Dividing fractions and mixed numbers

  1. Simplify fractions: Method A - By using greatest common factors
  2. Simplify fractions: Method B - By using common factors
  3. How to divide fractions with fractions?
  4. How to do cross-cancelling?
  5. How to convert between mixed numbers and improper fractions?
  6. Review: How to divide fractions and mixed numbers?
  1. Dividing Fractions and Mixed Numbers Using Diagrams
    Find each of the following quotients by using diagrams.
    1. 56÷34\frac{5}{6} \div \frac{3}{4}
    2. 213÷182\frac{1}{3} \div \frac{1}{8}
    3. 75÷12\frac{7}{5} \div \frac{1}{2}
  2. Dividing Fractions and Mixed Numbers Algebraically
    Find each quotient by using multiplication.
    1. 58÷14\frac{5}{8} \div \frac{1}{4}
    2. 2÷352 \div \frac{3}{5}
    3. 327÷19103\frac{2}{7} \div 1\frac{9}{{10}}
  3. Word Problems: Dividing Fractions and Mixed Numbers
    Three cups of water can fill up 23\frac{2}{3} of a kettle. How many cups of water are required to fill up 5 kettles?
    Topic Notes
    In this section, we will use diagrams to divide fractions and mixed numbers (a.k.a. compound fractions) for the purpose of helping you getting a better understanding about the concepts of fraction division. We will also teach you how to divide fractions by using multiplications.

    Introduction to Dividing Fractions and Mixed Numbers

    Dividing fractions and mixed numbers is a crucial mathematical skill that builds upon students' understanding of basic fraction operations. Our introduction video serves as an essential tool in helping students visualize this complex concept, making it more accessible and easier to grasp. The video breaks down the process step-by-step, illustrating how to convert mixed numbers to improper fractions and apply the reciprocal method for division. Many students often struggle with the counterintuitive nature of fraction division, where multiplying by the reciprocal is key. Common challenges include forgetting to flip the second fraction or mishandling whole numbers in mixed fractions. By providing clear visual representations and real-world examples, the video aims to demystify these concepts and build confidence in students' ability to tackle more advanced fraction problems. Understanding division of fractions and mixed numbers is fundamental for success in higher-level mathematics and practical applications in everyday life.

    Understanding Division of Fractions Using Visual Models

    Dividing fractions using visual models can be a challenging concept for many students to grasp, but using visual models can make this process more intuitive and easier to understand. By employing visual representations such as rectangles and number lines, we can help students develop a deeper comprehension of fraction division without relying solely on traditional algorithms.

    One effective way to visualize fraction division is through the use of rectangles. Let's consider the example of dividing fractions using visual models. We start by drawing a rectangle that represents the whole, and then shade in 3/4 of it. Next, we divide the rectangle into halves vertically. By counting how many 1/2 portions fit into the shaded 3/4 area, we can see that the answer is 1 and 1/2, or 3/2. This visual approach allows students to physically see and count the result, making the concept more tangible.

    Another powerful visual tool for understanding fraction division is the number line. For instance, when dividing 2/3 by 1/4, we can represent this on a number line from 0 to 1. We mark 2/3 on the line and then use 1/4 as our "jump" size. By counting how many 1/4 jumps it takes to reach 2/3, students can visually determine that the answer is 2 and 2/3, or 8/3. This method helps students conceptualize division as repeated subtraction, reinforcing their understanding of the relationship between these operations.

    The use of visual models in teaching fraction division offers several advantages over traditional algorithmic methods. Firstly, it provides a concrete representation of an abstract concept, making it more accessible to visual and kinesthetic learners. Students can physically manipulate and interact with these models, which enhances their engagement and understanding. Additionally, visual models help students develop number sense and proportional reasoning skills, as they can see how different fractions relate to each other in size and quantity.

    Moreover, visual models encourage students to think critically about the problem-solving process. Instead of blindly following a set of steps, they are required to analyze the visual representation and draw conclusions based on what they observe. This approach fosters a deeper understanding of the underlying mathematical principles and helps students develop problem-solving strategies that can be applied to more complex mathematical concepts in the future.

    Using rectangles and number lines also allows for a natural progression in understanding fraction division. Students can start with simple fractions and gradually move to more complex ones, seeing how the visual representation changes and adapting their thinking accordingly. This scaffolded approach builds confidence and competence over time, leading to a more solid foundation in fraction operations.

    It's important to note that while visual models are highly effective, they should be used in conjunction with other teaching methods. As students become more comfortable with the visual representations, teachers can gradually introduce the standard algorithm for fraction division, showing how it relates to the visual models. This multi-faceted approach ensures that students have a well-rounded understanding of fraction division and can flexibly apply different methods as needed.

    In conclusion, incorporating visual models such as rectangles and number lines into the teaching of fraction division provides students with a powerful tool for developing intuitive understanding. By making abstract concepts concrete and visually accessible, these models help students build a strong foundation in mathematical reasoning. As educators, embracing these visual approaches can significantly enhance our ability to teach fraction division effectively, leading to improved mathematical proficiency and confidence in our students.

    The Reciprocal Method for Dividing Fractions

    The reciprocal method for dividing fractions is a powerful and efficient technique that simplifies the process of fraction division. This method, also known as "invert and multiply," builds upon the visual models we've explored earlier and provides a straightforward approach to solving division problems involving fractions. In this section, we'll delve into why this method works and provide step-by-step instructions for using it with proper fractions, improper fractions, and mixed numbers.

    To understand why the reciprocal method works, let's revisit the concept of division. When we divide, we're essentially asking how many times one quantity fits into another. With fractions, this concept remains the same, but the visual representation becomes more complex. The reciprocal method simplifies this process by converting the division problem into a multiplication problem, which is often easier to solve.

    Here's why the reciprocal method works: When we divide by a fraction, we're actually multiplying by its reciprocal. The reciprocal of a fraction is found by flipping the numerator and denominator. For example, the reciprocal of 3/4 is 4/3. This relationship is based on the fundamental property that a number multiplied by its reciprocal always equals 1. By using this property, we can transform a division problem into an equivalent multiplication problem.

    Now, let's walk through the step-by-step instructions for using the reciprocal method:

    1. Write the division problem as a fraction: (First fraction) ÷ (Second fraction)
    2. Keep the first fraction as it is
    3. Change the division sign to multiplication
    4. Write the reciprocal of the second fraction (flip the numerator and denominator)
    5. Multiply the numerators and denominators
    6. Simplify the resulting fraction if possible

    Let's apply this method to different types of fractions:

    1. Proper Fractions: Example: 2/3 ÷ 3/4 Step 1: 2/3 ÷ 3/4 Step 2: 2/3 Step 3: 2/3 × Step 4: 2/3 × 4/3 Step 5: 8/9 The final answer is 8/9.

    2. Improper Fractions: Example: 5/3 ÷ 7/4 Step 1: 5/3 ÷ 7/4 Step 2: 5/3 Step 3: 5/3 × Step 4: 5/3 × 4/7 Step 5: 20/21 The final answer is 20/21.

    3. Mixed Numbers: When working with mixed numbers, first convert them to improper fractions. Example: 2 1/2 ÷ 1 1/4 Convert to improper fractions: 5/2 ÷ 5/4 Step 1: 5/2 ÷ 5/4 Step 2: 5/2 Step 3: 5/2 × Step 4: 5/2 × 4/5 Step 5: 20/10 = 2 The final answer is 2.

    The reciprocal method for dividing fractions is a versatile technique that can be applied to all types of fractions. It simplifies the division process by converting it into multiplication, which is often easier to visualize and calculate. By mastering this method, you'll be able to solve fraction division problems quickly and accurately, whether you're working with proper fractions, improper fractions, or mixed numbers.

    Remember, practice is key to becoming proficient with the reciprocal method. Try solving various fraction division problems using this technique, and you'll soon find it becomes second nature. As you work through different examples, you'll also develop simplifying fraction division problems.

    Dividing Mixed Numbers

    Dividing mixed numbers is a crucial skill in mathematics that builds upon our understanding of fractions and whole numbers. To master this concept, we need to break down the process into manageable steps and explore various scenarios. Let's dive into the world of mixed numbers division and uncover the techniques that make this operation accessible and comprehensible.

    Converting Mixed Numbers to Improper Fractions

    Before we can divide mixed numbers, we must first convert them into improper fractions. This step is essential because it allows us to work with a single fraction rather than a combination of whole numbers and fractions. Here's how to convert a mixed number to an improper fraction:

    1. Multiply the whole number by the denominator of the fractional part.
    2. Add this result to the numerator of the fractional part.
    3. Place this sum over the original denominator.

    For example, to convert 3 1/4 to an improper fraction:

    • 3 × 4 = 12
    • 12 + 1 = 13
    • 13/4

    Dividing Mixed Numbers by Whole Numbers

    When dividing a mixed number by a whole number, we follow these steps:

    1. Convert the mixed number to an improper fraction.
    2. Multiply the improper fraction by the reciprocal of the whole number.

    Example: 2 3/4 ÷ 2

    • Convert 2 3/4 to 11/4
    • 11/4 × 1/2 = 11/8
    • Simplify to 1 3/8

    Dividing Mixed Numbers by Fractions

    To divide a mixed number by a fraction:

    1. Convert the mixed number to an improper fraction.
    2. Multiply the improper fraction by the reciprocal of the divisor fraction.

    Example: 3 1/2 ÷ 1/4

    • Convert 3 1/2 to 7/2
    • 7/2 × 4/1 = 28/2
    • Simplify to 14

    Dividing Mixed Numbers by Other Mixed Numbers

    When dividing one mixed number by another:

    1. Convert both mixed numbers to improper fractions.
    2. Multiply the first improper fraction by the reciprocal of the second.

    Example: 2 1/3 ÷ 1 1/2

    • Convert 2 1/3 to 7/3 and 1 1/2 to 3/2
    • 7/3 × 2/3 = 14/9
    • Simplify to 1 5/9

    Visual Representations

    Visual aids can greatly enhance our understanding of dividing mixed numbers. Consider these representations:

    • Number lines: Show the division process by marking mixed numbers and their equivalent improper fractions on a number line.
    • Fraction circles: Use fraction circle manipulatives to physically demonstrate the division of mixed numbers.
    • Area models: Draw rectangles divided into sections to represent mixed numbers and their divisions.

    Using area models for mixed numbers can provide a clear visual representation of the division process, making it easier to understand and apply.

    Common Mistakes and How to Avoid Them

    Dividing fractions and mixed numbers can be challenging for many students, often leading to common mistakes. Understanding these errors and learning how to avoid them is crucial for mastering this fundamental mathematical concept. Let's explore some of the most frequent pitfalls and provide strategies to overcome them.

    One of the most prevalent mistakes is inverting the wrong fraction. Students often flip the first fraction instead of the second one when applying the "keep, change, flip" method. For example, when dividing fractions 3/4 ÷ 2/5, a common error is to write (4/3 × 2/5) instead of the correct (3/4 × 5/2). To avoid this, emphasize the importance of always inverting the second fraction (the divisor) and not the first one.

    Another frequent error occurs when students forget to convert mixed numbers to improper fractions before dividing. For instance, when solving 2 1/2 ÷ 1/4, some might incorrectly attempt to divide 2 by 1/4 and then add 1/2. The correct approach is to first convert 2 1/2 to 5/2, then proceed with the division. Encourage students to always convert mixed numbers to improper fractions as the first step in these problems.

    Many students also struggle with simplifying their final answers. They may correctly perform the division but leave the result as an improper fraction or fail to reduce it to its simplest form. For example, after correctly calculating 3/4 ÷ 1/2 = 3/4 × 2/1 = 6/4, some might stop there instead of simplifying to 3/2 or the mixed number 1 1/2. Remind students that the final step in any fraction operation should always be simplification.

    A conceptual misunderstanding that leads to errors is failing to grasp what division by a fraction actually means. Some students might think that dividing by a fraction always makes a number smaller, just as division by whole numbers does. This misconception can lead to incorrect estimations and failure to check if their answers make sense. Explain that dividing by a fraction less than 1 actually increases the value, using real-world examples to illustrate this concept.

    To prevent these and other mistakes, it's crucial to focus on conceptual understanding rather than mere memorization of rules. Encourage students to visualize fraction division using diagrams or manipulatives. For instance, when dividing 1 by 1/4, students can see that they're finding out how many 1/4 pieces fit into 1 whole, which is 4. This visual approach helps solidify the concept behind the operation.

    Problem-solving strategies can also help avoid errors. Teach students to estimate their answers before calculating. For example, when dividing 3/4 by 1/3, they should recognize that the answer will be greater than 2 because 3/4 is more than twice 1/3. If their final answer is less than 2, they'll know they've made a mistake somewhere in their calculation.

    Another effective strategy is to have students explain their reasoning out loud or in writing. This process often helps them catch their own mistakes and deepens their understanding of the concepts. Encourage them to justify each step of their solution, which not only reinforces correct procedures but also helps identify where errors might occur.

    In conclusion, by addressing these common mistakes and focusing on conceptual understanding, students can significantly improve their skills in dividing fractions and mixed numbers. Remember, the goal is not just to get the right answer, but to truly understand the mathematical principles at work. With practice and the right approach, these challenging problems can become much more manageable.

    Real-World Applications of Fraction Division

    Dividing fractions in cooking and mixed numbers may seem like a purely academic exercise, but it has numerous real-world applications that we encounter in our daily lives. Understanding how to perform these calculations can greatly enhance our problem-solving skills and make everyday tasks more manageable. Let's explore some practical scenarios where fraction division proves invaluable.

    In the kitchen, cooking and baking often require us to adjust recipes. Imagine you have a recipe that serves 6 people, but you want to make it for 4. You'll need to multiply each ingredient by 2/3. For instance, if the recipe calls for 1 1/2 cups of flour, you'd calculate 1 1/2 ÷ (3/2) = 1 cup. This adjustment ensures your dish turns out perfectly proportioned.

    Construction and home improvement projects frequently involve fraction division. A carpenter might need to divide a 10 3/4 foot board into 5 equal pieces. By dividing 10 3/4 by 5, they determine each piece should be 2 3/20 feet long. This precision is crucial for creating well-fitted structures and furniture.

    In financial planning, fraction division helps in calculating interest rates or determining how long it will take to save a certain amount. If you're earning 3/4% interest annually on a savings account and want to know how long it will take to double your money, you'd use the rule of 72: 72 ÷ (3/4) = 96 years.

    Athletes and fitness enthusiasts often use fraction division to track their progress. A runner might want to know how many laps they can complete in 30 minutes if they run 1 3/4 laps in 5 minutes. By dividing 30 by 5 and multiplying by 1 3/4, they can calculate they'll complete 10 1/2 laps in half an hour.

    Understanding fraction division is also crucial in more advanced mathematical studies. It forms the foundation for working with ratios, proportions, and algebraic fractions. In physics and engineering, complex calculations often involve dividing fractional quantities to solve real-world problems.

    By mastering dividing fractions in cooking, we equip ourselves with a powerful tool for tackling everyday challenges and preparing for future academic and professional pursuits. Whether we're adjusting recipes, planning construction projects, managing finances, or pursuing scientific endeavors, the ability to divide fractions confidently allows us to approach problems with precision and efficiency.

    Practice Problems and Solutions

    Ready to sharpen your skills in dividing fractions and mixed numbers? Let's dive into some practice problems! We'll cover various aspects and provide step-by-step solutions using both the visual method and the reciprocal method where appropriate. Try to solve each problem on your own before checking the solution.

    Problem 1: Simple Fraction Division

    Divide 3/4 ÷ 1/2


    1. Reciprocal method: 3/4 × 2/1 = 6/4 = 3/2 = 1.5
    2. Visual method: Draw a rectangle representing 3/4, then divide it into 1/2 parts. You'll see that 3/4 contains 1.5 of 1/2.

    Problem 2: Mixed Number Division

    Divide 2 1/3 ÷ 1/2


    1. Convert mixed number to improper fractions: 2 1/3 = 7/3
    2. Apply reciprocal method: 7/3 × 2/1 = 14/3 = 4 2/3

    Problem 3: Dividing by a Whole Number

    Divide 5/6 ÷ 2


    1. Reciprocal method: 5/6 × 1/2 = 5/12
    2. Visual method: Draw a rectangle representing 5/6, then divide it into 2 equal parts. Each part represents 5/12.

    Problem 4: Complex Mixed Number Division

    Divide 3 1/4 ÷ 1 1/2


    1. Convert mixed numbers to improper fractions: 3 1/4 = 13/4, 1 1/2 = 3/2
    2. Apply reciprocal method: 13/4 × 2/3 = 26/12 = 2 1/6

    Problem 5: Dividing by a Fraction Less Than 1

    Divide 2 ÷ 1/3


    1. Convert whole number to fraction: 2 = 2/1
    2. Apply reciprocal method: 2/1 × 3/1 = 6
    3. Visual method: Draw 2 whole units, then divide each into thirds. You'll see that 2 contains 6 one-thirds.

    Problem 6: Dividing Negative Fractions

    Divide -2/5 ÷ 3/4


    1. Apply reciprocal method: -2/5 × 4/3 = -8/15
    2. Note: When dividing fractions, follow the rules of sign for division.

    Remember, practice makes perfect! Try these problems and more to build your confidence in dividing fractions and mixed numbers. The visual method can be particularly helpful for understanding the concept, while the reciprocal method is often quicker for calculations. Keep practicing both methods to strengthen your skills.


    In this article, we've explored the fundamental concepts of graph traversal, focusing on depth-first search (DFS) and breadth-first search (BFS). We emphasized the importance of grasping these algorithms visually before diving into code implementation. Remember, a strong visual understanding forms the foundation for mastering these techniques. If you're still unsure, don't hesitate to rewatch the introductory video. Regular practice is key to solidifying your knowledge, so make it a habit to work on graph problems frequently. To further enhance your skills, we encourage you to tackle more practice problems and explore related topics such as shortest path algorithms or minimum spanning trees. By consistently applying these concepts and expanding your knowledge, you'll become proficient in graph traversal techniques, a crucial skill for many computer science applications and coding interviews. Keep learning, keep practicing, and watch your graph algorithm skills grow!

    Dividing Fractions and Mixed Numbers Using Diagrams

    Dividing Fractions and Mixed Numbers Using Diagrams
    Find each of the following quotients by using diagrams. 56÷34\frac{5}{6} \div \frac{3}{4}

    Step 1: Understanding the Problem

    To solve the problem 56÷34\frac{5}{6} \div \frac{3}{4} using diagrams, we need to understand what the division of fractions means. Essentially, we are trying to determine how many times 34\frac{3}{4} fits into 56\frac{5}{6}. This can be visualized using diagrams to make the concept clearer.

    Step 2: Drawing the Diagrams

    First, we need to represent both fractions using diagrams. We will use rectangles to represent these fractions.

    • Draw a rectangle and divide it into 6 equal parts to represent 56\frac{5}{6}. Shade 5 out of the 6 parts to show 56\frac{5}{6}.
    • Draw another rectangle of the same size and divide it into 4 equal parts to represent 34\frac{3}{4}. Shade 3 out of the 4 parts to show 34\frac{3}{4}.

    Step 3: Finding a Common Denominator

    To compare the two fractions accurately, we need to find a common denominator. The least common multiple of 6 and 4 is 12. Therefore, we will convert both fractions to have a denominator of 12.

    • Convert 56\frac{5}{6} to 1012\frac{10}{12} by multiplying both the numerator and the denominator by 2.
    • Convert 34\frac{3}{4} to 912\frac{9}{12} by multiplying both the numerator and the denominator by 3.

    Step 4: Redrawing the Diagrams

    Now, redraw the rectangles to reflect the new fractions with a common denominator of 12.

    • For 1012\frac{10}{12}, divide the rectangle into 12 equal parts and shade 10 of them.
    • For 912\frac{9}{12}, divide the rectangle into 12 equal parts and shade 9 of them.

    Step 5: Comparing the Fractions

    Now, we need to determine how many times 912\frac{9}{12} fits into 1012\frac{10}{12}. This can be visualized by comparing the shaded parts of the two rectangles.

    • Count how many full 912\frac{9}{12} sections fit into the 1012\frac{10}{12} section. You will find that one full 912\frac{9}{12} section fits, with some leftover.
    • Determine the leftover part. The leftover part is 112\frac{1}{12} of the original rectangle.

    Step 6: Calculating the Final Answer

    To find the final answer, we need to express the leftover part as a fraction of 912\frac{9}{12}.

    • The leftover part is 112\frac{1}{12}, and since 912\frac{9}{12} is the fraction we are dividing by, we need to determine what fraction of 912\frac{9}{12} is 112\frac{1}{12}.
    • 112\frac{1}{12} is 19\frac{1}{9} of 912\frac{9}{12}.

    Therefore, the final answer is 1 full 912\frac{9}{12} section plus 19\frac{1}{9} of another 912\frac{9}{12} section, which can be written as 1191 \frac{1}{9}.


    Here are some frequently asked questions about dividing fractions and mixed numbers:

    1. How do you divide by an improper fraction?

    To divide by an improper fraction, follow these steps: 1. Convert the improper fraction to a mixed number if desired. 2. Flip the improper fraction (find its reciprocal). 3. Multiply the first fraction by the reciprocal of the second fraction. 4. Simplify the result if possible.

    2. What are the 3 rules for dividing fractions?

    The three main rules for dividing fractions are: 1. Keep the first fraction as it is. 2. Change the division sign to multiplication. 3. Flip the second fraction (find its reciprocal).

    3. How do you divide improper fractions in algebra?

    To divide improper fractions in algebra: 1. Write the division as a fraction. 2. Multiply the first fraction by the reciprocal of the second fraction. 3. Simplify the resulting fraction if possible. For example: (5/3) ÷ (7/4) = (5/3) × (4/7) = 20/21

    4. What are the steps in dividing proper fractions?

    To divide proper fractions: 1. Keep the first fraction unchanged. 2. Change the division sign to multiplication. 3. Flip the second fraction (find its reciprocal). 4. Multiply the numerators and denominators. 5. Simplify the result if possible.

    5. How do you divide mixed numbers?

    To divide mixed numbers: 1. Convert both mixed numbers to improper fractions. 2. Follow the steps for dividing fractions (keep, change, flip). 3. Multiply the numerators and denominators. 4. Simplify the result and convert back to a mixed number if needed.

    Prerequisite Topics for Dividing Fractions and Mixed Numbers

    Understanding the fundamentals of fractions and mixed numbers is crucial before diving into the complex world of dividing them. A solid grasp of basic fraction operations forms the foundation for more advanced calculations. These operations include addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division, which are essential skills for manipulating fractions effectively.

    Before tackling division, it's important to master multiplying improper fractions and mixed numbers. This skill is closely related to division, as division of fractions often involves multiplication by the reciprocal. Additionally, understanding integer division provides a crucial stepping stone, as it introduces the concept of division and its properties.

    While it may seem unrelated at first, proficiency in adding and subtracting mixed numbers is also important. These skills help in simplifying expressions and finding common denominators, which can be useful when dividing fractions and mixed numbers. Moreover, the ability to convert between improper fractions and mixed numbers is often necessary during division problems.

    As you progress, you'll find that solving linear equations using multiplication and division becomes relevant. This algebraic skill helps in understanding how division of fractions can be applied in more complex mathematical scenarios. It also reinforces the inverse relationship between multiplication and division.

    Although it might not seem directly related, understanding proportional reasoning through graphs of linear relationships can provide valuable insights. This concept helps in visualizing how fractions relate to each other and how division affects these relationships.

    Ultimately, the goal is to become proficient in solving problems with rational numbers in fraction form. This skill encompasses all the previous topics and directly applies to dividing fractions and mixed numbers. It involves interpreting word problems, setting up appropriate equations, and using division of fractions to find solutions.

    By mastering these prerequisite topics, you'll build a strong foundation for understanding and applying the division of fractions and mixed numbers. Each concept contributes to your overall comprehension, making the learning process smoother and more intuitive. Remember, mathematics is a cumulative subject, and each new skill builds upon previously learned concepts. Take the time to thoroughly understand these prerequisites, and you'll find that dividing fractions and mixed numbers becomes a manageable and even enjoyable challenge.

    In this lesson, we will learn:

    • Dividing Fractions and Mixed Numbers Using Diagrams
    • Dividing Fractions and Mixed Numbers Algebraically
    • Word Problems: Dividing Fractions and Mixed Numbers
    • Dividing Fractions and Mixed Numbers Involving Multiple-digit and Negative Numbers