Electrical conductivity

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  1. Conducting electricity
  2. What is electrical conductivity?
  3. Factors affecting electrical conductivity.
  4. Why are solvents important in conducting electricity?
  5. How to tell if something conducts electricity.
  1. Recall the factors that affect electrical conductivity.
    A student sets up a circuit containing a large lightbulb, using electrodes placed in a solution of different compounds dissolved in water. The solutions are measured to be all be the same concentration. The circuit was switched on and the state of the lightbulb was recorded.
    1. Some results shows the lightbulb not glowing at all. What does this tell us about the solution?
    2. In one solution, the bulb glowed weakly. The student then decided to increase the concentration tenfold by adding ten times more solute (the solution is still unsaturated). Describe and explain what happened to the lightbulb after doing this.
    3. In one experiment, the student did not use a solution, but instead crystals of an ionic compound. The lightbulb did not glow at all. Using standard laboratory equipment, suggest two things that the student could do to make the light bulb glow.
  2. Recall the types of chemical substances that can conduct electricity.
    Read the list of chemical substances below and highlight the substances that would conduct electricity, and in what situation(s).
    i) CH4
    ii) NaCl
    iii) Mg
    iv) CO2
    v) H2O
    vi) CH3COOH
    Topic Notes

    Introduction to Electrical Conductivity in Chemistry

    Welcome to our exploration of electrical conductivity in chemistry! This fascinating concept is crucial for understanding how materials interact with electricity. Electrical conductivity refers to a substance's ability to allow the flow of electric current. In chemistry, we often examine how different solutions and materials conduct electricity. The conductivity meaning in chemistry extends beyond just metals; it includes ionic solutions and even some non-metallic substances. Our introduction video will visually demonstrate this concept, making it easier to grasp. You'll see how conductivity varies among different materials and solutions, which is key to many chemical processes. Understanding conductivity chemistry definition is essential for various applications, from battery technology to water quality testing. As we dive deeper, you'll discover how this property relates to chemical bonding and ion mobility. Ready to explore this electrifying topic? Let's get started!

    What is Electrical Conductivity?

    Electrical conductivity in chemistry refers to the ability of a substance to conduct electrical current. It is a fundamental property that measures how easily electric charge can flow through a material. Understanding electrical conductivity is crucial in various fields, from electronics to materials science.

    At its core, electrical conductivity involves the flow of electric charge through a substance. This flow occurs when there are charge carriers, typically electrons, that can move freely within the material. When an electric potential difference (voltage) is applied across a conductive material, these charge carriers begin to move, creating an electric current.

    Electrons play a pivotal role in conductivity. In most conductive materials, especially metals, the outermost electrons of atoms are loosely bound and can easily move from one atom to another. These "free electrons" form what is known as an "electron sea" in metals, allowing for the efficient flow of electric charge. The more free electrons a material has, the higher its conductivity.

    To illustrate this concept, let's consider some examples. Copper is an excellent conductor of electricity due to its abundance of free electrons. When a voltage is applied across a copper wire, electrons flow readily, making it ideal for electrical wiring. On the other hand, rubber is a poor conductor (or insulator) because its electrons are tightly bound to the atoms, preventing the flow of electric charge.

    The comparison between conductors and non-conductors (insulators) is essential in understanding electrical conductivity. Conductors, such as metals like silver, copper, and aluminum, have high electrical conductivity. They allow electric charge to flow easily due to their abundance of free electrons. Non-conductors or insulators, like rubber, glass, and plastic, have very low electrical conductivity. In these materials, electrons are tightly bound to their atoms, making it difficult for electric charge to flow.

    Semiconductors, like silicon and germanium, fall between conductors and insulators in terms of electrical conductivity. Their conductivity can be manipulated by adding impurities or applying external factors like temperature or light, making them crucial in modern electronics.

    The ability of a substance to conduct electrical current is measured in units of Siemens per meter (S/m). This measurement quantifies how well a material conducts electricity compared to others. For instance, copper has a conductivity of about 59.6 × 10^6 S/m, while rubber's conductivity is around 10^-14 S/m, illustrating the vast difference between conductors and insulators.

    Understanding electrical conductivity is vital in many practical applications. In electrical engineering, it helps in selecting the right materials for wiring and circuit components. In chemistry, it's used to analyze solutions and determine the concentration of ions. Even in environmental science, measuring the electrical conductivity of water can indicate the presence of dissolved salts and pollutants.

    In conclusion, electrical conductivity is a crucial concept in chemistry and physics, defining a material's ability to conduct electric current. It's fundamentally about the flow of electric charge, primarily through the movement of electrons. The distinction between conductors, insulators, and semiconductors based on their conductivity properties has profound implications in technology and everyday life, from the wires in our homes to the sophisticated electronics we use daily.

    Factors Affecting Electrical Conductivity

    Electrical conductivity is a crucial property in chemistry and physics, determining how well a substance can conduct electricity. Several factors influence this property, including the phase of matter, concentration of charge carriers, and temperature. Understanding these factors is essential for conducting a conductivity test in chemistry and comprehending which substances can conduct electricity in different phases.

    Phase of matter plays a significant role in electrical conductivity. In the solid phase, most materials have a fixed structure, which can either facilitate or hinder the movement of charged particles. Metals, for instance, are excellent conductors in their solid state due to their crystalline structure and the presence of free electrons. However, some substances, like ionic compounds, can conduct electricity in the liquid phase but not in the solid phase. A prime example is sodium chloride (table salt). In its solid form, the ions are locked in a crystal lattice, preventing the flow of electricity. When melted or dissolved in water, the ions become mobile, allowing for electrical conduction.

    Concentration is another critical factor affecting conductivity, particularly in solutions. As the concentration of ions or other charge carriers increases, the electrical conductivity generally rises. This is because more particles are available to transport the electrical charge. For example, in a conductivity test chemistry experiment, increasing the concentration of an electrolyte solution, such as copper sulfate, will result in higher conductivity readings. This principle is widely applied in water quality testing, where conductivity measurements can indicate the concentration of dissolved solids.

    Temperature also significantly influences electrical conductivity, with effects varying depending on the material. In most liquids and solutions, an increase in temperature leads to higher conductivity. This is due to the increased kinetic energy of particles, allowing them to move more freely and carry charge more efficiently. For instance, seawater becomes a better conductor as it warms up. In contrast, pure metals typically show decreased conductivity with rising temperatures. This is because the increased vibrations of atoms in the metal's crystal lattice interfere with the flow of free electrons.

    The interplay of these factors can lead to interesting phenomena. For example, when considering which type of substance can conduct electricity in the liquid phase but not in the solid phase, we often look at ionic compounds. Molten salts are excellent conductors, while their solid counterparts are insulators. This property is utilized in molten salt batteries and certain industrial processes. Similarly, some semiconductors exhibit increased conductivity at higher temperatures, contrary to metals, due to the thermal excitation of electrons from the valence to the conduction band.

    Understanding these factors is crucial in various applications. In the field of materials science, researchers manipulate these properties to develop new conductive materials for electronics. Environmental scientists use conductivity measurements to assess water quality and detect pollution. In the realm of energy storage, the conductivity of electrolytes plays a vital role in battery performance.

    In conclusion, electrical conductivity is a complex property influenced by multiple factors. The phase of matter determines the mobility of charge carriers, with some substances showing dramatic changes in conductivity between solid and liquid states. Concentration affects the number of available charge carriers, directly impacting conductivity in solutions. Temperature influences particle movement and, consequently, the ease of charge transfer. By understanding and manipulating these factors, scientists and engineers can develop more efficient electrical systems, improve energy storage technologies, and create innovative materials for a wide range of applications.

    Types of Substances and Their Conductivity

    Understanding what conducts electricity is crucial in many fields, from engineering to chemistry. Different substances have varying abilities to conduct electricity, which is determined by their atomic and molecular structure. Let's explore the electrical conductivity properties of various types of substances, including metals, ionic compounds, acids, bases, and organic compounds.

    Metals are excellent conductors of electricity. This is due to their atomic structure, which features loosely bound outer electrons. These "free" electrons can easily move through the metal's crystal lattice when an electric field is applied. Examples of good metallic conductors include copper, aluminum, and silver. Copper, for instance, is widely used in electrical wiring due to its high conductivity and relatively low cost.

    Ionic compounds, when in their solid state, typically do not conduct electricity. However, they become conductive when dissolved in water or melted. This is because the ions (charged particles) become mobile and can carry an electric current. For example, sodium chloride (table salt) is an ionic compound. In its solid form, it doesn't conduct electricity, but when dissolved in water, it creates a conductive solution. This property of ionic compound electrical conductivity is essential in many applications, including batteries and electrolysis.

    Acids and bases are also known for their ability to conduct electricity when dissolved in water. This is due to the presence of ions in their aqueous solutions. For instance, hydrochloric acid (HCl) dissociates into H+ and Cl- ions in water, allowing for the flow of electric current. Similarly, sodium hydroxide (NaOH), a strong base, dissociates into Na+ and OH- ions, making its aqueous solution conductive.

    Organic compounds, which are carbon-based molecules, generally have poor electrical conductivity. Most organic substances, such as sugar, oil, and plastic, are insulators. This is because the electrons in these compounds are tightly bound in covalent bonds and are not free to move. However, there are exceptions. Some organic compounds, like graphite (a form of carbon), can conduct electricity due to their unique molecular structure that allows for electron mobility.

    So, why do certain substances conduct electricity while others don't? The key lies in the availability of charge carriers, typically electrons or ions, that can move freely within the substance. In metals, the presence of free electrons allows for easy conduction. In solutions of ionic compounds, acids, and bases, mobile ions facilitate the flow of electric current. On the other hand, substances with tightly bound electrons or those lacking mobile charged particles act as insulators.

    It's important to note that conductivity can be influenced by various factors. Temperature, for example, can affect the conductivity of both metals and solutions. In metals, increasing temperature generally decreases conductivity due to increased atomic vibrations that impede electron flow. Conversely, in solutions, higher temperatures often increase conductivity by enhancing ion mobility.

    Understanding the electrical conductivity of different substances has numerous practical applications. In electronics, the choice of materials for conductors and insulators is crucial for device performance. In chemistry, conductivity measurements can be used to determine the concentration of ions in a solution. In environmental science, water conductivity is an important indicator of water quality and pollution levels.

    To illustrate, let's consider a common household battery. It contains an electrolyte solution (often an ionic compound) that allows for the flow of ions between the electrodes (typically made of metals or metal compounds). This combination of conductive materials enables the battery to store and release electrical energy efficiently.

    In conclusion, the electrical conductivity of substances is a fundamental property that plays a vital role in many aspects of our lives. From the wires that power our homes to the batteries in our devices, understanding what conducts electricity and why is essential for technological advancement and scientific research. By exploring the conductivity of metals, ionic compounds, acids, bases, and organic compounds, we gain insights into the behavior of materials at the atomic and molecular level, opening doors to new innovations and applications in various fields.

    Conductivity in Solutions

    Electrical conductivity in chemistry is a fundamental concept that plays a crucial role in understanding the behavior of solutions. When substances dissolve in water, they can significantly affect the solution's ability to conduct electricity. This phenomenon is closely related to the concept of electrolytes and non-electrolytes, which are essential in various chemical and biological processes.

    In the realm of conductivity in chemistry, electrolytes are substances that, when dissolved in water, produce ions that can carry an electric current. These ions are formed through the dissociation of the dissolved substance into positively and negatively charged particles. On the other hand, non-electrolytes are substances that do not produce ions when dissolved in water and, consequently, do not contribute to electrical conductivity.

    The electrical conductivity of a solution depends on several factors, including the concentration of ions, their mobility, and the nature of the solvent. In aqueous solutions, water molecules play a crucial role in facilitating the movement of ions, thereby enhancing conductivity. As more electrolytes dissolve in water, the concentration of ions increases, leading to higher electrical conductivity.

    Strong electrolytes are substances that completely dissociate into ions when dissolved in water. Common examples include sodium chloride (table salt), hydrochloric acid, and sodium hydroxide. These compounds break apart entirely into their constituent ions, resulting in a high concentration of charge carriers and, consequently, high electrical conductivity. In contrast, weak electrolytes only partially dissociate in solution, producing fewer ions and exhibiting lower conductivity. Examples of weak electrolytes include acetic acid and ammonia.

    The concept of electrical conductivity in chemistry extends beyond simple salt solutions. Many organic compounds, such as sugars and alcohols, are non-electrolytes and do not contribute significantly to conductivity when dissolved in water. However, some organic acids and bases can act as weak electrolytes, partially dissociating and affecting the solution's conductivity to a lesser extent than strong electrolytes.

    Understanding the principles of conductivity in solutions is crucial in various fields, including environmental science, water treatment, and industrial processes. For instance, measuring the electrical conductivity of water samples can provide valuable information about the presence and concentration of dissolved ions, which is essential for assessing water quality and detecting pollutants.

    In the context of biological systems, the balance of electrolytes plays a vital role in maintaining proper cellular function. The human body relies on the precise regulation of electrolyte concentrations in blood and other bodily fluids to ensure optimal nerve impulse transmission, muscle contraction, and overall homeostasis.

    The study of electrical conductivity in chemistry also has practical applications in the development of advanced materials and technologies. For example, researchers are exploring ways to enhance the conductivity of solutions for use in batteries, fuel cells, and other energy storage devices. By manipulating the composition and concentration of electrolytes, scientists can optimize the performance of these systems, potentially leading to more efficient and sustainable energy solutions.

    In conclusion, the concept of electrical conductivity in solutions is a cornerstone of chemistry, with far-reaching implications in various scientific and technological domains. By understanding how dissolved substances affect conductivity and distinguishing between electrolytes and non-electrolytes, we gain valuable insights into the behavior of chemical systems and their applications in the real world. This knowledge not only enhances our understanding of fundamental chemical principles but also paves the way for innovative solutions to contemporary challenges in fields ranging from environmental science to energy technology.

    Applications of Electrical Conductivity in Chemistry

    Electrical conductivity in chemistry plays a crucial role in various practical applications, offering insights into the properties of materials and solutions. Understanding what electrical conductivity is in chemistry is essential for professionals across multiple fields. This property, which measures a substance's ability to conduct electric current, has far-reaching implications in water quality testing, material science, and electrochemistry.

    In water quality testing, conductivity chemistry is a vital parameter. Water's electrical conductivity directly correlates with its dissolved ion content, making it an excellent indicator of water purity. Environmental scientists and water treatment facilities routinely measure conductivity to assess pollution levels, monitor the effectiveness of water treatment processes, and ensure safe drinking water. For instance, a sudden spike in conductivity in a river might signal industrial discharge or agricultural runoff, prompting immediate investigation and remediation efforts.

    Material science heavily relies on conductivity measurements to characterize and develop new materials. Researchers use electrical conductivity to classify materials as conductors, semiconductors, or insulators, which is fundamental in designing electronic components. In the field of nanotechnology, understanding the conductivity of materials at the nanoscale has led to breakthroughs in developing more efficient solar cells, advanced sensors, and novel electronic devices. For example, graphene, known for its exceptional conductivity, is being explored for use in flexible electronics and high-performance batteries.

    Electrochemistry, a branch of chemistry dealing with the relationship between electrical and chemical phenomena, extensively utilizes conductivity principles. In this field, electrical conductivity measurements are crucial for studying electrolyte solutions, developing fuel cells, and advancing battery technology. Electroplating, a process widely used in manufacturing to coat metals with a thin layer of another metal, relies on the precise control of solution conductivity to achieve desired results. Additionally, conductivity measurements in electrochemistry aid in understanding corrosion processes, which is vital for developing protective coatings and extending the lifespan of metal structures.

    The food and beverage industry also benefits from conductivity chemistry. Quality control processes often involve conductivity measurements to ensure product consistency and detect contamination. In dairy processing, for example, conductivity tests can quickly identify changes in milk composition or the presence of antibiotics, ensuring product safety and quality.

    In environmental monitoring, electrical conductivity serves as a key indicator of ecosystem health. Scientists use conductivity measurements in soil to assess salinity levels, which is crucial for agricultural management and understanding the impact of irrigation practices. In aquatic ecosystems, changes in water conductivity can signal shifts in biodiversity, helping ecologists track environmental changes and implement conservation strategies.

    The pharmaceutical industry utilizes conductivity measurements in drug development and quality control. These measurements help in assessing the purity of water used in drug formulations and in monitoring chemical reactions during the synthesis of pharmaceutical compounds. Understanding electrical conductivity in chemistry is also vital in developing drug delivery systems, where the conductivity of biological membranes plays a role in how medications are absorbed by the body.

    In conclusion, electrical conductivity in chemistry is a fundamental concept with wide-ranging applications across various scientific and industrial fields. From ensuring water quality and developing advanced materials to revolutionizing electrochemistry and environmental monitoring, conductivity measurements provide valuable insights and enable critical processes. As technology advances, the importance of understanding and applying conductivity principles in chemistry continues to grow, driving innovation and solving complex challenges in our modern world.


    Electrical conductivity in chemistry is a crucial concept that reveals how substances conduct electricity. The introduction video provides an essential foundation for understanding this phenomenon. Key points include the role of free electrons or ions in facilitating conductivity, the distinction between conductors, insulators, and semiconductors, and how temperature affects conductivity. Electrolytes and their dissociation in solutions play a significant role in ionic conductivity. The video emphasizes practical applications, from batteries to electronic devices. To deepen your understanding of conductivity chemistry, explore related topics such as electrochemistry, redox reactions, and material science. Engage with these concepts through experiments, further research, and discussions with peers or educators. By mastering electrical conductivity, you'll unlock a deeper appreciation for the interconnected nature of chemistry and physics, paving the way for exciting discoveries in fields like nanotechnology and energy storage.

    Conducting Electricity

    Conducting electricity

    What is electrical conductivity?

    Step 1: Introduction to Electrical Conductivity

    Welcome to this lesson on electrical conductivity. In this section, we will explore the concept of conducting electricity, particularly focusing on solutions. As we delve into this topic, we will understand how the properties of substances change when they are dissolved in a solvent. This change in properties is crucial in understanding electrical conductivity.

    Step 2: Definition of Electrical Conductivity

    Electrical conductivity is defined as the rate of flow of electric charge through a substance. This flow can occur through any material, and the term 'conductivity' itself implies a measurement. Specifically, it measures how well a substance can allow the flow of electric charge, which is essentially the movement of electrons.

    Step 3: Understanding Electric Charge

    To comprehend electrical conductivity, we need to understand what electric charge is. Electric charge is simply the presence of electrons. When we talk about the flow of electric charge, we are referring to the movement of electrons. This movement is what constitutes electricity. Therefore, for a substance to conduct electricity, its electrons must be able to move freely through it.

    Step 4: Movement of Electrons

    Consider a substance, let's call it substance A. This substance is made up of particles, and the space between these particles is where electrons can move. If the electrons in substance A can move freely between the particles, then substance A can conduct electricity. If the electrons are fixed in place and cannot move, then the substance cannot conduct electricity.

    Step 5: Conductors and Insulators

    Not all substances can conduct electricity. Substances that allow the free movement of electrons are called conductors. On the other hand, substances that do not allow electrons to move freely are called insulators. The ability of a substance to conduct electricity depends on its internal structure and the arrangement of its particles.

    Step 6: Role of Solutions in Electrical Conductivity

    When substances are dissolved in a solvent, their properties can change significantly. This change can affect their ability to conduct electricity. For example, when ionic compounds are dissolved in water, they dissociate into ions, which can move freely and conduct electricity. This is why solutions of ionic compounds are often good conductors of electricity.

    Step 7: Recognizing Conductors

    By understanding the chemical formulae of substances, we can often predict whether they will conduct electricity. For instance, substances that form ions in solution are likely to be good conductors. As we study more examples, we will start to see patterns that help us recognize conductors based on their chemical composition.

    Step 8: Summary

    In summary, electrical conductivity is the measure of how well a substance can allow the flow of electric charge, which is the movement of electrons. This ability depends on the internal structure of the substance and whether its electrons can move freely. Solutions can alter the conductivity of substances, especially when they involve ionic compounds. By understanding these principles, we can identify and predict the conductivity of various substances.


    Here are some frequently asked questions about electrical conductivity in chemistry:

    1. What is electrical conductivity in chemistry?

    Electrical conductivity in chemistry refers to a substance's ability to allow the flow of electric current. It measures how easily electric charge can pass through a material. In chemical terms, it's related to the presence of mobile charged particles, such as ions in solutions or free electrons in metals.

    2. What substances conduct electricity?

    Several types of substances can conduct electricity:

    • Metals (e.g., copper, aluminum, silver)
    • Aqueous solutions of ionic compounds
    • Molten ionic compounds
    • Some non-metallic elements (e.g., graphite)
    • Plasma
    The best conductors are typically metals due to their abundance of free electrons.

    3. Why do some substances conduct electricity while others don't?

    Substances conduct electricity when they have mobile charge carriers. In metals, these are free electrons. In solutions, these are ions. Insulators lack these mobile charge carriers. The atomic or molecular structure of a substance determines whether it has these mobile charges. For example, metals have a "sea" of free electrons, while in ionic solutions, the dissociated ions can carry charge.

    4. How is electrical conductivity measured in chemistry?

    Electrical conductivity is typically measured using a conductivity meter. This device applies a voltage across a sample and measures the resulting current. The conductivity is then calculated using Ohm's law and the cell constant of the measuring device. The standard unit of conductivity is Siemens per meter (S/m).

    5. What factors affect electrical conductivity in solutions?

    Several factors influence the electrical conductivity of solutions:

    • Concentration of ions: Higher ion concentration generally increases conductivity
    • Temperature: Usually, higher temperatures increase conductivity
    • Nature of the solute: Strong electrolytes produce more ions and higher conductivity
    • Nature of the solvent: Solvents that facilitate ion dissociation lead to higher conductivity
    • Size and charge of ions: Smaller, more highly charged ions typically result in higher conductivity
    Understanding these factors is crucial for applications in water quality testing, electrochemistry, and materials science.

    Prerequisite Topics

    Understanding electrical conductivity is a fundamental concept in physics and electrical engineering. While there are no specific prerequisite topics provided for this subject, it's important to recognize that a solid foundation in basic scientific principles can greatly enhance your comprehension of electrical conductivity. This article will explore the importance of related concepts and how they contribute to a deeper understanding of electrical conductivity.

    Electrical conductivity is a measure of a material's ability to allow the flow of electric current. To fully grasp this concept, it's beneficial to have a basic understanding of atomic structure and electron behavior. These foundational principles help explain why some materials are better conductors than others.

    A key aspect of electrical conductivity is the movement of electrons through a material. This process is closely related to the concept of electric current, which describes the flow of electric charge. Having a clear understanding of electric current and its properties can significantly enhance your ability to comprehend electrical conductivity.

    Another important factor in electrical conductivity is the concept of resistance. Resistance is the opposition to the flow of electric current in a material. Understanding the relationship between conductivity and resistance is crucial for analyzing electrical systems and circuits.

    The study of electrical conductivity also involves exploring different types of materials, such as conductors, insulators, and semiconductors. Knowledge of material properties and their atomic structures can provide valuable insights into why certain substances conduct electricity better than others.

    Temperature plays a significant role in electrical conductivity, as it affects the movement of electrons within a material. Understanding the principles of thermodynamics and how temperature influences atomic behavior can help explain the temperature dependence of electrical conductivity.

    In practical applications, electrical conductivity is often studied in the context of circuits and electrical systems. Having a basic understanding of circuit theory and Ohm's law can greatly enhance your ability to apply conductivity concepts to real-world scenarios.

    While not directly listed as prerequisites, familiarity with mathematical concepts such as algebra and basic calculus can be beneficial when dealing with more advanced aspects of electrical conductivity. These mathematical tools are often used to describe and analyze conductivity in quantitative terms.

    In conclusion, while there are no specific prerequisite topics listed for electrical conductivity, a strong foundation in basic physics, chemistry, and mathematics can significantly enhance your understanding of this important concept. By building a comprehensive knowledge base in related areas, you'll be better equipped to explore the intricacies of electrical conductivity and its applications in various fields of science and engineering.

    In this lesson, we will learn:
    • A definition of electrical conductivity.
    • Why some compounds are conductors of electricity and others are not.
    • How solutions affect electrical conductivity.
    • How to recognize conductors of electricity by their chemical formula.

    • Electrical conductivity is the rate of flow of electric charge. It is the ability of any substance to allow electric charge to flow throughout its structure.
      "Electric charge" is just moving electrons – if electrons can flow freely through a substance as its structure allows them to, then the substance can conduct electricity.

    • This is important for chemists because solutions can have very different properties to the individual solvent or solutes they are made of – ionic compounds can't conduct in the solid state but they can when dissolved or melted.

    • Ionic compounds are able to conduct electricity in solution because when ionic compounds dissolve, they break up into their separate ions (called dissociation). These charged particles allow any electric charge (read: electrons) free movement. For example when sodium chloride is dissolved (NaCl):

    • NaCl → Na+(aq) + Cl-(aq)

      Remember that when dissolved in water, we say a chemical is in the aqueous phase. If a compound is insoluble in water it should not be referred to as being aqueous.

    • As with any chemical property, different compounds dissociate in solution more or less than others – some might only show 1% of molecules dissociating, others over 90%. This will affect how well electricity is conducted as the molecules must be in dissociated ionic form for charge to be transferred.
      • Experiments can be performed to show this, where circuits are made using electrodes in a solution with light bulbs in the circuit:
        • One or more bulbs of different power consumption (watts) are put in the electric circuit and show different brightness with different solutions tested, which have different conductivity depending on the solute/solvent mixture.
        • The brighter the bulb(s) glow, the better the solution conducts electricity.

    • Phase is important to electrical conductivity – both aqueous and the liquid phase allow free flowing particles including electric charge. Liquid and aqueous states allow the molecules to dissociate into ions and for those ions to have the energy to move freely!
      • Experiments like those above with solutions can be done with different phases to find this out:
        • Crystals and solid ionic compounds do not conduct electricity and the bulbs do not glow.
        • Once dissolved or heated to a molten state the bulbs begin glowing.

    • Another issue affecting conductivity is concentration. The more concentrated a solution is, the greater the conductivity measured (if the solute is a conductor in solution). This is because the higher the concentration of the solute, the more ions will be available to carry electric charge.

    • Generally speaking, the following rules can be followed to determine if a substance will conduct electricity:
    • Substance (state)

      Conducts electricity?

      Metal (solid)


      Metal (melted)


      Acid or base/alkali (solid)


      Acid or base/alkali (solution)


      Ionic compound (solid)


      Ionic compound (melted)


      Ionic compound (solution)


      Organic acids (solution)


      None of the above


    • Using the table above and knowledge of ions helps us think about what chemicals and substances are conductors of electricity – look for:
      • Metals (their structures contain delocalized electrons themselves)
      • Mineral acids and bases (inorganic compounds that have H or OH groups)
      • Other compounds that will dissociate into ions when dissolved (organic acids and their metal salts)
      What these all have in common is that charged particles are present or generated in all of them.

    • If we need solutions where charged, ion-forming compounds are soluble, what effect could this have on the solvents you can use to make conducting solutions? Conducting solutions are made with polar solvents – a nonpolar solvent won't dissolve polar, ion-forming solutes!