Adding and subtracting radicals

  1. How to simplify radicals?
  2. How to add and subtract radicals?
  1. Adding and subtracting radicals
    1. 612 \sqrt{12} + 38\sqrt{8 } - 518 \sqrt{18 } - 33 \sqrt{3}
    2. 348 {^3}\sqrt{-48} - 3162 {^3}\sqrt{162}
Topic Notes
To add and subtract radicals is easy! Just simplify the radicals as much as you can, and then add/subtract any like terms.

Introduction to Adding and Subtracting Radicals

Adding and subtracting radicals is a fundamental skill in algebra that allows us to simplify complex expressions. Our introduction video provides a clear and concise overview of this topic, making it an essential starting point for students. By watching this video, you'll gain a solid understanding of how to work with radicals effectively. The process of adding and subtracting radicals is surprisingly simple when you follow the correct steps. The key is to identify like terms, which are radicals with the same index and radicand. Once you've mastered this concept, you'll be able to simplify radical expressions with ease. Remember, radicals can only be combined if they are like terms. This principle forms the foundation for more advanced operations involving radicals. As you progress through the lessons, you'll discover how these basic skills apply to more complex problems, enhancing your overall mathematical proficiency.

Understanding Radicals and Like Terms

Radicals and like terms are fundamental concepts in algebra that help simplify expressions and solve equations more efficiently. To understand these concepts, let's start with the basics and gradually build our way up to more complex ideas.

Like terms are expressions that have the same variables raised to the same powers. For example, 3x and 5x are like terms because they both have the variable x to the first power. The numbers in front of the variables are called coefficients. When we have like terms, we can combine them by adding or subtracting their coefficients while keeping the variable part the same.

To illustrate this concept, let's consider a simple arithmetic example: 2 apples + 3 apples = 5 apples. In this case, "apples" act like our variable, and we're combining the coefficients (2 and 3) to get the result (5). This same principle applies to algebraic expressions.

Now, let's extend this idea to variables. If we have 2x + 3x, we can combine these like terms to get 5x. Similarly, 4y - 2y would simplify to 2y. However, terms like 2x and 3y cannot be combined because they have different variables these are unlike terms.

Radicals introduce another layer to this concept. A radical is an expression that involves a square root, cube root, or any other root. The number or expression under the radical sign is called the radicand. Like terms in radicals follow the same principle as regular variables, but with an additional condition: the index (root) and the radicand must be the same.

For example, 2 and 32 are like radicals because they have the same index (square root) and the same radicand (2). We can combine them: 2 + 32 = 42. Similarly, ³5 and 2³5 are like radicals that can be combined.

However, 2 and 3 are unlike radicals because, despite having the same index, they have different radicands. Also, 2 and ³2 are unlike radicals because they have different indices, even though the radicand is the same.

Let's look at some more examples to solidify these concepts:

  • Like radicals: 27 + 57 = 77
  • Unlike radicals: 3 + 5 (cannot be combined)
  • Mixed example: 22 + 3x + 2 - x = 32 + 2x

In the mixed example, we can combine 22 and 2 because they are like radicals, and we can combine 3x and -x because they are like terms with variables. However, 2 and x cannot be combined as they are fundamentally different types of terms.

Understanding the concept of like terms and radicals is crucial for simplifying algebraic expressions and solving equations. It allows us to condense expressions, making them easier to work with and understand. Just as we can add apples with apples but not apples with oranges, we can combine like terms and like radicals, but not unlike terms or radicals.

In conclusion, the key to identifying like terms and radicals lies in recognizing similarities in variables, exponents, and in the case of radicals, both the index and the radicand. By mastering these concepts, you'll be better equipped to tackle more complex algebraic expressions and simplify expressions with confidence.

Simplifying Radicals

Simplifying radicals is an essential skill in algebra that involves breaking down complex expressions into simpler forms. This process often utilizes prime factorization in radicals and the identification of perfect squares or cubes within radicals. Let's explore this concept in detail and walk through some step-by-step examples to master the art of simplifying radicals.

To begin, it's crucial to understand prime factorization in radicals. This technique involves breaking down a number into its prime factors. For instance, 54 can be factored as 2 × 3 × 3 × 3. This step is fundamental in simplifying radicals as it allows us to identify perfect squares or cubes within the radicand (the number under the radical sign).

When simplifying square roots, we look for pairs of identical factors. These pairs represent perfect squares that can be taken out of the radical. For cube roots simplification, we search for triplets of identical factors, which represent perfect cubes. The index of the radical (2 for square roots, 3 for cube roots, etc.) determines how many identical factors we need to group together.

Let's simplify 54 as our first example:

  1. Factor 54: 54 = (2 × 3 × 3 × 3)
  2. Identify perfect squares: 3 × 3 = 9 is a perfect square
  3. Separate the perfect square: 54 = (9 × 2 × 3)
  4. Simplify: 54 = 3(2 × 3) = 36

In this case, we were able to simplify 54 to 36. The 3 outside the radical comes from 9, while the remaining factors stay under the radical sign.

Now, let's tackle the cube roots simplification of 54:

  1. Factor 54: 54 = (2 × 3 × 3 × 3)
  2. Identify perfect cubes: 3 × 3 × 3 = 27 is a perfect cube
  3. Separate the perfect cube: 54 = (27 × 2)
  4. Simplify: 54 = 3 × 2

In this example, we simplified the cube root of 54 to 32. The 3 outside the radical comes from the cube root of 27, while 2 remains under the cube root sign as it's not part of a perfect cube within 54.

When simplifying radicals with higher indices, the process remains similar. For instance, with a fourth root, you'd look for groups of four identical factors to create perfect fourth powers. The key is to match the number of identical factors to the index of the radical.

It's important to note that not all radicals can be simplified. If there are no perfect powers within the radicand that match the index, the expression is already in its simplest form. For example, 7 cannot be simplified further as 7 has no perfect square factors other than 1.

Practicing with various examples is the best way to become proficient at simplifying radicals. Start with square roots of smaller numbers and gradually work your way up to larger numbers and higher indices. Remember that the goal is to express the radical in its simplest form, which often involves a combination of numbers outside and inside the radical sign.

Mastering this skill is crucial for solving more complex algebraic problems and equations involving radicals. It simplifies calculations and makes it easier to compare and combine radical expressions. By understanding the relationship between prime factorization in radicals, perfect powers, and radical simplification, you'll be well-equipped to handle a wide range of mathematical challenges involving radicals.

Adding and Subtracting Like Radicals

Adding and subtracting radicals is an essential skill in algebra, particularly when dealing with expressions involving square roots or other root forms. The key to successfully performing these operations lies in recognizing like radicals and knowing how to combine them effectively. In this section, we'll explore the process of adding and subtracting radicals with the same base, using examples to illustrate the concepts.

Like radicals are radicals that have the same index (root) and the same radicand (the expression under the radical sign). For instance, 3 and 23 are like radicals because they both have a square root and the same radicand, 3. When working with like radicals, we can add or subtract them by combining their coefficients while keeping the radical part unchanged.

Let's consider the example from the video: 23 + 57 + 43 - 27. To add and subtract these radicals, we need to follow these steps:

  1. Identify like radicals: In this case, we have two pairs of like radicals: 3 terms and 7 terms.
  2. Group like terms: Rearrange the expression to bring like radicals together: (23 + 43) + (57 - 27)
  3. Combine coefficients of like radicals: Add or subtract the coefficients as needed:
    • For 3 terms: 2 + 4 = 6, so we get 63
    • For 7 terms: 5 - 2 = 3, so we get 37
  4. Write the simplified expression: 63 + 37

It's crucial to emphasize that we can only combine the coefficients of like radicals. We cannot combine 3 and 7 because they have different radicands. This is why grouping like terms is so important in the process of adding and subtracting radicals.

Here's another example to reinforce the concept: 35 - 22 + 45 + 72

  1. Identify and group like radicals: (35 + 45) + (-22 + 72)
  2. Combine coefficients: 75 + 52

When dealing with more complex expressions, it's often helpful to simplify radicals before combining them. For instance, if we have 12 + 27, we can simplify each radical first:

  • 12 = (4 * 3) = 4 * 3 = 23
  • 27 = (9 * 3) = 9 * 3 = 33

Now we can add the simplified radicals: 23 + 33 = 53

In conclusion, the process of adding and subtracting radicals with the same base involves identifying like radicals, grouping them together, and combining their coefficients while keeping the radical part unchanged. Remember to simplify radicals before combining them. By following these steps and practicing with various examples, you'll become proficient in handling radical expressions in your algebraic calculations.

Dealing with Unlike Radicals

When faced with unlike radicals in mathematical expressions, it's essential to approach the problem systematically. Unlike radicals are terms that have different numbers under the radical sign, making them challenging to combine directly. However, by following a step-by-step process, we can simplify and potentially combine these terms. Let's explore how to tackle problems with unlike radicals, using the example of 8 + 50 to illustrate this concept.

The first step in dealing with unlike radicals is to simplify each radical individually. This process involves finding the largest perfect square factor within each radical. For 8, we can identify that 4 is the largest perfect square factor: 8 = (4 × 2) = 4 × 2 = 22. Similarly, for 50, we find that 25 is the largest perfect square factor: 50 = (25 × 2) = 25 × 2 = 52.

After simplification, our expression now looks like this: 22 + 52. This leads us to the next crucial step: identifying common bases. In this case, we can clearly see that both terms share 2 as their base. When radicals have the same base, we can combine them by adding or subtracting their coefficients while keeping the common base unchanged.

With a common base identified, we can now combine the terms. The coefficients are 2 and 5, so we add these together: (2 + 5)2 = 72. This final step gives us our simplified and combined result.

It's important to note that not all unlike radicals can be combined, even after simplification. For example, 2 + 3 cannot be further simplified or combined because these radicals have no common factors. In such cases, the expression is left as is, representing the sum of two distinct irrational numbers.

To summarize the process for approaching problems with unlike radicals:

  1. Simplify each radical individually by finding the largest perfect square factor.
  2. Rewrite the expression using the simplified radicals.
  3. Identify any common bases among the simplified radicals.
  4. If common bases exist, combine the terms by adding or subtracting their coefficients.
  5. If no common bases are found, leave the expression as is.

This methodical approach not only helps in simplifying complex radical expressions but also aids in recognizing patterns and relationships between seemingly unlike terms. Mastering this technique is crucial for advancing in algebra and higher mathematics, where manipulating radical expressions becomes increasingly common.

Practice is key to becoming proficient in handling unlike radicals. Start with simple examples and gradually move to more complex expressions. Remember that the goal is always to simplify as much as possible, looking for opportunities to combine terms with common bases. With time and practice, you'll develop an intuition for spotting potential simplifications and combinations, making even the most daunting radical expressions manageable.

Complex Radical Expressions

Handling complex radical expressions with multiple terms can seem daunting at first, but with a systematic approach, it becomes manageable. Let's explore this process using the example 18 - 20 + 45 - 32 from the video. This step-by-step guide will help you simplify each term, identify like radicals, and combine terms effectively.

Step 1: Simplify each radical term individually

18: This can be simplified to 32 (as 18 = 9 × 2, and 9 = 3)

20: This simplifies to 25 (as 20 = 4 × 5, and 4 = 2)

45: This becomes 35 (as 45 = 9 × 5, and 9 = 3)

32: This simplifies to 42 (as 32 = 16 × 2, and 16 = 4)

After this step, our expression looks like: 32 - 25 + 35 - 42

Step 2: Identify like radicals

Like radicals are terms that have the same number under the radical sign. In our simplified expression, we can see two sets of like radicals:

Terms with 2: 32 and -42

Terms with 5: -25 and 35

Step 3: Combine like terms

Now that we've identified the like radicals, we can combine them:

32 - 42 = -12 = -2

-25 + 35 = 15 = 5

Our expression has now been simplified to: -2 + 5

Step 4: Arrange the final expression

It's customary to write the terms in order from smallest to largest radicand (the number under the radical sign). In this case, 2 comes before 5, so our final simplified expression is:

-2 + 5

This process demonstrates how to handle complex radical expressions with multiple terms. The key steps are:

1. Simplify each radical term individually

2. Identify like radicals

3. Combine like terms

4. Arrange the final expression

When dealing with unlike radicals (radicals with different numbers under the radical sign), remember that they cannot be combined further. In our example, 2 and 5 are unlike radicals, so they remain separate in the final expression.

Practice is crucial for mastering this skill. As you work with more complex radical expressions, you'll become more adept at recognizing simplification opportunities and combining like terms efficiently. Remember that the goal is to simplify the expression as much as possible while maintaining its mathematical integrity.

In some cases, you may encounter expressions with higher-order radicals (cube roots, fourth roots, etc.) or variables under the radical sign. The principles remain the same, but additional care must be taken to ensure proper simplification and combination of terms.

By following these steps and practicing regularly, you'll gain confidence in handling complex radical expressions, a crucial skill in algebra and higher mathematics. Remember, the key is to approach each problem systematically, simplifying and combining terms where possible, while always being mindful of the rules governing radicals and their operations.


Mastering the art of adding and subtracting radicals is crucial for advancing your algebraic skills. Remember, the key to success lies in simplification and identifying like terms. Always simplify radicals before attempting any operations. When adding or subtracting, only combine radicals with identical indices and radicands. If terms aren't alike, they must remain separate in your final answer. Practice is essential to reinforce these concepts. Try a variety of problems, gradually increasing in complexity. Don't hesitate to revisit the introduction video for visual guidance on the step-by-step process. By consistently applying these principles, you'll become proficient in handling radical expressions. Remember, radicals are fundamental in many advanced mathematical concepts, so building a strong foundation now will benefit you in future studies. Keep identifying like terms, and practicing regularly to enhance your radical arithmetic skills.


Adding and subtracting radicals
612 \sqrt{12} + 38\sqrt{8 } - 518 \sqrt{18 } - 33 \sqrt{3}

Step 1: Simplify Each Radical

To add or subtract radicals, the radicands (the numbers inside the square root) must be the same. Therefore, the first step is to simplify each radical expression. Let's break down each term:

  • 6126 \sqrt{12}: The number 12 can be factored into 4×34 \times 3. Since 4 is a perfect square, we can simplify 12 \sqrt{12} to 4×3=4×3=23 \sqrt{4 \times 3} = \sqrt{4} \times \sqrt{3} = 2 \sqrt{3} . Therefore, 612=6×23=1236 \sqrt{12} = 6 \times 2 \sqrt{3} = 12 \sqrt{3}.
  • 383 \sqrt{8}: The number 8 can be factored into 4×24 \times 2. Since 4 is a perfect square, we can simplify 8 \sqrt{8} to 4×2=4×2=22 \sqrt{4 \times 2} = \sqrt{4} \times \sqrt{2} = 2 \sqrt{2} . Therefore, 38=3×22=623 \sqrt{8} = 3 \times 2 \sqrt{2} = 6 \sqrt{2}.
  • 5185 \sqrt{18}: The number 18 can be factored into 9×29 \times 2. Since 9 is a perfect square, we can simplify 18 \sqrt{18} to 9×2=9×2=32 \sqrt{9 \times 2} = \sqrt{9} \times \sqrt{2} = 3 \sqrt{2} . Therefore, 518=5×32=1525 \sqrt{18} = 5 \times 3 \sqrt{2} = 15 \sqrt{2}.
  • 333 \sqrt{3}: This term is already in its simplest form as 3 is not a perfect square and cannot be factored further.

Step 2: Combine Like Terms

Now that we have simplified each radical, we can combine like terms. Like terms are terms that have the same radicand. Let's rewrite the expression with the simplified radicals:

  • 123+621523312 \sqrt{3} + 6 \sqrt{2} - 15 \sqrt{2} - 3 \sqrt{3}
Next, we combine the coefficients of the like terms:
  • 12333=(123)3=9312 \sqrt{3} - 3 \sqrt{3} = (12 - 3) \sqrt{3} = 9 \sqrt{3}
  • 62152=(615)2=926 \sqrt{2} - 15 \sqrt{2} = (6 - 15) \sqrt{2} = -9 \sqrt{2}

Step 3: Write the Final Expression

After combining the like terms, we get the final simplified expression:

  • 93929 \sqrt{3} - 9 \sqrt{2}
This is the simplified form of the original expression.


Here are some frequently asked questions about adding and subtracting radicals:

  1. What are like radicals?

    Like radicals are radical expressions that have the same index (root) and the same radicand (expression under the radical sign). For example, 2 and 32 are like radicals because they both have a square root and the same radicand (2).

  2. Can you add or subtract unlike radicals?

    Unlike radicals cannot be directly added or subtracted. They must be kept as separate terms in the final expression. For example, 2 + 3 cannot be simplified further and remains as 2 + 3.

  3. How do you simplify radicals before adding or subtracting?

    To simplify radicals, factor the radicand and look for perfect square factors (for square roots) or perfect cube factors (for cube roots). For example, 18 can be simplified to 32 because 18 = 9 × 2, and 9 = 3.

  4. What's the process for adding or subtracting radicals?

    First, simplify each radical term. Then, identify like radicals. Finally, combine the coefficients of like radicals while keeping the radical part unchanged. For example, 23 + 53 = 73.

  5. Why is it important to simplify radicals before combining them?

    Simplifying radicals before combining them can reveal like terms that weren't initially apparent. This allows for further simplification of the expression. For instance, 8 + 50 might seem like unlike radicals, but when simplified, they become 22 + 52, which can be combined to 72.

Prerequisite Topics for Adding and Subtracting Radicals

Understanding the fundamentals of mathematics is crucial when tackling more advanced concepts like adding and subtracting radicals. To excel in this area, it's essential to have a solid grasp of several prerequisite topics. Let's explore how these foundational concepts contribute to your ability to work with radicals effectively.

One of the most important prerequisites is simplifying rational expressions and understanding restrictions. This skill is vital because radicals often involve fractions and rational expressions. By mastering the art of simplification, you'll be better equipped to handle complex radical expressions and identify potential restrictions that may arise when working with them.

Building on this, the ability to add and subtract rational expressions is another crucial skill. This concept directly relates to adding and subtracting radicals, as many radical operations involve similar processes. Understanding how to find common denominators and combine like terms in rational expressions will significantly enhance your ability to perform similar operations with radicals.

Prime factorization plays a pivotal role in working with radicals. This fundamental concept allows you to break down numbers into their prime factors, which is essential when simplifying radicals or determining whether they can be combined. Mastering prime factorization will give you the tools to manipulate radicals more efficiently and recognize opportunities for simplification.

When dealing with radicals, it's also important to be familiar with cubic and cube roots. While square roots are the most common type of radical, understanding higher-order roots expands your ability to work with a wider range of radical expressions. This knowledge will prove invaluable when you encounter more complex radical problems.

Another critical prerequisite is combining the exponent rules. Radicals are closely related to exponents, and many operations involving radicals rely on a solid understanding of exponent rules. Being able to manipulate exponents confidently will greatly enhance your ability to simplify and combine radical expressions.

While it may not seem directly related at first glance, understanding the applications of polynomial functions can provide valuable context for working with radicals. Many real-world problems that involve radicals are modeled using polynomial functions. This knowledge helps you see the bigger picture and understand why mastering radicals is important in practical applications.

Lastly, proficiency in dividing integers is fundamental when working with radicals. This skill is particularly important when simplifying radical expressions or performing operations that involve fractions within radicals. Being able to divide integers quickly and accurately will streamline your work with more complex radical expressions.

By mastering these prerequisite topics, you'll build a strong foundation for understanding and working with radicals. Each concept contributes uniquely to your ability to add and subtract radicals effectively:

- Simplifying rational expressions helps you handle the fractional aspects of radicals.
- Adding and subtracting rational expressions mirrors the process of combining like radicals.
- Prime factorization allows you to simplify and combine radicals more efficiently.
- Understanding cubic and cube roots expands your knowledge to higher-order radicals.
- Combining exponent rules is essential for manipulating radical expressions.
- Applications of polynomial functions provide context for the importance of radicals.
- Dividing integers is crucial for simplifying and operating on radical expressions.

As you progress in your study of adding and subtracting radicals, you'll find that these prerequisite skills continually come into play. They form the building blocks upon which more advanced radical operations are constructed. By ensuring you have a soli