behavior and applications. Metals are typically shiny, malleable, and good conductors of heat and electricity. Non-metals, in contrast, are often brittle, poor conductors, and can form covalent bonds. Metalloids exhibit properties of both metals and non-metals, making them unique and versatile. The introduction video provides a crucial foundation for understanding these elemental properties, which is essential for further exploration of chemistry and technology. By grasping these concepts, students can better comprehend chemical reactions, material science, and technological advancements. The periodic table's organization allows for predictions of element behavior and facilitates the development of new materials and technologies. Continued study of elemental properties opens doors to innovations in fields such as electronics, energy production, and environmental science, highlighting the enduring importance of chemistry in our modern world.

Metals and Non-metals in the Periodic Table

Understanding the Metal / Non-metal Trend

Step 1: Introduction to the Periodic Table

Welcome to our exploration of the periodic table. In this section, we will delve into the properties of elements, focusing on metals and non-metals. The periodic table is a systematic arrangement of elements, and understanding where metals and non-metals are located can provide significant insights into their properties and behaviors.

Step 2: Importance of Metals and Non-metals

Knowing whether an element is a metal or a non-metal is crucial because it tells us a lot about its properties, such as how it reacts and its physical characteristics. Metals and non-metals have distinct properties that influence their applications and interactions with other elements.

Step 3: Classification of Elements

Elements can be classified into three main categories: metals, non-metals, and metalloids. Metalloids have properties that are intermediate between metals and non-metals. Understanding these categories helps in predicting the behavior of elements and their compounds.

Step 4: Ordering the Periodic Table

The periodic table is ordered by atomic number, which is the number of protons in an atom. This ordering reveals patterns in the properties of elements, including the distribution of metals and non-metals. Historically, the table was ordered by atomic mass, but this method has been replaced by the more accurate atomic number ordering.

Step 5: Identifying Metals and Non-metals

When we order the periodic table by atomic number, we observe a gradient from metals to non-metals. Metals are generally found on the left side and center of the table, while non-metals are located on the right side. This arrangement helps in quickly identifying the type of element based on its position in the table.

Step 6: The Divide Between Metals and Non-metals

There is a distinct divide in the periodic table that separates metals from non-metals. This divide is not always clear-cut, as some elements exhibit properties of both categories. These elements are known as metalloids or semiconductors. They are found along a zigzag line that separates metals and non-metals.

Step 7: Properties of Metals

Metals are typically shiny, hard, and solid at room temperature. They are good conductors of electricity and heat. These properties make metals useful in a wide range of applications, from construction to electronics.

Step 8: Properties of Non-metals

Non-metals, on the other hand, are usually not shiny and can be solid, liquid, or gas at room temperature. They are poor conductors of electricity and heat. Non-metals are essential in various chemical processes and biological systems.

Step 9: Metalloids and Their Importance

Metalloids have properties that are intermediate between metals and non-metals. They are also known as semiconductors because they can conduct electricity under certain conditions. This property makes them valuable in the technology and electronics industries. Silicon, for example, is a well-known metalloid used in computer chips and solar cells.

Step 10: Summary and Conclusion

In summary, the periodic table is a powerful tool for understanding the properties of elements. By knowing the position of an element, we can predict whether it is a metal, non-metal, or metalloid and understand its potential applications. The majority of elements in the periodic table are metals, which highlights their importance in various fields. Understanding the trends and properties of metals and non-metals is essential for anyone studying chemistry or related sciences.


Here are some frequently asked questions about the properties of elements in the periodic table:

1. Is dull luster a characteristic of metals or non-metals?

Dull luster is typically a characteristic of non-metals. Metals generally have a shiny or lustrous appearance due to their ability to reflect light. Non-metals, on the other hand, often have a dull appearance because they don't reflect light as efficiently as metals.

2. What are the main properties of metals?

The main properties of metals include:

  • High electrical and thermal conductivity
  • Malleability (ability to be hammered into thin sheets)
  • Ductility (ability to be drawn into wires)
  • Metallic luster (shiny appearance)
  • High melting and boiling points

3. Are all metal elements shiny?

While most metals are shiny in their pure form, not all metal elements appear shiny in their natural state. Some metals may appear dull due to oxidation or other surface reactions. For example, iron can appear dull when it rusts. However, when polished or in their pure form, most metals exhibit a characteristic metallic luster.

4. What is a metalloid and how does it differ from metals and non-metals?

Metalloids are elements that exhibit properties of both metals and non-metals. They are located along the zigzag line separating metals and non-metals on the periodic table. Metalloids can conduct electricity to some degree (unlike most non-metals) but not as well as metals. They may have a semi-metallic luster and can form covalent bonds like non-metals. Examples include silicon, boron, and germanium.

5. Which elements are typically dull in appearance?

Non-metallic elements are typically dull in appearance. Examples include sulfur (yellow and dull), carbon (in its graphite form, it's gray and dull), and phosphorus (can be white or red, both dull). Some metalloids may also appear dull, depending on their form. It's important to note that the appearance can vary based on the element's state and environmental conditions.

Prerequisite Topics

Understanding the properties of elements in the periodic table is a fundamental aspect of chemistry. To fully grasp this concept, it's crucial to have a solid foundation in several prerequisite topics. These topics provide the necessary background knowledge to comprehend how elements behave and interact with one another.

One of the most essential prerequisites is atomic structure. Knowing the basic components of an atom - protons, neutrons, and electrons - is vital for understanding how elements are organized in the periodic table. The number of protons in an atom's nucleus determines its atomic number and, consequently, its position in the periodic table. This knowledge forms the basis for predicting an element's chemical and physical properties.

Another important concept is electrical conductivity in materials. This property is directly related to an element's electron configuration and its ability to conduct electricity. Understanding electrical conductivity helps explain why certain elements, such as metals, are good conductors while others are insulators. This knowledge is crucial when studying the trends and patterns in the periodic table.

Covalent bonding is another key prerequisite topic. It explains how atoms share electrons to form molecules, which is essential for understanding the chemical behavior of elements. The type of bonding an element tends to form is closely related to its position in the periodic table and its electron configuration.

Understanding periodic trends in atomic radius is crucial for grasping how element properties change across the periodic table. The atomic radius affects various properties, including reactivity and bonding behavior. This trend is directly linked to an element's electron configuration and nuclear charge, which are determined by its position in the periodic table.

Lastly, knowledge of ionization energy trends is essential. Ionization energy, the energy required to remove an electron from an atom, varies systematically across the periodic table. This trend is closely related to an element's reactivity and its tendency to form ions, which are crucial aspects of understanding element properties.

By mastering these prerequisite topics, students can develop a comprehensive understanding of the properties of elements in the periodic table. This knowledge serves as a foundation for more advanced chemistry concepts and enables students to predict and explain element behavior based on their position in the periodic table. The interconnectedness of these topics highlights the importance of building a strong foundation in chemistry, as each concept builds upon the others to create a cohesive understanding of elemental properties and behavior.

In this lesson, we will learn:
  • The Periodic Table's arrangement of metals and non-metals
  • The range of metal and non-metal properties and the importance of variety in the properties of elements.
  • How to classify elements as metal, non-metal or metalloids based on their properties.


  • As seen in lesson Structure of the periodic table , the current Periodic Table shows elements arranged in terms of metals and non-metals. Metals are on the left whilst non-metals are found on the right of the table.

  • This way of classifying elements is important because whether an element is a metal or not suggests a lot of its chemical and physical properties.

  • In general, metal properties are as follows:
    • Metals reflect light - they are shiny, not dull.
    • Metals conduct both heat and electricity well.
    • Metals have a high melting and boiling point and are solids at room temperature (except mercury).
    • Metals are hard, but malleable (when heated, they can be hammered into desired shape) and ductile (they can be drawn out to form wires).

  • In general, non-metals have properties opposite to metals:
    • Non-metals are usually dull and don't reflect light.
    • Non-metals are poor conductors of both heat and electricity.
    • Non-metals have a relatively low melting and boiling point – many are gases at room temperature.
    • If a non-metal is a solid at room temperature, it's normally brittle, meaning its shape cannot easily be changed or manipulated like a metal can.

  • The elements in the periodic table show a spectrum of metal character. This means there is not always completely metal or non-metal properties in an element – the most important examples of these are the metalloids, or semiconductors. These elements on the border of metals and non-metals display a mix of metal and non-metal properties.

  • The general trend in the periodic table shows increasing metallic character going from right to left in the table, and going down the table toward the bottom. "Increasing metallic character" means the elements will have more metal-like properties.

  • Knowing the spectrum and variety of properties that different elements have is important for chemists to help choose the right material for the right use or task.