Wave behavior at a boundary

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  1. Wave behavior at a boundary
  2. Introduction to reflection and refraction of waves;
  3. Properties of medium affect the motion of the waves.
  1. Reflection from less dense medium
    A pulse is sent along a thick rope connected to a thin rope.

    Wave behavior at a boundary

    1. What happens when the pulse reaches the boundary?
    2. Is the reflected pulse erect or inverted?
    1. Reflection from denser medium
      A pulse is sent along a thin rope connected to a thick rope.

      Wave behavior at a boundary

      1. What happens when the pulse reaches the boundary?
      2. Is the reflected pulse erect or inverted?
      1. Reflection from less dense and denser medium
        A pulse is sent along a thick rope connected to thin rope which is tied to a wall.

        Wave behavior at a boundary

        1. What happens at point where the ropes are connected?
        2. What happens at the point where the thin rope is connected to the wall?
        Topic Notes

        In this lesson, we will learn:

        • Reflection at boundaries
        • Properties of the reflected waves


        As waves move from one medium to another partially reflected and partially refracted (transmitted).
        • Reflection; The process of bouncing off the boundary between two media.
        • The wave striking the boundary is called the incident wave
        • The wave bouncing off the boundary is called the reflected wave.
        • Refraction; Transmission of the energy from one medium to another. Sound waves change speed due to the temperature.
        • Water waves speed changes according to the depth.
        • Spring thickness changes the speed of the waves.
        • Wave reflecting from less dense medium is ERECT.
          Example; reflection from thinner rope into thicker rope

        Wave behavior at a boundary

        • Wave reflecting from denser medium is INVERTED.
          Example; reflection from WALL or from a THICK rope

        Wave behavior at a boundary