Dividing integers

  1. Introduction to division statements with non-integer quotients
  1. Understanding Division Using a Number Line
    What are the two division statements that each diagram represents?

    1. Integer division on number line

    2. Dividing integers using number line
  2. Solving Division Statements Using a Number Line
    Use a number line to find each quotient.
    1. (+10)÷(+5)
    2. (+8)÷(-2)
    3. (-12)÷(+4)
    4. (-9)÷(-3)
  3. Division Statements With Integer Quotients
    1. (+36)÷(-6)
    2. (-45)÷(+15)
    3. (-28)÷(-4)
    4. 0÷(-16)
  4. Division Statements With Non-Integer Quotients
    1. (-36)÷(+8)
    2. (-100)÷(-3)
    3. (+47)÷(+6)
    4. (+34)÷(-7)
  5. Word Problems of Dividing Integers
    Katie participated in a track competition. If her average sprinting speed is 8 m/s, how long does it take for her to finish an 100 m sprint?
    1. Peter finished a 45 km long cycling trail. He first cycled for 3 hours and then, he took a break. Afterwards Peter cycled for another 2 hours to finish the trail. What was his cycling rate per hour? Were there any assumptions?
      Topic Notes
      In this section, we will keep working on dividing integers. We will learn how to read and represent division statements on a number line. We will then practice more integer divisions with actual numbers and word problems.

      Introduction: Understanding Non-Integer Quotients in Division

      Welcome to our exploration of division! We're about to embark on an exciting journey from the familiar world of integer quotients to the more complex realm of non-integer quotients. As your math tutor, I'm thrilled to guide you through this transition. Our introduction video sets the stage perfectly, offering a visual and engaging way to grasp these new concepts. Remember when division always resulted in whole numbers? Well, we're about to expand that understanding. Non-integer quotients open up a whole new dimension in mathematics, allowing us to express more precise results. This shift is crucial for tackling real-world problems where exact divisions aren't always possible. The video we'll watch introduces these ideas gently, building on your existing knowledge of understanding division concepts. It's designed to make this transition smooth and intuitive. By the end of this section, you'll have a solid foundation for diving deeper into more advanced understanding division concepts. Let's get started on this exciting mathematical adventure together!

      Types of Non-Integer Quotients: Decimals and Recurring Decimals

      When we divide numbers, we don't always get nice, whole numbers as answers. Sometimes, we end up with non-integer quotients, which are numbers that fall between whole numbers. Let's explore two important types of non-integer quotients: decimal numbers and recurring decimals.

      Decimal numbers are a way to represent fractions or parts of whole numbers. They use a decimal point to separate the whole number part from the fractional part. For example, 4.25 is a decimal number. Here, 4 is the whole number part, and .25 represents one-quarter or 25/100.

      Decimals can be further categorized into terminating and non-terminating decimals. Terminating decimals have a finite number of digits after the decimal point. Our example of 4.25 is a terminating decimal because it ends after two decimal places. These types of decimals are exact and can be written as fractions with denominators that are powers of 10.

      On the other hand, non-terminating decimals go on forever after the decimal point. They can be divided into two subcategories: recurring (or repeating) decimals and non-recurring decimals. Let's focus on recurring decimals, as they're more common in everyday math.

      Recurring decimals have a pattern of digits that repeats indefinitely after the decimal point. A great example of this is 3.33333..., where the 3 keeps repeating forever. We often write this as 3.3̅ or 3.(3) to indicate the repeating part. This particular number is equivalent to the fraction 3/9 or 1/3.

      It's important to understand that recurring decimals are also exact values, even though we can't write out all the digits. They can always be expressed as fractions. For instance, 0.666666... (or 0.6̅) is exactly equal to 2/3.

      When working with decimals, it's crucial to recognize whether they're terminating or non-terminating, and if they're recurring. This knowledge helps in calculations and in understanding the true value of the number you're working with.

      Let's look at a few more examples to solidify these concepts:

      • 0.5 is a terminating decimal (equivalent to 1/2)
      • 0.333333... is a recurring decimal (equivalent to 1/3)
      • 0.142857142857... is a recurring decimal with a longer repeat pattern (equivalent to 1/7)
      • 0.123456789101112... is a non-terminating, non-recurring decimal (it follows a pattern but doesn't repeat)

      Understanding these different types of non-integer quotients is essential in many areas of mathematics and real-world applications. Whether you're calculating prices, measuring ingredients, or solving complex equations, knowing how to interpret and work with decimal numbers and recurring decimals will serve you well.

      Remember, every fraction can be expressed as either a terminating or recurring decimal. This connection between fractions and decimals is a fundamental concept in mathematics that helps bridge different ways of representing numbers.

      As you continue your math journey, you'll encounter these types of numbers frequently. Don't be intimidated by long strings of digits or repeating patterns they're just different ways of expressing precise values. With practice, you'll become more comfortable working with all types of non-integer quotients, enhancing your mathematical skills and problem-solving abilities.

      Representing Recurring Decimals: Notation Methods

      Recurring decimals are an important concept in mathematics, representing numbers with infinitely repeating patterns after the decimal point. To efficiently express these numbers, mathematicians have developed specific notation methods. In this section, we'll explore two primary methods for representing recurring decimals: bar notation and dot notation.

      Bar Notation:

      The bar notation, also known as vinculum notation, is a widely used method to represent recurring decimals. In this system, a horizontal line is drawn over the repeating digits. For example:

      3.3̅ represents 3.333333...

      0.142857̅ represents 0.142857142857142857...

      In these examples, the bar indicates that the digits underneath it repeat indefinitely. The bar notation is concise and easily understood, making it a popular choice in mathematical texts and calculations.

      Dot Notation:

      The dot notation, sometimes called the ellipsis notation, is another method to represent recurring decimals. In this system, a dot is placed above each digit in the repeating sequence. For example:

      4.1̇4̇7̇ represents 4.147147147...

      0.3̇6̇ represents 0.363636...

      The dots above the digits indicate that those numbers form the repeating unit. This notation is particularly useful when dealing with complex recurring patterns or when clarity is needed in distinguishing between repeating and non-repeating parts of a decimal.

      Significance in Mathematics:

      These notations are crucial in mathematics for several reasons:

      1. Precision: They allow for exact representation of numbers that would otherwise require infinite digits to write out fully.

      2. Simplification: These notations simplify calculations involving recurring decimals, making mathematical operations more manageable.

      3. Conversion: They aid in converting recurring decimals to fractions, an essential skill in algebra and higher mathematics.

      4. Pattern Recognition: These notations help in identifying and analyzing patterns in number sequences, which is valuable in various areas of mathematics.

      Step-by-Step Approach to Understanding Recurring Decimal Notation:

      1. Identify the recurring part: Look for the pattern that repeats indefinitely after the decimal point.

      2. Choose a notation: Decide whether to use bar notation or dot notation based on preference or context.

      3. Apply the notation: For bar notation, draw a line over the repeating digits. For dot notation, place dots above each digit in the repeating unit.

      4. Practice with examples: Start with simple recurring decimals like 0.333... (0.3̅) and progress to more complex ones like 0.123123... (0.123̅).

      5. Convert between notations: Practice converting between bar and dot notations to become familiar with both systems.

      6. Use in calculations: Apply these notations in mathematical problems to see how they simplify operations with recurring decimals.

      By mastering these notation methods, students can more effectively work with recurring decimals, enhancing their overall mathematical skills and understanding. Whether using bar notation or dot notation, the ability to represent recurring decimals concisely is an invaluable tool in mathematics, from basic arithmetic to advanced calculus and beyond.

      Understanding Complex Recurring Decimals

      Welcome to the fascinating world of complex recurring decimals! These intriguing numbers may seem daunting at first, but with a little practice, you'll soon become an expert at identifying and notating them. Let's dive in and explore the beauty of these mathematical wonders together!

      Complex recurring decimals are those with multiple repeating digits in decimals in their decimal representation. Unlike simple recurring decimals that have just one digit repeating (like 0.333...), complex recurring decimals have a longer sequence that repeats indefinitely. For example, 4.147147147... is a complex recurring decimal.

      To identify the repeating digits in decimals, follow these steps:

      1. Look for a pattern that repeats in the decimal expansion.
      2. Determine where the pattern starts and ends.
      3. Verify that this pattern continues to repeat throughout the decimal.

      Once you've identified the repeating unit, you can properly notate the decimal using a vinculum (a bar over the repeating digits) or parentheses. For instance, 4.147147147... can be written as 4.1̅4̅7̅ or 4.(147).

      Let's practice with some examples to reinforce your understanding:

      • Example 1: 0.123123123...
      • Example 2: 2.3454545454...
      • Example 3: 0.857142857142857...

      For Example 1, the repeating unit is '123'. We can notate this as 0.1̅2̅3̅ or 0.(123).

      In Example 2, '45' is the repeating unit. We write this as 2.3̅4̅5̅ or 2.3(45).

      Example 3 is more challenging. The repeating unit is '857142'. We notate this as 0.8̅5̅7̅1̅4̅2̅ or 0.(857142).

      Remember, practice makes perfect! Don't be discouraged if it takes time to spot the patterns. With each example you work through, you're building valuable skills in pattern recognition and mathematical notation.

      Here are a few more practice examples for you to try:

      • 0.583333333...
      • 1.2345345345...
      • 3.141592653589793...

      As you work through these examples, pay attention to the length of the repeating unit. Some may be short, like '3' in the first example, while others may be longer and more complex.

      Understanding complex recurring decimals is not just an academic exercise. These concepts have practical applications in various fields, including computer science, engineering, and finance. By mastering these skills, you're equipping yourself with valuable tools for problem-solving and data analysis.

      Remember, every mathematician and scientist started where you are now. With patience, practice, and perseverance, you'll soon find yourself confidently working with even the most complex recurring decimals. Keep up the great work, and don't hesitate to revisit this topic as often as needed. Your journey in mathematics is a marathon, not a sprint, and every step forward is a victory worth celebrating!

      The Significance of Non-Integer Quotients in Mathematics

      Understanding non-integer quotients is a crucial stepping stone in mathematics, bridging the gap between basic arithmetic and more advanced mathematical concepts. These numbers, which can't be expressed as simple whole numbers, play a vital role in our everyday lives and form the foundation for many complex mathematical ideas. Let's dive into why grasping non-integer quotients is so important and how they apply to real-world situations.

      First and foremost, non-integer quotients are everywhere in our daily lives. When you divide a pizza among friends and end up with slices that aren't whole, you're dealing with non-integer quotients. Similarly, when calculating the cost per item in a bulk purchase or determining the average speed of a journey, you often encounter these types of numbers. Understanding them helps us make sense of the world around us and make more accurate calculations in everyday scenarios.

      In the realm of finance, non-integer quotients are indispensable. Whether you're calculating interest rates, determining exchange rates between currencies, or figuring out the exact cost of items with sales tax, you're working with these numbers. For students aspiring to careers in business, economics, or finance, a solid grasp of non-integer quotients is essential.

      Moving beyond everyday applications, non-integer quotients form the basis for more advanced mathematical topics. They are the gateway to understanding rational and irrational numbers, which are fundamental to algebra, trigonometry, and calculus. For instance, when students encounter concepts like pi (π) or the square root of 2 in geometry, they're dealing with non-integer quotients that can't be expressed as simple fractions.

      In science and engineering, non-integer quotients are ubiquitous. They're used in physics to calculate velocities, forces, and energy levels. In chemistry, they're essential for balancing chemical equations and determining molecular ratios. Engineers rely on these numbers for precise measurements and calculations in everything from building bridges to designing microchips.

      Understanding non-integer quotients also develops critical thinking and problem-solving skills. It challenges students to think beyond whole numbers and appreciate the nuances of mathematical relationships. This flexibility in thinking is invaluable in higher-level mathematics and can be applied to various fields of study and professional careers.

      For those interested in computer science and programming, non-integer quotients are fundamental. They're used in algorithms, data analysis, and software development. Understanding how computers handle these numbers is crucial for writing efficient code and solving complex computational problems.

      In the world of statistics and data analysis, non-integer quotients are essential for interpreting and presenting information accurately. From calculating averages and percentages to more complex statistical analyses, these numbers help us make sense of large datasets and draw meaningful conclusions.

      It's important to note that non-integer quotients also introduce students to the concept of approximation and precision. In many real-world applications, we often need to round these numbers or work with a certain number of decimal places. Understanding when and how to do this is a valuable skill that extends far beyond the math classroom.

      As students progress in their mathematical journey, they'll encounter more complex applications of non-integer quotients. In trigonometry, these numbers are used to calculate angles and distances. In calculus, they're fundamental to understanding limits, derivatives, and integrals. Even in abstract algebra and number theory, the properties of non-integer quotients play a significant role.

      By mastering non-integer quotients, students open doors to a wide range of academic and career opportunities. From pursuing advanced degrees in mathematics or sciences to excelling in fields like engineering, economics, or data science, this fundamental concept serves as a building block for future success.

      In conclusion, understanding non-integer quotients is not just about solving math problems; it's about developing a deeper appreciation for the numerical relationships that govern our world. It equips students with the tools to tackle complex problems, make accurate calculations, and see the mathematical patterns in everyday life. As we continue to advance in technology and science, the ability to work confidently with these numbers becomes increasingly valuable. So, the next time you encounter a non-integer quotient, remember: you're not just doing math you're unlocking the language of the universe!

      Practice Problems and Solutions

      Ready to tackle some exciting challenges involving non-integer quotients and recurring decimals? Let's dive into a set of practice problems that will sharpen your skills and boost your confidence in handling these mathematical concepts. Remember, each problem is an opportunity to learn and grow, so don't be discouraged if you find some challenging at first. We'll walk through the solutions together!

      Problem 1: Converting a Fraction to a Recurring Decimal

      Convert 2/11 to a recurring decimal.


      1. Set up the division: 2 ÷ 11
      2. Perform long division:
        • 0.1 (1 x 11 = 11, 20 - 11 = 9)
        • 0.18 (8 x 11 = 88, 90 - 88 = 2)
        • The remainder 2 repeats, so the decimal will recur
      3. Therefore, 2/11 = 0.18181818... = 0.18̅

      Problem 2: Identifying the Recurring Part

      Express 5/6 as a recurring decimal and identify the recurring part.


      1. Perform the division: 5 ÷ 6
        • 0.8 (8 x 6 = 48, 50 - 48 = 2)
        • 0.83 (3 x 6 = 18, 20 - 18 = 2)
        • The remainder 2 repeats, so the decimal recurs
      2. 5/6 = 0.833333...
      3. The recurring part is 3, so we write it as 0.8̅3̅

      Problem 3: Converting a Recurring Decimal to a Fraction

      Convert 0.2̅7̅ to a fraction in its simplest form.


      1. Let x = 0.2727272727...
      2. Multiply both sides by 100: 100x = 27.2727272727...
      3. Subtract x from 100x:
        • 100x = 27.2727272727...
        • x = 0.2727272727...
        • 99x = 27
      4. Divide both sides by 99: x = 27/99
      5. Simplify: 27/99 = 3/11

      Problem 4: Mixed Recurring Decimal

      Express 17/24 as a mixed recurring decimal.


      1. Perform the division: 17 ÷ 24
        • 0.7 (7 x 24 = 168, 170 - 168 = 2)
        • 0.70 (0 x 24 = 0, 20 remains)
        • 0.708 (8 x 24 = 192, 200 - 192 = 8)
        • 0.7083 (3 x 24 = 72, 80 - 72 = 8)
        • The remainder 8 repeats, so the decimal recurs

      Conclusion: Mastering Non-Integer Quotients

      In this article, we've explored the fascinating world of non-integer quotients and recurring decimals. The introductory video laid a solid foundation, guiding us through the key concepts. We've learned how to identify and express recurring decimals, understand their patterns, and convert them to fractions. These skills are crucial for advancing in mathematics and solving real-world problems. Remember, practice is essential for mastering these concepts. We encourage you to continue exploring non-integer quotients through additional exercises and problems. Apply this knowledge in your math studies and everyday life, from calculating precise measurements to understanding financial calculations. By grasping these concepts, you're not just improving your math skills; you're enhancing your ability to think logically and solve complex math problems. So, take this knowledge forward, practice regularly, and watch how it transforms your understanding of mathematics and its practical applications in the world around you.

      Understanding Division Using a Number Line

      Understanding Division Using a Number Line
      What are the two division statements that each diagram represents?
      Integer division on number line

      Step 1: Identify the Direction and Endpoint

      First, observe the direction in which the number line is moving. In this diagram, the movement is towards the right, which indicates a positive direction. The endpoint of the number line is at 14. This means we are dealing with a positive 14.

      Step 2: Set Up the Division Statement

      Since we are dealing with division, we need to set up a division statement. We start with the total value, which is 14, and we need to determine how it is divided. We will use an empty box to represent the unknown divisor and quotient initially.

      Step 3: Count the Segments

      Next, count the number of segments on the number line. In this diagram, there are seven segments. This means we can divide 14 into seven equal parts. Therefore, the first division statement is 14 divided by 7.

      Step 4: Determine the Quotient

      Each segment represents a part of the total value. Since there are seven segments, we need to determine how many units are in each segment. By dividing 14 by 7, we find that each segment contains 2 units. Therefore, the first division statement is 14 divided by 7 equals 2.

      Step 5: Reverse the Division Statement

      To find the second division statement, we reverse the roles of the divisor and the quotient. Instead of dividing 14 by 7, we divide 14 by 2. This means we are dividing the total value into groups of 2. By doing this, we find that there are 7 groups of 2 in 14. Therefore, the second division statement is 14 divided by 2 equals 7.

      Step 6: Verify the Statements

      Finally, verify that both division statements accurately represent the diagram. The first statement, 14 divided by 7 equals 2, shows that there are 7 segments, each containing 2 units. The second statement, 14 divided by 2 equals 7, shows that there are 7 groups of 2 units each. Both statements are correct and accurately represent the division shown in the diagram.


      Here are some frequently asked questions about non-integer quotients and recurring decimals:

      1. What is a non-integer quotient?

        A non-integer quotient is the result of a division that cannot be expressed as a whole number. It includes decimal numbers, both terminating and non-terminating (recurring) decimals. For example, 1 ÷ 2 = 0.5, and 1 ÷ 3 = 0.333... are non-integer quotients.

      2. How do you identify a recurring decimal?

        A recurring decimal is identified by a pattern of digits that repeats indefinitely after the decimal point. For example, in 0.333..., the digit 3 repeats forever. In more complex cases like 0.123123..., the sequence '123' repeats indefinitely.

      3. What are the methods to represent recurring decimals?

        There are two main methods to represent recurring decimals: bar notation and dot notation. In bar notation, a line is drawn over the repeating digits (e.g., 0.3̅ for 0.333...). In dot notation, dots are placed above the repeating digits (e.g., 0.3̇ for 0.333...).

      4. How do you convert a recurring decimal to a fraction?

        To convert a recurring decimal to a fraction, you can use algebra. Let x be the decimal, multiply both sides by an appropriate power of 10 to shift the decimal point, subtract the original equation, and solve for x. For example, to convert 0.3̅ to a fraction: Let x = 0.333..., 10x = 3.333..., 10x - x = 3, 9x = 3, x = 3/9 = 1/3.

      5. Why are non-integer quotients important in mathematics and real-world applications?

        Non-integer quotients are crucial in mathematics and real-world applications because they allow for more precise calculations and representations of quantities that can't be expressed as whole numbers. They are used in various fields such as finance (for calculating interest rates), science (for precise measurements), and engineering (for accurate calculations in design and analysis).

      Prerequisite Topics for Dividing Integers

      Mastering the art of dividing integers is a crucial skill in mathematics, but it's essential to understand that this topic doesn't exist in isolation. To truly excel at dividing integers, students must first grasp several fundamental concepts that serve as building blocks for this more advanced operation.

      At the core of dividing integers lies the concept of understanding integer division. This foundational knowledge forms the basis for all subsequent work with integer division. It's crucial to comprehend how whole numbers can be divided and what the results mean in various contexts.

      While it might not seem immediately obvious, adding and subtracting decimals plays a significant role in dividing integers. Often, the results of integer division are not whole numbers, and students need to be comfortable working with decimal representations of these quotients.

      In some cases, integer division can result in repeating decimals. This is where the ability to convert repeating decimals to fractions becomes invaluable. Understanding this conversion process helps students grasp the relationship between different number representations and enhances their overall mathematical fluency.

      While it may seem unrelated at first glance, balancing chemical equations actually shares some conceptual similarities with dividing integers. Both processes require a systematic approach and an understanding of how numbers relate to each other in a given context.

      As students progress, they'll encounter more complex forms of division, such as polynomial long division. The skills developed in integer division form the foundation for this more advanced topic, highlighting the importance of mastering the basics.

      Integer division often involves working with fractions, making it essential to be adept at solving problems with rational numbers in fraction form. This skill allows students to manipulate and simplify division results effectively.

      Understanding the applications of polynomial functions provides context for why integer division is important beyond just mathematical exercises. It shows how these skills are applied in real-world scenarios and more advanced mathematical concepts.

      Lastly, proficiency in distance and time related questions in linear equations often requires the ability to divide integers accurately. This application demonstrates how integer division is a fundamental skill that supports problem-solving in various mathematical and practical contexts.

      By understanding and mastering these prerequisite topics, students will find themselves well-equipped to tackle the challenges of dividing integers with confidence and precision. Each of these topics contributes to a comprehensive understanding of integer division, ensuring a solid foundation for future mathematical endeavors.

      In this lesson, we will learn:

      • Understanding Division Using a Number Line
      • Solving Division Statements Using a Number Line
      • Division Statements With Integer Quotients
      • Division Statements With Non-Integer Quotients
      • Word Problems of Dividing Integers

      • Recurring/ repeating decimals: decimal numbers whose digits repeat forever.
      • For the recurring decimals, we put either a bar or dots above the recurring parts.