Modeling with differential equations

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  1. What sort of problems can be solved by first-order differential equations?
  2. Modeling Population Dynamics
  3. Logistic Modeling
  4. Newton's Law of Cooling
  1. Modeling and Solving Differential Equations
    The rate of change of the volume of a spherical balloon in terms of radius is equal to the surface area of the balloon itself. Find the general solution of the differential equation.

    1. You are working in a factory that converts liquid X to liquid Y at a rate that is proportional to the cubic of the amount of X. Initially, you start with 100 grams of liquid X. After 2 hours, you only have 30 grams of liquid X remaining. How much of liquid X is remaining after 4 hours?
      1. Solving and Examining the Behaviour of the General Solution
        You are studying for a math test that is out of 100. Assume that if you do not study, then you will get 30% on your test. The mark on your math test is related to how much you study according to the model


        Where SS is the mark on your math test out of 100 and tt is the amount of hours studied.

        a) Solve this differential equation
        b) How much do you have to study in order to get 100 on your math test?
        c) Is it possible to get over 100 on your math test?
        1. Let F(t)F(t) be the number of Facebook friends you have at time tt. Assume that F(t)F(t) satisfies the logistic growth equation:


          a) Find F(t)F(t). (do not find the constant)
          b) Find lim\limt →\infty F(t)F(t). What does this result mean?
          1. Population Dynamics
            A population of Nudibranchs grow at a rate that is proportional to their current population. Without any outside factors the population will double every month.
            If the population is originally 100 Nudibranchs, how many Nudibranchs will there be after 3 months?
            1. Logistic Modeling
              A population of Nudibranchs grow at a rate that is proportional to their current population. Without any outside factors the population will double every month. However the ecosystems the Nudibranchs are living in can only support 15,000 Nudibranchs. If the population is originally 100 Nudibranchs, how many Nudibranchs will there be after 3 months?
              1. Newton's Law of Cooling
                Dr. Daniel Pierce is investigating a crime scene. A corpse was found and the temperature was recorded to be 26°C with the surrounding room temperature being 22°C. The temperature of the corpse was measured two hours later and was found to be 24°C. Assuming that prior to being murdered the person was 37°C, how long ago was the murder committed?
                Topic Notes
                In this section, we will try to apply differential equations to real life situations. For each question we will look how to set up the differential equation. Afterwards, we will find the general solution and use the initial condition to find the particular solution. Depending on the question, we will even look at behaviours of the differential equation and see if it is applicable to real life situations. For example, one can notice that integrating the area of a sphere actually gives the volume of a sphere!

                Introduction to Modeling with Differential Equations

                Modeling with differential equations is a powerful tool for understanding complex real-world phenomena. The introduction video provides a crucial foundation, demonstrating how these mathematical concepts apply to various fields such as physics, engineering, and biology. Differential equations allow us to describe how quantities change over time or space, making them invaluable in predicting and analyzing dynamic systems. The process begins with setting up the appropriate differential equation based on observed relationships and known laws. Finding the general solution offers a broad understanding of the system's behavior, while particular solutions address specific initial conditions or constraints. Analyzing these solutions reveals important insights about the system's long-term behavior, stability, and response to changes. By mastering the art of modeling with differential equations, students gain a deeper appreciation for the mathematical underpinnings of natural and engineered systems, enhancing their problem-solving skills across various disciplines.

                Population Dynamics and the Logistic Model

                Population dynamics is a fundamental concept in ecology that explores how and why populations change over time. At its core, this field examines the factors influencing birth rates, death rates, and migration patterns within a population. One of the most influential models in population dynamics is the logistic model, which provides a mathematical framework for understanding population growth and its limitations.

                To comprehend population dynamics, we must first consider exponential growth. In ideal conditions, with unlimited resources and no predators, a population would grow exponentially. This rapid increase is described by the equation dN/dt = rN, where N is the population size, t is time, and r is the intrinsic growth rate. However, in real-world scenarios, such unchecked growth is unsustainable.

                The logistic model introduces the concept of carrying capacity (K), which represents the maximum population size that an environment can sustain indefinitely. As a population approaches its carrying capacity, growth slows due to limited resources, increased competition, and other density-dependent factors. This more realistic model is expressed by the logistic differential equation: dN/dt = rN(1 - N/K).

                Let's break down this equation: rN represents the potential for exponential growth, while (1 - N/K) is the limiting factor that decreases as N approaches K. When N is small compared to K, the population grows almost exponentially. As N gets closer to K, growth slows dramatically, eventually leveling off at the carrying capacity.

                The solution to this differential equation yields the logistic growth curve, an S-shaped or sigmoidal curve. This curve illustrates how population growth starts slowly, accelerates rapidly, and then slows down as it approaches the carrying capacity. Mathematically, the solution is expressed as N(t) = K / (1 + ((K - N0) / N0) * e^(-rt)), where N0 is the initial population size.

                The logistic model has numerous real-world applications. In wildlife management, it helps predict how animal populations will respond to changes in their environment or hunting pressures. For instance, the reintroduction of wolves to Yellowstone National Park followed a pattern similar to logistic growth, with initial slow growth followed by rapid expansion and eventual stabilization.

                In epidemiology, the logistic model can describe the spread of infectious diseases. The initial exponential growth of cases in an outbreak often transitions to a logistic curve as control measures are implemented and the susceptible population decreases. This was observed in various regions during the COVID-19 pandemic.

                The model also finds applications in economics and technology adoption. The spread of new technologies, such as smartphones or social media platforms, often follows a logistic curve. Initial adoption is slow, followed by rapid growth as the technology becomes mainstream, and finally a plateau as the market saturates.

                However, it's important to note that while the logistic model is powerful, it has limitations. It assumes a constant carrying capacity and doesn't account for sudden environmental changes, migrations, or complex interactions between species. In reality, populations may oscillate around the carrying capacity or exhibit more complex behaviors.

                Advanced models in population dynamics build upon the logistic model to incorporate these complexities. For example, the Lotka-Volterra equations describe predator-prey relationships, while metapopulation models consider interconnected populations across different habitats.

                Understanding population dynamics and the logistic model is crucial for addressing real-world challenges. It informs conservation efforts, helps manage fisheries sustainably, guides agricultural practices, and assists in urban planning. By grasping these concepts, we can better predict and manage the impacts of human activities on ecosystems and develop more sustainable practices for coexisting with nature.

                In conclusion, the logistic model provides a foundational understanding of how populations grow and are limited by their environment. While it simplifies complex ecological processes, it remains an invaluable tool for scientists, policymakers, and managers across various fields. As we face global challenges like climate change and biodiversity loss, the insights from population dynamics will continue to play a crucial role in shaping our approach to environmental stewardship and sustainable development.

                Newton's Law of Cooling

                Newton's Law of Cooling is a fundamental principle in thermodynamics that describes the rate at which an object's temperature changes when exposed to a surrounding environment of a different temperature. This law, formulated by Sir Isaac Newton, has wide-ranging applications in various fields, from engineering to forensic science.

                The law states that the rate of temperature change of the temperature of an object is proportional to the difference between its own temperature and the ambient temperature. Mathematically, this can be expressed as a differential equation:

                dT/dt = -k(T - Ta)


                • T is the temperature of the object
                • Ta is the ambient temperature
                • t is time
                • k is the cooling constant, which depends on the object's properties and the surrounding medium

                The negative sign indicates that the temperature decreases when the object is warmer than its surroundings. This equation applies to both cooling and heating scenarios, as the process is reversible.

                To solve this differential equation, we can separate variables and integrate:

                dT / (T - Ta) = -k dt

                ln|T - Ta| = -kt + C

                Where C is the constant of integration. Applying the initial condition T = T0 at t = 0, we get:

                T = Ta + (T0 - Ta)e^(-kt)

                This solution models the temperature of an object as it approaches the ambient temperature over time. The exponential temperature decay nature of the equation shows that the rate of temperature change is initially rapid and then slows as the object's temperature nears the ambient temperature.

                Newton's Law of Cooling has numerous real-life applications:

                1. Forensic Science: Estimating time of death by measuring body temperature
                2. Food Industry: Predicting cooling rates for safe food storage
                3. HVAC Systems: Designing efficient heating and cooling systems
                4. Metallurgy: Controlling the cooling rate of metals during manufacturing
                5. Coffee Brewing: Optimizing brewing and serving temperatures

                In forensic applications, investigators can use the law to estimate the time of death by measuring the body temperature and considering the ambient temperature. The cooling rate of a body follows Newton's Law, allowing for a reasonably accurate time of death estimation within the first few hours.

                In the food industry, understanding cooling rates is crucial for food safety. Rapid cooling of cooked foods through a specific temperature range helps prevent bacterial growth. Food processors use Newton's Law of Cooling to design cooling systems that bring food to safe temperatures quickly.

                HVAC engineers apply this principle when designing heating and cooling systems for buildings. By understanding how quickly a space will heat up or cool down based on the difference between indoor and outdoor temperatures, they can create more efficient and responsive climate control systems.

                In metallurgy, controlling the cooling rate of metals is essential for achieving desired material properties. Rapid cooling (quenching) can create harder but more brittle metals, while slow cooling allows for more ductile materials. Engineers use Newton's Law to design cooling processes that yield specific material characteristics.

                Even in everyday scenarios like brewing coffee, Newton's Law of Cooling comes into play. Baristas and coffee enthusiasts use this principle to determine optimal brewing temperatures and how quickly a cup of coffee will cool to a drinkable temperature.

                It's important to note that while Newton's Law of Cooling provides a good approximation for many situations, it has limitations. The law assumes that the temperature difference between the object and its surroundings is not too large and that the ambient temperature remains constant. In reality, factors such as radiation, convection currents, and changing ambient conditions can affect the cooling or heating process.

                Despite these limitations, Newton's Law of Cooling remains a valuable tool for understanding and predicting temperature changes in various contexts. Its simplicity and broad applicability make it a widely used principle in science and engineering.

                Setting Up Differential Equations for Real-Life Problems

                Differential equations are powerful mathematical tools used to model and analyze real-life situations across various fields. The process of translating real-world problems into differential equations involves several key steps, allowing us to gain insights into complex systems and make predictions. In this guide, we'll explore the step-by-step approach to formulating differential equations from real-life scenarios.

                Step 1: Identify the variables
                The first crucial step in setting up a differential equation is to identify the relevant variables in the problem. These typically include:

                • Dependent variable: The quantity we want to study or predict
                • Independent variable: Usually time or space
                • Parameters: Constants that affect the system's behavior
                For example, in a population growth model, the dependent variable might be the population size, the independent variable would be time, and parameters could include birth and death rates.

                Step 2: Determine relationships
                Once the variables are identified, we need to establish the relationships between them. This involves:

                • Analyzing how the dependent variable changes with respect to the independent variable
                • Identifying any known laws or principles governing the system
                • Considering external factors that influence the rate of change
                In physics, for instance, Newton's laws of motion often provide the foundation for these relationships.

                Step 3: Express the rate of change
                The core of a differential equation is the expression of the rate of change of the dependent variable. This is typically represented as a derivative with respect to the independent variable. For example, in a falling object problem, we might express the velocity as the derivative of position with respect to time.

                Step 4: Formulate the differential equation
                Combining the relationships and rate of change, we can now write the differential equation. This often involves:

                • Equating the rate of change to a function of the variables and parameters
                • Incorporating any known initial conditions or boundary values
                • Simplifying and rearranging terms if necessary

                Step 5: Verify and refine
                After formulating the equation, it's essential to:

                • Check the units for consistency
                • Ensure the equation aligns with known behavior of the system
                • Refine the model if needed, possibly by adding or removing terms

                Examples from various fields:

                1. Physics: The motion of a spring-mass system can be modeled using the differential equation m(d²x/dt²) + kx = 0, where m is mass, k is the spring constant, and x is displacement.
                2. Biology: Population growth can be represented by the logistic equation dP/dt = rP(1 - P/K), where P is population size, r is growth rate, and K is carrying capacity.
                3. Economics: The Black-Scholes equation for option pricing is a partial differential equation: V/t + 0.5σ²S²(²V/S²) + rS(V/S) - rV = 0, where V is option value, S is stock price, r is risk-free rate, and σ is volatility.

                By following these steps and practicing with diverse examples, you can develop proficiency in translating real-life situations into differential equations. This skill is invaluable in fields ranging from engineering and physics to biology and economics, enabling us to model complex systems and make informed predictions about their behavior over time.

                Solving Differential Equations: General and Particular Solutions

                In the realm of differential equations, understanding the concepts of general and particular solutions is crucial for solving complex mathematical problems. A general solution encompasses all possible solutions to a differential equation, while a particular solution is a specific instance that satisfies both the equation and any given initial conditions.

                The general solution of a differential equation typically contains arbitrary constants, representing the infinite number of possible solutions. For example, in the equation dy/dx = 2x, the general solution is y = x² + C, where C is an arbitrary constant. This solution represents a family of parabolas, each with a different y-intercept determined by the value of C.

                One common method for finding general solutions is separation of variables. This technique is particularly useful for first-order differential equations where the variables can be separated onto different sides of the equation. For instance, in the equation dy/dx = ky (where k is a constant), we can separate the variables to get dy/y = k dx. Integrating both sides yields ln|y| = kx + C, which can be rewritten as y = Ae^(kx), where A = e^C is a new arbitrary constant.

                To determine a particular solution, we need additional information in the form of initial conditions. These conditions specify the value of the dependent variable at a specific point, allowing us to solve for the arbitrary constant in the general solution. For example, if we know that y = 5 when x = 0 in the equation y = Ae^(kx), we can substitute these values to find A = 5. The particular solution then becomes y = 5e^(kx).

                In population dynamics, differential equations are often used to model growth or decay. Consider the logistic growth equation dP/dt = rP(1 - P/K), where P is the population size, r is the growth rate, and K is the carrying capacity. The general solution to this equation involves complex functions, but it represents all possible population growth curves for different initial population sizes.

                Newton's Law of Cooling provides another excellent example of how general and particular solutions apply in real-world scenarios. The law states that the rate of temperature change of an object is proportional to the difference between its temperature and the ambient temperature. Mathematically, this is expressed as dT/dt = -k(T - Ta), where T is the object's temperature, Ta is the ambient temperature, and k is a cooling constant.

                The general solution to Newton's Law of Cooling is T = Ta + Ce^(-kt), where C is an arbitrary constant. To find a particular solution, we need an initial condition. For instance, if we know the object's initial temperature T0 at time t = 0, we can substitute these values to find C = T0 - Ta. The particular solution then becomes T = Ta + (T0 - Ta)e^(-kt), which describes the temperature of the object at any time t.

                In conclusion, the interplay between general and particular solutions is fundamental in solving differential equations. While general solutions provide a comprehensive view of all possible outcomes, particular solutions allow us to model specific scenarios by incorporating initial conditions. This approach is invaluable in various fields, from physics and engineering to biology and economics, enabling us to describe and predict complex dynamic systems with precision.

                Analyzing Behaviors of Differential Equation Solutions

                Differential equations are powerful tools for modeling real-world phenomena, and understanding the behavior of their solutions is crucial for making accurate predictions and informed decisions. In this guide, we'll explore the process of analyzing solution behaviors, focusing on key concepts such as equilibrium points, stability, and long-term behavior.

                Equilibrium points are critical in the study of differential equations. These are values where the rate of change becomes zero, indicating a state of balance in the system. To find equilibrium points, we set the differential equation equal to zero and solve for the variable of interest. For example, in a population dynamics model described by dP/dt = rP(1 - P/K), where P is the population size, r is the growth rate, and K is the carrying capacity, the equilibrium points are P = 0 and P = K.

                Once we've identified equilibrium points, the next step is to analyze their stability. Stability determines whether small perturbations from an equilibrium point will cause the system to return to that point (stable) or move away from it (unstable). In our population model, P = 0 is typically an unstable equilibrium, while P = K is stable. This stability analysis helps us understand how resilient a system is to small disturbances.

                To determine stability, we can examine the behavior of solutions near equilibrium points. Graphically, this involves sketching direction fields or using phase portraits. Analytically, we can linearize the system around equilibrium points and analyze the eigenvalues of the resulting linear system. Negative eigenvalues indicate stability, while positive ones suggest instability.

                Long-term behavior is another crucial aspect of solution analysis. It tells us what happens to the system as time approaches infinity. In our population model, the long-term behavior typically converges to the carrying capacity K, assuming the initial population is non-zero. This concept is particularly important in fields like ecology, where understanding the eventual state of a system is vital for conservation efforts.

                Let's consider another example: Newton's law of cooling, described by dT/dt = -k(T - T_a), where T is the object's temperature, T_a is the ambient temperature, and k is a cooling constant. The equilibrium point here is T = T_a, which is stable. The long-term behavior shows that any object will eventually reach the ambient temperature, regardless of its initial temperature.

                Interpreting these behaviors in real-life situations is crucial. In population dynamics, stable equilibrium points might represent sustainable population levels, while unstable points could indicate population sizes prone to extinction or explosive growth. Understanding these concepts helps ecologists make informed decisions about wildlife management and conservation strategies.

                In heating and cooling processes, analyzing solution behavior helps engineers design efficient systems. Knowing how quickly a system approaches equilibrium (governed by the eigenvalues) can inform decisions about insulation, heating element capacity, or cooling system design in applications ranging from home thermostats to industrial processes.

                To effectively analyze differential equation solutions, start by identifying equilibrium points. Then, assess their stability through graphical or analytical methods. Examine the long-term behavior to understand the system's eventual state. Finally, interpret these findings in the context of the real-world situation the equation models. This process provides valuable insights into system dynamics, enabling better prediction and control in various scientific and engineering applications.

                Conclusion: The Power of Differential Equations in Modeling

                Differential equations stand as powerful tools for modeling real-life phenomena, offering invaluable insights across various fields. This article has explored their fundamental concepts and applications, highlighting their significance in mathematical analysis. The introduction video serves as a crucial resource, providing a visual understanding of these complex ideas. By mastering differential equations, we gain the ability to describe and predict dynamic systems in physics, engineering, economics, and beyond. Their versatility in problem-solving makes them indispensable for researchers and professionals alike. As we've seen, these equations can model everything from population growth to electrical circuits, showcasing their wide-ranging applicability. To truly grasp their potential, readers are encouraged to delve deeper into specific applications and practice setting up and solving differential equations for real-world scenarios. This hands-on approach will not only reinforce understanding but also reveal the profound impact of differential equations in shaping our understanding of the world around us.


                What sort of problems can be solved by first-order differential equations?

                Step 1: Introduction to Differential Equations

                Differential equations are mathematical equations that relate some function with its derivatives. In the context of first-order differential equations, these equations involve the first derivative of the function. They are widely used in various fields to model real-world phenomena. This section will explore the types of problems that can be solved using first-order differential equations.

                Step 2: Applications in Engineering

                One of the primary fields where first-order differential equations are extensively used is engineering. Engineers use these equations to model and solve problems related to the design and analysis of structures, such as bridges. The equations help in understanding how different forces and stresses affect the structure, ensuring its stability and safety.

                Step 3: Historical Context and Early Applications

                Historically, first-order differential equations have been used to model various natural phenomena. For instance, Sir Isaac Newton used differential equations to describe the cooling process of objects. This method, known as Newton's Law of Cooling, is a classic example of how first-order differential equations can be applied to understand and predict the rate at which an object cools down over time.

                Step 4: Modeling Radioactive Decay

                Another significant application of first-order differential equations is in modeling radioactive decay. These equations can describe how the quantity of a radioactive substance decreases over time. By solving these equations, scientists can predict the half-life of the substance and understand the decay process in detail.

                Step 5: Population Dynamics

                One of the most impactful applications of first-order differential equations is in the study of population dynamics. These equations can model how populations grow or decline over time. For example, the exponential growth model, which is a first-order differential equation, explains why populations tend to grow exponentially under ideal conditions. This understanding is crucial for fields such as ecology, biology, and even economics.

                Step 6: Deriving Equations for Real-World Problems

                In this section, we will derive equations for specific real-world problems such as population dynamics and Newton's Law of Cooling. By understanding the derivation process, you can see how first-order differential equations are formulated and applied to solve practical problems. This step involves setting up the differential equation based on the problem's conditions and solving it to find the function that describes the system's behavior.

                Step 7: Practical Examples and Exercises

                To solidify your understanding, we will go through several practical examples and exercises. These examples will demonstrate how to apply first-order differential equations to solve various problems. By working through these exercises, you will gain hands-on experience and see the practical utility of these mathematical tools.

                Step 8: Conclusion and Further Applications

                In conclusion, first-order differential equations are powerful tools for modeling and solving a wide range of problems in engineering, natural sciences, and social sciences. From designing stable structures to understanding natural decay processes and predicting population growth, these equations provide valuable insights and solutions. As you continue to explore differential equations, you will discover even more applications and deepen your understanding of this essential mathematical concept.


                1. What is the importance of differential equations in real-world modeling?

                  Differential equations are crucial in real-world modeling because they allow us to describe how quantities change over time or space. They are used in various fields such as physics, engineering, biology, and economics to model complex systems and predict their behavior. For example, they can model population growth, heat transfer, electrical circuits, and financial markets, providing valuable insights for decision-making and problem-solving in these areas.

                2. How do you find the general solution of a differential equation?

                  To find the general solution of a differential equation, you typically follow these steps: 1) Identify the type of differential equation (e.g., first-order, second-order, linear, nonlinear). 2) Choose an appropriate method based on the equation type (e.g., separation of variables, integrating factor, characteristic equation). 3) Solve the equation using the chosen method. 4) Express the solution with arbitrary constants to represent all possible solutions. For example, the general solution of dy/dx = 2x is y = x² + C, where C is an arbitrary constant.

                3. What is the difference between general and particular solutions?

                  The general solution of a differential equation includes all possible solutions and contains arbitrary constants. It represents a family of functions that satisfy the equation. A particular solution, on the other hand, is a specific instance of the general solution that satisfies given initial or boundary conditions. To find a particular solution, you solve for the arbitrary constants using the provided conditions. For example, if the general solution is y = Ae^(kx) and we know y = 5 when x = 0, we can find that A = 5, giving the particular solution y = 5e^(kx).

                4. How can you analyze the stability of equilibrium points in a differential equation?

                  To analyze the stability of equilibrium points, follow these steps: 1) Find the equilibrium points by setting the differential equation to zero and solving for the variable. 2) Linearize the system around each equilibrium point. 3) Determine the eigenvalues of the linearized system. 4) Analyze the eigenvalues: negative real parts indicate stability, positive real parts suggest instability, and purely imaginary eigenvalues require further analysis. You can also use graphical methods like direction fields or phase portraits to visualize stability. This analysis helps predict how the system behaves near equilibrium points and its long-term behavior.

                5. What is Newton's Law of Cooling and how is it modeled using differential equations?

                  Newton's Law of Cooling states that the rate of temperature change of an object is proportional to the difference between its temperature and the ambient temperature. It is modeled using the differential equation dT/dt = -k(T - Ta), where T is the object's temperature, Ta is the ambient temperature, k is the cooling constant, and t is time. The solution to this equation is T = Ta + (T0 - Ta)e^(-kt), where T0 is the initial temperature. This model is used in various applications, including forensic science to estimate time of death, food industry for safe cooling processes, and in HVAC system design.

                Prerequisite Topics for Modeling with Differential Equations

                Understanding the foundations of mathematical modeling is crucial when delving into the world of differential equations. To effectively model real-world phenomena using these powerful mathematical tools, it's essential to grasp several key prerequisite topics that form the building blocks of this advanced concept.

                One of the fundamental prerequisites is continuous growth and decay. This concept is vital in modeling various natural and scientific processes, such as population dynamics, radioactive decay, or even the spread of information. By understanding how quantities change continuously over time, students can better comprehend the underlying principles of differential equations, especially when dealing with exponential temperature decay or similar phenomena.

                Equally important is the concept of rate of change. This fundamental idea is at the heart of differential equations, as it describes how quickly a quantity is changing with respect to another variable, often time. Mastering this concept allows students to interpret and analyze the rate of temperature change in thermal systems or the velocity of objects in motion, which are common applications in differential equation modeling.

                While it might seem less directly related, Newton's first law of motion plays a significant role in understanding the behavior of physical systems described by differential equations. This law, which states that an object will remain at rest or in uniform motion unless acted upon by an external force, provides a foundation for modeling many physical phenomena. It helps students grasp the concept of equilibrium and how systems respond to external influences, which is crucial when setting up and solving differential equations in physics and engineering contexts.

                By thoroughly understanding these prerequisite topics, students can more easily grasp the complexities of modeling with differential equations. Continuous growth and decay provides insight into exponential behaviors, rate of change forms the basis for derivatives and their applications, and Newton's laws offer a physical context for many differential equation problems.

                Moreover, these prerequisites help students develop the analytical thinking and problem-solving skills necessary for tackling more advanced mathematical modeling. They provide a conceptual framework that allows for a deeper understanding of how differential equations represent and predict real-world phenomena.

                In conclusion, mastering these prerequisite topics is not just about fulfilling academic requirements; it's about building a solid foundation for understanding and applying differential equations in various fields. Whether you're studying population dynamics, heat transfer, or complex physical systems, a strong grasp of these fundamental concepts will significantly enhance your ability to model and solve real-world problems using differential equations.

                We will be learning how to create a differential equation out of the word problem, and then find the general and particular solutions. We will then take a look at the behaviour of the general solution to find results we need to answer the questions.

                It may be convenient to use the following formula when modelling differential equations related to proportions:


                1. dydt\frac{dy}{dt} is the rate of change of yy
                2. kk is a constant
                3. MM is the equation that models the problem

                There are many applications to first-order differential equations. Some situations that can give rise to first order differential equations are:
                • Radioactive Decay
                • Population Dynamics (growth or decline)

                Exponential Model:

                Logistic Model:
                P=M1+CektP= \frac{M}{1+Ce^{-kt}}
                C=MP0P0C= \frac{M-P_0}{P_0}

                • Newton's Law of Cooling
                TTa=Cekt|T-T_a |=Ce^{-kt}
                If TTaT \geq T_a (the object is more hot), then T=Cekt+TaT=Ce^{-kt}+T_a
                If TT < TaT_a (the object is cooler), then T=TaCektT=T_a-Ce^{-kt}