Solving multi-step linear inequalities

  1. i) What is an inequality?
    ii) How to solve linear inequalities?
    iii) How to graph inequalities on a number line?
  1. Solve.
    1. 10x25=5x10x - 25 = - 5x
    2. 12.47.2x10x1512.4 - 7.2x \le 10x - 15
    3. 383x18x2 - \frac{3}{8} - 3x \le \frac{1}{8}x - 2
    4. 14x+234(3x5)\frac{1}{4}x + 2 \le - \frac{3}{4}\left( {3x - 5} \right)
  2. Bob works for car dealer A which offers him a base rate of $800 and $15 for every car he sells. Tom works for car dealer B which gives him a base rate of $700 and $20 for each car he sells. If they sold the same number of cars last month, and Tom earned more than Bob. What is the minimum number of cars Tom sold last month?
    1. Express the problem in an inequality.
    2. Solve the inequality.
  3. The cost of a charity dinner is $300 plus $18 per guest. The ticket to the dinner is $30 per person. How many tickets must be sold to cover the costs?
    Topic Notes
    We learn how to solve multi-step linear inequalities in this lesson. Besides typical math questions, we are going to see word problems related to multi-step linear inequalities and money.

    Introduction to Multi-Step Linear Inequalities

    Multi-step linear inequalities are an essential concept in algebra that builds upon basic inequality principles. This lesson begins with an introduction video, which is crucial for grasping the fundamental ideas and techniques involved. The video provides a visual and auditory explanation of multi-step linear inequalities, setting the foundation for the rest of the lesson. As we progress, we'll delve into solving inequalities using various methods, including addition and subtraction in inequalities. We'll also explore graphing solutions on a number line, a vital skill for visualizing and interpreting inequality results. Additionally, we'll examine how these mathematical concepts apply to real-world problems, demonstrating their practical relevance. By mastering multi-step linear inequalities, students will enhance their problem-solving abilities and gain a deeper understanding of algebraic relationships. This knowledge is invaluable for more advanced mathematical topics and many real-life applications.

    Solving inequalities using various methods, including addition and subtraction in inequalities, is a fundamental skill. We'll also delve into multiplication and division in inequalities, which are crucial techniques for solving more complex problems. Understanding these methods will allow students to tackle a wide range of mathematical challenges. Furthermore, we'll revisit graphing solutions on a number line to reinforce the visual aspect of interpreting inequalities. This comprehensive approach ensures that students are well-prepared for advanced topics in algebra and beyond.

    Understanding Linear Inequalities

    When exploring mathematics, we often encounter two fundamental concepts: equations and inequalities. While they may seem similar at first glance, there are crucial differences between them that are essential to understand. Let's dive into the world of linear inequalities and compare them with equations using simple examples.

    Consider the equation x + 1 = 5. This statement tells us that when we add 1 to some unknown number x, the result is exactly 5. There's only one value of x that makes this equation true: x = 4. Equations like this have a single, specific solution.

    Now, let's look at the inequality x + 1 > 5. This statement is different because it says that when we add 1 to x, the result is greater than 5. Unlike the equation, this inequality has many solutions. Any number greater than 4 will satisfy this condition. For example, x could be 4.1, 5, 10, or even 100.

    This brings us to the concept of solution sets for inequalities. A solution set is the collection of all values that make an inequality true. For our example x + 1 > 5, the solution set includes all numbers greater than 4. We can represent this on a number line, which is a powerful tool for visualizing inequality solutions.

    On a number line, we use an open circle at 4 to show that 4 itself is not included in the solution, and an arrow pointing to the right to indicate all numbers greater than 4. This visual representation helps us understand that inequalities often have infinite solutions, stretching on forever in one direction on the number line.

    Let's consider another example: x - 2 3. Here, we're looking for all values of x that, when 2 is subtracted, result in a number less than or equal to 3. We can solve this by adding 2 to both sides, giving us x 5. On a number line, we'd draw a closed circle at 5 (because 5 is included in the solution) and an arrow pointing left, showing all numbers less than or equal to 5.

    The beauty of linear inequalities lies in their ability to describe ranges and sets of values, rather than single points. This makes them incredibly useful in real-world applications of inequalities, such as describing temperature ranges, age limits, or financial thresholds.

    It's important to note that while equations have a single point of equality, inequalities create regions of truth. When we solve an equation, we're finding the exact point where two expressions are equal. With inequalities, we're identifying all the points where one expression is greater than, less than, or equal to another.

    Understanding the difference between equations and inequalities is crucial for advancing in algebra and higher mathematics. Equations provide precise answers, while inequalities offer flexibility and range. Both are essential tools in the mathematician's toolkit, each serving unique purposes in problem-solving and mathematical modeling.

    As you continue to explore linear inequalities, practice visualizing them on number lines. This skill will help you grasp the concept of solution sets and infinite solutions more intuitively. Remember, every time you see an inequality sign (<, >, , ), you're dealing with a range of values rather than a single point. This perspective shift is key to mastering the world of inequalities and unlocking their power in mathematical reasoning.

    Solving Multi-Step Linear Inequalities

    Solving multi-step linear inequalities is a crucial skill in algebra that builds upon the principles of solving equations. The process involves manipulating the inequality to isolate the variable on one side, much like solving equations, but with a few key differences. Let's explore this process step-by-step, using examples to illustrate the concepts.

    To begin, let's consider the inequality 2x - 3 7. The first step in solving this inequality is to treat it similarly to an equation. We start by adding 3 to both sides to isolate the term with the variable:

    2x - 3 + 3 7 + 3
    2x 10

    Next, we divide both sides by 2 to isolate x:

    2x ÷ 2 10 ÷ 2
    x 5

    This final step gives us our solution: x is less than or equal to 5. It's important to note that throughout this process, we treated the inequality sign () just as we would an equals sign in an equation.

    However, there's a crucial rule to remember when solving inequalities: when multiplying or dividing by negative numbers, the direction of the inequality sign must be reversed. This is a key difference from solving equations and is essential for obtaining the correct solution.

    Let's look at an example that demonstrates this rule: -3x + 4 > 10

    First, we subtract 4 from both sides:

    -3x + 4 - 4 > 10 - 4
    -3x > 6

    Now, we need to divide both sides by -3. Because we're dividing by negative numbers, we must flip the inequality sign:

    -3x ÷ (-3) < 6 ÷ (-3)
    x < -2

    This example illustrates why the negative number rule is so important. Without flipping the sign, we would have arrived at an incorrect solution.

    When solving more complex inequalities, it's often helpful to combine like terms before isolating the variable. For instance, consider 4x - 2 + 3x 5x - 7:

    4x - 2 + 3x 5x - 7
    7x - 2 5x - 7

    Now we can subtract 5x from both sides:

    2x - 2 -7
    2x -5

    Finally, divide both sides by 2:

    x -5/2

    Throughout these examples, we've seen that the process of solving multi-step linear inequalities closely mirrors that of solving equations. The key steps include isolating the variable term on one side, combining like terms when necessary, and performing the same operations on both sides of the inequality.

    However, it's crucial to always keep in mind the special rule for negative numbers. When multiplying or dividing both sides of an inequality by a negative number, the direction of the inequality sign must be reversed. This rule ensures that we arrive at the correct solution and is a fundamental principle in working with inequalities.

    Mastering the process of solving multi-step linear inequalities is essential for more advanced mathematical concepts and real-world applications. By treating inequalities similarly to equations while being mindful of the negative number rule, students can confidently approach and solve a wide range of algebraic problems involving inequalities.

    Graphing Linear Inequalities

    Graphing linear inequalities on a number line is an essential skill in mathematics that helps visualize the solution set of an inequality. This process involves understanding the use of open and closed circles to represent different types of inequalities, such as less than (<) or less than or equal to (). By mastering this technique, students can easily interpret and solve various inequality problems.

    To begin graphing linear inequalities, it's crucial to understand the number line. The number line is a horizontal line where each point represents a real number, with numbers increasing from left to right. When graphing inequalities, we use this line to show all possible solutions to the inequality.

    One of the key elements in graphing inequalities is the use of open and closed circles. These circles indicate whether the endpoint of the inequality is included in the solution set or not. Here's how to use them:

    • Open circle (): Used for strict inequalities (< or >). It means the endpoint is not included in the solution.
    • Closed circle (): Used for non-strict inequalities ( or ). It means the endpoint is included in the solution.

    Let's look at some examples to better understand how to graph inequalities:

    1. x < 3: Draw an open circle at 3 and shade the line to the left.
    2. x -2: Draw a closed circle at -2 and shade the line to the right.
    3. -1 < x 4: Draw an open circle at -1, a closed circle at 4, and shade the line between them.

    For more complex inequalities, such as compound inequalities, you may need to combine multiple steps. For example, to graph x < -2 or x > 5, you would draw open circles at both -2 and 5, then shade the line to the left of -2 and to the right of 5.

    Interpreting graphs of inequalities is equally important. When you see a graph, you should be able to determine the inequality it represents. Here are some tips for interpretation:

    • If the line is shaded to the left, the inequality symbol is < or .
    • If the line is shaded to the right, the inequality symbol is > or .
    • An open circle indicates a strict inequality (< or >).
    • A closed circle indicates a non-strict inequality ( or ).

    Practice is key to mastering the skill of graphing inequalities. Start with simple inequalities and gradually move to more complex ones. Remember that the graph visually represents all possible solutions to the inequality, making it easier to understand and solve problems involving inequalities.

    In conclusion, graphing linear inequalities on a number line is a powerful tool for visualizing and solving inequality problems. By understanding the use of open and closed circles, interpreting shaded regions, and practicing with various examples, you can become proficient in this essential mathematical skill. Whether you're working on simple inequalities or more complex compound inequalities, the ability to graph and interpret these visual representations will greatly enhance your problem-solving capabilities in mathematics.

    Word Problems and Real-World Applications

    Word problems involving multi-step linear inequalities are excellent tools for developing problem-solving skills and understanding real-world applications of mathematics, especially when dealing with money-related scenarios. In this section, we'll explore how to translate word problems into mathematical inequalities and solve them step-by-step, focusing on practical interpretations of the results.

    Let's start with a common type of word problem involving budgeting:

    Problem 1: Sarah wants to plan a party. She has $200 to spend and needs to buy decorations, food, and drinks. Decorations cost $30, and she estimates she'll need $5 per person for food and $3 per person for drinks. She wants to invite at least 15 people. How many people can Sarah invite while staying within her budget?

    To solve this problem, we need to translate the given information into a mathematical inequality:

    • Let x be the number of people Sarah invites
    • Cost of decorations: $30
    • Cost per person for food: $5
    • Cost per person for drinks: $3
    • Total budget: $200
    • Minimum number of people: 15

    Now, we can write our inequality:

    30 + 5x + 3x 200 and x 15

    Simplifying the left side of the inequality:

    30 + 8x 200

    Subtracting 30 from both sides:

    8x 170

    Dividing both sides by 8:

    x 21.25

    Since x represents the number of people and must be a whole number, we round down to 21. However, we also need to consider the condition that x 15.

    Therefore, Sarah can invite between 15 and 21 people while staying within her budget.

    Let's look at another example involving savings and expenses:

    Problem 2: John wants to save at least $500 per month. His monthly income is $3000, and he has fixed expenses of $1800 for rent, utilities, and groceries. He also spends $200 on entertainment and wants to allocate some money for dining out. How much can John spend on dining out each month and still meet his savings goal?

    Translating this into an inequality:

    • Let y be the amount John spends on dining out
    • Monthly income: $3000
    • Fixed expenses: $1800
    • Entertainment: $200
    • Minimum savings: $500

    Our inequality becomes:

    3000 - 1800 - 200 - y 500


    1000 - y 500

    Subtracting 1000 from both sides:

    -y -500

    Multiplying both sides by -1 (and flipping the inequality sign):

    y 500

    Therefore, John can spend up to $500 on dining out each month and still meet his savings goal.

    These examples demonstrate how multi-step linear inequalities can be applied to real-world situations involving money. When solving such problems, it's crucial to:

    1. Identify the unknown variable and what it represents
    2. List all given information and constraints

    Common Mistakes and Tips

    Solving multi-step linear inequalities can be challenging for many students. Understanding common mistakes in linear inequalities and learning strategies to avoid them is crucial for mastering this important mathematical skill. One frequent error is forgetting to flip the inequality sign when multiplying or dividing by a negative number. For example, if solving 2x + 4 > 10, students might incorrectly write -2x > -6 instead of -2x < -6 when subtracting 2x from both sides. To remember this rule, try the mnemonic "Flip for negative, stay for positive."

    Another common mistake is applying operations inconsistently to both sides of the inequality. Students might subtract a number from one side but forget to do the same on the other side, leading to an incorrect solution. To avoid this, encourage students to think of the inequality as a balance scale, where whatever is done to one side must be done to the other to maintain equilibrium.

    Misinterpreting the direction of the inequality symbol is also a frequent error. Some students confuse the "less than" (<) and "greater than" (>) symbols. A helpful tip is to remember that the "alligator's mouth" always points towards the smaller number. For instance, in 5 > 3, the mouth points to 3.

    When solving inequalities involving fractions or decimals, students often make mistakes in calculations. Encourage them to convert fractions to decimals or find a common denominator before proceeding. For example, when solving 1/2x + 1/3 > 2, convert to decimals: 0.5x + 0.33 > 2, or use a common denominator: (3/6)x + 2/6 > 2.

    Some students struggle with graphing inequalities on number line. They might shade the wrong side or forget to include or exclude the endpoint. To avoid this, teach them to always test a point to determine which side of the line to shade. For instance, if the solution is x > 3, test x = 4 in the original inequality to confirm it's true, then shade to the right of 3 on the number line.

    Lastly, a common error is not considering the domain restrictions when solving. For example, if solving an inequality involving square roots, students might forget that the expression under the square root must be non-negative. Encourage them to always check for domain restrictions before finalizing their answer.

    By being aware of these common mistakes in linear inequalities and implementing these strategies, students can improve their accuracy in solving multi-step linear inequalities. Regular practice and self-checking are key to mastering this skill and avoiding errors in future mathematical endeavors.

    Practice Problems and Solutions

    Ready to test your skills with multi-step linear inequalities? Here's a set of linear inequality practice problems covering various aspects of this topic. We've included a mix of algebraic problems, graphing linear inequalities, and word problems with inequalities to help you master these concepts. Remember to attempt the problems on your own before checking the solutions!

    Algebraic Problems

    1. Solve for x: 3(x - 2) + 4 2(x + 1) - 5
    2. Find the solution set: -2(x + 3) > 4 - 3x
    3. Solve and express the solution in interval notation: 5 2x - 3 < 11

    Graphing Exercises

    1. Graph the solution of the inequality: y > 2x + 1
    2. Represent the following system of inequalities on a coordinate plane: y -x + 3 y < 2x - 1

    Word Problems

    1. A small business owner wants to invest in advertising. They have a budget of $500 and can choose between online ads at $20 per day and print ads at $50 per day. How many days of each type of advertising can they afford if they want to run online ads for at least twice as many days as print ads?
    2. A rectangular garden has a perimeter of no more than 100 feet. The length must be at least 10 feet longer than the width. Find the possible dimensions of the garden.


    1. 3(x - 2) + 4 2(x + 1) - 5 3x - 6 + 4 2x + 2 - 5 3x - 2 2x - 3 x - 2 -3 x -1 Solution: x -1
    2. -2(x + 3) > 4 - 3x -2x - 6 > 4 - 3x -2x + 3x > 4 + 6 x > 10 Solution: x > 10
    3. 5 2x - 3 < 11 8 2x < 14 4 x < 7 Solution in interval notation: [4, 7)
    4. To graph the solution of the inequality: y > 2x + 1: - Draw a solid line for y = 2x + 1 - Shade the area above the line - Use an open circle at the y-intercept (0, 1)
    5. To graph the system: - Draw a solid line for y = -x + 3 - Draw a dashed line for y = 2x - 1 - Shade the area above y = -x + 3 and below y = 2x - 1 - The solution is the overlapping shaded region
    6. Let x be the number of days for online ads and y for print ads. 20x + 50y 500 (budget constraint) x 2y (online ads at least twice as many days as print ads) Solve this system of inequalities to find possible values for x and y.
    7. Let w be the width and l be the length. 2w + 2l 100 (perimeter constraint) l w + 10 (length at least 10 feet longer than width) Solve this system of inequalities to find possible values for w and l.


    In this lesson, we've explored the essential concepts of multi-step linear inequalities. The introduction video provided a crucial foundation for understanding this topic, highlighting key techniques and strategies. We covered how to solve complex inequalities step-by-step, emphasizing the importance of maintaining the inequality sign's direction when multiplying by negative numbers or dividing by negative numbers. Regular practice is vital to mastering these skills, so we encourage you to work through various problems consistently. Apply these concepts to real-world situations, such as budgeting or resource allocation, to deepen your understanding. As you gain confidence, challenge yourself with more complex problems or explore related topics like systems of inequalities. Remember, each problem solved strengthens your mathematical prowess. Keep pushing your boundaries and don't hesitate to revisit the lesson materials when needed. Your journey in mastering multi-step linear inequalities is just beginning embrace the challenge and continue to grow your skills!


    Bob works for car dealer A which offers him a base rate of $800 and $15 for every car he sells. Tom works for car dealer B which gives him a base rate of $700 and $20 for each car he sells. If they sold the same number of cars last month, and Tom earned more than Bob. What is the minimum number of cars Tom sold last month? Express the problem in an inequality.

    Step 1: Identify the Variables

    First, we need to identify the variables involved in the problem. In this case, the variable is the number of cars sold by both Bob and Tom. Let's denote this variable as X. So, let X be the number of cars sold by both Bob and Tom last month.

    Step 2: Write the Earnings Expressions

    Next, we need to write expressions for the earnings of both Bob and Tom based on the given information:

    • Bob's Earnings: Bob has a base rate of $800 and earns an additional $15 for each car he sells. Therefore, Bob's total earnings can be expressed as: 800 + 15X.
    • Tom's Earnings: Tom has a base rate of $700 and earns an additional $20 for each car he sells. Therefore, Tom's total earnings can be expressed as: 700 + 20X.

    Step 3: Set Up the Inequality

    According to the problem, Tom earned more than Bob last month. This means that Tom's earnings are greater than Bob's earnings. We can express this relationship as an inequality:

    700 + 20X > 800 + 15X

    Step 4: Simplify the Inequality

    To find the minimum number of cars Tom sold, we need to solve the inequality for X. First, we will simplify the inequality by isolating the variable X on one side:

    • Subtract 15X from both sides: 700 + 20X - 15X > 800
    • Simplify the expression: 700 + 5X > 800
    • Subtract 700 from both sides: 5X > 100
    • Divide both sides by 5: X > 20

    Step 5: Interpret the Solution

    The inequality X > 20 means that Tom must have sold more than 20 cars to earn more than Bob. Therefore, the minimum number of cars Tom sold last month is 21.

    Here's the HTML content for the FAQs section based on the given instructions:


    Q1: What is the difference between a linear equation and a linear inequality?

    A linear equation has a single solution, while a linear inequality has a range of solutions. For example, x + 2 = 5 has one solution (x = 3), but x + 2 > 5 has many solutions (any x greater than 3).

    Q2: How do you solve a multi-step linear inequality?

    To solve a multi-step linear inequality, follow these steps: 1) Simplify the inequality by combining like terms. 2) Isolate the variable term on one side of the inequality. 3) Perform the same operations on both sides to isolate the variable. 4) Remember to flip the inequality sign when multiplying or dividing by a negative number.

    Q3: Why do we flip the inequality sign when multiplying or dividing by a negative number?

    Flipping the inequality sign when multiplying or dividing by a negative number is necessary to maintain the correct relationship between the two sides. This is because negative numbers reverse the order of inequalities. For example, if x > 5, then -x < -5.

    Q4: How do you graph a linear inequality on a number line?

    To graph a linear inequality on a number line: 1) Identify the boundary point. 2) Use an open circle () for strict inequalities (< or >) or a closed circle () for non-strict inequalities ( or ) at the boundary point. 3) Shade the line to the left for "less than" or to the right for "greater than" inequalities.

    Q5: Can you provide an example of a real-world application of linear inequalities?

    A common real-world application of linear inequalities is budgeting. For example, if you have $100 to spend on groceries and each item costs $x, you could express this as a linear inequality: nx 100, where n is the number of items. This inequality helps determine how many items you can buy while staying within your budget.

    Prerequisite Topics for Solving Multi-Step Linear Inequalities

    Understanding multi-step linear inequalities requires a solid foundation in several key mathematical concepts. One of the most crucial prerequisites is solving linear equations using addition and subtraction. This skill forms the basis for manipulating inequalities, as the same principles apply when working with inequality symbols.

    Another essential concept is determining the number of solutions to linear equations. This knowledge directly translates to inequalities, helping students understand the range of possible solutions and how to represent them. Similarly, graphing linear inequalities in two variables builds upon this understanding, allowing for visual representation of solution sets.

    Proficiency in solving linear equations using multiplication and division is crucial when dealing with multi-step inequalities. These operations are frequently used to isolate variables and simplify expressions. Additionally, understanding the negative exponent rule and its application to inequalities is vital, especially when dealing with reciprocals or fractional inequalities.

    The concept of dividing integers plays a significant role in solving inequalities, particularly when combining like terms or simplifying expressions. This skill is closely related to the application of integer operations, which is fundamental in manipulating inequality expressions.

    For more complex problems, understanding solution sets of linear systems provides valuable insight into how multiple inequalities interact. This knowledge is particularly useful when dealing with systems of inequalities or more advanced applications.

    Lastly, familiarity with compound inequalities is essential for tackling multi-step problems. These often involve combining multiple inequality statements, requiring a deep understanding of how to interpret and manipulate complex inequality expressions.

    By mastering these prerequisite topics, students will be well-equipped to tackle the challenges of solving multi-step linear inequalities. Each concept builds upon the others, creating a comprehensive framework for understanding and solving complex inequality problems. As students progress, they'll find that these foundational skills are not only crucial for solving inequalities but also form the basis for more advanced mathematical concepts in algebra and beyond.