Understanding integer multiplication

  1. Introduction to integer multiplication
  1. Write the multiplication statement for each diagram.

    1. Understanding integer multiplication with diagrams

    2. Write multiplication statement of integer multiplication expressed in diagram

    3. Representing integer multiplication in integer chips
  2. Solve.
    1. (+2)×(+5)
    2. (-4)×(+6)
    3. (+7)×(+3)
    4. (-2)×(-9)
  3. Dave can do 15 sit-ups in one minute. How many sit-ups can he do in 8 minutes?
    1. A building has 8 stories above ground and 4 stories below ground. Each story has a height of 5m.
      1. What is the total height of the building above ground?
      2. What is the total depth of the building below ground?
    2. Mary spends $30 per week on meals for a year. Sally spends $125 per month on meals for a year. Who spends more money on meal, and by what amount?
      Topic Notes
      In this section, we will learn the multiplication of positive and negative integers. At the beginning, diagrams will be used to help us getting familiar with the concept. We will then practice more with actual numbers.

      Introduction: Understanding Integer Multiplication

      Integer multiplication is a fundamental mathematical operation that extends beyond simple whole number calculations. Our lesson begins with an essential introduction video, which lays the groundwork for comprehending this crucial concept. This video serves as a visual aid, making the abstract notion of integer multiplication more tangible and accessible. As we delve deeper, we'll explore the intricacies of multiplying both positive and negative integers. Through the use of clear diagrams and practical examples, we'll demystify the process, enabling you to confidently tackle various multiplication scenarios. You'll learn how the signs of integers affect the outcome and discover the patterns that emerge when working with positive and negative numbers. By the end of this lesson, you'll have a solid grasp of integer multiplication, a skill that forms the basis for more advanced mathematical concepts and real-world applications.

      Multiplication as Repeated Addition

      Multiplication is a fundamental mathematical operation that can be understood as a form of repeated addition. This concept is crucial for building a strong foundation in arithmetic and forms the basis for more advanced mathematical operations. To illustrate this idea, let's explore the concept using the example of 3 x 4.

      When we say 3 x 4, we're essentially asking to add 3 four times, or 4 three times. Visually, we can represent this as:

      3 + 3 + 3 + 3 = 12


      4 + 4 + 4 = 12

      This visual representation helps to cement the understanding that multiplication is indeed repeated addition. By breaking down the multiplication process into these additive steps, we can see how the concept works in practice.

      To further illustrate this, imagine three rows of four objects each. This arrangement visually represents 3 x 4, and counting all the objects gives us the product, 12. This visual approach is particularly helpful for younger learners or those new to the concept of multiplication.

      Understanding multiplication as repeated addition forms the foundation for integer multiplication. When we multiply larger numbers, we're essentially performing this repeated addition on a larger scale. For instance, 7 x 8 can be thought of as adding 7 eight times or 8 seven times.

      Here's a step-by-step breakdown of the process:

      1. Identify the numbers being multiplied (e.g., 3 x 4).
      2. Choose one number to be repeated (e.g., 3).
      3. Add that number as many times as the other number indicates (e.g., add 3 four times).
      4. Count the total to find the product (3 + 3 + 3 + 3 = 12).

      As learners become more comfortable with this concept, they can start to recognize patterns and develop shortcuts, such as skip counting. For example, counting by 3s (3, 6, 9, 12) is a faster way to arrive at the product of 3 x 4.

      This repeated addition approach to multiplication helps build a strong conceptual understanding, making it easier to grasp more complex mathematical ideas later on. It also provides a solid foundation for understanding the distributive property of multiplication over addition, which is crucial in algebra and higher mathematics.

      Introduction to Integer Chips

      Integer chips are a powerful visual tool that can revolutionize the way we understand and teach multiplication, especially when dealing with positive and negative numbers. These colorful manipulatives provide a tangible representation of abstract mathematical concepts, making them particularly useful for students who struggle with traditional numerical methods. By using integer chips, learners can develop a deeper understanding of integer operations and build a strong foundation for more advanced mathematical concepts.

      In the world of integer chips, we use two distinct colors to represent different types of integers. Red chips symbolize positive integers, while blue chips represent negative integers. This color-coding system allows for easy identification and manipulation of numbers, making complex calculations more accessible and intuitive. For example, three red chips would represent the positive integer +3, while four blue chips would represent the negative integer -4.

      One of the most crucial concepts in working with integer chips is the idea of zero pairs. A zero pair consists of one red chip and one blue chip, which, when combined, cancel each other out to represent zero. This concept is fundamental in understanding integer operations, as it allows us to visualize how positive and negative numbers interact. Zero pairs play a vital role in simplifying expressions and solving equations involving integers.

      To represent different integers using these chips, we simply use the appropriate number and color of chips. For instance, to represent +5, we would use five red chips. To represent -3, we would use three blue chips. More complex numbers can be represented by combining red and blue chips. For example, +2 could be represented by five red chips and three blue chips, as the two extra red chips remain after forming three zero pairs.

      The beauty of integer chips lies in their versatility and ability to make abstract concepts concrete. When adding integers with chips, we can physically combine chips of the same color and create zero pairs when possible. Subtraction becomes a process of removing chips or adding the opposite. Multiplication can be visualized as repeated addition or the creation of arrays using the chips. This hands-on approach helps students develop a strong intuition for integer operations.

      As learners become more comfortable with integer chips, they can tackle more complex problems. For example, when solving (-2) × (+3), students can create two groups of three blue chips each, resulting in a total of six blue chips, which represents -6. This visual representation helps reinforce the rule that multiplying integers with chips results in a negative product.

      Integer chips also excel in demonstrating the concept of additive inverses. By showing that adding a number and its opposite always results in zero (through the formation of zero pairs), students can grasp this fundamental principle of integer arithmetic. This understanding is crucial for solving equations and working with algebraic expressions in higher-level mathematics.

      In conclusion, integer chips serve as an invaluable tool in mathematics education, bridging the gap between concrete and abstract thinking. By providing a visual and tactile representation of integers and their operations, these chips help students build a solid understanding of number relationships and operations. As educators and learners alike embrace this innovative approach, we can expect to see improved comprehension and retention of essential mathematical concepts, paving the way for success in more advanced mathematical studies.

      Multiplying Positive and Negative Integers

      Understanding how to multiply positive and negative integers is a fundamental skill in mathematics. One effective method to visualize integer operations is by using integer chips. This approach helps students grasp the concept of 'inserting' and 'removing' in integer operations, making the multiplication of positive and negative numbers more tangible and easier to understand.

      Let's explore the process of multiplying integers using the example of -2 x 3. To begin, we need to understand that multiplication can be viewed as repeated addition. In this case, we're adding -2 three times, or alternatively, we're performing the operation of -2 a total of 3 times.

      Step 1: Start with an empty set, as we're not adding to or subtracting from an existing value.

      Step 2: The first number (-2) tells us what we're working with: negative chips. The second number (3) tells us how many times we're performing the action.

      Step 3: We 'insert' two negative chips three times. This is crucial to understand - we're not 'removing' positive chips, but 'inserting' negative ones.

      Step 4: After inserting two negative chips three times, we end up with a total of six negative chips.

      Step 5: The final result is -6, as we have six negative chips.

      This process demonstrates the importance of understanding 'inserting' versus 'removing' in integer operations. When we multiply by a positive number, we're 'inserting' chips of the sign of the first number. When we multiply by a negative number, we're 'removing' chips of the opposite sign of the first number.

      Let's look at more examples to reinforce this concept:

      Example 1: 3 x 4

      In this case, we're inserting three positive chips four times. We end up with 12 positive chips, so the result is 12.

      Example 2: -3 x -2

      Here, we're removing three negative chips twice. Since we're removing negatives, we end up with positives. The result is 6.

      Example 3: 4 x -3

      We're inserting four positive chips, but we're doing it -3 times. This means we're actually removing four positive chips three times. The result is -12.

      The concept of 'inserting' and 'removing' is crucial when dealing with negative multipliers. When the multiplier is negative, we switch from inserting to removing, and we work with the opposite of what we started with.

      For instance, in 4 x -3, instead of inserting positive chips, we remove positive chips. In -3 x -2, instead of inserting negative chips, we remove negative chips.

      This method of using integer chips provides a visual and tactile way to understand the multiplication of integers. It helps students see why multiplying negative numbers results in a positive number, and why multiplying a positive and a negative number results in a negative number.

      By practicing with various combinations of positive and negative integers, students can develop a strong intuition for these operations. They learn to quickly determine whether they should be inserting or removing chips, and whether they're working with positive or negative values.

      In conclusion, the use of integer chips in multiplying positive and negative integers offers a concrete representation of abstract mathematical concepts. It bridges the gap between conceptual understanding and numerical manipulation, making it easier for students to grasp and apply these fundamental principles of mathematics. As students become more comfortable with this method, they can transition to performing these calculations mentally, having internalized the logic behind integer multiplication.

      Patterns in Integer Multiplication

      Understanding patterns in integer multiplication is crucial for developing a strong foundation in mathematics. One of the most important aspects to grasp is how the signs of the factors affect the sign of the product. This knowledge not only helps in solving problems more efficiently but also provides insight into the underlying structure of mathematics.

      Let's explore the key patterns observed in integer multiplication:

      1. Positive × Positive = Positive: When we multiply two positive integers, the result is always positive. For example, 5 × 3 = 15.
      2. Negative × Negative = Positive: Interestingly, when we multiply two negative integers, the product is also positive. For instance, -4 × -2 = 8.
      3. Positive × Negative = Negative: When multiplying a positive integer by a negative integer, the result is always negative. For example, 6 × -3 = -18.
      4. Negative × Positive = Negative: Similarly, multiplying a negative integer by a positive integer yields a negative product. For instance, -7 × 2 = -14.

      From these patterns, we can derive a general rule: multiplying numbers with the same sign always results in a positive product, while multiplying numbers with different signs yields a negative product. This rule is often summarized as "like signs make positive, unlike signs make negative."

      To further illustrate these patterns, let's consider more examples:

      • (-5) × (-3) = 15 (positive result from two negative factors)
      • 8 × 4 = 32 (positive result from two positive factors)
      • (-6) × 2 = -12 (negative result from factors with different signs)
      • 9 × (-7) = -63 (negative result from factors with different signs)

      Understanding these patterns is essential for several reasons:

      1. It allows students to quickly determine the sign of a product without performing the full calculation.
      2. It helps in simplifying complex expressions involving multiple factors.
      3. It provides a foundation for understanding more advanced concepts in algebra and calculus.

      As students practice integer multiplication, they should be encouraged to actively look for these patterns in their calculations. This habit will not only improve their speed and accuracy but also deepen their understanding of number relationships. Some strategies to reinforce these patterns include:

      • Creating a multiplication table with both positive and negative integers to visualize the patterns.
      • Practicing mental math exercises focusing on determining the sign of products.
      • Solving word problems that involve real-world scenarios where positive and negative numbers are used (e.g., profit and loss, temperature changes).

      It's important to note that these patterns extend beyond simple integer multiplication. They apply to rational numbers multiplication (fractions and decimals) as well. For instance, (-0.5) × (-0.3) = 0.15 (positive), while 0.7 × (-0.2) = -0.14 (negative). Recognizing this consistency across number systems reinforces the fundamental nature of these multiplication patterns.

      As students become more comfortable with these patterns, they can explore more complex scenarios, such as multiplying multiple factors. For example, (-2) × 3 × (-4) × 5 can be quickly solved by recognizing that there are two negative factors, resulting in a positive product: 120.

      In conclusion, understanding the patterns in integer multiplication, particularly how the signs of factors affect the product, is a crucial skill in mathematics. By recognizing that same signs yield positive products and different signs result in negative products, students can enhance their problem-solving abilities and develop a deeper appreciation for the structure of mathematics. Encouraging students to actively seek out these patterns in their calculations will lead to improved mathematical fluency and confidence.

      Practice Problems and Solutions

      Welcome to our practice problems section focusing on integer multiplication problems using the integer chip method. These exercises are designed to help you master this important mathematical concept. Remember to attempt each problem before checking the solution!

      Problem 1: 3 × 2

      Solution: Using the integer chip method, we represent 3 with three positive chips and multiply by 2.

      • Step 1: Place 3 positive chips on the board.
      • Step 2: Double the chips (multiply by 2).
      • Step 3: Count the result: 6 positive chips.

      Therefore, 3 × 2 = 6

      Problem 2: (-4) × 3

      Solution: We start with 4 negative chips and multiply by 3.

      • Step 1: Place 4 negative chips on the board.
      • Step 2: Triple the chips (multiply by 3).
      • Step 3: Count the result: 12 negative chips.

      Therefore, (-4) × 3 = -12

      Problem 3: 5 × (-2)

      Solution: We begin with 5 positive chips and multiply by -2.

      • Step 1: Place 5 positive chips on the board.
      • Step 2: Double the chips and change their sign (multiply by -2).
      • Step 3: Count the result: 10 negative chips.

      Therefore, 5 × (-2) = -10

      Problem 4: (-3) × (-4)

      Solution: We start with 3 negative chips and multiply by -4.

      • Step 1: Place 3 negative chips on the board.
      • Step 2: Quadruple the chips and change their sign (multiply by -4).
      • Step 3: Count the result: 12 positive chips.

      Therefore, (-3) × (-4) = 12

      Problem 5: 6 × (-3)

      Solution: We begin with 6 positive chips and multiply by -3.

      • Step 1: Place 6 positive chips on the board.
      • Step 2: Triple the chips and change their sign (multiply by -3).
      • Step 3: Count the result: 18 negative chips.

      Therefore, 6 × (-3) = -18

      Problem 6: (-7) × 5

      Solution: We start with 7 negative chips and multiply by 5.

      • Step 1: Place 7 negative chips on the board.
      • Step 2: Multiply the chips by 5.
      • Step 3: Count the result: 35 negative chips.

      Therefore, (-7) × 5 = -35

      Problem 7: (-8) × (-6)

      Solution: We begin with 8 negative chips and multiply by -6.

      • Step 1: Place 8 negative chips on the board.
      • Step 2: Multiply the chips by 6 and change their sign.
      • Step 3: Count the result: 48 positive chips.

      Therefore, multiplying integers with chips = 48

      Real-world Applications of Integer Multiplication

      Integer multiplication is a fundamental mathematical operation that plays a crucial role in various real-world applications. Understanding its practical importance can help students appreciate the relevance of mathematics in everyday life. Let's explore some key areas where integer multiplication is widely used.

      In the realm of finance, integer multiplication is essential for calculating profits and losses. For instance, when a business sells 100 units of a product at $25 each, they use multiplication to determine the total revenue: 100 × $25 = $2,500. Similarly, when calculating expenses, such as the cost of 50 hours of labor at $15 per hour, multiplication is applied: 50 × $15 = $750. These calculations are vital for financial planning and decision-making in both personal and business contexts.

      Physics relies heavily on integer multiplication to describe and analyze various phenomena. For example, when calculating force using the equation F = ma (force equals mass times acceleration), multiplication is key. If an object with a mass of 5 kg experiences an acceleration of 2 m/s², the force acting on it would be 5 × 2 = 10 Newtons. This application extends to numerous other physics concepts, such as momentum, energy, and power calculations.

      In everyday scenarios, integer multiplication is ubiquitous. When planning a party, you might need to calculate the total number of snacks needed by multiplying the number of guests by the servings per person. For example, 20 guests × 3 servings each = 60 total servings. Similarly, when budgeting for a road trip, you might multiply the distance in miles by the fuel cost per mile to estimate your total fuel expenses.

      Other practical applications include:

      • Calculating the total cost of groceries (price per item × quantity)
      • Determining the area of a room for flooring (length × width)
      • Estimating the number of tiles needed for a project (area ÷ tile size)
      • Computing the total calories consumed in a day (calories per serving × number of servings)

      Students are encouraged to think of their own examples where they might use integer multiplication in their daily lives. This could include calculating study time (hours per day × number of days), estimating the cost of a subscription service over a year (monthly fee × 12 months), or determining the number of pages read in a week (pages per day × 7 days). By recognizing these applications, students can better appreciate the practical importance of this fundamental mathematical operation and its relevance to various aspects of life and career fields.


      In this lesson, we've covered the essential key points of multiplying integers, a fundamental concept in mathematics. We explored various methods and strategies for multiplying integers, including positive and negative numbers. Understanding these concepts is crucial for advancing in mathematics and solving real-world problems. To reinforce your learning, it's vital to practice regularly with a variety of exercises, gradually progressing to more complex problems. This will help solidify your understanding and improve your problem-solving skills. Remember, the introduction video provided a valuable foundation for grasping these concepts, so don't hesitate to revisit it if needed. As you continue your mathematical journey, keep in mind that integer multiplication is a building block for more advanced topics. By mastering this skill, you'll be well-prepared for future challenges in mathematics and related fields. Stay curious, keep practicing, and enjoy the process of learning!

      Understanding Integer Multiplication with Diagrams:

      Write the multiplication statement for each diagram.
      Understanding integer multiplication with diagrams

      Step 1: Introduction to the Problem

      Hi, welcome to this question right here. This might seem challenging at first, but it's actually quite simple once you understand the concept. We are trying to figure out the result when two integers are multiplied together. To make this easier, we will use a diagram to illustrate the process. This visual representation will help you understand the multiplication of integers more clearly.

      Step 2: Understanding the Diagram

      In the diagram, you will see red circles and blue circles. For the purpose of this explanation, treat the red circles as positive integers and the blue circles as negative integers. Initially, we have six positive circles and six negative circles, which balance each other out to zero. This is because six positives and six negatives cancel each other out.

      Step 3: Identifying the Elements

      Next, observe the green arrows in the diagram. These arrows indicate that we are taking away some circles. The act of taking away is represented by a negative sign. Now, count the number of circles being taken away. In this case, we are removing three green circles. This is represented as negative three (-3).

      Step 4: Counting the Positive Circles

      Within each of the green circles that we are taking away, there are two red circles. Remember, the red circles are positive. Therefore, each green circle contains two positive integers. This is represented as plus two (+2).

      Step 5: Formulating the Multiplication Statement

      Now, we combine these elements to form the multiplication statement. We are taking away three sets of two positive circles. This can be written as -3 (the number of sets being taken away) multiplied by +2 (the number of positive circles in each set). The multiplication statement is thus -3 * +2.

      Step 6: Calculating the Result

      To find the result, multiply the numbers together. Three times two equals six. Since we are multiplying a negative number by a positive number, the result is negative. Therefore, -3 * +2 equals -6. This means that when you take away three sets of two positive circles, you are left with six negative circles.

      Step 7: Conclusion

      In conclusion, the diagram helps us visualize the multiplication of integers. By identifying the elements and understanding their significance, we can easily formulate and solve the multiplication statement. The final result of -3 * +2 is -6, which is represented by the six negative circles left in the diagram.


      1. What is the rule for multiplying integers with different signs?

        When multiplying integers with different signs (one positive and one negative), the result is always negative. For example, 5 × (-3) = -15 and (-4) × 2 = -8. This rule is often summarized as "unlike signs make negative."

      2. How do integer chips help in understanding multiplication?

        Integer chips provide a visual representation of multiplication. Red chips represent positive integers, while blue chips represent negative integers. When multiplying, you either "insert" or "remove" chips based on the factors. This method helps students visualize the process and understand why multiplying two negative numbers results in a positive product.

      3. Why does multiplying two negative numbers result in a positive product?

        Multiplying two negative numbers results in a positive product because it's equivalent to "removing" a negative amount a negative number of times. For example, (-3) × (-4) can be thought of as removing 3 negative chips 4 times, which results in adding 12 positive chips, giving a final product of 12.

      4. How can I quickly determine the sign of a product when multiplying multiple integers?

        To quickly determine the sign of a product when multiplying multiple integers, count the number of negative factors. If there's an even number of negative factors, the product will be positive. If there's an odd number of negative factors, the product will be negative. For example, in (-2) × 3 × (-4) × 5, there are two negative factors, so the product will be positive.

      5. What are some real-world applications of integer multiplication?

        Integer multiplication has numerous real-world applications, including:

        • Financial calculations (e.g., calculating profits and losses)
        • Physics problems (e.g., force calculations)
        • Everyday scenarios like party planning or grocery shopping
        • Area calculations for home improvement projects
        • Estimating fuel costs for travel
        Understanding integer multiplication is crucial for solving problems in various fields and everyday situations.

      Prerequisite Topics for Understanding Integer Multiplication

      Understanding integer multiplication is a crucial skill in mathematics, but to master it, students must first grasp several fundamental concepts. One of the most important prerequisites is comparing and ordering numbers, particularly when dealing with positive and negative numbers. This skill forms the foundation for understanding how integers behave in multiplication.

      Before diving into multiplication, students should be comfortable with adding integers. Techniques such as adding integers with chips can help visualize the process, which is essential when transitioning to multiplication. The application of integer operations in real-world scenarios further reinforces these concepts, making integer multiplication more relatable and easier to grasp.

      A solid understanding of the distributive property of multiplication is crucial when working with integer multiplication. This property helps students break down complex multiplication problems into simpler parts, making the process more manageable and less intimidating.

      While it may seem unrelated at first, proficiency in multiplying decimals can greatly benefit students when learning integer multiplication. The principles of place value and the mechanics of multiplication remain consistent, whether dealing with decimals or integers.

      Lastly, comparing and ordering rational numbers is an essential skill that ties directly into integer multiplication. Understanding how rational numbers behave in multiplication scenarios helps students develop a more comprehensive grasp of number systems and their operations.

      By mastering these prerequisite topics, students build a strong foundation for understanding integer multiplication. Each concept contributes to a deeper comprehension of how integers interact when multiplied, making the learning process smoother and more intuitive. As students progress, they'll find that these fundamental skills not only aid in integer multiplication but also serve as building blocks for more advanced mathematical concepts.

      It's important to note that while some students may be tempted to skip over these prerequisites, doing so can lead to gaps in understanding and difficulties down the line. Taking the time to thoroughly explore and practice these foundational concepts will pay dividends in the long run, not just for integer multiplication, but for mathematics as a whole. By approaching the subject with a solid grounding in these prerequisite topics, students set themselves up for success and a more enjoyable learning experience in mathematics.