Newton's second law of motion

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  1. Introduction to Newton's second law
    Meaning of Newton's second law
    Newton's second law formula
    Newton, the unit of force
  1. Applying Newton's second law
    1. What is the unbalanced force required to accelerate a 1370 kg car at 4.25 m/s2m/s^{2}?
    2. What is the unbalanced force required to bring a 995 kg car travelling at 11.5 m/s to a stop in 30.0 m?
    3. An apple falls from a tree.

      i. What is the force of gravity acting on a falling 0.200 kg apple?

      ii. If the apple is accelerated downwards at 9.53 m/s2m/s^{2}, find the force of air resistance acting on the apple.

Topic Notes
In this lesson, we will learn:
  • Newton's second law of motion
  • Problem solving with Newton's second law of motion


  • Newton's second law: If a net force acts on an object, its velocity changes. The acceleration is proportional to the magnitude of the net force, and inversely proportional to the mass, or Fnet=ma\vec{F}_{net}=ma
  • The force of gravity acting on an object is Fg=mg\vec{F}_{g}=mg, where gg is acceleration due to gravity (9.81 m/s2 [down])
Newton's Second Law

ΣF=Fnet=ma\Sigma \vec{F} = \vec{F}_{net} = m\vec{a}

ΣF:\Sigma \vec{F}: sum of all forces, in newtons (N)

Fnet:\vec{F}_{net}: net force, in newtons (N)

m:m: mass, in kilograms (kg)

a:\vec{a}: acceleration, in meters per second squared (m/s2)(m/s^{2})