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  1. Introduction to u-Substitution
    \cdot What is uu-Substitution?

    \cdot Exercise: Find (5x46x)cos(x53x2)dx\int (5x^4-6x) \cos (x^5-3x^2)dx.
    - How to pick "uu"?
    - How to verify the final answer?
  1. Integrate: Polynomial Functions
    7x(6x2+1)10dx \int-7x(6x^2+1)^{10}dx
    1. Integrate: Radical Functions
      1. x63(85x7)2dx \int\frac{x^6}{{^3}\sqrt{(8-5x^7)^2}}dx
      2. 63x \int\sqrt{6-3x} dxdx
    2. Integrate: Exponential Functions
      e2xdx \int e^{2x}dx
      1. Integrate: Logarithmic Functions
        1. (lnx)3xdx \int \frac{(\ln x)^3}{x}dx
        2. dxxlnx \int \frac{dx}{x \ln x}
      2. Integrate: Trigonometric Functions
        1. sin3xcosx  dx\int \sin ^3 x \cos x\; dx
        2. sec2x(tanx1)100  dx\int \sec ^2 x(\tan x-1)^{100}\;dx
      3. Not-So-Obvious U-Substitution
        1. x38x5dx \int \sqrt{x^3-8}x^5dx
        2. 31+x2x5dx \int {^3}\sqrt{1+x^2}x^5dx
        3. 1+x1+x2dx \int \frac{1+x}{1+x^2}dx
        4. cotx\int \cot x dxdx
      4. Evaluate Definite Integrals in Two Methods
        Evaluate: 1263xdx\int_{-1}^{2} \sqrt{6-3x} dx
        1. Introduction to definite integrals.
        2. Method 1: evaluate the definite integral in terms of "xx".
        3. Method 2: evaluate the definite integral in terms of "uu".
        4. Method 1 VS. Method 2.
      5. Evaluate Definite Integrals
        Evaluate: 0π3sinθcos2θdθ\int_{0}^{\frac{\pi}{3}} \frac{\sin \theta}{\cos ^2 \theta}d \theta
        1. Definite Integral: Does Not Exist (DNE)
          Evaluate: 15dx(x3)2\int_{1}^{5} \frac{dx}{(x-3)^2}
          Topic Notes
          You may start to notice that some integrals cannot be integrated by normal means. Therefore, we introduce a method called U-Substitution. This method involves substituting ugly functions as the letter "u", and therefore making our integrands easier to integrate. We will use this technique to integrate many different functions such as polynomial functions, irrational functions, trigonometric functions, exponential functions and logarithmic functions. We will also integrate functions with a combination of different types of functions.

          Introduction to U-Substitution

          U-Substitution is a powerful technique in calculus used for integrating complex functions. The introduction video provides a crucial foundation for understanding this concept, making it an essential starting point for students. U-Substitution, also known as substitution integration, involves replacing parts of the integrand with a new variable 'u' to simplify the integration process. This method is particularly useful when dealing with composite functions or expressions that involve products of functions and their derivatives. By strategically choosing a substitution, complex integrals can often be transformed into more manageable forms. U-Substitution is a fundamental tool in the integration toolkit, allowing mathematicians and students to solve a wide range of problems that would otherwise be challenging or impossible using basic integration techniques. Mastering U-Substitution opens doors to solving more advanced integration problems and is a crucial skill for anyone studying calculus or higher mathematics.

          Understanding the Need for U-Substitution

          U-Substitution is a crucial integration technique that becomes necessary when dealing with complex integrals that cannot be solved using basic integration methods. This powerful tool simplifies intricate integrals by replacing part of the integrand with a new variable, typically denoted as 'u'. To understand why U-Substitution is essential, let's explore some examples and discuss its application in calculus.

          Consider the integral (x^2 + 1)^5 * 2x dx. At first glance, this integral appears daunting and cannot be solved using elementary integration techniques. The presence of a composite function (x^2 + 1) raised to a power, multiplied by its derivative (2x), signals the need for U-Substitution. By introducing u = x^2 + 1, we can transform this complex integral into a more manageable form: u^5 du, which can be easily integrated.

          Another example where U-Substitution proves invaluable is sin(3x) * cos(3x) dx. While this integral might seem straightforward, direct integration would be cumbersome. U-Substitution allows us to simplify it by letting u = sin(3x), transforming the integral into a form that can be solved using basic integration rules.

          The power of U-Substitution lies in its ability to simplify complex integrals by identifying a part of the integrand that can be replaced with a new variable. This substitution often reveals a familiar form that can be integrated using standard techniques. For instance, integrals involving trigonometric functions, exponentials, or logarithms frequently benefit from U-Substitution.

          To identify when U-Substitution is appropriate, follow these steps:

          1. Look for a composite function within the integrand (e.g., sin(x^2), e^(2x)).
          2. Check if the derivative of the inner function appears as a factor in the integrand.
          3. If both conditions are met, U-Substitution is likely the best approach.

          For example, in e^(2x) * 2 dx, we can see that e^(2x) is a composite function, and its derivative (2e^(2x)) appears partially in the integrand as the factor 2. This makes it an ideal candidate for U-Substitution.

          U-Substitution is not limited to these scenarios. It can also be applied to rational functions, where substituting u for the denominator can simplify the integral. In some cases, multiple substitutions may be necessary to fully simplify a complex integral.

          The technique's versatility extends to solving definite integrals as well. When applying U-Substitution to definite integrals, it's crucial to adjust the limits of integration to correspond with the new variable 'u'. This step ensures the accuracy of the final result.

          In conclusion, U-Substitution is a fundamental integration technique that bridges the gap between basic integration methods and more advanced calculus problems. Its ability to simplify complex integrals makes it an indispensable tool in mathematical analysis, physics, and engineering. By recognizing patterns in integrands and applying U-Substitution strategically, even the most intimidating integrals can be transformed into solvable expressions, unlocking solutions to a wide array of mathematical challenges.

          The Process of U-Substitution

          U-substitution is a powerful technique in calculus used to simplify complex integrals. This method involves substituting a part of the integrand with a new variable, typically 'u', to make the integration process more manageable. Let's break down the step-by-step process of U-substitution and explore how to apply it effectively.

          Step 1: Identify the appropriate function for 'u'
          The first and most crucial step in U-substitution is choosing the right function to substitute. Look for a part of the integrand that, when differentiated, will cancel out or simplify another part. Typically, you'll want to choose a function that appears both as itself and as its derivative within the integral. For example, in the integral x*cos(x²)dx, a good choice for u would be x², as its derivative (2x) appears in the integrand.

          Step 2: Express 'du' in terms of the original variable
          Once you've chosen 'u', calculate its differential 'du'. This is done by differentiating 'u' with respect to the original variable. In our example, if u = x², then du = 2x dx. This step is crucial as it allows us to replace the original differential (dx) with du.

          Step 3: Rewrite the integral in terms of 'u'
          Now, substitute 'u' for the chosen function and replace the original differential with du. You may need to manipulate the equation to express everything in terms of 'u'. In our example, x*cos(x²)dx becomes (1/2)*cos(u)du after substitution and rearrangement.

          Step 4: Integrate the new expression
          With the integral now expressed in terms of 'u', proceed to integrate using standard integration techniques. This step is often much simpler than trying to integrate the original expression. In our example, (1/2)*cos(u)du easily integrates to (1/2)*sin(u) + C.

          Step 5: Substitute back to the original variable
          After integration, replace 'u' with its original expression to get the final answer in terms of the original variable. In our case, (1/2)*sin(u) + C becomes (1/2)*sin(x²) + C.

          Common Pitfalls and How to Avoid Them:
          1. Forgetting to include all terms when substituting: Ensure that you account for all instances of the substituted function and its derivative.
          2. Incorrect calculation of 'du': Always double-check your differentiation when finding 'du'.
          3. Not adjusting the limits of integration: If working with definite integrals, remember to change the limits of integration to match the new variable 'u'.
          4. Choosing an inappropriate 'u': If your substitution doesn't simplify the integral, try a different choice for 'u'.
          5. Neglecting the constant of integration: Always include '+C' for indefinite integrals.

          Practice Tips:
          - Start with simpler integrals to build confidence in the technique.
          - Look for patterns in integrands that suggest a good 'u' substitution.
          - Remember that sometimes multiple substitutions may be necessary for complex integrals.
          - Always verify your answer by differentiating the result.

          U-substitution is a fundamental technique in integration, and mastering it opens doors to solving a wide range of complex integrals. By following these steps and being mindful of common pitfalls, you'll be well-equipped to tackle challenging integration problems. Remember, the key to success with U-substitution lies in practice and developing an intuition for recognizing suitable substitutions. As you work through various problems, you'll find that your ability to spot potential 'u' functions improves, making the process more intuitive and efficient.

          Applying U-Substitution to Different Types of Functions

          U-Substitution is a powerful technique in calculus that can be applied to a wide variety of functions, making it an essential tool for solving complex integrals. This versatile method can be adapted to work with polynomial functions, trigonometric functions, exponential, and logarithmic functions, among others. Let's explore how U-Substitution can be applied to each of these function types, demonstrating its flexibility and effectiveness in calculus.

          Starting with polynomial functions, U-Substitution is particularly useful when dealing with composite functions. For example, consider the integral (x^2 + 1)^5 * 2x dx. Here, we can set u = x^2 + 1, which means du = 2x dx. This substitution transforms the integral into u^5 du, which is much simpler to evaluate. The power of U-Substitution lies in its ability to simplify complex expressions into more manageable forms.

          Moving on to trigonometric functions, U-Substitution proves invaluable when integrating expressions involving combinations of trigonometric functions. Take the integral sin(x) * cos(x) dx. By setting u = sin(x), we get du = cos(x) dx. This clever substitution turns the integral into u du, which is straightforward to solve. U-Substitution is particularly effective for integrals involving products of sine and cosine, as well as other trigonometric identities.

          Exponential functions also benefit greatly from U-Substitution. Consider the integral x * e^(x^2) dx. By choosing u = x^2, we get du = 2x dx. This transforms the integral into (1/2)e^u du, which is a standard form that can be easily integrated. U-Substitution is especially useful for exponential functions with polynomial exponents, as it can simplify these complex expressions into more familiar forms.

          Logarithmic functions are another area where U-Substitution shines. For instance, take the integral ln(x) / x dx. By setting u = ln(x), we get du = (1/x) dx. This clever substitution turns the integral into u du, which is elementary to solve. U-Substitution is particularly effective for integrals involving logarithms divided by their arguments or similar structures.

          The versatility of U-Substitution extends beyond these basic function types. It can be applied to rational functions, inverse trigonometric functions, and even combinations of different function types. For example, in the integral tan(x) * sec^2(x) dx, setting u = tan(x) leads to du = sec^2(x) dx, simplifying the integral to u du. This demonstrates how U-Substitution can handle complex trigonometric expressions with ease.

          One of the key strengths of U-Substitution is its ability to transform difficult integrals into simpler, recognizable forms. This is particularly evident in problems involving composite functions. For instance, the integral (1 / (x * sqrt(1 + ln(x)))) dx can be simplified by setting u = 1 + ln(x). This transforms the integral into a more manageable form involving 1 / (u * sqrt(u)).

          It's important to note that the choice of substitution is crucial for the success of this method. Sometimes, multiple substitutions may be necessary to fully simplify an integral. The skill in applying U-Substitution lies in recognizing patterns and choosing substitutions that will lead to simpler expressions. This often requires practice and a good understanding of the relationships between different types of functions.

          In conclusion, U-Substitution is a versatile and powerful technique that can be applied to a wide range of function types in calculus. Its ability to simplify complex integrals involving polynomial, trigonometric, exponential, and logarithmic functions makes it an indispensable tool for mathematicians and students alike. By mastering U-Substitution, one gains the ability to tackle a diverse array of integration problems, showcasing the elegance and power of calculus in solving complex mathematical challenges.

          Reverse U-Substitution and Integration by Parts

          Reverse U-Substitution and integration by parts are two powerful techniques in calculus that help solve complex integrals. While they may seem distinct, these methods are closely related and often complement each other in solving challenging integration problems.

          Reverse U-Substitution, also known as integration by substitution in reverse, is a technique used when the integrand contains a function and its derivative. This method involves recognizing a substitution that simplifies the integral, then working backwards to express the result in terms of the original variable. It's particularly useful when dealing with integrals that don't immediately appear suitable for standard U-Substitution.

          On the other hand, integration by parts is a method derived from the product rule of differentiation. It's used when integrating the product of two functions, especially when one function becomes simpler when differentiated, and the other becomes more complex when integrated. The formula for integration by parts is u dv = uv - v du, where u and v are functions of x.

          The relationship between reverse U-Substitution and integration by parts lies in their ability to simplify complex integrals by breaking them down into more manageable parts. In some cases, a problem that seems suited for integration by parts can be more efficiently solved using reverse U-Substitution, and vice versa.

          Reverse U-Substitution is particularly useful in scenarios where the integrand contains a function and its derivative in a specific form. For example, consider the integral (x^2 + 1)e^(x^3/3 + x) dx. At first glance, this might seem like a candidate for integration by parts. However, recognizing that the derivative of (x^3/3 + x) is (x^2 + 1), we can apply reverse U-Substitution by letting u = x^3/3 + x. This simplifies the integral to e^u du, which is easily solved.

          Integration by parts, on the other hand, shines when dealing with products of functions where one part becomes simpler upon differentiation. A classic example is x ln(x) dx. Here, choosing u = ln(x) and dv = x dx allows us to simplify the problem significantly.

          The choice between reverse U-Substitution and integration by parts often depends on the structure of the integrand. If you notice a function and its derivative appearing together, reverse U-Substitution might be the way to go. If you see a product of functions where one simplifies when differentiated, integration by parts could be more appropriate.

          In practice, these techniques are often used in conjunction. Sometimes, after applying integration by parts, you might find that the resulting integral is best solved using reverse U-Substitution. This interplay between methods highlights the importance of flexibility and pattern recognition in calculus.

          To illustrate, consider the integral x^2 e^(x^3/3) dx. You might be tempted to use integration by parts, but recognizing that the derivative of x^3/3 is x^2, reverse U-Substitution becomes the more efficient choice. Letting u = x^3/3, we simplify the integral to (1/3)e^u du, which is straightforward to solve.

          In conclusion, reverse U-Substitution and integration by parts are complementary techniques that expand our toolkit for solving complex integrals. Understanding when and how to apply each method, as well as recognizing their relationship, is crucial for tackling a wide range of integration problems efficiently. As with many aspects of mathematics, practice and pattern recognition are key to mastering these techniques and applying them effectively in various scenarios.

          Common Mistakes and Troubleshooting

          U-Substitution is a powerful technique in calculus, but students often encounter challenges when applying it. Understanding common mistakes and knowing how to troubleshoot can significantly improve your success rate. One frequent error is choosing an inappropriate substitution. Students may select a u that doesn't simplify the integral or fails to eliminate the variable x. To avoid this, carefully examine the integrand and look for a part that, when differentiated, will cancel out other terms.

          Another common pitfall is forgetting to change the limits of integration when using definite integrals. Remember, if you substitute for x in terms of u, you must also express the original limits in terms of u. Neglecting this step leads to incorrect results. Additionally, students sometimes forget to include the du/dx term when substituting, which is crucial for maintaining the equality of the integral.

          When u-substitution doesn't seem to work, start by reviewing your choice of u. Ask yourself: Does this substitution simplify the integral? Does it eliminate x from the expression? If not, try a different substitution. Sometimes, the integral may require a more complex approach, such as integration by parts or trigonometric substitution. Don't hesitate to explore these alternatives if u-substitution isn't yielding results.

          Verification is key to ensuring the correctness of your solution. One effective strategy is to differentiate your answer and compare it to the original integrand. If they match, your solution is likely correct. For definite integrals, you can check your work by evaluating the antiderivative at the upper and lower limits and subtracting, comparing this result to your calculated value.

          Another useful verification method is to use technology. Graphing calculators or computer algebra systems can provide numerical approximations of definite integrals. While these tools shouldn't replace manual calculations, they can serve as a valuable check. If your result significantly differs from the computational approximation, it's a sign to review your work.

          Lastly, practice is essential for mastering u-substitution. Work through a variety of problems, gradually increasing in complexity. Pay attention to the structure of integrals that lend themselves to this technique. With experience, you'll develop an intuition for when and how to apply u-substitution effectively, minimizing errors and improving your problem-solving efficiency in calculus.

          Practice Problems and Applications

          To master U-Substitution, students need ample practice with a variety of problems. Let's explore some practice problems and real-world applications to reinforce this essential integration technique.

          Practice Problems:

          1. Easy: (2x+1)dx
          2. Medium: x²(x³+1)dx
          3. Challenging: (ln x)/(x²+1)dx
          4. Advanced: e^(sin x)cos xdx

          These problems range from straightforward applications to more complex scenarios, helping students build confidence and skill in applying U-Substitution.

          Real-World Applications:

          U-Substitution is not just a mathematical exercise; it has practical applications in various fields:

          • Physics: Calculating work done by a variable force, such as a spring's elastic potential energy.
          • Engineering: Determining fluid flow rates in pipes with varying cross-sections.
          • Economics: Analyzing consumer surplus and producer surplus in market equilibrium models.
          • Biology: Modeling population growth with varying growth rates.

          For instance, in physics, when calculating the work done by a spring, we often encounter integrals of the form kx dx, where k is the spring constant and x is the displacement. U-Substitution simplifies this calculation, allowing for accurate determination of energy stored or released.

          In engineering, fluid dynamics problems frequently involve integrals with complex expressions for flow rates. U-Substitution helps engineers solve these integrals, enabling them to design efficient piping systems and optimize fluid transport.

          Economists use U-Substitution when working with supply and demand curves to calculate consumer and producer surplus. This application helps in understanding market efficiency and making informed policy decisions.

          Biologists apply U-Substitution in population models where growth rates change over time. This technique allows for more accurate predictions of population dynamics in complex ecosystems.

          By practicing with diverse problems and understanding these real-world applications, students can appreciate the power and versatility of U-Substitution. This technique is not just a mathematical tool but a key to unlocking solutions in various scientific and practical domains. As students progress, they'll find that mastering U-Substitution enhances their problem-solving skills across multiple disciplines, making it an invaluable skill in their mathematical toolkit.


          U-Substitution is a powerful technique for solving complex integrals. The introduction video provides a crucial foundation for understanding this concept. Key points include identifying the substitution variable, transforming the integral, and remembering to adjust the limits of integration when necessary. Regular practice problems is essential for mastering U-Substitution, as it helps develop intuition for recognizing suitable substitutions. Students are encouraged to gradually tackle more challenging integrals to enhance their skills. The versatility of U-Substitution in calculus cannot be overstated, as it opens doors to solving a wide range of integration problems. To further your understanding, explore additional resources, work through practice problems, and consider joining study groups or online forums dedicated to calculus. Remember, proficiency in U-Substitution is a valuable asset in advanced mathematics and related fields. Take the next step in your mathematical journey by delving deeper into this fundamental technique and its applications.

          Integrate: Radical Functions

          Integrate: Radical Functions x63(85x7)2dx \int\frac{x^6}{{^3}\sqrt{(8-5x^7)^2}}dx

          Step 1: Simplify the Integrand

          We start by simplifying the integrand to make it easier to apply U-substitution. The given integrand is: x63(85x7)2 \frac{x^6}{{^3}\sqrt{(8-5x^7)^2}} . First, we rewrite the denominator using the property of radicals and exponents. The cube root of a squared term can be expressed as an exponent: \[ \sqrt[3]{(8-5x^7)^2} = (8-5x^7)^{\frac{2}{3}} \] Thus, the integrand becomes: \[ \frac{x^6}{(8-5x^7)^{\frac{2}{3}}} \]

          Step 2: Convert to Exponential Form

          Next, we convert the fraction into a product by expressing the denominator with a negative exponent: \[ \frac{1}{(8-5x^7)^{\frac{2}{3}}} \cdot x^6 = (8-5x^7)^{-\frac{2}{3}} \cdot x^6 \] This simplifies our integrand to: \[ x^6 \cdot (8-5x^7)^{-\frac{2}{3}} \]

          Step 3: Choose an Appropriate Substitution

          To apply U-substitution, we need to choose a substitution that simplifies the integrand. We observe that the term 85x78-5x^7 has a higher degree than x6x^6. Therefore, we let: \[ u = 8 - 5x^7 \] Then, we compute the differential dudu: \[ \frac{du}{dx} = -35x^6 \implies du = -35x^6 \, dx \] Solving for x6dxx^6 \, dx, we get: \[ x^6 \, dx = -\frac{1}{35} \, du \]

          Step 4: Substitute and Integrate

          We substitute uu and dudu into the integral: \[ \int x^6 \cdot (8-5x^7)^{-\frac{2}{3}} \, dx = \int (8-5x^7)^{-\frac{2}{3}} \cdot x^6 \, dx \] Substituting uu and dudu, we get: \[ \int u^{-\frac{2}{3}} \cdot -\frac{1}{35} \, du = -\frac{1}{35} \int u^{-\frac{2}{3}} \, du \]

          Step 5: Find the Antiderivative

          To find the antiderivative of u23u^{-\frac{2}{3}}, we use the power rule for integration. We add 1 to the exponent and divide by the new exponent: \[ \int u^{-\frac{2}{3}} \, du = \frac{u^{\frac{1}{3}}}{\frac{1}{3}} = 3u^{\frac{1}{3}} \] Therefore, the integral becomes: \[ -\frac{1}{35} \cdot 3u^{\frac{1}{3}} = -\frac{3}{35} u^{\frac{1}{3}} \]

          Step 6: Substitute Back and Simplify

          Finally, we substitute back u=85x7u = 8 - 5x^7 into the antiderivative: \[ -\frac{3}{35} (8 - 5x^7)^{\frac{1}{3}} + C \] Where CC is the constant of integration. This completes the integration process.


          1. What is U-Substitution and why is it important in calculus?
          U-Substitution is an integration technique used to simplify complex integrals by substituting a part of the integrand with a new variable, typically 'u'. It's important because it allows us to solve integrals that would be difficult or impossible using basic integration methods. This technique is particularly useful for integrals involving composite functions or products of functions and their derivatives.

          2. How do I know when to use U-Substitution?
          U-Substitution is typically appropriate when you notice a composite function in the integrand and its derivative (or part of it) appears as a factor. For example, in e^(2x) * 2dx, e^(2x) is a composite function, and its derivative (2e^(2x)) partially appears as the factor 2. This makes it a good candidate for U-Substitution.

          3. What are common mistakes to avoid when using U-Substitution?
          Common mistakes include choosing an inappropriate substitution, forgetting to change the limits of integration for definite integrals, omitting the du/dx term when substituting, and not including the constant of integration for indefinite integrals. Always double-check your work and verify your solution by differentiating the result.

          4. Can U-Substitution be used for all types of integrals?
          While U-Substitution is versatile, it's not suitable for all integrals. It works well for many polynomial, trigonometric, exponential, and logarithmic functions, especially when they appear as composite functions. However, some integrals may require other techniques like integration by parts or trigonometric substitution.

          5. How does U-Substitution relate to real-world applications?
          U-Substitution has practical applications in various fields. In physics, it's used to calculate work done by variable forces. Engineers use it in fluid dynamics problems. Economists apply it to analyze consumer and producer surplus. Biologists use it in population growth models. These applications demonstrate how U-Substitution helps solve complex real-world problems across different disciplines.

          Prerequisite Topics for U-Substitution

          Understanding U-Substitution in calculus requires a solid foundation in several key mathematical concepts. One of the most fundamental prerequisites is composite functions. These functions are essential because U-Substitution often involves recognizing and manipulating composite functions to simplify complex integrals.

          Another crucial skill is determining trigonometric functions given their graphs. This ability helps in identifying suitable substitutions, especially when dealing with trigonometric integrals. Similarly, familiarity with the derivative of inverse trigonometric functions is vital, as these often appear in U-Substitution problems.

          The derivative of logarithmic functions and understanding the natural log (ln) are also important. These concepts frequently arise in U-Substitution problems, particularly when dealing with exponential or logarithmic expressions. Likewise, knowledge of the derivative of exponential functions is essential for tackling a wide range of U-Substitution scenarios.

          While it may seem unrelated at first, experience with solving 3 variable systems of equations by substitution can enhance your problem-solving skills and substitution techniques, which are directly applicable to U-Substitution in calculus.

          Understanding the applications of polynomial functions provides context for many U-Substitution problems, as these often involve polynomial expressions. Additionally, the ability to determine the equation of a polynomial function can be helpful in recognizing suitable substitutions and in verifying your results.

          Mastering these prerequisite topics will significantly enhance your ability to apply U-Substitution effectively. Each concept builds upon the others, creating a robust foundation for tackling complex integration problems. By understanding how these topics interconnect and relate to U-Substitution, you'll be better equipped to recognize patterns, choose appropriate substitutions, and solve a wide variety of calculus problems with confidence.

          * Differential Calculus –"Chain Rule"
          * Integral Calculus –"Antiderivatives"
          The main challenge in using the uSubstitutionu-Substitution is to think of an appropriate substitution.
          - Question: how to choose uu?
          - Answer: choose uu to be some function in the integrand whose differential also occurs!
          uu is usually the inside of a function, for example:
          - the inside a power function: (u)10( u )^{10}
          - the inside a radical function: u\sqrt{u}
          - the inside of an exponential function: eue^u
          - the inside of a logarithmic function: ln\ln? (u)(u)
          - the inside of a trigonometric function: sin\sin (u)(u)
          Basic Concepts