History and development of the periodic table

  1. Beginning: Trying to organize elements.
  2. Dobereiner: Grouping elements
  3. Newlands: Periodic patterns in elements
  4. Mendeleev: Predicting elements.
  1. Recall the contributions of scientists that helped develop the Periodic Table.
    i) Which scientist was the first to make a breakthrough in organising elements by their properties?
    a) Johan Dobereiner
    b) John Newlands
    c) Dmitri Mendeleev

    ii) Which scientist was the first to make a breakthrough in organising elements in repeating (periodic) patterns?
    a) Johan Dobereiner
    b) John Newlands
    c) Dmitri Mendeleev

    iii) Which scientist was the first to make a breakthrough in predicting the properties of undiscovered elements?
    a) Johan Dobereiner
    b) John Newlands
    c) Dmitri Mendeleev