Circle chord, tangent, and inscribed angles proofs

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    1. What is a chord?
    2. What is a tangent?
  1. Given: 2AC =AD, 2DF=DH Prove: \angleBEG = 90°
    use circle chord, tangent, and inscribed angles proofs to prove angles in a circle
    1. Given: AC is tangent at B, AC is parallel to DF Prove: arc BD = arc BF Given: 2AC =AD, 2DF=DH Prove: \angleBEG = 90°
      proving angles in a circle using circle chord, tangent, and inscribed angles proofs
      1. Given: EG is tangent at F, AB is parallel to CD Prove: \angleBAF = \angleDCF Given: 2AC =AD, 2DF=DH Prove: \angleBEG = 90°
        Circle chord, tangent, and inscribed angles proofs
        1. Given: AF is tangent to circle X at D, CF is tangent to circle Y at E. DF tangent to both circles Prove: DF = EF Given: 2AC =AD, 2DF=DH Prove: \angleBEG = 90°
          use circle chord, tangent, and inscribed angles proofs to prove tangent lines and angles
          Topic Notes