Solving one-step linear inequalities

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  1. i) What is an inequality?
    ii) How to solve linear inequalities?
    iii) How to graph inequalities on a number line?
  1. Solve.
    1. 7x637x \le 63
    2. 18x - \frac{1}{8}x > 5 - 5
    3. 3x1.33 \ge \frac{x}{{1.3}}
    4. 2.4x2.4x < 1.8 -1.8
  2. Determine if the solution is correct for each inequality.
    1. 21.4x21.4 - x < 17 17; x=8x = 8
    2. 25x5 - \frac{2}{5}x \le 5; x=2x = - 2
    3. 313x31 \ge - 3x; x=1.5x = 1.5
    4. 58x\frac{5}{8}x < 2.6 2.6; x=0.54x = 0.54
  3. In a pizza restaurant, you need to order a minimum of $30 of pizzas to get a free drink. If each pizza is $7.45, how many pizzas do you need to order to get the free drink?
    1. Use inequality to express the situation.
    2. Find the solution to the question.
  4. Anna wants to save up 15\frac{1}{5} of her total income each month. If she wants to save up $260 per month, how much money does she need to earn?
    1. Use an inequality to solve the question.
    2. Check your solution.
Topic Notes
We learn how to solve one-step linear inequalities in this lesson. Besides typical math questions, we are going to see word problems related to one-step linear inequalities and money.

Introduction to One-Step Linear Inequalities

One-step linear inequalities are fundamental concepts in algebra that extend our understanding beyond equations. The introduction video provides a crucial foundation for grasping this topic. Unlike equations, which have a single solution, inequalities represent a range of values that satisfy a given condition. For example, while x = 5 is an equation with one solution, x > 5 is an inequality with multiple solutions. Inequalities use symbols like <, >, , or to show relationships between expressions. The solution set of an inequality includes all values that make the statement true. Understanding one-step linear inequalities is essential for solving inequalities and more complex problems in mathematics and real-world applications. By mastering this concept, students can develop critical thinking skills and a deeper appreciation for mathematical relationships. The introduction video serves as a gateway to exploring these ideas, setting the stage for more advanced topics in algebra and beyond.

Understanding Linear Inequalities

Linear inequalities are mathematical expressions that compare two quantities using inequality symbols such as greater than (>), less than (<), greater than or equal to (), or less than or equal to (). Unlike equations, which express equality between two expressions, inequalities show a range of possible values that satisfy a given condition. This fundamental difference is crucial in understanding how inequalities function and are solved in mathematics.

Let's consider the example from the video: x + 1 > 5. This linear inequality states that the sum of a variable x and 1 is greater than 5. To solve this inequality, we can subtract 1 from both sides, resulting in x > 4. This means that any value of x greater than 4 will satisfy the original inequality.

The solution set of an inequality differs significantly from that of an equation. While an equation typically has a single solution (or a finite number of solutions), an inequality has an infinite set of solutions. In our example, x > 4 includes all real numbers greater than 4, such as 4.1, 5, 10, or 100. This infinite set of solutions is a key characteristic of inequalities.

Visualizing inequalities on a number line is an effective way to understand their solution sets. For x > 4, we would draw a number line and place an open circle at 4, with an arrow pointing to the right. The open circle indicates that 4 itself is not included in the solution (as the inequality uses > rather than ), while the arrow shows that all numbers to the right of 4 are part of the solution set.

When representing inequalities on a number line, we use two important symbols: open circles and closed circles. An open circle () is used when the endpoint is not included in the solution set, as in our example of x > 4. A closed circle () is used when the endpoint is included, which would be the case for inequalities using or . For instance, if our inequality was x + 1 5, the solution x 4 would be represented with a closed circle at 4 on the number line.

Understanding the difference between open and closed circles is crucial when interpreting inequalities and their solutions. It helps visualize the exact range of values that satisfy the inequality, including or excluding specific boundary points.

Linear inequalities play a significant role in various mathematical and real-world applications. They are used in optimization problems, linear programming, and in describing ranges of acceptable values in scientific and engineering contexts. By understanding how to interpret and solve linear inequalities, students gain valuable skills in mathematical reasoning and problem-solving.

In conclusion, linear inequalities provide a way to express relationships between quantities that are not exactly equal. Their solution sets, represented on number lines with open or closed circles, offer a visual and intuitive way to understand the range of values that satisfy the inequality. This concept builds upon basic algebraic skills and extends mathematical thinking beyond the realm of exact solutions, preparing students for more advanced mathematical concepts and real-world problem-solving scenarios.

Solving One-Step Linear Inequalities

Solving one-step linear inequalities is a fundamental skill in algebra that builds upon the principles of solving equations. This step-by-step guide will walk you through the process, using the example x + 3 > 7 to demonstrate how to approach and solve these types of problems.

Step 1: Understand the Inequality

Before solving, it's crucial to understand what the inequality means. In our example, x + 3 > 7, we're looking for all values of x that make this statement true. The greater than sign (>) indicates that the left side of the inequality must be larger than the right side.

Step 2: Isolate the Variable

Just like with equations, our goal is to isolate the variable (x in this case) on one side of the inequality. We do this by performing the same operation on both sides of the inequality. For x + 3 > 7, we need to subtract 3 from both sides to isolate x:

x + 3 - 3 > 7 - 3

This simplifies to:

x > 4

Step 3: Maintain the Inequality Sign

A crucial aspect of solving inequalities is maintaining the correct inequality sign throughout the solving process. When we add or subtract the same number from both sides, the inequality sign remains unchanged. However, it's important to note that if we were to multiply or divide both sides by a negative number, the inequality sign would need to be reversed. In our example, we only subtracted, so the sign remained the same.

Step 4: Interpret the Solution

Our solution, x > 4, means that x can be any number greater than 4. This includes all numbers like 4.1, 5, 10, or even 1000, but not 4 itself or any number less than 4.

Step 5: Check Your Solution (Optional but Recommended)

To verify your solution, you can choose a value for x that satisfies the inequality and plug it back into the original inequality. For example, let's use x = 5:

5 + 3 > 7

8 > 7

This statement is true, confirming our solution is correct.

Additional Considerations:

1. Algebraic Treatment: Notice how we treated the inequality algebraically, similar to equations. The key difference is maintaining awareness of the inequality sign and its implications.

2. One-Step Process: This example demonstrates a one-step inequality because we only needed one operation (subtracting 3) to isolate the variable.

3. Visualizing Solutions: It can be helpful to visualize the solution on a number line, with an open circle at 4 and an arrow pointing to the right, indicating all numbers greater than 4.

Practice Problems:

To reinforce your understanding, try solving these practice problems:

1. y - 5 < 10

2. 2z 14

3. a/3 > 4

Remember, the process for solving these inequalities remains the same: isolate the variable, perform the same operation on both sides, and be mindful of the inequality sign. With practice, you'll become proficient in solving not just one-step, but also multi-step linear inequalities.

Mastering one-step linear inequalities is crucial for advancing in algebra and tackling more complex mathematical concepts. By understanding how to treat inequalities algebraically and maintaining the correct inequality sign, you're building a strong foundation for future mathematical challenges. Keep practicing, and soon solving inequalities will become second nature!

Graphing Linear Inequalities

Graphing linear inequalities on a number line is an essential skill in mathematics that helps visualize the solution set of an inequality. This process involves understanding the use of open and closed circles to represent different types of inequalities, such as greater than (>) or greater than or equal to (). By mastering this technique, students can better comprehend and solve various mathematical problems involving inequalities.

To begin graphing linear inequalities on a number line, first draw a horizontal line and mark it with evenly spaced numbers. The key to accurately representing inequalities lies in the use of circles: open circles for strict inequalities (> or <) and closed circles for inclusive inequalities ( or ).

For 'greater than' inequalities (>), use an open circle at the point where the inequality starts and shade the line to the right. For example, to graph x > 3, place an open circle at 3 and shade the line to the right, indicating all numbers greater than 3. The open circle shows that 3 itself is not included in the solution.

When graphing 'greater than or equal to' inequalities (), use a closed circle instead. For instance, to graph x 2, place a closed circle at 2 and shade the line to the right. The closed circle indicates that 2 is included in the solution set along with all numbers greater than 2.

For 'less than' inequalities (<), the process is similar, but the shading goes to the left. To graph x < -1, place an open circle at -1 and shade the line to the left, representing all numbers less than -1. The open circle shows that -1 is not part of the solution.

When dealing with 'less than or equal to' inequalities (), use a closed circle and shade to the left. For example, to graph x 0, place a closed circle at 0 and shade the line to the left, indicating 0 and all numbers less than 0 are included in the solution set.

It's important to note that when graphing compound inequalities, such as -2 < x 3, you'll need to use both open and closed circles. In this case, place an open circle at -2, a closed circle at 3, and shade the area between them.

Practicing with various examples is crucial for mastering the art of graphing inequalities. Try graphing inequalities like x > 5, x -1, -3 < x < 2, and x 0 to reinforce your understanding. Remember, the direction of the inequality symbol always points towards the numbers that satisfy the inequality.

As you become more comfortable with graphing inequalities on a number line, you'll find it easier to visualize and solve more complex problems involving inequalities. This skill is particularly useful in algebra, calculus, and various real-world applications where understanding ranges and limits is essential.

In conclusion, graphing linear inequalities on a number line is a fundamental skill that relies on the proper use of open and closed circles to represent different types of inequalities. By mastering this technique and practicing with various examples, students can enhance their mathematical problem-solving abilities and gain a deeper understanding of inequalities and their applications in both academic and real-world contexts.

Special Cases: Multiplying and Dividing by Negative Numbers

When working with inequalities, a special case arises when multiplying by negative numbers. This situation requires careful attention, as it leads to a crucial change in the inequality sign. Understanding this concept is essential for solving inequalities and maintaining the correct relationship between quantities.

In general, when we multiply or divide both sides by a positive number, the inequality sign remains the same. However, when we divide by a negative number, we must flip the inequality sign. This means that < becomes >, and > becomes <. Similarly, changes to , and changes to .

Let's illustrate this concept with an example from the video:

Consider the inequality: -3x < 12

To solve for x, we need to divide both sides by -3. Since we're dividing by a negative number, we must flip the inequality sign:

x > -4

This result makes sense when we consider the nature of negative numbers. Multiplying or dividing by a negative number reverses the order of numbers on the number line. What was smaller becomes larger, and vice versa.

To further understand this concept, let's break it down:

  1. When we multiply or divide an inequality by a positive number, the relationship between the two sides remains the same.
  2. When we multiply or divide by a negative number, the relationship between the two sides is reversed.
  3. This reversal is represented by flipping the inequality sign.

The importance of this rule becomes clear when we consider real-world applications of inequalities. For example, in physics, when dealing with negative forces or in economics when considering debts, applying this rule correctly ensures that our calculations and conclusions are accurate.

To help solidify your understanding, here are some practice problems:

  1. Solve: -2x > 10
  2. Solve: 5 < -x/3
  3. Solve: -4(x + 2) 20
  4. If -3y + 7 < 1, find the range of y.

Remember, when solving inequalities, pay close attention to when you're multiplying or dividing by a negative number. Each time you do, make sure to flip the inequality sign.

Mastering this concept of flipping inequality signs when multiplying or dividing by negative numbers is crucial for advancing in algebra and higher mathematics. It forms the foundation for solving more complex inequalities and understanding advanced mathematical concepts.

As you practice, you'll find that this rule becomes second nature, allowing you to solve inequalities quickly and accurately. Keep in mind that this principle applies not just to simple inequalities, but also to more complex scenarios involving multiple steps or compound inequalities.

By consistently applying this rule and practicing with various problems, you'll develop a strong intuition for how inequalities behave under different operations. This skill will prove invaluable as you progress in your mathematical studies and encounter more challenging problems in fields such as calculus, physics, and engineering.

Word Problems and Real-Life Applications

Word problems involving one-step linear inequalities are an excellent way to apply mathematical concepts to real-life situations, particularly when dealing with money-related scenarios. These problems help students develop critical thinking skills and understand how inequalities can be used to solve practical issues. In this section, we'll explore how to translate word problems into inequalities and solve them step-by-step.

Let's start with a simple example:

Example 1: Sarah wants to buy a new laptop that costs $800. She has already saved $500 and plans to save more. How much more does she need to save to afford the laptop?

To solve this problem, we can follow these steps:

  1. Identify the unknown: Let x be the additional amount Sarah needs to save.
  2. Translate the problem into an inequality: 500 + x 800
  3. Solve the inequality:
    • Subtract 500 from both sides: x 300
  4. Interpret the solution: Sarah needs to save at least $300 more to afford the laptop.

Now, let's look at a slightly more complex example:

Example 2: John wants to rent a car for his vacation. The rental company charges a flat fee of $50 plus $30 per day. John has budgeted $200 for the car rental. For how many days can he rent the car?

To solve this problem:

  1. Identify the unknown: Let x be the number of days John can rent the car.
  2. Translate the problem into an inequality: 50 + 30x 200
  3. Solve the inequality:
    • Subtract 50 from both sides: 30x 150
    • Divide both sides by 30: x 5
  4. Interpret the solution: John can rent the car for up to 5 days within his budget.

When translating word problems into inequalities, it's crucial to pay attention to key phrases that indicate the relationship between quantities. For example:

  • "at least" or "minimum" typically translates to
  • "at most" or "maximum" typically translates to
  • "less than" translates to <
  • "more than" or "greater than" translates to >

Let's examine one more example with a different scenario:

Example 3: A small business owner wants to ensure her monthly profit is at least $3000. She knows that her fixed costs are $2000 per month, and each product she sells generates a $25 profit. How many products does she need to sell to meet her profit goal?

To solve this problem:

  1. Identify the unknown: Let x be the number of products sold.
  2. Translate the problem into an inequality: 25x - 2000 3000
  3. Solve the inequality:
    • Add 2000 to both sides: 25x 5000
    • Divide both sides by 25: x 200
  4. Interpret the solution: The business owner needs to sell at least 200 products to meet her profit goal.

By practicing these types of word problems, students can develop their skills in translating real-life situations into mathematical inequalities and solving them effectively.


In this lesson, we've explored the fundamental concepts of one-step linear inequalities and their real-life applications. We've learned how to solve these inequalities by performing inverse operations and interpreting the solutions graphically. Understanding one-step linear inequalities is crucial for solving various practical problems, from budgeting to time management applications. Remember, the key steps involve isolating the variable and maintaining the inequality sign's direction when multiplying by negative numbers or dividing by negative numbers. To reinforce your understanding, it's essential to practice more problems and apply these concepts to real-world scenarios. Don't hesitate to revisit the introduction video for visual explanations if you need a refresher. By mastering one-step linear inequalities, you'll develop critical thinking skills and gain a valuable tool for analyzing and solving everyday mathematical challenges. Keep practicing, and you'll soon find yourself confidently tackling more complex inequality problems in both academic and practical settings.


Solve. 7x637x \le 63

Step 1: Understand the Inequality

When solving one-step linear inequalities, it's important to understand that the process is similar to solving linear equations. The main difference is the inequality sign (, , <, >) instead of an equal sign (=). In this case, we have the inequality 7x637x \le 63. Our goal is to isolate the variable xx on one side of the inequality.

Step 2: Treat the Inequality Like an Equation

To simplify the process, treat the inequality as if it were an equation. This means you can perform the same operations on both sides of the inequality as you would with an equation. For instance, if you had 7x=637x = 63, you would solve for xx by dividing both sides by 7. The same approach applies here.

Step 3: Divide Both Sides by 7

To isolate xx, divide both sides of the inequality by 7. This operation will help you get xx by itself on one side of the inequality. Here's how it looks:

7x637x \le 63

Divide both sides by 7:

7x7637\frac{7x}{7} \le \frac{63}{7}

When you divide 7 by 7 on the left side, it cancels out, leaving you with xx. On the right side, 63 divided by 7 equals 9. So, the inequality simplifies to:

x9x \le 9

Step 4: Interpret the Solution

The final inequality x9x \le 9 means that xx can be any number less than or equal to 9. This is the solution to the inequality. In other words, any value of xx that is 9 or smaller will satisfy the original inequality 7x637x \le 63.

Step 5: Verify the Solution

To ensure the solution is correct, you can test a few values of xx that are less than or equal to 9. For example, if x=9x = 9, substituting it back into the original inequality gives:

7(9)637(9) \le 63

636363 \le 63

This is true. You can also test a value less than 9, such as x=5x = 5:

7(5)637(5) \le 63

356335 \le 63

This is also true. Therefore, the solution x9x \le 9 is verified.


Here are some frequently asked questions about solving one-step linear inequalities:

  1. What is a one-step linear inequality?

    A one-step linear inequality is a mathematical statement that compares two expressions using inequality symbols (<, >, , ) and can be solved in one step. For example, x + 3 > 7 is a one-step linear inequality.

  2. How do you solve a one-step linear inequality?

    To solve a one-step linear inequality, perform the inverse operation on both sides of the inequality to isolate the variable. For example, to solve x + 3 > 7, subtract 3 from both sides: x > 4.

  3. What happens when you multiply or divide an inequality by a negative number?

    When you multiply or divide both sides of an inequality by a negative number, you must reverse the direction of the inequality symbol. For example, if -2x < 6, dividing both sides by -2 gives x > -3.

  4. How do you graph the solution of a one-step linear inequality on a number line?

    To graph the solution, use an open circle () for strict inequalities (< or >) and a closed circle () for inclusive inequalities ( or ) at the boundary point. Then, shade the line in the direction that satisfies the inequality.

  5. Can you give an example of a real-life application of one-step linear inequalities?

    A real-life application could be determining how many hours you need to work to earn at least a certain amount of money. For instance, if you earn $15 per hour and want to make at least $300, you can set up the inequality 15x 300, where x is the number of hours worked.

Prerequisite Topics

Understanding the foundation of mathematics is crucial when tackling more advanced concepts like solving one-step linear inequalities. To excel in this area, it's essential to grasp several key prerequisite topics that form the building blocks of algebraic problem-solving.

One fundamental skill is solving equations, particularly those involving distance and time. This ability helps students develop a strong sense of algebraic reasoning and equation manipulation, which directly translates to working with inequalities. By mastering these types of problems, students can more easily transition to understanding the subtle differences between equations and inequalities.

While one-step linear inequalities are relatively straightforward, it's beneficial to have exposure to more complex concepts like graphing inequalities. This broader perspective allows students to visualize how inequalities work on a coordinate plane, reinforcing their understanding of the number line and inequality symbols used in simpler problems.

Additionally, familiarity with compound inequalities can provide valuable context. Although one-step inequalities are less complex, understanding how multiple inequalities can be combined helps students appreciate the versatility and importance of inequality concepts in mathematics.

A solid grasp of basic arithmetic operations is also crucial. Specifically, proficiency in multiplying by negative numbers and dividing by negative numbers is essential when solving inequalities. These operations often come into play when manipulating inequality expressions, and understanding how they affect the inequality sign is vital for arriving at correct solutions.

By mastering these prerequisite topics, students build a strong foundation for tackling one-step linear inequalities. The ability to solve equations provides the basic algebraic skills needed, while exposure to graphing and compound inequalities offers a broader context. Proficiency in working with negative numbers in multiplication and division ensures students can confidently manipulate inequality expressions.

As students progress through these prerequisite topics, they develop critical thinking skills and mathematical intuition that are invaluable when solving one-step linear inequalities. Each concept builds upon the last, creating a comprehensive understanding of algebraic relationships and inequalities. This solid foundation not only aids in solving one-step linear inequalities but also prepares students for more advanced mathematical concepts they will encounter in their future studies.

In conclusion, taking the time to thoroughly understand these prerequisite topics will greatly enhance a student's ability to solve one-step linear inequalities with confidence and accuracy. It's an investment in mathematical knowledge that pays dividends throughout one's academic journey and beyond.