Factoring difference of cubes

  1. Introduction to Factoring difference of cubes

    i. What is difference of cubes?

    ii. How can difference of cubes be factored?

  1. Factoring Using the Difference of Cubes Formula

    Factor the following expressions:

    1. x38x^{3} - 8
    2. x3127x^{3} - \frac{1}{27}
  2. Factoring Using the Difference of Cubes Formula - Extended

    Factor the following expressions:

    1. 27y3127y^{3} - 1
    2. 8x3278x^{3} - 27
  3. Factoring Binomials with 2 variables

    Factor the following expressions:

    1. 27x364y327x^{3} - 64y^{3}
    2. x3y6125x^{3}y^{6} - 125
  4. First Factor the Greatest Common Factor, Then Apply the Difference of Cubes Formula

    Factor the following expressions:

    1. 16x35416x^{3} - 54
    2. 8x3+1-8x^{3} + 1
    3. 81x43xy381x^{4} - 3xy^{3}
Topic Notes

Introduction to Factoring Difference of Cubes

Factoring the difference of cubes is an essential algebraic technique that builds upon the foundational concept of factoring the difference of squares. This method allows us to simplify complex cubic expressions into more manageable factors. Our introduction video serves as a crucial starting point for understanding this concept, providing clear explanations and visual aids to help grasp the underlying principles. By watching this video, students will gain insights into the structure of difference of cubes expressions and learn the step-by-step process for factoring them. The video also highlights how this technique relates to and expands upon the previously learned difference of squares factoring method. Mastering the factoring of difference of cubes is vital for advancing in algebra and tackling more complex mathematical problems. As we delve deeper into this topic, you'll discover how this skill applies to various mathematical scenarios and problem-solving strategies.

Understanding the Difference of Cubes Formula

The difference of cubes formula is a fundamental algebraic identity that helps simplify expressions involving cubic terms. This powerful formula states that a³ - b³ = (a - b)(a² + ab + b²). Let's break down this formula and explore its components to gain a deeper understanding of its significance in mathematics.

The left side of the equation, a³ - b³, represents the difference between two cubes. This could be any two terms raised to the power of 3, such as x³ - y³ or (2x)³ - (3y)³. The right side of the equation, (a - b)(a² + ab + b²), is the factored form of this difference.

Breaking down the factored form:

  • (a - b) is the difference between the cube roots difference of the original terms
  • (a² + ab + b²) is a trinomial that combines squares and products of the original terms

To help remember the signs in the formula, especially in the trinomial part, you can use the SOAP mnemonic:

  • S: Same sign as the original subtraction (a³ - b³)
  • O: Opposite sign (+ in this case)
  • A: Always positive
  • P: Positive

This mnemonic ensures you recall that the signs in (a² + ab + b²) are always positive, regardless of whether you're dealing with a difference or sum of cubes.

The difference of cubes formula is particularly useful when factoring cubic terms or solving equations involving cubic terms. It allows mathematicians and students to simplify complex expressions and find roots more easily.

Comparing the difference of cubes formula to the difference of squares formula (a² - b² = (a + b)(a - b)), we can observe some similarities and differences:

  • Both formulas involve factoring a difference of powers
  • The difference of squares results in two binomials, while the difference of cubes yields a binomial and a trinomial
  • The difference of squares formula is symmetrical, with (a + b) and (a - b), while the difference of cubes is not
  • The trinomial in the difference of cubes (a² + ab + b²) always has positive terms, unlike the difference of squares factors

Understanding and applying the difference of cubes formula is crucial in various areas of mathematics, including algebra, calculus, and mathematical relationships involving cubes. It provides a powerful tool for simplifying expressions, solving equations, and analyzing mathematical relationships involving cubic terms.

In practice, recognizing when to apply the difference of cubes formula can significantly streamline problem-solving processes. For instance, when faced with an expression like 8x³ - 27y³, applying the formula allows us to factor it into (2x - 3y)(4x² + 6xy + 9y²), which can be further manipulated or solved as needed.

Mastering the difference of cubes formula, along with other algebraic identities, enhances one's mathematical toolkit and problem-solving capabilities. By understanding its components and using mnemonics like SOAP, students and mathematicians can confidently tackle complex algebraic expressions and equations involving cubic terms.

Identifying Difference of Cubes Expressions

Recognizing expressions that can be factored as a difference of cubes is an essential skill in algebra. To identify these expressions, we need to look for specific characteristics that set them apart. The key features of a difference of cubes expression include the presence of a subtraction sign, two terms that are perfect cubes, and terms arranged in descending order of degree.

First and foremost, a difference of cubes expression always contains a subtraction sign. This is crucial because it distinguishes it from a sum of cubes, which has an addition sign instead. For example, a³ - b³ is a difference of cubes, while a³ + b³ is not.

The next characteristic to look for is the presence of two terms that are perfect cubes. A perfect cube is a number or algebraic expression that results from multiplying a base by itself three times. For instance, 8 is a perfect cube (2³), and x³ is also a perfect cube. In a difference of cubes expression, both terms must be perfect cubes.

Additionally, the terms in a difference of cubes expression are typically arranged in descending order of degree. This means the term with the higher exponent comes first, followed by the term with the lower exponent or constant. For example, in the expression x³ - 27, x³ has a higher degree than 27 (which is 3³), so it comes first.

Let's look at some examples to illustrate these points. The expression 64a³ - 8 is a difference of cubes because it has a subtraction sign, both terms are perfect cubes (64a³ = (4a)³ and 8 = 2³), and they are in descending order. Similarly, y³ - 1 is also a difference of cubes.

On the other hand, expressions like x² - 8, 27 - y³, or x³ + 8 are not difference of cubes. The first lacks perfect cube terms, the second has the terms in the wrong order, and the third has an addition sign instead of subtraction.

By keeping these key characteristics in mind - the subtraction sign, perfect cube terms, and descending order - you can quickly identify expressions that can be factored as a difference of cubes. This skill is valuable for simplifying algebraic expressions and solving equations more efficiently.

Step-by-Step Factoring Process

Factoring difference of cubes expressions is an essential skill in algebra. This guide will walk you through the process step-by-step, ensuring you can tackle both simple numeric examples and complex algebraic expressions with confidence.

Step 1: Identify the Difference of Cubes

First, recognize the expression as a difference of cubes. It should be in the form a³ - b³, where a and b are any terms.

Step 2: Check for Greatest Common Factors (GCF)

Before applying the difference of cubes formula, always check if there's a greatest common factor. If present, factor it out first. For example, in 8x³ - 64y³, the GCF is 8, so factor it out: 8(x³ - 8y³).

Step 3: Ensure the First Term is Positive

The difference of cubes formula requires the first term to be positive. If it's negative, factor out -1 first. For instance, -a³ + b³ becomes -(a³ - b³).

Step 4: Apply the Difference of Cubes Formula

The formula is: a³ - b³ = (a - b)(a² + ab + b²). Let's break this down with an example:

  • For x³ - 8:
  • a = x, b = 2 (since 2³ = 8)
  • x³ - 8 = (x - 2)(x² + 2x + 4)

Step 5: Verify Your Answer

Always check your factoring by expanding the result. It should equal the original expression.


Let's work through some examples to solidify the process:

Example 1: 27 - y³

  1. Identify: This is a difference of cubes (27 = 3³)
  2. GCF: None
  3. First term is positive: Good
  4. Apply formula: (3 - y)(3² + 3y + y²) = (3 - y)(9 + 3y + y²)

Example 2: 64x³ - 125y³

  1. Identify: Difference of cubes
  2. GCF: 1 (no common factor)
  3. First term is positive: Good
  4. Apply formula: (4x - 5y)(16x² + 20xy + 25y²)

Example 3: -a³ + 216b³

  1. Identify: Difference of cubes, but negative first term
  2. Factor out -1: -1(a³ - 216b³)
  3. Apply formula: -1(a - 6b)(a² + 6ab + 36b²)

Common Mistakes to Avoid

  • Forgetting to check for GCF
  • Not addressing negative first terms
  • Misapplying the formula to sum of cubes (a³ + b³)

Practice is key to mastering the factoring process for difference of cubes. Start with simple numeric examples before moving on to more complex algebraic expressions. Remember, avoiding common factoring mistakes is crucial for success.

Common Mistakes and How to Avoid Them

Factoring the difference of cubes can be a challenging concept for many students. Understanding common mistakes in factoring cubes and how to prevent them is crucial for mastering this algebraic technique. One of the most frequent mistakes is confusing the difference of cubes with the difference of squares. While both involve subtraction, their formulas and approaches are distinct. Students often attempt to apply the difference of squares formula (a² - b² = (a+b)(a-b)) to a difference of cubes problem, leading to incorrect solutions.

Another common error is misapplying the difference of cubes formula. The correct formula is a³ - b³ = (a - b)(a² + ab + b²), but students may forget the middle term (ab) or mix up the signs in the second factor. To avoid this, it's helpful to memorize the formula as "the difference of the terms, times the sum of the squares plus their product." Practicing with various examples can reinforce proper application of the formula.

Overlooking greatest common factors (GCF) is another pitfall. Before applying the difference of cubes formula, students should always check for and factor out any GCF. Failing to do so can result in an incomplete factorization. For instance, in the expression 8x³ - 64, students might jump straight to the difference of cubes formula without first factoring out 8, leading to a partially correct but incomplete answer.

To prevent these mistakes, students should develop a systematic approach. First, identify if the expression is truly a difference of cubes by checking if both terms are perfect cubes. Next, factor out any GCF. Then, carefully apply the difference of cubes formula, double-checking each term. It's also beneficial to perform a quick check by expanding the factored result to ensure it matches the original expression.

Accuracy checks are essential. After factoring, students should multiply their answer back out to verify it matches the original expression. This step-by-step verification process helps catch errors and reinforces understanding. Additionally, using technology like graphing calculators or algebra software can provide a means of double-checking results, though it's important to understand the process manually first.

Practice problems for difference of cubes is key to avoiding these common errors. Working through a variety of problems, including those with variables, constants, and mixed terms, helps solidify understanding and recognition of difference of cubes scenarios. Creating a checklist or mnemonic device can also aid in remembering the correct steps and formula.

By being aware of these common mistakes in factoring cubes and actively working to prevent them, students can improve their accuracy and confidence in factoring difference of cubes expressions. Regular review, careful application of the formula, and diligent checking of work will lead to better results and a stronger grasp of this important algebraic concept.

Applications and Practice Problems

The difference of cubes is a mathematical concept with numerous real-world applications and problem-solving opportunities. This powerful algebraic tool finds use in various fields, from engineering to finance. Let's explore some practical applications and tackle a range of practice problems to enhance our understanding.

Real-World Applications

1. Engineering: In structural design, the difference of cubes formula helps calculate the volume difference between cubic structures, crucial for material estimation and cost analysis.

2. Physics: When studying the expansion of gases, the difference of cubes can model volume changes in three-dimensional spaces.

3. Finance: In compound interest calculations, especially for long-term investments, the difference of cubes can simplify complex equations.

4. Computer Graphics: 3D modeling often utilizes the difference of cubes for creating and manipulating geometric shapes.

Practice Problems

Let's dive into a set of practice problems, ranging from simple to complex:

Simple Numeric Problems

1. Factorize: 27 - 8

Solution: 27 - 8 = 3³ - 2³ = (3 - 2)(3² + 3(2) + 2²) = 1(9 + 6 + 4) = 19

2. Solve: 125 - 64

Solution: 125 - 64 = 5³ - 4³ = (5 - 4)(5² + 5(4) + 4²) = 1(25 + 20 + 16) = 61

Intermediate Algebraic Problems

3. Factorize: a³ - b³

Solution: a³ - b³ = (a - b)(a² + ab + b²)

4. Solve: x³ - 27

Solution: x³ - 27 = x³ - 3³ = (x - 3)(x² + 3x + 9)

Complex Problems

5. Factorize: 8x³ - 27y³

Solution: 8x³ - 27y³ = (2x)³ - (3y)³ = (2x - 3y)((2x)² + (2x)(3y) + (3y)²) = (2x - 3y)(4x² + 6xy + 9y²)

6. Solve the equation: x³ - 8 = 19

Solution: x³ - 8 = 19 x³ = 27 x = 3

Application Problem

7. A cube-shaped water tank has a side length of 5 meters. A smaller cube-shaped object with a side length of 2 meters is submerged in it. Calculate the volume of water displaced.

Solution: Volume displaced = Large cube volume - Small cube volume = 5³ - 2³ = 125 - 8 = 117 cubic meters

These practice problems demonstrate the versatility of the difference of cubes in both pure mathematics and real-world scenarios. By working through these examples, from simple numeric factorizations to complex algebraic manipulations and practical applications, we can develop a robust understanding of this important mathematical concept. The ability to recognize and apply the difference of cubes formula is a valuable skill in problem-solving across various disciplines, making it an essential tool in the mathematician's toolkit.

Connection to Sum of Cubes

The sum of cubes formula is a related concept that complements our understanding of the difference of cubes. While the difference of cubes formula focuses on subtraction, the sum of cubes formula deals with addition, specifically the expression a³ + b³. This formula is equally important in algebra and has its own unique properties and applications. The sum of cubes formula is (a + b)(a² - ab + b²), which bears a striking resemblance to the difference of cubes formula. Both formulas involve the product of two factors, with the first factor being a simple addition or subtraction of the cube roots. The second factor, however, reveals the key differences between these related concepts. In the sum of cubes, we see a² - ab + b², while the difference of cubes uses a² + ab + b². This subtle change in signs creates distinct mathematical properties and behaviors. Understanding the relationship between these formulas can greatly enhance problem-solving skills in algebra. For instance, when factoring expressions involving cubes, recognizing whether you're dealing with a sum or difference can guide you towards the appropriate formula. The sum of cubes also plays a crucial role in various mathematical proofs and geometric interpretations, much like its counterpart. Both formulas are essential tools in simplifying complex algebraic expressions and solving equations involving cubic terms. By mastering both the sum and difference of cubes, students gain a more comprehensive understanding of polynomial factorization and algebraic manipulation. These formulas demonstrate the beautiful symmetry often found in mathematics, where related concepts mirror each other with slight variations. Recognizing the similarities and differences between the sum and difference of cubes can provide valuable insights into the underlying structure of algebraic expressions and enhance overall mathematical reasoning skills.


In summary, factoring the difference of cubes is a crucial algebraic technique that follows a specific pattern: a³ - b³ = (a - b)(a² + ab + b²). The introduction video provides a solid foundation for understanding this concept, demonstrating step-by-step how to identify and factor these expressions. Key points to remember include recognizing the cube terms, applying the formula correctly, and simplifying the resulting factors. Regular practice is essential to master this skill, as it appears frequently in advanced mathematics and problem-solving scenarios. We encourage readers to work through various examples, gradually increasing in complexity, to reinforce their understanding. For those seeking to deepen their knowledge, exploring additional resources on polynomial factoring and algebraic manipulation is highly recommended. By mastering the difference of cubes, students will enhance their overall algebraic proficiency and problem-solving abilities in mathematics.

Factoring Using the Difference of Cubes Formula

Factoring Using the Difference of Cubes Formula

Factor the following expressions:

x38x^{3} - 8

Step 1: Identify if the terms are cubes

First, we need to determine if the given terms are cubes. In the expression x38x^{3} - 8, we can see that x3x^{3} is already in cube form. Next, we need to check if 8 is a cube. Although 8 does not have an explicit power of 3, we can rewrite it as 232^{3}. Therefore, 8 is indeed a cube.

Step 2: Rewrite the expression in cube form

Now that we know both terms are cubes, we can rewrite the expression x38x^{3} - 8 as x323x^{3} - 2^{3}. This step is crucial as it sets up the expression for factoring using the difference of cubes formula.

Step 3: Apply the difference of cubes formula

The difference of cubes formula is given by:

a3b3=(ab)(a2+ab+b2)a^{3} - b^{3} = (a - b)(a^{2} + ab + b^{2})

In our case, a=xa = x and b=2b = 2. Plugging these values into the formula, we get:

x323=(x2)(x2+x2+22)x^{3} - 2^{3} = (x - 2)(x^{2} + x \cdot 2 + 2^{2})

Step 4: Simplify the expression

Next, we simplify the terms inside the parentheses. The first term remains x2x - 2. For the second term, we calculate each part:

  • x2x^{2} remains as x2x^{2}
  • x2x \cdot 2 simplifies to 2x2x
  • 222^{2} simplifies to 4

Putting it all together, we get:

x323=(x2)(x2+2x+4)x^{3} - 2^{3} = (x - 2)(x^{2} + 2x + 4)

Step 5: Verify the order and signs

Ensure that the terms are in the correct order and the signs are accurate. The first term in the expression is positive, and there is no greatest common factor to factor out. The signs in the factored form should be checked as follows:

  • The first bracket should have a minus sign: x2x - 2
  • The second bracket should start with a positive term, followed by a positive term, and end with a positive term: x2+2x+4x^{2} + 2x + 4

Step 6: Finalize the factored form

The final factored form of the expression x38x^{3} - 8 is:

(x2)(x2+2x+4)(x - 2)(x^{2} + 2x + 4)

Note that the quadratic expression x2+2x+4x^{2} + 2x + 4 cannot be factored further. It is already in its simplest form.


By following these steps, we have successfully factored the expression x38x^{3} - 8 using the difference of cubes formula. This method can be applied to any similar expressions where both terms are cubes.


  1. What is the difference of cubes formula?

    The difference of cubes formula is a³ - b³ = (a - b)(a² + ab + b²). This formula allows us to factor expressions that involve the difference between two cubic terms.

  2. How do I identify a difference of cubes expression?

    To identify a difference of cubes expression, look for these characteristics: a subtraction sign between two terms, both terms are perfect cubes, and the terms are arranged in descending order of degree. For example, x³ - 8 is a difference of cubes expression.

  3. What are common mistakes when factoring the difference of cubes?

    Common mistakes include confusing it with the difference of squares, forgetting the middle term (ab) in the second factor, mixing up signs, and overlooking greatest common factors. Always double-check your work and practice regularly to avoid these errors.

  4. How is the difference of cubes related to the sum of cubes?

    The difference of cubes (a³ - b³) and sum of cubes (a³ + b³) are related concepts with similar factoring patterns. The difference of cubes formula is (a - b)(a² + ab + b²), while the sum of cubes formula is (a + b)(a² - ab + b²). Note the change in signs in the second factor.

  5. What are some real-world applications of the difference of cubes?

    The difference of cubes has applications in various fields. In engineering, it's used for calculating volume differences between cubic structures. In physics, it helps model volume changes in gases. In finance, it simplifies compound interest calculations for long-term investments. It's also useful in computer graphics for 3D modeling.

Prerequisite Topics for Factoring Difference of Cubes

Understanding the concept of factoring the difference of cubes is crucial in algebra, but it's essential to have a solid foundation in several prerequisite topics. One of the most fundamental skills needed is a strong grasp of cubic and cube roots. This knowledge forms the basis for recognizing and manipulating cube terms, which is at the heart of factoring difference of cubes.

Additionally, being proficient in solving polynomials with unknown variables is vital. This skill helps in identifying the structure of the difference of cubes and applying the appropriate factoring technique. It's also closely related to factoring polynomials by grouping, another important prerequisite that builds the foundation for more complex factoring methods.

When working with the difference of cubes, you'll often encounter rational expressions. Therefore, understanding how to add and subtract rational expressions is crucial. This skill becomes particularly useful when simplifying the factored form of a difference of cubes. Similarly, knowing how to simplify rational expressions and identify restrictions is essential for properly handling the resulting factored expression.

A strong foundation in greatest common factors (GCF) is indispensable when factoring any polynomial, including the difference of cubes. This skill helps in identifying common terms that can be factored out, simplifying the overall factoring process. Along the same lines, recognizing common factors of polynomials is a key prerequisite that directly applies to factoring the difference of cubes.

By mastering these prerequisite topics, students will be well-prepared to tackle the challenge of factoring the difference of cubes. Each of these skills contributes to a deeper understanding of the algebraic structures involved and the logical steps required to factor successfully. Remember, algebra is a subject that builds upon itself, and a strong grasp of these foundational concepts will not only help with factoring the difference of cubes but will also prove invaluable in more advanced mathematical studies.

As you progress in your algebraic journey, you'll find that these prerequisite topics are not isolated concepts but interconnected skills that form the backbone of advanced factoring techniques. By investing time in solidifying your understanding of these fundamental areas, you'll be setting yourself up for success in factoring the difference of cubes and beyond.

\bullet Sum of cubes: a3+b3=(a+b)(a2ab+b2)a^{3} + b^{3} = (a + b)(a^{2} - ab + b^{2})

\bullet Difference of cubes: a3b3=(ab)(a2+ab+b2)a^{3} - b^{3} = (a - b)(a^{2} + ab + b^{2})

\bullet SOAP: a3±b3=(a[samesign]b)(a2[oppositesign]ab[alwayspositive]b2)a^{3} \pm b^{3} = (a[same sign]b)(a^{2}[opposite sign]ab[always positive]b^{2})

\bulletThings to consider before using the difference of cubes formula:

1. Is there a 'difference' sign? Are there two cubed terms?

2. Are the terms in order? (i.e. in descending order of degrees)

3. Is the first term positive?

4. Is there a Greatest Common Factor (GCF)?