Solving two-step linear equations using distributive property: a(x + b) = c

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    • What is Distributive Property?
    • How to use distributive property to solve linear equations?
  1. Solve the equation using model.
    1. 4(x+1)=124\left( {x + 1} \right) = 12
    2. 2(x3)=82\left( {x - 3} \right) = 8
  2. Solve.
    1. 3(x9)=453\left( {x - 9} \right) = 45
    2. 7(10+x)=147\left( {10 + x} \right) = 14
    3. 15=3(x6) - 15 = 3\left( {x - 6} \right)
    4. 22=11(x+13) - 22 = 11\left( {x + 13} \right)
  3. John has a round table with a circumference of 314.16 cm, but it is too big for his new home. So, he cut off a 10 cm wide border around the edge.
    1. Write the equation that represents the situation.
    2. What is the circumference of the table now? Round your answer to two decimal places.
Topic Notes
Distributive property is an algebra property that we use all the time! When you see equations in the form of a(x+b), you can transform them into ax+ab by multiplying the terms inside a set of parentheses. In this section, we will make use of this property to help us solve linear equations.