Separable equations

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  1. Separable Equations Overview
  1. Separable Equations without Initial Conditions
    Find the general solution of the following differential equations:
    1. 4y3dydx=1x\frac{4}{y^3}\frac{dy}{dx}=\frac{1}{x}
    2. dydx=(1+ex)(y21)\frac{dy}{dx}=(1+e^{-x})(y^2-1)
    3. dydx=(x+2)2xsiny\frac{dy}{dx}=\frac{(x+2)^2}{x \sin y}
    4. dydx=y(3+e2x)\frac{dy}{dx}=y(3+e^{2x})
    5. dydx=exy\frac{dy}{dx}=\frac{e^x}{y}
  2. Initial Value Problems
    Solve the following differential equations:
    1. dydx=xyx\frac{dy}{dx}=xy-x subject to y(0)=2y(0)=2
    2. dydx=x(ex2+4)4y2\frac{dy}{dx}=\frac{x(e^{x^2}+4)}{4y^2} subject to y(0)=1y(0)=1
Topic Notes
Separable of variables is a method we use to find a general solution of a differential equation. The method involves separating all the y variables to the left hand side of the equation, and moving all the x variables to the right side. Afterwards, we integrate both sides of the equation and then isolate for y to find the general solution. If it is too hard to isolate for y, you can leave the answer as it is. We will also be looking at questions about particular solutions. These are solutions which involves finding the value of the constant, when given an initial value.

Introduction to Separable Equations

Separable equations are a fundamental concept in calculus, representing a specific type of differential equation that can be solved using a particular method. The introduction video provides a crucial foundation for understanding this topic, offering clear explanations and examples. Separable equations are characterized by the ability to separate variables on different sides of the equation, making them easier to solve compared to other differential equations. This property is what gives them their name and significance in mathematical problem-solving. In calculus, these equations play a vital role in modeling real-world phenomena, from population growth to radioactive decay. Mastering separable equations is essential for students and professionals alike, as they form the basis for more complex differential equations. By understanding the principles behind separable equations, learners can develop a stronger grasp of calculus and its applications in various fields, including physics, engineering, and economics. Differential equations are crucial in these disciplines.

Understanding Separable Differential Equations

A separable differential equation is a specific type of first-order differential equation that can be written in the form f(y)dy/dx = g(x). This form is crucial for identifying and solving separable equations. Let's break down each component of this equation to better understand what makes a differential equation separable.

In the equation f(y)dy/dx = g(x):

  • f(y) is a function that depends only on y
  • dy/dx represents the derivative of y with respect to x
  • g(x) is a function that depends only on x

The key characteristic of a separable differential equation is that the variables x and y can be separated onto different sides of the equation. This separation allows for easier integration of differential equations and solving of the equation.

To identify if a differential equation is separable, look for these signs:

  1. The equation can be rearranged so that all terms containing y and dy/dx are on one side, and all terms containing x are on the other side.
  2. There are no products of functions of x and functions of y (except for dy/dx itself).
  3. The equation can be written in the form (expression in y)(dy/dx) = (expression in x).

Let's consider some examples to illustrate how to identify separable differential equations:

Example 1: dy/dx = xy

This equation is separable because we can rearrange it to (1/y)dy/dx = x, which fits the form f(y)dy/dx = g(x).

Example 2: dy/dx + y = x^2

This equation is not separable because we cannot separate the y and x terms completely. The y term on the left side prevents separation.

Example 3: (y^2 + 1)dy/dx = x^3

This is a separable differential equation because it's already in the form f(y)dy/dx = g(x), where f(y) = y^2 + 1 and g(x) = x^3.

Understanding how to identify separable differential equations is crucial for solving them. Once identified, these equations can be solved by separating the variables, integrating both sides, and solving for y. This method often leads to implicit solutions, which may need further manipulation to express y explicitly in terms of x.

In practice, many real-world phenomena can be modeled using separable differential equations. For instance, population growth, radioactive decay, and certain types of chemical reactions often lead to separable differential equations. Recognizing when an equation is separable allows for efficient problem-solving in various scientific and engineering applications.

To summarize, a separable differential equation is one that can be written in the form f(y)dy/dx = g(x), where f(y) depends only on y and g(x) depends only on x. Identifying these equations involves looking for the ability to separate variables and the absence of mixed terms. Mastering the identification of separable differential equations is a fundamental skill in differential calculus and applied mathematics.

The Process of Separating Variables

Separating variables is a fundamental technique in solving certain types of differential equations, particularly separable differential equations. This method involves isolating variables on different sides of the equation, making it easier to integrate and solve. Let's explore the step-by-step process of separating variables, focusing on moving all y terms to one side and all x terms to the other side of the equation.

Step 1: Identify the Separable Equation
First, recognize if the equation is separable. A separable differential equation typically has the form dy/dx = f(x)g(y), where f(x) is a function of x only, and g(y) is a function of y only.

Step 2: Rearrange the Equation
Rewrite the equation to group all terms containing y on one side and all terms containing x on the other. This often involves dividing both sides by g(y):

1/g(y) dy = f(x) dx

Step 3: Integrate Both Sides
Integrate the left side with respect to y and the right side with respect to x:

1/g(y) dy = f(x) dx + C

Step 4: Solve for y
After integration, attempt to solve the resulting equation for y in terms of x.

Example 1: Let's solve the separable differential equation dy/dx = xy

Step 1: This equation is already in the form dy/dx = f(x)g(y), where f(x) = x and g(y) = y.
Step 2: Rearrange to separate variables: 1/y dy = x dx
Step 3: Integrate both sides: 1/y dy = x dx
ln|y| = (1/2)x² + C
Step 4: Solve for y: y = ±e^((1/2)x² + C) = Ae^((1/2)x²), where A is a new constant.

Example 2: Solve dy/dx = (x² + 1)/(y - 2)

Step 1: This is a separable equation.
Step 2: Rearrange: (y - 2) dy = (x² + 1) dx
Step 3: Integrate: (y - 2) dy = (x² + 1) dx
(1/2)y² - 2y = (1/3)x³ + x + C
Step 4: This implicit solution is difficult to solve explicitly for y.

When separating variables, it's crucial to pay attention to the following:

1. Careful Algebraic Manipulation: Ensure that you move terms correctly and maintain the equation's balance.
2. Watch for Special Cases: Be aware of potential division by zero or logarithms of negative numbers.
3. Domain Considerations: The solution may have restrictions based on the original equation's domain.
4. Integration Techniques: You may need to apply various integration methods, including u-substitution or partial fractions.
5. Implicit Solutions: Not all separable equations will yield explicit solutions for y in terms of x.

Separating variables is a powerful technique for solving certain differential equations. By methodically moving y terms to one side and x terms to the other, we transform complex equations into more manageable forms. This process, while sometimes challenging, provides a structured approach to solving a wide range of mathematical and real-world problems. Practice and attention to detail are key to mastering this essential skill in differential equations.

Integration in Separable Equations

The integration step is a crucial part of solving separable differential equations. After successfully separating the variables, the next task is to integrate both sides of the equation. This process transforms the differential equation into a solution that relates the dependent and independent variables directly. To solve the separable differential equation effectively, understanding the integration techniques is essential.

When integrating both sides of a separable equation, we treat each side independently. The left-hand side typically involves the dependent variable, while the right-hand side contains the independent variable. It's important to remember that we're dealing with indefinite integrals at this stage, so we must include a constant of integration.

Various types of integrals may be encountered during this process. Some common examples include:

  • Basic integrals of polynomials
  • Trigonometric integrals
  • Logarithmic and exponential integrals
  • Integrals involving rational functions

Each type requires specific integration techniques. For instance, polynomials are straightforward, involving an increase in power and division by the new exponent. Trigonometric functions often require substitution or the use of trigonometric identities. Logarithmic and exponential integrals may involve u-substitution or integration by parts.

One common challenge in this step is dealing with complex integrands. In such cases, techniques like partial fraction decomposition or trigonometric substitution might be necessary. It's crucial to have a solid grasp of these advanced integration methods to handle more complicated separable equations.

Another important aspect is recognizing when to use specific integration techniques. For example, when encountering a fraction with a quadratic denominator, completing the square before integration can simplify the process. Similarly, recognizing patterns that suggest u-substitution can save time and reduce errors.

Integration by parts is a powerful technique often used in solving separable equations, especially when dealing with products of functions. This method is particularly useful when one function in the product is easier to differentiate, and the other is easier to integrate.

When integrating rational functions, partial fraction decomposition is a key technique. This method breaks down complex rational functions into simpler terms that are easier to integrate. Mastering this technique is crucial for handling a wide range of separable equations in advanced mathematics and physics.

It's also important to be aware of common integration pitfalls. One such issue is forgetting to include the constant of integration. This constant is crucial as it represents the general solution to the differential equation. Another common mistake is incorrectly applying the chain rule when integrating composite functions.

In some cases, the resulting integral might not have an elementary antiderivative. In such situations, numerical integration methods or series expansions might be necessary. These advanced techniques extend the range of separable equations that can be solved practically.

After completing the integration on both sides, the final step is to solve for the dependent variable explicitly, if possible. This may involve algebraic manipulation, exponentiation, or the use of inverse functions, depending on the nature of the integrated equation.

In conclusion, the integration step in solving separable equations is a critical skill that requires a strong foundation in calculus and a repertoire of integration techniques. Mastering this step not only aids in solving differential equations but also deepens one's understanding of mathematical analysis and its applications in various scientific fields.

Finding the General Solution

After performing integration, the next crucial step is finding the general solution. This process involves understanding the concept of the constant of integration and isolating the dependent variable, typically y. The general solution is a comprehensive expression that represents all possible specific solutions to a differential equation.

The constant of integration, usually denoted as C, is a vital component of the general solution. It arises because the derivative of a constant is zero, meaning that when we integrate, we need to account for any constant term that may have been lost during differentiation. This constant allows the solution to encompass all possible specific solutions, each corresponding to a different value of C.

To find the general solution, we start by integrating both sides of the differential equation. After integration, we add the constant of integration to the right-hand side. For example, if we integrate dy/dx dx = x dx, we get y = x²/2 + C. This expression represents the general solution, where C can take any real value.

The next step is to isolate y to get the final form of the general solution. In many cases, this is straightforward, as y is already isolated after integration. However, there are situations where isolating y can be challenging. For instance, in implicit solutions or when dealing with complex equations, additional algebraic manipulation may be necessary.

Consider the equation dy/dx = y². Integrating both sides yields -1/y = x + C. To isolate y, we need to take the reciprocal of both sides and then the negative: y = -1/(x + C). This process of isolating y can sometimes involve advanced algebraic techniques or even the use of special functions.

Another challenging example is the equation dy/dx = e^(x+y). After integration, we get y - ln|e^y - 1| = x + C. Isolating y in this case is not possible using elementary functions, and the solution remains in this implicit form.

In some cases, the general solution might involve parametric equations or require the use of inverse functions. For example, the solution to dy/dx = (1 - y²) can be expressed as y = sin(x + C) or x = arcsin(y) - C, depending on how we choose to isolate variables.

It's important to note that the process of finding the general solution doesn't end with isolation. Verifying the solution by substituting it back into the original differential equation is a crucial final step to ensure correctness.

In conclusion, finding the general solution after integration involves understanding the role of the constant of integration, carefully isolating the dependent variable, and being prepared to handle complex algebraic manipulations when necessary. This process is fundamental in solving differential equations and forms the basis for finding particular solutions in real-world applications.

Particular Solutions and Initial Value Problems

In the realm of differential equations, particular solutions and initial value problems play a crucial role in understanding and solving real-world scenarios. A particular solution is a specific solution to a differential equation that satisfies given initial conditions, while an initial value problem (IVP) combines a differential equation with these initial conditions to find a unique solution.

To grasp the concept of particular solutions, it's essential to understand that differential equations often have infinite solutions. These solutions form a family of curves, known as the general solution. However, when we introduce initial conditions, we narrow down this family to a single, unique solution the particular solution.

Initial conditions typically specify the value of the function and its derivatives at a specific point, usually at t = 0. For example, in a first-order differential equation, an initial condition might be y(0) = 2, indicating that the function y has a value of 2 when t is 0. For higher-order equations, we may need additional conditions, such as y'(0) = 3 for a second-order equation.

To find a particular solution using initial conditions, we follow these steps:

  1. Solve the differential equation to obtain the general solution.
  2. Apply the initial conditions to the general solution.
  3. Solve for any constants or parameters in the equation.
  4. Substitute the found values back into the general solution to get the particular solution.

Let's consider an example of solving an initial value problem with a separable equation. Suppose we have the differential equation dy/dx = xy with the initial condition y(0) = 1. To solve this:

  1. Separate the variables: (1/y)dy = xdx
  2. Integrate both sides: ln|y| = (x^2)/2 + C
  3. Solve for y: y = ±e^((x^2)/2 + C)
  4. Apply the initial condition y(0) = 1: 1 = ±e^C
  5. Solve for C: C = 0 (choosing the positive solution)
  6. Substitute back to get the particular solution: y = e^((x^2)/2)

Particular solutions derived from initial value problems have significant real-world applications. In physics, they can describe the motion of objects, taking into account initial position and velocity. In biology, they might model population growth with a known starting population. Engineers use them to analyze electrical circuits, considering initial voltages or currents.

The importance of particular solutions extends to various fields:

  • Economics: Predicting market trends based on current conditions
  • Chemistry: Analyzing reaction rates with known initial concentrations
  • Environmental science: Modeling pollution dispersion from a point source
  • Medicine: Studying drug concentration in the bloodstream over time

In conclusion, particular solutions and initial value problems are fundamental concepts in differential equations. They bridge the gap between abstract mathematical models and concrete, real-world scenarios. By using initial conditions to find particular solutions, we can make precise predictions and analyses in various scientific and engineering applications. Understanding these concepts is crucial for anyone working with differential equations in practical contexts.

Applications and Practice Problems

Separable differential equations applications have a wide range of applications across various scientific fields. In this section, we'll explore diverse application problems and provide step-by-step solutions to reinforce your understanding of separable differential equations applications. Let's dive into examples from physics, biology, and other domains.

1. Physics: Free-falling object with air resistance

Problem: A skydiver jumps from a plane. Assuming air resistance is proportional to velocity, determine the velocity as a function of time.


  1. Set up the differential equation: dv/dt = g - kv, where g is gravity and k is the resistance coefficient.
  2. Rearrange to separate variables: dv / (g - kv) = dt
  3. Integrate both sides: -(1/k) ln|g - kv| = t + C
  4. Solve for v: v(t) = (g/k)(1 - e^(-kt)) + ve^(-kt), where v is initial velocity.

2. Biology: Population growth with limited resources

Problem: A bacterial colony grows according to the logistic equation. If the initial population is 1000 and the carrying capacity is 100,000, find the population after 5 hours.


  1. Logistic equation: dP/dt = rP(1 - P/K), where r is growth rate and K is carrying capacity.
  2. Separate variables: dP / [P(1 - P/K)] = r dt
  3. Integrate: ln|P/(K-P)| = rt + C
  4. Solve for P: P(t) = K / (1 + Ce^(-rt))
  5. Use initial condition to find C, then calculate P(5).

3. Chemistry: First-order reaction kinetics

Problem: The concentration of a chemical decreases at a rate proportional to its current concentration. If the initial concentration is 0.5 mol/L and the half-life is 30 minutes, find the concentration after 1 hour.


  1. Set up the equation: dC/dt = -kC, where k is the rate constant.
  2. Separate variables: dC/C = -k dt
  3. Integrate: ln|C| = -kt + ln|C|
  4. Solve for C: C(t) = Ce^(-kt)
  5. Use half-life to find k, then calculate C(60).

4. Engineering: Newton's Law of Cooling

Problem: A hot metal object cools according to Newton's Law of Cooling. If the initial temperature is 200°C, room temperature is 25°C, and the temperature drops to 150°C after 10 minutes, find the temperature after 30 minutes.


  1. Equation: dT/dt = -k(T - T), where T is ambient temperature.
  2. Separate variables: dT / (T - T) = -k dt
  3. Integrate: ln|T - T| = -kt + C
  4. Solve for T: T(t) = T + (T - T)e^(-kt)
  5. Use given data to find k, then calculate T(30).

Practice Problems

Now that we've explored various


In this article, we've explored the fundamental concepts of separable equations in differential calculus. We've learned how to identify these equations, the step-by-step process for solving them, and their practical applications in various fields. Understanding separable equations is crucial for mastering differential calculus and solving real-world problems. We encourage you to revisit the introduction video for a visual reinforcement of these concepts. Remember, practice is key to becoming proficient in solving separable equations. Take time to work through additional examples and problems to solidify your understanding. As you continue your journey in calculus, you'll find that separable equations form a strong foundation for more advanced topics. Don't hesitate to seek additional resources or ask questions if you need further clarification. By mastering separable equations, you're opening doors to a deeper understanding of mathematics and its applications in science and engineering.


Separable Equations without Initial Conditions
Find the general solution of the following differential equations:

Step 1: Separate the Variables

The first step in solving a separable differential equation is to separate the variables. This means we need to move all terms involving yy to one side of the equation and all terms involving xx to the other side. The given equation is: \[ \frac{4}{y^3}\frac{dy}{dx} = \frac{1}{x} \] To separate the variables, we multiply both sides by dxdx: \[ \frac{4}{y^3} dy = \frac{1}{x} dx \] Now, all yy terms are on one side and all xx terms are on the other side.

Step 2: Integrate Both Sides

The next step is to integrate both sides of the equation. We integrate the left side with respect to yy and the right side with respect to xx: \[ \int \frac{4}{y^3} dy = \int \frac{1}{x} dx \] To make the integration easier, we rewrite 4y3\frac{4}{y^3} as 4y34y^{-3}: \[ \int 4y^{-3} dy = \int \frac{1}{x} dx \]

Step 3: Perform the Integrations

Now, we perform the integrations. For the left side: \[ \int 4y^{-3} dy = 4 \int y^{-3} dy = 4 \left( \frac{y^{-2}}{-2} \right) = -2y^{-2} \] For the right side: \[ \int \frac{1}{x} dx = \ln|x| \] Since these are indefinite integrals, we add a constant of integration CC to the right side: \[ -2y^{-2} = \ln|x| + C \]

Step 4: Solve for yy

The final step is to solve for yy. First, we rewrite the equation to isolate y2y^{-2}: \[ -2y^{-2} = \ln|x| + C \] Multiply both sides by 1-1: \[ 2y^{-2} = -\ln|x| - C \] Divide both sides by 2: \[ y^{-2} = \frac{-\ln|x| - C}{2} \] Take the reciprocal to solve for y2y^2: \[ y^2 = \frac{2}{-\ln|x| - C} \] Finally, take the square root of both sides to solve for yy: \[ y = \pm \sqrt{\frac{2}{-\ln|x| - C}} \]


The general solution to the differential equation 4y3dydx=1x\frac{4}{y^3}\frac{dy}{dx}=\frac{1}{x} is: \[ y = \pm \sqrt{\frac{2}{-\ln|x| - C}} \] This solution includes a constant CC, which represents a family of solutions.


Q1: What defines a separable equation?
A separable equation is a first-order differential equation that can be written in the form dy/dx = f(x)g(y), where f(x) is a function of x only and g(y) is a function of y only. This form allows the variables to be separated onto different sides of the equation, making it possible to solve through integration.

Q2: What is an example of a separable function?
A classic example of a separable function is dy/dx = xy. This can be rewritten as (1/y)dy = xdx, clearly separating the x and y variables. Another example is dy/dx = (x² + 1)/(y - 2), which can be rearranged to (y - 2)dy = (x² + 1)dx.

Q3: How do you show that any separable equation is exact?
To show a separable equation is exact, we need to prove that it satisfies the condition for exactness. For a separable equation dy/dx = f(x)g(y), we can write it as M(x,y)dx + N(x,y)dy = 0, where M(x,y) = -f(x)g(y) and N(x,y) = 1. The equation is exact if M/y = N/x. In this case, both partial derivatives equal zero, proving that all separable equations are indeed exact.

Q4: What makes a differential equation not separable?
A differential equation is not separable if it cannot be written in the form dy/dx = f(x)g(y). This occurs when the equation contains terms that mix x and y in ways that can't be factored apart. For example, dy/dx = x + y or dy/dx = xy² + x²y are not separable because the variables cannot be isolated on separate sides of the equation.

Q5: How do you solve a separable differential equation?
To solve a separable differential equation: 1. Rewrite the equation in the form dy/dx = f(x)g(y). 2. Separate the variables: (1/g(y))dy = f(x)dx. 3. Integrate both sides: (1/g(y))dy = f(x)dx + C. 4. Solve for y if possible, or leave in implicit form. 5. Use initial conditions, if given, to find the value of the constant C.

Prerequisite Topics for Separable Equations

Understanding separable equations is a crucial step in mastering differential equations, but to truly grasp this concept, it's essential to have a solid foundation in several prerequisite topics. These fundamental areas not only provide the necessary tools to solve separable equations but also offer insights into their applications and significance in various fields.

One of the most important prerequisites is modeling with differential equations. This topic introduces students to first-order differential equations and their real-world applications. By understanding how to model various phenomena using differential equations, students can better appreciate the relevance of separable equations in solving practical problems.

Another critical prerequisite is partial fraction decomposition. This algebraic technique is often employed when integrating rational functions, which frequently arise in the process of solving separable equations. Mastering partial fraction decomposition enables students to handle more complex separable equations with confidence and efficiency.

Trigonometric substitution is another valuable skill that comes into play when dealing with certain types of separable equations. This method is particularly useful when the equation involves trigonometric functions or expressions that can be simplified using trigonometric identities. A strong grasp of trigonometric substitution can significantly enhance a student's ability to solve a wider range of separable equations.

Lastly, proficiency in solving implicit equations is crucial for working with separable equations. While this topic may seem more basic, it provides the foundational skills needed to manipulate and solve equations that arise in the process of separating variables. Understanding how to handle distance and time-related questions in linear equations can also offer valuable insights into the practical applications of separable equations in fields such as physics and engineering.

By mastering these prerequisite topics, students will be well-equipped to tackle separable equations with confidence. The interconnected nature of these concepts highlights the importance of building a strong mathematical foundation. Each prerequisite topic contributes unique skills and perspectives that collectively enhance one's ability to understand, solve, and apply separable equations in various contexts.

In conclusion, investing time and effort in thoroughly understanding these prerequisite topics will not only make the study of separable equations more manageable but also more rewarding. The knowledge gained from these foundational areas will prove invaluable as students progress to more advanced topics in differential equations and their applications in real-world scenarios.

A separable differential equation is in the following form:


1. f(x)f(x) is a function in terms of yy.
2. g(x)g(x) is a function in terms of xx.

We want to convert the equation to the following form:
so that we can integral both sides, and solve for yy.