Volumes of solids of revolution - Disc method

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  1. How to find the volume of solids of revolution using the Disc method.
  1. The region bounded by the graphs of y=exy=e^x, y=0y=0,x=0x=0, and x=1x=1 is revolved about the x-axis. Find the volume of the resulting solid.
    1. Find the volume of the solid obtained by rotating the region bounded by x=3(y1)x=3\sqrt{(y-1)} , x=0x=0, and y=2y=2 about the y-axis.
      1. Find the volume of the solid obtained by rotating the region bounded by y=(x+1)y=\sqrt{(x+1)}, and y=1+x2y=\frac{1+x}{2} about the x-axis.
        1. Find the volume of the solid obtained by rotating the positive region bounded by y=x3y=x^3, y=xy=x
          1. about y=3y=3
          2. about x=2 x=-2
        2. Find the volume of the solid obtained by rotating the region bounded by y=3cosxy=3-cosx, and y=4y=4 about y=1y=1.
          Topic Notes
          In this lesson, we learn that rotating the function around the x-axis will give us a solid. This is known as the disc method. You notice that the cross sections of the solid are always circles. This is important because we know the area of the circle, and integrating this will give us the volume. We also learn that the radius of the circle is simply the function itself. In more advanced questions, we see that we can use the region between two curves and rotate it around the x-axis. However, the cross section is the region between the two circles. Hence, the radius will be the outer radius minus the inner radius. In this section, you will also deal with questions which involve rotating functions around the y-axis.

          Introduction to Volumes of Solids of Revolution: The Disc Method

          The disc method is a powerful technique for calculating volumes of solids of revolution in calculus. This approach is particularly useful when dealing with objects formed by rotating a region around an axis. Our introduction video provides a comprehensive overview of this concept, serving as an essential starting point for students. The video demonstrates how to visualize and apply the disc method, making it easier to grasp this sometimes challenging topic. It's important to note that the disc method is actually a special case of finding volumes with known cross-sections. By understanding this connection, students can develop a broader perspective on volume calculation techniques. The disc method involves slicing the solid into thin circular discs, then summing up their volumes. This process is typically executed using integration, allowing for precise calculations of three-dimensional shapes. Mastering the disc method opens doors to solving a wide range of real-world problems in engineering, physics, and other scientific fields.

          Understanding the volumes of solids of revolution is crucial for students aiming to excel in calculus. The disc method, as a special case, provides a solid foundation for more advanced topics. By mastering this technique, students can confidently tackle problems involving precise calculations of three-dimensional shapes, which are common in various scientific and engineering applications.

          Understanding the Disc Method

          The disc method is a powerful technique in calculus used to calculate the volume of a solid formed by rotating a function around the x-axis. This method is particularly useful when dealing with solids of revolution and provides a visual way to understand how two-dimensional functions can create three-dimensional objects.

          When we rotate a function around the x-axis, we create a solid object. The key to understanding this process lies in visualizing the cross-sections of this solid. Interestingly, these cross-sections are always circles, regardless of the original function's shape. This consistent circular nature of the cross-sections is what makes the disc method so effective and intuitive.

          The radius of each circular cross-section is determined by the function itself. At any given point along the x-axis, the y-value of the function becomes the radius of the corresponding circular cross-section. This relationship between function and radius is crucial for calculating the volume of the solid.

          To illustrate this concept, let's consider an example from the video. Imagine we have a function y = f(x) that we want to rotate around the x-axis. As we move along the x-axis, we can visualize thin circular discs stacked next to each other. The height of the function at each point x becomes the radius of the corresponding disc.

          For instance, if at x = 2, the function value is f(2) = 3, then at x = 2, we would have a circular disc with a radius of 3 units. This process continues for every point along the x-axis within the bounds of rotation, creating a series of discs that, when combined, form the entire solid.

          The axis of rotation plays a crucial role in this method. By rotating around the x-axis, we ensure that the height of the function directly translates to the radius of each disc. This relationship allows us to use integration to sum up the volumes of all these infinitesimally thin discs, ultimately giving us the total volume of a solid.

          Understanding the disc method involves visualizing how a two-dimensional curve can generate a three-dimensional object through rotation. Each point on the curve traces out a circle as it rotates, with the y-coordinate determining the size of that circle. This visualization helps in grasping the concept of volume integrals and their applications in real-world scenarios.

          The disc method is not just a mathematical concept but has practical applications in various fields. Engineers use it to calculate volumes of cylindrical tanks, architects apply it in designing rotational structures, and physicists employ it in analyzing symmetrical objects in three-dimensional space.

          By mastering the disc method, students gain a powerful tool for solving complex volume problems and develop a deeper understanding of the relationship between function and radius and the three-dimensional solids they can generate. This method serves as a foundation for more advanced concepts in calculus and provides a bridge between abstract mathematical ideas and tangible, real-world applications.

          Calculating Volume with the Disc Method

          The disc method is a powerful technique in calculus for calculating the volume of a solid formed by rotating a function around an axis. This method is particularly useful when dealing with solids of revolution and is closely related to the concept of integration and the area of a circle.

          The formula for calculating volume using the disc method is:

          V = π[a to b]f(x)^2 dx

          Let's break down each component of this formula:

          • π (pi): This constant represents the ratio of a circle's circumference to its diameter.
          • (integral): This symbol indicates that we're integrating over a specific interval.
          • [a to b]: These are the limits of integration, representing the interval over which we're calculating the volume.
          • f(x): This is the function that, when rotated around the x-axis, forms the solid whose volume we're calculating.
          • f(x)^2: We square the function because the radius of each disc is given by f(x).
          • dx: This indicates that we're integrating with respect to x.

          The formula relates to the area of a circle in a fundamental way. Each "slice" of the solid can be thought of as a thin disc, and the area of a circle is given by πr^2, where r is the radius. In our case, the radius at any point x is given by f(x), which is why we use f(x)^2 in the formula.

          The concept of integration comes into play because we're essentially adding up (integrating) the volumes of infinitely many infinitesimally thin discs to get the total volume of the solid.

          Let's walk through a step-by-step example using the function f(x) = x from x = 0 to x = 4:

          1. Identify the function and limits: f(x) = x, a = 0, b = 4
          2. Set up the integral: V = π[0 to 4](x)^2 dx
          3. Simplify the integrand: (x)^2 = x, so we have V = π[0 to 4]x dx
          4. Integrate: x dx = (1/2)x^2 + C
          5. Apply the limits: V = π[(1/2)(4)^2 - (1/2)(0)^2] = π[8 - 0] = 8π
          6. The volume is 8π cubic units.

          This method is incredibly versatile and can be applied to a wide range of functions to calculate volumes of various solids of revolution. It's particularly useful in fields such as engineering, physics, and mathematics where understanding the volume of complex shapes is crucial.

          When using the disc method, it's important to visualize the solid being formed. The function f(x) essentially describes the radius of each disc at any given point x along the axis of rotation. By integrating these disc areas over the specified interval, we're able to sum up the volume of the entire solid.

          In more advanced applications, the disc method can be extended to the washer method for solids with holes, or the shell method for rotating around the y-axis instead of the x-axis. These variations allow for the calculation of even more complex volumes, further demonstrating the power and flexibility of calculus in solving real-world problems.

          Rotating Around Different Axes

          The disc method is a powerful technique in calculus for calculating volumes of solids formed by rotating functions around an axis. While it's commonly applied to rotations around the x-axis, the method can be adapted for rotations around other axes, particularly the y-axis. Understanding how to apply the disc method to different axes of rotation is crucial for solving a wide range of volume calculation problems in calculus and physics.

          When rotating around the x-axis, the disc method uses the formula V = π [f(x)]² dx, where f(x) represents the function being rotated. However, when we shift our axis of rotation to the y-axis, the approach and formula undergo significant changes. For y-axis rotations, we need to consider the function in terms of y, often requiring us to solve for x in terms of y.

          The formula for y-axis rotation becomes V = π [x(y)]² dy, where x(y) is the function expressed in terms of y. This change reflects the fact that we're now integrating with respect to y instead of x. The limits of integration also shift to correspond to the y-values of the region being rotated, rather than the x-values used in x-axis rotations.

          Let's consider an example to illustrate the difference. Suppose we want to find the volume of the solid formed by rotating the region bounded by y = x² and y = 4 around the y-axis. In this case, we need to solve for x in terms of y: x = ±y. The volume formula becomes:

          V = π [(y)²] dy = π y dy

          This integral is then evaluated from 0 to 4, reflecting the y-values of the bounded region. The result gives us the volume of the solid formed by this y-axis rotation.

          It's important to note that while the basic principle of the disc method remains the same summing up the volumes of thin discs the perspective changes when rotating around different axes. For y-axis rotations, we visualize horizontal discs stacked vertically, as opposed to the vertical discs we imagine for x-axis rotations.

          The disc method can also be applied to rotations around vertical lines other than the y-axis, such as x = a, where a is a constant. In these cases, the formula becomes V = π [(a - f(x))²] dx for rotations to the right of the line, or V = π [(f(x) - a)²] dx for rotations to the left. This flexibility allows us to solve for volumes of solids rotated around any vertical line in the coordinate plane.

          Similarly, for rotations around horizontal lines other than the x-axis, like y = b, we adjust our approach accordingly. The formula in this case would be V = π [(b - y(x))²] dx for rotations above the line, or V = π [(y(x) - b)²] dx for rotations below.

          Understanding these variations of the disc method enhances our ability to tackle complex volume calculation problems in calculus. It's crucial to carefully analyze the axis of rotation and adjust our approach accordingly. Practice with various examples, including rotations around different axes, helps build intuition and proficiency in applying the disc method across diverse scenarios.

          In conclusion, while the fundamental concept of the disc method remains consistent across different axes of rotation, the specific application and formulas change to accommodate the new perspective. By mastering these variations, students and practitioners can confidently approach a wide range of volume calculation problems, enhancing their problem-solving skills in calculus and related fields.

          Volumes Between Two Curves

          When exploring calculus, one fascinating application is finding the volume of a solid formed by rotating the region between two curves around an axis. This concept, known as volumes between curves, utilizes the disc method and involves understanding the relationship between outer and inner radii. Let's delve into this topic and break down the process step by step.

          To begin, imagine two functions, f(x) and g(x), where f(x) is always greater than or equal to g(x) within a specified interval [a, b]. When we rotate the area between these curves around the x-axis, we create a three-dimensional solid. The challenge lies in calculating the volume of this solid, which is where the disc method comes into play.

          The disc method involves visualizing the solid as a series of thin discs stacked together. Each disc has an outer radius determined by the upper function f(x) and an inner radius determined by the lower function g(x). The difference between these radii gives us the thickness of each disc, which is crucial for our volume calculation.

          The outer radius, represented by f(x), is the distance from the axis of rotation to the outermost edge of each disc. Similarly, the inner radius, given by g(x), is the distance from the axis to the inner edge of the disc. The relationship between these two functions defines the shape and thickness of our solid.

          To calculate the volume, we use the formula: V = π[a to b](f(x)^2 - g(x)^2) dx. Let's break down this formula:

          • π: This constant is necessary because we're dealing with circular discs.
          • [a to b]: This indicates that we're integrating from a to b, our specified interval.
          • f(x)^2 - g(x)^2: This represents the difference between the squares of our outer and inner radii.
          • dx: This denotes that we're integrating with respect to x.

          The formula essentially calculates the volume of each infinitesimally thin disc and then sums them up over the entire interval. By squaring the radii and subtracting, we account for the hollow nature of our solid, focusing only on the volume between the two curves.

          Let's illustrate this concept with an example. Suppose we have two functions: f(x) = x and g(x) = x^2, and we want to find the volume of the solid formed by rotating the region between these curves around the x-axis from x = 0 to x = 1.

          First, we verify that f(x) g(x) in our interval [0, 1]. Then, we set up our integral:

          V = π[0 to 1]((x)^2 - (x^2)^2) dx


          V = π[0 to 1](x - x^4) dx

          Now we integrate:

          V = π[(1/2)x^2 - (1/5)x^5] from 0 to 1

          Evaluating the integral:

          V = π[(1/2 - 1/5) - (0 - 0)] = π(3/10) 0.9425 cubic units

          This example demonstrates how we can use the disc method to find the volume of a solid formed by rotating the region between two curves. The process involves identifying the outer and inner radii functions, setting up the integral using our formula, and then solving it to obtain the final volume.

          Understanding volumes between curves is crucial in various fields, including engineering, physics, and computer graphics. It allows us to calculate volumes of complex shapes that can't be easily measured using traditional methods. By mastering this concept, you'll be equipped to solve a wide range of real-world problems involving three-dimensional solids.

          Remember, the key to mastering this topic is practice and understanding the fundamental principles behind the volume of solid of revolution and the hollow solid volume calculation. Keep practicing, and you'll find these concepts becoming second nature.

          Applications and Practice Problems

          The disc method in calculus is a powerful tool for calculating volumes of solids of revolution, with numerous real-world applications in engineering and physics. This technique is essential for designing and analyzing various objects and structures.

          Real-World Applications

          • Fluid dynamics: Calculating the volume of liquid in tanks or pipes
          • Manufacturing: Determining material requirements for cylindrical or conical objects
          • Aerospace engineering: Designing fuel tanks and rocket components
          • Civil engineering: Analyzing structural elements like columns or domes
          • Chemical engineering: Estimating reactor volumes and capacities

          Practice Problems

          Basic Level

          1. Find the volume of the solid formed by rotating the region bounded by y = x² and y = 0 from x = 0 to x = 2 about the x-axis.

          Hint: Use the formula V = π [f(x)]² dx

          Intermediate Level

          2. Calculate the volume of the solid generated by rotating the region bounded by y = sin(x) and y = 0 from x = 0 to x = π about the x-axis.

          Hint: Remember the identity sin²(x) = (1 - cos(2x))/2

          Advanced Level

          3. Determine the volume of the solid formed by rotating the region bounded by y = x³, y = x, and x = 2 about the y-axis.

          Hint: Set up the integral with respect to y and use the method of substitution

          Expert Level

          4. Find the volume of the solid generated by rotating the region bounded by y = e^x, y = ln(x), and x = e about the line y = -1.

          Hint: Shift the axis of rotation to y = 0 by substitution, then apply the washer method

          Solution Strategies

          1. Identify the region to be rotated and the axis of rotation
          2. Determine whether to use the disc or washer method based on the axis of rotation
          3. Set up the integral, paying attention to the limits of integration
          4. Simplify the integrand if possible
          5. Evaluate the integral using appropriate techniques (substitution, integration by parts, etc.)
          6. Check the units and reasonableness of the final answer

          By practicing these problems and applying the disc method to various scenarios, students can develop a strong foundation in calculus and its applications in engineering. Remember that visualizing the solid of revolution can greatly aid in setting up the problem correctly. For more complex problems, breaking them down into smaller, manageable steps is often the key to success. As you progress, challenge yourself with problems involving different axes of rotation and multiple functions to fully master this important calculus technique.


          The disc method is a powerful technique for calculating volumes of solids of revolution. Key points to remember include understanding the relationship between the function and the radius of each disc, and visualizing the cross-sections of the solid. The method involves integrating the area of each disc over the given interval. It's crucial to identify the axis of rotation and determine whether to use f(x)² or [f(x) - g(x)]² in the formula. Remember that the disc method works best when rotating around the x or y-axis. For a deeper understanding, we encourage you to rewatch the introduction video, which provides visual explanations of these concepts. Practice is essential for mastering this technique, so work through the provided problems to reinforce your skills. By applying the disc method correctly, you'll be able to solve complex volume problems with confidence. Keep in mind that this method is just one tool in your calculus toolkit for analyzing volumes of solids of revolution.

          Find the volume of the solid obtained by rotating the positive region bounded by y=x3y=x^3, y=xy=x about y=3y=3

          Step 1: Understand the Problem

          We need to find the volume of the solid formed by rotating the region bounded by the curves y=x3y = x^3 (red curve) and y=xy = x (green line) about the line y=3y = 3 (blue line). This involves using the disc method to integrate the cross-sectional area of the solid from the lower bound to the upper bound.

          Step 2: Determine the Bounds

          To find the bounds, we need to determine the x-coordinates of the intersection points of the curves y=x3y = x^3 and y=xy = x. We set the equations equal to each other:

          x3=xx^3 = x

          Solving for xx, we get:

          x3x=0x^3 - x = 0

          x(x21)=0x(x^2 - 1) = 0

          x(x1)(x+1)=0x(x - 1)(x + 1) = 0

          The solutions are x=0x = 0, x=1x = 1, and x=1x = -1. Since we are only interested in the positive region, our bounds are x=0x = 0 and x=1x = 1.

          Step 3: Identify the Outer and Inner Radii

          To find the volume using the disc method, we need to determine the outer and inner radii of the circular cross-sections of the solid.

          The outer radius is the distance from the axis of rotation y=3y = 3 to the curve y=x3y = x^3. This distance is 3x33 - x^3.

          The inner radius is the distance from the axis of rotation y=3y = 3 to the curve y=xy = x. This distance is 3x3 - x.

          Step 4: Set Up the Integral

          We now set up the integral to find the volume of the solid. The volume VV is given by:

          V=π01[(3x3)2(3x)2]dxV = \pi \int_{0}^{1} \left[(3 - x^3)^2 - (3 - x)^2\right] \, dx

          Step 5: Expand and Simplify the Integrand

          We need to expand and simplify the integrand before integrating:

          (3x3)2=96x3+x6(3 - x^3)^2 = 9 - 6x^3 + x^6

          (3x)2=96x+x2(3 - x)^2 = 9 - 6x + x^2

          So the integrand becomes:

          96x3+x6(96x+x2)=6x3+x6+6xx29 - 6x^3 + x^6 - (9 - 6x + x^2) = -6x^3 + x^6 + 6x - x^2

          Step 6: Integrate

          We now integrate the simplified integrand from 0 to 1:

          01(6x3+x6+6xx2)dx\int_{0}^{1} (-6x^3 + x^6 + 6x - x^2) \, dx

          Integrating term by term, we get:

          016x3dx=6x44=3x42\int_{0}^{1} -6x^3 \, dx = -\frac{6x^4}{4} = -\frac{3x^4}{2}

          01x6dx=x77\int_{0}^{1} x^6 \, dx = \frac{x^7}{7}

          016xdx=3x2\int_{0}^{1} 6x \, dx = 3x^2

          01x2dx=x33\int_{0}^{1} -x^2 \, dx = -\frac{x^3}{3}

          Evaluating these at the bounds 0 and 1, we get:

          3(1)42+(1)77+3(1)2(1)33(3(0)42+(0)77+3(0)2(0)33)-\frac{3(1)^4}{2} + \frac{(1)^7}{7} + 3(1)^2 - \frac{(1)^3}{3} - \left( -\frac{3(0)^4}{2} + \frac{(0)^7}{7} + 3(0)^2 - \frac{(0)^3}{3} \right)

          This simplifies to:

          32+17+313-\frac{3}{2} + \frac{1}{7} + 3 - \frac{1}{3}

          Combining these terms, we get:


          Step 7: Multiply by Pi

          Finally, we multiply the result by π\pi to get the volume:

          V=π5542V = \pi \cdot \frac{55}{42}

          This fraction represents the volume of the solid generated by revolving the bounded region about y=3y = 3.


          Here are some frequently asked questions about the disc method in calculus:

          What is the disk method?

          The disk method is a technique used in calculus to calculate the volume of a solid formed by rotating a region bounded by a function and the x-axis around the x-axis. It involves integrating the areas of circular disks that make up the solid.

          What is the difference between disc method and washer method?

          The disc method is used when rotating a single function around an axis, while the washer method is used when rotating the region between two functions. The washer method subtracts the inner function's area from the outer function's area to find the volume of the resulting hollow solid.

          What is the disk method in AP calculus?

          In AP Calculus, the disk method is taught as a way to find volumes of solids of revolution. Students learn to set up and evaluate integrals of the form V = π [f(x)]² dx, where f(x) is the function being rotated around the x-axis.

          When to use shell or disk method?

          Use the disk method when rotating around the x-axis and the function is easily expressed as y = f(x). Use the shell method when rotating around the y-axis or when the function is more easily expressed as x = g(y). The shell method is often more convenient for rotations around vertical lines.

          How do you determine the limits of integration for the disk method?

          The limits of integration for the disk method are determined by the interval over which the function is being rotated. These are typically the x-values where the rotation starts and ends. For example, if rotating y = f(x) from x = a to x = b, the integral would be set up as V = π [a to b] [f(x)]² dx.

          Prerequisite Topics for Volumes of Solids of Revolution - Disc Method

          Understanding the volumes of solids of revolution using the disc method is a crucial concept in calculus, but it requires a strong foundation in several prerequisite topics. One of the fundamental skills needed is the ability to recognize the relationship between two variables, as this forms the basis for understanding how a function's graph can be rotated to create a three-dimensional solid.

          Before diving into the disc method, it's essential to have a solid grasp of volumes of solids with known cross-sections. This concept serves as a stepping stone to understanding how the disc method works by slicing the solid into thin circular discs. Additionally, familiarity with the surface area of 3D shapes provides valuable insight into how these solids are constructed and measured.

          A strong algebraic foundation is crucial, including the ability to solve polynomials with unknown variables. This skill is particularly useful when dealing with complex functions that generate the solids of revolution. Understanding vertical lines and horizontal lines of linear equations is also important, as these concepts help in visualizing the boundaries of the solid being rotated.

          The disc method is closely related to finding areas between curves, as both involve integration techniques. Proficiency in conversions involving squares and cubic measurements is essential when calculating volumes, as you'll often need to convert between different units of measurement.

          Practical application of these concepts can be seen in word problems relating to volumes of prisms and cylinders. These problems provide a foundation for understanding how the disc method extends to more complex shapes. It's also worth noting that the disc method is closely related to the shell method for calculating volumes of solids of revolution, and understanding both methods can provide a more comprehensive grasp of the topic.

          By mastering these prerequisite topics, students will be better equipped to tackle the complexities of the disc method for calculating volumes of solids of revolution. Each concept builds upon the others, creating a robust framework for understanding this advanced calculus technique. Remember, a solid foundation in these prerequisites is key to success in more advanced mathematical concepts.

          using Disc method to find volumes of solids of revolution