Radius and interval of convergence with power series

  1. Radius and Interval of Convergence with Power Series Overview
  2. Radius and Interval of Convergence
  3. Checking the Endpoints for the Interval of Convergence
  1. Questions based on Radius of Convergence
    Determine the radius of convergence for the following power series:
    1. n=02nxnn! \sum_{n=0}^{\infty}\frac{2^nx^n}{n!}
    2. n=03nx+32n+1 \sum_{n=0}^{\infty}3^n|x+3|^{2n+1}
  2. Radius of Convergence of Sine and Cosine
    Determine the radius of convergence for the following power series:
    1. n=0(1)nx2n+1(2n+1)! \sum_{n=0}^{\infty}\frac{(-1)^nx^{2n+1}}{(2n+1)!}
    2. n=0(1)nx2n(2n)! \sum_{n=0}^{\infty}\frac{(-1)^nx^{2n}}{(2n)!}
  3. Questions based on Interval of Convergence
    Determine the interval of convergence for the foll owing power series:
    1. n=0n+23n(x+5)n \sum_{n=0}^{\infty}\frac{n+2}{3^n}(x+5)^n
    2. n=0(2x3)nnn \sum_{n=0}^{\infty}\frac{(2x-3)^n}{n^n}
Topic Notes
In this lesson, we will learn about what a power series is. Power series have coefficients, x values, and have to be centred at a certain value a. Our goal in this section is find the radius of convergence of these power series by using the ratio test. We will call the radius of convergence L. Since we are talking about convergence, we want to set L to be less than 1. Then by formatting the inequality to the one below, we will be able to find the radius of convergence. Lastly, we will learn about the interval of convergence. The interval of convergence is the value of all x's for which the power series converge. Also make sure to check the endpoint of the interval because there is a possibility for them to converge as well.

Introduction to Radius and Interval of Convergence

Welcome to our exploration of radius and interval of convergence, crucial concepts in understanding power series. As your math tutor, I'm excited to guide you through these fundamental ideas. Our introduction video serves as an excellent starting point, providing a clear visual representation of these concepts. The radius of convergence tells us how far a power series extends from its center point while still converging. On the other hand, the interval of convergence specifies the exact range of x-values for which the series converges. These concepts are essential in determining the behavior and applicability of power series in various mathematical and real-world scenarios. By mastering these ideas, you'll gain a deeper understanding of series convergence and be better equipped to tackle more advanced topics in calculus. Let's dive in and unravel the mysteries of convergence together!

Understanding Power Series

What are Power Series?

Power series are a fundamental concept in calculus and mathematical analysis. They are infinite series that represent functions as sums of terms with increasing powers of a variable. These series play a crucial role in various mathematical and scientific applications, allowing us to approximate complex functions and solve differential equations.

General Form of Power Series

The general form of a power series centered at x = a is:

f(x) = c + c(x - a) + c(x - a)² + c(x - a)³ + ... = Σ c(x - a)

Here, c represents the coefficients of the series, and (x - a) is the variable raised to increasing powers. When a = 0, we have a Maclaurin series, a special case of power series.

Examples of Power Series

1. Geometric series: 1 + x + x² + x³ + ... = 1 / (1 - x) for |x| < 1

2. Exponential function series: e^x = 1 + x + x²/2! + x³/3! + ... for all x

3. Sine function: sin(x) = x - x³/3! + x/5! - x/7! + ... for all x

Convergence and Divergence

A critical aspect of power series is their convergence behavior. The series converges if the sum of its terms approaches a finite limit as the number of terms increases. Conversely, it diverges if the sum grows without bound or oscillates. The radius of convergence is the range of x values for which the series converges.

Importance in Calculus

Power series are invaluable in calculus for several reasons:

Applications of Power Series

Power series find applications in various fields:

  • Physics: Describing wave functions and potential energies
  • Engineering: Analyzing electrical circuits and mechanical systems
  • Computer Science: Approximating functions in numerical algorithms
  • Economics: Modeling growth and decay processes

Working with Power Series

To effectively use power series, one must be comfortable with:

  • Finding coefficients of a series
  • Determining the radius of convergence
  • Manipulating series through addition, subtraction, and multiplication
  • Differentiating and integrating power series term by term


Power series are a powerful tool in the mathematician's and scientist's toolkit. They bridge the gap between discrete and continuous mathematics, allowing us to represent and manipulate functions in ways that would otherwise be impossible. By mastering power series, you gain insight into the behavior of functions and unlock new problem-solving techniques in calculus and beyond.

Radius of Convergence

The radius of convergence is a fundamental concept in calculus and power series analysis. It defines the range within which a power series converges, providing crucial information about the series' behavior. Understanding how to find the radius of convergence is essential for mathematicians and students alike. In this section, we'll explore the definition, significance, and methods to determine the radius of convergence, with a focus on the ratio test for convergence and root test for convergence.

The radius of convergence, typically denoted as R, is the radius of the largest circle centered at the point of expansion where the power series converges absolutely. In simpler terms, it's the distance from the center point to the boundary where the series transitions from convergent to divergent. This concept is vital because it helps us understand the domain of convergence for a given power series, which is crucial in various mathematical applications of power series.

To find the radius of convergence, we employ several methods, with the ratio test for convergence and root test for convergence being the most common and effective approaches. Let's dive into these methods and learn how to apply them step-by-step.

The ratio test is a powerful tool for finding the radius of convergence. Here's how to apply it:

  1. Consider a power series a_n(x-a)^n.
  2. Calculate the limit: lim(n) |a_(n+1)/a_n|
  3. If this limit equals L, then the radius of convergence R = 1/L.
  4. If the limit is 0, the series converges for all x (R = ).
  5. If the limit is , the series converges only at x = a (R = 0).

Let's look at an example. Consider the series (n!x^n). To find its radius of convergence:

  1. Calculate lim(n) |(n+1)!x^(n+1) / n!x^n|
  2. Simplify: lim(n) |(n+1)x|
  3. The limit doesn't exist finitely, so R = 0.

The root test is another effective method for finding the radius of convergence. Here's the process:

  1. For a series a_n(x-a)^n, calculate lim(n) |a_n|^(1/n)
  2. If this limit equals L, then R = 1/L.
  3. If the limit is 0, R = .
  4. If the limit is , R = 0.

Let's apply the root test to the series (x^n/n^2):

  1. Calculate lim(n) |(1/n^2)|^(1/n)
  2. Simplify: lim(n) (1/n^(2/n))
  3. This limit equals 1, so R = 1/1 = 1.

When finding the radius of convergence, it's important to remember that both the ratio test and root test may not always provide a definitive answer. In such cases, you might need to use other methods or analyze the series behavior directly.

Practice is key to mastering these techniques. Start with simple series and gradually work your way up to more complex ones. Don't get discouraged if you encounter difficulties; each problem you solve strengthens your understanding and skills.

Remember, the radius of convergence is more than just a number it's a gateway to understanding the behavior of power series. By determining where a series converges, you gain insights into its properties and potential mathematical applications of power series in various fields of mathematics and science.

As you continue to explore and practice finding the radius of convergence, you'll develop a deeper appreciation for the elegance and power of these mathematical tools. Whether you're using the ratio test for convergence or the root test for convergence, each method offers unique insights into the behavior of power series and their applications.

Interval of Convergence

The interval of convergence is a fundamental concept in calculus, particularly when dealing with power series. It's closely related to the radius of convergence and plays a crucial role in understanding where a series converges. Let's explore this concept in depth and see how it connects to the radius of convergence.

To begin, the interval of convergence represents the set of x-values for which a power series converges. It's typically expressed as an open interval (a, b), where a and b are real numbers. The radius of convergence, on the other hand, is a non-negative real number that represents the distance from the center of the series to the edge of the interval of convergence.

The relationship between the interval and radius of convergence is straightforward: if we denote the radius of convergence as R and the center of the series as x, then the interval of convergence will always include (x - R, x + R). However, it's crucial to note that the interval might be larger, as it can potentially include one or both endpoints.

Determining the interval of convergence once the radius is known involves a two-step process. First, we use the radius to establish the open interval where the series definitely converges. Then, we test the endpoints of this interval to see if they should be included.

Let's walk through an example to illustrate this process. Suppose we have a power series centered at x = 2 with a radius of convergence of 3. We can immediately say that the series converges for all x in the open interval (2 - 3, 2 + 3), which simplifies to (-1, 5). This gives us our starting point.

Next, we need to test the endpoints -1 and 5. We do this by substituting these values into the original series and checking for convergence. If the series converges at -1, we include it in our interval; if not, we exclude it. We do the same for 5. The final interval of convergence could be [-1, 5], (-1, 5], [-1, 5), or (-1, 5), depending on these endpoint tests.

It's important to be aware of potential pitfalls when working with intervals of convergence. One common mistake is assuming that the interval always includes the endpoints. Remember, endpoint inclusion depends on the specific series and must be tested separately. Another pitfall is forgetting to consider the center of the series when determining the interval. Always start from the center and extend outward by the radius in both directions.

Some series have special cases worth noting. For instance, a series with an infinite radius of convergence will converge for all real numbers, giving an interval of (-, ). Conversely, a series with a radius of convergence of 0 converges only at its center point.

Understanding the interval of convergence is crucial for working with power series in calculus and analysis. It tells us exactly where we can reliably use the series for calculations or approximations. This knowledge is particularly valuable in applications like Taylor series expansions, where we need to know the range over which our approximation is valid.

To solidify your understanding, try working through various examples. Start with simple power series and progress to more complex ones. Practice finding the radius of convergence using ratio test for convergence or root test for convergence, then determine the full interval of convergence by testing endpoints. This hands-on approach will help you develop intuition for how different series behave.

Remember, the key to mastering this concept is patience and practice. Don't be discouraged if you find it challenging at first many students do. With time and effort, you'll become proficient at determining intervals of convergence and understanding their significance in broader mathematical contexts.

In conclusion, the interval of convergence is a powerful tool in the study of series. By understanding its relationship to the radius of convergence and mastering the process of determining it, you'll be well-equipped to tackle a wide range of problems in calculus and beyond. Keep practicing, stay curious, and don't hesitate to seek help when needed. Your journey in understanding convergence is an exciting one, full of insights that will serve you well in your mathematical endeavors.

Checking Endpoints: A Crucial Step in Determining Intervals of Convergence

When working with power series and their intervals of convergence, one of the most critical steps that students often overlook is checking the endpoints. This process is essential for accurately determining where a series converges and where it diverges. Let's explore why checking endpoints is so important and how to do it effectively.

First, it's crucial to understand that the interval of convergence represents the range of x-values for which a power series converges. This interval is typically found using the ratio test or root test. However, these tests only give us the open interval, leaving the endpoints uncertain. This is where checking endpoints becomes vital.

Imagine you've found that a series converges for |x-2| < 3. This means the series definitely converges for all x between -1 and 5, but what about at x = -1 and x = 5 themselves? These are our endpoints, and we need to check them separately.

To check an endpoint, we substitute its value into the original series and then determine if this new series converges or diverges. This process often involves using tests for series convergence, such as the comparison test or the limit comparison test.

Let's look at an example of a convergent endpoint. Consider the series Σ(x^n / n^2) from n=1 to infinity. We find that it converges for |x| < 1. Checking the endpoint at x = 1, we get the series Σ(1/n^2), which is the famous p-series with p = 2. This series converges, so x = 1 is included in the interval of convergence.

On the other hand, let's examine a divergent endpoint. Take the series Σ(nx^n) from n=1 to infinity. It converges for |x| < 1. At the endpoint x = -1, we get the series Σ(-n), which clearly diverges. Therefore, x = -1 is not included in the interval of convergence.

Remember, it's entirely possible for one endpoint to converge while the other diverges. This is why checking both endpoints independently is crucial. Don't assume that if one endpoint converges, the other will too, or vice versa.

When you're working through these problems, take your time and be methodical. It's easy to rush and forget to check the endpoints, but doing so can lead to incorrect conclusions about the interval of convergence. Think of checking endpoints as the final, crucial step in your analysis it's like double-checking your work before submitting an important assignment.

If you find the process challenging at first, don't get discouraged. Like any mathematical skill, checking endpoints becomes easier with practice. Try to approach each problem step-by-step: find the open interval, identify the endpoints, substitute each endpoint into the original series, and then analyze the resulting series for convergence or divergence.

As you gain more experience, you'll start to recognize patterns and develop intuition about which endpoints are likely to converge or diverge. This skill will not only help you in determining intervals of convergence but will also deepen your understanding of series behavior in general.

In conclusion, checking endpoints is a critical skill in the study of power series and their convergence. It's the key to transforming an open interval into a precise, closed interval of convergence. By mastering this technique, you'll be able to provide complete and accurate answers to convergence questions, setting a strong foundation for more advanced topics in calculus and analysis. Remember, every endpoint you check is an opportunity to reinforce your understanding and build confidence in your mathematical abilities.

Common Mistakes and Tips

Finding the radius and interval of convergence can be challenging for many students, but with awareness of common pitfalls and some helpful strategies, you can master these concepts. Let's address some frequent mistakes and provide tips to avoid them.

One common error is forgetting to consider the endpoint behavior when determining the interval of convergence. Students often stop after finding the radius, neglecting to check if the series converges at the endpoints. Remember, the interval of convergence includes the radius plus any endpoints where the series converges.

Another mistake is mishandling absolute value signs in the ratio test. When applying this test, ensure you're working with the absolute value of the ratio of consecutive terms. Overlooking this can lead to incorrect conclusions about convergence.

Students sometimes struggle with identifying the correct variable to solve for in the ratio test. Always solve for the variable that represents the terms of the series, typically 'x' or '(x-a)' for series centered at 'a'.

Misinterpreting the result of the ratio test is also common. Recall that for convergence, the limit of the ratio must be strictly less than 1, not equal to 1. If the limit equals 1, further investigation is needed.

To avoid these mistakes, here are some helpful tips:

1. Always check endpoint behavior after finding the radius of convergence. Use other convergence tests if necessary to determine if the endpoints are included.

2. Practice setting up the ratio test correctly, paying attention to absolute value signs and the variable you're solving for.

3. When in doubt, draw a number line to visualize the interval of convergence. This can help you catch errors in your final answer.

4. Work through plenty of practice problems for series, varying the types of series and centers. Exposure to diverse examples will build your confidence and intuition.

5. Don't hesitate to use multiple convergence tests. Sometimes, combining the ratio test with other tests like the root test or comparison test can provide a more complete picture.

6. Pay attention to special cases in series, such as alternating series or series with factorial terms. These often require specific approaches or considerations.

Remember, mastering these concepts takes time and practice. Don't get discouraged if you make mistakes they're a natural part of the learning process. Each error is an opportunity to deepen your understanding. Keep working through problems, seek help when needed, and celebrate your progress along the way. With persistence and the right approach, you'll become proficient in finding the radius and interval of convergence for various series.

Applications and Real-world Examples

The concepts of radius and interval of convergence, often associated with power series in mathematics, have far-reaching applications in various fields, demonstrating the practical importance of these abstract ideas. In physics, engineering, and economics, these mathematical tools play crucial roles in modeling complex phenomena and solving real-world problems.

In physics, power series and their convergence properties are fundamental in quantum mechanics. The wave function, which describes the quantum state of a particle, is often expressed as a power series. The radius of convergence of this series determines the range of validity for the quantum mechanical description. For instance, in the study of the hydrogen atom, the radial wave function is represented by a power series, and understanding its convergence is crucial for accurately predicting electron behavior.

Engineering applications of convergence concepts are abundant, particularly in signal processing and control systems. When designing filters or analyzing feedback systems, engineers use Fourier series, which are essentially power series in complex exponentials. The radius of convergence of these series determines the frequency range over which the system behaves as intended. This is critical in applications like audio processing, where ensuring signal fidelity across a specific frequency range is essential.

In structural engineering, the analysis of beam deflection often involves power series solutions. The convergence of these series is crucial for accurately predicting the behavior of structures under various loads. Engineers must ensure that their calculations converge within the physical dimensions of the structure they're designing.

Economics and finance also benefit from these mathematical concepts. In time series analysis, used for forecasting economic trends, autoregressive models often employ power series. The convergence of these series is essential for making reliable predictions. For example, in modeling interest rates or stock prices, the radius of convergence of the employed series can indicate the time frame over which the model remains valid.

Another fascinating application is in fluid dynamics, where power series solutions are used to model fluid flow. The convergence of these series is critical in predicting flow patterns, which has implications in weather forecasting, aerodynamics, and even in the design of medical devices like artificial hearts.

In computer graphics and animation, power series are used in rendering curves and surfaces. The radius of convergence determines the range over which these mathematical representations accurately depict the intended shapes, crucial for creating realistic visual effects in movies and video games.

These real-world examples illustrate how the abstract concepts of radius and interval of convergence translate into practical applications across diverse fields. By understanding and applying these mathematical tools, scientists, engineers, and economists can model complex systems, make accurate predictions, and solve intricate problems that impact our daily lives. The power of convergence extends far beyond the realm of pure mathematics, serving as a bridge between theoretical concepts and tangible, real-world solutions.


Understanding the radius and interval of convergence is crucial when working with power series. As we've explored in the introduction video, these concepts determine where a series converges and how it behaves. The radius of convergence tells us the maximum distance from the center where the series remains convergent, while the interval of convergence specifies the exact range of x-values for which the series converges. Remember, practice is key to mastering power series! Don't be discouraged if it seems challenging at first with consistent effort, you'll soon find yourself confidently analyzing power series. Try working through various examples, testing different scenarios, and applying the techniques we've discussed. As you engage more with the topic, you'll develop a deeper intuition for convergence patterns. Keep pushing forward, and you'll be amazed at how quickly you progress in your understanding of power series and their convergence properties.

Radius and Interval of Convergence with Power Series Overview

Understanding the radius and interval of convergence is crucial when dealing with power series. This guide will walk you through the steps to determine these important aspects.

Step 1: Understanding Power Series

Before diving into the radius and interval of convergence, it's essential to understand what a power series is. A power series is a series of the form:

Cn (x - a)n

Here, Cn represents the coefficients, x is the variable, and a is a constant. The series is essentially a sum of terms involving powers of (x - a).

Step 2: Defining the Radius of Convergence

The radius of convergence, denoted as R, is the distance within which the power series converges. To find the radius of convergence, we typically use either the ratio test or the root test.

Using the ratio test, we consider the limit:

L = limn |an+1 / an|

For the series to converge, L must be less than 1. The radius of convergence R is then given by:

R = 1 / L

Step 3: Applying the Ratio Test

To apply the ratio test, follow these steps:

  • Identify the general term an of the power series.
  • Compute the limit L = limn |an+1 / an|.
  • If L < 1, the series converges. The radius of convergence R is 1 / L.

Step 4: Understanding the Interval of Convergence

The interval of convergence is the set of all x values for which the power series converges. It is centered at a and extends R units in both directions.

Mathematically, the interval of convergence is:

(a - R, a + R)

To determine the interval of convergence, we need to check the endpoints x = a - R and x = a + R separately, as the series may or may not converge at these points.

Step 5: Checking Endpoint Convergence

To check the convergence at the endpoints:

  • Substitute x = a - R into the power series and test for convergence using appropriate tests (e.g., p-test, comparison test).
  • Repeat the process for x = a + R.

If the series converges at an endpoint, include that endpoint in the interval of convergence. If it diverges, exclude the endpoint.

Step 6: Summarizing the Results

After determining the radius and checking the endpoints, summarize the interval of convergence. For example, if the series converges at both endpoints, the interval is:

[a - R, a + R]

If it converges at one endpoint but not the other, the interval might be:

[a - R, a + R) or (a - R, a + R]

If it diverges at both endpoints, the interval is:

(a - R, a + R)


Understanding the radius and interval of convergence is essential for working with power series. By following these steps and applying the ratio or root test, you can determine where a power series converges and the extent of its convergence.


Here are some frequently asked questions about radius and interval of convergence:

1. How do you find the radius of convergence and interval?

To find the radius of convergence, use the ratio test or root test. For the interval, start with the open interval (center - R, center + R), where R is the radius, then check the endpoints for convergence.

2. Are radius and interval of convergence the same?

No, they're related but different. The radius is a single value, while the interval is a range that includes the radius and possibly the endpoints.

3. How do you determine the interval of convergence?

First, find the radius of convergence. Then, form the open interval using the center and radius. Finally, test the endpoints to see if they should be included in the interval.

4. What does the radius of convergence tell us?

The radius of convergence indicates the distance from the center of the series to the point where it starts to diverge. It helps determine the range of x-values for which the series converges absolutely.

5. What is the formula for convergence?

There's no single formula for convergence, but common tests include the ratio test: lim(n) |a_(n+1)/a_n| < 1, and the root test: lim(n) |a_n|^(1/n) < 1, where a_n are the series terms.

Prerequisite Topics

Understanding the radius and interval of convergence with power series is a crucial concept in advanced calculus, but it requires a solid foundation in several prerequisite topics. To fully grasp this concept, students should first familiarize themselves with functions expressed as power series. This fundamental knowledge provides the basis for exploring more complex series representations and their convergence properties.

A strong understanding of convergence and divergence of geometric series is essential, as power series are closely related to geometric series. This prerequisite helps students recognize patterns and behaviors in infinite sums, which is crucial when determining the radius of convergence.

Two important tools for analyzing series convergence are the ratio test and the root test. These tests are frequently employed to determine the radius of convergence for power series, making them indispensable prerequisites. Mastering these techniques allows students to efficiently evaluate the behavior of complex series.

Familiarity with Taylor series and Maclaurin series is also crucial. These special types of power series provide a bridge between functions and their series representations, offering valuable insights into the behavior of functions within their convergence intervals.

While it may seem less directly related, knowledge of solving differential equations with step functions can be beneficial. This topic introduces students to the concept of piecewise functions and discontinuities, which can be relevant when dealing with the endpoints of convergence intervals for power series.

Lastly, understanding exponential functions and their graphs provides a solid foundation for working with power series. Many power series represent exponential or exponential-like functions, and being able to visualize and interpret these graphs is invaluable when studying convergence properties.

By mastering these prerequisite topics, students will be well-equipped to tackle the complexities of radius and interval of convergence with power series. Each concept builds upon the others, creating a comprehensive understanding of series behavior and convergence properties. This knowledge not only aids in solving specific problems but also develops a deeper intuition for the underlying mathematical principles, enabling students to approach more advanced topics in calculus and analysis with confidence.

Note *Power Series are in the form:

n=0cn(xa)n \sum_{n=0}^{\infty}c_n(x-a)^n

where cnc_n are the coefficients of each term in the series and aa is number.

To find the Radius of Convergence of a power series, we need to use the ratio test or the root test. Let An=cn(xa)nA_n=c_n(x-a)^n. Then recall that the ratio test is:

L=limL=\limn →\inftyAn+1An|\frac{A_{n+1}}{A_n}|
and the root test is
L=limL=\limn →\inftyAn1n|A_n|^{\frac{1}{n}}

where the convergence happens at LL< 11 for both tests. More accurately we can say that the convergence happens when xa|x-a| < RR, where is the Radius of Convergence.

The Interval of Convergence is the value of all xx's, for which the power series converges. So it is important to also check if the power series converges as well at xa=R|x-a|=R.