Mechanical waves 

  1. Mechanical Waves
  2. Introduction to periodic waves
  3. Velocity
  1. A musical note of frequency 1.8 Hz is sounded on a day when the speed of sound in air is 320 m/s. What is the wavelength of this note in air?
    1. A train of waves travel through a rope at the rate of four waves per second. Find the period of the motion.
      1. The time taken for one complete cycle of a musical note is 2 × 10-4 s. Find the frequency of the sound.
        1. Radio waves are broadcasted at a frequency of120 MHz. Find the period of the electromagnetic waves producing thus type of Radio waves.
          1. A person shouts towards a vertical cliff 630m away. The echo of his voice is heard 6.00 s later.
            1. What is the speed of sound of the person's voice?
            2. The wavelength of the sound is 0.650m. What is its frequency?
            3. What is the period of the wave?
            1. In order to produce larger wavelength, do you need higher or lower frequency?
              1. Five pulses are generated every 0.200s in a pond. What is the speed of propagation of the wave if the wavelength of the surface wave in 2.40cm?
                1. A periodic longitudinal wave that has a frequency on 40.0 Hz travels along a coil spring. If the distance between two successive compressions in 0.600m, what is the speed of the water? 
                  Topic Notes

                  Introduction to Mechanical Waves

                  Welcome to our exploration of mechanical waves! These fascinating phenomena are all around us, from the ripples in a pond to the sound waves that carry music to our ears. But what exactly are mechanical waves? In simple terms, a mechanical wave is a disturbance that travels through a medium, transferring energy without transferring matter. This concept might seem abstract at first, but our introduction video will help bring it to life. The video demonstrates key examples and breaks down the fundamental principles, making it easier to grasp how mechanical wave behavior is defined and behave. As we dive deeper into this topic, you'll discover how these waves play a crucial role in various aspects of our daily lives and in scientific applications. Understanding mechanical wave behavior is essential for grasping more complex concepts in physics, so let's start this journey together with curiosity and enthusiasm!

                  Fundamentals of Mechanical Waves

                  What are Mechanical Waves?

                  Mechanical waves are disturbances that propagate through a medium, transferring energy from one point to another without the transfer of matter. These waves are fundamental to our understanding of physics and play a crucial role in many natural phenomena. Unlike electromagnetic waves, mechanical waves require a medium to travel through, such as air, water, or solid materials.

                  Types of Mechanical Waves

                  There are two primary types of mechanical waves: pulse waves and periodic waves. Understanding these types is essential for grasping the broader concept of wave mechanics.

                  Pulse Waves

                  A pulse wave is a single disturbance that travels through a medium. Imagine flicking a rope that's tied at one end. The single up-and-down motion you create is a pulse wave. This type of wave is characterized by its brief, isolated nature and is often used to study the basic properties of wave propagation.

                  Periodic Waves

                  Periodic waves, on the other hand, consist of a continuous series of pulses. These waves repeat their pattern over time and space. A common example is the waves you see on the surface of water when you drop a pebble into a pond. The ripples that form and spread outward are periodic waves. Sound waves and seismic waves are other examples of periodic mechanical waves.

                  The Role of the Medium in Wave Propagation

                  The medium plays a crucial role in the propagation of mechanical waves. It's the substance through which the wave travels, and its properties significantly affect the wave's behavior. For instance:

                  • In a solid medium like a metal rod, waves can travel quickly due to the strong bonds between particles.
                  • In liquids, such as water, waves move more slowly than in solids but faster than in gases.
                  • In gases like air, waves travel the slowest among the three states of matter due to the loose arrangement of particles.

                  The medium's density, elasticity, and temperature all influence how a wave propagates through it. These factors determine the wave's speed, wavelength, and how much energy it loses as it travels.

                  Illustrating Mechanical Waves: The Rope Example

                  One of the simplest and most effective ways to visualize mechanical waves is through the example of a rope. Imagine holding one end of a long rope with the other end tied to a fixed point:

                  1. Creating a Pulse Wave: If you quickly flick your wrist up and down, you'll send a single pulse along the rope. This pulse will travel to the other end, demonstrating how energy moves through the medium without the medium itself moving along with the wave.
                  2. Generating Periodic Waves: If you continuously move your hand up and down at a steady rate, you'll create a series of waves that travel along the rope. These are periodic waves, showing regular crests and troughs.
                  3. Observing Wave Properties: With the rope, you can easily observe properties like amplitude (the height of the wave from its rest position), wavelength (the distance between two consecutive crests), and frequency (how many waves pass a fixed point in a given time).

                  Key Characteristics of Mechanical Waves

                  Understanding mechanical waves involves recognizing their key characteristics:

                  • Amplitude: The maximum displacement of a wave from its equilibrium position.
                  • Wavelength: The distance between two consecutive crests or troughs in a wave.
                  • Frequency: The number of waves that pass a fixed point in one second.
                  • Speed: How fast the wave travels through the medium.
                  • Energy Transfer: Mechanical waves transfer energy through the medium without transferring matter.

                  Properties of Mechanical Waves

                  Mechanical waves are a fundamental concept in physics, playing a crucial role in our understanding of how energy travels through matter. These waves are characterized by several key properties that define their behavior and appearance. In this section, we'll explore the essential characteristics of mechanical waves, including crests, troughs, compressions, and rarefactions, as well as the differences between transverse and longitudinal waves.

                  Let's begin by examining the components of a typical wave. In a transverse wave, such as those seen on the surface of water, we observe two primary features: crests and troughs. The crest is the highest point of the wave above the equilibrium position, while the trough is the lowest point below it. The height of a crest, measured from the equilibrium position to its peak, is known as the amplitude. Similarly, the depth of a trough is measured from the equilibrium position to its lowest point. These measurements are crucial in determining the wave's energy and intensity.

                  In contrast, longitudinal waves, like sound waves in air, exhibit different characteristics. Instead of crests and troughs, we observe compressions and rarefactions. A compression is a region where the particles of the medium are pushed closer together, resulting in higher density. The density of a compression is greater than that of the surrounding medium at equilibrium. Conversely, a rarefaction is an area where the particles are spread further apart, leading to lower density compared to the equilibrium state.

                  The distinction between transverse and longitudinal waves lies in the direction of particle movement relative to the wave's propagation. In transverse waves, particles oscillate perpendicular to the direction of wave travel. This can be visualized as a rope being shaken up and down, creating peaks (crests) and valleys (troughs) that move along its length. On the other hand, longitudinal waves cause particles to vibrate parallel to the wave's direction of travel. This results in the alternating regions of compression and rarefaction as the wave passes through the medium.

                  To further illustrate these concepts, imagine a slinky toy stretched out horizontally. If you move one end of the slinky up and down, you create a transverse wave where the coils move perpendicular to the wave's direction. However, if you push and pull the slinky along its length, you generate a longitudinal wave with compressions (where coils bunch together) and rarefactions (where coils spread apart) moving along the slinky.

                  Understanding these properties is essential for grasping how mechanical waves transfer energy through various media. The height of a crest and the depth of a trough in transverse waves, as well as the density of a compression in longitudinal waves, directly relate to the wave's amplitude and, consequently, its energy. Higher amplitudes indicate more energy being carried by the wave.

                  It's important to note that while we often discuss these properties in isolation, real-world waves can be complex combinations of both transverse and longitudinal components. For example, seismic waves produced by earthquakes exhibit both types of motion as they propagate through the Earth.

                  In conclusion, mechanical waves are characterized by distinct properties depending on their type. Transverse waves feature crests and troughs, with particle motion perpendicular to wave propagation. Longitudinal waves exhibit compressions and rarefactions, with particle motion parallel to wave travel. The amplitude, whether measured as the height of a crest, the depth of a trough, or the density of a compression, is a key factor in determining the wave's energy. By understanding these fundamental properties, we can better analyze and predict wave behavior in various physical phenomena, from ocean waves to sound waves in air and beyond.

                  Wave Characteristics: Wavelength, Amplitude, and Period

                  Mechanical waves are disturbances that propagate through a medium, transferring energy without transferring matter. To understand these waves fully, it's crucial to grasp three fundamental characteristics: wavelength, amplitude, and period. These properties define the wave's shape, size, and behavior, playing a vital role in various scientific and practical applications.

                  Wavelength is a key characteristic of any wave, defined as the distance between two consecutive crests or troughs. In simpler terms, it's the length of one complete wave cycle. Wavelength is typically denoted by the Greek letter lambda (λ) and is measured in units of length, such as meters, centimeters, or nanometers, depending on the wave's scale. To measure wavelength, scientists often use specialized instruments like interferometers or simply observe the distance between successive wave peaks. The significance of wavelength lies in its inverse relationship with frequency; as wavelength increases, frequency decreases, and vice versa. This relationship is crucial in fields like optics, acoustics, and electromagnetic radiation studies.

                  Amplitude, another essential wave characteristic, refers to the maximum displacement of a wave from its equilibrium position. It represents the wave's height from the midpoint to either its crest (highest point) or trough (lowest point). Amplitude is measured in units of distance, similar to wavelength. For water waves, this might be meters, while for sound waves, it could be measured in units of pressure. The measurement of amplitude often involves sensors that detect the wave's maximum displacement or intensity. Amplitude is particularly significant because it directly relates to the energy carried by the wave. Waves with larger amplitudes possess more energy, which is why louder sounds or more intense light have greater amplitudes.

                  The period of a wave, often denoted by T, is the time it takes for one complete wave cycle to pass a fixed point. It is measured in units of time, typically seconds. The period is inversely related to the wave's frequency; as the period increases, the frequency decreases. To measure the period, one can use timing devices to record the duration between successive wave crests passing a specific point. Understanding the period is crucial in many applications, from analyzing seismic waves to designing electronic circuits.

                  These three characteristics - wavelength, amplitude, and period - are interconnected and play vital roles in determining a wave's behavior and properties. For instance, the speed of a wave can be calculated by dividing the wavelength by the period. This relationship is expressed in the wave equation: v = λ/T, where v is the wave speed, λ is the wavelength, and T is the period.

                  In practical applications, these wave characteristics have numerous implications. In oceanography, understanding wave amplitude helps in predicting coastal erosion and designing offshore structures. In telecommunications, wavelength is crucial for determining the appropriate frequencies for different types of signals. The period of seismic waves helps geologists understand the Earth's internal structure and predict earthquake behaviors.

                  Moreover, these characteristics are fundamental in explaining various wave phenomena. Interference patterns, for example, occur when waves of similar wavelengths interact. Diffraction, the bending of waves around obstacles, is heavily influenced by the relationship between the wavelength and the size of the obstacle. Resonance, a phenomenon where an object vibrates with increased amplitude at certain frequencies, is directly related to the natural period of the object and the period of the driving force.

                  In conclusion, wavelength, amplitude, and period are fundamental properties that define the nature and behavior of mechanical waves. Their understanding is crucial not only in theoretical physics but also in numerous practical applications across various scientific and engineering disciplines. From the gentle ripples on a pond to the complex electromagnetic waves used in modern communication, these characteristics provide the foundation for comprehending and utilizing wave phenomena in our world.

                  Frequency and Its Relationship to Period

                  Frequency is a fundamental concept in the study of mechanical waves, playing a crucial role in understanding wave behavior and characteristics. In the context of waves, frequency refers to the number of complete wave cycles that pass a fixed point in space within one second. This measurement is typically expressed in Hertz (Hz), where 1 Hz equals one wave cycle per second.

                  To fully grasp the concept of frequency, it's essential to understand its intimate relationship with the period of motion. The period is the time required for one complete wave cycle to occur. In other words, it's the duration between two consecutive wave crests or troughs passing a fixed point. The period is measured in seconds and is inversely related to frequency.

                  The mathematical relationship between frequency (f) and period (T) is expressed by the simple formula: f = 1/T. This equation demonstrates that as the frequency increases, the period decreases, and vice versa. For example, if a wave has a frequency of 2 Hz, its period would be 0.5 seconds. Conversely, a wave with a period of 0.25 seconds would have a frequency of 4 Hz.

                  Understanding frequency and its relationship to the period of motion has numerous practical applications across various fields. In music, frequency determines the pitch of a note, with higher frequencies producing higher pitches. In telecommunications, different frequencies are used to transmit various types of signals, from radio and television broadcasts to mobile phone communications. In physics and engineering, frequency analysis is crucial for studying vibrations, resonance, and wave propagation in materials.

                  The concept of frequency is also vital in understanding natural phenomena. For instance, in seismology, the frequency of seismic waves helps scientists analyze earthquake characteristics and predict their potential impact. In oceanography, the frequency of ocean waves is essential for studying coastal erosion, designing offshore structures, and predicting dangerous wave conditions for maritime activities.

                  In the field of optics, frequency is directly related to the color of light. Different frequencies of electromagnetic waves correspond to different colors in the visible spectrum. This understanding is fundamental in technologies like spectroscopy, which analyzes the interaction between matter and electromagnetic radiation at various frequencies.

                  The relationship between frequency and period is also crucial in the design and operation of many technological devices. For example, in computer processors, the clock frequency determines how many operations can be performed per second. In alternating current (AC) electrical systems, the frequency of the power supply (typically 50 or 60 Hz) is a critical parameter that affects the design and operation of electrical devices.

                  In medical applications, frequency plays a significant role in diagnostic and therapeutic techniques. Ultrasound imaging, for instance, uses high-frequency sound waves to create images of internal body structures. The frequency of these waves determines the resolution and depth of penetration of the ultrasound scan.

                  As we delve deeper into the world of waves, it becomes clear that frequency is not just a theoretical concept but a practical tool with wide-ranging applications. From the gentle ripples on a pond to the complex electromagnetic waves that power our modern communication systems, understanding frequency and its relationship to the period of motion is key to unraveling the mysteries of wave behavior and harnessing its power for technological advancement.

                  Wave Speed and Its Dependencies

                  Wave speed, also known as the velocity of the wave or the speed of the wave, is a fundamental concept in physics that describes how quickly a wave travels through a medium. Understanding wave speed is crucial for various applications in science and engineering, from sound propagation to electromagnetic radiation.

                  The speed of a wave is intricately related to two other important wave characteristics: wavelength and frequency. Wavelength is the distance between two consecutive crests or troughs of a wave, while frequency is the number of wave cycles that pass a fixed point in space per unit of time. The relationship between these three properties is expressed by the wave speed equation:

                  v = λf

                  Where v is the wave speed, λ (lambda) is the wavelength, and f is the frequency. This equation demonstrates that wave speed is directly proportional to both wavelength and frequency. If we know any two of these quantities, we can calculate the third.

                  The derivation of the wave speed equation is relatively straightforward. Consider a wave traveling a distance of one wavelength in a time period of one cycle. The speed of the wave can be calculated by dividing the distance traveled by the time taken:

                  v = distance / time = wavelength / period

                  Since frequency is the inverse of the period (f = 1/T), we can substitute this into our equation:

                  v = wavelength * frequency = λf

                  This derivation illustrates the fundamental relationship between wave speed, wavelength, and frequency.

                  Several factors affect the speed of a wave, with the properties of the medium being the most significant. In general, waves travel faster through stiffer or more rigid mediums. For mechanical waves, such as sound waves, the speed depends on the elastic and inertial properties of the medium. In solids, waves typically travel faster than in liquids, which in turn are faster than gases. This is why sound travels faster in water than in air.

                  For sound waves in a gas, the speed is given by the equation:

                  v = (γRT/M)

                  Where γ is the adiabatic index, R is the gas constant, T is the absolute temperature, and M is the molar mass of the gas. This equation shows that sound waves travel faster in gases with lower molecular weights and at higher temperatures.

                  In the case of electromagnetic waves, such as light, the speed in a vacuum is constant (c 3 × 10^8 m/s) and represents the maximum speed at which information can travel in the universe. However, when electromagnetic waves pass through a medium, their speed is reduced. The refractive index of a medium determines how much the speed of light is reduced in that medium.

                  The medium's density also plays a role in wave speed. Generally, waves travel more slowly in denser mediums. This is why sound waves travel faster in helium (a less dense gas) than in air, leading to the familiar high-pitched voice effect when someone inhales helium.

                  Temperature can affect wave speed as well, particularly for mechanical waves. In most cases, an increase in temperature leads to an increase in wave speed. This is because higher temperatures often result in decreased density and increased elasticity of the medium.

                  Understanding wave speed and its dependencies is crucial in many practical applications. For instance, in seismology, the speed of seismic waves through different layers of the Earth provides information about the planet's internal structure. In medical ultrasound, the speed of sound waves in different tissues helps create detailed images of the body's interior. In telecommunications, the speed of electromagnetic waves determines the transmission rates of information through various mediums.

                  In conclusion, wave speed is a fundamental property that depends on both the characteristics of the wave (wavelength and frequency) and the properties of the medium through which it travels. By understanding these relationships and the factors that influence wave speed, scientists and engineers can better predict and utilize wave behavior in a wide range of applications, from oceanography to fiber optic communications.


                  Mechanical waves are a fundamental concept in physics, characterized by their ability to transfer energy through a medium without transferring matter. The introduction video we've explored provides a crucial foundation for understanding these fascinating phenomena. Key points to remember include the types of mechanical waves (transverse and longitudinal), their properties such as amplitude, wavelength, and frequency, and how they propagate through different media. The video's visual demonstrations help solidify these concepts, making complex ideas more accessible. As you continue your journey in physics, we encourage you to delve deeper into the world of mechanical waves. Explore additional resources, conduct hands-on experiments, and engage with interactive simulations to further enhance your understanding. Remember, mastering these wave characteristics is essential for grasping more advanced topics in physics. Take the next step in your learning journey by reviewing related materials and practicing problem-solving exercises to reinforce your knowledge of mechanical waves.

                  Mechanical Waves: Introduction to Periodic Waves

                  In this guide, we will explore the fundamental concepts of mechanical waves, focusing on periodic waves. We will cover definitions, properties, and relationships between key variables such as speed, wavelength, and frequency.

                  Step 1: Understanding Mechanical Waves

                  Mechanical waves are disturbances that travel through a medium, transferring energy from one point to another. Unlike electromagnetic waves, mechanical waves require a medium (such as air, water, or a solid substance) to propagate. Examples include sound waves, water waves, and seismic waves.

                  Step 2: Defining a Pulse

                  Before diving into periodic waves, it's essential to understand the concept of a pulse. A pulse is a single disturbance that moves through a medium. For instance, if you disturb a rope by giving it a quick shake, the resulting hump that travels along the rope is a pulse. This single disturbance moves from one position to another, demonstrating the basic behavior of mechanical waves.

                  Step 3: Introduction to Periodic Waves

                  Periodic waves are continuous disturbances in a medium, characterized by repeating patterns. Unlike a single pulse, periodic waves consist of multiple pulses occurring in succession. When you continuously disturb a rope, creating multiple humps that travel along it, you generate a periodic wave. The particles in the medium move in simple harmonic motion, resulting in a wave pattern with crests and troughs.

                  Step 4: Key Definitions in Periodic Waves

                  To fully understand periodic waves, we need to define several key terms:

                  • Crest: The highest point of a wave, representing the maximum displacement from the equilibrium position.
                  • Trough: The lowest point of a wave, representing the minimum displacement from the equilibrium position.
                  • Wavelength (λ): The distance between two successive crests or troughs. It is a measure of the length of one complete wave cycle.
                  • Amplitude (A): The height of the wave from the equilibrium position to the crest or the depth from the equilibrium position to the trough. It indicates the energy of the wave.
                  • Period (T): The time taken for one complete wave cycle to pass a given point. It is the time between two consecutive crests or troughs.
                  • Frequency (f): The number of wave cycles that pass a fixed point in one second. It is measured in hertz (Hz).

                  Step 5: Longitudinal Waves

                  In addition to transverse waves (where particles move perpendicular to the direction of wave propagation), mechanical waves can also be longitudinal. In longitudinal waves, particles move parallel to the direction of wave propagation. Examples include sound waves and compression waves in a spring. Key terms for longitudinal waves include:

                  • Compression: Regions where particles are close together, representing maximum pressure.
                  • Rarefaction: Regions where particles are spread apart, representing minimum pressure.

                  Step 6: Relationships Between Wave Properties

                  Understanding the relationships between wave properties is crucial for solving problems involving mechanical waves. The speed (v) of a wave is related to its wavelength (λ) and frequency (f) by the equation:

                  v = λ * f

                  This equation shows that the speed of a wave is the product of its wavelength and frequency. Additionally, the period (T) and frequency (f) are inversely related:

                  T = 1 / f

                  These relationships help us understand how changes in one property affect the others.

                  Step 7: Practical Examples and Exercises

                  To solidify your understanding of periodic waves, it's beneficial to work through practical examples and exercises. Consider scenarios where you calculate the speed of a wave given its wavelength and frequency, or determine the period of a wave from its frequency. These exercises will help you apply the concepts and equations discussed in this guide.

                  Step 8: Summary

                  In summary, mechanical waves are disturbances that travel through a medium, transferring energy. Periodic waves are continuous disturbances characterized by repeating patterns. Key properties of periodic waves include wavelength, amplitude, period, and frequency. Understanding the relationships between these properties is essential for solving problems involving mechanical waves. By working through practical examples, you can deepen your understanding and apply these concepts effectively.


                  Here are some frequently asked questions about mechanical waves:

                  1. What defines a mechanical wave?

                  A mechanical wave is a disturbance that propagates through a medium, transferring energy without transferring matter. It requires a medium to travel through, such as air, water, or solid materials.

                  2. What are examples of mechanical waves?

                  Common examples of mechanical waves include:

                  • Sound waves in air or water
                  • Water waves in oceans or lakes
                  • Seismic waves during earthquakes
                  • Vibrations in solid objects

                  3. What is the difference between transverse and longitudinal waves?

                  In transverse waves, particles of the medium move perpendicular to the direction of wave propagation (e.g., water waves). In longitudinal waves, particles move parallel to the direction of wave propagation (e.g., sound waves in air).

                  4. How is wave speed related to wavelength and frequency?

                  Wave speed (v) is related to wavelength (λ) and frequency (f) by the equation: v = λf. This means that wave speed is the product of wavelength and frequency.

                  5. What factors affect the speed of a mechanical wave?

                  The speed of a mechanical wave depends on the properties of the medium it travels through, including:

                  • Density of the medium
                  • Elasticity or stiffness of the medium
                  • Temperature (in some cases)

                  Generally, waves travel faster in stiffer or less dense mediums.

                  Prerequisite Topics

                  Understanding mechanical waves requires a solid foundation in various fundamental physics concepts. While there are no specific prerequisite topics provided for this subject, it's important to recognize that a strong grasp of basic physics principles is essential for comprehending the intricacies of mechanical waves.

                  Mechanical waves are a fascinating phenomenon that occurs in various forms in our everyday lives. From the ripples on a pond's surface to the sound waves that allow us to communicate, these waves play a crucial role in our understanding of the physical world. To fully appreciate the complexity and significance of mechanical waves, students should have a firm grasp of basic physics concepts such as motion, energy, and force.

                  One of the key aspects of mechanical waves is their ability to transfer energy through a medium without transferring matter. This concept builds upon the fundamental principles of energy conservation and transfer. Students who have a solid understanding of these basic physics principles will find it easier to grasp how mechanical waves propagate and interact with their environment.

                  Additionally, the study of mechanical waves often involves mathematical concepts such as trigonometry and calculus. While not always explicitly listed as prerequisites, a strong mathematical background can greatly enhance a student's ability to analyze and describe wave behavior quantitatively. Familiarity with graphing and interpreting mathematical functions is particularly useful when studying wave equations and their representations.

                  Another important aspect of mechanical waves is their relationship to oscillations and periodic motion. Students who have previously studied simple harmonic motion and pendulums will find many parallels when exploring the behavior of mechanical waves. These concepts provide a foundation for understanding the periodic nature of waves and their characteristics such as frequency, amplitude, and wavelength.

                  Furthermore, the study of mechanical waves often leads to more advanced topics in physics, such as acoustics, optics, and even quantum mechanics. Having a solid grasp of the fundamentals of mechanical waves can serve as a stepping stone to these more complex areas of study, highlighting the interconnectedness of various physics disciplines.

                  In conclusion, while there may not be a specific list of prerequisite topics for studying mechanical waves, it's crucial for students to approach this subject with a strong foundation in basic physics principles. By building upon their existing knowledge of motion, energy, and mathematical concepts, students can develop a deeper understanding of mechanical waves and their applications in the world around us. This comprehensive approach to learning will not only enhance their grasp of mechanical waves but also prepare them for more advanced studies in physics and related fields.

                  In this lesson, we will learn:

                  • Wave properties
                  • The relation between wave speed, wave-length, and the frequency.
                  • Solving exercises relating variables.


                  Periodic Waves
                  • Pulse: Single disturbance of a medium
                  • Periodic Waves: Continual disturbance of a medium.
                    Particles in the medium move in a simple harmonic motion.

                  Mechanical Waves

                    Crest: The top of the wave is called the crest; maximum displacement.

                    (Note: in the case of longitudinal waves we use the term Compression, representing maximum pressure or maximum density)

                    Trough: The bottom part of the wave is called the trough; minimum displacement.

                    (Note: In the case of longitudinal waves the term Rarefaction is used, minimum pressure or minimum density)

                  Mechanical Waves

                    Wavelength: The distance between two successive crests (troughs) called wavelength

                  Mechanical Waves

                    Amplitude: The height of a crest or depth of a trough called amplitude.

                    A high energy wave is characterized by a high?amplitude

                    A low energy wave is characterized by a low?amplitude

                  Mechanical Waves

                    Period: The time between two consecutive crests (troughs) called the period. The period is the time taken for one wavelength to pass by a point.

                  Mechanical Waves

                    Frequency: Number of waves passing through a fixed point in ONE second.

                    Table of terms and units of periodic motion


                    \quadSymbol \quad

                    \quadStandard Units \quad


                    λ \lambda (Lambda)

                    Meters (m)



                    Meters (m)






                    Hz (hertz) =waves/seconds

                    =1/seconds = (s-1 )

                    Velocity: How fast the pulse is moving though a medium; the speed of the wave depends on the medium thought which it travels.

                    Using the kinematic equation for constant velocity, the equation for speed (velocity) of the wave is given by:

           \triangle X = v.t \, \Rightarrow \enspace v = \frac{\triangle X} {t}

                    Change in position (distance between two consecutive crests) of a wave is defines as its WAVELENGTH, therefore; 

                    X=λ \triangle X = \lambda

                    Time taken between two consecutive crests is defined as the PERIOD of the motion, therefore; t=T t=T

                    v=Xt=λT(1)v=λT v = \frac{\triangle X} {t} = \frac{\lambda}{T} \qquad (1) \, v = \frac{\lambda}{T}

                    Frequency is defined as number of waves per second, therefore; FREQUENCY is the reciprocal of the period,

                    (2)f=1T (2) \, f = \frac{1}{T}

                    From (1) & (2);

                    (3)v=λT=λ(1T)=λf (3) \, v = \frac{\lambda}{T} = \lambda (\frac{1}{T}) = \lambda f \,