Scientific notation

  1. What is scientific notation?
    • How to convert scientific notations to numbers?
    • How to convert numbers to scientific notations?
  1. Write the number in scientific notation
    1. 23660000
    2. 0.00034320000
    3. 133.4×105 \times {10^{5}}
    4. 0.000346×109 \times {10^{-9}}
  2. Write the number in standard notation
    1. 1.863×1013 \times {10^{13}}
    2. -3.64 ×109 \times {10^{-9}}
  3. Calculate the following scientific notations
    1. (0.005×103)(2.9×106)= (0.005 \times {10^{-3}} )(2.9 \times {10^{-6}} ) =
    2. (6.75×103)/(0.02×103)=(6.75 \times {10^3} )/(0.02 \times {10^{-3}} ) =
Topic Notes
Scientific notation is a way of writing number. It is especially useful when we want to express very large and small numbers. There are two parts in scientific notation. The first part consists of digits, and the second part is x 10 to a power.

Introduction to Scientific Notation

Exponential notation, also known as exponential notation, is a powerful tool in mathematics and science for expressing very large or very small numbers concisely. This method uses powers of 10 to represent numbers in a standardized format, making calculations and comparisons much easier. As demonstrated in our introductory video, scientific notation is essential for fields like astronomy, physics, and chemistry, where numbers can range from the microscopic to the cosmic scale. In this article, we'll explore the fundamentals of scientific notation, including its basic structure and rules. We'll guide you through converting numbers to and from scientific notation, a skill crucial for scientific calculations and data analysis. Additionally, we'll cover how to perform arithmetic operations using scientific notation, enabling you to tackle complex problems with ease. By mastering scientific notation, you'll enhance your ability to work with extreme values and improve your overall mathematical proficiency.

Understanding Scientific Notation

Scientific notation is a powerful mathematical tool used to express very large or very small numbers in a concise and standardized format. This method of representation is essential in various scientific fields, from astronomy to microbiology, where dealing with extreme values is common. At its core, scientific notation consists of two key components: a number between 1 and 10, and a power of 10.

The first component, the number between 1 and 10, is called the coefficient or mantissa. This part provides the significant digits of the value. The second component, the power of 10, indicates how many places the decimal point should be moved to obtain the original number. A positive power of 10 represents a large number, while a negative power represents a small number.

For example, let's consider the number 299,792,458, which represents the speed of light in meters per second. In scientific notation, this becomes 2.99792458 × 10^8. Here, 2.99792458 is the coefficient, and 8 is the power of 10. This notation tells us to move the decimal point 8 places to the right to get the original number.

On the other extreme, consider the radius of a hydrogen atom, approximately 0.000000000053 meters. In scientific notation, this is expressed as 5.3 × 10^-11 meters. The negative exponent indicates that we need to move the decimal point 11 places to the left.

Scientific notation is particularly useful when dealing with astronomical distances or subatomic measurements. For instance, the diameter of the Milky Way galaxy is about 1,000,000,000,000,000,000 meters, which can be written as 1 × 10^18 meters in scientific notation. This format makes it much easier to comprehend and work with such vast numbers.

One of the primary advantages of scientific notation is its ability to simplify calculations involving very large or small numbers. Multiplication and division become straightforward operations on the coefficients and powers of 10. For example, multiplying (3 × 10^4) by (2 × 10^5) simply involves multiplying the coefficients (3 × 2 = 6) and adding the exponents (4 + 5 = 9), resulting in 6 × 10^9.

It's important to distinguish scientific notation from standard exponential notation. While both use powers of 10, scientific notation specifically requires the coefficient to be between 1 and 10. For instance, 35 × 10^6 is in exponential notation but not scientific notation. The correct scientific notation would be 3.5 × 10^7.

Scientific notation also aids in comparing numbers of vastly different magnitudes. By expressing numbers in this standardized form, scientists can quickly assess their relative sizes. For example, comparing 3.5 × 10^23 and 7.2 × 10^15 immediately shows that the first number is much larger, as its exponent is greater.

In the digital age, scientific notation remains crucial for computer programming and data analysis. Many programming languages and spreadsheet applications use a similar format (often called E notation) to represent very large or small numbers. For instance, 6.022E23 in a computer program is equivalent to 6.022 × 10^23 in scientific notation.

Understanding scientific notation is not just a mathematical skill; it's a gateway to comprehending the scale of our universe. From the immense distances between galaxies to the minuscule world of quantum particles, scientific notation provides a universal language for expressing and working with numbers across the vast spectrum of scientific inquiry.

Converting Numbers to Scientific Notation

Scientific notation is a powerful tool for expressing very large or very small numbers in a concise format. This method is widely used in science, engineering, and mathematics. Here's a step-by-step guide on how to convert standard numbers into scientific notation, complete with examples for both positive and negative exponents in scientific notation.

Step 1: Identify the Original Number

Begin by clearly writing out the number you want to convert. For example, let's use 45,300 and 0.00678.

Step 2: Move the Decimal Point

For large numbers (greater than 1): Move the decimal point to the left until there is only one non-zero digit to the left of it. For small numbers (between 0 and 1): Move the decimal point to the right until there is one non-zero digit to the left of it.

Step 3: Count the Moves

Keep track of how many places you moved the decimal point. This number will become your exponent.

Step 4: Write in Scientific Notation

Express the number as a coefficient (the number between 1 and 10) multiplied by 10 raised to a power (the number of decimal places moved).

Step 5: Determine the Sign of the Exponent

For large numbers: The exponent is positive. For small numbers: The exponent is negative exponents in scientific notation.

Examples with Positive Exponents

1. Converting 45,300 to scientific notation: - Move the decimal point 4 places to the left: 4.5300 - The coefficient is 4.53 - We moved 4 places, so the exponent is 4 - Result: 4.53 × 10^4

2. Converting 7,890,000 to scientific notation: - Move the decimal point 6 places to the left: 7.890000 - The coefficient is 7.89 - We moved 6 places, so the exponent is 6 - Result: 7.89 × 10^6

Examples with Negative Exponents

1. Converting 0.00678 to scientific notation: - Move the decimal point 3 places to the right: 6.78000 - The coefficient is 6.78 - We moved 3 places to the right, so the exponent is -3 - Result: 6.78 × 10^-3

2. Converting 0.000000542 to scientific notation: - Move the decimal point 7 places to the right: 5.42000000 - The coefficient is 5.42 - We moved 7 places to the right, so the exponent is -7 - Result: 5.42 × 10^-7

Real-World Applications

1. Astronomical distances: The distance from Earth to the Sun is approximately 149,600,000,000 meters. In scientific notation, this becomes 1.496 × 10^11 meters, which is much easier to read and work with.

2. Microscopic measurements: The size of a typical bacterium is about 0.000002 meters. In scientific notation, this is expressed as 2 × 10^-6 meters, providing a clearer representation of the scale.

3. Chemical concentrations: In chemistry, very small concentrations are often expressed in scientific notation. For instance, a concentration of 0.0000000034 moles per liter can be written as 3.4 × 10^-9 M.

Practice Tips

1. Always ensure your coefficient is between 1 and 10. 2. Remember that the exponent represents how many places

Converting Scientific Notation to Standard Numbers

Scientific notation is a concise way to express very large or very small numbers. However, there are times when we need to convert these expressions back into standard numbers. This process is essential for practical applications and better understanding of numerical values. Let's explore how to reverse scientific notation and convert it to standard form.

The basic structure of scientific notation is a × 10n, where 'a' is a number between 1 and 10, and 'n' is an integer exponent. To convert this back to a standard number, we need to interpret the power of 10 and move the decimal point accordingly.

For positive exponents, we move the decimal point to the right. The number of places we move is equal to the value of the exponent. For example, to convert 5.6 × 104 to a standard number:

  1. Start with 5.6
  2. Move the decimal point 4 places to the right
  3. Result: 56,000

For negative exponents, we move the decimal point to the left. Again, the number of places is determined by the absolute value of the exponent. Let's convert 7.2 × 10-3 to a standard number:

  1. Start with 7.2
  2. Move the decimal point 3 places to the left
  3. Result: 0.0072

It's important to remember that when moving the decimal point, we may need to add zeros to represent the full number. This is especially true for very large or very small numbers.

Here are some more examples to illustrate the process:

  • 3.5 × 106 = 3,500,000
  • 1.2 × 10-4 = 0.00012
  • 9.87 × 102 = 987
  • 6.023 × 10-2 = 0.06023

When dealing with very large numbers, it's helpful to use commas to separate groups of three digits for better readability. For very small numbers, make sure to include all necessary leading zeros after the decimal point.

To practice this skill, try converting these scientific notations to standard numbers:

  1. 2.4 × 105
  2. 8.1 × 10-3
  3. 3.14 × 102
  4. 7.5 × 10-5
  5. 1.6 × 108

Solutions: 1) 240,000 2) 0.0081 3) 314 4) 0.000075 5) 160,000,000

By practicing these conversions, you'll become more comfortable working with scientific notation and standard numbers. This skill is invaluable in fields such as physics, chemistry, astronomy, and engineering, where dealing with very large or very small quantities is common.

Remember, the key to mastering this conversion is understanding the relationship between the exponent and the movement of the decimal point. Positive exponents indicate a larger number, moving the decimal right, while negative exponents represent smaller numbers, moving the decimal left. With practice, you'll be able to quickly convert between scientific notation and standard numbers, enhancing your numerical literacy and problem-solving abilities in scientific and mathematical contexts.

Performing Calculations with Scientific Notation

Scientific notation is a powerful tool for representing very large or very small numbers in a concise format. It's especially useful when performing calculations with such numbers. In this section, we'll explore how to carry out basic arithmetic operations using scientific notation and discuss the rules for manipulating exponents during these calculations.

Addition and Subtraction in Scientific Notation

When adding or subtracting numbers in scientific notation, the key is to ensure that the exponents are the same. Here's a step-by-step process:

  1. Adjust the numbers so that they have the same exponent
  2. Add or subtract the coefficients
  3. Keep the common exponent
  4. Simplify if necessary

Example: Add 3.5 × 10 and 2.7 × 10³

  • Step 1: Adjust 2.7 × 10³ to 0.27 × 10
  • Step 2: Add coefficients: 3.5 + 0.27 = 3.77
  • Step 3: Keep the exponent: 10
  • Result: 3.77 × 10

Multiplication in Scientific Notation

Multiplying numbers in scientific notation involves two main steps:

  1. Multiply the coefficients
  2. Add the exponents

Example: Multiply 2.5 × 10 by 4.0 × 10³

  • Step 1: 2.5 × 4.0 = 10.0
  • Step 2: 10 × 10³ = 10³ = 10³
  • Result: 10.0 × 10³ (which can be simplified to 1.0 × 10)

Division in Scientific Notation

Division follows a similar process to multiplication, but with subtraction of exponents:

  1. Divide the coefficients
  2. Subtract the exponents

Example: Divide 8.4 × 10 by 2.1 × 10²

  • Step 1: 8.4 ÷ 2.1 = 4.0
  • Step 2: 10 ÷ 10² = 10² = 10³
  • Result: 4.0 × 10³

Exponent Rules in Scientific Notation

Understanding exponent rules is crucial for simplifying calculations in scientific notation:

  • Product Rule: When multiplying powers with the same base, add the exponents
  • Quotient Rule: When dividing powers with the same base, subtract the exponents
  • Power Rule: When raising a power to another power, multiply the exponents
  • Zero Exponent Rule: Any number raised to the power of 0 equals 1
  • Negative Exponent Rule: A negative exponent means the reciprocal of the positive exponent

Simplifying Complex Calculations

Scientific notation simplifies complex calculations by allowing us to

Applications of Scientific Notation

Scientific notation is a powerful tool used across various scientific disciplines to represent and manipulate extremely large or small numbers efficiently. This standardized method of expressing numbers has become indispensable in fields such as astronomy, physics, chemistry, and computer science, enabling researchers and professionals to work with vast quantities and minute measurements with ease and precision.

In astronomy, scientific notation is crucial for describing cosmic distances and sizes. For instance, the distance from Earth to the nearest star, Proxima Centauri, is approximately 4.0 × 10^13 kilometers. The mass of the Sun, about 1.989 × 10^30 kilograms, and the diameter of the Milky Way galaxy, roughly 1.0 × 10^18 kilometers, are other examples where scientific notation simplifies the representation of astronomical measurements.

Physics relies heavily on scientific notation to express fundamental constants and particle properties. The speed of light in a vacuum, 2.998 × 10^8 meters per second, and Planck's constant, 6.626 × 10^-34 joule-seconds, are prime examples. In quantum physics, the size of an electron, approximately 2.82 × 10^-15 meters, demonstrates how scientific notation is essential for working with subatomic scales.

Chemistry utilizes scientific notation extensively, particularly in dealing with atomic and molecular scales. Avogadro's number, 6.022 × 10^23 particles per mole, is a fundamental constant in chemistry expressed in scientific notation. When calculating molar concentrations or analyzing reaction rates, chemists frequently use this notation to manage the vast number of particles involved in chemical processes.

In computer science, scientific notation plays a vital role in representing floating-point numbers and managing data storage. Processors use a form of scientific notation to store and manipulate very large or small numbers efficiently. For example, in programming languages, numbers like 1.23 × 10^-15 might be represented as 1.23e-15, allowing for a wide range of values to be stored in a limited amount of memory.

The importance of scientific notation in scientific research and technological advancements cannot be overstated. It allows for consistent and precise communication of numerical data across different scales and disciplines. In research papers and technical documents, scientific notation ensures clarity and prevents errors that might occur when writing out full numbers with numerous zeros.

Moreover, scientific notation facilitates mathematical operations on extreme values. Multiplication, division, and exponentiation become much simpler when numbers are expressed in this format. This is particularly beneficial in complex calculations involving multiple large or small quantities, such as those found in astrophysics or nanotechnology.

In the field of environmental science, scientific notation is crucial for expressing concentrations of pollutants or greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. For instance, the pre-industrial atmospheric CO2 concentration was about 2.80 × 10^-4%, while current levels are approaching 4.00 × 10^-4%. This notation allows for easy comparison and analysis of changes over time.

Scientific notation also plays a significant role in engineering, especially when dealing with precision measurements or designing large-scale structures. In nanotechnology, scientists work with materials and devices on the scale of 1 × 10^-9 meters, while civil engineers might calculate loads for bridges spanning thousands of meters (e.g., 2 × 10^3 meters).

In conclusion, scientific notation is an indispensable tool across various scientific and technological fields. Its ability to simplify the representation of extreme values, facilitate calculations, and ensure precise communication makes it essential for advancing our understanding of the universe, from the smallest subatomic particles to the vast expanses of the cosmos. As science and technology continue to push the boundaries of what we can measure and manipulate, the importance of scientific notation in research and innovation will only grow.


In this article, we've explored the essential aspects of scientific notation, a powerful tool for expressing very large or small numbers concisely. We've covered how to convert between standard and scientific notation, perform calculations, and understand its practical applications in various scientific fields. Mastering scientific notation is crucial for students and professionals alike, as it simplifies complex calculations and enhances communication of numerical data. We encourage you to practice using scientific notation regularly in your studies or work to reinforce your understanding. Remember the introductory video that demonstrated its real-world relevance? That's just the beginning. To further develop your skills, explore additional resources such as online tutorials, practice problems, and scientific calculators. By embracing scientific notation, you'll gain a valuable tool for tackling complex numerical challenges and advancing your scientific literacy. Keep practicing, and soon you'll be navigating the world of extreme numbers with confidence and ease.

Calculate the following scientific notations:

(0.005×103)(2.9×106) (0.005 \times 10^{-3})(2.9 \times 10^{-6})

Step 1: Multiply the Coefficients

First, we need to multiply the numerical coefficients of the two scientific notations. In this case, we have 0.0050.005 and 2.92.9. Using a calculator or performing the multiplication manually, we get:

0.005×2.9=0.01450.005 \times 2.9 = 0.0145

Step 2: Add the Exponents

Next, we handle the exponents. Since both terms are in the base of 10, we can add the exponents together. The exponents are 3-3 and 6-6. Adding these together, we get:

3+(6)=9-3 + (-6) = -9

So, the intermediate result is:

0.0145×1090.0145 \times 10^{-9}

Step 3: Adjust the Decimal Place

In scientific notation, the coefficient should be a number between 1 and 10. Currently, 0.01450.0145 does not meet this criterion. We need to move the decimal point two places to the right to convert 0.01450.0145 into 1.451.45. Each move of the decimal point to the right decreases the exponent by 1. Since we moved the decimal point two places, we subtract 2 from the exponent:

92=11-9 - 2 = -11

Thus, the final result in proper scientific notation is:

1.45×10111.45 \times 10^{-11}


To summarize, the steps to solve the given scientific notation problem are:

  1. Multiply the coefficients: 0.005×2.9=0.01450.005 \times 2.9 = 0.0145
  2. Add the exponents: 3+(6)=9-3 + (-6) = -9
  3. Adjust the decimal place to ensure the coefficient is between 1 and 10, and adjust the exponent accordingly: 0.0145×109=1.45×10110.0145 \times 10^{-9} = 1.45 \times 10^{-11}


  1. What is scientific notation and why is it important?

    Scientific notation is a standardized way of writing very large or very small numbers using powers of 10. It's important because it simplifies the representation of extreme values, making them easier to read, write, and manipulate in calculations. This notation is crucial in scientific fields like astronomy, physics, and chemistry, where numbers can range from subatomic scales to cosmic distances.

  2. How do you convert a number to scientific notation?

    To convert a number to scientific notation, move the decimal point until there is only one non-zero digit to its left. Count the number of places moved: this becomes the exponent of 10. If you moved the decimal right, the exponent is negative; if left, it's positive. For example, 0.00045 becomes 4.5 × 10^-4, and 78,000 becomes 7.8 × 10^4.

  3. Can you perform calculations with numbers in scientific notation?

    Yes, you can perform calculations with numbers in scientific notation. For multiplication and division, you multiply or divide the coefficients and add or subtract the exponents. For addition and subtraction, you need to adjust the numbers to have the same exponent before operating on the coefficients. This makes complex calculations with very large or small numbers much more manageable.

  4. What's the difference between scientific notation and standard form?

    Scientific notation expresses numbers as a coefficient between 1 and 10 multiplied by a power of 10 (e.g., 3.5 × 10^6). Standard form is the way we typically write numbers in everyday use (e.g., 3,500,000). Scientific notation is more concise and practical for very large or small numbers, while standard form is more intuitive for common values.

  5. How is scientific notation used in computer science?

    In computer science, scientific notation is used in floating-point representation of numbers. It allows computers to store and manipulate a wide range of values efficiently. Programming languages often use a similar format called E notation (e.g., 1.23E-15 for 1.23 × 10^-15). This is crucial for handling very large or small numbers in calculations and data storage with limited memory.

Prerequisite Topics for Scientific Notation

Understanding scientific notation is crucial in mathematics and science, but to truly grasp this concept, it's essential to have a solid foundation in several prerequisite topics. These fundamental skills provide the building blocks necessary for mastering scientific notation and its applications.

One of the key prerequisites is combining the exponent rules. This skill is vital because scientific notation heavily relies on exponential notation. When working with very large or very small numbers, you'll frequently need to manipulate exponents. Understanding how to combine exponents when multiplying or dividing numbers in scientific notation is crucial for performing calculations efficiently and accurately.

Another important prerequisite is converting repeating decimals to fractions. While this may not seem directly related to scientific notation, it's an essential skill for understanding the relationship between different number representations. Scientific notation often involves converting between decimal and exponential forms, and being comfortable with various number representations enhances your ability to work with scientific notation fluently.

The negative exponent rule is particularly crucial when dealing with scientific notation. In scientific notation, negative exponents are used to represent very small numbers. Understanding how to interpret and manipulate negative exponents is essential for expressing numbers less than 1 in scientific notation and performing calculations involving such numbers.

These prerequisite topics form the foundation upon which your understanding of scientific notation is built. Mastering the exponent rules allows you to manipulate the powers of 10 that are central to scientific notation. The ability to convert between different number representations, including repeating decimals and fractions, enhances your overall number sense and flexibility when working with scientific notation. Finally, a solid grasp of negative exponents enables you to represent and work with very small numbers effectively in scientific notation.

By ensuring you have a strong understanding of these prerequisite topics, you'll be well-prepared to tackle scientific notation with confidence. You'll find it easier to convert numbers to and from scientific notation, perform calculations, and apply this powerful tool in various scientific and mathematical contexts. Remember, investing time in mastering these foundational skills will pay off significantly as you progress in your studies and encounter more complex applications of scientific notation in fields such as physics, chemistry, and engineering.