Point-slope form: y - y_1 = m(x - x_1)

  1. Overview: Slopes of lines
  2. What is Point-Slope form?
  3. Slope intercept form VS. General form VS. Slope-point form
  1. Determine the slope-point form of the following line equations:
    Slope-Point form: y - y_1 = m (x - x_1)
    1. Given the info of slope and two other points on the graph, find the missing variable.
      1. Given the slope m=4/5m = 4/5 and two points on a line (3,4)(-3, -4) and (2,a)(2, a). Find the value of aa.
      2. Given the slope m=4/7m = -4/7 and two points on a line (3,4)(3, 4) and (a,a1)(a, a-1). Find the value of aa.
    2. Given a point and the slope, write the equation in slope-point form and sketch the graph.
      1. (3,2),m=2/3(3, 2), m = 2/3
      2. (5,7),m=0(5, -7), m = 0
      3. (3,8),m=undefined(-3, 8), m = undefined
    Topic Notes
    In this lesson, we will learn how to determine slope-point form of line equations with given information such as, graphs, slopes, and points. We will also use the slope-point form to look for the missing variable in an equation.

    Introduction to Point-Slope Form

    Welcome to our exploration of the point-slope form, a crucial concept in linear equations! This powerful tool is essential for describing straight lines and understanding their behavior. The point-slope formula allows us to easily write an equation for a line when we know a point on the line and its slope. It's incredibly versatile and widely used in various mathematical applications. To kick off our journey, we've prepared an introduction video that will visually guide you through the basics of point-slope form. This video is designed to make the concept more accessible and relatable, helping you grasp the fundamentals with ease. As we progress, you'll see how this formula becomes an indispensable part of your mathematical toolkit. Whether you're tackling homework problems or exploring real-world scenarios, mastering the point-slope form will give you a significant advantage in understanding and working with linear equations. Let's dive in and unlock the potential of this fascinating mathematical concept together!

    Understanding Linear Functions and Point-Slope Form

    Linear functions are fundamental mathematical concepts that describe straight-line relationships between variables. These functions are ubiquitous in mathematics and have numerous real-world applications of linear functions. A linear function can be represented by the equation y = mx + b, where m is the slope and b is the y-intercept. This form, known as the slope-intercept form, is one of several ways to express linear equations.

    The point-slope form is another important representation of linear functions. This form is particularly useful when you know a point on the line and its slope. The general equation for the point-slope form is y - y1 = m(x - x1), where (x1, y1) is a known point on the line and m is the slope. This form allows us to easily write the equation of a line when given a point and the slope, without needing to calculate the y-intercept.

    The point-slope form relates closely to other forms of linear equations. It can be easily transformed into the slope-intercept form (y = mx + b) or the standard form (Ax + By = C) through algebraic manipulation. For example, to convert from point-slope to slope-intercept form, you would distribute the m, move y1 to the right side of the equation, and combine like terms.

    Let's illustrate this concept with an example. Suppose we know that a line passes through the point (2, 5) and has a slope of 3. Using the point-slope form, we can write the equation as:

    y - 5 = 3(x - 2)

    This equation tells us that for any point (x, y) on the line, the change in y from 5 is equal to 3 times the change in x from 2. To convert this to slope-intercept form, we would expand the right side:

    y - 5 = 3x - 6

    Then, add 5 to both sides:

    y = 3x - 1

    Now we have the equation in slope-intercept form, where we can easily identify the y-intercept as -1.

    Derivation of the Point-Slope Formula

    The point-slope form is derived from the slope formula, which is a fundamental concept in understanding linear functions. The slope formula is:

    m = (y2 - y1) / (x2 - x1)

    Where (x1, y1) and (x2, y2) are two points on the line. To derive the point-slope form, we start with this slope formula and make some algebraic manipulations. Let's consider (x1, y1) as our known point and (x, y) as any point on the line. The slope formula becomes:

    m = (y - y1) / (x - x1)

    To isolate y, we multiply both sides by (x - x1):

    m(x - x1) = y - y1

    Finally, we rearrange the equation to get the standard point-slope form:

    y - y1 = m(x - x1)

    This derivation shows how the point-slope form is directly related to the concept of slope, making it a powerful tool for describing linear functions. It allows us to write the equation of a line using any point on that line and its slope, without needing to calculate the y-intercept or use two points.

    Understanding linear functions and their various forms, including the point-slope form, is crucial for students of mathematics and many scientific fields. These concepts provide a foundation for more advanced topics in algebra, calculus, and applied mathematics. By mastering linear functions and their representations, students gain valuable tools for modeling real-world applications of linear functions and solving complex problems across various disciplines.

    Components of Point-Slope Form

    The point-slope form equation, y - y1 = m(x - x1), is a powerful tool in linear algebra that helps us understand and describe straight lines. Let's break down each component of this equation and explore how it relates to the graph of a line.

    1. (x, y): These variables represent any point on the line. As we move along the line, both x and y change, but they always satisfy the equation.

    2. (x1, y1): This ordered pair represents a specific known point on the line. It serves as our reference point or anchor for the equation.

    3. m: This symbol represents the slope of the line, which measures its steepness and direction. A positive slope means the line rises from left to right, while a negative slope indicates it falls from left to right.

    4. y - y1: This part of the equation represents the vertical change between any point (x, y) on the line and our known point (x1, y1).

    5. x - x1: Similarly, this represents the horizontal change between any point (x, y) and our known point (x1, y1).

    Visually, imagine a coordinate plane with the known point (x1, y1) marked. The equation tells us how to find any other point on the line relative to this known point. The slope of the line (m) dictates how much the y-coordinate changes for each unit change in the x-coordinate.

    For example, if m = 2, for every 1 unit we move right (increase in x), we move up 2 units (increase in y). If m = -1/2, for every 2 units we move right, we move down 1 unit.

    The beauty of the point-slope form is that it directly relates to the graph. The known point (x1, y1) gives us a starting position on the graph. From there, the slope (m) tells us how to "move" to trace out the entire line.

    To better understand this, imagine drawing the line on graph paper:

    1. Plot the known point (x1, y1).

    2. Use the slope to determine how many units to move right/left and up/down to reach the next point.

    3. Continue this process to extend the line in both directions.

    The equation y - y1 = m(x - x1) essentially describes this process mathematically. It tells us how far to move vertically (y - y1) based on how far we've moved horizontally (x - x1), with the slope (m) determining the ratio between these changes.

    Understanding the point-slope form allows us to quickly sketch lines, find additional points on a line, and determine the equation of a line given a point and its slope. It's a versatile tool that bridges the gap between algebraic expressions and geometric representations of linear relationships.

    Writing Equations in Point-Slope Form

    Learning how to write an equation in point-slope form is an essential skill in algebra. This form is particularly useful when you're given a point on a line and its slope. Let's explore the step-by-step process and examine various examples to master this concept.

    Steps to Write an Equation in Point-Slope Form

    1. Identify the given point (x, y) and the slope (m).
    2. Use the point-slope formula: y - y = m(x - x)
    3. Substitute the values of x, y, and m into the formula.
    4. Simplify if necessary.

    Examples with Varying Difficulty

    Example 1 (Basic)

    Given: Point (2, 3) and slope 4


    • Use the formula: y - y = m(x - x)
    • Substitute values: y - 3 = 4(x - 2)
    • This is the equation in point-slope form.

    Example 2 (Intermediate)

    Given: Point (-1, 5) and slope -2/3


    • Use the formula: y - y = m(x - x)
    • Substitute values: y - 5 = -2/3(x - (-1))
    • Simplify: y - 5 = -2/3(x + 1)

    Example 3 (Advanced)

    Given: Point (2, -3) and slope 1/2


    • Use the formula: y - y = m(x - x)
    • Substitute values: y - (-3) = 1/2(x - 2)
    • Simplify: y + 3 = 1/2(x - 2)

    Common Mistakes and How to Avoid Them

    1. Mixing up x and y coordinates: Always double-check that you're using x and y correctly in the formula.
    2. Forgetting to subtract x: Remember, it's (x - x), not just x in the formula.
    3. Incorrect signs: Pay attention to negative slopes or coordinates and ensure you're using the correct signs.
    4. Not simplifying fractions: If possible, simplify fractions in your final answer for clarity.
    5. Confusing point-slope form with slope-intercept form: Remember, point-slope form is y - y = m(x - x), not y = mx + b.

    Tips for Success

    • Practice with various points and slopes to become comfortable with the formula.
    • Always write out the formula before substituting values to avoid mistakes.
    • Check your work by plugging the given point back into your equation.
    • Remember that point-slope form is just one way to express a linear equation. You can convert it to slope-intercept or standard form if needed.

    By mastering the point-slope form, you'll be well-equipped to handle various problems in algebra and calculus. This form is particularly useful when dealing with tangent

    Converting Between Point-Slope and Other Forms

    Understanding how to convert point-slope form to slope-intercept form and standard form conversion is crucial for mastering linear equations conversion. These conversions allow mathematicians and students to express the same line in different ways, each serving specific purposes. Let's explore the process of converting point-slope form to slope-intercept form and standard form conversion, along with examples and reasons why these conversions are important.

    Converting point-slope form to slope-intercept form:

    Point-slope form is expressed as y - y1 = m(x - x1), where (x1, y1) is a point on the line and m is the slope. To convert this to slope-intercept form (y = mx + b), follow these steps:

    1. Distribute the slope m: y - y1 = mx - mx1
    2. Add y1 to both sides: y = mx - mx1 + y1
    3. Combine the constant terms: y = mx + (y1 - mx1)

    Example: Convert y - 3 = 2(x - 4) to slope-intercept form

    1. y - 3 = 2x - 8
    2. y = 2x - 8 + 3
    3. y = 2x - 5

    Converting point-slope form to standard form:

    Standard form is expressed as Ax + By = C, where A, B, and C are integers, and A is non-negative. To convert point-slope form to standard form:

    1. Follow the steps to convert to slope-intercept form
    2. Move all terms to one side of the equation
    3. Multiply all terms by the least common multiple of the denominators to eliminate fractions
    4. Ensure the coefficient of x is positive

    Example: Convert y - 3 = 2(x - 4) to standard form

    1. y = 2x - 5 (slope-intercept form)
    2. -2x + y + 5 = 0
    3. 2x - y - 5 = 0 (make x coefficient positive)

    When and why to convert between these forms:

    • Point-slope to slope-intercept: Useful for graphing y-intercept, as it clearly shows the y-intercept and slope.
    • Point-slope to standard form: Preferred in some mathematical contexts and for certain problem-solving techniques.
    • Conversions help in comparing equations, solving systems of equations, and identifying parallel or perpendicular lines.
    • Different forms may be more suitable for specific applications in physics, engineering, or economics.

    Converting between point-slope form and other forms of linear equations conversion is an essential skill in algebra. Point-slope form is particularly useful when you know a point on the line and its slope, but converting to slope-intercept or standard form can provide additional insights or simplify certain mathematical operations. By mastering these conversions, you'll be better equipped to analyze and solve a wide range of linear equation problems in various fields of study and real-world applications.

    Applications and Problem Solving

    Point-slope form is a powerful tool in solving real-world problems involving linear relationships. This form of a linear equation is particularly useful when you have a known point and the slope of a line. Let's explore some practical applications and word problems that showcase the effectiveness of point-slope form.

    One common application of point-slope form is in economics, specifically when analyzing supply and demand curves. For example, suppose a company knows that when they price their product at $50, they sell 1000 units, and for every $1 increase in price, they sell 20 fewer units. To find the equation of this demand curve, we can use point-slope form. We have a point (50, 1000) and a slope of -20. Using the point-slope formula y - y1 = m(x - x1), we get: y - 1000 = -20(x - 50). This equation allows economists to predict demand at various price points.

    In physics, point-slope form is valuable for describing motion. Consider a car traveling at a constant speed of 60 mph. If we know the car's position at a specific time, we can use point-slope form to describe its motion. Let's say the car is 100 miles from its starting point after 2 hours. Our point is (2, 100), and the slope (speed) is 60 miles per hour. The equation becomes: y - 100 = 60(x - 2). This allows us to calculate the car's position at any given time.

    Engineering problems often involve linear relationships that can be expressed using point-slope form. For instance, in electrical engineering, Ohm's law states that voltage (V) is equal to current (I) multiplied by resistance (R). If we know the resistance of a circuit and one voltage-current pair, we can use point-slope form to find the equation. Suppose a circuit has a resistance of 5 ohms, and we measure 2 amperes of current at 10 volts. Our point is (2, 10), and the slope (resistance) is 5. The equation is: V - 10 = 5(I - 2).

    Let's solve a word problem using point-slope form: A coffee shop finds that when they sell 100 cups of coffee per day, their daily profit is $200. They also know that for each additional cup sold, their profit increases by $1.50. What is the equation for their daily profit based on the number of cups sold?

    To solve this, we identify our known point (100, 200) and the slope of 1.50. Using point-slope form:

    y - 200 = 1.50(x - 100)

    This equation allows the coffee shop to predict their profit for any number of cups sold.

    Another practical application is in environmental science. Suppose researchers are studying the relationship between altitude and temperature. They know that at sea level (altitude 0 feet), the temperature is 75°F, and for every 1000 feet increase in altitude, the temperature drops by 3.5°F. We can use point-slope form to model this relationship:

    T - 75 = -0.0035(h - 0)

    Where T is temperature in °F and h is altitude in feet.

    Point-slope form is particularly useful in these situations because it allows us to easily incorporate known information (a point and a rate of change) directly into the equation. This form is often more intuitive than slope-intercept form when working with real-world data, as we frequently have a known point and a rate of change rather than a y-intercept.

    In conclusion, point-slope form is a versatile tool for solving linear equation word problems across various fields. Its ability to directly utilize a known point and slope makes it invaluable in economics, physics, engineering, and environmental science, among other disciplines. By mastering point-slope form, students and professionals alike can more effectively model and analyze linear relationships in real-world scenarios.

    Graphing Lines Using Point-Slope Form

    Graphing a line using its point-slope form equation is a fundamental skill in linear algebra and coordinate geometry. This method provides a straightforward approach to plotting lines on a coordinate plane. Let's explore how to graph a line given its point-slope form equation through a step-by-step guide and examples.

    The point-slope form of a linear equation is expressed as y - y1 = m(x - x1), where (x1, y1) is a point on the line and m is the slope. To graph this line:

    1. Identify the given point (x1, y1) from the equation.
    2. Plot this point on the coordinate plane.
    3. Use the slope to find a second point on the line.
    4. Plot the second point and connect it to the first point with a straight line.

    Let's consider an example: y - 2 = 3(x - 1)

    1. The given point is (1, 2).
    2. Plot (1, 2) on the graph.
    3. The slope is 3, meaning for every 1 unit right, we move 3 units up. So, a second point could be (2, 5).
    4. Plot (2, 5) and draw a line through both points.

    The point (x1, y1) in the equation directly corresponds to a point on the graph, providing an immediate starting location. The slope (m) determines the line's steepness and direction. A positive slope means the line rises from left to right, while a negative slope indicates it falls from left to right.

    Another example: y + 1 = -2(x - 3)

    1. The given point is (3, -1).
    2. Plot (3, -1) on the graph.
    3. The slope is -2, so for every 1 unit right, we move 2 units down. A second point could be (4, -3).
    4. Plot (4, -3) and connect it to (3, -1).

    Understanding how the point and slope relate to the graph is crucial for mastering linear graphs. The given point anchors the line to a specific location, while the slope dictates how the line extends from that point. This relationship allows for quick visualization and accurate plotting of lines.

    Practicing with various point-slope form equations will enhance your ability to graph lines efficiently. Remember, you can always verify your graph by selecting additional points on the line and checking if they satisfy the original equation. This method of graphing point-slope form is invaluable for analyzing linear relationships in mathematics, physics, economics, and many other fields where linear models are used.


    Point-slope form is a crucial concept in understanding linear equations. This powerful tool allows us to easily write equations when given a point and the slope of a line. It's essential for graphing linear equations, solving real-world problems, and analyzing linear relationships. Remember, the point-slope form is y - y1 = m(x - x1), where (x1, y1) is a known point and m is the slope. This form is particularly useful when dealing with parallel or perpendicular lines. To solidify your understanding, we encourage you to review the introduction video, which provides a comprehensive overview of the topic. Practice is key to mastering point-slope form, so take advantage of the exercises provided. Challenge yourself with various problems to enhance your skills. By mastering point-slope form, you'll have a strong foundation for more advanced mathematical concepts. Don't hesitate to ask questions and engage with your peers to deepen your understanding of this fundamental topic in linear equations.


    Given the info of slope and two other points on the graph, find the missing variable. Given the slope m=4/5m = 4/5 and two points on a line (3,4)(-3, -4) and (2,a)(2, a). Find the value of aa.

    Step 1: Understand the Point-Slope Form Equation

    The point-slope form of a linear equation is given by yy1=m(xx1)y - y_1 = m(x - x_1), where mm is the slope of the line, and (x1,y1)(x_1, y_1) is a point on the line. In this problem, we are given the slope m=4/5m = 4/5 and two points on the line (3,4)(-3, -4) and (2,a)(2, a). Our goal is to find the value of aa.

    Step 2: Identify the Known Values

    We are given the slope m=4/5m = 4/5. We also have two points: (3,4)(-3, -4) and (2,a)(2, a). Let's label these points as follows:

    • Point 1: (x1,y1)=(3,4)(x_1, y_1) = (-3, -4)
    • Point 2: (x2,y2)=(2,a)(x_2, y_2) = (2, a)

    Step 3: Set Up the Slope Formula

    The slope formula is given by: \[ m = \frac{y_2 - y_1}{x_2 - x_1} \] Substituting the known values, we get: \[ \frac{a - (-4)}{2 - (-3)} = \frac{4}{5} \] Simplify the equation: \[ \frac{a + 4}{2 + 3} = \frac{4}{5} \] \[ \frac{a + 4}{5} = \frac{4}{5} \]

    Step 4: Solve for aa

    To solve for aa, we need to isolate aa on one side of the equation. Since the denominators on both sides of the equation are the same, we can equate the numerators: \[ a + 4 = 4 \] Subtract 4 from both sides: \[ a = 4 - 4 \] \[ a = 0 \]

    Step 5: Verify the Solution

    To ensure our solution is correct, we can substitute a=0a = 0 back into the slope formula and check if the slope is indeed 4/54/5: \[ \frac{0 - (-4)}{2 - (-3)} = \frac{4}{5} \] Simplify the equation: \[ \frac{4}{5} = \frac{4}{5} \] Since both sides of the equation are equal, our solution a=0a = 0 is verified to be correct.


    Q: What is the point-slope form of a linear equation?
    A: The point-slope form of a linear equation is y - y = m(x - x), where (x, y) is a point on the line and m is the slope. This form is useful when you know a point on the line and its slope, allowing you to easily write the equation of the line.

    Q: How do you convert point-slope form to slope-intercept form?
    A: To convert from point-slope form to slope-intercept form: 1. Start with y - y = m(x - x) 2. Distribute m: y - y = mx - mx 3. Add y to both sides: y = mx - mx + y 4. Combine the constant terms: y = mx + (y - mx) The result is in slope-intercept form: y = mx + b, where b = y - mx

    Q: What are the advantages of using point-slope form?
    A: Point-slope form is advantageous because: 1. It's easy to write when given a point and slope 2. It's useful for finding equations of parallel or perpendicular lines 3. It directly relates to the definition of slope 4. It's helpful in calculus for writing equations of tangent lines

    Q: How do you graph a line using point-slope form?
    A: To graph a line using point-slope form: 1. Plot the given point (x, y) 2. Use the slope to find a second point (rise over run from the first point) 3. Draw a line through these two points This method allows for quick and accurate graphing of lines.

    Q: Can you use any point on the line for point-slope form?
    A: Yes, you can use any point on the line for point-slope form. As long as you have the correct slope and a point that lies on the line, the resulting equation will be equivalent, regardless of which point you choose. This flexibility is one of the strengths of the point-slope form.

    Prerequisite Topics

    Understanding the point-slope form of a linear equation (y - y = m(x - x)) is crucial in algebra, but it's essential to grasp several prerequisite concepts first. One of the most fundamental is the slope equation, which forms the backbone of linear functions. This concept helps students comprehend how the rate of change between two points is calculated, providing a solid foundation for more complex linear equations.

    Building on this, students should explore applications of linear relations to understand how these mathematical concepts apply to real-world scenarios. This practical knowledge enhances the relevance of point-slope form and its uses in various fields.

    Another crucial prerequisite is graphing from slope-intercept form. This skill allows students to visualize linear equations, making the transition to point-slope form more intuitive. It's also beneficial to practice word problems of graphing linear functions, as this reinforces the connection between equations and their graphical representations.

    A solid understanding of the coordinate plane is essential when working with point-slope form. This knowledge helps in plotting points and understanding how changes in x and y values affect the line's position and slope.

    Students should also be comfortable with distance and time related questions in linear equations. This prerequisite topic provides practical applications of linear functions and prepares students for more complex problem-solving using point-slope form.

    Lastly, familiarity with parallel and perpendicular lines in linear functions is crucial. This knowledge helps in understanding how the slope in point-slope form relates to the orientation of lines in the coordinate plane.

    By mastering these prerequisite topics, students will find it much easier to grasp the concept of point-slope form. They'll be better equipped to understand its derivation, application, and significance in the broader context of linear algebra. Moreover, this foundational knowledge will prove invaluable as they progress to more advanced mathematical concepts, ensuring a smoother learning journey and deeper comprehension of algebraic principles.