Solving 3 variable systems of equations by substitution

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  1. How to Solve Three Variable Systems of Equations?
  1. Solving Three Variable Systems of Equations – (Easy)

    Solve the following system of equations by substitution:

    2x+3y+4z=02x + 3y + 4z = 0

    2y+3z=232y + 3z = 23

    z=5z = 5

    1. Solving Three Variable Systems of Equations – (Medium)

      Solve the following system of equations by substitution:

      3x5y+z=03x - 5y + z = 0

      x2yz=0x - 2y - z = 0

      z=2z = -2

      1. Solving Three Variable Systems of Equations – (Hard)

        Solve the following system of equations by substitution:

        15x+7y6z=915x + 7y - 6z = -9

        5x3y+6z=135x - 3y + 6z = 13

        z=4z = 4

        Topic Notes

        Introduction to Solving 3-Variable Systems of Equations by Substitution

        Solving 3-variable systems of equations by substitution is a crucial skill in advanced algebra. Our introduction video serves as an essential starting point, providing a clear and concise overview of this complex topic. As students transition from 2-variable to 3-variable equations, they encounter new challenges and opportunities for problem-solving. The video explains how the substitution method for 3 variables, familiar from 2-variable systems, can be extended to handle three variables. It demonstrates the step-by-step process of isolating one variable, substituting its expression into the other equations, and then solving the resulting 2-variable system. This approach builds on previous knowledge while introducing new concepts, making it easier for learners to grasp the more complex 3-variable systems. By mastering this technique, students gain a powerful tool for solving real-world problems involving multiple variables, preparing them for advanced mathematics and practical applications in various fields.

        Understanding the solving 3-variable systems is essential for students aiming to excel in algebra. The substitution method for 3 variables is a powerful technique that simplifies complex problems. By isolating one variable and solving the resulting equations, students can effectively tackle challenging problems. This method not only enhances problem-solving skills but also prepares students for higher-level mathematics. Additionally, mastering this technique is crucial for solving real-world problems involving multiple variables, making it a valuable skill for various academic and professional pursuits.

        Understanding 3-Variable Equations

        3-variable equations represent a significant leap in complexity from their 2-variable counterparts, introducing a new dimension to mathematical problem-solving. These equations, typically expressed in the general form Ax + By + Cz = D, where A, B, C, and D are constants, and x, y, and z are variables, open up a world of possibilities in describing three-dimensional relationships.

        Unlike 2-variable equations that can be easily visualized on a 2D coordinate plane, 3-variable equations exist in 3D space. This fundamental difference makes graphing these equations impractical for solving purposes, as it would require a three-dimensional representation. For instance, while the equation 2x + 3y = 6 can be plotted as a straight line on a 2D graph, an equation like 2x + 3y + 4z = 12 represents a plane in 3D space.

        The introduction of the z-variable adds a layer of complexity that significantly impacts how we approach and solve these equations. In a 2-variable system, we're often looking for points where lines intersect. However, in a 3-variable system, we're dealing with the intersection of planes, which can result in a line or a single point, depending on the number of equations in the system.

        To illustrate this concept, let's consider a simple example. The equation x + y + z = 10 represents all points in 3D space where the sum of the x, y, and z coordinates equals 10. This could be visualized as a plane cutting through three-dimensional space. If we add another equation, say 2x - y + z = 5, we now have two planes intersecting. The solution to this system would be a line where these two planes meet.

        The practical applications of 3-variable equations are vast and varied. In physics, they can describe the motion of objects in three-dimensional space. In economics, they might model complex relationships between multiple economic factors. Engineering uses these equations to solve problems involving force vectors or to design three-dimensional structures.

        Solving 3-variable equations typically involves algebraic methods rather than graphical ones. Techniques such as substitution method, elimination, and matrix methods become crucial. For example, in a system of three equations with three variables, we might use substitution method to express one variable in terms of the others, then substitute this expression into the remaining equations to reduce the system to two equations with two variables.

        It's important to note that while 3-variable equations add complexity, they also provide a more accurate representation of many real-world scenarios. Many natural phenomena and human-made systems operate in three dimensions, making these equations invaluable in fields ranging from astrophysics to computer graphics.

        In conclusion, solving 3-variable systems represent a significant step up from 2-variable equations, introducing a third dimension that more closely aligns with our physical world. While their 3D nature makes graphical solutions impractical, it opens up a realm of possibilities in describing complex relationships and solving real-world problems. As we continue to explore and understand these equations, we unlock new ways to model and interact with the three-dimensional world around us.

        Review of Solving 2-Variable Equations

        When it comes to solving 2-variable equations, there are three primary methods: substitution, elimination, and graphing. Each method has its strengths and is suitable for different types of equations. Let's briefly review these methods and explore why only substitution method for 3-variable systems and elimination method for 3-variable systems are practical for 3-variable systems.

        The substitution method for 3-variable systems involves isolating one variable in one equation and then substituting its expression into the other equation. This method is particularly useful when one variable can be easily expressed in terms of the other. For example, consider the system: y = 2x + 1 and 3x - y = 5. We can substitute y = 2x + 1 into the second equation: 3x - (2x + 1) = 5. Solving this equation gives us x = 2, and we can then find y = 5.

        The elimination method for 3-variable systems, also known as addition or subtraction method, involves adding or subtracting equations to eliminate one variable. This method is effective when the coefficients of one variable are opposites or multiples of each other. For instance, in the system: 2x + y = 7 and x - y = 1, we can add the equations to eliminate y, resulting in 3x = 8, which gives us x = 8/3.

        The graphing method involves plotting both equations on a coordinate plane and finding their point of intersection. While this method provides a visual representation of the solution, it may not always yield precise results, especially for complex equations.

        When dealing with 3-variable systems, only substitution method for 3-variable systems and elimination method for 3-variable systems remain practical. Graphing becomes impractical as it would require three-dimensional representations, which are difficult to visualize and interpret accurately. Substitution and elimination can be extended to handle multiple variables by systematically reducing the number of variables until a solution is found.

        To illustrate the substitution method for 3-variable systems for a 2-variable equation, let's solve the system: y = 3x - 2 and 2x + y = 10. We can substitute y = 3x - 2 into the second equation: 2x + (3x - 2) = 10. Simplifying, we get 5x - 2 = 10, which leads to x = 2.4. Substituting this value back into y = 3x - 2, we find y = 5.2. Thus, the solution is (2.4, 5.2).

        The Substitution Method for 3-Variable Systems

        The substitution method for 3-variable systems is a powerful technique for solving systems of equations, particularly when dealing with 3-variable systems. This approach allows us to systematically reduce the complexity of the system by replacing variables with equivalent expressions. Let's break down the process step-by-step to understand how the substitution method for 3-variable systems works for 3-variable systems.

        Step 1: Isolate one variable in one equation
        The first crucial step in the substitution method is to choose one of the three equations and isolate one of the variables. For example, if we have a system with variables x, y, and z, we might choose to isolate x in the first equation. This means rearranging the equation so that x is alone on one side, expressed in terms of y and z.

        Step 2: Substitute the isolated variable expression
        Once we have isolated a variable, we take this expression and substitute it into the other two equations. This substitution effectively eliminates one variable from these equations, reducing them to expressions with only two variables (in this case, y and z).

        Step 3: Solve the resulting 2-variable system
        After substitution, we are left with a system of two equations with two variables. This simplified system can be solved using various methods such as elimination or substitution again. The goal is to find the values of these two variables.

        Step 4: Back-substitute to find the third variable
        Once we have solved for two of the variables, we can substitute these values back into the equation from Step 1 to find the value of the third variable. This completes the solution for the original 3-variable system.

        Let's illustrate this process with a concrete example:
        Suppose we have the following system of equations example:
        2x + y - z = 4
        3x - y + 2z = 5
        x + 2y + z = 7

        Step 1: We'll isolate x in the first equation:
        2x + y - z = 4
        2x = 4 - y + z
        x = (4 - y + z) / 2

        Step 2: Substitute this expression for x into the other two equations:
        3((4 - y + z) / 2) - y + 2z = 5
        (4 - y + z) / 2 + 2y + z = 7

        Step 3: Simplify these equations:
        6 - 3y/2 + 3z/2 - y + 2z = 5
        2 - y/2 + z/2 + 2y + z = 7

        Now we have a system of two equations with two variables (y and z). We can solve this using elimination or substitution.

        Step 4: Once we find the values of y and z, we can substitute them back into our expression for x to find its value.

        The substitution method for 3-variable systems offers several advantages. It systematically reduces the complexity of the problem, making it more manageable. It's particularly useful when one equation in the system is already solved for one variable, as it minimizes the initial algebraic manipulation required.

        However, it's important to note that the effectiveness of the substitution method can vary depending on the specific equations in the system. In some cases, other methods like elimination or matrix operations might be more efficient. The choice of which variable to isolate first can also impact the complexity of subsequent steps.

        Practice and experience will help in recognizing when the substitution method is most appropriate and how to apply it most effectively. As with many mathematical techniques, the key to mastering the substitution method for 3-variable systems lies in understanding the underlying principles and applying them systematically to a variety of problems.

        Solving the Reduced System

        Once we have successfully reduced our system of three equations to a 2-variable system, we can proceed with solving these simplified equations. This process is crucial in finding the solution to our original problem. Let's walk through the steps to solve the reduced system and then use back-substitution to find all three variables.

        First, examine the two equations in your reduced system. These equations should contain only two variables, typically x and y. Use standard algebraic techniques to solve this system. Common methods include substitution, elimination, or graphing. For example, if you have equations like 2x + 3y = 12 and 4x - y = 5, you can use elimination by multiplying the second equation by 3 and adding it to the first equation to eliminate y.

        As you work through the solution, it's crucial to keep meticulous records of each step. Write down every operation you perform and maintain a clear, organized layout. This attention to detail will help you avoid errors and make it easier to backtrack if needed. Remember, the goal is to isolate one variable, solve for it, and then use that value to find the other variable.

        Once you've solved for x and y in the reduced system, it's time for back-substitution. This is where we return to our original three-variable equations. Take the values you've found for x and y and plug them into one of the original equations that contains the third variable (let's call it z). This will give you an equation with only one unknown, which you can then solve to find the value of z.

        For example, if your original equation was 2x + 3y - z = 10, and you found x = 2 and y = 3, you would substitute these values: 2(2) + 3(3) - z = 10. Simplify this to 13 - z = 10, and solve for z to get z = 3.

        After finding all three variables, it's essential to verify your solution. Substitute the values you've found for x, y, and z back into all three of the original equations. If your solution is correct, each equation should balance. This verification step is crucial as it helps catch any errors that might have occurred during the solving process.

        Remember, the key to successfully solving a system of three equations is to approach it systematically. Reduce the system to two variables, solve the simplified system, use back-substitution to find the third variable, and always verify your solution. By following these steps carefully and keeping track of your work, you'll be able to tackle even complex systems of equations with confidence.

        Example Problem and Solution

        Let's walk through a complete example of solving a 3-variable system using the substitution method. We'll use the following system of equations:

        2x + y - z = 4
        x - 3y + 2z = -1
        3x + 2y + z = 11

        Step 1: Choose an equation and isolate one variable

        We'll start with the first equation and isolate one variable x:

        2x + y - z = 4
        2x = 4 - y + z
        x = (4 - y + z) / 2

        Step 2: Substitute the expression for x into the other equations

        Now, we'll replace x in the second and third equations:

        ((4 - y + z) / 2) - 3y + 2z = -1
        3((4 - y + z) / 2) + 2y + z = 11

        Step 3: Simplify the equations

        (4 - y + z) / 2 - 3y + 2z = -1
        4 - y + z - 6y + 4z = -2
        -7y + 5z = -6

        12 - 3y + 3z + 2y + z = 11
        -y + 4z = -1

        Step 4: Solve the resulting 2-variable system

        We now have two equations with two variables:

        -7y + 5z = -6
        -y + 4z = -1

        Let's isolate one variable y in the second equation:

        y = 4z + 1

        Substitute this into the first equation:

        -7(4z + 1) + 5z = -6
        -28z - 7 + 5z = -6
        -23z = 1
        z = -1/23

        Now we can find y:

        y = 4(-1/23) + 1 = -4/23 + 1 = 19/23

        Step 5: Find x using the original expression

        x = (4 - y + z) / 2
        x = (4 - 19/23 + (-1/23)) / 2
        x = (92/23 - 19/23 - 1/23) / 2
        x = 72/46 = 36/23

        Step 6: Check the solution

        Let's verify our solution (x = 36/23, y = 19/23, z = -1/23) in all three original equations:

        2(36/23) + 19/23 - (-1/23) = 4
        72/23 + 19/23 + 1/23 = 92/23 = 4

        36/23 - 3(19/23) + 2(-1/23) = -1
        36/23 - 57/23 - 2/23 = -23/23 = -1

        3(36/23) + 2(19/23) + (-1/23) = 11
        108/23 + 38/23 - 1/23 = 145/23 = 11

        Our solution checks out!

        Tips for avoiding common mistakes:

        Advantages and Challenges of the Substitution Method

        The substitution method for solving 3-variable systems offers several advantages that make it a valuable problem-solving tool. One of the primary benefits is its systematic approach, which provides a clear, step-by-step process for tackling complex equations. This methodical nature makes it easier for students to follow and apply consistently across various problems. The substitution method also enhances students' algebraic manipulation skills, as it requires them to isolate variables and substitute expressions, reinforcing fundamental algebraic concepts.

        Another advantage is the method's versatility. It can be applied to a wide range of systems, from simple linear equations to more complex non-linear systems. This flexibility makes it a go-to technique for many problem-solving scenarios. Additionally, the substitution method often leads to more straightforward calculations compared to other techniques, potentially reducing computational errors.

        However, students may face several challenges when using the substitution method. One common difficulty is dealing with fractions. When isolating variables, students might encounter fractional coefficients, which can complicate calculations and increase the likelihood of errors. To overcome this, students should practice simplifying fractions and consider using least common multiples to eliminate denominators when possible.

        Another challenge is deciding which variable to isolate first. The choice can significantly impact the complexity of subsequent steps. To address this, students should look for equations where a variable can be easily isolated, preferably with a coefficient of 1. They should also consider which substitution will lead to the simplest subsequent equations.

        Students might also struggle with keeping track of multiple substitutions in a 3-variable system. To manage this, it's helpful to clearly label each substitution and maintain organized work. Using a systematic notation system can prevent confusion and help students trace their steps if they need to backtrack.

        To overcome these challenges, students can employ several strategies. First, they should practice regularly with a variety of problems to build confidence and familiarity with the method. Visualizing the process, perhaps by using diagrams or flowcharts, can help in understanding the relationships between variables. Additionally, checking solutions by substituting them back into the original equations is crucial for verifying accuracy and catching potential errors.

        In conclusion, while the substitution method presents some challenges, its advantages make it a powerful tool for solving 3-variable systems. By understanding both its strengths and potential pitfalls, students can develop effective problem-solving strategies and improve their overall mathematical skills.


        Solving 3-variable systems by substitution is a powerful technique in algebra. Key points include isolating one variable, substituting its expression into the other equations, and solving the resulting 2-variable system. Remember to back-substitute to find all variables. This method requires practice and patience to master. Don't get discouraged if it seems challenging at first with consistent effort, you'll improve. Review the introduction video as needed and tackle practice problems to reinforce your understanding. Start with simpler systems and gradually increase complexity. As you gain confidence, try more advanced problems. Remember, each solved problem strengthens your skills. Engage further with this topic by joining study groups, seeking additional resources, or asking your teacher for extra guidance. The ability to solve 3-variable systems opens doors to more advanced mathematical concepts, so keep pushing forward in your learning journey.

        When you are isolating one variable, ensure that you are careful with your algebraic manipulations to avoid errors. Additionally, solving the resulting 2-variable system can sometimes reveal special cases, such as no solution or infinitely many solutions. To get better, consistently tackle practice problems and review your mistakes to understand where you went wrong. This iterative process of learning and practicing will solidify your understanding and improve your problem-solving skills over time.


        Q1: What is the substitution method for solving 3-variable systems?
        A1: The substitution method for 3-variable systems involves isolating one variable in one equation, substituting its expression into the other two equations, solving the resulting 2-variable system, and then back-substituting to find the value of the third variable. This method systematically reduces the complexity of the problem, making it more manageable.

        Q2: How do I choose which variable to isolate first?
        A2: When choosing a variable to isolate, look for an equation where one variable can be easily isolated, preferably with a coefficient of 1. Consider which substitution will lead to the simplest subsequent equations. The choice can significantly impact the complexity of the following steps, so it's worth taking a moment to evaluate your options.

        Q3: What are some common challenges when using the substitution method?
        A3: Common challenges include dealing with fractions, keeping track of multiple substitutions, and deciding which variable to isolate first. Fractional coefficients can complicate calculations, while multiple substitutions can lead to confusion if not organized well. To overcome these, practice simplifying fractions, maintain clear and organized work, and carefully consider your initial variable choice.

        Q4: How can I check if my solution is correct?
        A4: To verify your solution, substitute the values you've found for all three variables back into each of the original equations. If your solution is correct, each equation should balance. This verification step is crucial as it helps catch any errors that might have occurred during the solving process. Always perform this check to ensure the accuracy of your work.

        Q5: Why is the substitution method useful for solving 3-variable systems?
        A5: The substitution method is useful because it provides a systematic approach to solving complex systems, enhances algebraic manipulation skills, and is versatile enough to apply to various types of equations. It often leads to more straightforward calculations compared to other techniques, potentially reducing computational errors. Additionally, it helps in visualizing the relationships between variables, making it a valuable problem-solving tool.

        Prerequisite Topics for Solving 3 Variable Systems of Equations by Substitution

        Understanding the foundations of algebra is crucial when tackling complex problems like solving 3 variable systems of equations by substitution. This advanced topic builds upon several key concepts that students should master beforehand to ensure a smooth learning experience.

        One of the most directly relevant prerequisites is solving systems of linear equations by substitution. This method forms the basis for handling more complex systems with three variables. By mastering the substitution technique for two-variable systems, students can more easily extend their understanding to three-variable problems.

        Similarly, familiarity with solving systems of linear equations by elimination provides an alternative approach that can be useful in simplifying three-variable systems. Understanding both methods allows students to choose the most efficient strategy for each problem they encounter.

        Before diving into three-variable systems, it's beneficial to practice solving 2-variable systems using various methods. This builds confidence and problem-solving skills that directly translate to more complex systems.

        A solid grasp of determining the number of solutions to linear equations is essential. This knowledge helps students interpret the results of their calculations and understand the geometric implications of their solutions in three-dimensional space.

        While not directly related, skills in solving quadratic inequalities can enhance overall algebraic proficiency and problem-solving abilities, which are valuable when working with complex systems of equations.

        Basic arithmetic skills, such as adding and subtracting decimals, are fundamental when performing calculations in the substitution process. Accuracy in these operations is crucial for obtaining correct solutions.

        Understanding greatest common factors can be helpful in simplifying equations within the system, potentially making the substitution process more straightforward.

        Lastly, experience with solving polynomials with unknown coefficients can provide valuable insights when dealing with more complex systems of equations that may arise in real-world applications.

        By mastering these prerequisite topics, students will build a strong foundation for tackling three-variable systems of equations. This comprehensive understanding not only facilitates learning the new concept but also enhances overall problem-solving skills in algebra and beyond.