Understanding Ionization Energy Trends in the Periodic Table
Discover how ionization energy changes across periods and its significance in chemistry. Learn to predict trends, understand atomic structure, and master this crucial concept for advanced studies.

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  1. Looking at Periodic Trends
History and development of the periodic table
In this lesson, we will learn:
  • The definition of ionization energy and understand its significance to studying the elements.
  • To explain the trend in ionization energy by applying principles of electrostatic forces.
  • The anomalies in the ionization energy data to help develop understanding of electron shells.


  • As seen in Periodic trends: Atomic radius, chemists have found, through experimenting, some principles of electrostatic forces – forces that exist because charged particles attract or repel each other. The principles are:
    • #1: Oppositely charged particles attract each other, while particles of like charge repel each other.
    • #2: The greater the charge difference of two particles, the greater their force of attraction (for example, the attractive force between a 2+ ion and a 2- ion is stronger than the attractive force between a 1+ ion and a 1- ion).
    • #3: Attractive forces between oppositely charge particles decrease with distance.
    • #4: Repulsive forces between like charged particles decrease with distance.

  • Together the principles form a theory that explains what chemists see in the data of their experiments, such as the atomic radius of chemical elements and their 1st ionization energies.

  • As seen in this chapter so far, arranging the elements by their proton number shows a number of trends in the properties of the elements. This is true going down the table or “going down the group”, and going across the table or “across the period”. The fact that these patterns repeat themselves – they are periodic – is why the table of elements is called the periodic table of elements!

  • Ionization energy is defined as the energy required to remove one mole of electrons from one mole of gaseous atoms to form a positive ion.

  • More specifically: The first ionization energy is the energy required to remove one mole of the most weakly-held electrons from one mole of gaseous atoms to form one mole of gaseous ions with a single positive charge.

  • The successive ionization energies follow from the first: it is the energy required to remove one mole of the next most weakly-held electrons from one mole of gaseous ions to form gaseous ions with a one-greater positive charge. For example, the second ionization energy would be the energy required to remove one mole of the most weakly-held electrons from one mole of 1+ charged gaseous ions, forming one mole of 2+ charged gaseous ions.

  • The 1st ionization energies of the elements show a very distinct pattern in the periodic table. For chemists, it is very revealing to study the ionization energies in elements across a period because it shows how difficult it is to remove one extra electron from the same outer electron shell!

  • As briefly talked about in Structure of the Periodic Table, the distinct shape of the periodic table, where the s, p, d, and f blocks exist, is because of ionization energies.

  • The trend in ionization energy across a period (for example, period 2) is explained using electrostatic forces:
    • As you go across the period from left to right, each element contains one extra proton in the nucleus, increasing its charge.
    • Each further element also has one extra electron in its outer shell. This greater charge difference between the positively charged nucleus and negative outer shell electrons results in greater force of attraction (see principle #2) and the electrons being attracted (principle #1) more strongly.
    • This means extra energy is required to be put in to overcome the force of attraction and remove an outer shell electron - in general then, moving to the right of a period, first ionization energy increases.
    • There is an anomaly in this trend for boron: boron's outer shell electron configuration is 2s2 2p1 - it has one electron in the 2p subshell, which is being shielded from the nucleus by the 2s subshell that is already full, causing repulsion (principle #1), while the 2p orbital is further away from the positive nucleus to begin with so is less strongly attracted to it (principle #4). This effect overcomes the greater charge difference from an extra electron and proton. It therefore costs less energy to remove the first electron from boron's outer shell than the general trend would suggest.
    • There is another anomaly in this trend for oxygen: oxygen's outer shell electron configuration is 2s2 2p4, where one of the 2p orbitals is now full with two electrons paired for the first time (until oxygen, the electrons fill up one p orbital by themselves, see Hund's rule). This increases repulsion (see principle #1) and overrides the effect of greater charge difference attracting the electrons to the more highly charged nucleus. This means less energy is required to remove the first electron from oxygen's outer shell than the general trend suggests.

  • The ionization energy trend occurs in the 3rd period too. After each noble gas, there is a massive drop in ionization energy e.g. from Ne to Na. These data helped developed understanding of electron shells and subshells and the number of electrons they can hold:
    • Using electrostatic principles (more negative electrons being attracted to a more positively charged nucleus), we would expect greater attraction of the electrons by the nucleus, and even more energy needed to remove (one mole of) electrons. So what do the repeating – or periodic - drop in ionization energy mean?
    • Our current theory says that the extra electron in boron must be in a different ‘state’ or sub shell than the last electron in beryllium. Why else would it cost a lot less energy than beryllium to remove an electron?
    • The idea of electrons being in shells and subshells was developed by quantum mechanics, which also established the number of electrons the subshells could hold.

  • The trend in ionization energies practically shows you how easily an atom can form a positive ion – by losing an electron, a positive ion is formed. Based on this, we can observe that it is easier for metals to lose electrons and form positive ions than non-metals. This is related to the electronegativity of an atom – the focus of the next lesson!

Introduction to Ionization Energy

Welcome to our exploration of ionization energy, a fundamental concept in chemistry that plays a crucial role in understanding atomic structure and chemical behavior. Ionization energy is the amount of energy required to remove an electron from an atom in its gaseous state. This concept is closely tied to the periodic table trends, as it helps explain trends in atomic properties across elements. Our introduction video provides a visual and engaging way to grasp this important topic. As we delve into ionization energy, you'll discover how it affects an element's reactivity and bonding capabilities. The video will guide you through key points, making complex ideas more accessible. Understanding ionization energy is essential for predicting chemical reactions and comprehending electron configurations. It's a stepping stone to mastering more advanced chemistry concepts. So, let's dive in and unravel the mysteries of ionization energy together!


Here are some frequently asked questions about ionization energy:

1. Why does ionization energy increase across a period?

Ionization energy increases across a period due to increasing nuclear charge and decreasing atomic radius. As you move from left to right in a period, the number of protons increases, creating a stronger attraction between the nucleus and electrons. Additionally, the atomic radius decreases, bringing electrons closer to the nucleus. These factors combined make it harder to remove an electron, resulting in higher ionization energy.

2. Why does ionization energy decrease down a group?

Ionization energy decreases down a group because of increasing atomic radius and electron shielding. As you move down a group, the number of electron shells increases, making the outermost electrons farther from the nucleus. This increased distance, coupled with the shielding effect of inner electrons, weakens the nuclear attraction on valence electrons, making them easier to remove.

3. What is the trend of first ionization energy in the periodic table?

The general trend of first ionization energy in the periodic table is that it increases from left to right across a period and decreases from top to bottom down a group. However, there are some exceptions to this trend, particularly between groups 2 and 13, and between groups 15 and 16, due to electron configurations and stability of half-filled or fully-filled subshells.

4. How does atomic radius affect ionization energy?

Atomic radius has an inverse relationship with ionization energy. As atomic radius decreases, ionization energy increases. This is because electrons in smaller atoms are closer to the nucleus, experiencing a stronger nuclear attraction. Consequently, more energy is required to remove an electron from a smaller atom compared to a larger one with the same number of protons.

5. What factors influence ionization energy?

Several factors influence ionization energy:

  • Nuclear charge: Higher nuclear charge increases ionization energy.
  • Atomic radius: Smaller atomic radius leads to higher ionization energy.
  • Electron shielding: Greater shielding decreases ionization energy.
  • Electron configuration: Stable configurations (e.g., full or half-filled subshells) tend to have higher ionization energies.
  • Effective nuclear charge: Increased effective nuclear charge results in higher ionization energy.

Understanding periodic trends in ionization energy is a crucial aspect of chemistry, but to fully grasp this concept, it's essential to have a solid foundation in several prerequisite topics. These fundamental areas of study provide the necessary context and knowledge to comprehend the intricacies of ionization energy trends across the periodic table.

First and foremost, a thorough understanding of atomic structure is paramount. The arrangement of electrons in an atom directly influences its ionization energy. By knowing how electrons are distributed in shells and subshells, students can better predict how easily an atom will lose an electron, which is the essence of ionization energy.

Additionally, familiarity with the history and development of the periodic table provides crucial context. The periodic table's organization is not arbitrary; it reflects fundamental principles of atomic structure and electron configuration. This knowledge helps students understand why ionization energy trends exist and how they relate to an element's position on the table.

While it may seem less directly related, understanding how to predict chemical reactions, particularly in the context of redox reactions and cell potentials, can enhance one's grasp of ionization energy. These concepts involve electron transfer, which is closely tied to ionization processes. Recognizing the energy involved in electron movement helps in comprehending why certain elements have higher or lower ionization energies.

Lastly, knowledge of periodic trends in atomic radius is crucial for understanding ionization energy trends. There's an inverse relationship between atomic radius and ionization energy. As atomic radius decreases across a period, ionization energy generally increases. This is because electrons in smaller atoms are held more tightly to the nucleus, requiring more energy to remove.

By mastering these prerequisite topics, students build a comprehensive framework for understanding periodic trends in ionization energy. The interplay between atomic structure, the organization of the periodic table, electron behavior in chemical reactions, and atomic size all contribute to the patterns observed in ionization energies across elements. This holistic understanding not only aids in memorizing trends but also in developing the critical thinking skills necessary to predict and explain chemical behavior based on an element's properties and position in the periodic table.

In conclusion, the study of ionization energy trends is not isolated but deeply interconnected with these fundamental concepts in chemistry. Investing time in thoroughly understanding these prerequisite topics will significantly enhance a student's ability to grasp, apply, and analyze periodic trends in ionization energy, setting a strong foundation for advanced chemistry studies.