Multiplying radicals

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  1.   \bullet\;radical symbol: indexradicand{^{index}}\sqrt{{radicand}}
      \bullet\;only radicals with the same index can be combined through multiplication.
  1. Multiplying Radicals
    Multiply and simplify.
    1. 349×228-3\sqrt {49} \times 2\sqrt {28}
  2. Expand and simplify.
    1. 22  (35028+598)2\sqrt 2 \;\left( {3\sqrt {50} -2\sqrt 8 + 5\sqrt {98} } \right)
Topic Notes
It requires 2 steps to multiply radicals. First is to multiply the numbers inside the radical sign, the radicands, together. Second is to multiply the numbers outside the radical sign together. Don't forget that only radicals with the same index can be combined through multiplication!


Multiplying radicals is a fundamental concept in algebra that allows us to simplify and manipulate expressions containing root symbols. This article provides a comprehensive overview of radical multiplication, equipping you with the knowledge to tackle complex mathematical problems. To begin, we recommend watching our introduction video, which offers a visual explanation of the topic and sets the foundation for understanding the intricacies of multiplying radicals. The video serves as an excellent starting point, demonstrating key concepts and providing real-world examples. In the following sections, we will delve deeper into the requirements and step-by-step process for multiplying radicals. By mastering these techniques, you'll be able to simplify expressions, solve equations, and apply your skills to various mathematical scenarios. Whether you're a student preparing for exams or an enthusiast looking to expand your mathematical repertoire, this guide will help you navigate the world of radical multiplication with confidence.

Understanding Radicals and Their Components

Radicals are mathematical expressions that involve root operations, and they play a crucial role in various mathematical calculations. To fully grasp the concept of radicals, it's essential to understand their components: radicands and indices. The radicand is the number or expression under the radical symbol, while the index is the small number written above the radical sign that indicates the type of root being taken.

For example, in the expression 16, 16 is the radicand, and the index is 2 (which is often omitted for square roots). In ³27, 27 is the radicand, and 3 is the index, indicating a cube root. These components are vital in multiplying radicals.

The importance of radicals, radicands, and indices in multiplying radicals cannot be overstated. When multiplying radicals, it's crucial to remember that only radicals with the same index can be directly multiplied. This rule ensures that we're working with compatible root operations. For instance, we can multiply 4 and 9, but we cannot directly multiply 4 and ³8 without first converting them to have the same index.

Let's explore different types of radicals to illustrate this concept further. Square roots and cube roots, denoted by , are the most common type of radical. For example, 25 = 5, as 5 × 5 = 25. Square roots and cube roots, indicated by ³, are the next most frequent. An example is ³27 = 3, since 3 × 3 × 3 = 27. Higher-order roots, such as fourth roots () or fifth roots (), follow the same principle but are less common in everyday mathematics.

When multiplying radicals, we can only combine those with the same index. For instance, 2 × 3 = 6, as both have an implied index of 2. Similarly, ³2 × ³3 = ³6, as they share the cube root index. However, we cannot directly multiply 2 and ³3 without first manipulating one of the expressions to match the other's index.

Understanding these components and rules is crucial for solving equations with radicals. It allows us to perform operations accurately and efficiently, whether we're dealing with simple square roots or more complex higher-order roots. By mastering the concepts of radicals, radicands, and indices, students can confidently approach a wide range of mathematical problems and applications in fields such as algebra, calculus, and physics.

The Two-Step Process of Multiplying Radicals

Multiplying radicals is a fundamental skill in algebra that requires a clear understanding of a two-step process. This process involves manipulating both the numbers inside and outside the radical sign. Let's delve into this method and explore how to multiply radicals effectively while avoiding common pitfalls.

Step 1: Multiply the Numbers Inside the Radical Sign (Radicands)

The first step in multiplying radicals is to focus on the radicands, which are the numbers or expressions under the radical sign. To do this:

  • Multiply the radicands together
  • Keep the result under a single radical sign

For example, when multiplying 2 × 3, we multiply the radicands 2 and 3:

2 × 3 = (2 × 3) = 6

This step applies to radicals with the same index (the small number outside and above the radical sign). If the indices are different, additional steps may be required.

Step 2: Multiply the Numbers Outside the Radical Sign

After handling the radicands, the second step involves multiplying any coefficients or numbers outside the radical sign. This step is straightforward:

  • Multiply all numbers outside the radical signs
  • Place the result in front of the new radical

For instance, when multiplying 25 × 37:

25 × 37 = (2 × 3) × (5 × 7) = 635

Here, we multiplied 2 and 3 outside the radical, then multiplied 5 and 7 inside the radical.

Common Mistakes to Avoid in Radical Multiplication

When multiplying radicals, be wary of these frequent errors:

  1. Adding radicands instead of multiplying them
  2. Forgetting to multiply numbers outside the radical
  3. Incorrectly simplifying the result
  4. Mixing up the order of operations

For example, a common mistake is to write 2 × 8 as 10 instead of the correct 16, which simplifies to 4.

Advanced Considerations in Radical Multiplication

As you become more proficient with multiplying radicals, you'll encounter more complex scenarios:

  • Multiplying radicals with different indices
  • Dealing with variables under the radical sign
  • Simplifying radicals after multiplication

For instance, when multiplying ³2 × ²4, you need to find a common index before proceeding with the multiplication.

Practice and Application

To master the two-step process of multiplying radicals, regular practice is key. Start with simple examples and gradually move to more complex problems. Remember to always check your work and simplify your final answer when possible.

By following this two-step process and being mindful of common mistakes, you'll be well-equipped to handle radical multiplication in various mathematical contexts. Whether you're solving equations, simplifying expressions, or tackling more advanced radical multiplication problems, a solid grasp of radical multiplication is an invaluable skill in your mathematical toolkit.

Multiplying Square Roots

Multiplying square roots is a fundamental skill in algebra that often appears in more advanced mathematical operations. Understanding how to perform square root multiplication efficiently can greatly simplify complex calculations and help solve equations more easily. In this section, we'll explore the most common type of radical multiplication: complex square root multiplication.

The basic principle of multiplying square roots is straightforward: when multiplying square roots with the same index (in this case, 2 for square roots), we multiply the numbers under the radical signs. For example, 2 × 3 = 6. This rule forms the foundation for more complex square root multiplication.

Let's start with simple examples of multiplying square roots with whole numbers:

  • 4 × 9 = 36 = 6
  • 2 × 8 = 16 = 4
  • 5 × 5 = 25 = 5

Notice how in each case, we multiply the numbers under the radical signs and then simplify the result if possible. This simplification step is crucial for obtaining the most concise answer.

When multiplying square roots with variables, the process is similar, but we need to pay attention to the variables involved. Here are some examples:

  • x × x = (x²) = x (assuming x is non-negative)
  • (2x) × (3x) = (6x²)
  • a × b = (ab)

In these cases, we multiply the terms under the radicals, including the variables. It's important to remember that when dealing with variables in square roots, we assume they represent non-negative values to ensure the results are real numbers.

Sometimes, we encounter situations where we need to multiply square roots with whole numbers outside the radical. The process for this is straightforward:

  • 23 × 32 = 66
  • 5x × 2y = 10(xy)
  • 37 × 47 = 1249 = 12 × 7 = 84

In these examples, we multiply the whole numbers separately from the radicals, then combine the results.

After multiplying square roots, it's often possible to simplify the result further. This process involves identifying perfect square factors under the radical and moving them outside. For instance:

  • 18 = (9 × 2) = 32
  • 50 = (25 × 2) = 52
  • (12x²y) = (4x² × 3y) = 2x(3y) (assuming x is non-negative)

This simplification step is crucial for presenting the most reduced form of the answer and often reveals hidden relationships between terms.

In more complex problems, you might encounter a mix of these techniques. For example:

(23 + 5) × (3 - 25) = 29 + 215 - 415 - 25 = 6 + 215 - 415 - 5 = 1 - 215

In this case, we use the distributive property with square roots to multiply each term, then simplify the resulting square roots where possible.

Mastering the multiplication of square roots is essential for advancing in algebra and calculus. By practicing these techniques and understanding the underlying principles, you'll be well-equipped to handle more complex mathematical operations involving radicals. Remember to always look for perfect square factors to simplify your results.

Multiplying Radicals with Different Indices

Understanding why radicals with different indices cannot be directly multiplied is crucial for mastering advanced algebra. Radicals, also known as roots, are mathematical expressions that involve taking the nth root of a number. When dealing with radicals that have different indices (or root values), direct multiplication is not possible due to the fundamental properties of exponents and roots.

To illustrate this concept, let's consider two radicals: ³8 (cube root of 8) and 27 (square root of 27). It might be tempting to simply multiply these together as ³8 × 27. However, this would be incorrect because the indices (3 and 2) are different. The reason lies in the fact that each radical represents a different operation on its radicand (the number under the root symbol).

Incorrect attempt: ³8 × 27 ³(8 × 27)

This error occurs because the cube root and square root operations cannot be combined directly. Each radical must be evaluated separately or transformed before multiplication can occur.

To correctly handle situations involving radicals with different indices, there are several methods available:

1. Converting to exponential form: One effective approach is to express radicals as exponential expressions. For example:

³8 = 8^(1/3) and 27 = 27^(1/2)

Now, these can be multiplied: 8^(1/3) × 27^(1/2)

2. Finding a common index: Another method involves finding a common index for the radicals. This often requires expanding one or both radicals. For instance:

³8 × 27 can be rewritten as (8²) × (27³)

Now that both radicals have the same index (6), they can be multiplied: (8² × 27³)

3. Simplifying before multiplying: Sometimes, it's possible to simplify radicals before attempting multiplication. This can lead to easier calculations or even the elimination of radicals entirely.

For example: ³8 = 2 and 27 = 33

Now we can multiply: 2 × 33 = 63

It's important to note that while these methods allow for the multiplication of radicals with different indices, they often result in more complex algebraic expressions that may require further simplification.

When working with cube roots and square roots in particular, special attention must be paid to their unique properties. Cube roots can be applied to negative numbers, while square roots are typically only defined for non-negative real numbers in basic algebra.

Understanding these concepts and methods for handling radicals with different indices is essential for solving more complex mathematical problems and equations. It forms the foundation for working with higher-level mathematical concepts in algebra, calculus, and beyond.

In conclusion, while radicals with different indices cannot be directly multiplied, there are several strategies to work around this limitation. By converting to exponential form, finding common indices, or simplifying before multiplying, mathematicians and students can effectively manipulate and solve problems involving diverse radical expressions. Mastering these techniques not only enhances one's ability to handle complex algebraic expressions but also deepens understanding of the fundamental properties of exponents and roots in mathematics.

Simplifying Radical Expressions After Multiplication

Simplifying radical expressions after multiplication is a crucial skill in algebra that involves several key steps. This process allows us to express complex radical expressions in their simplest form, making them easier to work with and understand. Let's explore the steps involved in simplifying radical expressions after multiplication, along with examples of varying complexity.

Step 1: Multiply the terms inside the radicals

When multiplying radical expressions, start by multiplying the terms under each radical. For example, (2) × (3) = (2 × 3) = 6.

Step 2: Factor inside the radical

After multiplication, look for opportunities to factor the expression inside the radical. This step is crucial for identifying perfect square factors. For instance, (18) can be factored as (9 × 2).

Step 3: Simplify perfect square factors

Identify and simplify any perfect square factors within the radical. Perfect squares can be taken out of the radical entirely. In our example, (9 × 2) simplifies to 32, as 9 is a perfect square.

Step 4: Combine like terms

If there are multiple radicals or coefficients outside the radicals, combine like terms to further simplify the expression. For example, 23 + 33 = 53.

Let's apply these steps to more complex examples:

Example 1: (8) × (18)

Step 1: (8 × 18) = 144

Step 2 & 3: 144 = 12 (as 144 is a perfect square)

Example 2: 3(12) × 2(3)

Step 1: 6(12 × 3) = 636

Step 2 & 3: 636 = 6 × 6 = 36

Example 3: (50) × (2)

Step 1: (50 × 2) = 100

Step 2 & 3: 100 = 10

For more complex expressions:

Example 4: (25 + 32) × (5 - 2)

Step 1: Distribute: 25 × 5 - 25 × 2 + 32 × 5 - 32 × 2

Step 2 & 3: 2 × 5 - 210 + 310 - 3 × 2

Step 4: 10 - 210 + 310 - 6 = 4 + 10

By following these steps, you can simplify even the most complex radical expressions after multiplication. Remember to always look for opportunities to factor, simplify perfect squares, and combine like terms. With practice, simplifying radicals will become second nature, enhancing your algebraic skills and problem-solving abilities.

Common Mistakes and Tips for Multiplying Radicals

Multiplying radicals can be tricky for many students, but understanding common errors and learning helpful tips can significantly improve accuracy. One frequent mistake is forgetting to simplify radicals before multiplying. Always check if the numbers under the radical can be factored and simplified first. Another error is incorrectly combining terms under the radical. Remember, you can only multiply terms under the same root.

When multiplying radicals with different indices, students often forget to find a common index. To avoid this, convert all radicals to have the same index before multiplying. Additionally, be cautious when dealing with negative numbers under radicals, as the rules change depending on whether the index is even or odd.

To improve your radical multiplication skills, follow these tips:

  • Simplify radicals before multiplying
  • Group like terms under the same radical
  • Find a common index when necessary
  • Pay attention to signs, especially with even indices
  • Use the product rule: a × b = (ab)

Recognizing patterns can also help. For instance, 2 × 8 = 16 = 4, which is the same as 22. Practice identifying these patterns to solve problems more efficiently.

To check your work, try squaring (for square roots) or cubing (for cube roots) your answer to see if you get the original numbers under the radicals. This quick verification can catch many errors.

Here are some practice problems with solutions:

  1. 12 × 3 = 36 = 6
  2. ³8 × ³27 = ³216 = 6
  3. 5 × 20 = 100 = 10
  4. 16 × 2 = 32 = 2

Remember, consistent practice is key to mastering radical multiplication. Start with simpler problems and gradually increase difficulty. By avoiding common mistakes and applying these tips and tricks, you'll become more confident and accurate in multiplying radicals.

Another error is incorrectly combining terms under the radical. Remember, you can only multiply terms under the same root.

When multiplying radicals with different indices, students often forget to find a common index. To avoid this, convert all radicals to have the same index before multiplying. Additionally, be cautious when dealing with negative numbers under radicals, as the rules change depending on whether the index is even or odd.

Use the product rule: a × b = (ab)


In this article, we've explored the essential process of multiplying radicals, a fundamental skill in algebra. We've covered key concepts such as simplifying radicals, identifying like terms, and combining them effectively. Understanding radical multiplication is crucial for advancing in mathematics and solving complex equations. To truly master this skill, regular practice is indispensable. We encourage you to revisit the introductory video for visual reinforcement of these concepts. Remember, proficiency in multiplying radicals opens doors to more advanced mathematical topics. As you continue your journey in mathematics, consider exploring related subjects like solving radical equations or working with higher-order roots. Don't hesitate to engage with additional resources and practice problems to solidify your understanding. By mastering radical multiplication, you're building a strong foundation for future mathematical challenges. Keep practicing, stay curious, and watch your skills grow!


Multiplying Radicals
Multiply and simplify.
349×228-3\sqrt{49} \times 2\sqrt{28}

Step 1: Combine the Radicals

To start, we need to combine the radicals. According to the properties of radicals, the product of two square roots can be combined into a single square root. This means we can rewrite the expression as:
\[ (-3\sqrt{49}) \times (2\sqrt{28}) = (-3 \times 2) \times \sqrt{49 \times 28} \] Here, the coefficients (numbers outside the square roots) are multiplied together, and the radicands (numbers inside the square roots) are multiplied together.

Step 2: Multiply the Coefficients

Next, we multiply the coefficients outside the square roots. In this case, we have:
\[ -3 \times 2 = -6 \] So, the expression now looks like:
\[ -6 \sqrt{49 \times 28} \]

Step 3: Multiply the Radicands

Now, we need to multiply the radicands inside the square root. We have:
\[ 49 \times 28 \] To simplify this, we can break it down into prime factors. We know that:
\[ 49 = 7 \times 7 \] and
\[ 28 = 4 \times 7 = 2 \times 2 \times 7 \] Therefore,
\[ 49 \times 28 = (7 \times 7) \times (2 \times 2 \times 7) = 7 \times 7 \times 2 \times 2 \times 7 \]

Step 4: Simplify the Radicand

We now look for pairs of numbers inside the square root, as we are dealing with a square root (which means we are looking for pairs). We have:
\[ 7 \times 7 \times 2 \times 2 \times 7 \] We can take out pairs of 7 and pairs of 2:
\[ \sqrt{7 \times 7 \times 2 \times 2 \times 7} = 7 \times 2 \times \sqrt{7} = 14 \sqrt{7} \]

Step 5: Combine the Results

Finally, we combine the coefficient outside the square root with the simplified radicand. We have:
\[ -6 \times 14 \sqrt{7} = -84 \sqrt{7} \] Therefore, the simplified form of the expression is:
\[ -84 \sqrt{7} \]


Here are some frequently asked questions about multiplying radicals:

1. How do you multiply two square roots?

To multiply two square roots, multiply the numbers under the radical signs. For example, 2 × 3 = (2 × 3) = 6. If there are numbers outside the radicals, multiply them separately. For instance, 22 × 33 = (2 × 3) × (2 × 3) = 66.

2. Can we multiply 2 and 3?

Yes, you can multiply 2 and 3. The result is (2 × 3) = 6. This is because when multiplying radicals with the same index (in this case, square roots), you multiply the numbers under the radical signs.

3. How do you multiply radicals with different indices?

To multiply radicals with different indices, you need to find a common index first. For example, to multiply ³2 × 4, convert 4 to ³16 (because 4 = 2²). Then multiply: ³2 × ³16 = ³32. Alternatively, you can convert to exponential form and then multiply.

4. What is the product rule for multiplying radicals?

The product rule for multiplying radicals states that for radicals with the same index, you can multiply the radicands (numbers under the radical sign). In general, a × b = (ab), where n is the index and a and b are the radicands.

5. How do you simplify radicals after multiplication?

After multiplying radicals, simplify by factoring the radicand, identifying perfect powers, and simplifying. For example, 18 × 2 = 36 = 6. If the result isn't a perfect square, simplify as much as possible: 12 × 3 = 36 = 6.

Prerequisite Topics for Multiplying Radicals

Understanding the fundamentals of multiplying radicals is crucial for advancing in algebra and higher mathematics. To master this concept, it's essential to have a solid grasp of several prerequisite topics. One of the most important foundations is adding and subtracting radicals, which helps in simplifying expressions before multiplication.

Another key skill is solving radical equations, as it provides insight into manipulating expressions containing radicals. This knowledge is particularly useful when dealing with complex multiplication problems involving radicals. Additionally, familiarity with factoring perfect square trinomials is invaluable, as it often comes into play when simplifying radical expressions before or after multiplication.

The power of a product rule is another critical concept that directly applies to multiplying radicals, as it governs how exponents behave in these operations. Understanding how to divide integers is also essential, as it relates to simplifying radicals and combining like terms under radicals during multiplication.

While it may seem unrelated at first, converting between degrees and radians can be helpful in understanding the nature of radicals and their relationship to exponents, which is crucial when multiplying radicals. This concept aids in converting expressions to exponential form, a technique often used in radical multiplication.

Of course, the most directly relevant prerequisite is multiplying and dividing radicals itself, which forms the core of the topic at hand. This includes understanding how to multiply square roots and deal with different indices. Lastly, being comfortable with comparing and ordering numbers is important, especially when dealing with negative numbers under radicals during multiplication.

By mastering these prerequisite topics, students will find themselves well-equipped to tackle the challenges of multiplying radicals. Each concept builds upon the others, creating a strong foundation for understanding more complex operations involving radicals. Remember, mathematics is a cumulative subject, and a solid grasp of these fundamentals will not only help in multiplying radicals but also in many other areas of algebra and advanced mathematics.