Proving claims

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  1. \cdot Disprove H0H_0 \Rightarrow Proves H1H_1
    \cdot Fail to Disprove H0H_0 \Rightarrow Nothing!

    \cdot It is impossible to prove H0H_0 true, nor is it possible to disprove H1H_1.
    \cdot If your claim is given in the form of H1H_1 it may be possible to prove it
  1. Consequences of Disproving H0H_0
    Let the Null Hypothesis be given as: H0:μ=17lbsH_0: \mu =17lbs;
    and the Alternative Hypothesis be: H1:μH_1: \mu < 17lbs 17lbs
    If the Null Hypothesis is proven to be false, then what can be said about the mean weight?
    1. The following claim is made. "More than 80% of fortune tellers are frauds".
      1. State the Null Hypothesis and the Alternative Hypothesis.
      2. If enough evidence is gathered to disprove the Null Hypothesis, then what can be said about the proportion of fraudulent fortune tellers?
      3. If there is not enough evidence to disprove the Null Hypothesis, then what can be said about the proportion of fraudulent fortune tellers?