Angle of elevation and depression

  1. Introduction to application to bearings – angle of elevation/depression
  2. Angle of elevation
  3. Angle of depression
  1. Analyze the Use of Angle of Elevation or Depression

    A house was built next to a mountain. The angle of depression from the top of the mountain to the house is 12°. If the mountain is 800m tall, how far is the house from the mountain?

    1. Billy is standing 150m away from a wind turbine. His eye level is 2m from the ground. If his angle of elevation is 25° to the top of the turbine, determine the height of the wind turbine.
      1. Evaluate the Height of An Object With No Angle of Elevation or Depression Given

        Nelson, whose height is 1.8m, is standing 12m away from a light pole. If he casts a shadow 15m away from the pole, what is the height of the light pole?

        1. Determine the Height of An Object Using the Angle of Elevation AND Depression

          Buildings X and Y are 240m from each other. From the roof of building X, the angle of elevation to the top of building Y is 26° and the angle of depression to the base of building Y is 32°. How tall is each building?

          Topic Notes

          Introduction to Angles of Elevation and Depression

          Angles of elevation and depression are fundamental concepts in trigonometry with significant real-world applications. These angles describe the vertical direction in which an observer looks at an object, either above or below their line of sight. The angle of elevation refers to the upward angle formed when looking at an object above the horizontal, while the angle of depression is the downward angle when viewing something below. Our introduction video provides a clear visual explanation of these concepts, helping students grasp their importance in trigonometry. Understanding angles of elevation and depression is crucial for solving problems in various fields, including architecture, engineering, and navigation. These angles allow us to calculate distances and heights of objects that may be difficult to measure directly. By mastering these concepts, students gain valuable tools for analyzing and solving complex spatial problems in both academic and practical settings.

          Understanding Angle of Elevation

          The angle of elevation is a fundamental concept in geometry and trigonometry that describes the upward angle formed when looking at an object above eye level. This concept is crucial in various real-world applications, from architecture to astronomy. To understand it better, let's break it down using simple language and a practical example.

          Imagine you're standing on the ground and looking up at the top of a tall building. The angle of elevation is the angle formed between your horizontal line of sight (parallel to the ground) and the line connecting your eye to the top of the building. This angle represents how much you need to tilt your head upwards to see the object above you.

          To visualize this concept more clearly, let's walk through the steps of drawing and identifying the angle of elevation in a diagram:

          1. Start by drawing a horizontal line representing the ground.
          2. Draw a vertical line representing the tall object (like a building or tree) you're looking at.
          3. Mark a point on the ground line to represent your position as the observer.
          4. Draw a horizontal line from your position, parallel to the ground. This is your eye level line.
          5. Draw a line from your position to the top of the vertical object. This is your line of sight.
          6. The angle formed between your eye level line and the line of sight is the angle of elevation.

          It's important to emphasize the significance of the eye level line in this diagram. This line is crucial because it serves as the reference for measuring the angle of elevation. Without it, we wouldn't have a clear way to determine how much the line of sight deviates from horizontal.

          The line of sight is equally important, as it represents the direct path from your eye to the object you're observing. This line forms the upper boundary of the angle of elevation and helps us visualize how much we need to look up to see the object.

          Understanding the angle of elevation has practical applications in many fields. For instance, surveyors use it to measure the height of buildings or mountains. Astronomers employ this concept when observing celestial bodies. Even in everyday life, you might use the principle of angle of elevation when adjusting a TV antenna or positioning a solar panel for optimal sunlight exposure.

          It's worth noting that the angle of elevation is always measured from the horizontal eye level line upwards. If you were looking down at an object below your eye level, the angle formed would be called the angle of depression, which is essentially the opposite concept.

          To measure the angle of elevation accurately, you would typically use an instrument called a theodolite or a clinometer. However, for basic estimations, you can use a protractor aligned with your eye level line in the diagram.

          In mathematical problems involving angles of elevation, you'll often find that this angle forms part of a right-angled triangle. This is where trigonometry comes into play, allowing you to calculate vertical distances or heights using functions like sine, cosine, and tangent.

          By understanding the angle of elevation and how to identify it in diagrams, you're equipped with a powerful tool for analyzing vertical distances and heights in various scenarios. Whether you're studying geometry, planning construction projects, or simply curious about the world around you, this concept provides a valuable perspective on how we perceive and measure objects above our eye level.

          Understanding Angle of Depression

          The angle of depression is a fundamental concept in trigonometry that describes the downward angle formed when an observer looks at an object below their eye level. This concept is often contrasted with its counterpart, the angle of elevation, which occurs when looking upward at an object above eye level. To better understand the angle of depression, let's explore its definition, characteristics, and how it differs from the angle of elevation.

          Imagine standing at the edge of a cliff, looking down at a house in the valley below. The angle formed between your horizontal line of sight (parallel to the ground at your eye level) and the line of sight to the house is called the angle of depression. This scenario perfectly illustrates the key elements involved: the observer's position, the eye level line, and the line of sight to the object below.

          To draw and identify the angle of depression in a diagram, follow these steps:

          1. Draw a horizontal line representing the observer's eye level.
          2. Mark the observer's position on this line.
          3. Place the object (e.g., the house) below the eye level line.
          4. Draw a line from the observer's position to the object, representing the line of sight.
          5. The angle formed between the eye level line and the line of sight is the angle of depression.

          It's crucial to understand that the eye level line is always horizontal and parallel to the ground, regardless of the terrain. This line serves as a reference point for measuring the angle of depression. The line of sight, on the other hand, is the imaginary line that connects the observer's eye to the object being viewed.

          The angle of depression is measured from the eye level line downward to the line of sight. This is a key distinction from the angle of elevation, which is measured upward from the eye level line to an object above. Both angles are measured in degrees and play essential roles in various real-world applications of angle of depression, such as surveying, navigation, and architecture.

          In practical scenarios, the angle of depression is often used to calculate distances using angle of depression when direct measurement is not possible. For instance, a surveyor standing on a cliff can use the angle of depression to determine the height of the cliff or the distance to an object in the valley below, provided they know one of these measurements and the horizontal distance to the object.

          Understanding the relationship between the eye level line and the line of sight is crucial for accurately identifying and measuring the angle of depression. The eye level line serves as a constant reference, while the line of sight changes based on the location of the observed object. The angle between these two lines gives us valuable information about the spatial relationship between observer and object.

          In conclusion, the angle of depression is a vital concept in trigonometry that describes the downward angle formed when observing objects below eye level. By understanding how to identify and measure this angle using the eye level line and line of sight, we can solve various real-world applications of angle of depression involving height, distance, and spatial relationships. Whether you're a student studying trigonometry or a professional in fields like engineering or surveying, mastering the concept of angle of depression will prove invaluable in your work and studies.

          Comparing Angle of Elevation and Depression

          Angle of elevation and angle of depression are two important concepts in trigonometry that are closely related yet distinct. Understanding the similarities and differences between these angles is crucial for solving real-world problems involving height, distance, and observation points.

          Angle of elevation refers to the angle formed between the horizontal line of sight and the line of sight to an object above the observer. In contrast, angle of depression is the angle formed between the horizontal line of sight and the line of sight to an object below the observer. Both angles are measured from the horizontal, but they differ in the direction of the observed object.

          The key relationship between these angles is that they are complementary when the observer and the object are at the same horizontal distance. This means that if you were to draw a vertical line between the observer and the object, the angle of elevation from one point would be equal to the angle of depression from the other point.

          Real-world applications of angle of elevation include:

          • Measuring the height of tall structures like buildings or mountains
          • Calculating the trajectory of projectiles in sports or ballistics
          • Determining the altitude of aircraft or celestial bodies

          Angle of depression is commonly used in scenarios such as:

          • Estimating the depth of valleys or canyons from an elevated position
          • Calculating safe landing angles for aircraft
          • Determining the distance to a ship from a lighthouse
          Angle of Elevation Angle of Depression
          Measured upward from horizontal Measured downward from horizontal
          Observer looks up Observer looks down
          Object is above eye level Object is below eye level

          To visualize these concepts, imagine a person standing at the base of a tall building looking up at its top (angle of elevation), and then picture that same person on the roof looking down at a car on the street (angle of depression). In both cases, the angle is formed between the horizontal and the line of sight, but the direction changes based on the observer's position relative to the object.

          Understanding and applying these concepts is essential in fields such as architecture, engineering, navigation, and astronomy. By mastering the differences and relationships between angles of elevation and depression, you can solve complex problems involving height, distance, and perspective in various real-world situations.

          Another real-world applications of angle of elevation can be seen in various engineering projects where precise measurements are crucial.

          Pilots often rely on calculating safe landing angles to ensure a smooth and safe descent onto the runway.

          Real-World Applications of Angles of Elevation and Depression

          Angles of elevation and depression play a crucial role in various real-world applications, demonstrating the practical importance of these mathematical concepts. These angles are widely used in fields such as engineering, construction, aviation, and surveying, providing essential tools for measuring and estimating distances and heights.

          One of the most common applications of angles of elevation and depression is in estimating the height of tall objects. For example, surveyors and engineers often use these angles to determine the height of buildings, towers, or mountains without physically climbing them. By measuring the angle of elevation from a known distance away, they can calculate the object's height using trigonometric functions. This technique is particularly useful in urban planning, construction, and geological surveys.

          In the field of surveying, angles of elevation and depression are fundamental for creating accurate topographic maps and determining land contours. Surveyors use specialized equipment like theodolites to measure these angles precisely, allowing them to map out terrain features, calculate slopes, and plan infrastructure projects. This information is invaluable for road construction, pipeline laying, and land development.

          Navigation is another area where these concepts find extensive use. Sailors and pilots rely on angles of elevation to determine their position relative to celestial bodies or landmarks. By measuring the angle between the horizon and a known star or object, they can calculate their latitude and longitude. This technique, known as celestial navigation, has been used for centuries and remains a backup method in modern navigation systems.

          In architecture and construction, angles of elevation and depression are essential for designing and building structures that are both aesthetically pleasing and structurally sound. Architects use these angles to plan roof pitches, staircase inclinations, and building facades. Engineers apply them in designing drainage systems, ramps for accessibility, and ensuring proper sunlight exposure for buildings.

          The aviation industry heavily relies on angles of elevation and depression for various purposes. Pilots use the angle of elevation to determine their altitude and approach angle during takeoff and landing. Air traffic controllers utilize these concepts to maintain safe distances between aircraft and guide them along proper flight paths. Additionally, these angles are crucial in designing airport runways and approach lighting systems.

          In the field of astronomy, angles of elevation are used to locate and track celestial objects. Telescopes are often equipped with instruments that measure these angles, allowing astronomers to precisely pinpoint the position of stars, planets, and other celestial bodies in the night sky.

          Military applications also make extensive use of angles of elevation and depression. Artillery units use these angles to accurately aim their weapons over long distances. Similarly, snipers and long-range shooters must account for these angles to compensate for bullet drop and wind effects.

          In the realm of renewable energy, angles of elevation are crucial for optimizing the performance of solar panels. Engineers use these angles to determine the ideal tilt for solar arrays, ensuring maximum exposure to sunlight throughout the year based on the location's latitude.

          Angles of elevation and depression find applications in sports as well. Golf course designers use these concepts to create challenging yet fair courses, considering the angles of slopes and elevations. In sports like skiing and snowboarding, understanding these angles is essential for designing safe and exciting slopes.

          These real-world applications of angles of elevation and depression demonstrate the wide-ranging importance of these mathematical concepts. From towering skyscrapers to precise navigation, from renewable energy to military operations, these angles play a vital role in shaping our world and advancing various fields of human endeavor.

          Problem-Solving Techniques for Angles of Elevation and Depression

          Solving problems involving angles of elevation and depression can be challenging, but with the right approach, you can master these concepts. Here's a step-by-step guide to help you tackle these problems effectively:

          Step 1: Understand the Concepts

          Before diving into problem-solving, it's crucial to understand what angles of elevation and depression mean:

          • Angle of Elevation: The angle formed between the horizontal line of sight and the line of sight to an object above the horizontal.
          • Angle of Depression: The angle formed between the horizontal line of sight and the line of sight to an object below the horizontal.

          Step 2: Draw a Diagram

          Always start by drawing a clear diagram representing the problem. This visual aid will help you identify the given information and the unknown variables.

          Step 3: Label Known Information

          Clearly label all known information on your diagram, including distances, heights, and angles.

          Step 4: Identify the Trigonometric Ratio

          Determine which trigonometric ratio (sine, cosine, or tangent) is most appropriate for solving the problem based on the given information and what you need to find.

          Step 5: Set Up the Equation

          Write the equation using the chosen trigonometric ratio and the known information. This is crucial for setting up trigonometric equations.

          Step 6: Solve the Equation

          Use algebraic techniques to solve for the unknown variable. This step involves solving trigonometric equations.

          Sample Problem 1: Angle of Elevation

          A person standing 50 meters away from the base of a building observes the top of the building at an angle of elevation of 30°. What is the height of the building?


          1. Draw a right triangle with the building as the vertical side and the observer's distance as the horizontal side.
          2. Label the known information: adjacent side = 50 m, angle = 30°.
          3. We need to find the opposite side (height), so we'll use the tangent ratio.
          4. Set up the equation: tan(30°) = height / 50
          5. Solve: height = 50 * tan(30°) 28.87 meters

          Sample Problem 2: Angle of Depression

          From the top of a 100-meter tall lighthouse, a sailor observes a ship at an angle of depression of 15°. How far is the ship from the base of the lighthouse?


          1. Draw a right triangle with the lighthouse as the vertical side and the ship's distance as the horizontal side.
          2. Label the known information: opposite side = 100 m, angle = 15°.
          3. We need to find the adjacent side (distance), so we'll use the tangent ratio.
          4. Set up the equation: tan(15°) = 100 / distance
          5. Solve: distance = 100 / tan(15°) 373.21 meters

          Tips and Strategies

          • Practice drawing accurate diagrams to visualize the problem.
          • Memorize the trigonometric ratios (SOH-CAH-TOA) to quickly identify which ratio to use.
          • Always include units in your final answer.
          • Double-check your calculations and ensure your answer makes sense in the context of the problem.
          • In real-life situations, consider factors like measurement errors and round your answers appropriately.
          • For tips for solving trigonometry problems, practice regularly and review your mistakes.

          Common Misconceptions and Pitfalls

          When dealing with angles of elevation and depression, students often encounter several misconceptions that can hinder their understanding and problem-solving abilities. One of the most common mistakes is confusing the angle of elevation with the angle of depression. It's crucial to understand that these are two distinct concepts, each with its own unique perspective and measurement.

          The angle of elevation is measured from the horizontal line upwards to the line of sight, while the angle of depression is measured from the horizontal line downwards to the line of sight. A simple way to remember this is that elevation involves looking up, and depression involves looking down. For example, when you're standing at the base of a tall building and looking up at its top, you're dealing with an angle of elevation. Conversely, if you're at the top of the building looking down at an object on the ground, you're working with an angle of depression.

          Another common mistake is failing to identify the correct reference point for measurement. Students often struggle to determine whether they should measure the angle from the observer's position or the object being observed. The key is to always measure from the observer's perspective. In problems involving angles of elevation and depression, the observer is typically at ground level for elevation angles and at a higher position for depression angles.

          Students also frequently misinterpret diagrams, especially when multiple angles are involved. It's essential to carefully analyze the given information and identify which angle corresponds to elevation or depression. A helpful tip is to draw a clear horizontal reference line in your diagram to serve as a reference point for measuring these angles.

          Calculation errors often arise when students forget to consider the complementary nature of these angles. The angle of elevation from one point to another is always complementary to the angle of depression from the second point to the first. This means that these angles add up to 90 degrees. Understanding this relationship can be invaluable in solving complex problems and checking your work.

          To avoid these pitfalls, always start by clearly labeling your diagrams, identifying the observer's position, and drawing a horizontal reference line. Practice visualizing real-world scenarios to better grasp the concepts of elevation and depression angles. Remember, the key to mastering these concepts lies in understanding the perspective from which the angle is being measured and consistently applying this knowledge to various problem-solving situations.


          Understanding angles of elevation and depression is crucial in various real-world applications, from architecture to navigation. These concepts help us measure and describe the vertical relationship between objects at different heights. Angles of elevation look upward from a horizontal line, while angles of depression look downward. Mastering these principles enables accurate calculations in fields like surveying, engineering, and astronomy. To reinforce your understanding, practice solving problems involving these angles regularly. Refer back to the introduction video for visual aids that clarify these concepts. By applying your knowledge of angles of elevation and depression, you'll enhance your spatial reasoning skills and problem-solving abilities. Continue exploring this topic through additional resources and exercises to deepen your comprehension. Remember, these angular measurements are fundamental in many professions, so investing time in mastering them will prove valuable in numerous scenarios. Take the next step in your learning journey by tackling more complex problems and real-world applications of angles of elevation and depression.

          Introduction to Application to Bearings Angle of Elevation/Depression

          Angle of Elevation

          Step 1: Understanding Bearings and Their Applications

          Bearings have numerous applications in various fields, one of which is estimating the height of an object that cannot be easily measured using a ruler. For instance, when dealing with objects like a plane in the sky, bearings are essential to determine the angle of elevation and the angle of depression. These angles help in calculating the height or distance of the object from a certain point.

          Step 2: Introduction to Angle of Elevation

          The angle of elevation is the angle formed between the horizontal line from the observer's eye and the line of sight to an object above the observer. This concept is crucial when you need to look up to an object, such as a plane in the sky or the top of a tall building. Understanding this angle helps in various practical applications, including navigation, construction, and even in everyday scenarios.

          Step 3: Drawing the Horizontal Line

          To solve any problem related to the angle of elevation, the first step is to draw a horizontal line from the observer's eyes. This line should be parallel to the ground and is often referred to as the eye level. This horizontal line serves as the reference point for measuring the angle of elevation. In physics, this concept is commonly known and is fundamental in understanding how angles of elevation and depression work.

          Step 4: Identifying the Line of Sight

          Once the horizontal line (eye level) is drawn, the next step is to identify the line of sight. The line of sight is the straight line from the observer's eyes to the object above. The angle formed between this line of sight and the horizontal line is the angle of elevation. This angle can be measured using a protractor or calculated using trigonometric functions if the distances are known.

          Step 5: Practical Example

          Consider a scenario where you are standing on the ground and looking up at a plane flying in the sky. To find the angle of elevation, you would draw a horizontal line from your eyes parallel to the ground. Then, you would draw a line from your eyes to the plane. The angle between these two lines is the angle of elevation. This angle can be used to calculate the height of the plane if the distance from you to the point directly below the plane is known.

          Step 6: Calculating the Angle of Elevation

          To calculate the angle of elevation, you can use trigonometric ratios such as tangent. The formula is:
          tan(θ) = opposite/adjacent
          Where θ is the angle of elevation, the opposite side is the height of the object (e.g., the plane), and the adjacent side is the horizontal distance from the observer to the point directly below the object. By rearranging the formula, you can solve for θ:
          θ = arctan(opposite/adjacent)
          This calculation provides the angle of elevation, which can then be used in further analysis or applications.

          Step 7: Importance of Angle of Elevation

          Understanding and calculating the angle of elevation is essential in various fields such as aviation, architecture, and even in sports. For example, pilots use the angle of elevation to navigate and maintain the correct altitude. Architects use it to design buildings and ensure structural integrity. In sports, coaches and athletes use it to analyze trajectories and improve performance. Therefore, mastering this concept is beneficial for both academic and practical purposes.


          Here are some frequently asked questions about angles of elevation and depression:

          1. What is the difference between angle of elevation and depression?

          The angle of elevation is measured upward from the horizontal line of sight to an object above the observer's eye level. The angle of depression is measured downward from the horizontal line of sight to an object below the observer's eye level.

          2. How do you identify if it's an angle of elevation or angle of depression?

          If the observer is looking up at an object, it's an angle of elevation. If the observer is looking down at an object, it's an angle of depression. The key is to consider the observer's perspective relative to the horizontal line of sight.

          3. What is an example of elevation and depression?

          An example of elevation: Looking up at the top of a building from ground level. An example of depression: Looking down at a boat on the water from a cliff. Both scenarios involve measuring the angle from the horizontal line of sight to the observed object.

          4. Is the angle of depression always equal to the angle of elevation?

          The angle of depression from point A to point B is equal to the angle of elevation from point B to point A, but only when the two points are at the same horizontal distance from each other. This relationship is due to the complementary nature of these angles.

          5. How do you find the angle of elevation or depression?

          To find these angles, you typically use trigonometric ratios in a right triangle. Measure the horizontal distance to the object and its height difference from the observer. Then, use the tangent function: tan(θ) = opposite / adjacent. Solve for θ to find the angle of elevation or depression.

          Prerequisite Topics for Angle of Elevation and Depression

          Understanding the concept of angle of elevation and depression is crucial in trigonometry and real-world applications. To fully grasp this topic, it's essential to have a solid foundation in several prerequisite areas. Let's explore how these fundamental concepts contribute to your understanding of angles of elevation and depression.

          First and foremost, a strong grasp of horizontal lines of linear equations is vital. This knowledge helps establish a clear horizontal reference line, which is essential when working with angles of elevation and depression. Understanding how to identify and work with horizontal lines provides a crucial baseline for measuring these angles.

          Equally important is the ability to calculate horizontal and vertical distances. Mastering vertical distances calculation is particularly relevant, as angles of elevation and depression often involve determining heights or depths relative to a horizontal plane.

          A cornerstone of working with angles of elevation and depression is proficiency in using tangent ratios to calculate angles and sides. Understanding trigonometric functions like sine, cosine, and tangent is crucial for solving problems involving these angles. The tangent function, in particular, is frequently used to find unknown angles or distances in elevation and depression scenarios.

          Additionally, familiarity with other word problems relating to angles in trigonometry provides valuable context and problem-solving strategies. This includes understanding complementary angles in trigonometry, which often come into play when working with angles of elevation and depression.

          As you progress, you'll find that solving first-degree trigonometric equations becomes an essential skill. Many real-world problems involving angles of elevation and depression require solving trigonometric equations to find unknown values.

          Lastly, while it may seem unrelated at first, the ability to read and draw accurate diagrams is incredibly valuable. When working with angles of elevation and depression, drawing clear and precise diagrams can significantly aid in problem visualization and solution formulation.

          By mastering these prerequisite topics, you'll build a strong foundation for understanding and applying concepts related to angles of elevation and depression. This comprehensive knowledge base will enable you to tackle more complex problems and real-world applications with confidence and accuracy.

          When you look at an object above you, the angle between the horizontal and your line of sight to the object is called the angle of elevation.

          When you look at an object below you, the angle between the horizontal and your line of sight to the object is called the angle of depression.