Application of diffraction

  1. Application of Diffraction
  2. Introduction to applications of refraction
  3. Hologram and Resolving Power of lenses
  1. A good diffraction grating has 2.6 x 103 lines per centimeters. What is the distance between two lines in the grating?
    1. A spectrum uses a grating with 14 000 lines/cm. Find the angles at which yellow light, 560nm, and green light 520nm, have first order bright bands.
      1. A camera with a 60-mm lens set at f/6f/6 apertures has an opening 4.25 mm in diameter. Suppose this leans acts like a slit 4.25 mm wide. For light with λ\lambda = 660 nm, what is the resolution of the lens- (the distance from the middle of the central bright band to the first order dark band). The film is 60.0 mm from the lens.
        Topic Notes

        Introduction to Diffraction Applications

        Welcome to our exploration of diffraction applications! Diffraction, a fascinating phenomenon in wave physics, has numerous practical uses in our everyday lives. In our introduction video, we'll dive into key concepts like transmission grating, reflecting grating, holograms, and the resolving power of lenses. These applications showcase how diffraction impacts various fields, from optics to telecommunications. The video serves as an excellent starting point to understand how light behaves when it encounters obstacles or passes through small openings. By watching, you'll gain insights into how diffraction principles are used in creating spectacular visual effects, improving optical instruments, and even in securing documents. Whether you're a curious student or an aspiring scientist, this overview will provide a solid foundation for understanding the wide-ranging applications of diffraction in modern technology and scientific research. Let's embark on this illuminating journey together!

        Transmission Grating: Unveiling the Spectrum of Light

        Understanding Transmission Gratings

        A transmission grating is a fascinating optical device that manipulates light in remarkable ways. Unlike its reflective counterpart, this type of grating allows light to pass through it, creating an interference pattern on the other side. Imagine a transparent window with thousands of parallel lines etched onto its surface that's essentially what a transmission grating looks like!

        Transmission vs. Diffraction Gratings

        While transmission gratings and diffraction gratings serve similar purposes, they have some key differences. Diffraction gratings are a broader category that includes both transmission and reflection gratings. The main distinction lies in how they interact with light:

        • Transmission gratings allow light to pass through, creating a pattern on the opposite side.
        • Reflection gratings, on the other hand, reflect light to create the interference pattern.

        Both types rely on the principle of diffraction, where light waves bend around obstacles or through openings, interfering with each other to create distinctive patterns.

        How Transmission Gratings Are Made

        The creation of a transmission grating is a precise process. Typically, it involves etching or imprinting a series of parallel lines or grooves onto a transparent material, such as glass or plastic. These lines are incredibly fine, often spaced just a few micrometers apart. The spacing between these lines is crucial as it determines how the grating will interact with different wavelengths of light.

        The Science Behind Transmission Gratings

        When light passes through a transmission grating, it encounters these closely spaced lines. This causes the light waves to diffract or bend. As the waves bend, they interfere with each other. This interference can be constructive (where waves amplify each other) or destructive (where waves cancel each other out). The result is a beautiful spectrum of colors, similar to what you might see in a rainbow.

        Applications of Transmission Gratings

        Transmission gratings have numerous practical applications in science and technology:

        • Spectroscopy: Scientists use them to analyze the composition of stars and distant galaxies.
        • Telecommunications: They play a role in fiber optic communications.
        • Laser technology: Transmission gratings help in manipulating and controlling laser beams.

        Real-Life Examples of Diffraction

        Diffraction isn't just confined to laboratories; it's a phenomenon we can observe in everyday life:

        • CD/DVD Surfaces: The rainbow-like effect you see on the surface of CDs or DVDs is due to diffraction.
        • Soap Bubbles: The colorful patterns on soap bubbles are caused by thin-film interference, a form of diffraction.
        • Butterfly Wings: The iridescent colors on some butterfly wings result from diffraction of light off microscopic structures.
        • Oil Slicks: The colorful patterns you see in oil slicks on water are another example of thin-film interference.

        The Importance of Transmission Gratings in Modern Science

        Transmission gratings have become indispensable tools in various scientific fields. They allow researchers to study light in ways that were once impossible. From analyzing the chemical composition of distant stars to developing advanced laser technologies, these seemingly simple devices open up a world of possibilities. Their ability to separate light into its component wavelengths with high precision makes them invaluable in spectroscopy, a technique used across multiple scientific disciplines.

        Conclusion: A Window into the World of Light

        Transmission gratings, with their ability to manipulate light in precise and predictable ways, serve as windows into the fascinating world of optics. They demonstrate how simple structures can have profound effects on something as fundamental as light. As we continue to explore and understand the universe around us, these unas

        Reflecting Grating: A Colorful Journey of Light

        What is a Reflecting Grating?

        A reflecting grating is a fascinating optical device that uses the principle of diffraction to separate light into its component colors. Unlike its cousin, the transmission grating, a reflecting grating works by reflecting light rather than allowing it to pass through. This unique characteristic makes reflecting gratings incredibly useful in various scientific and technological applications.

        The Production Process

        Creating a reflecting grating is a precise and intricate process. It typically involves etching or ruling a series of parallel grooves onto a reflective surface, usually a polished metal like aluminum. These grooves are incredibly fine, often spaced just a few micrometers apart. The spacing and shape of these grooves are crucial, as they determine how the grating will interact with light.

        Reflecting vs. Transmission Gratings

        While both reflecting and transmission gratings serve to separate light into its component wavelengths, they differ in their fundamental operation. A transmission grating allows light to pass through it, separating the colors as it does so. In contrast, a reflecting grating bounces light off its surface, achieving color separation in the process. This reflective property makes reflecting gratings particularly useful in applications where transmitting light through a material isn't practical or possible.

        How Light Interacts with Reflecting Gratings

        When light hits a reflecting grating, something truly magical happens. The incoming light waves interact with the grating's finely spaced grooves, causing diffraction. This phenomenon occurs because light behaves both as a particle and a wave. As the light waves encounter the grating's grooves, they interfere with each other, leading to a fascinating outcome.

        The Color Separation Process

        The real beauty of a reflecting grating lies in its ability to separate white light into a rainbow of colors. This separation occurs because different wavelengths of light (which correspond to different colors) are reflected at slightly different angles. Longer wavelengths, like red light, are reflected at a larger angle than shorter wavelengths, like blue light. This angular dispersion creates a spectrum of colors, much like what you'd see in a rainbow.

        Applications and Importance

        Reflecting gratings play a crucial role in many scientific instruments, particularly in spectroscopy. They're used in spectrometers to analyze the composition of materials by examining the light they emit or absorb. Astronomers use reflecting gratings in telescopes to study the light from distant stars and galaxies, revealing their chemical composition and motion. In everyday life, you might find reflecting gratings in certain types of security holograms on credit cards or banknotes.

        The Future of Reflecting Gratings

        As technology advances, so does the precision and capabilities of reflecting gratings. Researchers are constantly working on improving grating designs to achieve even better color separation and efficiency. Some exciting developments include the use of nanomaterials to create ultra-fine grating structures and the exploration of curved or non-traditional grating shapes for specialized applications.


        Reflecting gratings are a testament to the incredible properties of light and our ability to harness them. From unraveling the mysteries of distant galaxies to securing our everyday transactions, these seemingly simple devices play a profound role in our understanding and manipulation of light. The next time you see a rainbow or admire the iridescent sheen of a DVD, remember the fascinating science of reflecting gratings at work!

        Holograms: The Magic of 3D Images

        Holograms are fascinating three-dimensional images that seem to float in mid-air, captivating viewers with their lifelike appearance. These incredible visual phenomena have become increasingly prevalent in our daily lives, from security features on credit cards to cutting-edge entertainment experiences. In this comprehensive guide, we'll explore the world of holograms, their creation process, and real-life applications.

        At its core, a hologram is a three-dimensional image created using light interference patterns. Unlike traditional 2D images, holograms can be viewed from different angles, providing a sense of depth and realism. The term "hologram" comes from the Greek words "holos" (whole) and "gramma" (message), emphasizing its ability to capture the entirety of an object's visual information.

        One of the most common encounters with holograms is on credit cards. These security holograms are designed to prevent counterfeiting by creating a unique, difficult-to-replicate image that changes appearance when viewed from different angles. While credit card holograms are relatively simple, they demonstrate the practical applications of this technology in everyday life.

        The process of creating holograms involves the use of coherent light, typically from a laser source. Coherent light is essential because it produces waves that are in phase with each other, allowing for precise light interference patterns. The holographic recording process utilizes two main components: the reference beam and the object beam.

        To better understand the hologram creation process, let's break it down into steps:

        1. A laser emits a beam of coherent light.
        2. This beam is split into two parts: the reference beam and the object beam.
        3. The reference beam travels directly to a photographic plate or holographic film.
        4. The object beam is directed towards the subject to be holographed.
        5. Light from the object beam reflects off the subject and onto the photographic plate.
        6. The reference beam and the reflected object beam interfere with each other on the plate, creating a complex interference pattern.
        7. This interference pattern is recorded on the photographic plate, capturing the three-dimensional information of the subject.

        When viewing a hologram, light (such as from a white light source) illuminates the recorded interference pattern. This light is then diffracted by the pattern, reconstructing the original wavefront of light that came from the object. As a result, the viewer sees a three-dimensional image that appears to float in space, complete with depth and parallax effects.

        Holograms have found applications in various fields beyond security features. In the medical industry, holographic imaging is used for advanced diagnostic techniques and surgical planning. The entertainment sector has embraced holograms for creating stunning visual effects in concerts, museums, and theme parks. Even in education, holographic displays are being explored as a means of providing immersive, interactive learning experiences.

        As technology advances, we're seeing the development of more sophisticated holographic techniques. Digital holography, for instance, uses computer-generated interference patterns to create holograms without physical objects. This opens up possibilities for creating holograms of imaginary or historical subjects.

        Another exciting development is in the field of holographic displays. These devices aim to create real-time, updatable holograms that can be viewed without special glasses. While still in the early stages, this technology could revolutionize how we interact with digital information, potentially replacing traditional screens with three-dimensional displays.

        The future of holography holds immense potential. Researchers are exploring ways to create tactile holograms that can be felt as well as seen, opening up new possibilities in fields like telemedicine and remote collaboration. Holographic data storage is another promising area, potentially allowing for incredibly high-density information storage using light interference patterns.

        As we continue to push the boundaries of what's possible with light and optics, holograms will undoubtedly play an increasingly significant role in our lives. From enhancing security and entertainment to revolutionizing communication and data storage, the applications of holographic technology are limited only by our imagination.

        In conclusion, holograms represent a fascinating intersection of physics, optics, and technology.

        Resolving Power of Lenses

        When we talk about the resolving power of lenses, we're diving into a fascinating aspect of optics that's crucial for instruments like telescopes and microscopes. Imagine you're looking at two stars in the night sky that appear very close together. The ability of your telescope to show these as separate points of light, rather than a single blurry blob, is what we call resolving power.

        In essence, resolving power is the capacity of an optical system to distinguish between two closely spaced objects. It's like having a super-sharp eye that can pick out fine details. This concept is equally important whether you're peering into the vastness of space with a telescope or examining tiny organisms with a microscope.

        Now, you might think that simply increasing the magnification would solve all our problems, but it's not that simple. There's a sneaky phenomenon called diffraction that throws a wrench in the works. Diffraction occurs when light waves bend around obstacles or spread out when passing through an opening, like the aperture of a lens. This creates a pattern of light and dark rings around the image of a point source, known as an Airy disk.

        Here's where it gets tricky: when two point sources are very close together, their Airy disks can overlap. If they overlap too much, our eyes and brain can't tell them apart anymore. This is where the Rayleigh Criterion comes into play. It's like a rule of thumb in optics that helps us determine when two points can be resolved.

        According to the Rayleigh Criterion, two point sources are just barely resolvable when the center of one Airy disk falls on the first dark ring of the other. In other words, if the angular separation between two points is less than the angle subtended by the radius of the Airy disk, we won't be able to distinguish them.

        The formula for the Rayleigh Criterion is θ = 1.22 λ / D, where θ is the angular resolution, λ is the wavelength of light, and D is the diameter of the lens aperture. This tells us that to improve resolving power, we can either use shorter wavelengths of light or increase the aperture size.

        In telescopes, astronomers often opt for larger mirrors or lenses to improve resolving power. That's why you see those massive observatory telescopes! For microscopes, using shorter wavelengths of light, like ultraviolet, can help. Some advanced techniques even use electron beams instead of light, allowing for incredibly high resolution in electron microscopes.

        But it's not just about the hardware. Clever image processing techniques can also help push the boundaries of resolving power. For instance, adaptive optics in telescopes can correct for atmospheric distortions, allowing ground-based telescopes to achieve resolutions close to their theoretical limits.

        Understanding resolving power is crucial in many fields. In astronomy, it allows us to separate binary stars, see the details of distant galaxies, and even spot exoplanets. In biology, it enables researchers to study the intricate structures of cells and observe microscopic organisms in detail.

        As technology advances, we're constantly finding new ways to improve resolving power. From space-based telescopes that avoid atmospheric interference to super-resolution microscopy techniques that cleverly work around the diffraction limit, scientists are always pushing the boundaries of what we can see.

        So, the next time you look through a telescope or microscope, remember the incredible science behind what you're seeing. The ability to resolve fine details is a testament to our understanding of optics and our ingenuity in overcoming natural limitations. Whether you're exploring the cosmos or the microscopic world, resolving power is what allows us to uncover the hidden wonders of our universe, one tiny detail at a time.

        Applications and Advancements in Diffraction Technology

        Diffraction, a fundamental phenomenon in wave physics, has found numerous applications in modern technology, revolutionizing various scientific and industrial fields. This article explores the diverse applications of diffraction, focusing on spectroscopy, fiber optics, and X-ray crystallography, while highlighting recent advancements and potential future developments.

        Spectroscopy, one of the most prominent applications of diffraction, has become an indispensable tool in chemistry, physics, and astronomy. By analyzing the diffraction patterns of light or other electromagnetic radiation, scientists can determine the composition and structure of materials with remarkable precision. For instance, astronomers use spectroscopy to study the chemical composition of distant stars and galaxies, providing crucial insights into the universe's evolution. In the medical field, Raman spectroscopy, which relies on the inelastic scattering of light, has emerged as a powerful non-invasive diagnostic tool for detecting diseases like cancer at early stages.

        Fiber optics, another groundbreaking application of diffraction, has transformed global communications. The principle of total internal reflection, combined with diffraction effects, allows for the efficient transmission of data over long distances using light pulses. Recent advancements in fiber optic technology have led to the development of photonic crystal fibers, which offer unprecedented control over light propagation. These fibers find applications in high-power laser systems, sensing technologies, and even in the creation of supercontinuum light sources, opening new avenues in fields like biomedical imaging and spectroscopy.

        X-ray crystallography stands as a testament to the power of diffraction in unraveling the mysteries of molecular structures. This technique has been instrumental in decoding the structure of complex biomolecules, including DNA and proteins, revolutionizing our understanding of biology and medicine. Recent advancements in X-ray sources, such as synchrotron radiation facilities and X-ray free-electron lasers, have dramatically improved the resolution and speed of structural analysis. These developments have enabled scientists to study dynamic processes in molecules, paving the way for breakthroughs in drug design and materials science.

        The applications of diffraction extend far beyond these primary areas. In the semiconductor industry, diffraction-based lithography techniques are crucial for manufacturing increasingly smaller and more powerful microchips. Holography, which relies on the principles of diffraction, has found applications in security features on banknotes and credit cards, as well as in advanced display technologies. In the field of materials science, electron diffraction techniques like Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM) allow researchers to study the atomic structure of materials with unprecedented detail, leading to the development of new materials with tailored properties.

        Looking to the future, the field of diffraction technology continues to evolve rapidly. Emerging areas like attosecond science, which uses ultrashort laser pulses to study electron dynamics, promise to push the boundaries of our understanding of matter at the atomic scale. In quantum computing, researchers are exploring the use of diffraction patterns for quantum information processing, potentially leading to new paradigms in computation and cryptography.

        The importance of diffraction in scientific and technological progress cannot be overstated. From enabling global communication networks to unraveling the structure of life-saving drugs, diffraction-based technologies continue to shape our world in profound ways. As we look ahead, the convergence of diffraction techniques with other cutting-edge technologies like artificial intelligence and nanotechnology promises to unlock even more exciting possibilities, driving innovation across multiple disciplines and industries.

        In conclusion, the applications of diffraction in modern technology represent a fascinating intersection of fundamental physics and practical innovation. As researchers continue to push the boundaries of what's possible with diffraction-based techniques, we can expect to see even more groundbreaking discoveries and technological advancements in the years to come, further cementing diffraction's role as a cornerstone of scientific and technological progress.


        In this exploration of diffraction, we've delved into key concepts like transmission and reflecting gratings, holograms, and the resolving power of lenses. The introduction video provided a crucial foundation for understanding these complex ideas. Diffraction's applications are vast and fascinating, from spectroscopy to telecommunications. We encourage you to continue your journey into the world of diffraction, applying these concepts to your studies or observing them in everyday life. Look for diffraction patterns in CDs, rainbows, or even peacock feathers. Remember, the principles we've discussed are just the beginning. There's always more to discover in the realm of optics and wave behavior. Whether you're a student, hobbyist, or just curious about the world around you, diffraction offers endless opportunities for learning and wonder. Keep exploring, questioning, and marveling at the intricate ways light interacts with our world!

        Application of Diffraction

        Introduction to applications of refraction

        Step 1: Understanding Transmission Grating

        Transmission grating is a fundamental concept in the application of diffraction. It operates similarly to the double-slit experiment, where light passes through slits and creates an interference pattern. In a transmission grating, the slits are extremely close to one another, which enhances the diffraction effect. These slits are produced by etching very fine lines on a glass surface using a diamond point. The spaces between these lines act as slits, allowing light to pass through and diffract, forming an interference pattern. This method is crucial in various scientific and industrial applications where precise light manipulation is required.

        Step 2: Exploring Reflecting Grating

        Reflecting grating is another important application of diffraction. Unlike transmission grating, reflecting grating involves etching fine lines on a metallic or reflective glass surface. When light shines on this surface, it gets reflected, but the reflected rays are separated into different colors based on their wavelengths. This separation occurs because each color has a different wavelength, causing the light to diffract at different angles. Reflecting gratings are widely used in spectroscopy and other fields where analyzing the spectral composition of light is essential.

        Step 3: Understanding Holograms

        Holograms are a fascinating application of diffraction. They are created by recording the interference pattern of light waves on a photographic plate or other recording medium. When illuminated with a coherent light source, such as a laser, the recorded pattern diffracts the light to recreate a three-dimensional image of the original object. This technology is used in various fields, including security, data storage, and art, providing a unique way to capture and display three-dimensional information.

        Step 4: Resolving Power of Lenses

        The resolving power of lenses is another critical application of diffraction. It refers to the ability of a lens to distinguish between two closely spaced objects. This ability is limited by diffraction, as light waves passing through the lens aperture spread out and interfere with each other. The smaller the aperture, the greater the diffraction and the lower the resolving power. Understanding and optimizing the resolving power of lenses is essential in fields such as microscopy, astronomy, and photography, where high-resolution imaging is crucial.

        Step 5: Comparing Diffraction and Refraction

        While diffraction involves the bending and spreading of light waves around obstacles or through slits, refraction is the bending of light as it passes from one medium to another with a different refractive index. Both phenomena are essential in understanding light behavior and have various applications. For instance, diffraction is used in creating diffraction gratings and holograms, while refraction is fundamental in lens design and optical instruments. By studying both diffraction and refraction, scientists and engineers can develop advanced technologies for manipulating and utilizing light in diverse applications.


        1. What are real-life examples of diffraction?

          Real-life examples of diffraction include:

          • The rainbow-like effect on CD/DVD surfaces
          • Colorful patterns on soap bubbles
          • Iridescent colors on butterfly wings
          • The spread of ocean waves around obstacles
          • The bending of sound waves around corners
        2. How is diffraction used in everyday life?

          Diffraction is used in various everyday applications, including:

          • Optical fiber communications for internet and phone services
          • Security holograms on credit cards and banknotes
          • Spectroscopy for chemical analysis in laboratories
          • X-ray crystallography in medical imaging
          • Noise-canceling headphones that use sound wave interference
        3. What is an example of diffraction of sound in everyday life?

          A common example of sound diffraction is hearing someone speak from around a corner or through a doorway. Sound waves bend around obstacles, allowing us to hear sounds even when there's no direct line of sight to the source. This principle is also used in the design of concert halls and auditoriums to ensure optimal sound distribution.

        4. What is an example of diffraction grating in real life?

          A real-life example of diffraction grating is the iridescent surface of a CD or DVD. When light hits the closely spaced tracks on the disc's surface, it diffracts into its component colors, creating a rainbow-like effect. This principle is also used in spectroscopes for scientific analysis and in some types of solar panels to improve light absorption efficiency.

        5. How does diffraction affect telescope and microscope performance?

          Diffraction affects the resolving power of telescopes and microscopes, limiting their ability to distinguish between closely spaced objects. This is known as the diffraction limit. To improve performance, scientists use larger apertures in telescopes and shorter wavelengths of light (or electron beams) in microscopes. Advanced techniques like adaptive optics and super-resolution microscopy help overcome these limitations, allowing for clearer and more detailed observations.

        Prerequisite Topics

        Understanding the application of diffraction requires a solid foundation in key physics concepts. One crucial prerequisite topic is diffraction and interference of light. This fundamental concept is essential for grasping how diffraction applies to various real-world scenarios and technological advancements.

        Diffraction, the bending of waves around obstacles or through openings, is a phenomenon that plays a significant role in many applications. To fully appreciate these applications, students must first comprehend the principles of diffraction and how it relates to light interference patterns. This understanding forms the basis for exploring more complex applications in fields such as optics, telecommunications, and medical imaging.

        When studying the diffraction and interference of light, students learn about wave properties, wavelength, and how light behaves when encountering obstacles or passing through small apertures. These concepts directly translate to practical applications of diffraction. For instance, in optical systems, diffraction limits the resolution of microscopes and telescopes, making it crucial for designers to account for these effects.

        Moreover, the study of light interference patterns provides insights into how diffraction gratings work. These gratings are used in spectroscopy, allowing scientists to analyze the composition of distant stars or identify chemical compounds. Without a solid grasp of the prerequisite topic, students might struggle to understand how these applications leverage the principles of diffraction.

        In the field of telecommunications, diffraction plays a vital role in antenna design and signal propagation. Engineers must consider how radio waves diffract around buildings and terrain to optimize network coverage. This application directly builds upon the foundational knowledge of how waves behave when encountering obstacles, a key aspect of the diffraction and interference of light topic.

        Medical imaging techniques, such as X-ray crystallography, also rely heavily on diffraction principles. By understanding how X-rays diffract through crystal structures, scientists can determine the atomic and molecular structure of materials. This application demonstrates the far-reaching implications of mastering the prerequisite concepts related to diffraction.

        In conclusion, the application of diffraction in various fields becomes much more accessible and comprehensible when students have a strong foundation in the prerequisite topic of diffraction and interference of light. This knowledge not only enhances understanding but also fosters creativity in applying these principles to solve real-world problems and drive technological innovation.

        In this lesson, we will learn:

        • Transmission Gratings
        • Reflecting Gratings
        • Holograms
        • Resolving Power of lenses


        Transmission Gratings

        • As narrow beam of light passes through a narrow slit, it shows wave light interference patterns. Light and dark bands are formed on the screen but they are kind of blended. In order to have more defined spots we use diffraction grating. A diffraction grating includes number of wholes through which we will be able to see bright spots that are separated by dark bands more clearly.

        • Diffraction Gratings
        • A diffraction grating is a device that transmits or reflects light and forms an interference pattern in the same way that a double slit does.
        • Diffraction gratings are made by scattering very fine lines with a diamond point on glass.
        • The space between the scattered lines act like slits
        • Same equation as double-slit interference holds for a diffraction grating, where d is the distance between the lines.
          Note: instead of measuring the distance from the central band to the first band, the angle θ \theta is calculated. XX is so smaller than LL, therefore, the distance to the screen is almost equal to the perpendicular distance LL, so the ratio of x/Lx/L can be replaced by sin θ \theta

        • Sinθ=x/L Sin \theta = x/L
          Sinθ=λ/dλ=dSinθ \Rightarrow \,Sin \theta = \lambda/d \, \Rightarrow \, \lambda = d \, Sin \theta

          x/L=λ/d x/L = \lambda/d

          λ \lambda: Light wavelengt
          d d: Distance between two line
          θ \theta : The angle between first order of bright band

        Reflecting Gratings

        • They are produced by scribing fine lines on metallic or reflected glass surface.
        • Incoming light will be separated into different wavelengths
        • Different colors are separated
        • Refraction grating and interference produce the similar patterns


        • A form of Photography that produces a three-dimensional image
        • (credit cards holograms)
        • A coherent beam of light (laser light) is passed through a mirror and is divided into two beams
          1. The reference beam
          2. The object beam

        • The object beam is reflected from a mirror to illuminate the object
        • The beam in turn reflects from the object into photographic film
        • The reference beam is first reflected from a mirror, then it is spread by a lens and is directed over the object beam on the film
        • Intensity and relative phase of the light is recorded by interference pattern
        • When the film is developed the result is a hologram of the object

        Resolving Power of lenses

        • As light enters the lens of a telescope it passes through a circular hole, light gets diffracted.
        • Diffraction limits the ability of a lens to distinguish two closely spaced object.
        • The objective lens of a microscope cannot be enlarged, but the wavelength of light can be reduced.

        • Light coming from the stars will appear to be spread out, image looks blurry.
        • If the central bright band of one star falls on the first dark band of the second one, then the two stars are seen separately and clearly.
        • Increasing the size of the lens would affect the resolving power of the telescope, the Rayleigh criterion.