Newton's second law of motion

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  1. Introduction to Newton's second law
    Meaning of Newton's second law
    Newton's second law formula
    Newton, the unit of force
  1. Applying Newton's second law
    1. What is the unbalanced force required to accelerate a 1370 kg car at 4.25 m/s2m/s^{2}?
    2. What is the unbalanced force required to bring a 995 kg car travelling at 11.5 m/s to a stop in 30.0 m?
    3. An apple falls from a tree.

      i. What is the force of gravity acting on a falling 0.200 kg apple?

      ii. If the apple is accelerated downwards at 9.53 m/s2m/s^{2}, find the force of air resistance acting on the apple.

Topic Notes

Introduction to Newton's Second Law of Motion

Newton's second law of motion is a fundamental principle in physics that describes the relationship between force, mass, and acceleration. This crucial concept forms the backbone of classical mechanics and has far-reaching applications in various fields of science and engineering. Our introduction video provides a clear and concise explanation of this law, making it accessible to students and enthusiasts alike. By watching this video, viewers will gain a solid foundation for understanding how forces affect the motion of objects in our everyday world. The video serves as an excellent starting point for delving deeper into the intricacies of Newton's second law, setting the stage for a more comprehensive exploration of its mathematical formulation and real-world applications. As we progress, we'll examine how this law helps us predict and analyze the behavior of objects under different forces, from simple scenarios to complex systems in physics and beyond.

Recap of Newton's First Law and Its Relation to the Second Law

Newton's first law of motion, also known as the law of inertia, is a fundamental principle in physics that describes the behavior of objects at rest or in motion. This law states that an object will remain at rest or in uniform motion in a straight line unless acted upon by an external force. This concept is crucial in understanding the nature of motion and forms the foundation for Newton's other laws of motion.

To comprehend Newton's first law of motion, we must first grasp the concept of balanced and unbalanced forces. Balanced forces occur when the net force acting on an object is zero, resulting in no change in the object's motion. For instance, a book resting on a table experiences balanced forces: the gravitational force pulling it down is counteracted by the normal force of the table pushing up. In this state of equilibrium, the book remains at rest, exemplifying the first part of Newton's first law.

Unbalanced forces, on the other hand, arise when the net force acting on an object is not zero. This situation leads to a change in the object's motion, either by accelerating it from rest or altering its velocity if it's already in motion. For example, when you push a shopping cart, you apply an unbalanced force that overcomes friction and the cart's inertia, causing it to move.

The concept of constant velocity is closely tied to Newton's first law. In the absence of external forces (or when forces are perfectly balanced), an object in motion will continue moving at a constant velocity. This principle is often challenging to observe on Earth due to the omnipresence of friction, but it's more apparent in space where objects can travel vast distances at constant speeds.

Newton's first law relates intimately to his second law of motion, which quantifies the relationship between force, mass, and acceleration. While the first law describes what happens in the absence of a net force, the second law explains how an object behaves when subjected to an unbalanced force. It states that the acceleration of an object is directly proportional to the net force acting on it and inversely proportional to its mass.

To illustrate, imagine pushing two boxes of different masses across a smooth floor. Applying the same force to both boxes will result in different accelerations: the lighter box will accelerate more quickly than the heavier one. This example demonstrates how the second law builds upon the first by considering the magnitude of unbalanced forces and their effects on motion.

Understanding these laws and the interplay between balanced and unbalanced forces is crucial for analyzing real-world scenarios, from the motion of planets to the design of vehicles and structures. Newton's laws of motion continue to be fundamental in physics, engineering, and our everyday understanding of the world around us.

Understanding Newton's Second Law: Force, Mass, and Acceleration

Newton's second law of motion is a fundamental principle in physics that describes the relationship between force, mass, and acceleration. This law is crucial for understanding how objects move and interact in the physical world. At its core, Newton's second law states that the acceleration of an object is directly proportional to the net force acting on it and inversely proportional to its mass.

The mathematical expression of Newton's second law is given by the equation F = ma, where:

  • F represents the net force acting on an object (measured in Newtons, N)
  • m represents the mass of the object (measured in kilograms, kg)
  • a represents the acceleration of the object (measured in meters per second squared, m/s²)

This equation elegantly captures the essence of the law and provides a powerful tool for analyzing motion. Let's break down each component to gain a deeper understanding:

Force (F): Force is a push or pull acting on an object. It can be caused by various factors such as gravity, friction, or applied external forces. The net force is the vector sum of all forces acting on the object. When multiple forces act on an object, they can either reinforce or oppose each other, resulting in a net force that determines the object's motion.

Mass (m): Mass is a measure of an object's resistance to acceleration. It represents the amount of matter in an object and remains constant regardless of its location (unlike weight, which can vary with gravity). Objects with greater mass require more force to achieve the same acceleration as objects with less mass.

Acceleration (a): Acceleration is the rate of change of velocity over time. It describes how quickly an object's speed or direction is changing. Acceleration can be positive (increasing speed), negative (decreasing speed), or zero (constant velocity).

The relationship between these components, as described by F = ma, reveals two important principles:

  1. Direct proportionality: Acceleration is directly proportional to the applied force. This means that if we increase the force acting on an object while keeping its mass constant, the acceleration will increase proportionally. For example, if we double the force applied to a car, its acceleration will also double.
  2. Inverse proportionality: Acceleration is inversely proportional to the mass of the object. This implies that for a given force, objects with greater mass will experience less acceleration. Conversely, objects with less mass will accelerate more rapidly under the same force.

To illustrate these principles, let's consider some examples:

Example 1: Imagine pushing a shopping cart. If you apply a constant force of 50 N to a cart with a mass of 25 kg, its acceleration would be 2 m/s² (50 N ÷ 25 kg). If you increase the force to 100 N while keeping the mass constant, the acceleration would double to 4 m/s² (100 N ÷ 25 kg).

Example 2: Consider two cars, one weighing 1000 kg and another weighing 2000 kg. If both cars are subjected to the same force of 5000 N, the lighter car would accelerate at 5 m/s² (5000 N ÷ 1000 kg), while the heavier car would accelerate at 2.5 m/s² (5000 N ÷ 2000 kg).

These examples demonstrate how changes in force or mass affect acceleration. Increasing the force while keeping mass constant results in greater acceleration, while increasing the mass while maintaining the same force leads to reduced acceleration.

Newton's second law has numerous practical applications in engineering, sports, and everyday life. It helps in designing vehicles, predicting the motion of objects in space, and understanding the forces involved in collisions. By manipulating the variables in the equation F = ma, engineers and scientists can solve complex problems related to motion and force.

Practical Applications and Examples of Newton's Second Law

Newton's Second Law of Motion, expressed as F = ma, is a fundamental principle in physics that relates force, mass, and acceleration. This law has numerous real-world applications and can be used to solve a variety of practical problems. Let's explore some examples and calculations to illustrate how this law works in everyday situations.

Example 1: Car Acceleration
Imagine a 1500 kg car accelerating from 0 to 60 km/h in 8 seconds. To calculate the force required, we first need to convert the speed to m/s and find the acceleration: 60 km/h = 16.67 m/s Acceleration = (16.67 m/s) / 8 s = 2.08 m/s² Now, using F = ma: F = 1500 kg × 2.08 m/s² = 3120 N This means the car's engine must produce a net force of 3120 Newtons to achieve this acceleration.

Example 2: Elevator Motion
Consider an elevator with a mass of 800 kg, carrying passengers with a total mass of 300 kg. To move upward with an acceleration of 1.5 m/s², we calculate: Total mass = 800 kg + 300 kg = 1100 kg F = 1100 kg × 1.5 m/s² = 1650 N This force is in addition to the force needed to counteract gravity (1100 kg × 9.8 m/s² = 10,780 N). The total upward force required is 12,430 N.

Example 3: Rocket Launch
A small rocket with a mass of 5000 kg needs to achieve an acceleration of 20 m/s² at liftoff. The force required is: F = 5000 kg × 20 m/s² = 100,000 N This force must overcome the rocket's weight (5000 kg × 9.8 m/s² = 49,000 N) and provide additional thrust for acceleration.

Example 4: Braking Car
A 1200 kg car traveling at 20 m/s (72 km/h) needs to stop in 40 meters. To find the force required, we first calculate the deceleration: v² = u² + 2as (where v = final velocity, u = initial velocity, a = acceleration, s = distance) 0² = 20² + 2a(40) a = -5 m/s² Now we can calculate the force: F = 1200 kg × (-5 m/s²) = -6000 N The negative sign indicates the force is in the opposite direction of motion.

Example 5: Falling Object
A 2 kg object is dropped from a height. Neglecting air resistance, the only force acting on it is gravity. The acceleration due to gravity is approximately 9.8 m/s². The force acting on the object is: F = 2 kg × 9.8 m/s² = 19.6 N

These examples demonstrate how Newton's Second Law can be applied to various scenarios, from everyday situations like driving a car to more complex systems like rocket launches. By understanding and applying this law, engineers and physicists can design safer vehicles, more efficient machines, and predict the behavior of objects under different forces.

When solving problems using F = ma, it's crucial to: 1. Identify all forces acting on the object 2. Determine the net force (if multiple forces are present) 3. Ensure all units are consistent (typically using SI units) 4. Solve for the unknown variable (force, mass, or acceleration) 5. Check that the result makes sense in the context of the problem

By practicing with various examples and calculations, you can develop a strong intuition for how forces, masses, and accelerations interact in the real world, making Newton's Second Law

The Unit of Force: Newton

The Newton, named after the renowned physicist Sir Isaac Newton, is the standard unit of force in the International System of Units (SI). Understanding this fundamental unit is crucial for students and professionals alike in the fields of physics and engineering. The Newton is defined as the force required to accelerate a mass of one kilogram at a rate of one meter per second squared. This definition encapsulates the relationship between force, mass, and acceleration, which is at the core of Newton's Second Law of Motion.

To break it down further, one Newton is equivalent to one kilogram-meter per second squared (1 N = 1 kgm/s²). This means that if you apply a force of one Newton to an object with a mass of one kilogram, it will accelerate at a rate of one meter per second squared. This precise definition allows scientists and engineers to quantify and measure forces accurately in various applications.

To help visualize what one Newton of force means in practical terms, consider these everyday examples:

  • The weight of a small apple (about 100 grams) on Earth is approximately one Newton.
  • The force exerted by your index finger when pressing a key on a keyboard is roughly one Newton.
  • A typical pen exerts about 0.1 Newtons of force on a table when resting on its tip.

It's important to note that while these examples provide a tangible sense of what one Newton feels like, the actual force can vary slightly depending on factors such as the exact mass of the object and local gravitational acceleration. For more substantial forces, we often use multiples of Newtons. For instance, the weight of an average adult human on Earth is about 700-800 Newtons.

Understanding the Newton as a standard unit of force is essential for solving physics problems and engineering challenges. It allows us to quantify and analyze the forces acting on objects, from the microscopic world of atoms to the macroscopic realm of celestial bodies. Whether calculating the thrust needed for a rocket launch or determining the structural integrity of a bridge, the Newton serves as the fundamental unit for measuring and expressing force in our physical world.

Common Misconceptions and Frequently Asked Questions

Newton's second law of motion is a fundamental principle in physics, yet it's often misunderstood. Let's address some common misconceptions and answer frequently asked questions to clarify this important concept.

Common Misconceptions

  1. Misconception: Force always causes acceleration.
    Clarification: While force can cause acceleration, it doesn't always do so. If forces are balanced, an object can be at rest or moving at constant velocity.
  2. Misconception: Heavier objects fall faster than lighter ones.
    Clarification: In a vacuum, all objects fall at the same rate regardless of mass. Air resistance can affect fall rates in real-world scenarios.
  3. Misconception: Mass and weight are the same thing.
    Clarification: Mass is a measure of an object's matter, while weight is the force of gravity acting on that mass.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Q: What exactly does F = ma mean?
A: This equation states that the net force (F) acting on an object equals its mass (m) multiplied by its acceleration (a). It describes how an object's motion changes when forces act upon it.
Q: Can an object have force without acceleration?
A: Yes, if the forces acting on an object are balanced (net force is zero), the object will not accelerate. It will either remain at rest or continue moving at a constant velocity.
Q: How does Newton's second law apply to objects at rest?
A: For objects at rest, the net force is zero. This means either no forces are acting on the object, or all forces are perfectly balanced.
Q: Does a larger force always result in greater acceleration?
A: Not necessarily. Acceleration depends on both force and mass. A larger force on a more massive object might result in the same acceleration as a smaller force on a less massive object.
Q: How does Newton's second law relate to friction?
A: Friction is a force that opposes motion. It's included in the net force calculation and can reduce acceleration or even bring an object to a stop.

Understanding these concepts helps clarify Newton's second law. Remember, this law is about the relationship between force, mass, and acceleration. It's crucial to consider all forces acting on an object, including often-overlooked forces like friction or air resistance. By addressing these misconceptions and answering common questions, we can build a stronger foundation for understanding physics and mechanics.

Always approach physics problems by carefully analyzing all forces involved and considering the specific context. Newton's second law is a powerful tool for predicting and explaining motion, but it requires a nuanced understanding to apply correctly in various situations. Don't hesitate to ask questions and seek clarification when studying this fundamental principle of physics.

Conclusion and Further Study

In summary, Newton's second law of motion is a fundamental principle in physics that relates force, mass, and acceleration. The key points include: force equals mass times acceleration (F=ma), the direction of acceleration is the same as the net force, and the law applies to systems with constant mass. The introduction video is crucial for grasping these concepts, providing visual examples and clear explanations. To further your understanding, consider exploring related topics such as friction, air resistance, and circular motion. Apply your knowledge by solving more complex problems involving multiple forces or inclined planes. Practice calculating forces and accelerations in various scenarios to reinforce your skills. Remember, mastering Newton's second law is essential for understanding more advanced physics concepts. Engage in hands-on experiments and simulations to deepen your comprehension and see the law in action. Keep challenging yourself with increasingly difficult problems to enhance your problem-solving abilities in physics, including circular motion.


Applying Newton's second law What is the unbalanced force required to accelerate a 1370 kg car at 4.25 m/s2?

Step 1: Understand the Problem

In this problem, we are asked to find the unbalanced force required to accelerate a car. The car has a mass of 1370 kg and needs to accelerate at a rate of 4.25 m/s2. The term "unbalanced force" refers to the net force acting on the car.

Step 2: Identify Given Values

We are provided with the following values:

  • Mass (m) of the car: 1370 kg
  • Acceleration (a) of the car: 4.25 m/s2

Step 3: Recognize the Formula

Newton's second law of motion states that the net force (Fnet) acting on an object is equal to the mass (m) of the object multiplied by its acceleration (a). The formula is:

Fnet = m * a

Step 4: Plug in the Values

Using the given values, we can substitute them into the formula:

Fnet = 1370 kg * 4.25 m/s2

Step 5: Perform the Calculation

Multiply the mass by the acceleration to find the net force:

Fnet = 1370 kg * 4.25 m/s2

This will give you the value of the net force in kilogram meters per second squared (kg·m/s2).

Step 6: Convert to Newtons

The unit of force in the International System of Units (SI) is the Newton (N). 1 Newton is equivalent to 1 kg·m/s2. Therefore, the calculated force in kg·m/s2 is already in Newtons.

Fnet = 5820 N

Step 7: Specify the Direction

Force and acceleration are vector quantities, meaning they have both magnitude and direction. In this problem, the direction of the net force is the same as the direction of the acceleration. If the car is accelerating forward, the net force is also directed forward.

Therefore, the net force required to accelerate the car is 5820 N in the forward direction.


Here are some frequently asked questions about Newton's second law of motion:

  1. What is Newton's second law of motion?

    Newton's second law of motion states that the acceleration of an object is directly proportional to the net force acting on it and inversely proportional to its mass. It is commonly expressed as F = ma, where F is the net force, m is the mass, and a is the acceleration.

  2. How does mass affect acceleration according to Newton's second law?

    According to Newton's second law, mass and acceleration are inversely proportional. This means that for a given force, objects with greater mass will experience less acceleration, while objects with less mass will accelerate more rapidly.

  3. Can Newton's second law be applied to objects at rest?

    Yes, Newton's second law applies to objects at rest as well. When an object is at rest, the net force acting on it is zero. This means that either no forces are acting on the object, or all the forces acting on it are perfectly balanced.

  4. What is the unit of force in Newton's second law?

    The standard unit of force in the International System of Units (SI) is the Newton (N). One Newton is defined as the force required to accelerate a mass of one kilogram at a rate of one meter per second squared (1 N = 1 kgm/s²).

  5. How does Newton's second law relate to everyday situations?

    Newton's second law has numerous practical applications in everyday life. It helps explain phenomena such as car acceleration, elevator motion, rocket launches, and the motion of objects falling under gravity. Understanding this law allows engineers and physicists to design safer vehicles, more efficient machines, and predict the behavior of objects under different forces.

Prerequisite Topics

Understanding Newton's second law of motion requires a solid foundation in several key concepts, with one of the most crucial being the rate of change. This fundamental principle is essential for grasping the intricacies of Newton's second law and its applications in physics and engineering.

The rate of change is a mathematical concept that describes how quickly a quantity is changing over time or with respect to another variable. In the context of Newton's second law, this concept becomes particularly relevant when we consider the relationship between force, mass, and acceleration.

Newton's second law states that the acceleration of an object is directly proportional to the net force acting on it and inversely proportional to its mass. This relationship can be expressed mathematically as F = ma, where F is the net force, m is the mass, and a is the acceleration. The acceleration, in this case, represents the rate of change of velocity with respect to time.

By understanding the rate of change, students can better comprehend how forces affect the motion of objects. For instance, when a constant force is applied to an object, its velocity changes at a constant rate, resulting in a constant acceleration. This direct application of the rate of change concept helps in visualizing and calculating the effects of forces on moving objects.

Moreover, the rate of change is crucial for interpreting graphs related to Newton's second law. When analyzing position-time, velocity-time, or acceleration-time graphs, students must be able to recognize and interpret the slopes and areas under the curves, which directly relate to rates of change.

In practical applications, such as designing safety systems for vehicles or predicting the trajectory of projectiles, a solid understanding of both Newton's second law and the rate of change is indispensable. Engineers and physicists rely on these concepts to calculate the forces required to achieve specific accelerations or to determine the behavior of objects under various force conditions.

Students who master the rate of change concept will find it much easier to grasp the more complex aspects of Newton's second law, such as variable forces, non-uniform acceleration, and multi-dimensional motion problems. This prerequisite knowledge serves as a bridge between basic algebra and more advanced physics concepts, enabling a deeper understanding of how forces shape the world around us.

In conclusion, the rate of change is an essential prerequisite for fully comprehending Newton's second law of motion. By mastering this fundamental concept, students lay the groundwork for a more intuitive and practical understanding of force, motion, and the physical principles that govern our universe. As they progress in their studies, this knowledge will prove invaluable in tackling more advanced topics in physics and engineering.

In this lesson, we will learn:
  • Newton's second law of motion
  • Problem solving with Newton's second law of motion


  • Newton's second law: If a net force acts on an object, its velocity changes. The acceleration is proportional to the magnitude of the net force, and inversely proportional to the mass, or Fnet=ma\vec{F}_{net}=ma
  • The force of gravity acting on an object is Fg=mg\vec{F}_{g}=mg, where gg is acceleration due to gravity (9.81 m/s2 [down])
Newton's Second Law

ΣF=Fnet=ma\Sigma \vec{F} = \vec{F}_{net} = m\vec{a}

ΣF:\Sigma \vec{F}: sum of all forces, in newtons (N)

Fnet:\vec{F}_{net}: net force, in newtons (N)

m:m: mass, in kilograms (kg)

a:\vec{a}: acceleration, in meters per second squared (m/s2)(m/s^{2})