History and development of the periodic table

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  1. Introduction to the Periodic Table
  2. Beginning: Trying to organize elements.
  3. Dobereiner: Grouping elements
  4. Newlands: Periodic patterns in elements
  5. Mendeleev: Predicting elements.
  1. Recall the contributions of scientists that helped develop the Periodic Table.
    i) Which scientist was the first to make a breakthrough in organising elements by their properties?
    a) Johan Dobereiner
    b) John Newlands
    c) Dmitri Mendeleev

    ii) Which scientist was the first to make a breakthrough in organising elements in repeating (periodic) patterns?
    a) Johan Dobereiner
    b) John Newlands
    c) Dmitri Mendeleev

    iii) Which scientist was the first to make a breakthrough in predicting the properties of undiscovered elements?
    a) Johan Dobereiner
    b) John Newlands
    c) Dmitri Mendeleev
    Topic Notes

    Introduction: The Development of the Periodic Table

    The periodic table, a cornerstone of chemistry, has a rich history dating back to the 19th century. Its development revolutionized our understanding of chemical elements and their properties. The table's evolution began with Antoine Lavoisier's list of elements in 1789, followed by Johann Döbereiner's triads in 1829. Dmitri Mendeleev's groundbreaking work in 1869 laid the foundation for the modern periodic table, organizing elements by atomic weight and chemical properties. The introduction video provides a visual journey through this scientific development, highlighting key milestones and contributors. As our knowledge of atomic structure grew, the table was refined to reflect electron configurations and atomic numbers. Today, the periodic table remains an indispensable tool for chemists, students, and researchers worldwide. It continues to evolve, with new elements being discovered and added, showcasing the ongoing nature of scientific inquiry and our ever-expanding understanding of the chemical world.

    Early Attempts at Organizing Elements

    The journey towards organizing the chemical elements into a coherent system was fraught with challenges, and it began in earnest with the groundbreaking work of John Dalton in the early 19th century. Dalton's atomic theory laid the foundation for modern chemistry, introducing the concept of atomic mass as a fundamental property of elements. However, this breakthrough also highlighted the complexities involved in accurately measuring and comparing these masses.

    John Dalton's work was revolutionary, but it also revealed the inconsistencies in measurements that plagued early chemists. The lack of standardized methods for determining atomic masses led to conflicting results and confusion within the scientific community. Dalton himself struggled with these inconsistencies, often revising his own atomic weight tables as new data emerged. This uncertainty made it difficult for scientists to identify patterns or relationships between different elements, hindering progress towards a comprehensive organizational system.

    Despite these challenges, Dalton's atomic theory provided a crucial starting point for future developments. It emphasized the importance of quantitative measurements in chemistry and sparked a renewed interest in understanding the chemical properties of elements. This set the stage for subsequent attempts to organize the growing list of known elements based on their properties and atomic masses.

    One significant early step towards the periodic table came from Johann Wolfgang Döbereiner in 1829. Döbereiner observed that certain groups of three elements, which he called triads, shared similar chemical properties. More importantly, he noticed that the atomic mass of the middle element in each triad was approximately the average of the other two. This observation, known as Döbereiner's triads, was the first recognition of a numerical pattern among elements with similar properties.

    Döbereiner's triads included groups such as lithium, sodium, and potassium; calcium, strontium, and barium; and chlorine, bromine, and iodine. While this system was limited in scope, covering only a small number of elements, it represented a significant conceptual leap. For the first time, scientists had evidence of a mathematical relationship between elements that exhibited similar chemical behaviors.

    The significance of Döbereiner's triads lies not only in the pattern itself but in the approach it introduced. By linking atomic mass to chemical properties, Döbereiner demonstrated that there might be an underlying order to the elements waiting to be discovered. This insight inspired other chemists to search for more comprehensive patterns and relationships among the elements.

    However, Döbereiner's work also highlighted the limitations of early attempts at organization. The triad system could not accommodate all known elements, and it failed to predict the existence of undiscovered elements. Moreover, as more elements were identified and atomic masses were refined, some triads became less accurate, revealing the need for a more robust organizational principle.

    Despite these limitations, Döbereiner's triads played a crucial role in the development of the periodic table. They encouraged scientists to think about elements in terms of groups with shared properties, a concept that would become central to later periodic systems. The triads also reinforced the importance of atomic mass as a key factor in element organization, even though later developments would reveal that atomic number was a more fundamental organizing principle.

    The challenges faced by early chemists in organizing elements, from Dalton's struggles with atomic mass measurements to Döbereiner's limited but insightful triads, set the stage for the more comprehensive periodic systems that would follow. These early attempts, while imperfect, were essential steps in the journey towards understanding the fundamental nature of chemical elements and their relationships to one another.

    Newlands' Law of Octaves

    John Newlands, a British chemist, made a significant contribution to the field of chemistry with his Law of Octaves in 1863. This groundbreaking concept laid the foundation for the modern periodic table and introduced the idea of periodicity in chemical elements. Newlands' work focused on ordering elements by their atomic mass, a revolutionary approach at the time.

    The Law of Octaves proposed that when elements were arranged in order of increasing atomic mass, every eighth element exhibited similar properties. This observation drew a parallel to musical octaves, where every eighth note in a scale shares similar characteristics. Newlands' insight was crucial in recognizing patterns among elements, paving the way for a more systematic understanding of chemical properties.

    Newlands' method of element ordering was straightforward yet innovative. He listed elements vertically in order of increasing atomic mass, starting with hydrogen. As he progressed, he noticed that elements with similar properties appeared at regular intervals. This periodicity was most evident in the first 20 elements, where the pattern seemed to repeat every seven elements, leading to the eighth being similar to the first.

    The concept of periodicity introduced by Newlands was a significant leap forward in chemistry. It suggested that elements' properties were not random but followed a predictable pattern. This idea would later be refined and expanded upon by other scientists, ultimately leading to the development of the modern periodic table.

    However, Newlands' work was not without limitations and controversies. The Law of Octaves worked well for lighter elements but began to break down for heavier ones. As more elements were discovered, the strict adherence to the octave pattern became less apparent. Additionally, Newlands' insistence on forcing elements into his system, sometimes grouping unlike elements together, drew criticism from his contemporaries.

    The scientific community initially met Newlands' ideas with skepticism and even ridicule. When he presented his findings to the Chemical Society in 1866, his work was dismissed, with some suggesting he might as well have arranged the elements alphabetically. This rejection was partly due to the incomplete nature of his system and the lack of accommodation for newly discovered elements.

    Despite these setbacks, Newlands' Law of Octaves was a crucial stepping stone in the development of the periodic table. His work highlighted the importance of atomic mass in understanding element properties and introduced the concept of periodicity. These ideas would later be refined by Dmitri Mendeleev and others, leading to the more comprehensive and accurate periodic table we use today.

    In retrospect, Newlands' contribution to chemistry is widely recognized. His Law of Octaves, while imperfect, was a pioneering effort in identifying patterns among elements. It demonstrated the potential for a systematic organization of chemical elements based on their properties and atomic structure. Today, Newlands is remembered as one of the key figures in the early development of the periodic table, with his work serving as a vital link between earlier attempts at element classification and the more sophisticated systems that followed.

    Mendeleev's Breakthrough

    Dmitri Mendeleev, a Russian chemist, made a groundbreaking contribution to the field of chemistry with his development of the periodic table of elements. His work in the late 19th century revolutionized our understanding of chemical elements and their properties, laying the foundation for modern chemistry. Mendeleev's approach to organizing the elements was both innovative and systematic, setting him apart from his contemporaries.

    Mendeleev's method of organizing elements was based on two key factors: atomic mass and chemical properties. He meticulously arranged the known elements in order of increasing atomic mass, a concept that was relatively new at the time. However, what truly set Mendeleev's work apart was his keen observation of the periodic trends in element properties. He noticed that elements with similar properties appeared at regular intervals when arranged by atomic mass.

    This observation led Mendeleev to formulate the periodic law, which states that the properties of elements are periodic functions of their atomic masses. This law became the cornerstone of his periodic table. Mendeleev organized the elements into rows and columns, creating a tabular arrangement that clearly displayed the periodic trends in element properties. This arrangement allowed chemists to see patterns and relationships between elements that were previously unclear.

    One of the most remarkable aspects of Mendeleev's work was his ability to predict the existence and properties of undiscovered elements. By analyzing the gaps in his table, Mendeleev boldly predicted the properties of several unknown elements. He left spaces in his table for these yet-to-be-discovered elements and even went so far as to describe their expected properties in detail.

    Mendeleev's predictions were strikingly accurate. For example, he predicted the existence of an element he called "eka-silicon" (which would later be discovered and named germanium). He accurately predicted its atomic mass, density, and even its ability to form a chloride with a specific formula. Similarly, he predicted the properties of "eka-aluminum" (later discovered as gallium) and "eka-boron" (scandium).

    The subsequent discovery of these elements and the confirmation of their properties as Mendeleev had predicted provided powerful validation for his periodic table and the underlying periodic law. This predictive power of the periodic table was unprecedented in the history of chemistry and firmly established Mendeleev's work as a cornerstone of the field.

    Mendeleev's periodic table was not immediately accepted by the scientific community. Many chemists were skeptical of his predictions and the idea of leaving gaps for undiscovered elements. However, as more elements were discovered and found to fit perfectly into Mendeleev's system, the validity of his work became undeniable.

    The impact of Mendeleev's work extended far beyond his lifetime. His periodic table provided a framework for understanding the relationships between elements, guiding further research in chemistry and related fields. It became an essential tool for chemists, allowing them to predict chemical behavior, understand bonding patterns, and explore new compounds.

    Mendeleev's contribution to chemistry was not limited to the periodic table. His work on the periodic law and element properties led to advancements in various areas of chemistry, including the study of solutions, the understanding of critical temperatures of gases, and the exploration of the nature of chemical bonding.

    Today, Mendeleev's periodic table, with some modifications to account for the discovery of subatomic particles and the development of quantum mechanics, remains a fundamental tool in chemistry. It continues to guide research, education, and industrial applications of chemistry worldwide. The predictive power of the periodic table, first demonstrated by Mendeleev, continues to be a driving force in the discovery of new elements and the exploration of their properties.

    In recognition of his monumental contribution, element 101 was named mendelevium in his honor. Dmitri Mendeleev's work on the periodic table stands as one of the most significant achievements in the history of science, transforming chemistry from a collection of disparate facts into a coherent and predictive discipline. His legacy continues to influence and inspire chemists and scientists across various fields, underscoring the enduring importance of his groundbreaking work.

    The Modern Periodic Table

    The transition from Mendeleev's table to the modern periodic table marks a significant milestone in the history of chemistry. Dmitri Mendeleev's original periodic table, created in 1869, was a groundbreaking achievement that organized elements based on their atomic weights and chemical properties. However, as scientific understanding advanced, the need for a more precise and comprehensive system became apparent.

    The modern periodic table, as we know it today, evolved from Mendeleev's work through several key discoveries and refinements. The most crucial development was the concept of atomic number, introduced by Henry Moseley in 1913. Moseley's work with X-ray spectroscopy revealed that the fundamental property determining an element's chemical behavior was not its atomic weight, but rather the number of protons in its nucleus the atomic number.

    This revelation led to a significant reorganization of the periodic table. Elements were now arranged in order of increasing atomic number, rather than atomic weight. This change resolved several inconsistencies in Mendeleev's table and provided a more logical and predictable arrangement of elements. The atomic number became the cornerstone of the modern periodic table, offering a clear and unambiguous way to identify and position each element.

    Another crucial aspect of the modern periodic table is its organization based on electron configuration. As our understanding of atomic structure improved, it became clear that an element's chemical properties are primarily determined by its outermost electrons, known as valence electrons. The periodic table's structure now reflects these electron configurations, with elements in the same group (vertical column) sharing similar outer electron arrangements and, consequently, similar chemical properties.

    The modern periodic table is divided into groups (vertical columns) and periods (horizontal rows), each with significant meaning. There are 18 groups in the standard table, numbered from 1 to 18. Elements in the same group have similar chemical properties due to their similar valence electron configurations. For example, Group 1 elements (alkali metals) all have one valence electron and are highly reactive, while Group 18 elements (noble gases) have full outer shells and are generally inert.

    Periods, on the other hand, represent the filling of electron shells. As you move across a period from left to right, the atomic number increases by one, and electrons are added to the same principal energy level. This progression results in a gradual change in properties across each period. The number of periods (currently seven) corresponds to the number of electron shells being filled.

    The organization of the modern periodic table into groups and periods provides a wealth of information at a glance. It allows chemists to predict an element's properties based on its position, understand trends in reactivity and atomic size, and even anticipate the existence of yet-undiscovered elements. This predictive power has made the periodic table an indispensable tool in chemistry, guiding research and facilitating the understanding of chemical behavior.

    The transition to the modern periodic table also introduced the concept of blocks s, p, d, and f which correspond to the type of orbital being filled. This further refines our understanding of element properties and their relationships. The table's layout now clearly shows the distinction between main group elements, transition metals, lanthanides, and actinides, each with their characteristic properties.

    In conclusion, the evolution from Mendeleev's original table to the modern periodic table represents a triumph of scientific progress. By organizing elements based on atomic number and electron configuration, and structuring them into meaningful groups and periods, the modern table provides a comprehensive framework for understanding the chemical elements. It continues to be an essential tool in chemistry, guiding research, education, and our understanding of the material world.

    Applications and Importance of the Periodic Table

    The periodic table stands as one of the most fundamental tools in chemistry, with far-reaching applications across various scientific fields. Its practical uses extend beyond the classroom, playing a crucial role in scientific research, industry, and education. At its core, the periodic table helps predict chemical behavior and element properties, making it an indispensable resource for chemists and researchers alike.

    In chemical research, scientists utilize the periodic table to anticipate how elements will interact and form compounds. By understanding an element's position on the table, researchers can predict its reactivity, atomic structure, and potential bonding capabilities. This knowledge is invaluable in developing new materials, pharmaceuticals, and industrial processes. For instance, in materials science, the periodic table guides the selection of elements for creating alloys with specific properties, such as strength or conductivity.

    The periodic table's arrangement also allows for the prediction of element properties without the need for extensive experimentation. Trends in atomic radius, electronegativity, and ionization energy become apparent when examining elements' positions relative to one another. This predictive power saves time and resources in scientific research, enabling scientists to focus their efforts on the most promising avenues of investigation.

    In the field of environmental science, the periodic table aids in understanding the behavior of elements in ecosystems. Researchers use it to study the cycling of nutrients, the impact of pollutants, and the bioaccumulation of elements in food chains. Similarly, in geology, the periodic table helps explain the formation and composition of minerals and rocks, contributing to our understanding of Earth's history and structure.

    The periodic table's role in chemical education cannot be overstated. It serves as a visual representation of the relationships between elements, making complex chemical concepts more accessible to students. By organizing elements based on their properties and atomic structure, the table provides a framework for understanding chemical bonding, reactivity, and periodicity. This organizational structure helps students memorize element characteristics and predict chemical behavior more effectively.

    In advanced scientific research, the periodic table continues to evolve, accommodating new elements and refining our understanding of atomic structure. It plays a crucial role in fields such as nuclear physics, where researchers explore the limits of atomic stability and search for new superheavy elements. The table's structure also informs research into quantum mechanics and the fundamental properties of matter.

    The periodic table's applications extend to industry, where it guides the selection of materials for specific applications. In electronics, for example, manufacturers use the table to choose elements with the right semiconducting properties for creating computer chips. In the energy sector, it aids in the development of more efficient batteries and solar cells by identifying elements with optimal electron transfer characteristics.

    In conclusion, the periodic table's practical applications span a wide range of scientific disciplines, from basic chemical education to cutting-edge research. Its ability to predict chemical behavior and element properties makes it an invaluable tool for scientists, educators, and industry professionals alike. As our understanding of chemistry and physics continues to grow, the periodic table remains a cornerstone of scientific knowledge, adapting to new discoveries while maintaining its fundamental importance in explaining the building blocks of our universe.

    Conclusion: The Periodic Table's Ongoing Legacy

    The periodic table's development stands as a monumental scientific legacy, revolutionizing our chemical understanding. From Mendeleev's initial concept to modern iterations, it has evolved to accommodate new elements and reflect deeper insights into atomic structure. The introduction video serves as a crucial foundation, illuminating the table's historical context and fundamental principles. This knowledge is essential for grasping the periodic table's significance in chemistry and beyond. As ongoing research continues to refine our understanding of elements and their properties, the periodic table remains a dynamic tool at the forefront of scientific inquiry. Its applications extend far beyond the classroom, influencing fields from materials science to nuclear physics. We encourage you to further explore the periodic table's intricacies, discovering how this elegant organizational system continues to shape our world and drive innovation in countless scientific disciplines.

    Introduction to the Periodic Table

    The periodic table is a cornerstone of modern chemistry, organizing elements in a way that highlights their properties and relationships. The journey to the modern periodic table was long and involved contributions from many scientists. This guide will walk you through the history and development of the periodic table, focusing on the initial attempts to organize elements and the challenges faced along the way.

    Step 1: Early Attempts to Organize Elements

    In the early 19th century, scientists began to recognize the need to organize elements systematically. John Dalton was one of the pioneers in this effort. Dalton proposed that each element had unique properties, with mass being a key distinguishing feature. However, the technology and methods available at the time were not advanced enough to measure mass accurately and consistently. This lack of precision led to inconsistent measurements, which hindered the progress of organizing elements.

    Step 2: Challenges in Measurement

    One of the main challenges faced by early scientists was the inconsistency in measuring the mass of elements. The equipment used in the 1800s was not standardized, leading to variations in measurements. Different scientists would often get different results when measuring the same material. This inconsistency made it difficult to establish a reliable system for organizing elements based on their mass.

    Step 3: The Role of John Dalton

    John Dalton's work laid the foundation for the modern periodic table. He proposed that each element had a unique mass, which could be used to distinguish it from other elements. Despite the challenges in measurement, Dalton's ideas were crucial in moving the scientific community towards a more systematic approach to organizing elements. His focus on the unique properties of elements, particularly their mass, was a significant step forward.

    Step 4: Overcoming Measurement Inaccuracies

    As technology advanced, scientists developed more accurate and consistent methods for measuring the properties of elements. This progress allowed for more reliable data, which was essential for organizing elements in a meaningful way. The development of standardized equipment and methods helped to overcome the initial challenges faced by early scientists like Dalton.

    Step 5: Building on Early Theories

    The work of early scientists, despite its limitations, provided a foundation for future discoveries. As more accurate measurements became possible, scientists were able to refine their theories and develop a more comprehensive understanding of the elements. This iterative process of observation, experimentation, and theory-building is a hallmark of scientific progress and was crucial in the development of the periodic table.

    Step 6: The Modern Periodic Table

    Today, the periodic table is a well-established tool in chemistry, organizing elements based on their atomic number and properties. The journey to this modern table involved many scientists and numerous experiments. Each contribution, from Dalton's early ideas to the development of accurate measurement techniques, played a vital role in shaping the periodic table as we know it.


    The history and development of the periodic table is a testament to the collaborative nature of scientific discovery. Early attempts to organize elements faced significant challenges, particularly in the area of measurement. However, through the contributions of many scientists and the advancement of technology, a reliable and systematic way to organize elements was eventually achieved. The periodic table remains a fundamental tool in chemistry, reflecting the cumulative knowledge and efforts of the scientific community.


    1. Who is credited with creating the first version of the periodic table?

      Dmitri Mendeleev, a Russian chemist, is credited with creating the first widely recognized version of the periodic table in 1869. Mendeleev's table organized elements by atomic weight and chemical properties, leaving gaps for undiscovered elements. His work laid the foundation for the modern periodic table and revolutionized our understanding of chemical elements.

    2. How does the modern periodic table differ from Mendeleev's original version?

      The modern periodic table differs from Mendeleev's original version in several key ways: 1) It organizes elements by atomic number rather than atomic weight. 2) It incorporates electron configuration as a basis for element arrangement. 3) It includes many more elements, including synthetic ones. 4) It has a more refined structure with clearly defined groups and periods. 5) It reflects our current understanding of atomic structure and quantum mechanics.

    3. What are the main applications of the periodic table in modern science?

      The periodic table has numerous applications in modern science, including: 1) Predicting chemical properties and reactions of elements. 2) Guiding research in materials science and drug development. 3) Aiding in the understanding of atomic structure and bonding. 4) Facilitating the discovery of new elements. 5) Serving as a fundamental tool in chemistry education and research across various scientific disciplines.

    4. How are new elements added to the periodic table?

      New elements are added to the periodic table through a rigorous process: 1) Scientists synthesize the element in a laboratory. 2) The discovery is verified by independent research teams. 3) The International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry (IUPAC) reviews the evidence. 4) If accepted, IUPAC assigns an official name and symbol to the element. 5) The element is then placed in its appropriate position in the periodic table based on its atomic number.

    5. What are the periods and groups in the periodic table, and what do they represent?

      Periods are horizontal rows in the periodic table, representing the filling of electron shells. There are currently seven periods. Groups are vertical columns, representing elements with similar electron configurations and chemical properties. There are 18 groups in the modern periodic table. Elements in the same group tend to have similar chemical behaviors due to their similar outer electron structures.

    Prerequisite Topics

    Understanding the history and development of the periodic table is a fascinating journey through the evolution of chemistry. However, to fully appreciate this topic, it's crucial to have a solid foundation in several prerequisite areas. These foundational concepts not only enhance your understanding but also provide context for the periodic table's significance in modern chemistry.

    First and foremost, a strong grasp of the history and development of atomic theory is essential. This knowledge forms the bedrock of our understanding of elements and their organization. The atomic theory's progression directly influenced how scientists conceptualized and arranged elements, leading to the periodic table we know today.

    Equally important is comprehending the properties of elements in the periodic table. These properties are not arbitrary but follow specific patterns that the periodic table elegantly illustrates. Understanding these chemical properties helps explain why elements are arranged in their particular order and groups.

    The periodic table is renowned for its ability to showcase trends among elements. One such trend is the atomic radius, which varies systematically across the table. This concept is crucial for understanding element behavior and reactivity. Similarly, ionization energy is another vital periodic trend that provides insights into an element's chemical nature and its position in the table.

    Interestingly, the periodic table's development also relied heavily on recognizing patterns and relationships between variables. Scientists had to identify correlations between various elemental properties to create a coherent organizational system. This mathematical aspect of the periodic table's development highlights the interdisciplinary nature of scientific discovery.

    By delving into these prerequisite topics, students gain a comprehensive understanding of the periodic table's origins and significance. The atomic theory provides the historical context, while knowledge of elemental properties and periodic trends explains the table's structure and utility. Understanding relationships between variables illuminates the logical reasoning behind the table's organization.

    In conclusion, these prerequisite topics are not just background information; they are integral to fully appreciating the periodic table's elegance and power as a scientific tool. They transform the periodic table from a mere chart of elements into a profound representation of chemical knowledge, showcasing the interconnectedness of scientific concepts and the beauty of systematic organization in chemistry.

    In this lesson, we will learn:
    • The contributions of key scientists which led to the modern Periodic Table.
    • An example of how a scientific theory relies on measurement and a standardized method.
    • The key features of a scientific theory and its emphasis on empirical observation and prediction.


    • Like the development of atomic theory, developing the Periodic Table has taken time and contributions by many scientists, each with their own theories and experiments, to lead to its current state today.

    • The early work built on John Dalton's work, which tried to identify elements by their unique mass because this was the most obvious property scientists could measure. Because quality of equipment and analytical methods were poor and there was no standardized, 'proper' way to measure atomic mass, there were inconsistencies in different scientists' measuring the mass of elements. This held back progress; to organize, scientists measuring events or objects need consistency to spot any patterns emerging.

    • The first move toward anything resembling the current Periodic Table was by Johan Dobereiner. He showed that the appearance and the reactions of certain known elements were quite similar. Because these certain elements with similarities came in threes, he called these groups triads. Some of his triads (A triad of Li, Na, K and a triad of Cl, Br and I) survived and now form groups in the current periodic table!

    • In the 1860s, John Newlands showed by ordering the elements by mass, with hydrogen first, every eighth element had similarities in its properties. He called this the law of octaves. This was seen as a breakthrough in the arrangement of the elements – it was the beginning of the term 'periodic' being used to describe the elements, meaning a repeating pattern. However, his ordering had inconsistencies, such as placing metals in an octave with non-metals. This led to the suspected existence of undiscovered elements.

    • In 1869, Dmitri Mendeleev published his work where he organized the elements according to properties and their masses. It received very little attention to begin with, but it was noticed after being republished. Mendeleev also noticed that when elements were ordered by mass, there was a periodic (repeating) pattern of chemical properties. The genius in Mendeleev's work was in doing the following:
      • He organized the elements by row (called a period) and by column (called a group), where the groups showed the elements that had common properties.
      • He chose to move some elements around the table, prioritizing grouping elements by their common properties, not ordering by their mass.
      • He deliberately left gaps in his table where he supposed the existence of undiscovered elements. He even suggested the properties of these elements, using the properties of the groups in his table. When discovered, they matched.

    • Mendeleev's table forms the basis of the current Periodic Table. The only major exception to his work – the existence of the noble gases – slotted in at the end of the table (group 0) when discovered. This didn't affect the pattern in his table.

    • Mendeleev's Periodic Table is a classic example of a successful scientific theory. For any theory to be scientific, it needs to:
      • Be able to explain the current empirical evidence. Does it explain why we see what we see in experiments and in the observable world?
      • Be testable by future experiments. If a theory and its supporters want to be proved right, we need to be able to plan and do experiments that prove it at all!
      • Be able to explain new evidence when it appears. Scientific theories need to account for all evidence; they can't 'pick and choose' when to work.
      • If a theory can't explain new evidence, it needs to be either revised or replaced by another theory that is also testable and does explains the evidence so far!