Use tangent ratio to calculate angles and sides (Tan = o / a)

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  1. What are sine, cosine and tangent?
  1. Determine each tangent ratio using a calculator
    i) tan70\tan 70^\circ
    ii) tan134\tan-134^\circ
    1. Determine the angle to the nearest degree using a a calculator
      i) tanθ=0.64\tan \theta = 0.64
      ii) tanθ=1.45\tan \theta = -1.45
      1. Determine the angles and sides using Tangent
        1. Find angle A and B:

          Use tangent ratio and side lengths of triangle to calculate angles
        2. Find the value of "x" using tangent

          Use tangent ratio, adjacent side and tangent theta to calculate opposite side length
        3. Find the value of "x" using tangent

          Use tangent ratio, adjacent side length and tangent theta to calculate opposite side length
      2. Draw and label a right triangle to illustrate tangent ratio, then calculate the angle.
        1. tanθ=59\tan \theta = {5 \over 9}
      Topic Notes
      Tangent ratio is yet another trigonometric ratio for right-angled triangles. Tangent ratio is the ratio of opposite side to adjacent side of a right triangle. Same as the sine and cosine ratios, tangent ratios can be used to calculate the angles and sides of right angle triangles.

      Introduction to the Tangent Ratio in Trigonometry

      The tangent ratio is a fundamental concept in trigonometric function, essential for solving problems involving right-angled triangles. Our introduction video provides a comprehensive overview of this important trigonometric function, serving as a crucial starting point for students delving into more advanced mathematical concepts. The tangent ratio, often abbreviated as tan, is specifically defined as the ratio of the length of the opposite side to the length of the adjacent side in a right-angled triangle. This ratio is particularly useful when working with angles and distances in various real-world applications, such as engineering, physics, and navigation. Understanding the tangent ratio allows students to calculate unknown sides or angles in right-angled triangles, making it an indispensable tool in trigonometry. As we explore this concept further, we'll see how the tangent ratio relates to other trigonometric functions and its practical applications in solving complex problems.

      Understanding the Tangent Ratio

      The tangent ratio, commonly abbreviated as tan, is a fundamental concept in trigonometry that plays a crucial role in understanding the relationships between angles and sides in right triangles. The tangent ratio is defined as the ratio of the length of the opposite side to the length of the adjacent side in a right triangle, with respect to a specific angle. This relationship is expressed by the formula: tan = opposite / adjacent.

      To better understand the tangent ratio, it's essential to visualize a right triangle. In a right triangle, we have three sides: the hypotenuse (the longest side, opposite the right angle), the opposite side (across from the angle we're focusing on), and the adjacent side (next to the angle we're considering). The tangent ratio specifically relates the opposite and adjacent sides.

      The tangent ratio is closely related to two other primary trigonometric functions: sine (sin) and cosine (cos). While sine is defined as opposite / hypotenuse and cosine as adjacent / hypotenuse, the tangent can be derived from these ratios. In fact, tan θ = sin θ / cos θ, where θ represents the angle in question. This relationship highlights the interconnectedness of these trigonometric functions.

      To illustrate the concept, let's consider a right triangle with an angle of 45 degrees. In this case, the opposite and adjacent sides are equal, resulting in a tangent ratio of 1. This means that tan 45° = 1, a value often used in trigonometric calculations. For other common angles, such as 30° and 60°, the tangent ratios are 3/3 and 3, respectively.

      The importance of the tangent ratio extends far beyond theoretical mathematics. It finds extensive applications in various real-world scenarios. For instance, in construction and engineering, the tangent ratio is used to calculate the slope of roofs, ramps, and roads. Surveyors utilize the tangent function to determine heights of buildings or depths of valleys when direct measurement is impractical.

      In navigation, both maritime and aerial, the tangent ratio is crucial for calculating distances and plotting courses. It's particularly useful in situations where direct line-of-sight measurements are impossible. The tangent function also plays a significant role in physics, especially in areas dealing with waves, oscillations, and circular motion.

      Understanding and applying the tangent ratio is essential in fields like computer graphics and game development. It's used to calculate angles of view, perspective, and to create realistic 3D environments. In astronomy, the tangent ratio helps in determining the distances of celestial bodies and understanding their movements.

      To solve problems using the tangent ratio, it's often helpful to draw a diagram of the right triangle involved. Clearly label the known sides or angles, and identify which side is opposite and which is adjacent to the angle in question. Then, apply the formula tan = opposite / adjacent to find the unknown value.

      It's worth noting that while the tangent ratio is powerful, it has limitations. For instance, the tangent is undefined for angles of 90° and 270°, as these would require division by zero. Understanding these limitations is crucial for correctly applying the tangent ratio in various scenarios.

      In conclusion, the tangent ratio is a vital component of trigonometry, offering a straightforward way to relate the sides of a right triangle to its angles. Its formula, tan = opposite / adjacent, provides a clear method for calculations. The tangent's relationship with sine and cosine further enriches our understanding of trigonometric functions. Through its numerous practical applications, from construction to navigation, the tangent ratio demonstrates its significance in solving real-world problems, making it an indispensable tool in mathematics and various scientific and engineering disciplines.

      Calculating Tangent Values

      Understanding how to find tan (tangent) values is crucial in trigonometry. The tangent of an angle is defined as the ratio of the opposite side to the adjacent side in a right-angled triangle. Let's explore step-by-step instructions on how to calculate tangent values for given angles.

      Step-by-Step Guide to Calculate Tangent Values

      1. Identify the angle: Determine the angle for which you need to find the tangent value.
      2. Recall the formula: Tangent = Opposite / Adjacent
      3. Draw a right-angled triangle: Sketch a triangle with the given angle.
      4. Label the sides: Mark the opposite and adjacent sides relative to the angle.
      5. Measure or calculate side lengths: If not given, use other trigonometric ratios to find them.
      6. Apply the formula: Divide the length of the opposite side by the adjacent side.

      Examples of Tangent Values for Common Angles

      • Tan 30°: 1/3 0.577
      • Tan 45°: 1
      • Tan 60°: 3 1.732

      Using a Scientific Calculator to Find Tangent Values

      1. Ensure your calculator is in degree mode (usually indicated by "DEG" on the display).
      2. Enter the angle value.
      3. Press the "tan" or "TAN" button.
      4. The result displayed is the tangent value of the entered angle.

      Relationship Between Angle Measures and Tangent Values

      The relationship between angles and their tangent values is not linear. As the angle increases from 0° to 90°, the tangent value increases from 0 to infinity. Here are some key points to remember:

      • Tan 0° = 0
      • As the angle approaches 90°, the tangent value approaches infinity.
      • Tan 90° is undefined (division by zero).
      • Tangent values can be positive or negative, depending on the quadrant of the angle.
      • The tangent function is periodic, repeating every 180°.

      Understanding how to find tan values is essential in various fields, including engineering, physics, and navigation. Practice calculating tangent values for different angles to improve your trigonometry skills. Remember that memorize tangent angles extends beyond right-angled triangles and is applicable in more complex mathematical scenarios.

      When working with tangent values, it's helpful to memorize tangent angles (30°, 45°, 60°) as they frequently appear in problems. For angles not easily calculated mentally, rely on your scientific calculator or trigonometric tables. As you become more comfortable with tangent calculations, you'll find they're an invaluable tool in solving real-world problems involving angles and distances.

      Solving Problems Using Tangent

      The tangent ratio is a powerful tool in trigonometry, particularly useful for solving problems involving right triangles. Whether you need to find unknown sides or angles, understanding how to solve tangent problems can be incredibly valuable in various real-world scenarios. Let's explore different problem-solving situations and learn how to apply the tangent ratio effectively.

      To begin, it's essential to understand what the tangent ratio represents. In a right triangle, the tangent of an angle is the ratio of the opposite side to the adjacent side. This relationship is often expressed as tan(θ) = opposite / adjacent. With this fundamental concept in mind, let's dive into some practical applications.

      One common scenario where the tangent ratio proves useful is finding unknown sides in a right triangle. For example, imagine you're trying to calculate the height of a tree. You measure the angle of elevation from a point 50 meters away from the base of the tree to its top, and it's 30 degrees. To solve this problem, follow these steps:

      1. Identify the given information: angle = 30°, adjacent side (distance from you to the tree) = 50 meters
      2. Determine what needs to be found: the opposite side (height of the tree)
      3. Set up the tangent equation: tan(30°) = height / 50
      4. Solve for the height: height = 50 * tan(30°)
      5. Calculate the result: height 28.87 meters

      Another frequent application is finding an unknown angle using tangent. Let's say you're an engineer designing a ramp, and you know the rise (vertical height) is 1.5 meters and the run (horizontal distance) is 6 meters. To find the angle of the ramp, follow these steps:

      1. Identify the given information: opposite side (rise) = 1.5 meters, adjacent side (run) = 6 meters
      2. Determine what needs to be found: the angle of the ramp
      3. Set up the tangent equation: tan(θ) = 1.5 / 6
      4. Solve for θ using the inverse tangent (arctan or tan¹): θ = tan¹(1.5 / 6)
      5. Calculate the result: θ 14.04 degrees

      The tangent ratio is also valuable in more complex scenarios. For instance, surveyors often use it to calculate distances that are difficult to measure directly. Imagine you need to find the width of a river. You can measure a baseline of 100 meters along the riverbank and then measure the angles from each end of this baseline to a distinctive point on the opposite bank. If these angles are 62° and 73°, you can use the tangent ratio in combination with the law of sines to solve for the river's width.

      When approaching any problem involving tangent in right triangles, it's crucial to follow a systematic approach:

      1. Clearly identify the given information and what needs to be found
      2. Draw a diagram of the right triangle, labeling known sides and angles
      3. Determine which side is opposite and which is adjacent to the angle in question
      4. Set up the appropriate tangent equation based on whether you're finding a side or an angle
      5. Solve the equation, using a calculator for precise results when necessary
      6. Always check your answer to ensure it makes sense in the context of the problem

      Real-world applications of tangent extend beyond just finding heights and distances. Architects use it to design roof pitches and staircase angles. In navigation, pilots and sailors use tangent calculations to determine their position and plot courses. Even in fields like optics and physics, the tangent ratio plays a crucial role in understanding the behavior of light and calculating trajectories.

      As you practice solving right triangle problems, you'll become more comfortable with the process and develop a deeper understanding of trigonometry. This knowledge will be invaluable in both academic and professional settings, where precise calculations are often required.

      Inverse Tangent Function

      The inverse tangent function, also known as arctan or tan^-1, is a crucial concept in trigonometry that allows us to find angles when given the tangent ratio. This function is the inverse operation of the tangent function and plays a vital role in various mathematical and real-world applications.

      When we encounter a problem where we know the tangent of an angle but need to determine the angle itself, the inverse tangent function comes to our rescue. It takes the tangent value as input and returns the corresponding angle in radians or degrees, depending on the context.

      To use the inverse tangent function, we typically employ a scientific calculator or programming language that offers this operation. For example, if we have tan(θ) = 1, we can find θ by calculating arctan(1) or tan^-1(1), which gives us an angle of 45 degrees or π/4 radians.

      Let's explore some practical examples of using inverse tangent in problem-solving:

      1. Finding the angle of elevation: Imagine you're standing 20 meters away from a tall building and the top of the building appears at an angle above the horizontal. If you measure the tangent of this angle to be 0.8, you can find the actual angle by calculating arctan(0.8), which is approximately 38.7 degrees.

      2. Navigation and bearings: In maritime or aviation contexts, inverse tangent is used to determine the direction of travel. If a ship's east-west displacement is 5 nautical miles and its north-south displacement is 12 nautical miles, the bearing can be found using arctan(5/12), resulting in about 22.6 degrees.

      3. Physics problems: When dealing with inclined planes or vector components, inverse tangent helps in finding angles. For instance, if a force of 10 N is applied at an angle, creating horizontal and vertical components of 8 N and 6 N respectively, the angle can be calculated using arctan(6/8), which is about 36.9 degrees.

      While the inverse tangent function is incredibly useful, it's important to understand its limitations and range. The principal range of arctan is (-π/2, π/2) in radians or (-90°, 90°) in degrees. This means that the function can only produce angles within this range, which can sometimes lead to ambiguity in certain problems.

      For instance, if we have tan(θ) = 1, the inverse tangent will always give us 45° or π/4. However, this could represent an angle in either the first or third quadrant of the unit circle. To resolve such ambiguities, additional information about the signs of the x and y coordinates is often needed.

      Another limitation is that inverse tangent cannot directly find angles that are exactly 90° or -90°, as the tangent of these angles is undefined. In such cases, we often need to use limit concepts or alternative approaches.

      Despite these limitations, the inverse tangent function remains an indispensable tool in mathematics, physics, engineering, and computer graphics. Its ability to convert tangent ratios into angles makes it essential for solving a wide range of problems involving triangles, vectors, and trigonometric relationships.

      Tangent in the Unit Circle

      The tangent function is a fundamental trigonometric function that is closely related to the unit circle. Understanding this relationship is crucial for grasping the behavior and properties of the tangent function. In the context of the unit circle, the tangent of an angle is defined as the ratio of the sine of the angle to the cosine of the angle, or equivalently, the ratio of the y-coordinate to the x-coordinate of a point on the unit circle.

      As we move around the unit circle, the tangent function exhibits unique behaviors for different angle measures. For angles in the first quadrant (0° to 90°), the tangent is positive and increases from 0 to infinity. At 45°, the tangent equals 1, as the sine and cosine are equal at this point. As we approach 90°, the tangent grows rapidly, approaching infinity.

      In the second quadrant (90° to 180°), the tangent function is negative, starting from negative infinity just after 90° and increasing to 0 as we approach 180°. The behavior in the third and fourth quadrants mirrors that of the first and second, respectively, due to the periodicity of the tangent function.

      Special angles play a significant role in understanding the tangent function. At 0°, 180°, and 360°, the tangent is 0. At 30° and 60°, the tangent takes on values of 3/3 and 3, respectively. These special angles provide key reference points for sketching and analyzing the tangent graph.

      The periodicity of the tangent function is a crucial characteristic. Unlike sine and cosine, which have a period of 360°, the tangent function has a period of 180°. This means that the tangent repeats its values every 180°, resulting in a graph that consists of identical curves repeating infinitely in both positive and negative directions.

      When graphing the tangent function, one of the most striking features is the presence of vertical asymptotes. These asymptotes occur at angles where the cosine of the angle is zero, which happens at 90° and 270° (and their periodic equivalents). At these points, the tangent is undefined, as division by zero is not possible. The graph of the tangent function approaches positive infinity as it nears these angles from one side and negative infinity from the other side.

      The asymptotes of the tangent function are significant because they represent the discontinuities in the function. They divide the graph into separate, continuous sections and illustrate where the function's behavior changes dramatically. Understanding these asymptotes is crucial for accurately sketching the tangent graph and solving tangent-related problems.

      The tangent graph, with its distinctive shape, rises from negative infinity to positive infinity between each pair of asymptotes. This creates a series of S-shaped curves that repeat every 180°. The steepness of these curves increases as they approach the asymptotes, reflecting the rapid growth of the tangent value near these points.

      In practical applications, the tangent function is widely used in various fields. In physics, it's essential for calculating angles of elevation and depression. In engineering, it's used in surveying and navigation. The tangent function also plays a crucial role in calculus, particularly in the study of rates of change and slopes of curves.

      Understanding the tangent function's relationship to the unit circle provides a solid foundation for exploring more advanced trigonometric concepts. It allows for a visual interpretation of the function's behavior and helps in solving complex problems involving angles and ratios. By mastering the tangent function and its properties, students gain a powerful tool for mathematical analysis and real-world problem-solving.


      The tangent ratio is a fundamental concept in trigonometry, offering a powerful tool for solving real-world problems. As demonstrated in the introduction video, understanding the tangent ratio is crucial for various applications in fields such as engineering, architecture, and navigation. By mastering this concept, you'll be able to calculate heights, distances, and angles with precision. We encourage you to practice solving real-world problems using tangent, as it will reinforce your understanding and improve your problem-solving skills. Remember that the tangent ratio is just one aspect of trigonometry, and there's much more to explore. To further enhance your knowledge, consider delving into related topics like sine and cosine ratios. Don't hesitate to seek additional resources, join online forums, or participate in math communities to deepen your understanding. By embracing the power of tangent and trigonometry, you'll open doors to exciting career opportunities and gain a deeper appreciation for the mathematical principles that shape our world.

      Determine the angles and sides using Tangent

      Find angle A and B:
      Use tangent ratio and side lengths of triangle to calculate angles

      Step 1: Understand the Problem

      The problem requires us to use the tangent ratio to find the angles in a right triangle. The tangent ratio is defined as the ratio of the length of the opposite side to the length of the adjacent side (Tan = opposite / adjacent). We are given all three sides of the triangle, and we need to find angles A and B.

      Step 2: Identify the Sides

      First, identify the sides of the triangle relative to the angle you are solving for. The hypotenuse is the longest side and is opposite the right angle. For angle A, the side opposite to it is labeled as the opposite side, and the side adjacent to it is labeled as the adjacent side.

      Step 3: Set Up the Tangent Ratio for Angle A

      To find angle A, use the tangent ratio:
      tan(A) = opposite / adjacent
      Substitute the given side lengths into the equation. For angle A, the opposite side is 15, and the adjacent side is 8:
      tan(A) = 15 / 8

      Step 4: Solve for Angle A

      To find the measure of angle A, use the inverse tangent function (also known as arctangent):
      A = arctan(15 / 8)
      Use a calculator to find the value of A. Ensure you input the fraction directly into the arctangent function to avoid rounding errors. This will give you the most accurate result.

      Step 5: Set Up the Tangent Ratio for Angle B

      To find angle B, you could use the tangent ratio again. However, since we already know angle A and the right angle (90 degrees), we can use the fact that the sum of angles in a triangle is 180 degrees:
      B = 180 - 90 - A
      Substitute the value of angle A into the equation to find angle B.

      Step 6: Verify Your Results

      After calculating both angles, verify that the sum of angles A, B, and the right angle (90 degrees) equals 180 degrees. This ensures that your calculations are correct.


      Here are some frequently asked questions about the tangent ratio:

      What is the formula for the tangent ratio?

      The tangent ratio is defined as the ratio of the opposite side to the adjacent side in a right triangle. The formula is: tan(θ) = opposite / adjacent, where θ is the angle in question.

      How do you calculate tangent?

      To calculate tangent, identify the opposite and adjacent sides relative to the angle in question in a right triangle. Then, divide the length of the opposite side by the length of the adjacent side. You can also use a scientific calculator's tan function for direct calculation.

      What are some real-life applications of the tangent ratio?

      The tangent ratio is used in various fields, including construction (calculating roof slopes), navigation (determining distances and bearings), astronomy (measuring celestial angles), and engineering (designing ramps and inclines).

      How is the tangent ratio related to sine and cosine?

      The tangent ratio is related to sine and cosine through the identity: tan(θ) = sin(θ) / cos(θ). This relationship demonstrates how these trigonometric functions are interconnected.

      When should I use the tangent ratio instead of sine or cosine?

      Use the tangent ratio when you know the opposite and adjacent sides of a right triangle and need to find the angle, or when you know an angle and either the opposite or adjacent side and need to find the other. It's particularly useful for problems involving slopes or gradients.

      Prerequisite Topics

      Understanding the tangent ratio to calculate angles and sides (Tan = o / a) is a crucial concept in trigonometry. However, to fully grasp this topic, it's essential to have a solid foundation in several prerequisite areas. These foundational concepts not only provide context but also enhance your ability to apply the tangent ratio effectively.

      One of the fundamental prerequisites is the knowledge of unit circle. The unit circle serves as a visual representation of trigonometric functions and their relationships. It helps in understanding how the tangent ratio relates to angles and sides in a right triangle, which is crucial when using the tangent function.

      Another important concept to master is the cosine ratio. While the tangent ratio focuses on the opposite and adjacent sides, the cosine ratio deals with the adjacent side and hypotenuse. Understanding both ratios provides a comprehensive view of trigonometric relationships in right triangles.

      For a deeper understanding of the tangent function, it's beneficial to explore inverse tangent function. This concept helps in solving equations involving tangent and provides insight into the relationship between angles and ratios.

      When applying the tangent ratio to real-world problems, knowledge of angle of elevation becomes particularly useful. This concept is often used in practical applications, such as determining heights of buildings or distances to objects, using the tangent ratio.

      For those advancing to higher-level mathematics, understanding the derivative of inverse trigonometric functions becomes relevant. While not directly related to basic tangent ratio calculations, this knowledge provides a bridge to calculus and advanced trigonometric concepts.

      By mastering these prerequisite topics, students can approach the tangent ratio with a well-rounded understanding. This foundation not only aids in solving problems more effectively but also in appreciating the interconnectedness of trigonometric concepts. Each prerequisite topic contributes to a deeper comprehension of how the tangent ratio works and its applications in various mathematical and real-world scenarios.

      Remember, trigonometry is a subject where concepts build upon each other. Taking the time to thoroughly understand these prerequisite topics will significantly enhance your ability to work with the tangent ratio and other advanced trigonometric concepts. It's not just about memorizing formulas, but about understanding the underlying principles that make these mathematical relationships work.