Joint and combined variation

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  1. Introduction to joint and combined variation
  2. Review: direct variation vs. inverse variation
  3. What is a joint variation?
  4. What is a combined variation and how is it different from a joint variation?
  5. How to solve a variation problem?
  1. Identifying Types of Variations
    Determine whether each equation represents a direct, inverse, joint, or combined variation. Name the constant of variation.
    1. xy=17xy = 17
    2. p=5qp = 5q
    3. b=3ac4b = \frac{3ac}{4}
    4. m=n8m = \frac{n}{8}
    5. e=5f7g e = \frac{5f}{7g}
  2. Translating Variation Statements Into Equations
    Translate the following statements, and then classify the variations.
    1. xx varies jointly as yy and the square of zz.
    2. The speed of a race car varies directly as the distance and inversely as the time.
  3. Solving Variation Problems
    Find the missing variables.
    1. aa varies directly with bb and cc. If a=336a=336 when b=4b=4 and c=7c=7, find aa when b=2b=2 and c=11c=11.
    2. pp varies directly as qq but inversely as rr. If p=14p=14 when q=2q=2 and r=5r=5, find qq when p=105p=105 and r=18r=18.
  4. Word Problems of Variations
    The volume of a cylinder varies jointly as the height and the square of its radius. A cylinder with an 9 cm height and 6 cm radius has a volume of 1018 cm3.
    1. Find the constant of variation kk. Round your answer to 2 decimal places.
    2. What is the volume of a can that has a 7 cm height and 3 cm radius?
  5. The time required to process a shipment at Mamazon varies directly with the number of orders being made and inversely with the number of workers. If 1344 orders can be processed by 7 workers in 12 hours, how long will it take 125 workers to process 20,000 items?
    Topic Notes

    Introduction to Joint and Combined Variation

    Welcome to our exploration of joint and combined variation! These fascinating mathematical concepts are essential in understanding how multiple variables can influence each other simultaneously. Our introduction video serves as an excellent starting point, providing clear explanations and visual examples to help you grasp these ideas. Joint variation occurs when one variable is directly proportional to two or more other variables, while combined variation involves both direct and inverse relationships. As we delve deeper into these concepts, you'll discover their wide-ranging applications in fields like physics, engineering, and economics. The video will guide you through step-by-step examples, making these complex topics more accessible and relatable. By mastering joint and combined variation, you'll enhance your problem-solving skills and gain a deeper appreciation for the interconnectedness of mathematical relationships. So, let's dive in and unravel the intricacies of these important concepts together!

    Review of Direct and Inverse Variation

    Direct Variation

    Direct variation is a fundamental concept in mathematics that describes a relationship between two variables where one variable changes in proportion to the other. In a direct variation, as one quantity increases, the other increases proportionally, and vice versa. This relationship is often expressed using the direct variation formula: y = kx, where k is the constant of variation.

    The constant of variation, k, represents the ratio between the two variables and remains constant throughout the relationship. For example, if y varies directly with x, and y = 6 when x = 2, we can determine k by substituting these values into the formula: 6 = k(2). Solving for k, we get k = 3. This means that y will always be three times x in this particular direct variation.

    Real-world examples of direct variation include:

    • The relationship between distance traveled and time at a constant speed
    • The cost of items based on quantity purchased at a fixed price per unit
    • The circumference of a circle in relation to its diameter

    Inverse Variation

    Inverse variation, on the other hand, describes a relationship where one variable increases as the other decreases, and their product remains constant. The inverse variation formula is typically expressed as y = k/x, where k is again the constant of variation.

    In inverse variation, as x increases, y decreases proportionally, and vice versa. The constant k represents the product of x and y, which remains the same for all pairs of x and y values in the relationship. For instance, if y varies inversely with x, and y = 12 when x = 3, we can find k by substituting these values: 12 = k/3. Solving for k, we get k = 36. This means that the product of x and y will always equal 36 in this inverse variation.

    Examples of inverse variation in real-life scenarios of inverse variation include:

    • The relationship between speed and time for a fixed distance
    • The pressure and volume of a gas at constant temperature (Boyle's Law)
    • The number of workers and time taken to complete a fixed task

    Understanding direct and inverse variation is crucial for grasping more complex concepts like joint and combined variation. Joint variation occurs when a variable is directly proportional to two or more variables, while combined variation involves both direct and inverse relationships simultaneously.

    To illustrate, let's consider a joint variation where z varies directly with both x and y. The formula would be z = kxy, where k is the constant of variation. An example of this could be the volume of a rectangular prism varying with its length, width, and height.

    Combined variation might involve a scenario where one variable is directly proportional to one variable and inversely proportional to another. For instance, if y varies directly with x and inversely with z, the formula would be y = kx/z.

    Mastering these variation concepts is essential for problem-solving in mathematics, physics, engineering, and many other fields. They provide a foundation for understanding more complex relationships between variables and help in analyzing and predicting outcomes in various scenarios.

    In conclusion, direct and inverse variation are fundamental mathematical concepts that describe how variables relate to each other. Direct variation shows a proportional increase or decrease, while inverse variation demonstrates an inverse relationship where one variable increases as the other decreases. Both types of variation are characterized by a constant of variation, which plays a crucial role in defining the relationship between the variables. By understanding these basic forms of variation, students and professionals can better comprehend and apply more advanced concepts in mathematics and related disciplines.

    Joint Variation: Definition and Examples

    Understanding Joint Variation

    Joint variation is a mathematical concept that describes a relationship between three or more variables, where one variable is directly proportional to the product of two or more other variables. This type of relationship is common in various fields, including physics, engineering, and economics. To fully grasp joint variation, it's essential to understand how it differs from direct variation and explore its formula and real-world applications.

    Joint Variation vs. Direct Variation

    While joint variation involves multiple variables, direct variation focuses on the relationship between two variables. In direct variation, as one variable increases, the other increases proportionally. The key difference is that joint variation extends this concept to include additional variables, creating a more complex relationship.

    Joint Variation Formula and Equation

    The joint variation formula is expressed as y = kxz, where:

    • y is the dependent variable
    • k is the constant of variation
    • x and z are the independent variables

    This formula can be expanded to include more variables if needed. The joint variation equation is often written as "y varies jointly as x and z" or "y varies directly as the product of x and z." Mathematically, this is represented as y xz.

    Real-World Examples of Joint Variation

    Joint variation appears in many practical scenarios. Here are some examples:

    1. Area of a Rectangle

    The area of a rectangle is a classic example of joint variation. The area (A) varies jointly with the length (l) and width (w) of the rectangle. The formula is A = l × w, which fits the joint variation model perfectly.

    2. Work in Physics

    In physics, work (W) varies jointly with force (F) and distance (d). The equation W = F × d demonstrates this relationship, where work increases as either force or distance increases, assuming the other remains constant.

    3. Gas Laws in Chemistry

    Boyle's Law states that the pressure (P) of a gas varies inversely with its volume (V) at constant temperature. This can be expressed as a joint variation: PV = k, where k is a constant. Here, pressure varies jointly with the reciprocal of volume.

    4. Gravitational Force

    Newton's law of universal gravitation states that the gravitational force (F) between two objects varies jointly as their masses (m1 and m2) and inversely as the square of the distance (r) between them. The equation F = G(m1m2)/r^2 illustrates this complex joint variation.

    Applying Joint Variation in Problem-Solving

    Understanding joint variation is crucial for solving problems in various fields. Here's how to approach solving joint variation problems:

    1. Identify the variables involved in the problem.
    2. Determine the relationship between these variables (direct or inverse).
    3. Set up the joint variation equation using the appropriate formula.
    4. Use given information to solve for the constant of variation (k) if necessary.
    5. Apply the equation to find unknown values or relationships between variables.

    Importance in Mathematics and Science

    Joint variation plays a significant role in mathematics and science by:

    • Modeling complex relationships between multiple variables
    • Providing a framework for understanding and predicting natural phenomena
    • Enabling the development of more accurate scientific theories and models
    • Facilitating problem-solving in engineering and applied sciences


    Joint variation is a powerful mathematical concept that extends the idea of direct variation to relationships involving multiple variables. By understanding solving joint variation problems, one can better model and predict complex interactions in various scientific and engineering contexts.

    Combined Variation: Concept and Applications

    Understanding Combined Variation

    Combined variation is a mathematical concept that describes how one variable changes in relation to two or more other variables simultaneously. It's a powerful tool in mathematics and science, allowing us to model complex relationships between multiple factors. Unlike simple direct variation or inverse variation, combined variation incorporates different types of variations into a single formula, providing a more comprehensive understanding of real-world phenomena.

    The Combined Variation Formula

    The general form of the combined variation formula is:

    y = kxazb


    • y is the dependent variable
    • x and z are independent variables
    • k is a constant
    • a and b are exponents that determine the type of variation for each variable

    This formula can be extended to include more variables as needed, making it highly versatile for various applications.

    Types of Variations in Combined Variation

    Combined variation can include:

    Combined Variation Examples

    Let's explore some combined variation examples to better understand its application:

    Example 1: Physics - Force, Mass, and Acceleration

    Newton's Second Law of Motion is a classic example of combined variation:

    F = ma

    Here, Force (F) varies directly with both mass (m) and acceleration (a).

    Example 2: Geometry - Area of a Rectangle

    A = lw

    The area (A) of a rectangle varies directly with both its length (l) and width (w).

    Example 3: Economics - Supply and Demand

    P = k(D/S)

    In this simplified model, Price (P) varies directly with Demand (D) and inversely with Supply (S).

    Joint Variation vs. Combined Variation

    While often used interchangeably, joint variation and combined variation have subtle differences:

    Joint Variation

    Joint variation specifically refers to a variable that varies directly with two or more other variables. The formula for joint variation is:

    y = kxz

    This is a special case of combined variation where all exponents are 1.

    Combined Variation

    Combined variation is a broader concept that can include joint variation but also encompasses inverse variations and variations with different powers. The formula, as mentioned earlier, is more flexible:

    y = kxazb

    Applications of Combined Variation

    Combined variation finds applications in various fields:

    • Physics: Describing relationships between multiple physical quantities
    • Engineering: Modeling complex systems and optimizing designs
    • Economics: Analyzing market dynamics and pricing strategies
    • Biology: Studying population growth and ecosystem interactions
    • Chemistry: Understanding reaction rates and equilibrium constants

    Solving Combined Variation Problems

    To solve problems involving combined variation:

    1. Identify the variables and their relationships
    2. Write the appropriate solving combined variation problems

    Solving Joint and Combined Variation Problems

    Understanding and solving joint and combined variation problems is crucial in mathematics and real-world applications. This guide will outline the steps for tackling these problems, provide examples, and offer tips for identifying the type of variation you're dealing with.

    Joint Variation

    Joint variation occurs when a variable varies directly with two or more variables. The formula for joint variation is y = kxz, where k is a constant, and x and z are the variables.

    Steps for Solving Joint Variation Problems:

    1. Identify the variables involved in the problem.
    2. Write the joint variation equation: y = kxz.
    3. Use given information to find the constant k.
    4. Substitute known values into the equation to solve for the unknown variable.

    Example of Joint Variation:

    Problem: y varies jointly as x and z. When x = 2 and z = 3, y = 12. Find y when x = 4 and z = 5.


    1. Write the equation: y = kxz
    2. Find k: 12 = k(2)(3), so k = 2
    3. Use the equation with new values: y = 2(4)(5) = 40

    Combined Variation

    Combined variation involves both direct variation and inverse variation. The formula for combined variation is y = k(x/z), where k is a constant, x varies directly, and z varies inversely.

    Steps for Solving Combined Variation Problems:

    1. Identify the variables and how they relate (directly or inversely).
    2. Write the combined variation equation: y = k(x/z).
    3. Use given information to find the constant k.
    4. Substitute known values into the equation to solve for the unknown variable.

    Example of Combined Variation:

    Problem: y varies directly as x and inversely as z. When x = 6 and z = 2, y = 15. Find y when x = 8 and z = 4.


    1. Write the equation: y = k(x/z)
    2. Find k: 15 = k(6/2), so k = 5
    3. Use the equation with new values: y = 5(8/4) = 10

    Tips for Identifying Variation Types

    • Look for keywords like "directly," "inversely," or "jointly" in the problem statement.
    • If a variable increases as another increases, it's likely direct variation.
    • If a variable decreases as another increases, it's probably inverse variation.
    • When more than two variables are involved, consider joint or combined variation.
    • Draw a diagram or table to visualize the relationships between variables.

    General Problem-Solving Approach

    1. Read the problem carefully and identify all variables.
    2. Determine the type of variation based on the relationship between variables.
    3. Write the appropriate variation formula (y = kx for direct, y = k/x for inverse, y = kxz for joint, or y = k(x/z) for combined).
    4. Use given information to calculate the constant k.
    5. Substitute known values into the equation to solve for the unknown variable.
    6. Check your answer by plugging it back into the original equation or context.

    Real-World Applications of Joint and Combined Variation

    Joint and combined variation are mathematical concepts that find extensive practical applications across various fields, including physics, engineering, and economics. These principles help us understand and model complex relationships between multiple variables, leading to more accurate predictions and efficient problem-solving in real-world scenarios.

    In physics, joint variation applications are prevalent in the study of gases. The ideal gas law, PV = nRT, demonstrates how the pressure (P) of a gas varies jointly with the number of moles (n) and temperature (T), while inversely with volume (V). This relationship is crucial in understanding atmospheric conditions, designing pressurized systems, and optimizing industrial processes involving gases.

    Engineering fields heavily rely on combined variation applications. For instance, in civil engineering, the strength of a beam depends on both its width and depth. The bending moment of a rectangular beam varies jointly with its width and the square of its depth. This knowledge is essential for designing structurally sound buildings and bridges that can withstand various loads and environmental factors.

    In the realm of electrical engineering, Ohm's law (V = IR) exemplifies joint variation. The voltage (V) across a conductor varies jointly with the current (I) flowing through it and its resistance (R). This principle is fundamental in designing electrical circuits, power distribution systems, and electronic devices.

    Economics also benefits from these concepts. The production function in microeconomics often exhibits combined variation. For example, the output of a factory might vary jointly with the number of workers and the amount of capital invested, but with diminishing returns. This helps businesses optimize their resource allocation and production strategies.

    In finance, the Black-Scholes model for option pricing demonstrates complex combined variation. The price of an option varies with multiple factors, including the current stock price, time until expiration, and market volatility. This model is crucial for risk management and investment strategies in financial markets.

    Environmental science utilizes joint variation in studying pollution dispersion. The concentration of pollutants in the air varies jointly with the emission rate and inversely with wind speed and distance from the source. This knowledge is vital for urban planning, industrial zoning, and environmental impact assessments.

    In the field of acoustics, the intensity of sound follows inverse square law, a form of joint variation. The sound intensity varies jointly with the power of the source and inversely with the square of the distance from the source. This principle is applied in designing concert halls, noise control measures, and audio equipment.

    These real-world examples of joint and combined variation applications highlight the importance of understanding these mathematical concepts. They provide powerful tools for modeling complex systems, making predictions, and solving practical problems across diverse fields. By recognizing and applying these principles, professionals can develop more accurate models, design more efficient systems, and make better-informed decisions in their respective domains.


    Joint and combined variation are essential concepts in mathematics that describe how multiple variables interact and influence each other. Joint variation occurs when one variable is directly proportional to two or more other variables, while combined variation involves both direct and inverse relationships. The introduction video provided a crucial foundation for understanding these concepts, illustrating their applications in real-world scenarios. Key points to remember include the formulas for joint and combined variation, their graphical representations, and how to solve problems involving these relationships. It's important to practice applying these concepts to various situations to solidify your understanding. As you continue to explore variation in mathematics, you'll discover its relevance in fields such as physics, engineering, and economics. Remember that mastering joint and combined variation will enhance your problem-solving skills and provide valuable insights into complex mathematical relationships. Keep practicing and exploring these concepts to deepen your understanding and proficiency in mathematics.

    Solving Variation Problems

    Solving Variation Problems
    Find the missing variables. aa varies directly with bb and cc. If a=336a=336 when b=4b=4 and c=7c=7, find aa when b=2b=2 and c=11c=11.

    Step 1: Identify the Type of Variation

    The first step in solving this problem is to identify the type of variation we are dealing with. In this case, aa varies directly with both bb and cc. This means that aa is directly proportional to the product of bb and cc. This type of relationship is known as joint variation.

    Step 2: Write the General Formula

    Since aa varies directly with bb and cc, we can write the general formula for this relationship as:
    a=kbca = k \cdot b \cdot c
    Here, kk is the constant of variation. Our goal is to find the value of kk using the given information.

    Step 3: Substitute the Given Values to Find kk

    We are given that a=336a = 336 when b=4b = 4 and c=7c = 7. We can substitute these values into the general formula to find kk:
    336=k47336 = k \cdot 4 \cdot 7
    Simplify the right-hand side:
    336=k28336 = k \cdot 28
    To solve for kk, divide both sides by 28:
    k=33628k = \frac{336}{28}
    Simplify the division to find the value of kk.

    Step 4: Update the Formula with the Constant kk

    Once we have found the value of kk, we can update our general formula. Suppose kk is found to be 12 (as an example):
    a=12bca = 12 \cdot b \cdot c
    This updated formula will be used to find the new value of aa when b=2b = 2 and c=11c = 11.

    Step 5: Substitute the New Values to Find aa

    Now, we need to find aa when b=2b = 2 and c=11c = 11. Substitute these values into the updated formula:
    a=12211a = 12 \cdot 2 \cdot 11
    Simplify the multiplication:
    a=1222a = 12 \cdot 22
    Continue simplifying to find the value of aa.

    Step 6: Verify the Solution

    After calculating the value of aa, it is always a good practice to verify the solution. Check if the calculated value of aa makes sense in the context of the problem and ensure that all steps were followed correctly.


    By following these steps, you can solve any joint variation problem where one variable varies directly with the product of two other variables. The key is to identify the type of variation, write the general formula, find the constant of variation, update the formula, and then substitute the new values to find the missing variable.


    Here are some frequently asked questions about joint and combined variation:

    1. What is the difference between joint variation and combined variation?

    Joint variation occurs when one variable is directly proportional to two or more other variables, expressed as y = kxz. Combined variation involves both direct and inverse relationships, typically expressed as y = k(x/z), where y varies directly with x and inversely with z.

    2. What is an example of joint variation in real life?

    A real-life example of joint variation is the volume of a rectangular prism. The volume (V) varies jointly with its length (l), width (w), and height (h), expressed as V = l × w × h.

    3. How do you solve a combined variation problem?

    To solve a combined variation problem: 1) Identify the variables and their relationships. 2) Write the equation (e.g., y = k(x/z)). 3) Use given information to find the constant k. 4) Substitute known values to solve for the unknown variable.

    4. What are the four types of variation in mathematics?

    The four main types of variation in mathematics are: 1) Direct variation, 2) Inverse variation, 3) Joint variation, and 4) Combined variation. Each type describes a different relationship between variables.

    5. How can you identify the type of variation in a problem?

    To identify the type of variation: Look for keywords like "directly," "inversely," or "jointly." If a variable increases as another increases, it's likely direct variation. If it decreases as another increases, it's probably inverse variation. When more than two variables are involved, consider joint or combined variation.

    Prerequisite Topics for Joint and Combined Variation

    Understanding joint and combined variation is crucial in advanced algebra and real-world applications. To fully grasp this concept, it's essential to have a solid foundation in several prerequisite topics. One of the most fundamental is direct variation, which forms the basis for understanding how variables change in proportion to each other. The direct variation formula is a key component in recognizing and solving problems involving joint variation.

    Equally important is the concept of inverse variation, where one variable increases as another decreases in a specific proportion. Mastering the inverse variation formula is crucial for tackling complex problems in joint and combined variation scenarios. These two types of variation are often combined in real-world situations, making their understanding vital.

    To effectively work with joint and combined variation, students must be proficient in understanding tables of values of linear relationships. This skill helps in identifying proportional relationships and interpreting data, which is essential when dealing with multiple variables in joint variation problems.

    Additionally, familiarity with distance and time related questions in linear equations provides practical context for joint variation. This knowledge is particularly useful when solving inverse variation problems, as many real-world scenarios involving joint variation relate to distance, time, and rate.

    While it might seem unrelated at first, understanding volume of rectangular prisms word problems can be surprisingly relevant. These problems often involve multiple variables changing in relation to each other, mirroring the principles of joint variation in a three-dimensional context.

    Lastly, knowledge of Newton's Second Law of Motion provides an excellent real-world application of joint variation. This law demonstrates how force, mass, and acceleration are related in a way that perfectly exemplifies the principles of joint variation.

    By mastering these prerequisite topics, students will be well-equipped to tackle the complexities of joint and combined variation. Each concept builds upon the others, creating a comprehensive understanding that is essential for success in advanced algebra and its applications in science and engineering. Remember, a strong foundation in these basics will make the journey into more complex mathematical concepts smoother and more intuitive.

    In this lesson, we will learn:

    • Identifying Types of Variations
    • Translating Variation Statements Into Equations
    • Solving Variation Problems
    • Word Problems of Variations

    • Joint variation is a direct variation, but with two or more variables. It has the equation y=kxzy=k \cdot x \cdot z where kk is the constant of variation and k0k \neq 0 .
    • A combined variation is formed when we combine any of the variations together (direct, inverse and joint). In most cases, we combine direct and inverse variations to form a combined variation. i.e. yy varies directly with xx and inversely with zz (y=kxz) (y = k \cdot \frac{x}{z})
    • Steps to solving a variation problem:
      1. Write the general variation formula of the problem.
      2. Find the constant of variation kk.
      3. Rewrite the formula with the value of kk.
      4. Solve the problem by inputting known information.