Areas between curves

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  1. The area between two curves.
  1. Find the area of the region bounded between y=2x1y=2x-1 and y=1+exy=1+e^x and bounded on the sides by x=0x=0, and x=2x=2.
      1. Find the area of the region enclosed by the parabolas y=(x3)2y=(x-3)^2 and y=x2+8x15y=-x^2+8x-15
      2. Find the area of the region bounded by y=(x3)2y=(x-3)^2, y=x2+8x15y=-x^2+8x-15, x=2x=2 and x=5x=5
    1. Find the area enclosed by y=2x+4y=2x+4 and y2=11+4xy^2=11+4x
      Topic Notes
      So we learn that we can find the area under the curve, but we can actually find the area between two curves by taking the difference between the top curve and bottom curve, and integrating it in terms of x! Just make sure to pick your lower and upper bound correctly so that you are actually finding the area you are looking for. However, there may be cases where you don't really know which is the top curve and which is the bottom curve. In this case, you would instead have a left curve and right curve. To find the area between, you would take the difference between the right curve and the left curve and integrate in terms of y. In this section, we will take a look at all of these cases and write the integral correctly.

      Introduction to Area Between Two Curves

      Finding the area between two curves is a fundamental concept in calculus that builds upon the idea of calculating the area under a single curve. This topic is crucial for students advancing their understanding of integral calculus. Our introduction video serves as an essential starting point, providing a clear and visual explanation of this concept. It demonstrates how to identify the region between two functions and set up the integral to compute its area. This method extends the techniques learned for finding the area under one curve, now applied to the space enclosed by two functions. By mastering this concept, students gain valuable skills for solving more complex problems in physics, engineering, and economics. The video emphasizes key strategies and common pitfalls, ensuring a solid foundation for further study in calculus and its applications.

      Understanding the region between two functions is essential for students who wish to excel in calculus. The space enclosed by two functions can be tricky to visualize at first, but with practice, it becomes more intuitive. Additionally, the skills learned here are not just limited to mathematics; they are also applicable in various fields such as physics and engineering. For instance, solving complex problems in physics often requires a solid understanding of these concepts.

      Understanding the Concept of Area Between Curves

      Finding the area between two curves is a fundamental concept in calculus that builds upon our understanding of definite integrals. Let's explore this idea using the example from the video, where we have f(x) as the top curve and g(x) as the bottom curve. This approach allows us to visualize and calculate the space enclosed between these two functions.

      To begin, imagine two curves on a coordinate plane: f(x) above and g(x) below. The area we're interested in is the region sandwiched between these curves. This space can be thought of as the difference between the area under the top curve (f(x)) and the area under the bottom curve (g(x)). It's like subtracting one shape from another to find what's left in between.

      Here's why this method works: When we calculate the area under a curve using a definite integral, we're essentially finding the space between that curve and the x-axis. By subtracting the area under g(x) from the area under f(x), we're removing the shared space below both curves, leaving only the region between them.

      Mathematically, we express this as the integral of [f(x) - g(x)] over a specific interval. This formula directly represents our visual understanding: we're integrating the vertical distance between the two curves at each point. It's a beautiful connection between the geometric interpretation and the algebraic representation.

      This concept builds naturally on our previous knowledge of definite integrals. Remember how we used definite integrals to find areas under single curves? We're now extending that idea to find the difference between two such areas. It's like comparing two stacks of blocks and focusing on the extra blocks in the taller stack.

      To visualize this, imagine filling the space between f(x) and g(x) with water. The volume of water would represent the area we're calculating. By thinking about it this way, we can see how the area changes as the curves get closer together or farther apart.

      One key point to remember is that the top curve (f(x) in our example) must always be above the bottom curve (g(x)) within the interval we're considering. If the curves intersect, we need to split our calculation at those intersection points to ensure we're always subtracting the lower curve from the upper one.

      This method is incredibly versatile. It allows us to find areas of complex shapes that would be difficult or impossible to calculate using elementary geometry. Whether we're dealing with parabolas, trigonometric functions, or more complex curves, the principle remains the same: integrate the difference between the top and bottom functions.

      As you practice this concept, you'll find it becomes an intuitive tool for solving real-world problems. From calculating the volume of oddly shaped containers to analyzing data distributions in statistics, the area between curves has wide-ranging applications. It's a testament to the power of calculus in modeling and understanding the world around us.

      Remember, the key to mastering this concept is to visualize the process: see the curves, imagine the space between them, and think about how that space relates to the areas under each curve individually. With practice, you'll develop a strong intuition for this fundamental calculus technique, opening doors to more advanced mathematical concepts and applications.

      Formulating the Integral for Area Between Curves

      Understanding how to set up the integral formula for finding the area between curves is a crucial skill in calculus. The process involves identifying key components and applying the formula: Area = [f(x) - g(x)]dx from A to B. This formula is the cornerstone of calculating areas bounded by two functions, and mastering it opens up a world of practical applications in mathematics and various scientific fields.

      Let's break down the integral formula and its components:

      • represents the integral symbol, indicating that we're finding the area by integration.
      • f(x) is typically the upper and lower functions, while g(x) is the lower function.
      • The subtraction f(x) - g(x) calculates the vertical distance between the two curves at any given x-value.
      • dx signifies that we're integrating with respect to x.
      • A and B are the limits of integration, representing the interval over which we're calculating the area.

      The reason we subtract the lower function from the upper and lower functions is to capture the space between the curves. Imagine slicing the area vertically at any point x; the height of this slice is the difference between the y-values of the upper and lower functions at that x. By integrating this difference over the entire interval, we sum up all these slices to get the total area.

      To set up the integral correctly, follow these steps:

      1. Identify the upper and lower functions:
        • Graphing functions for area calculation if possible.
        • Compare the y-values of both functions within the given interval.
        • The function with higher y-values is the upper function f(x).
        • The function with lower y-values is the lower function g(x).
      2. Determine the limits of integration (A and B):
        • Find the x-coordinates where the two functions intersect. These are potential boundaries.
        • If given a specific interval, use those values as A and B.
        • Ensure that A is the leftmost point and B is the rightmost point of the area you're calculating.
      3. Write the integral formula:
        • Start with the integral symbol .
        • Inside the integral, write [f(x) - g(x)].
        • Add dx to indicate integration with respect to x.
        • Place the limits A and B above and below the integral symbol.

      It's important to note that in some cases, the upper and lower functions may switch roles within the interval. If this occurs, you may need to split the integral into multiple parts, each with its own upper and lower function arrangement.

      When working with more complex scenarios, such as rotated areas or regions bounded by polar curves, modifications to this basic formula may be necessary. However, the fundamental concept of subtracting the lower function from the upper function remains consistent.

      Practicing with various examples will help solidify your understanding of setting up these integrals. Start with simple polynomial functions and gradually move to more complex scenarios involving trigonometric, exponential, or logarithmic functions. Remember that visualizing the area, either through graphing or mental imagery, can greatly assist in correctly formulating the integral.

      By mastering the process of setting up integrals for areas between curves, you'll be well-equipped to tackle a wide range of calculus problems and real-world applications, from physics and engineering to economics and data analysis. This fundamental skill forms the basis for more advanced concepts in multivariable calculus and beyond, making it an essential tool in any mathematician's or scientist's toolkit.

      Solving Area Between Curves Problems

      Calculating the area between two curves is a fundamental concept in calculus that requires careful problem-solving skills. Let's walk through a detailed example to illustrate the process, highlighting key steps and potential pitfalls along the way.

      Example Problem: Find the area between the curves y = x^2 and y = 2x - 1 from x = 0 to x = 3.

      Step 1: Identify the upper and lower curves
      First, we need to determine which function represents the upper curve and which is the lower curve within the given interval. This is crucial to avoid a common mistake of subtracting the wrong function. To do this, we can either graph the functions or compare their values at a few points within the interval.

      For our example:
      At x = 0: y = 0^2 = 0 and y = 2(0) - 1 = -1
      At x = 3: y = 3^2 = 9 and y = 2(3) - 1 = 5

      We can see that 2x - 1 is the upper curve for x < 1, but x^2 becomes the upper curve for x > 1. This intersection point will be important in our calculation.

      Step 2: Set up the integral
      The general formula for the area between curves is:
      Area = [a to b] (upper curve - lower curve) dx

      In our case, we need to split the integral at the intersection point:
      Area = [0 to 1] (2x - 1 - x^2) dx + [1 to 3] (x^2 - (2x - 1)) dx

      Step 3: Simplify the integrand
      For the first integral: 2x - 1 - x^2 = -x^2 + 2x - 1
      For the second integral: x^2 - (2x - 1) = x^2 - 2x + 1

      Step 4: Evaluate the definite integrals
      First integral:
      [0 to 1] (-x^2 + 2x - 1) dx = [-x^3/3 + x^2 - x]¹ = (-1/3 + 1 - 1) - (0) = -1/3

      Second integral:
      [1 to 3] (x^2 - 2x + 1) dx = [x^3/3 - x^2 + x]³ = (9 - 9 + 3) - (1/3 - 1 + 1) = 2 + 2/3 = 8/3

      Step 5: Sum the results
      Total Area = -1/3 + 8/3 = 7/3 2.33 square units

      Common Pitfalls and How to Avoid Them:
      1. Incorrectly identifying upper and lower curves: Always check the functions at multiple points or graph them.
      2. Forgetting to split the integral at intersection points: Look for where the curves cross within the given interval.
      3. Algebraic errors when simplifying: Take your time and double-check your work.
      4. Integration mistakes: Review integration rules and use integration by parts or substitution when necessary.

      Tips for Checking Answers:
      1. Use technology: Graph the functions and use a graphing calculator's area function to verify your result.
      2. Estimate visually: Sketch the area and compare it to simple shapes to see if your result makes sense.

      Special Cases: Intersecting Curves

      When calculating the area between two curves using integration, a common challenge arises when the curves intersect within the interval of integration. This scenario requires a more nuanced approach, as the upper and lower functions may switch roles at the point of intersection. Understanding how to handle intersecting curves is crucial for accurately solving these types of problems.

      To address this situation, we need to break the problem into multiple integrals at the point(s) of intersection. This method ensures that we correctly account for the changing relationship between functions. Here's a step-by-step approach to tackle intersecting curves:

      1. Identify the intersection points: First, we need to find where the two curves meet. This is done by setting the two functions equal to each other and solving for x. The resulting x-values are the points of intersection.
      2. Divide the interval: Once we have the intersection points, we divide the original interval of integration into subintervals, with the intersection points serving as the boundaries.
      3. Determine upper and lower functions: For each subinterval, carefully identify which function is the upper curve and which is the lower curve. This step is critical as it may change from one subinterval to the next.
      4. Set up multiple integrals: Create separate integrals for each subinterval, ensuring that the upper and lower functions are correctly positioned in each integral.
      5. Solve and sum: Calculate each integral individually and then sum the results to find the total area between the curves.

      Let's consider an example to illustrate this process. Suppose we want to find the area between y = x² and y = 4 - x² over the interval [0, 2]. Here's how we would approach this:

      1. Find the intersection points: x² = 4 - x² 2x² = 4 x² = 2 x = ±2. Since we're only concerned with the interval [0, 2], our intersection point is x = 2.
      2. Divide the interval: We now have two subintervals: [0, 2] and [2, 2].
      3. Determine upper and lower functions:
        • For [0, 2]: y = 4 - x² is the upper function, y = x² is the lower function.
        • For [2, 2]: y = x² is the upper function, y = 4 - x² is the lower function.
      4. Set up the integrals:
        • [0 to 2] (4 - x² - x²) dx
        • [2 to 2] (x² - (4 - x²)) dx
      5. Solve and sum the integrals to get the total area.

      This method of breaking the problem into multiple integrals at intersection points is essential for accurately calculating the area between intersecting curves. It ensures that we account for the changing relationship between functions across the entire interval. By carefully determining which function is the upper curve in each subinterval, we avoid the common pitfall of incorrectly assigning the upper and lower functions, which would lead to erroneous results.

      In conclusion, when dealing with intersecting curves in integration problems, it's crucial to identify the points of intersection, divide the interval accordingly, and set up multiple integrals. This approach not only yields accurate results but also deepens our understanding of the relationship between the functions we're integrating. By mastering this technique, you'll be well-equipped to handle a wide range of complex integration scenarios involving intersecting curves.

      Alternative Approach: Integrating with Respect to Y

      When calculating the area between curves, we typically integrate with respect to x. However, there are situations where integrating with respect to y is more advantageous. This approach, known as vertical integration, offers a powerful alternative for certain types of problems.

      Integrating with respect to y becomes particularly useful when dealing with curves that are more easily expressed as functions of y. This method involves a shift in perspective, where we consider the 'left curve' and 'right curve' instead of the traditional 'top and bottom' curves.

      To understand when this approach is beneficial, consider curves that are vertical or nearly vertical when viewed in the xy-plane. In such cases, expressing these curves as functions of x can be challenging or even impossible. By switching to integration with respect to y, we can often simplify these complex scenarios.

      Let's explore an example to illustrate this concept. Suppose we want to find the area between the curves x = y² and x = 2y - y². In this case, solving for y in terms of x would lead to complicated expressions. However, both curves are already expressed in terms of y, making them ideal candidates for vertical integration.

      To set up the problem, we first identify the limits of integration. We need to find the y-coordinates of the points where the curves intersect. Setting the equations equal to each other:

      y² = 2y - y²
      2y² = 2y
      y² = y
      y(y - 1) = 0

      This gives us y = 0 and y = 1 as our limits of integration.

      Next, we set up the integral. The area is given by the integral of the difference between the right curve (x = 2y - y²) and the left curve (x = y²):

      Area = [0 to 1] [(2y - y²) - y²] dy

      Simplifying the integrand:

      Area = [0 to 1] [2y - 2y²] dy

      Now we can evaluate the integral:

      Area = [y² - (2/3)y³][0 to 1]
      = (1 - 2/3) - (0 - 0)
      = 1/3

      This example demonstrates the elegance of integrating with respect to y. By changing our perspective from 'top and bottom' to 'left and right', we avoided the need to manipulate complex functions of x.

      Vertical integration is not limited to cases where curves are explicitly given as functions of y. It can also be useful when dealing with implicit functions or parametric equations. The key is to recognize when expressing curves in terms of y simplifies the problem.

      In conclusion, integrating with respect to y is a valuable tool in the mathematician's arsenal. It offers an alternative approach to finding areas between curves, particularly when dealing with vertical or near-vertical curves. By shifting our perspective and considering 'left' and 'right' curves, we can often simplify complex problems and arrive at solutions more efficiently. As with many mathematical techniques, the art lies in recognizing when to apply this method to maximize its benefits.


      In summary, this article has explored the essential concept of finding areas between curves, a fundamental topic in calculus. We've covered key points including the importance of identifying intersection points, setting up definite integrals, and applying the area formula. The introduction video provided a visual foundation, helping to solidify these abstract concepts. Understanding both the theoretical aspects and practical applications of this technique is crucial for success in calculus and related fields. As you progress, remember that practice is key to mastering these skills. Challenge yourself with more complex problems involving multiple intersections or unconventional curve shapes. By doing so, you'll not only reinforce your understanding but also prepare for advanced applications in physics, engineering, and other scientific disciplines. Continue to explore and apply these principles, as they form the basis for many higher-level mathematical concepts and real-world problem-solving scenarios.


      Find the area of the region enclosed by the parabolas y=(x3)2y=(x-3)^2 and y=x2+8x15y=-x^2+8x-15

      Step 1: Understand the Problem

      We need to find the area of the region enclosed by two parabolas. The given parabolas are y=(x3)2y=(x-3)^2 and y=x2+8x15y=-x^2+8x-15. To find the area between these curves, we need to determine the points of intersection and then integrate the difference of the functions over the interval defined by these points.

      Step 2: Find the Points of Intersection

      To find the points of intersection, we set the equations equal to each other and solve for xx: \[ (x-3)^2 = -x^2 + 8x - 15 \] Expanding and simplifying, we get: \[ x^2 - 6x + 9 = -x^2 + 8x - 15 \] Combining like terms, we obtain: \[ 2x^2 - 14x + 24 = 0 \] Factoring out the 2, we get: \[ x^2 - 7x + 12 = 0 \] Factoring the quadratic equation, we find: \[ (x-3)(x-4) = 0 \] Therefore, the points of intersection are x=3x = 3 and x=4x = 4.

      Step 3: Determine the Bounds and Curves

      We now have our bounds for integration: x=3x = 3 and x=4x = 4. The top curve is y=x2+8x15y = -x^2 + 8x - 15 and the bottom curve is y=(x3)2y = (x-3)^2.

      Step 4: Set Up the Integral

      To find the area between the curves, we integrate the difference of the top curve and the bottom curve from x=3x = 3 to x=4x = 4: \[ \int_{3}^{4} \left[(-x^2 + 8x - 15) - (x^2 - 6x + 9)\right] \, dx \] Simplifying the integrand, we get: \[ \int_{3}^{4} \left[-2x^2 + 14x - 24\right] \, dx \]

      Step 5: Evaluate the Integral

      We now evaluate the integral: \[ \int_{3}^{4} \left[-2x^2 + 14x - 24\right] \, dx \] The antiderivative of 2x2-2x^2 is 2x33-\frac{2x^3}{3}, the antiderivative of 14x14x is 7x27x^2, and the antiderivative of 24-24 is 24x-24x. Therefore, we have: \[ \left[-\frac{2x^3}{3} + 7x^2 - 24x\right]_{3}^{4} \] Plugging in the bounds, we get: \[ \left[-\frac{2(4)^3}{3} + 7(4)^2 - 24(4)\right] - \left[-\frac{2(3)^3}{3} + 7(3)^2 - 24(3)\right] \] Simplifying each term, we find: \[ \left[-\frac{128}{3} + 112 - 96\right] - \left[-\frac{54}{3} + 63 - 72\right] \] Further simplification gives: \[ \left[-\frac{128}{3} + 16\right] - \left[-18 + 63 - 72\right] \] \[ \left[-\frac{128}{3} + 16\right] - \left[-27\right] \] \[ \left[-\frac{128}{3} + 16 + 27\right] \] Converting 16 and 27 to fractions with a common denominator, we get: \[ \left[-\frac{128}{3} + \frac{48}{3} + \frac{81}{3}\right] \] \[ \left[\frac{-128 + 48 + 81}{3}\right] \] \[ \left[\frac{1}{3}\right] \] Therefore, the area of the region enclosed by the parabolas is 13\frac{1}{3} square units.


      Here are some frequently asked questions about areas between curves:

      1. What is the basic formula for finding the area between two curves?

      The basic formula for finding the area between two curves f(x) and g(x) from a to b is:

      Area = [a to b] [f(x) - g(x)] dx

      Where f(x) is the upper curve and g(x) is the lower curve. It's crucial to correctly identify which function is the upper and which is the lower within the given interval.

      2. How do you handle intersecting curves when calculating the area?

      When curves intersect, you need to split the integral at the intersection points. First, find the intersection points by setting the functions equal to each other. Then, set up separate integrals for each subinterval, making sure to correctly identify the upper and lower functions in each subinterval. Finally, sum the results of all integrals to get the total area.

      3. When should you consider integrating with respect to y instead of x?

      Integrating with respect to y (vertical integration) is useful when dealing with curves that are more easily expressed as functions of y, or when curves are vertical or nearly vertical in the xy-plane. This approach can simplify problems where expressing curves as functions of x would be complex or impossible.

      4. How can you check if your area calculation is correct?

      To verify your area calculation, you can: 1. Use technology like graphing calculators to visualize and compute the area. 2. Estimate the area visually by comparing it to simple geometric shapes. 3. Solve the problem using a different method (e.g., horizontal vs. vertical integration) and compare results. 4. Check your work for common errors like incorrect limits of integration or misidentified upper/lower functions.

      5. What are some real-world applications of calculating areas between curves?

      Calculating areas between curves has numerous practical applications, including: 1. In physics, to compute work done by a variable force. 2. In economics, to calculate consumer and producer surplus. 3. In engineering, to determine fluid flow rates or pressure distributions. 4. In statistics, to find probabilities in continuous probability distributions. 5. In biology, to model population growth or drug concentration over time.

      Prerequisite Topics

      Understanding the areas between curves is a crucial concept in calculus and advanced mathematics. However, to fully grasp this topic, it's essential to have a solid foundation in certain prerequisite subjects. Two key areas that play a significant role in comprehending areas between curves are graphing reciprocals of quadratic functions and upper and lower bounds.

      Let's start by exploring the importance of graphing reciprocals of quadratic functions. This skill is crucial for visualizing and understanding the shapes of various curves that might be involved in area calculations. When dealing with areas between curves, you'll often encounter different types of functions, including reciprocals of quadratic functions. Being able to graph these functions accurately allows you to visualize the region between two curves more effectively, which is the first step in calculating the area.

      Moreover, proficiency in graphing functions for area calculation helps you identify key points of intersection between curves, which are essential for setting up the integral to compute the area. By mastering this prerequisite, you'll be better equipped to tackle more complex problems involving areas between curves, as you'll have a strong visual understanding of the functions' behavior.

      Equally important is the concept of upper and lower bounds. In the context of areas between curves, understanding upper and lower functions is crucial. When calculating the area between two curves, you need to determine which function serves as the upper bound and which serves as the lower bound within the given interval. This knowledge is fundamental for correctly setting up the integral and ensuring accurate results.

      The ability to identify and work with upper and lower bounds also helps in more advanced applications, such as optimization problems or analyzing the behavior of functions within specific regions. By having a solid grasp of this concept, you'll be better prepared to handle various scenarios involving areas between curves, including cases where the upper and lower functions may switch roles at certain points.

      In conclusion, mastering these prerequisite topics - graphing reciprocals of quadratic functions and understanding upper and lower bounds - is essential for success in working with areas between curves. These foundational skills provide the necessary tools for visualizing, setting up, and solving problems related to this important mathematical concept. By investing time in strengthening your knowledge in these areas, you'll build a robust framework for tackling more complex calculus problems and applications involving areas between curves.

      area between curves