  1. Sound waves
  2. Introduction to Sound waves
  3. Variables affecting sound waves
  1. Sound produced by clapping hands is echoed from a distant building 0.4s later, how far is the building? (speed of sound 343m/s at 20°C)
    1. What happens to the wavelength and frequency of sound waves if temperature increases?
      1. Find the wavelength of a sound wave moving in air with frequency of 415 Hz.
        1. The sound detected by human ear is between 20Hz and 20kHz. Find the corresponding wavelengths that can be detected by human.
          1. What physical characteristics of sound is used to decrease the pitch? To increase the loudness?
            1. Sketch a graph of displacement vs. time to represent sound waves, for two cycles of 12-kHz and two cycles of 24-kHz.
              1. If you hear an ambulance siren dropping while passing you, can tell in which direction is moving?
                Topic Notes


                Sound waves are fascinating phenomena that surround us in our daily lives. This article delves into the intriguing world of sound waves, beginning with an essential introduction video that provides a visual and auditory foundation for understanding this complex topic. The video serves as a crucial starting point, offering a clear and engaging explanation of sound wave basics. As we progress, we'll explore the production of sound waves, uncovering the physical processes that create these invisible yet powerful vibrations. We'll also examine various sources of sound, from natural occurrences to man-made instruments, and how they generate unique wave patterns. Additionally, we'll discuss the wide-ranging applications of sound waves in fields such as medicine, technology, and entertainment. By the end of this article, you'll have a comprehensive understanding of sound waves, their origins, and their significant impact on our world.

                What is Sound?

                Sound is a fundamental aspect of our daily lives, but what exactly is it? At its core, sound is a form of energy that travels through matter as a pressure wave. It originates from the vibration of molecules in a medium, typically air, though it can also travel through liquids and solids. This molecular vibration is the key to understanding how sound is produced and transmitted.

                When an object vibrates, it causes the surrounding air molecules to compress and expand in a rhythmic pattern. These compressions and rarefactions create pressure waves that radiate outward from the source. As these waves travel through the air, they interact with our ears, allowing us to perceive sound. The speed at which sound travels depends on the medium; in air at room temperature, it moves at approximately 343 meters per second.

                To illustrate this concept, let's consider the example of voice production. When we speak, our vocal cords vibrate as air from our lungs passes through them. These vibrations create pressure waves in the air around our mouth and throat. As we form words, our tongue, lips, and other vocal structures shape these waves into recognizable speech sounds. These sound waves then travel through the air until they reach a listener's ears, where they are interpreted as speech.

                One important characteristic of sound is its amplitude, which is directly related to the concept of loudness. Amplitude refers to the maximum displacement of air molecules from their resting position as the sound wave passes. In simple terms, it's the "strength" or "size" of the wave. The greater the amplitude, the louder we perceive the sound to be. For instance, when you increase the volume on your speakers, you're essentially increasing the amplitude of the sound waves being produced.

                To quantify and compare different sound intensities, we use the concept of sound level, which is typically measured in decibels (dB). The decibel scale is logarithmic, meaning that an increase of 10 dB represents a tenfold increase in sound intensity. This scale is designed to match how our ears perceive changes in loudness. For example, a normal conversation might register around 60 dB, while a rock concert could reach 120 dB or more.

                Understanding sound levels is crucial for various applications, from designing concert venues to implementing noise control measures in urban environments. It's worth noting that prolonged exposure to high sound levels can lead to hearing damage, which is why many countries have regulations limiting noise exposure in workplaces and public spaces.

                In conclusion, sound is a complex phenomenon that begins with molecular vibration, travels as pressure waves, and is perceived by our ears as various levels of loudness. By understanding the basics of sound production, transmission, and measurement, we can better appreciate the acoustic world around us and develop technologies to enhance or control our sonic environment.

                Characteristics of Sound Waves

                Sound waves are fascinating phenomena that play a crucial role in our daily lives. Two fundamental concepts in understanding sound waves are pitch and frequency. Pitch refers to how high or low a sound is perceived by the human ear, while frequency is the number of vibrations or oscillations that occur in one second, measured in Hertz (Hz). These two concepts are closely related, as higher frequencies generally correspond to higher pitches, and lower frequencies to lower pitches.

                To better understand how sound waves propagate, we need to explore the concepts of compression and rarefaction. Imagine a long tube filled with air particles. When a sound is produced at one end of the tube, it creates areas of compression, where air particles are pushed closer together, and areas of rarefaction, where air particles are spread further apart. These areas of compression and rarefaction travel through the tube as a wave, carrying the sound energy.

                This alternating pattern of compression and rarefaction can be visualized using a sinusoidal pressure-time graph. In this graph, the vertical axis represents pressure, while the horizontal axis represents time. The peaks of the sine wave correspond to areas of maximum compression, where air particles are closest together and pressure is highest. The troughs represent areas of maximum rarefaction, where air particles are furthest apart and pressure is lowest. The smooth, repeating nature of this graph illustrates the periodic nature of sound waves.

                It's important to note that sound waves are longitudinal waves, meaning that the direction of particle displacement is parallel to the direction of wave propagation. This is in contrast to transverse waves, like those seen on a vibrating string, where particle displacement is perpendicular to the direction of wave travel. In a longitudinal wave, particles oscillate back and forth along the same line as the wave's motion.

                The longitudinal nature of sound waves is closely tied to the compression and rarefaction process. As the wave travels through a medium, such as air, each particle vibrates around its equilibrium position, transferring energy to neighboring particles. This creates a chain reaction of compressions and rarefactions that propagates through the medium, carrying the sound information.

                Understanding these characteristics of sound waves is essential for various applications, from designing acoustic spaces to developing audio technologies. The relationship between pitch and frequency allows us to create and appreciate music, while knowledge of compression and rarefaction helps in the development of sound insulation and amplification systems. The sinusoidal pressure-time graph provides a visual representation that aids in analyzing and manipulating sound waves for various purposes, such as audio processing and sound engineering.

                In conclusion, the concepts of pitch, frequency, compression, rarefaction, and the longitudinal nature of sound waves are fundamental to our understanding of acoustics. By grasping these principles, we can better appreciate the complex world of sound that surrounds us and continue to innovate in fields that rely on sound wave manipulation and analysis.

                Properties of Sound Waves

                The speed of sound is a fascinating aspect of acoustics that is significantly influenced by temperature. As temperature increases, the speed of sound generally increases as well. This relationship is due to the fact that higher temperatures cause molecules in a medium to move more rapidly, allowing sound waves to propagate faster through the substance. For instance, in air at 20°C (68°F), sound travels at approximately 343 meters per second (1,125 feet per second). However, if the temperature rises to 30°C (86°F), the speed increases to about 349 meters per second (1,145 feet per second).

                Sound propagation varies greatly depending on the medium through which it travels. In solids, liquids, and gases, sound waves move at different speeds due to the varying molecular structures and densities of these materials. Solids generally conduct sound the fastest because their molecules are tightly packed and can quickly transfer vibrations. For example, sound travels through steel at about 5,960 meters per second (19,600 feet per second). Liquids, such as water, transmit sound more slowly than solids but faster than gases. In water, sound moves at approximately 1,480 meters per second (4,860 feet per second) at room temperature. Gases, like air, have the slowest sound propagation among the three states of matter due to their low density and loosely arranged molecules.

                It's crucial to understand that sound cannot travel through a vacuum. This is because sound waves are mechanical waves that require a medium to propagate. In a vacuum, there are no particles to vibrate and transfer energy, making sound transmission impossible. This is why there is no sound in space, as it is essentially a vacuum. Astronauts must use radio waves for communication in space since these electromagnetic waves can travel through a vacuum, unlike sound waves.

                Echoes and sound reflection are intriguing phenomena that occur when sound waves encounter obstacles. When sound waves hit a hard surface, they bounce back, creating what we perceive as an echo. This reflection of sound follows the same principles as light reflection, where the angle of incidence equals the angle of reflection. The time delay between the original sound and its echo depends on the distance the sound travels. For an echo to be distinguishable from the original sound, there needs to be a minimum distance of about 17 meters (56 feet) between the sound source and the reflecting surface.

                Sound reflection plays a crucial role in various applications, from architectural acoustics to sonar technology. In concert halls and auditoriums, architects carefully design surfaces to reflect sound in ways that enhance the listening experience. Conversely, in recording studios, sound-absorbing materials are used to minimize reflections and create a controlled acoustic environment. In nature, animals like bats and dolphins use echolocation, a form of sound reflection, to navigate and locate prey by emitting high-frequency sounds and interpreting the echoes.

                Understanding the properties of sound waves, including how temperature affects their speed, how they propagate through different media, and how they reflect, is essential in many fields. From designing effective communication systems to creating optimal acoustic environments, this knowledge has wide-ranging applications. As we continue to explore and harness the properties of sound, we unlock new possibilities in technology, architecture, and our understanding of the natural world.

                The Doppler Effect

                The Doppler effect is a fascinating phenomenon that occurs when there is relative motion between a sound source and an observer. Named after Austrian physicist Christian Doppler, this effect explains the change in frequency of sound waves as perceived by the observer when the source is moving. To understand this concept better, let's dive into the details and use the classic example of a police car siren.

                Imagine you're standing on a sidewalk, and a police car with its siren blaring approaches you. As the car gets closer, you'll notice that the pitch of the siren seems to increase. Then, as the car passes by and moves away from you, the pitch appears to decrease. This change in pitch is a perfect illustration of the Doppler effect in action.

                To comprehend why this happens, we need to consider the nature of sound waves. Sound travels through the air as a series of compressions and rarefactions, creating waves. The frequency of these waves determines the pitch we hear. When a sound source is stationary, the waves spread out evenly in all directions. However, when the source is moving, it affects the wavelength of the sound in the direction of motion.

                In the case of the approaching police car, the vehicle is moving towards you, effectively compressing the sound waves in front of it. This compression results in more waves reaching your ears per second, increasing the frequency you perceive and thus raising the pitch. Conversely, as the car moves away, it stretches out the sound waves behind it, reducing the frequency that reaches you and lowering the perceived pitch.

                It's crucial to understand that the actual frequency of the sound source (in this case, the siren) remains constant. What changes is the frequency perceived by the observer due to the relative motion between the source and the listener. This distinction is at the heart of the Doppler effect.

                The magnitude of the frequency shift depends on several factors: the speed of the sound source, the speed of sound in the medium (usually air), and the relative positions of the source and observer. The faster the source moves, the more pronounced the Doppler effect becomes.

                While our police car example involves a moving source and a stationary observer, it's worth noting that the Doppler effect also occurs when the observer is moving and the source is stationary, or when both are in motion. The key is the relative motion between the two.

                The Doppler effect isn't limited to sound waves; it applies to all types of waves, including light. This broader application has significant implications in various fields of science and technology, from astronomy to medical imaging.

                Understanding the Doppler effect is essential in many areas of physics and engineering. It helps explain phenomena ranging from the apparent change in pitch of passing vehicles to the detection of distant galaxies' motion in space. In everyday life, we encounter the Doppler effect more often than we might realize, making it a fundamental concept in our understanding of wave behavior.

                As we conclude this introduction to the Doppler effect, it's important to note that there are numerous practical applications and real-world scenarios where this principle comes into play. These applications will be explored in greater detail through exercises and examples, allowing you to deepen your understanding and appreciate the wide-reaching impact of this fascinating physical phenomenon.

                Applications of Sound Waves

                Sound waves play a crucial role in various aspects of our daily lives and technological advancements. Understanding the properties of sound waves has led to numerous applications that have revolutionized fields such as medicine, marine navigation, engineering, and entertainment. This article explores the diverse applications of sound waves in everyday life and technology, highlighting their importance in various sectors.

                One of the most significant applications of sound waves is in medical ultrasound. This non-invasive diagnostic tool uses high-frequency sound waves to create images of internal body structures. Ultrasound is widely used in obstetrics to monitor fetal development, in cardiology to assess heart function, and in detecting abnormalities in organs such as the liver, kidneys, and thyroid. The ability of sound waves to penetrate soft tissues without causing harm makes ultrasound an invaluable tool in modern medicine.

                Another critical application of sound waves is sonar technology. Sonar, which stands for Sound Navigation and Ranging, uses sound propagation to navigate, communicate with, or detect objects underwater. This technology is extensively used in marine navigation, underwater mapping, and fishing. Military applications of sonar include submarine detection and underwater communication. The principles of sonar have also been adapted for use in air, such as in parking sensors for vehicles.

                Acoustic engineering is a field that applies the science of sound waves to solve various problems and improve our living environments. This discipline encompasses noise control, architectural acoustics, and sound system design. In urban planning and building design, acoustic engineers work to reduce noise pollution and create spaces with optimal sound quality. They design concert halls, recording studios, and auditoriums to ensure the best possible acoustic experience. In industrial settings, acoustic engineering is crucial for developing quieter machinery and creating safer work environments.

                The world of music is perhaps the most familiar application of sound waves to most people. Understanding the properties of sound waves is fundamental to creating, recording, and reproducing music. Musical instruments are designed based on principles of acoustics to produce specific tones and harmonics. In the recording industry, knowledge of sound wave behavior is essential for capturing, mixing, and mastering high-quality audio. The development of digital audio technology has further expanded the possibilities in music production and distribution.

                Beyond these major applications, sound wave technology finds use in numerous other areas. In the field of non-destructive testing, ultrasonic waves are used to detect flaws in materials without damaging them. This technique is crucial in manufacturing and maintenance processes, especially in industries like aerospace and automotive. Sound waves are also utilized in cleaning technologies, such as ultrasonic cleaners used for jewelry and delicate instruments.

                The field of bioacoustics studies how animals produce and receive sound, leading to applications in wildlife conservation and pest control. In agriculture, sound wave technology is being explored for pest management and plant growth stimulation. The emerging field of haptic technology, which creates the sensation of touch through vibrations, often relies on principles of sound wave propagation.

                Understanding sound wave properties is crucial in all these applications. Factors such as frequency, amplitude, wavelength, and speed of propagation determine how sound waves interact with different media and how they can be manipulated for specific purposes. This knowledge allows scientists and engineers to develop more advanced and efficient technologies, pushing the boundaries of what's possible in fields ranging from healthcare to entertainment.

                As technology continues to advance, new applications of sound waves are constantly being discovered and developed. From improving medical diagnostics to enhancing our entertainment experiences, sound wave technology remains a vibrant and evolving field with endless possibilities. The continued study and application of sound wave principles promise to bring about further innovations that will shape our future in ways we can only begin to imagine.


                In this article, we've explored the fascinating world of sound waves, covering key concepts such as frequency, amplitude, and wavelength. We've learned how sound travels through different mediums and how it's perceived by our ears. The introduction video played a crucial role in visualizing these abstract concepts, making them more accessible and easier to understand. By now, you should have a solid grasp of the fundamental principles of sound waves and their behavior. We encourage you to continue your exploration of physics concepts, as sound waves are just the beginning of a vast and intriguing field. Consider delving into related topics like acoustics, harmonics, or even the physics of musical instruments. Remember, understanding sound waves not only enhances your knowledge of physics but also helps you appreciate the world of sound around you in a whole new way.

                Sound Waves: Introduction to Sound Waves

                Sound waves are a fascinating topic that encompasses various aspects of physics and everyday life. This guide will walk you through the fundamental concepts of sound waves, their production, properties, and applications.

                Step 1: Understanding Sound Waves

                Sound waves are produced by the vibration of molecules. When molecules collide, they transmit pressure away from the source. For example, when you speak, the air molecules around your vocal cords vibrate, creating sound waves that travel through the air. These vibrations are what allow us to hear sounds.

                Step 2: Sources and Applications of Sound Waves

                Sound waves can be produced by various sources, such as musical instruments, human voices, and machinery. These waves have numerous applications, including communication, medical imaging (ultrasound), and sonar technology. Understanding the sources and applications of sound waves helps us appreciate their significance in different fields.

                Step 3: Key Properties of Sound Waves

                Several key properties define sound waves, including frequency, wavelength, pitch, and loudness. Frequency refers to the number of waves that pass a point per second, measured in Hertz (Hz). Wavelength is the distance between successive crests of a wave. Pitch is the sensation of frequency, with higher frequencies corresponding to higher pitches. Loudness is related to the amplitude of the wave, with higher amplitudes producing louder sounds.

                Step 4: Amplitude and Loudness

                Amplitude is a crucial property of sound waves, as it determines the loudness of the sound. Higher amplitude means louder sound, which requires more energy. The amplitude of sound is measured using a scale called sound level, expressed in decibels (dB). For instance, a whisper might be around 30 dB, while a rock concert can reach 120 dB.

                Step 5: Frequency and Pitch

                Pitch is the perception of the frequency of a sound wave. Higher frequencies result in higher pitches, while lower frequencies produce lower pitches. Frequency is measured in Hertz (Hz), and it represents the number of wave cycles per second. For example, a high-pitched sound like a whistle has a high frequency, whereas a low-pitched sound like a drumbeat has a low frequency.

                Step 6: Compression and Rarefaction

                Sound waves consist of regions of compression and rarefaction. Compression occurs when molecules are close together, resulting in higher pressure. Rarefaction happens when molecules are further apart, leading to lower pressure. These alternating regions create the wave pattern that characterizes sound waves. When plotted on a graph, the pressure variations over time form a sinusoidal wave, with peaks representing compressions and troughs representing rarefactions.

                Step 7: Doppler Shift and Applications

                The Doppler shift is a phenomenon that occurs when the source of a sound wave is moving relative to an observer. It results in a change in the frequency and pitch of the sound. For example, the sound of a passing ambulance siren changes pitch as it moves towards and then away from you. This effect has practical applications in radar and medical imaging technologies.

                Step 8: Solving Problems Related to Sound Waves

                Understanding the properties of sound waves allows us to solve various problems related to frequency, wavelength, pitch, and loudness. For instance, we can calculate the speed of sound in different mediums, determine the frequency of a sound wave given its wavelength, and analyze the effects of amplitude on loudness. These problem-solving skills are essential for applications in acoustics, engineering, and other scientific fields.

                Step 9: Conclusion

                Sound waves are an integral part of our daily lives, influencing everything from communication to entertainment. By understanding their properties and behavior, we can better appreciate the science behind the sounds we hear and utilize this knowledge in various practical applications. Whether it's through music, technology, or nature, sound waves continue to play a vital role in our world.


                1. What is the difference between frequency and pitch?

                  Frequency is the number of sound wave cycles per second, measured in Hertz (Hz). Pitch is the subjective perception of frequency by the human ear. While frequency is a physical property of the sound wave, pitch is how we interpret that frequency. Generally, higher frequencies correspond to higher pitches, and lower frequencies to lower pitches.

                2. Can sound travel through space?

                  No, sound cannot travel through space. Sound waves are mechanical waves that require a medium (like air, water, or solids) to propagate. Space is essentially a vacuum, lacking particles to vibrate and transfer energy. This is why there is no sound in space, and why astronauts must use radio waves for communication.

                3. How does temperature affect the speed of sound?

                  Temperature directly affects the speed of sound, particularly in gases like air. As temperature increases, the speed of sound increases. This is because higher temperatures cause molecules in the medium to move more rapidly, allowing sound waves to propagate faster. For example, in air at 20°C, sound travels at about 343 m/s, while at 30°C, it increases to about 349 m/s.

                4. What is the Doppler effect and how does it work?

                  The Doppler effect is the change in frequency of a sound wave as perceived by an observer when there is relative motion between the source and the observer. When a sound source approaches an observer, the perceived frequency increases (higher pitch), and when it moves away, the frequency decreases (lower pitch). This effect occurs because the motion of the source compresses or stretches the sound waves relative to the observer.

                5. How are sound waves used in medical ultrasound?

                  Medical ultrasound uses high-frequency sound waves (typically 1-20 MHz) to create images of internal body structures. The ultrasound device emits sound waves that penetrate the body and reflect off tissues and organs. These reflections are captured and processed to create real-time images. Ultrasound is widely used in obstetrics, cardiology, and for examining various organs due to its non-invasive nature and ability to provide detailed soft tissue images without radiation.

                Prerequisite Topics

                Understanding sound waves is a fascinating journey into the world of physics and acoustics. While there are no specific prerequisite topics listed for this subject, it's important to recognize that a solid foundation in basic scientific principles can greatly enhance your comprehension of sound waves. This foundational knowledge allows you to grasp the concepts more easily and appreciate the intricate nature of sound propagation.

                Sound waves are a fundamental aspect of our daily lives, from the music we enjoy to the conversations we have. To fully appreciate the complexities of sound waves, it's beneficial to have a basic understanding of physics concepts such as energy, motion, and waves in general. These underlying principles form the backbone of acoustics and help explain how sound travels through different mediums.

                Mathematics also plays a crucial role in understanding sound waves. Basic algebra and trigonometry can be incredibly useful when dealing with wave equations and frequency calculations. While not strictly prerequisites, these mathematical skills can significantly enhance your ability to analyze and describe sound wave behavior quantitatively.

                Another helpful area of knowledge is an understanding of vibrations and oscillations. Sound waves are essentially vibrations traveling through a medium, so familiarity with how objects vibrate and create oscillations can provide valuable insights into sound wave generation and propagation.

                Additionally, a basic grasp of material properties can be beneficial. Different materials conduct sound differently, and understanding concepts like density and elasticity can help explain why sound behaves differently in various mediums such as air, water, or solids.

                While not prerequisites in the strictest sense, having a background in these areas can greatly enhance your study of sound waves. They provide a contextual framework that allows for a deeper understanding of acoustic phenomena. As you delve into the study of sound waves, you'll find that these foundational concepts continually resurface, reinforcing their importance.

                It's worth noting that many of these topics are often covered in introductory physics courses. If you're planning to study sound waves in depth, consider reviewing or strengthening your knowledge in these areas. This preparation will not only make your study of sound waves more accessible but also more enjoyable, as you'll be able to connect new information to concepts you already understand.

                Remember, learning is a journey, and each new topic builds upon previous knowledge. While you can certainly begin studying sound waves without extensive prior knowledge, having a solid foundation in related scientific and mathematical concepts will undoubtedly enrich your understanding and appreciation of this fascinating field of study.

                In this lesson, we will learn:

                • The nature of sound waves
                • How to solve problems relating frequency, wavelength, velocity, pitch, and loudness.
                • Physical properties of sound
                • Doppler shift and applications


                • Sound is produce by vibration of molecules.
                • As the result of collision of molecules, the pressure is transmitted away form the source.
                • Amplitude of sound is the measure of the variation in pressure, in other words Loudness, the louder sound has higher amplitude and more energy.
                • The amplitude is measured by a scale called Sound Level.
                • Sound level is measured in decibels (dB).
                • Pitch:the sensation of frequency, high pitch high frequency.

                Sound waves

                • Speed of sound wave changes upon change in temperature, the higher the temperature the higher the speed.
                • Sound can travel through solids, liquids and gases. (Highest speed in solids)
                • Sound can NOT travel through vacuum (No particles to move and collide).
                • Sound waves are characterized as longitudinal waves.
                • Echoes: Reflected sound waves.
                • Doppler shift: due to motion of the sound source or the observer, the detected frequency changes. The frequency of the source does NOT change.