  1. Use "cross-multiply, then check" method to factor a trinomial
  1. Factor:
    1. b2b20{b^2} - b - 20
    2. x210x+16{x^2} - 10x + 16
    3. 2x314x2+24x2{x^3} - 14{x^2} + 24x
    4. 14+5yy214 + 5y - {y^2}
  2. Factor:
    1. 2x2+25x+122{x^2} + 25x + 12
    2. 5x2+8x+35{x^2} + 8x + 3
    3. 8x2+10x38{x^2} + 10x - 3
    4. 6m213m86{m^2} - 13m - 8
    5. 18x29x+118{x^2} - 9x + 1
    6. 63+20z3z263 + 20z - 3{z^2}
    7. 8x2+8x68{x^2} + 8x - 6
  3. Factor:
    1. 8x2+xy9y28{x^2} + xy - 9{y^2}
    2. 6x2+17xy3y26{x^2} + 17xy - 3{y^2}
    3. 14x24xy+16y2\frac{1}{4}{x^2} - 4xy + 16{y^2}
  4. Factor:
    1. 8x2y2xy98{x^2}{y^2} - xy - 9
    2. 25sin2x35sinx+1225{\sin ^2}x - 35\sin x + 12
    3. 12cos2x20cosx+312{\cos ^2}x - 20\cos x + 3
    4. 6(x+5)2+17(x+5)36{\left( {x + 5} \right)^2} + 17\left( {x + 5} \right) - 3
    5. 15(x3)211(x3)1415{\left( {x - 3} \right)^2} - 11\left( {x - 3} \right) - 14
  5. Factor:
    1. x617x3+30{x^6} - 17{x^3} + 30
    2. a42a263{a^4} - 2{a^2} - 63
    3. 15x416x21515{x^4} - 16{x^2} - 15
    4. 8x414x2+38{x^4} - 14{x^2} + 3
Topic Notes

Introduction to Factoring Trinomials

Factoring trinomials is a fundamental skill in algebra that allows us to simplify complex expressions and solve equations. The introduction video provides a comprehensive overview of the 'Cross-multiply, then check' method, which is an efficient technique for factoring trinomials. This method is particularly useful for students who are just beginning to grasp the concept of trinomials and their factorization. Understanding trinomials is crucial in algebra as it forms the basis for more advanced mathematical concepts. The video demonstrates step-by-step how to apply the cross-multiply method, making it easier for learners to follow along and practice. By mastering this technique, students can confidently approach various algebraic expressions problems involving trinomials. The 'Cross-multiply, then check' method not only simplifies the factoring process but also helps in developing a deeper understanding of the relationship between factors and the original trinomial expression. This knowledge is essential for progressing in algebra and tackling more complex mathematical challenges.

Understanding Trinomials

A trinomial is a polynomial expression consisting of three terms. Let's explore this concept using the example from the video: 8x² + 10x - 3. This trinomial perfectly illustrates the three distinct components that make up every trinomial. The first term, 8x², is the term with the highest degree. In this case, it's a quadratic term with x raised to the power of 2. The middle term, 10x, is the linear term containing x to the first power. Finally, the last term, -3, is the constant term with no variable.

Understanding the structure of a trinomial is crucial for factoring ax² + bx + c expressions. In the general form of a trinomial, ax² + bx + c, each letter represents a specific part:

  • 'a' is the coefficient of the quadratic term (x²)
  • 'b' is the coefficient of the linear term (x)
  • 'c' is the constant term
This general form is significant in algebra as it represents the standard structure of quadratic equations.

When working with trinomials, especially in the context of factoring ax² + bx + c, it's essential to identify these three components quickly. The 'a' coefficient determines the complexity of the factoring process. If 'a' equals 1, you're dealing with a simpler case of x² + bx + c factoring. However, when 'a' is not 1, the factoring process becomes more intricate, often requiring advanced techniques like grouping or the ac-method.

Trinomials play a crucial role in various algebraic operations, particularly in solving quadratic equations and graphing parabolas. The ability to recognize and manipulate trinomials is a fundamental skill in algebra, forming the basis for more advanced mathematical concepts. Whether you're factoring, solving equations, or analyzing graphs, a solid understanding of trinomials and their general form ax² + bx + c is indispensable.

The 'Cross-multiply, then check' Method

The 'Cross-multiply, then check' method is a powerful technique for factoring trinomials in the form ax^2 + bx + c. This approach, as demonstrated in the video, provides a systematic way to factor even complex trinomials. Let's dive into the steps involved and use the example a^2 + 25a + 24 to illustrate this method clearly.

Step 1: Factor the first term (a^2)

Begin by factoring the coefficient of x^2. In our example, a^2 = a × a. We write these factors at the top of two columns.

Step 2: Factor the last term (24)

Next, factor the constant term. For 24, we list its factor pairs: 1 and 24, 2 and 12, 3 and 8, 4 and 6. We write these at the bottom of our two columns, creating multiple rows to explore all possibilities.

Step 3: Cross-multiply

This is where the method gets its name. For each row, multiply diagonally and add the results. We're looking for a sum that matches the middle term of our trinomial (25a in this case).

Let's walk through this process:

Row 1: (a × 24) + (a × 1) = 25a (This matches our middle term!)

Row 2: (a × 12) + (a × 2) = 14a

Row 3: (a × 8) + (a × 3) = 11a

Row 4: (a × 6) + (a × 4) = 10a

We've found our match in the first row, so we can stop here. If we hadn't found a match, we would conclude the trinomial is not factorable.

Step 4: Write the factors

Now that we've identified the correct row, we can write our factors. The left factor combines the top-left and bottom-left terms (a + 24), and the right factor combines the top-right and bottom-right terms (a + 1).

Our factored expression is: (a + 24)(a + 1)

Step 5: Check

The final step is crucial: always verify your answer. Multiply your factors to ensure you get the original trinomial:

(a + 24)(a + 1) = a^2 + a + 24a + 24 = a^2 + 25a + 24

This matches our original trinomial, confirming our factorization is correct.

The 'Cross-multiply, then check' method is particularly useful for factoring trinomials where the coefficient of x^2 is not 1 (ax^2 + bx + c where a 1). It provides a structured approach that reduces guesswork and increases efficiency in factoring.

Key benefits of this method include:

1. Systematic approach: It provides a step-by-step process, reducing errors.

2. Versatility: Works for both simple and complex trinomials.

3. Visual aid: The column layout helps organize your work.

4. Comprehensive: By exploring all factor pairs of the last term, you ensure you don't miss any potential solutions.

5. Built-in verification: The checking step confirms your answer, boosting confidence in your solution.

While mastering this technique requires practice, it becomes an invaluable tool in your algebraic toolkit. Remember, the key to success with the 'Cross-multiply, then check' method is patience and attention to detail. Always write out each step clearly, and don't hesitate to double-check your work.

Applying the Method: Step-by-Step Guide

The 'Cross-multiply, then check' method is a powerful technique for factoring trinomials of the form ax^2 + bx + c. Let's walk through this process using the example from the video: a^2 + 25a + 24. This step-by-step guide will help you master factoring trinomial examples and become proficient in factoring ax^2 + bx + c.

Step 1: Identify the terms
In our example, a^2 + 25a + 24, we have: a^2 as the first term 25a as the middle term 24 as the last term

Step 2: Find factors of the last term
List all factor pairs of 24: (1, 24), (2, 12), (3, 8), (4, 6) We'll use these pairs in the next steps.

Step 3: Set up the factored form
Write the trinomial as (a + ___)(a + ___), leaving blanks for the numbers we'll determine.

Step 4: Cross-multiply
For each factor pair of 24, multiply them by the terms in the parentheses: (a + 1)(a + 24) (a + 2)(a + 12) (a + 3)(a + 8) (a + 4)(a + 6)

Step 5: Check the middle term
Expand each possibility and compare the middle term to 25a: (a + 1)(a + 24) = a^2 + 25a + 24 (a + 2)(a + 12) = a^2 + 14a + 24 (a + 3)(a + 8) = a^2 + 11a + 24 (a + 4)(a + 6) = a^2 + 10a + 24

Step 6: Identify the correct factorization
The first option, (a + 1)(a + 24), produces the correct middle term of 25a, so this is our solution.

Step 7: Verify the result
Double-check by expanding (a + 1)(a + 24): a^2 + 24a + 1a + 24 = a^2 + 25a + 24 This matches our original trinomial, confirming our factorization is correct.

The 'Cross-multiply, then check' method is particularly useful for factoring trinomials of the type ax^2 + bx + c. It provides a systematic approach to finding the correct factors without relying on guesswork. By following these steps, you can confidently tackle a wide range of factoring trinomial examples.

Key points to remember: 1. Always start by identifying the terms in your trinomial. 2. List all factor pairs of the last term. 3. Set up the factored form with blanks. 4. Cross-multiply using each factor pair. 5. Check the middle term for each possibility. 6. Verify your solution by expanding the factored form.

Practice is crucial for mastering this technique. Try applying this method to various ax^2 + bx + c factoring problems to build your skills. Remember, the middle term is your key to finding the correct factorization. Always check that the expanded form matches your original trinomial to ensure accuracy.

As you become more comfortable with this method, you'll find that factoring trinomials becomes more intuitive. You may even start to recognize patterns in certain types of trinomials, allowing you to factor them more quickly. However, always rely on the step-by-step process when in doubt, as

Common Challenges and Tips

Factoring trinomials of the type x² + bx + c can be a challenging task for many students. While the basic concept may seem straightforward, several common obstacles can make the process more difficult. Understanding these challenges and learning effective strategies to overcome them is crucial for mastering this essential algebraic skill.

One of the primary challenges students face when factoring trinomials is dealing with negative terms. When the middle term (bx) or the constant term (c) is negative, it can complicate the process of finding the correct factors. For example, in the trinomial x² - 5x + 6, students must recognize that they need to find two numbers that multiply to give 6 and add up to -5. This requires a deeper understanding of how positive and negative numbers interact.

Another common difficulty arises when working with larger numbers. Trinomials like x² + 15x + 56 can be intimidating because there are more potential factor pairs to consider. Students may struggle to efficiently identify the correct factors without a systematic approach. Additionally, when the leading coefficient is not 1 (e.g., 2x² + 7x + 3), the factoring process becomes more complex and requires additional steps.

To overcome these challenges, students can employ several helpful strategies. First, it's essential to practice identifying factor pairs quickly. Creating a list of factors for common numbers can be a useful reference tool. For instance, knowing that the factors of 24 are 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 8, 12, and 24 can speed up the process when encountering this number in a trinomial.

When dealing with negative terms, students should remember the rules of sign multiplication. A positive product can result from two negative factors or two positive factors, while a negative product comes from one positive and one negative factor. This knowledge helps in narrowing down potential factor pairs.

For larger numbers, the "guess and check" method can be effective. Start with the factors of the constant term and work through them systematically, checking if they satisfy the conditions for the middle term. Using a factor tree or prime factorization can also help break down larger numbers into more manageable components.

Let's consider an example to illustrate these points. Take the trinomial x² - 11x + 28. To factor this, we need to find two numbers that multiply to give 28 and add up to -11. The factors of 28 are 1, 2, 4, 7, 14, and 28. By systematically checking these pairs, we can determine that -4 and -7 satisfy both conditions. Therefore, the factored form is (x - 4)(x - 7).

Another helpful tip is to look for patterns in the coefficients. For instance, in the trinomial x² + 7x + 12, recognizing that 7 + 5 = 12 can quickly lead to the factors (x + 3)(x + 4). This pattern recognition becomes more intuitive with practice.

For trinomials with a leading coefficient other than 1, such as 2x² + 7x + 3, students can use the "ac method." Multiply a (2) and c (3) to get 6, then find factors of 6 that add up to b (7). In this case, 1 and 6 work. Rewrite the middle term as 1x + 6x, then factor by grouping: 2x² + 1x + 6x + 3 becomes (2x + 3)(x + 1).

In conclusion, while factoring trinomials can present various challenges, employing these strategies and practicing with diverse examples can significantly improve students' skills and confidence. Remember, the key to mastering this algebraic technique lies in understanding the relationships between the terms and developing a systematic approach to finding factors.

Practice Problems and Solutions

Ready to put your factoring trinomials practice problems skills to the test? We've prepared a set of practice problems for you, ranging from simple to more complex trinomials. We encourage you to attempt these problems on your own before checking the step-by-step solutions provided. Remember, practice makes perfect when it comes to factoring trinomials practice problems!

Problem 1: x² + 7x + 12

Try factoring this simple trinomial using the 'Cross-multiply, then check' method.


  1. Find two numbers that multiply to give 12 and add up to 7.
  2. These numbers are 3 and 4.
  3. Rewrite the middle term: x² + 3x + 4x + 12
  4. Factor by grouping: x(x + 3) + 4(x + 3)
  5. Factor out the common term: (x + 3)(x + 4)

Problem 2: x² - 5x - 24

This trinomial involves a negative middle term and a negative constant. Give it a try!


  1. Find two numbers that multiply to give -24 and add up to -5.
  2. These numbers are -8 and 3.
  3. Rewrite the middle term: x² - 8x + 3x - 24
  4. Factor by grouping: x(x - 8) + 3(x - 8)
  5. Factor out the common term: (x - 8)(x + 3)

Problem 3: 2x² + 7x + 3

Now let's tackle a trinomial where a 1. This requires a slight modification to our approach.


  1. Multiply a and c: 2 × 3 = 6
  2. Find two numbers that multiply to give 6 and add up to 7.
  3. These numbers are 1 and 6.
  4. Rewrite the middle term: 2x² + x + 6x + 3
  5. Factor by grouping: x(2x + 1) + 3(2x + 1)
  6. Factor out the common term: (2x + 1)(x + 3)

Problem 4: 3x² - 10x + 7

This problem combines a coefficient other than 1 and negative terms. Challenge yourself!


  1. Multiply a and c: 3 × 7 = 21
  2. Find two numbers that multiply to give 21 and add up to -10.
  3. These numbers are -7 and -3.
  4. Rewrite the middle term: 3x² - 7x - 3x + 7
  5. Factor by grouping: x(3x - 7) - 1(3x - 7)
  6. Factor out the common term: (3x - 7)(x - 1)

Problem 5: 6x² + 13x + 6

Here's a more challenging problem with a larger coefficient for x².


  1. Multiply a and c: 6 × 6 = 36
  2. Find two numbers that multiply to give 36 and add up to 13.
  3. These numbers are 4 and 9.
  4. Rewrite the middle term: 6x² + 4x + 9x + 6
  5. Factor by grouping: x(6x + 4) + 3(6x + 4)
  6. Factor out the common term: (6x + 4)(x + 3)


Factoring trinomials is a crucial skill in algebra, and the 'Cross-multiply, then check' method is an efficient approach for solving ax^2+bx+c expressions. This technique involves finding factor pairs that multiply to ac and add up to b. The introduction video is essential for grasping this concept, providing visual demonstrations and step-by-step explanations. Remember to always verify your factored expression by expanding it back to the original trinomial. Regular practice is key to mastering factoring trinomials, so dedicate time to solving various problems. As you become more comfortable, challenge yourself with more complex factoring scenarios. By honing this skill, you'll build a strong foundation for advanced algebraic concepts. The 'Cross-multiply, then check' method is a valuable tool in your mathematical toolkit, enabling you to tackle a wide range of polynomial equations with confidence.

Factoring Trinomials: Example

Factor: b2b20b^2 - b - 20

Step 1: Factor the First Term

The first term in the trinomial b2b20b^2 - b - 20 is b2b^2. We can factor b2b^2 into b×bb \times b. This is straightforward and gives us the initial part of our binomials: (b)(b)(b \quad)(b \quad).

Step 2: Identify the Factors of the Last Term

The last term in the trinomial is 20-20. For now, we will ignore the negative sign and focus on the number 20. We need to find pairs of factors that multiply to 20. The factors of 20 are:

  • 1 and 20
  • 2 and 10
  • 4 and 5

Step 3: Determine the Correct Pair of Factors

We need to choose the pair of factors that, when combined, will give us the middle term, which is b-b (or 1b-1b). Let's evaluate each pair:

  • 1 and 20:
    • 1 + 20 = 21 (not 1-1)
    • 1 - 20 = -19 (not 1-1)
    • 20 - 1 = 19 (not 1-1)

    This pair does not work.

  • 2 and 10:
    • 2 + 10 = 12 (not 1-1)
    • 2 - 10 = -8 (not 1-1)
    • 10 - 2 = 8 (not 1-1)

    This pair does not work.

  • 4 and 5:
    • 4 + 5 = 9 (not 1-1)
    • 4 - 5 = -1 (this is 1-1)
    • 5 - 4 = 1 (not 1-1)

    This pair works because 45=14 - 5 = -1.

Step 4: Construct the Binomials

Since the pair 4 and -5 works, we can use these numbers to construct our binomials. The trinomial b2b20b^2 - b - 20 can be factored into:

(b+4)(b5)(b + 4)(b - 5)

Step 5: Verify the Solution

To ensure our factorization is correct, we can expand the binomials and check if we get the original trinomial:

  • (b+4)(b5)(b + 4)(b - 5)
  • Expanding: bb+b(5)+4b+4(5)b \cdot b + b \cdot (-5) + 4 \cdot b + 4 \cdot (-5)
  • Results in: b25b+4b20b^2 - 5b + 4b - 20
  • Simplifying: b2b20b^2 - b - 20

The expanded form matches the original trinomial, confirming that our factorization is correct.


Here are some frequently asked questions about factoring trinomials:

1. How do you factor a trinomial in the form ax² + bx + c?

To factor a trinomial in the form ax² + bx + c, follow these steps:

  1. Multiply a and c to get ac.
  2. Find two numbers that multiply to give ac and add up to b.
  3. Rewrite the middle term using these two numbers.
  4. Factor by grouping.
  5. Factor out the common term to get the final factored form.

2. What is the 'Cross-multiply, then check' method for factoring trinomials?

The 'Cross-multiply, then check' method involves setting up two columns with the factors of the first and last terms, then cross-multiplying to find pairs that add up to the middle term. Once found, these pairs are used to write the factored form. Always verify by expanding the factored expression back to the original trinomial.

3. How do you factor trinomials when the coefficient of x² is not 1?

When the coefficient of x² is not 1, use the ac method:

  1. Multiply a and c.
  2. Find factors of ac that sum to b.
  3. Rewrite the middle term using these factors.
  4. Factor by grouping.
  5. Factor out the common term.

4. What are some common challenges when factoring trinomials?

Common challenges include dealing with negative terms, large numbers, and coefficients other than 1 for x². Practice identifying factor pairs quickly, remember sign multiplication rules, and use systematic approaches like the ac method for more complex trinomials.

5. How can I improve my trinomial factoring skills?

To improve your skills:

  • Practice regularly with a variety of problems.
  • Learn to recognize patterns in coefficients.
  • Master the ac method for more complex trinomials.
  • Always verify your answers by expanding the factored form.
  • Use online resources and practice problems to challenge yourself.

Prerequisite Topics for Factoring Trinomials

Understanding the foundations of algebra is crucial when tackling more advanced concepts like factoring trinomials. One of the key prerequisites is polynomial expressions, which form the basis of trinomials. Grasping how these expressions work and their applications in real-world scenarios sets the stage for more complex operations.

Before diving into factoring trinomials, it's essential to be comfortable with solving quadratic equations. This skill allows you to understand the structure of trinomials and how they can be broken down. Additionally, graphing parabolas provides a visual representation of quadratic functions, which can be incredibly helpful in recognizing patterns and relationships within trinomials.

A solid grasp of prime factorization is fundamental to factoring trinomials efficiently. This technique helps in identifying the factors of the coefficients, which is a crucial step in the factoring process. Moreover, understanding linear equations and their applications builds a strong foundation for working with the linear components of trinomials.

Recognizing the relationship between factors and expressions is vital when factoring trinomials. This understanding helps in identifying patterns and making educated guesses about potential factors. It's also important to be comfortable working with negative terms in polynomials, as trinomials often include both positive and negative terms.

Lastly, familiarity with factoring by grouping can be incredibly beneficial when dealing with more complex trinomials. This technique often serves as a stepping stone to factoring trinomials and can be applied in certain cases where standard factoring methods prove challenging.

By mastering these prerequisite topics, students will find themselves well-equipped to tackle the intricacies of factoring trinomials. Each concept builds upon the others, creating a comprehensive understanding of algebraic principles. This solid foundation not only makes factoring trinomials more manageable but also paves the way for success in more advanced mathematical concepts. Remember, in mathematics, each new skill is built upon previously learned concepts, making a thorough understanding of these prerequisites invaluable in your mathematical journey.