Model and solve one-step linear equations: ax = b, x/a = b

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  1. What is Reflexive property of equality?
  2. What is Transitive property of equality?
  3. What is Substitution property of equality?
  4. What is Symmetric property of equality?
  5. How to solve one-step equations?
  1. What is the equation represented by each diagram?

    1. one-step linear equations represented as a diagram

    2. Model and solve one-step linear equations

    3. solve one-step linear equations using models

    4. solving one-step linear equations expressed as a model
  2. Solve.
    1. 4x=56 - 4x = 56
    2. 3x=243x = - 24
    3. x5=75\frac{x}{5} = - 75
    4. 2=x10 - 2 = \frac{x}{{ - 10}}
  3. Bill is able to type 35 words every minute. If he has typed 385 words so far, how many minutes has he been typing for?
    1. Suzy and 2 friends split their restaurant bill evenly. Each person paid $16. How much did the bill cost?
      Topic Notes
      Linear equations which can be solved with a single operation are called one-step linear equations. In this section, we will try to solve one-step linear equations represented in diagrams and in equation form.

      Introduction to One-Step Linear Equations

      One-step linear equations are fundamental in algebra, serving as a gateway to more complex mathematical concepts. Our introduction video provides a crucial foundation for understanding these equations, making it an essential starting point for learners. This article delves into two primary forms of one-step linear equations: ax = b and x/a = b. These equations are called "one-step" because they require only a single operation to solve for the unknown variable. The ax = b form involves multiplication or division to isolate x, while x/a = b requires multiplication to eliminate the fraction. Mastering these basic equations is vital for progressing in algebra and tackling more advanced problems. By understanding the principles behind one-step linear equations, students develop critical thinking skills and lay the groundwork for solving more complex mathematical challenges. The simplicity of these equations makes them an ideal starting point for beginners in algebra.

      Understanding Equations and Equality

      Equations are fundamental to mathematics, serving as powerful tools for expressing relationships between quantities. At the heart of every equation lies the equal sign (=), a symbol that carries immense significance in mathematical language. This simple yet crucial symbol indicates that the expressions on both sides of it are equivalent, representing a state of balance or equality.

      The concept of equations revolves around the idea of balance. Just as a scale maintains equilibrium when equal weights are placed on both sides, an equation remains true when the values on either side of the equal sign are the same. For example, in the equation 3 + 4 = 7, we can see that the sum of 3 and 4 on the left side is indeed equal to 7 on the right side.

      Equations can involve more complex expressions as well. Consider 2x + 5 = 13. Here, we introduce the concept of a variable, represented by 'x'. Variables are placeholders for unknown values, and solving for variables often involves finding the value of this variable that makes the equation true. In this case, we would need to determine what value of x makes the left side equal to 13.

      The process of solving for variables relies heavily on maintaining balance. Any operation performed on one side of the equation must be mirrored on the other side to preserve equality. For instance, if we subtract 5 from both sides of 2x + 5 = 13, we get 2x = 8. Then, dividing both sides by 2 yields x = 4. This step-by-step approach ensures that the equation remains balanced throughout the solving process.

      Equations are not limited to simple arithmetic. They can represent complex relationships in equations in various fields, from physics and engineering to economics and social sciences. In physics, equations like E = mc² describe fundamental properties of the universe. In economics, supply and demand curves are often represented by equations, helping to predict market behaviors.

      The Reflexive Property of Equality

      An important concept related to equations is the reflexive property of equality. This property states that any quantity is always equal to itself. In mathematical notation, it's expressed as a = a for any value of a. While this may seem obvious, it's a crucial foundation for many mathematical proofs and logical arguments.

      The reflexive property is often used implicitly in solving equations. For example, when we check our solution by substituting it back into the original equation, we're essentially applying this property. If we solved 2x + 5 = 13 and found x = 4, we can verify this by substituting 4 back into the equation: 2(4) + 5 = 13, which simplifies to 8 + 5 = 13, or 13 = 13, demonstrating the reflexive property.

      Understanding equations and equality is crucial for developing mathematical thinking and problem-solving skills. It forms the basis for more advanced mathematical concepts and is essential in many real-world applications of equations. From balancing a checkbook to calculating trajectories for space missions, the principles of equations and equality play a vital role in our daily lives and scientific advancements.

      As students progress in their mathematical journey, they'll encounter increasingly complex relationships in equations and systems of equations. However, the fundamental principle remains the same: maintaining balance and understanding the relationship between quantities on either side of the equal sign. By mastering these concepts, learners open doors to a wide range of mathematical and scientific pursuits, equipping themselves with powerful tools for analysis and problem-solving in various fields.

      Solving Multiplication Equations: ax = b

      Solving multiplication equations in the form ax = b is a fundamental skill in algebra that forms the basis for more complex problem-solving. These equations, known as multiplication equations, involve a variable multiplied by a constant (coefficient in equations) on one side and another constant on the other side. Let's explore how to solve these equations step-by-step, using simple examples to illustrate the process.

      Understanding the Structure: ax = b

      In the equation ax = b:

      • a represents the coefficient in equations (a number multiplying the variable)
      • x is the variable we're solving for
      • b is the constant on the right side of the equation

      The Goal: Isolating the Variable

      The primary objective when solving these equations is to isolate the variable (x) on one side of the equation. This process is often referred to as "isolating the variable." By doing so, we can determine the value of x that makes the equation true.

      Step-by-Step Solution: Using 3n = 15 as an Example

      Let's solve the equation 3n = 15:

      1. Identify the parts of the equation:
        • a = 3 (coefficient)
        • n = our variable (equivalent to x in ax = b)
        • b = 15 (constant on the right side)
      2. To isolate n, we need to undo the multiplication by 3.
      3. We achieve this by dividing both sides of equation by 3:
        (3n) ÷ 3 = 15 ÷ 3
      4. Simplify:
        n = 5

      Why Dividing Both Sides Works

      Dividing both sides of equation by the coefficient works because it maintains the equality of the equation. When we perform the same operation on both sides, we ensure that the balance is preserved. In our example:

      • Left side: (3n) ÷ 3 simplifies to n because 3 ÷ 3 = 1, and 1n = n
      • Right side: 15 ÷ 3 = 5

      This process effectively "cancels out" the coefficient on the left side, leaving us with the isolated variable.

      The Substitution Property of Equality

      The substitution property of equality is a fundamental concept in algebra that supports our method of solving equations. It states that if two expressions are equal, we can substitute one for the other in any equation or expression without changing the value.

      In the context of solving multiplication equations:

      1. We start with the equation ax = b
      2. We divide both sides by a: (ax) ÷ a = b ÷ a
      3. The left side simplifies to x
      4. The right side becomes b ÷ a
      5. Therefore, x = b ÷ a

      The substitution property allows us to use this result (x = b ÷ a) in place of x in any other equation or expression where x appears. This property is crucial for solving more complex equations and systems of equations.

      Practice Examples

      Try solving these multiplication equations using the method we've discussed:

      1. 5x = 20
      2. 2y = 14

      Solving Division Equations: x/a = b

      Division equations in the form x/a = b are common in algebra and understanding how to solve them is crucial for mathematical proficiency. These equations involve finding an unknown value (x) that, when divided by a known number (a), equals another known number (b). Let's explore how to solve these equations step-by-step, using examples to illustrate the process.

      The Basic Approach

      To solve an equation like x/a = b, we use a fundamental principle: multiplying both sides of the equation by the divisor (a) cancels out the division on the left side. This leaves us with x by itself, allowing us to find its value. Let's look at an example:

      Example: x/2 = 7

      1. Start with the equation: x/2 = 7
      2. Multiply both sides by 2: 2 * (x/2) = 2 * 7
      3. Simplify: x = 14

      In this case, we've found that x equals 14. We can verify this by plugging it back into the original equation: 14/2 = 7, which is true.

      Why Multiplying by the Divisor Works

      Multiplying both sides of the equation by the divisor (a) works because of the fundamental properties of equality and division. When we multiply a fraction by its denominator, the denominator cancels out, leaving just the numerator. In our equation x/a = b, multiplying both sides by a gives us:

      a * (x/a) = a * b

      The left side simplifies to just x because a/a cancels out to 1, and 1 * x = x. This leaves us with x = a * b, which directly gives us the value of x.

      Comparing with Multiplication Equations

      Solving division equations (x/a = b) is closely related to solving multiplication equations. In fact, they are inverse operations of each other. While we multiply by the divisor to solve division equations, we divide by the coefficient to solve multiplication equations. For example:

      For x/2 = 7, we multiply both sides by 2 to get x = 14
      For 2x = 14, we divide both sides by 2 to get x = 7

      This relationship highlights the inverse operations nature of multiplication and division in equation solving.

      The Symmetric Property of Equality

      An important concept in equation solving is the symmetric property of equality. This property states that if a = b, then b = a. In the context of our division equations, this means that x/a = b is equivalent to b = x/a. This property allows us to rewrite equations in a way that might be more convenient for solving.

      For example, we could rewrite x/2 = 7 as 7 = x/2. Solving this would involve the same steps:

      1. Start with: 7 = x/2
      2. Multiply both sides by 2: 2 * 7 = 2 * (x/2)
      3. Simplify: 14 = x

      The symmetric property ensures that we arrive at the same solution regardless of how we write the equation.

      Practice and Application

      To become proficient in solving division equations, practice is key. Start with simple equations like x/3 = 4 or x/5 = 2, and gradually move to more complex ones. Remember the steps: identify the divisor, multiply both sides by it, and simplify to isolate x. As you practice, you'll find that this method becomes second nature, allowing you to solve more complex algebraic problems with confidence.

      Applying One-Step Equations to Real-World Problems

      One-step linear equations are powerful tools that find applications in various real-world scenarios. Understanding how to translate word problems into equations and solve them is crucial for practical problem-solving. Let's explore some examples and learn how to apply the methods we've learned, including the transitive property of equality.

      Real-World Examples and Word Problems

      1. Shopping: Sarah has $50 and wants to buy t-shirts that cost $12 each. How many can she buy?
      Equation: 12x = 50, where x is the number of t-shirts
      Solution: x = 50 ÷ 12 4.17, so Sarah can buy 4 t-shirts

      2. Distance and Time: A car travels at a constant speed of 60 miles per hour. How long will it take to travel 180 miles?
      Equation: 60t = 180, where t is the time in hours
      Solution: t = 180 ÷ 60 = 3 hours

      3. Temperature Conversion: Convert 25°C to Fahrenheit using the formula F = (9/5)C + 32
      Equation: F = (9/5)(25) + 32
      Solution: F = 45 + 32 = 77°F

      Translating Word Problems into Equations

      To translate word problems into equations, follow these steps:

      1. Identify the unknown quantity and assign it a variable (usually x).
      2. Determine the relationship between the known and unknown quantities.
      3. Express this relationship as an equation using mathematical operations.

      Solving Real-World Problems

      Let's solve a more complex problem:

      A plumber charges a $50 call-out fee plus $75 per hour. If a customer's bill is $275, how many hours did the plumber work?

      Step 1: Identify the unknown (x = hours worked)
      Step 2: Set up the equation: 50 + 75x = 275
      Step 3: Solve the equation:
      75x = 275 - 50
      75x = 225
      x = 225 ÷ 75
      x = 3 hours

      The Transitive Property of Equality

      The transitive property of equality states that if a = b and b = c, then a = c. This property is useful in solving equations and proving mathematical statements. For example:

      If x + 5 = 10 and 10 = 2y, then x + 5 = 2y
      We can use this to solve for x:
      x + 5 = 2y
      x = 2y - 5

      In real-world applications, the transitive property helps us connect multiple equations or relationships. For instance, in unit conversions:

      1 foot = 12 inches
      12 inches = 30.48 centimeters
      Therefore, 1 foot = 30.48 centimeters

      Understanding and applying one-step linear equations to real-world problems enhances our problem-solving skills and mathematical reasoning. By practicing with various scenarios, from simple shopping calculations to more complex physics or engineering problems, we can develop a strong foundation in mathematical modeling and analysis. The ability to translate word problems into equations, solve them efficiently, and interpret the results is a valuable skill in many fields, including science, economics, and everyday decision-making.

      Common Mistakes and How to Avoid Them

      Solving one-step linear equations is a fundamental skill in algebra, but students often encounter common mistakes that can lead to incorrect solutions. Understanding these errors and learning how to avoid them is crucial for mathematical success. Let's explore some of the most frequent mistakes and provide tips for error prevention and solution checking.

      One common mistake is forgetting to perform the same operation on both sides of the equation. For example, in solving x + 5 = 12, a student might incorrectly write x = 12 - 5 on one side only. To avoid this, always remember the golden rule: what you do to one side of the equation, you must do to the other side as well.

      Another frequent error is mishandling negative numbers. When solving equations like -3x = 15, students might incorrectly write x = 15 + 3 instead of x = -5. To prevent this, practice working with negative numbers and pay close attention to signs when dividing or multiplying by negative values.

      Misinterpreting the order of operations in equations can also lead to mistakes. In an equation like 2x + 1 = 7, a student might erroneously subtract 1 from both sides before dividing by 2. To avoid this, always isolate the variable first by performing inverse operations in the correct order.

      Careless arithmetic is another pitfall. Even if the algebraic steps are correct, a simple calculation error can lead to an incorrect final answer. For instance, in solving 3x = 21, a student might correctly divide both sides by 3 but then mistakenly write x = 6 instead of x = 7. To minimize arithmetic errors, use a calculator when necessary and double-check your calculations.

      Perhaps the most critical mistake is failing to check the solution. Many students skip this vital step, potentially missing errors in their work. To emphasize the importance of solution checking, always substitute your answer back into the original equation to verify it works. For example, if you solved 2x - 4 = 10 and got x = 7, plug 7 back into 2x - 4 to ensure it equals 10.

      By being aware of these common mistakes and actively working to avoid them, students can significantly improve their accuracy in solving one-step linear equations. Remember, practice makes perfect, and consistently checking your solutions is key to building confidence and proficiency in algebra. With these error prevention strategies and a commitment to solution checking, you'll be well-equipped to tackle more complex equations in the future.

      One common mistake is forgetting to perform the same operation on both sides of the equation. For example, in solving x + 5 = 12, a student might incorrectly write x = 12 - 5 on one side only. To avoid this, always remember the golden rule: what you do to one side of the equation, you must do to the other side as well.

      Another frequent error is mishandling negative numbers. When solving equations like -3x = 15, students might incorrectly write x = 15 + 3 instead of x = -5. To prevent this, practice working with negative numbers and pay close attention to signs when dividing or multiplying by negative values.

      Misinterpreting the order of operations in equations can also lead to mistakes. In an equation like 2x + 1 = 7, a student might erroneously subtract 1 from both sides before dividing by 2. To avoid this, always isolate the variable first by performing inverse operations in the correct order.

      Conclusion and Next Steps

      In summary, we've explored the fundamental concepts of one-step linear equations, a crucial foundation for more advanced algebraic studies. We've covered equation basics, the importance of maintaining balance, and step-by-step solving techniques for equations for addition, subtraction, multiplication and division equations. Understanding these principles is essential for progressing in mathematics. To reinforce your learning, we encourage you to practice solving equations regularly. Don't forget to watch our introductory video for additional visual explanations and examples. As you gain confidence, challenge yourself with more complex problems and explore related topics. Remember, mastering one-step linear equations opens doors to more advanced mathematical concepts. Keep practicing, stay curious, and don't hesitate to seek help when needed. Ready to take your algebra skills to the next level? Explore our additional resources and practice solving equations to further strengthen your understanding of linear equations.


      What is the equation represented by each diagram?
      one-step linear equations represented as a diagram

      Step 1: Understanding the Diagram

      To solve the equation represented by the diagram, we first need to understand what each part of the diagram represents. The large circle in the diagram represents an unknown amount, which we typically denote as a variable, usually "x". This unknown amount is divided into four equal parts, indicating that the large circle is divided by 4.

      Step 2: Identifying the Variable

      Since the large circle represents an unknown amount, we can call this unknown amount "x". Therefore, the division of this circle into four parts can be represented as x/4. This is the left side of our equation.

      Step 3: Understanding the Algebra Tiles

      The diagram also includes five white algebra tiles. In algebra, white tiles typically represent negative values, while colored tiles represent positive values. Each white tile represents -1. Since there are five white tiles, this part of the diagram represents -5. This is the right side of our equation.

      Step 4: Formulating the Equation

      Now that we have identified both parts of the diagram, we can formulate the equation. The left side of the equation is x/4, and the right side of the equation is -5. Therefore, the equation represented by the diagram is:

      x/4 = -5

      Step 5: Solving the Equation

      To solve the equation x/4 = -5, we need to isolate the variable x. This involves undoing the division by 4. To do this, we multiply both sides of the equation by 4. This step ensures that we maintain the equality of the equation.

      Multiplying both sides by 4, we get:

      4 * (x/4) = 4 * (-5)

      The 4s on the left side cancel out, leaving us with:

      x = -20

      Step 6: Verifying the Solution

      To ensure our solution is correct, we can verify it by substituting x = -20 back into the original equation. If the left side equals the right side, our solution is correct.

      Substituting x = -20 into x/4 = -5, we get:

      -20/4 = -5

      Since -20 divided by 4 is indeed -5, our solution is verified.


      By following these steps, we have successfully identified and solved the equation represented by the diagram. The key steps involved understanding the diagram, identifying the variable, formulating the equation, solving the equation, and verifying the solution. This method ensures a clear and accurate solution to one-step linear equations.


      Here are some frequently asked questions about one-step linear equations:

      1. What is a linear equation with one example?

      A linear equation is an equation where the variable has an exponent of 1. For example, 2x + 5 = 13 is a linear equation. The variable x is raised to the first power, and the equation forms a straight line when graphed.

      2. How to solve step equations?

      To solve one-step equations, follow these steps: 1) Identify the operation (addition, subtraction, multiplication, or division). 2) Perform the inverse operation on both sides of the equation. 3) Simplify to isolate the variable. For example, to solve x + 3 = 7, subtract 3 from both sides: x = 7 - 3 = 4.

      3. How do you solve linear equations 1?

      To solve linear equations with one variable: 1) Isolate the variable on one side of the equation. 2) Use inverse operations to remove constants or coefficients. 3) Simplify the equation. 4) Check your answer by substituting it back into the original equation.

      4. What are simple linear equations?

      Simple linear equations are equations that can be solved in one step. They typically involve one operation, such as addition, subtraction, multiplication, or division. Examples include x + 5 = 12, 3y = 15, or z/4 = 6.

      5. How to Solve One-Step Equations?

      To solve one-step equations: 1) Identify the operation being performed on the variable. 2) Perform the inverse operation on both sides of the equation. 3) Simplify to find the value of the variable. For example, to solve 3x = 12, divide both sides by 3: x = 12 ÷ 3 = 4.

      Prerequisite Topics for Model and Solve One-Step Linear Equations: ax = b, x/a = b

      Understanding the foundations of algebra is crucial when tackling one-step linear equations. Before diving into solving equations like ax = b or x/a = b, it's essential to grasp several key concepts that form the building blocks of algebraic problem-solving.

      One of the fundamental skills required is solving linear equations using multiplication and division. This forms the core of manipulating one-step equations, allowing you to isolate the variable efficiently. Closely related to this is the concept of inverse operations in equations, which is crucial for maintaining equality while solving for the unknown.

      When working with equations, it's important to understand the role of coefficients in equations. This knowledge helps in interpreting the 'a' in ax = b and recognizing its impact on the solution. Additionally, being familiar with the order of operations in equations ensures that you approach the problem-solving process systematically.

      Real-world applications often require translating word problems into equations. This skill is invaluable when you encounter practical scenarios that need to be modeled as one-step linear equations. Similarly, solving for variables in context, such as in distance-time problems, reinforces the practical utility of these equations.

      As you progress, you'll find that checking solutions in equations becomes an essential part of the problem-solving process. This verification step ensures the accuracy of your work and deepens your understanding of equation properties.

      By mastering these prerequisite topics, you'll build a strong foundation for tackling one-step linear equations. Each concept contributes to your overall comprehension, making the process of solving ax = b or x/a = b more intuitive and manageable. Remember, algebra is a step-by-step journey, and each prerequisite topic serves as a crucial stepping stone towards mastery of more complex algebraic concepts.